2.2 ENLL 121 Tragedy
2.2 ENLL 121 Tragedy
2.2 ENLL 121 Tragedy
Follows Aristotle’s Three Unities (action, Does not always obey these unities (several
time, place) subplots and/or locations)
Tragic hero faces death or reversal of Tragic hero faces tragic death; his suffering
fortune must be exceptional
Hero learns the truth of the situation or Hero does not always gain self-knowledge
comes to a realization
Has a chorus. Serious at all times. Chorus replaced by comic scenes to lighten
the seriousness.
Actors wore masks. Only 2-3 actors. No Several actors, masks no longer worn. No
women permitted on stage. women permitted on stage.
Violent acts were never shown, but Acts of violence and death acted out in
described by the chorus front of the audience
Aim is catharsis. By living through the Renews your awareness of your own
experiences (fear, awe) one is purged of mortality. Leads to philosophical
these emotions. considerations.
Comedy: some characteristics