10 1039@c8nr09157a
10 1039@c8nr09157a
10 1039@c8nr09157a
In this paper, we numerically demonstrate a variety of broadband optical waveguide modulators based on
the hybrid surface plasmon polariton (HSPP) concept for near-infrared applications. The modulator is
composed of strongly coupled double-layer graphene and double rectangle cross-sectional metal nano-
ribbons separated by three Al2O3 spacers, which are interpolated in a SiO2 waveguide. Owing to the
unique strong coupling of HSPPs between metal nanoribbons, the subwavelength confinement, the in-
plane electric field component, the light-graphene interaction, and the modulation effect of the modu-
lator are significantly enhanced. The results show the proposed modulator achieves an outstanding per-
formance with a modulation depth (MD) over 2.3 dB μm−1 and a small normalized mode area of ∼10−5 in
a wide range of wavelength from 1.3 to 1.8 μm. By optimizing the separation of the double rectangle
metal nanoribbons at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.55 μm, the modulator exhibits a high MD of
3.12 dB μm−1, a small footprint of 1.8 μm2, an ultra-wide 3 dB modulation bandwidth of 380.23 GHz, and
an ultra-low energy consumption of 29.39 fJ per bit. Furthermore, we also demonstrate a modulator
based on two properly apart semicircular (rhombus) metal nanoribbons with a drastically enhanced MD of
Received 13th November 2018, 11.3 (6.32) dB μm−1 at 1.55 μm. Benefitting from the strong subwavelength confinement and excellent
Accepted 28th January 2019
broadband modulation performance, the proposed optical waveguide modulators offer a significant
DOI: 10.1039/c8nr09157a potential to realize various long-wave near-infrared integrated modulators, interconnects and opto-
rsc.li/nanoscale electronic devices.
1. Introduction ance metrics of the modulators are still very limited to meet
the significant demands of the emerging optical interconnects
Long-wave near-infrared spectrum, with the wavelength and communications. On the other hand, owing to the diffrac-
ranging from 1.1 to 2.526 μm, has been extensively applied tion limit, the silicon modulators usually exhibit weak mode
in imaging, sensing, spectroscopy, and communications.1–4 As confinement in the scale of λ/n, where n is the relative refrac-
one of the key devices for near-infrared communication and tive index of silicon.8 These aspects greatly restrict the appli-
signal processing, optical modulators have attracted increasing cations of the silicon modulators in highly centralized broad-
attention in recent years. Various silicon (Si) optical modu- band optical transmission, interconnection, modulation, and
lators have been achieved by converting a change of refractive integration.
index into amplitude, phase or polarization modulation Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial com-
though infusing carrier, depositing, and chemical doping, posed of a carbon atom and a sp2 hybrid orbital to form a
plasma dispersion effect, or by using hybrid silicon and other hexagonal honeycomb lattice.9 Graphene has excellent electri-
photonic materials.5–7 Although the bandwidth, speed, foot- cal and optical properties, good thermal conductivity, stability,
print, and energy consumption of silicon modulators have and excellent carrier mobility, making it an excellent electro-
been improved dramatically in the past few years, the perform- optic material for modulators.10–14 Graphene supports very
confined surface plasmon polaritons with long propagation
length and low crosstalk in a wide spectrum ranging from
Institute of Electromagnetics and Acoustics, and Department of Electronic Science, terahertz to near-infrared regions, which can be extensively
Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China. E-mail: lfye@xmu.edu.cn applied in spectroscopy, biosensing, imaging and
School of Electronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and
communications.15–18 Furthermore, the complex conductivity
Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 611731, China
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, of graphene can be easily adjusted by chemical and electro-
Durham 27708, USA static doping, which for example, can be realized by applying a
Paper Nanoscale
gate bias voltage to the graphene layers.19 The combination of metal nanoribbons upon and below the double graphene
graphene and waveguide structures opens up a new research layers, the in-plane electric field components of HSPPs of the
direction of graphene-based optical waveguide modulators. graphene layers and the light-graphene interaction are greatly
Recently, many researchers have theoretically and experi- increased, resulting in strong subwavelength confinement and
mentally demonstrated various graphene-based modulators. excellent modulation effects. To study the characteristics of
For example, Liu et al. first experimentally demonstrated the modulators, we simulate and discuss the electric field dis-
single- and double-layer graphene optical waveguide modu- tributions, attenuation constant, normalized mode area, the
lators by integrating the graphene layer(s) on a silicon sub- effective index Re(Neff ) in the near-infrared wavelength. It is
strate with an MD of ∼0.1–0.16 dB μm−1.20,21 Ansell et al. also found that by tuning the graphene chemical potential from 0
experimentally presented a hybrid graphene plasmonic wave- to 0.65 eV, the modulator achieves outstanding modulation
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
guide modulator with a low MD of 0.03 dB μm−1.22 To improve performance with an MD above 2.3 dB μm−1 and strong sub-
the modulation performance, many modulator designs with wavelength confinement with a small normalized mode area
the graphene layer placed at the maximum electric field of ∼10−5 in the whole wavelength between 1.3–1.8 μm.
location of the waveguides have been numerically demon- Furthermore, the effects of the separation and shapes of
strated. For example, Phatak et al. proposed a graphene-on- double metal nanoribbons on the modulation performance
silicon slot waveguide modulator, which achieves an MD of are also investigated. It is found that by optimizing the separ-
0.144 dB μm−1.23 Kovacevic et al. also presented a graphene ation of the double rectangle metal nanoribbons at 1.55 μm,
modulator on a silicon waveguide with an MD of 0.28 dB μm−1.24 the modulator with a high MD of 3.12 dB μm−1, a small foot-
Shah et al. reported on a modulator using graphene- print of 1.8 μm2, an ultra-wide 3 dB modulation bandwidth of
on-D-microfiber configuration with an MD of 0.3 dB μm−1.25 380.23 GHz, and an ultra-low energy consumption of 29.39 fJ
And Kim et al. designed a double-layer graphene modulator per bit is achieved. By using two properly apart semicircular
based on inverted-rib-type silicon waveguide achieving an MD and rhombus metal nanoribbons in the modulators, drasti-
of 0.42 dB μm−1.26 Furthermore, Wang et al. proposed a plas- cally enhanced MDs of 11.3 and 6.32 dB μm−1 at 1.55 μm are
monic modulator on a groove-structured metasurface covered demonstrated. Finally, a comparison of the performance of the
by a single-layer graphene sheet enabling the major electric proposed modulator and some recently reported graphene-
field parallel to the graphene layer to enhance the light- based modulators are presented. This study provides a new
graphene interaction, and the simulated MD of 0.4 dB μm−1 is route to designing graphene-based hybrid plasmonic wave-
achieved.27 Moreover, strong modulation capability is also guide modulators for highly efficient broadband modulation
theoretically obtained in some graphene modulator designs, and may offer some interesting solutions for long-wave near-
in which the graphene is modeled as an isotropic material and infrared interconnects and communications.
the so-called epsilon-near-zero effect in graphene is
observed.28–31 However, it should be noted that graphene is a
one-atom-thick 2D material and only its in-plane conductivity 2. Design, simulation, and
can be tuned by the electrostatic doping. Simply modeling consideration
single layer graphene as a 3D effective isotropic material may
lead to an overestimation of the modulation depth of the The schematic configuration and cross-section view of the pro-
modulators.27 In fact, some numerical and experimental posed near-infrared broadband waveguide modulator are dis-
results have verified that assuming the graphene as an aniso- played in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively. The modulator is com-
tropic material with conductivity dependent in-plane permit- posed of double graphene layers and double rectangle metal
tivity and constant out-of-plane permittivity or as a 2D surface nanoribbons separated by three Al2O3 spacers, which are
conductivity layer without thickness is more accurate.22,27,32,33 interpolated in a SiO2 ridge waveguide placed on a buffer layer
Despite the recent progress, most of the recently reported con- and a substrate layer. In this study, the substrate layer is
ventional graphene-based modulators demonstrate a limited assumed to be a silicon with a relative permittivity (εSi) of 11.7
modulation depth (usually less than 0.5 dB μm−1 due to the and a thickness (s) of 100 nm, and the buffer layer is assumed
small light-graphene interaction), area efficiency, and energy to be a Topas34,35 with a relative permittivity (εTopas) of 2.35
consumption performance. Therefore, it is still very challen- and a thickness ( p) of 800 nm. The SiO2 ridge waveguide has a
ging to explore the full potential of graphene and achieve square cross-sectional dimension with the side (l) of 600 nm
broadband modulator with much higher modulation depth, and a relative permittivity (εSiO2) of 2.09. And each Al2O3 spacer
smaller device footprint, and lower energy consumption across has a relative permittivity (εAl2O3) of 2.63 and a thickness (t ) of
a wide bandwidth of the near-infrared region. 2 nm (ref. 36 and 37) to prevent graphene from being chemi-
In this paper, we proposed a broadband optical waveguide cally doped by other materials. The double metal nanoribbons
modulator based on the HSPP concept for near-infrared appli- are assumed to be silver (Ag) with a relative permittivity
cations. The modulator is composed of strongly coupled obtained from the Lorentz–Drude model.38,39 The double
double-layer graphene and double rectangle metal nano- nanoribbons have identical dimensions with the width (w) and
ribbons separated by three Al2O3 spacers, which are inter- height (h) of 200 and 25 nm, respectively. They are separately
polated in a SiO2 waveguide. By horizontally translating the placed upon the upper graphene layer and below the lower gra-
Nanoscale Paper
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
Fig. 1 The schematic configuration of the proposed near-infrared broadband waveguide modulator. (a) 3D schematic of the modulator; (b) cross-
sectional view of the modulator, where the geometric parameters of the waveguide are set as s = 100 nm, p = 800 nm, l = 600 nm, t = 2 nm, w =
200 nm, h = 25 nm.
phene layer in the SiO2 waveguide with a horizontal edge sep- stant α, normalized mode area Am, and modulation depth
aration g, which is the distance between the right edge of the MD,50–52 as follows,
upper metal nanoribbon and the left edge of the lower metal
N eff ¼ k=k0 ; ð2Þ
nanoribbon. To achieve near-infrared modulation, a gate
voltage Vg is applied to the graphene layers, acting as a parallel 10ImðNeff Þ4π
α¼ ; ð3Þ
plate capacitor, to control the graphene conductivity via λ0 ln 10
electrostatic doping effect, as illustrated in Fig. 1(a). It should Ð1
be pointed out that the graphene-based waveguide modulator Aeff 1 1 W ðx; yÞdxdy
Am ¼ ¼ ; ð4Þ
can be fabricated using the state-of-the-art nanoimprint litho- A0 A0 max½Wðx; yÞ
graphy and graphene synthesis and transfer techniques.40–43
1 d½ωε0 εr ðx; yÞ 1
In this study, we use the commercial software COMSOL W ðx; yÞ ¼ Re jEðrÞj2 þ μ0 jHðrÞj2 ; ð5Þ
2 dω 2
Multiphysics to calculate and analyze the properties of the pro-
posed modulator. As we know, graphene can be either effec- MD ¼ αðOFFÞ αðONÞ; ð6Þ
tively modeled as an equivalent 3D anisotropic permittivity
where the propagation constant k = β + iα, β is the phase con-
material with a thickness or as a 2D surface conductivity layer
stant, Re(Neff ) and Im(Neff ) are the real and imaginary parts of
without thickness. Owing to the less demand of mesh number
Neff, Aeff is the effective mode area, W(x, y) is the energy
in simulation, it is more efficient and more desirable to model
density, α(OFF) and α(ON) denote the values of α at “ON” and
graphene as a 2D surface conductivity layer.32,33,44 Therefore,
“OFF” states of the waveguide modulator; k0, λ0, and A0 = λ02/4
we assume graphene as a 0-thick surface conductivity layer in
are the propagation constant, the wavelength, and the diffrac-
related modulator simulations. The surface conductivity σg
tion limited mode area in free space, respectively. In the
(Unit: S) of a single layer of graphene is calculated by the Kubo
COMSOL simulations, we use the mode analysis solver to
formula,45,46 as follows,
calculate Neff, α, Am, MD, and the field distributions of the pro-
ð1 posed modulator on xoy plane, and use the frequency domain
je2 @fd ðξ; μc ; TÞ @fd ðξ; μc ; TÞ
σ g ðω; μc ; Γ; TÞ ¼ solver to simulate the field distributions of the modulator
πℏ ðω j2ΓÞ 0
@ξ @ξ
ð along propagation direction (z-axis). In both cases, scattering
je2 ðω j2Γ Þ 1 fd ðξ; μc ; TÞ fd ðξ; μc ; TÞ
ξdξ dξ; boundaries enough far away from the model center are
πℏ2 0 ðω j2ΓÞ2 4ξ=ℏ2
assigned to all directions approximately mimic the free space
ð1Þ and the thermo-optic effect of the modulator is neglected.
Paper Nanoscale
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
Fig. 2 Dependence of the graphene surface conductivity σg on the chemical potential μc and incident wavelength λ. (a) Re(σg) as a function of μc
and λ; (b) Im(σg) as a function of μc and λ.
determines the real part of the relative permittivity Re(εg), graphene” to “dielectric graphene”. The great tunability of σg
which reveals the metallic and dielectric properties of gra- enables a huge modulation potential of graphene in the pro-
phene. Fig. 2(a) shows that Re(σg) is very sensitive to μc. For posed devices.
example, as μc varies from 0 to 0.65 eV, Re(σg) decreases drasti- To study the performance of the proposed modulator, we
cally from 60.7 to 0.17 μS (over 350 times) at λ = 1.55 μm. discuss the electric field distributions, attenuation constant α,
Fig. 2(b) shows that the sign of Im(σg) varies at certain given normalized mode area Am and real part of the effective index
values of the λ and μc. In particular, Im(σg) changes from posi- Re(Neff ) in the near-infrared wavelength below. The geometric
tive to negative by adjusting μc from 0 to 0.65 eV with the sign parameters are all the same as those shown in the caption of
switching point μc of 0.51 eV at λ = 1.55 μm, which implies the Fig. 1. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show the electric field magnitude distri-
material properties of graphene transforming from “metallic butions of the HSPPs, |E| (Unit: V m−1), of the modulator at
Fig. 3 The simulated |E|, α, Re(Neff ) and Am of the proposed modulator. (a) and (b) are the |E| distributions at λ = 1.55 μm with g = 0 and −100 nm,
respectively. (c)–(e) are the α, Re(Neff ), and Am as a function of μc with λ fixed as 1.3, 1.55, 1.8 μm and g fixed as 0 nm, respectively.
Nanoscale Paper
the wavelength (λ) of 1.55 μm under different silver nano- Re(Neff ) at λ of 1.3 and 1.8 μm are observed, where higher
ribbon separation (g) values of 0 and −100 nm, respectively. It Re(Neff ), implying stronger field confinement, is obtained at
is found that the electric fields are extremely concentrated in smaller λ. Owing to very subwavelength confinement of the
the nanoscale region between two silver nanoribbons. modulator, as shown in Fig. 3(e), Am on the order of 10−5 is
Especially, much stronger subwavelength mode confinement achieved under different values of λ with μc ranging from 0 to
is observed in the modulator with g = 0 nm than that with g = 0.65 eV. In addition, it is worth mentioning that a fractional
−100 nm. It is remarkable that the major electric fields Re(Neff ) change, [Re(Neff )max − Re(Neff )min]/Re(Neff )min × 100%,
between double silver nanoribbons are polarized in y-direction of the proposed modulator at λ of 1.55 μm reaches 3% between
for g = −100 nm. However, for g = 0 nm, the electric field com- 0.40 and 0.65 eV. Therefore, the proposed modulator is able to
ponent in x-direction (Ex) of the HSPPs ( parallel to graphene achieve both strong electro-absorptive and electro-refractive
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
plane) of the modulator is significantly increased and there- effects simultaneously, which offer great potential applications
fore, the light-graphene interaction and modulation effects are in various amplitude and phase modulators. In order to sim-
strongly enhanced. By considering this point, we fix g as 0 nm plify the analysis, we only focus on the electro-absorptive
and calculate α, Re(Neff ), and Am of the modulator as a func- modulation performance in the following discussion.
tion of μc with different λ of 1.3, 1.55, and 1.8 μm, as shown in To further study broadband properties of the modulator, we
Fig. 3(c)–(e). As clearly shown in Fig. 3(c), the values of α calculate the dependence of α, Re(Neff ), and Am on the operat-
decrease with λ increasing from 1.3 to 1.8 μm, and all α curves ing wavelength ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 μm under different μc
show a similar decreasing trend as μc increasing from 0 to 0.65 of 0 and 0.65 eV, as shown in Fig. 4. Here, to better understand
eV. Here, to discuss electro-absorptive modulation, we initially the attenuation mechanism of the modulator, we first
assign 0.65 and 0 eV as “ON” and “OFF” states of this modu- compare the attenuation α of the modulator composed of
lator, respectively. By switching μc from 0 to 0.65 eV, the different materials as a function of wavelength λ ranging from
highest, moderate, lowest MDs achieve about 3.0, 2.62 and 2.3 1.3 to 1.8 μm in Fig. 4(a). The total attenuation of the proposed
dB μm−1 at λ = 1.3, 1.55, and 1.8 μm, respectively. As shown in modulator is mainly caused by the attenuation of the graphene
Fig. 3(d), Re(Neff ) of the HSPPs at λ of 1.55 μm first increases layers and the silver nanoribbons owing to all dielectric
from 3.04 to its peak 3.07 and then decreases to 2.98 as μc materials are assumed to be lossless in simulations. It is
increases from 0 to 0.40 and then to 0.65 eV. Similar trends for remarkable that the α of the double graphene layers obtained
Fig. 4 (a) Comparison of the attenuation α of the modulators composed of different materials. (b)–(d) Dependence of α, Re(Neff ), and Am of the
proposed modulator with graphene and silver nanoribbons on the wavelength λ ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 μm with g = 0 nm, respectively.
Paper Nanoscale
from the modulator composed of graphene and perfect elec- The MD increases from the lowest value of 0.09 dB μm−1 at g =
tronic conductor (PEC) nanoribbons is almost independent of −200 nm to the highest value of 3.12 dB μm−1 at g = 5 nm, and
the operating wavelength at 0 and 0.65 eV. However, because then decreases to 0.70 dB μm−1 at g = 200 nm. The phenom-
of the wavelength dependent attenuation from the dispersive enon can be attributed to the different field distributions of
silver, the whole modulator demonstrates a clear wavelength the modulator with a different value of g. When g = −200 nm,
dependent attenuation. Moreover, as the α of the double gra- the electric field of the HSPPs is dominantly polarized along
phene layers at 0.65 eV is close to 0, the α of the modulator y-direction between double silver nanoribbons. The in-plane
without graphene is close to the α of the modulator with gra- electric field component (Ex) of the HSPPs is very tiny, as
phene at 0.65 eV. As shown in Fig. 4(b)–(d), all α, Re(Neff ), and shown in the top inset of Fig. 5(a), resulting in the lowest light-
Am of the proposed modulator with graphene and silver nano- graphene interaction and MD. However, the (Ex) of the HSPPs
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
ribbons show a clear declining trend with λ increasing. In the of the modulator increases with g increasing, and reaches the
whole bandwidth between 1.3 and 1.8 μm, as shown in highest value with optimal g of 5 nm, as shown in the middle
Fig. 4(b), the proposed modulator is able to achieve broadband inset in Fig. 5(a), where large electromagnetic coupling and
modulation with MD of above 2.3 dB μm−1 at λ = 1.8 μm and 3 light-graphene interaction are achieved. As g further increases
dB μm−1 peak modulation depth at λ = 1.3 μm. Fig. 4(c) shows to an even high positive value of 200 nm, the coupling and
that the values of Re(Neff ) at μc = 0.65 eV are larger than those light-graphene interaction gradually decrease, as shown in the
at μc = 0 eV in the whole bandwidth. And Fig. 4(d) shows that bottom inset in Fig. 5(a), and the corresponding MD also
the values of Am also maintain near to the 10−5 in the wave- declines to the small value of 0.7 dB μm−1. Then, we studied
length ranging from 1.3 to 1.8 μm under the different μc, the dependence of Re(Neff ) and Am on g at λ = 1.55 μm. As
which is much smaller than the conventional silicon-based shown in Fig. 5(b), the values of Re(Neff ) at different μc = 0 and
waveguide modulators.5,8 This characteristic facilitates the 0.65 eV are very close to each other and exhibit a decreasing
application of this modulator for miniaturized near-infrared trend by varying the g from −200 to 200 nm. Fig. 5(c) shows Am
interconnect devices and communication systems. as a function of g at different μc. It is clear that both Am curves
Next, we discuss the effects of the separation (g) of double drop and then rise with g increasing. And the minimum values
rectangle cross-sectional silver nanoribbons on the character- of Am for both μc = 0 and 0.65 eV appear at g = 0 nm, where the
istics of the proposed modulator with λ fixed as 1.55 μm. As strongest HSPPs coupling and field confinement are achieved.
shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), g is a critical geometric parameter Then, we investigate the effects of the shapes of double
in determining the field distributions of the modulation. By silver nanoribbons on the modulation performance of the pro-
increasing g from −200 to 200 nm, the double silver nano- posed modulator. As we know, sharp wedge tips can be used
ribbons will move from the center pension to the left and right to achieve strong SPPs enhancement and confinement.22 For
sides of the SiO2 waveguide. Fig. 5(a) shows the dependence of example, here, we select a semicircular and a rhombus as the
α and MD on g ranging from −200 to 200 nm while remaining new cross-sectional shapes for double silver nanoribbons
all other geometric parameters fixed. It is clear that g has a instead of the rectangle one. Fig. 6(a) and (b) show the simu-
great effect on α, where α reaches to its peak of 3.78 dB μm−1 lated α as a function of μc and MD as a function of g for the
at “OFF” state with μc = 0 eV and relatively low value of 0.66 modulator with double semicircular metal nanoribbons at λ =
dB μm−1 at “ON” state with μc = 0.65 eV. Notably, when the 1.55 μm. The values of the semicircular radius (r) are assumed
modulator operating at “ON” state with g = 200 nm, α reaches to be 10, 50, and 100 nm, the separation g is set as 0 nm while
to its lowest value of 0.27 dB μm−1, which is valuable for long- keeping all other parameters the same as those shown the
range transmission in the long-wave near-infrared spectrum. caption of Fig. 1. In this case, with μc varying from 0 to 0.65 eV,
Fig. 5 (a)–(c) Dependence of α, Re(Neff ), and Am on the separation g with the μc fixed as 0 and 0.65 eV at λ = 1.55 μm, respectively. The insets in (a)
are the Ex distributions udder different g of −200, 5, and 200 nm, respectively.
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Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
Fig. 6 The properties of the modulators with semicircular and rhombus silver nanoribbons at the wavelength λ = 1.55 μm. (a) Dependence of α on
μc with g = 0 nm, and (b) dependence of MD on g for the modulator with semicircular nanoribbons. (c) Dependence of α on μc with g = 0 nm, and
(d) dependence of MD on g for the modulator with rhombus nanoribbons.
α decreases from 12, 3 and 2.6 dB μm−1 to 3, 0.65 and 0.45 When g gradually increases from −50 nm to 50 nm, the Ex of
dB μm−1 for r = 10, 50 and 100 nm, respectively. Therefore, the the HSPPs increases to its maximum at g = 4 nm, and then
MD of 9 dB μm−1 can be achieved for r = 10 nm, which is dras- gradually decreases again due to the lowing EM coupling.
tically superior to the modulator with double rectangle cross- Therefore, all MD curves experience an increasing and then
sectional silver nanoribbons. Fig. 6(b) shows that for r = decreasing trend with g increasing from −50 to 50 nm, where
10 nm, the MD can further reach the maximum of 11.3 dB μm−1 MD achieve its maximum of 6.32 dB μm−1 and 0.94 dB μm−1
at g = 6 nm, where the largest light-graphene interaction for θ = 30° and 150°, respectively.
is achieved, as shown in the inset of this figure. However, for Finally, we further discuss some other important modu-
the larger r of 50 nm and 100 nm, the sizes of the semicircular lation characteristics of the proposed modulator with double
silver nanoribbons are comparable to the size of the previously rectangle cross-sectional silver nanoribbons at λ = 1.55 μm.
demonstrated modulator with rectangle silver nanoribbons. The dependence of α on μc with different g of 0, 5 and 10 nm
Therefore, similar MD values of around 3 dB μm−1 are is shown in Fig. 7(a). By considering the values of α and MD,
obtained. Likewise, we calculate α as a function of μc and MD here, we select the separation g of 5 nm and assume the modu-
as a function of g for the modulator with double rhombus lator length p of 3 μm to achieve insertion loss of less than
metal nanoribbons at λ = 1.55 μm, as shown in Fig. 6(c) 2 dB at “ON” state and above 11 dB at “OFF” state. The simu-
and (d). We assume rhombus side (u) of 100 nm while keeping lated |E| distributions along the yoz plane located at 1 nm
all other parameters the same as the previous modulator struc- apart from the right edge of upper silver nanoribbon at “ON”
tures. The effects of different apex angle θ on modulator per- and “OFF” states are shown in Fig. 7(b) and (c), respectively.
formance are also compared. By varying the μc from 0 to For a modulator, footprint (S), 3 dB modulation bandwidth
0.65 eV, α decreases from 7, 3.47, 2.39, 1.76, and 1.56 dB μm−1 ( f3dB) and energy per bit (Ebit) also play a key role in determin-
to 1.3, 0.55, 0.44, 0.47, and 0.78 dB μm−1 for θ = 30°, 60°, 90°, ing the performance of modulator. Here, we define the foot-
120°, and 150°, as shown in Fig. 6(c). This phenomenon is print S as the overlap area of double graphene layers in the
attributed to the stronger the SPPs coupling effect and light- modulator. The 3 dB modulation bandwidth ( f3dB) can be cal-
graphene interaction occurred at the sharper wedge. Similarly, culated by f3dB = 1/2πRC. By assuming the proposed modulator
as shown in Fig. 6(d), the modulator is more sensitive to g as an equivalent graphene–Al2O3–graphene capacitor model,
changes with the apex angle θ of 30° than other higher values. the capacitance is given by C = ε0εAl2O3S/t, where ε0 is permittiv-
Paper Nanoscale
Published on 29 January 2019. Downloaded by Temple University on 2/4/2019 12:37:10 AM.
Fig. 7 The properties of the modulators with double rectangle cross-sectional silver nanoribbons at the wavelength λ = 1.55 μm. (a) Dependence of
Vg on μc and dependence of α on μc with different g of 0, 5 and 10 nm. (b) The simulated |E| distribution along the yoz plane at “ON” state. (c) The
simulated |E| distribution along the yoz plane at “OFF” state.
ity of the vacuum. Thus, the footprint (S) of 1.8 μm2 and C of down field for Al2O3 deposited with typical technologies,
20.93 fF are obtained. As we know, the graphene sheet resis- atomic-layer-deposited (ALD) for example, usually ranges from
tance can be as low as ∼125 Ω sq−1 in a highly doped 8 to 30 MV cm−1.61–63 To avoid breaking down the ultrathin
region53,54 or as high as ∼400 kΩ sq−1 in a functionalized gra- Al2O3 in practical device implement, it should be more reason-
phene sheet with a reduction on electrical properties.55 able to assume the switching states as 0.3 and 0.5 eV for the
However, owing to the tiny footprint S of this modulator, the proposed modulator. In this case, the required ΔV and Ebit can
resistance of graphene with μc ranging from 0 to 0.65 eV can be drastically reduced to 0.9 V and 4.24 fJ per bit, respectively.
be safely neglected. Therefore, the total series resistance R is In addition, an even wider f3dB and lower Ebit can be obviously
mainly produced by the gold-graphene contact resistance. anticipated by using the semicircular, rhombus or other trans-
Because extremely low graphene/metal contact resistances formation cross-sectional shapes of the double silver nano-
down to 20–150 Ω µm have been experimentally achieved,56–60 ribbons. At last, a comparison of the performance of this
here, we assume the total series resistance R of modulator and some recently reported graphene-based
the proposed 3 μm-long device to be ∼20 Ω.53 On the modulators is summarized in Table 1.
other hand, the Ebit can be calculated by Ebit = CΔV 2/4,
where ΔV is the modulation voltage between “ON” and “OFF”
state of the modulator. Since the relationship between Vg 4. Conclusion
and μc is given by Vg = enst/εrε0, where the charge
2 In this work, we have demonstrated a variety of broadband
density ns ¼ 2 2 ξ½fd ðξ; μc ; TÞ fd ðξ þ 2μc ; μc ; TÞdξ,46 we
πℏ vF 0 optical waveguide modulators made up of strongly coupled
obtain ΔV = Vg1(ON) − Vg2(OFF) = 2.37 V, as shown in Fig. 7(a). double graphene layers and double metal nanoribbons. We
In this case, the modulator demonstrates an ultra-wide 3 dB have systematically studied the modulation characteristic para-
modulation bandwidth near to 380.23 GHz and an ultra-low meters including attenuation constant, modulation depth,
energy consumption of about 29.39 fJ per bit with a very small effective mode index, normalized mode area, and carefully
footprint of 1.8 μm2, which is promising for near-infrared investigated the effects on the chemical potential, wavelength,
modulation applications. However, it is noted that the break- separation and cross-sectional shapes of two metal nano-
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