GA6 240202501 AA1 EV01 Documento Escrito
GA6 240202501 AA1 EV01 Documento Escrito
GA6 240202501 AA1 EV01 Documento Escrito
2758301 ADSO 14
ACTIVITY: GA6-240202501-AA1-EV01
I have currently been working for more than 10 years in a Japanese multinational
that manufactures electrical parts, and I work as a warehouseman in receiving,
unloading, storage, dispatch.
and requirement of raw materials in SAP system.
The truth is I really like my job; I perform in the area of the functions I perform.
The study I am doing is to have a degree since at this moment I only have an
academic bachelor's degree.
He guided me in that life to have a position you have to study.
At this moment I am not looking for work.
First of all, in the short term is to graduate and obtain the software analysis and
development diploma in order to carry out the study carried out.
Become an expert in a specific area of software development, such as artificial
intelligence, mobile development or computer security.
Participate in advanced courses and workshops to stay up to date with the latest
trends and technologies.
Develop and launch my own projects or applications, either as hobbies or as
potential businesses.
Maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life, ensuring that
my career meets both my professional ambitions and personal needs.
My future goals are aimed at continued growth in the field of software
development, acquiring advanced knowledge and technical skills, and achieving
leadership positions where I can have a significant impact. I am committed to
contributing to the advancement of technology and the community, while
maintaining a healthy balance between my professional goals and my personal