Question Paper 1
Question Paper 1
Question Paper 1
Class- X-A and X-B
Subject: Computer Application
Date: Duration: MM: 100 marks
General Instructions:
1. Read all Questions carefully for each section.
Q21. What are two key features of Python that make it popular for beginners and professionals
Q22. What operator is used for exponentiation in Python. Give examples?
Q23. What are identifiers in Python?
Q24. Explain the purpose of comments in Python code. Give an example of a single-line and a multi-
line comment.
Q25. What are the various types of operators in Python?
Q24. What is meant by input and output in Python?
Q25. Describe the syntax used to define a function in Python. Provide an example.
Q26. Explain why indentation is important in Python code. How does Python use indentation to define
blocks of code?
Q27. You are explaining to a friend who is new to programming why Python is often recommended as
a first language to learn. Discuss Python's readability, simplicity, and versatility, and provide examples
of industries or applications where Python is heavily used.
Q28. Explain the difference between = and == operators in Python with examples.
Q29. What are identifiers in Python? Provide rules for naming identifiers in Python.
Q30. What is type conversion? Explain with the help of example?
Q29. How keywords are different from the variable names?
Q30. Write a python program to find circumference of circle by taking user input (Hint: Use
input() function for taking value)
Q31. Describe the purpose of the if, elif, and else statements in Python. Provide an
example of using these statements in a program.
Q32. Describe the concept of Python's string operators. Provide examples of string
Q33. Briefly explain why Python is often called a high-level programming language. How does
it compare to low-level languages like assembly?
Q34. You are mentoring a junior developer who is new to Python and frequently encounters
indentation errors. Explain the importance of consistent indentation in Python code and
provide tips on how to avoid common indentation pitfalls
Q33. Explain the significance of the colon (:) in Python code. Where and how is it typically
used with examples?
Q34. Suppose a person want to do an addition but don’t know about operators and operands
in python. He taken a one number 30 and string “world”. Justify your answer that what is
wrong with this if that person add 30 and string “world”.