HP C12.2 Dynacord
HP C12.2 Dynacord
HP C12.2 Dynacord
C 12.2
12“ / 1.25“
2-Way Fullrange Cabinet
• Multi-Functional 2-Way Cabinet C 12.2
• 500 W, 8 Ohms Order No. F01U165091
• 90° x 50° Coverage Pattern Cabinet Fullrange
• 97 dB Sensitivity, 130 dB Maximum SPL Configuration Passive 2-Way
• Crossover with HF Protection Nominal impedance 8 Ohms
• SMX2120 LF Transducer Minimum Impedance 5.7 Ohms
• DH3 Compression Driver Rated Power RMS 500 W
• Pole Mount for Tripod Use Peak Power 2000 W
• M8 Threaded Points Sound pressure level
• Mounting Points to attach optional Mounting SPL 1 W / 1 m 97 dB
Die C 12.2 ist eine kompakte, trapezförmige 12“ / 2-Weg Fullrange Box mit einer sehr The C 12.2 is a compact, trapezoidal 12” / two-way full-range cabinet offering very high
hohen Belastbarkeit von 500 W Continuous / 2000 W Peak und einem Wirkungsgrad von power handling (500 W continuous / 2000 W peak) and sensitivity of 97 dB 1W / 1m.
97 dB 1W / 1m. Im Tieftonbereich kommt ein SMX 2120 Woofer zum Einsatz, im Hoch- The low frequencies are transduced by an SMX 2120 woofer, whilst in the high frequency
tonbereich arbeitet ein DH3 Compression-Treiber in ein 90° x 50° Constant Directivity range, a DH3 compression driver in a 90° x 50° constant directivity horn handles every-
Horn für den Frequenzbereich oberhalb 1650 Hz. Flugpunkte für Eyebolts erlauben ver- thing above 1650 Hz. Flying points for eyebolts allow the cabinets to be flown vertically
tikale oder horizontale Aufhängung. Zusätzlich ist optional ein Montagebügel (DC- or horizontally. Available as an option is the DC-MBC12-UMH mounting bracket, which is
MBC12-UMH) erhältlich, der kompatibel zum DYNACORD PI-Easy Montagesystem ist compatible with the DYNACORD PI-Easy mounting system and supports up to three levels
und eine Ausrichtung in bis zu drei Ebenen erlaubt. Zur Erweiterung der Tiefbass-Perfor- of orientation. To extend the low bass performance, a Sub 1.15 subwoofer connected in
mance wird ein parallel geschalteter Sub 1.15 Subwoofer empfohlen. Diese Kombination parallel is recommended. This combination is also ideal for an active two-way system
ist auch ideal für ein Aktiv-2-Weg System zusammen mit den Controllern DSP 260 oder together with the DSP 260 or DSP 600 controllers and power amplifiers from the SL
DSP 600 und Endstufen der SL-Serie geeignet. series.
Illustration 1: Dimensions
20 100 1k 10k 20k
f / Hz
φ / deg
20 horizontal
20 100 1k 10k 20k
f / Hz
10 10
0 1
20 100 f / Hz 1k 10k 20k
Illustration 6: Remove the M8 Screws from Illustration 7:Eyebolts shown Illustration 8: Eyebolts not
the Loudspeaker, then install the Washers oriented in the plane of pull oriented in the plane of pull
and Eyebolts (EBK-M8 Eye Bolt Kit) to the (CORRECT) (INCORRECT)
Washer has
to be used
CAUTION: Eyebolts must be fully seated and orient in the plane of pull as shown. Always use washers
under the eyebolt to distribute the load on the enclosure.
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337, USA Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
Phone: +1 952/844-4051, Fax: +1 952/884-0043 +49 9421-706 0 Fax: +49 9421-706 265
Asia & Pacific only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
www.dynacord.com +65 6571 2534 Fax: +65 6571 2699
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: +49 9421-706 0
© Bosch Communications Systems 09/2010
Part Number F01U163336 Vs 01 Specifications subject to change without notice.