Beginner's Guide To TV Repair Zwick 1971
Beginner's Guide To TV Repair Zwick 1971
Beginner's Guide To TV Repair Zwick 1971
ieginners Guide to
, iellallier3i1M111111ralt6danfflatiaget,\
By George Zwick
Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. 17214
George Zwick
Basic Sound and Picture Systems—Original Sound to
Reproduced Sound—Original Picture Image to Radio
Equipment—Tube Substitution—Special Series-Parallel
Filaments—Tube "Pulling"—Testing by Substitution
6 Vertical Size—Vertical Linearity—Vertical Roll—Freak
Sync Trouble—Horizontal Size or Width—Horizontal
Linearity—Horizontal Drive—Pincushion Correction—
Centering—Focusing—Ion Trap—Magnets: Cautionl—
Other Horizontal Defects
The TV System
Fig. 1-1. Simplified block diagram of a sound transmitter
(A) and a sound receiver (B). Notice that the two systems
are virtually "mirror images" of each other.
Transmitting and Receiving Systems
In Figs. 1-1A and 1-2A the vertical dashed lines define the
three distinct major functions of each transmitting system. On
the extreme left of Fig. 1-1A is the microphone which changes
sound waves to electric currents. In Fig. 1-2A the camera
performs the corresponding function of changing light into
electric energy. The middle sections of both Figs. 1-1A and 1-
2A serve the major function of amplification (enlargement) of
the faint electric currents, as well as modifying them to a
format suitable for transmission from an antenna. The right-
hand section of Figs. 1-1A and 1-2A actually radiates the
electrical energy from the transmitting antennas into space,
to be "received" by many receiving antennas.
The receiving systems (Figs. 1-1B 1-2B) are virtually the
mirror opposite of the transmitting systems just described. On
the extreme left are the receiving antennas, located so as to
"get in the way" of the radiated energy from the transmitters.
(That is why receiving antenna location is so important.) The
middle section of each receiver amplifies or builds up the very
small signals to the levels necessary for proper reproduction.
The right-hand sections reproduce sound waves from the
electrical energy in the sound signal and form pictures from
the electrical energy carried in the picture (video) signal.
Sound Waves
The Microphone
The Amplifier
from about 20 cycles per second (deep organ note) to about
20,000 cycles (20 kilocycles or 20 KC) per second for a very
shrill whistle. Above 20,000 or 30,000 cycles, they are called
radio frequencies (RF for short), extending through AM and
FM radio, TV and radar transmitting and receiving
frequencies to the near-optical (light) portion of the spectrum.
Here we find first infrared (invisible heat waves), followed by
the visible light spectrum (red through violet), the ultraviolet
(again invisible) and on to X rays, etc. Video (picture)
frequencies are related to television. They stand for those
frequencies which carry picture information and extend from
about 20 cycles per second to about 4,000,000 cycles per second
(4 megacycles).
Until several years ago, frequencies in the entire spec-
trum from audio through invisible light were referred to as
cycles per second, thousands of cycles per second (kilocycle),
millions of cycles per second (megacycle), etc. Now by
international standards the term "Hertz" is used instead of
cycles per second. (Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, was
the first to demonstrate the production and reception of
electromagnetic or radio waves.) Thousands of cycles is
referred to as kilohertz (kHz), etc.
RF and AF Amplifiers
The Speaker
In function, aspeaker or loudspeaker is the exact opposite
of the microphone. Electrical energy in the form of audio
waves is applied to the speaker, where it is converted to the
mechanical motion of a surface usually called the speaker
cone. The cone vibrates faster or slower depending on the
frequency (pitch) of the corresponding original sound waves
and sets the air in similar motion. The loudness of the sound
depends on the distance the cone moves, which in turn depends
on the "strength" or size of the electrical wave applied to it.
grain photograph, for instance) refers to just this particle
structure. While the color photograph is claimed to be
grainless, this is but a relative term in contrast with the
chemical grain structure of the black-and-white picture.
The Halftone
tube. It is composed of the glowing heater (seen from the
outside) and a number of positioning "electrodes" (metallic
plates, baffles and wires) inside the tube neck. A simplified
version of the scanning process, both in the TV camera and
ultimately on the TV set screen is as follows:
The glowing heater in the TV picture tube neck produces a
stream of (invisible) electrons, aform of electric current. This
stream is shaped into a pencil-point thin beam which is
directed toward any desired point on the screen. This may be
observed on the TV screen immediately after the set is
switched off and the picture disappears. However, while on
this "electron pencil" causes a point on the screen to light up
or glow.
The function of this "electron pencil" on the photo mosaic
of the pickup camera is abit different. Here the electron pencil
simply "reads" or identifies the brightness or shading of the
15 — — — — 16
spot and produces an electric signal corresponding to this
image spot. The location of the image spots and the scanning
sequence is arranged according to an established (National
Television Standard Committee, or NTSC) code, briefly
illustrated in Fig. 1-3. The image is divided into approximately
525 "lines" or strips. The beam just described moves over or
scans each line or strip from left to right, skipping every other
line (scanning 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, etc.), until the bottom of the pic-
ture is reached. At the end of the bottom line the beam jumps
back to the upper left and repeats the process (scanning lines
3-4, 7-8, 11-12). The beam travels from top to bottom at the rate
of 60 times per second. It takes two complete cycles to cover
the entire image since alternate lines are scanned during each
cycle. Thus the complete image is scanned 30 times asecond.
Alternate line scanning is called "interlacing," and
serves to produce the correct final picture. At the beginning of
each line, a timing signal (sync pulse) is sent to both the
camera and to your receiver so that both electron beams (in
the camera and in your picture tube) begin each line at the
same time. A similar signal or pulse is sent each time the
beam is at the bottom of the image and is just about to repeat
the sequence from the upper left corner. Therefore, both the
pickup camera and the picture tube scanning sequences begin
at exactly the same instant.
Incidentally, the common TV receiver adjustments called
brightness and contrast are closely related to the brightness
information of individual particles as transmitted. The
brightness control sets the general background illumination of
the scene, without regard to individual particle illumination,
while the contrast adjustment sets the range (full black to full
white) of illumination for the individual particles of the image,
so that neither extreme is lost; i.e., the black area will just
about be black, while the brightest part will just be white,
without glaring or having a washed-out appearance. This
applies equally to color and to black-and-white pictures, since
these settings are normally made on the color receiver with
the chroma adjustment set for no color (a monochrome pic-
"Cataloging"—Location and Sequencing of Image Particles
It was briefly stated earlier that positioning information is
sent between lines and also at the end of each scan sequence
(also called "fields"). To clarify this process let's follow a
complete sequence for one-thirtieth of asecond, this being the
time7 f6r one complete picture.
Fig. 1-3 should help you visualize what is taking place. It
is safe to assume that you have observed the fact that the
picture seems to consist of a number of horizontal lines or
strips, sloping a bit downward from left to right. Also, in
certain cases of abnormal operation, not necessarily the fault
of the receiver, the thickness of the lines seems to double while
their number correspondingly decreases. Approximately 400
of these strips or lines make up the TV picture. Fig. 1-3 shows
only a few for clarity. The alternations of solid and dashed
lines (interlaced with one another) are meant to indicate the
sequence in which they are scanned.
The complete scanning cycle referred to earlier occurs as
follows: The electron beam starts at the upper left corner, at
Point 1, the beginning of the first line marked on the
illustration. At Point 2, the visual portion of the first line ends.
A "blanking" signal (another pulse fed along with the two
sync pulses already mentioned) now makes the beam invisible
until the beginning of the next line, when the beam jumps back
to the beginning of the second line, Point 5in Fig. 1-3 and the
blanking signal is removed, allowing the second solid line to
start. Thus, each line has atiming signal which turns it on at
precisely the same moment that the corresponding beam in
the TV camera starts the same line. This continues to the
bottom of the picture when all (approximately 225) of the solid
lines have been scanned. The time consumed is one-sixtieth of
a second.
Another timing signal is now sent, again making the beam
invisible until the beam has had time to snap back to the upper
left and the beginning of the first dashed line. The complete
process now repeats until the last visible dashed line has been
scanned for a total of about 450-475 lines and a total time of
one-thirtieth of asecond. Again the beam is blanked out until it
returns to the beginning-of the first solid line (marked 1) in the
upper left-hand corner, ready to repeat the process for the
next picture.
It should be noted that the blanking of the beam at the end
of each line, as well as at the bottom of each set of lines, is
merely to avoid seeing something other than the picture in-
formation on the screen. What is significant is the fact that
during these blanking periods, the timing (synchronizing)
information is sent to insure that each picture element in the
home TV set is "in step" (in synchronization) with the
corresponding element at the pickup camera. The sets of solid
and dashed lines amount, in fact, to double scanning of each
picture. Each set of lines is known as a "field" and consumes
one-sixtieth of a second. Two fields are interweaved, or
interlaced, and the combination is called a "frame" of which
there are, consequently, 30 per second.
Fig. 1-4. Simplified block diagram of a TV transmitter,
showing separate sound and picture paths combined
before reaching the transmitting antenna.
The TV Sound
picture in the pickup camera. During the description of a TV
receiver in Chapter 2reference is made to the various com-
ponents of the timing signals, particularly in connection with
the subject of vertical hold and horizontal hold.
Chapter 2
Transmission Line
Al B C E F G
V1 V2 V3 V3, V4, V5 V7, V8
D2 or V6 D3, D4 V9, V10
1 K L
V15, V16 tV17, V18, V19
M SUPPLY —ft. ALL Fig. 2-1. Block diagram of a typical TV receiver. The lines
V2D or DS, D6 —e. BOXES and arrows indicate signal paths.
Since any such pickup is likely to be almost all noise and
hardly any signal, the importance of a proper high quality
transmission line cannot be overemphasized. We shall see
later, in troubleshooting, how a poor transmission line, due to
poor quality, installation, and poor location, can be the cause
of poor TV reception.
The Tuner
Boxes Al and A2 represent devices called "tuners" or
more commonly "front ends." Their purpose is to select the
desired station and amplify the relatively feeble signal from
the antenna. For the past few years there are (required by
law) two tuners in each TV set, one VHF (very high
frequency), covering Channels 2through 13, and UHF (ultra
high frequency), covering Channels 14 through 83. Both
tuners, but particularly the UHF, are very complex, rather
sophisticated assemblies, requiring for their maintenance and
repair test equipment and technical know-how well beyond the
capability of not only the beginner but even agood segment of
the TV repair industry. In fact, many high grade TV repair
shops have TV tuners repaired by special service stations fully
equipped to do the work.
The above statements are intended to caution the beginner
against any rash action in attempting to correct amalfunction
in this portion of the receiver. There are, however, certain
tasks which are within the ability of the beginner to perform
satisfactorily, and these are described under Troubleshooting.
The construction and the location of the tuner is of par-
ticular interest, more so than any other section of the set,
except perhaps the high-voltage "cage" (described later).
Both the station selector and the fine-tuning adjustment are,
for technical reasons, physically built into the tuner(s). This
requires that the tuner be located at an accessible position on
the cabinet. For this reason (as well as for some strictly
technical factors), the tuner is a separate physical entity, a
little box-chassis which is relatively easy to disconnect from
the remainder of the TV set.
The interconnections between the tuner and the main TV
chassis and the antenna are as follows:
Fig. 2-2. Typical tube-type TV tuner, showing input con-
nections (1), coaxial output connection (2), and a tube
shield (3).
3AH5 or 3HM5 and 6EA8. In other cases, the designations V1
and V2 may not appear on the tuner, but will be shown on the
tube location chart somewhere inside the TV cabinet. The
correlation between tube markings on the tuner and the tube
location chart inside the TV cabinet is used extensively to
identify tubes by function, malfunctions, symptoms and
suggested corrective action. We shall have more to say about
tube locations and charts under Troubleshooting.
In those tuners (some VHF and practically all UHF)
where transistors have replaced tubes, there is the high
probability that the transistors are soldered-in instead of
plugged into a socket, in which case the advice given above
regarding tuners in general applies very much here. To
repeat, tuner work, other than tube replacement, is not for the
amateur. Even if a beginner could locate the suspected
transistor, any attempt to unsolder it, however "carefully"
done, is sure to be disastrous! It takes an experienced hand
and special tools to successfully solder or unsolder
semiconductors. Removal of the entire tuner, where such a
procedure is indicated, if not done carelessly, is far easier and
Of the two tubes in the tuner, at least one is a dual-
purpose type, so there are three distinct functions performed
here. The first tube, almost always located nearer the in-
coming antenna lead-in, is an RF amplifier which increases
the signal level of the station being received. A bad tube in this
position will seldom result in no picture and sound whatsoever.
Instead, it will account for a very feeble picture with heavy
"snow" and weak sound very much resembling a weak or
distant station. The remainder of the TV set is doing its best
with the very small input signal that manages to get through
the defective amplifier. Removing a bad RF amplifier tube
from its socket may produce very little added degradation of
the picture. (In those sets where removing one tube causes all
other tubes to stop glowing, another procedure is suggested
under discussion of Transformerless TV Receivers.)
The second tube of the tuner is almost always (except in
those rare cases where the tuner has three tubes) a dual-
function tube. It will invariably be identified on the location
chart as V2, and sometimes with the added optional
description: MIX-OSC, meaning mixer-oscillator. We need not
know the whole story about mixer-oscillators to know their
functions. If this tube fails, there is nothing on the screen
(except the white raster), no faint picture, no snow, just atotal
blank, and no sound. On a nontechnical basis, one might
consider adefective V1 (RF amplifier) as agate that is barely
cracked open, while adefective mixer-oscillator is shut tight
(100-percent closed) so that nothing can get through!
We mentioned the rare possibility of encountering an older
vintage TV set having a 3-tube tuner. These tubes probably
will be identified on the chart as V1 -RF, V2-MIX, V3-0SC. It
should be apparent from this that the combined functions of V2
in the modern tuner are separated in the old 3-tube unit: The
comparison is quite simple: The first tube is identical, both in
function and malfunction, in both tuners. The tube marked V2-
MIX in the old version, when defective, may still permit some
noise (snow) to get through, but seldom apicture, even afaint
one, or sound. A failure in V3-0SC may produce similar
symptoms with one exception: no picture or sound at all. In
troubleshooting it is not automatically necessary to replace
both mixer and oscillator tubes, if only one tests un-
satisfactorily, but it is most practical to suspect both tubes
when the symptoms are as described above.
The IF Amplifiers
tuner to the IF amplifiers. For UHF (Channels 17 through 83)
the path is from the antenna through the UHF tuner, through
the VHF tuner and then to the IF stages. This difference is of
importance in troubleshooting (as we shall see later), because
the RF tube (V1) on the VHF tuner is no longer the first stage
in the path of the signal from the antenna.
As was mentioned previously, a TV receiver is really a
two-in-one device, combining apicture (AM) receiver with a
sound (FM) receiver. As such, many components are common
to both. These shall now be identified and described. Box B in
Fig. 2-1 is amulti-amplifier system for the combined video and
audio signals. Although these signals are of comparatively
greater strength than those entering the "front end" (Al or
A2), a failure in any stage of this amplifying system can be
just as catastrophic for either picture or sound.
There are usually three separate amplifiers (or stages) in
sequence, as links in a chain. A defect or total failure in any
one stage breaks the chain and prevents the signal from
continuing on its way. There is usually some feedthrough of
signal even when one stage goes dead, as in acase of tube or
transistor burnout or other failure, so that some small portion
of the normal signal is transferred to the next stage. One
symptom of such a failure might be a very weak picture on
any station, although some stations may come in better than
others, largely because of the original difference in signal
strength between stations.
The symptoms of "snow" mentioned in regard to the front
end are much less apparent here and may even be completely
absent. Another result of such a failure might be picture in-
stability, such as "tearing" of the picture in a generally
horizontal (actually diagonal) direction and possibly a rolling
picture (vertical direction). This is due to the fact that the
amplifiers in Box B also must pass the timing-synchronizing
pulses and a failure in these amplifiers will invariably
degrade the quality of these pulses to a level below that
required for picture holding. In the section on Troubleshooting
we shall present concrete procedures designed to help locate
trouble in the IF portion of the set.
At this point it is imperative to clearly indicate what the
beginner may not and should not attempt. We refer to the IF
transformer adjustments. You may see around a half dozen
either rectangular metal cans or uncased spool-like coils or
transformers, some of them with ahole or slot that seems to
invite a screwdriver blade for turning. These are in fact ad-
justments, but they cannot be properly done "by eye" or
"ear." Required is some very sophisticated equipment and
very specific (different for each and every "can" in every TV
set) knowledge and expertise. Worse yet, unlike the ad-
justment of some circuits which we will recommend later in
the book and which can be either repeated or restored to their
original (preadjustment) position, the adjustment of any of
the IF coils is, from the very beginning, a point-of-no return
case. Not only is it virtually impossible to know what the
adjustment is accomplishing, but it is equally impossible to go
back to the starting point.
To further illustrate the futility of such adjustments, the
professional serviceman uses complex equipment which gives
him a visual presentation of the operation of all the circuits at
the same time. Only on such a visual display can an expert
serviceman observe the effect of each adjustment on the
overall picture. Looking at the front of the TV set while
twiddling one of the adjustments is almost certain to destroy
the normal quality of the picture without showing any im-
mediate change as the twiddling is made. Finally, it is a
fortunate fact that these adjustments, except for some very
minor effects, are virtually permanent and do not require any
correction, except by the professional serviceman after he
replaces a transformer in case of a burnout or other
catastrophic failure. To sum up, the best advice is leave the IF
adjustments alone! They are probably as they should be.
The Video Detector
various picture control (sync) pulses to Box F. Should this
tube fail, all three components would be affected, as in the
case of the defective diode in the same box. In case of tube
deterioration, due to old age, etc. the effects may not bé
catastrophic; i.e., the picture and sound may still be there, but
on degraded levels. In such acase, the picture control (sync)
pulses may be inadequate to keep the image from rolling and-
or tearing. In normal operation, the picture signal goes from
V6 to the picture tube, as shown in Fig. 2-1.
quite rugged, so that between these two tubes, the failure is
more likely to occur in the first.
complished by a systems known as the vertical sweep, con-
sisting of a vertical oscillator and a vertical amplifier (tubes
V8 and V9 in Box J. Fig. 2-1). The two tubes in the vertical
system follow each other in sequence (in series), so that either
one, if defective, will cause afailure in the downward pull of
the beam on the screen. The first tube, V8, is called the ver-
tical oscillator.
In nontechnical terms, the vertical oscillator could be
called a timer because it determines how long it takes the
beam to traverse the screen from top to bottom. Since the time
must be precisely the same as the corresponding time at the
transmitter, the vertical sync pulse is used to "time the
timer." In other words, the vertical sync pulse from the
transmitter sets the precise rate for the vertical oscillator in
the receiver.
Fig. 2-3 shows what happens when the vertical sweep
circuit fails. With a single bright line across the center of the
screen the electron beam is painting all the lines "on top of one
another." There are other picture defects attributable to
trouble in the vertical sweep system. A crowded (compressed
or "squashed") picture at the top and astretched-out picture
at the bottom are often due to a defect (nonlinearity) in the
vertical amplifier and its associated components.
There are three adjustments associated with the vertical
sweep system which may require resetting in case of
malfunction. These are V-Hold, V-Size and V-Linearity. The
first of these in some sets may be accessible from the front of
the cabinet. The last two almost always are located in the
rear, because they seldom require adjustment. Each is
described under Troubleshooting, where cause-and-effect
relationships are outlined.
As the name implies, the V-Hold (vertical hold) is used to
stop the picture from rolling; i.e., to prevent rolling (ver-
tically). The V-Size (vertical size) is an adjustment to make
the picture cover the full height of the visible screen. The V-
Lin (vertical linearity) adjustment serves to adjust the pic-
ture for minimum distortion, as when the lower half of a
circular object looks flattened out while the upper half is egg-
shaped. The V-Lin control is adjusted to make the circle
perfectly round.
such, its task is quite comparable to the vertical deflection
amplifier just described. However, because of the very im-
portant added functions this unit performs, the whole
horizontal deflection portion of the TV set is much more
complicated and much more elaborate.
At least two of the tubes, V18, horizontal damper (or B+
boost) and the high-voltage rectifier (V13), perform functions
entirely different from deflection. However, since these two
functions are the result of (we refer to them as byproducts)
the basic sweep circuit operation, and further, because of the
interdependence of these diverse functions, they are grounded
together. The special precautions here include (in some sets)
a local (does not affect the rest of the TV set) fuse for the
horizontal circuits only, and a protective enclosure or cage
because the very high voltage generated here is a potential
safety hazard. Even with the cage, and even with the TV on-off
switch in the off position, a severe electric shock and con-
sequent secondary injury may result from carelessness in this
area. We shall detail these later.
Fig. 2-4. An expanded block diagram of the stages represented by Boxes K and L in Fig. 2-1.
are part of what was earlier called the important second
function of the horizontal amplifier.
At this point we must elaborate somewhat on the
mechanism of picture painting, as we've called it, in order to
make some troubleshooting procedures and corrective ad-
justments more understandable. The picture tube of any set,
monochrome or color, consists of three functionally distinct
components: The electron "gun," the positioning (or
deflection) structure, and the screen.
The gun is physically the rear or neck portion of the tube
(in which the glowing heater can be seen when the set is on). It
performs the function of generating, shaping, and focusing the
electron beam to apencil-point sharpness at the point where it
hits the screen. The image brightness adjustment is also
connected to this portion of the tube. It may be worthwhile to
re p
ieat here that this is an invisible beam of electrons, not
light! (The light you see is the result of the electron beam
striking a phosphor coating inside the picture tube.)
The positioning of the beam, including its zig-zag
movement across and down the screen is accomplished by the
outputs of the horizontal and vertical amplifiers connected,
respectively, to the horizontal and vertical deflection yoke
(coils placed around the picture tube neck). It is, therefore,
obvious that if the beam stays on a single horizontal line in-
stead of moving gradually down to create acomplete picture,
the vertical deflection system is at fault. By logical deduction
one might conclude that a failure in the horizontal deflection
system would produce asingle up-and-down line on the screen.
Logical as this may seem, this is usually not the case, because
of that second important function of the horizontal amplifier
referred to earlier. We shall now see this is so.
The third portion of the picture tube, the screen, is an
electron-to-light converter. The coating on the inside of the
tube has this capability, but it will produce light only if the
electron beam strikes the coating at sufficiently high speed.
This high speed is imparted to the beam by a high voltage
(actually a multi-kilovolt potential) generated by the
horizontal amplifier under normal operation. Therefore,
whenever the horizontal amplifier is not performing, no such
high voltage is generated and no light whatsoever appears on
the screen!
We can now return to the description of the rectifier-
damper tubes in Box L and their functions. As stated just
above, the horizontal amplifier generates, almost as a
byproduct, a high voltage ranging up to about 25,000 volts.
Since this happens to be AC, while DC is required for the
speedup of the electron beam, a "rectifier" tube (V19, Fig. 2-
4) is used to convert the AC to DC. This may be a 1X2, 1B3,
1AX4, etc. Unlike most glass tubes in a TV set, this one glows
intermittently, and hence very dimly, and cannot easily be
seen. However, failure of this tube alone, even if the horizontal
amplifier operates normally, will result in no light whatsoever
on the picture tube screen.
The damper tube, V18, serves another useful byproduct
function. In fact, this tube is sometimes marked on the cabinet
chart as "B+ Boost." It does just that. (B+ is asupply voltage
used by all stages in the receiver.) Since all tubes in the TV set
require avoltage (up to 350 or so) for operation, advantage is
taken of an available "surplus" voltage in the horizontal
amplifier to boost the nominal 150 to 200-volt supply to about
350 volts where this is needed. The damper or boost tube is also
arectifier, changing AC to the required DC. What is important
to the beginner is the fact that if this tube fails, some vital
voltages are interrupted and the picture again disappears
completely. In fact, the self-same horizontal amplifier which
"generates" this boost voltage is dependent on it for its
operation, asort of pulling-yourself-up by-your-own-bootstrap
scheme that works very well!
Another key device in Box L (in some sets) is a fuse, not
for the TV set as awhole, but only for the horizontal deflection
system. Failure of this fuse (sometimes without apparent
cause) will disable the horizontal amplifier and indirectly the
B+ boost and the high-voltage power supply. The symptoms
will then be the same as afailure of any other vital link in Box
L; that is, the loss of all light on the TV screen. The failure of
this fuse is rather infrequent, and because it is a part of the
rather dangerous high-voltage system, it is not accessible
from the outside rear of the cabinet, like the main 115v AC
fuse. In addition, it often is soldered in place. Fortunately,
satisfactory replacement can be made in almost all TV makes
without the use of a soldering tool.
There are a few operating adjustments associated with
the horizontal deflection system. These adjustments are
reasonably accessible, quite safe, and with proper care (and
use of the manufacturer's instructions where available) can
be easily made. The adjustments are made at the factory and
may require minor "touching up" after long periods (2 years
or more) of operation, or they may need readjustments after
replacement of a defective part. The adjustments and their
functions are as follows:
Horizontal Width: This is a"slotted shaft" adjustment for
obtaining the correct picture width on the screen. It is amulti-
turn adjustment, and it should not be necessary to adjust it
except on rare occasions, as when replacing the horizontal
amplifier tube (V17) due to old age. It should not be necessary
to turn this adjustment more than four or five full turns either
way. If this does not produce the desired result, some other
defect is probably the cause. Incidentally, turning this ad-
justment too far in either direction is likely to completely
disengage the moving core ("slug")—it will actually fall out!
If this happens is may be beyond the beginner's ability to
recover and replace.
Horizontal Hold: This adjustment is physically very much
like the width adjustment. Its purpose is to preset the circuit
controlling the movement of the beam across the screen (left
to right) to its approximately correct position, so that the
automatic frequency control (AFC) can take over and make
the timing precisely correct. We shall see later that in some
cases of picture tearing, a slight adjustment of this circuit will
restore the picture to stability. But the hold control cannot
correct any sweep faults, and further, when an adjustment is
made, it must be done very gradually, sometimes only a
fraction of a full turn, for results.
Fig. 2-5. A display on your TV screen similar to this
drawing is a case of horizontal tearing.
Parallel Tube Wiring: With this arrangement, all tubes
are wired independently of each other, similar to the wiring of
a string of Christmas tree lights in which burnout of one or
more does not affect the others. You can tell at aglance which
bulbs are burned out. In aTV set using this wiring method it is
simpler to locate adefective tube. Should one burn out, it alone
will not light (and feel cold to the touch) and thus is easily
An easy way to determine whether the set has parallel
tube wiring is to examine the tube chart inside the cabinet. In
aparallel tube set all the tube numbers (with two exceptions
given below) will begin with the same number, usually a6. For
example, the tubes may be numbered 6BC6, 6CG8, 6BM8, etc.,
the same first number. The reason why 6 is a common first
number is that they are all 6-volt tubes; in other words all tube
filaments operate on 6volts.
The two exceptions are the picture tube where the first
number (or first and second numbers) indicates the tube
diameter (21GP4B indicates a 21-inch tube, a 17LP4B stands
for a17-inch tube, etc.), and the high-voltage rectifier which in
the vast majority of TV receivers is a1-volt tube.
Series Tube Wiring: This type of tube filament wiring is a
characteristic of the so-called transformerless TV sets. As the
same implies, this TV receiver has no power transformer (and
disadvantages beyond the series string tube hookup). There
are three ways to identify aseries filament string. First, and
this never fails, if one tube burns out, all tubes go out, like the
old-fashioned Christmas light string. Even when the set
operates normally, pulling out one tube disables all the others,
since none will light. A second identification, also infallible, is
the tube numbering system where the first number or num-
bers of the tubes vary (4BZ8, 10JT8, 38HE7, for example). The
third clue is an inscription or imprint on the rear cover of the
TV cabinet (or just a printed label) warning (as required by
law) that one side of the 115-volt electric line is connected
directly to the (metal) chassis. The requirement stems from a
shock hazard that may exist with such construction, a con-
dition exclusive with transformerless receivers.
For troubleshooting a TV receiver with a tube failure a
very simple and fairly foolproof test is substitution—
replacement of asuspected tube by its exact duplicate known
to be good. This can be done most easily in the transformer
type or parallel filament set, as will be detailed later. In the
transformerless set there is first the problem of locating the
suspected tube, since all are out when one "goes." Substitution
is still possible but it is a hit-or-miss procedure in which the
defective one may be the last one you try. In a parallel
filament (transformer) set you actually can see and feel the
tube which burned out. Therefore, adifferent procedure has to
be followed in a series string TV set.
The transistor-tube (hybrid) TV set: As more and more
semiconductors (transistor and diodes) are finding their way
into TV sets, a consideration of this third arrangement is of
importance to the extent that such sets lend themselves to the
efforts of a beginner. There are no 100 percent solid-state TV
sets. At least the picture tube and perhaps one or more of the
others are still of the conventional vacuum tube type. Unlike
tubes most of the transistors in today's TV sets cannot be
suspected or identified as defective by either light or heat.
Transistors have no heaters and operate cold to the touch
(except for some very few "power" types, which get hot
enough to require location on a metallic heat radiator or heat
sink to prevent damage due to overheating). Usually,
low-power transistors are assembled on subassemblies or
"boards" (sometimes called PC or printed-circuit boards)
carrying a number of small parts. We examine some exam-
ples and outline procedures for dealing with them in our
section on Troubleshooting.
Chapter 3
4.1 o
•Ç • 04 04-
\,4 \ff, 4
4' 4 4
:- -
(1 . 4 4:- 4e.o03
4 0
4 e e
00 0000
00 0000
00 0000
00 0000
Fig. 3-2. The classic artist's color wheel principle shows
how the three primary colors blend into three intermediate
colors and white.
all colors gradually blend into each other. Fig. 3-2 is a much
simplified version of the same phenomenon, more familiar to
the student of elementary painting. The three primary colors
produce intermediate colors as well as white. In the present
color TV system, this basic 3-color system is utilized to
produce the color TV picture as we know it.
Three camera tubes (Block A, Fig. 3-3), one for each of the
primary colors together with their individual amplifiers,
combine to produce the three components of color information
required to produce acolor picture on the home TV set. These
three components are:
B:I BLUE (MIXERS, --1111
Picture brightness information: This establishes the
overall color picture brightness in the TV set, not just the
brightness of any particular color but the background
brightness level (proportionately) correct for all colors.
Picture color information: This is the heart of the color
signal and contains all the information required by aTV set to
reproduce the entire range of colors, corresponding to the
original scene.
Color timing (sync) information: This corresponds (and is
in addition) to the earlier described sync functions in B & W
television. It is sometimes referred to as the 3.58-MHz color
amonochrome receiver tuned in to a color program. It is for
this reason also that the block diagram to follow (Fig. 3-4) is
divided into two sections by adashed line. The B & W portion is
readily recognizable as the familiar monochrome TV set
shown in Fig. 2-1; therefore, the B & W section receives only a
minimum of emphasis in this discussion.
It will be advantageous, however, to view the complete TV
receiver as a unit, in order to clearly visualize the continuity
between and the transition from the combined monochrome
and color functions to the strictly color portions and functions.
The overall functional diagram is represented with this
purpose in mind.
Fig. 3-4 gives asimple, nontechnical means of comparison
between a monochrome TV set and the corresponding color
set. It shows a complete color TV set, with no reference to
black-and-white operation. However, it is obvious that the
complete black-and-white TV set of Fig. 2-1 appears with
hardly any change inside the framework of the color set
In addition to the basic facts of structure, this graphic
comparison also shows, in greatly simplified form of course,
the two main constituents of the color picture. Function blocks
0 and P are responsible for the 3-component colors plus the
overall color picture brightness information, while function
Blocks J and K provide the information for the proper color
registration and mixing of the three primary colors into the
complete range of color shading which makes up the final
color image on the home TV screen. Fig. 3-4 is a more
elaborate functional presentation of a modern color TV set.
Before discussing individual tube, stage, or functional
blocks of the complete color TV set, let us briefly analyze the
complete sequence of functions as indicated in Fig. 3-4 in order
to get aconcise overall story of what happens. The TV signal,
containing picture information and sound information, is
intercepted by the antenna. It is a composite (all-in-one)
signal. Block A (the tuner) selects any one desired station
from the number of stations available in aparticular location.
The IF (intermediate frequency) amplifiers (Block B) am-
plify the selected station to the signal level required for fur-
ther processing.
So far, the composite signal picked up by the antenna and
selected by the tuner has been made larger as required, but it
still is riding "piggyback" on a carrier. Block C, the video
detector, performs but one simple main function—it separates
the intelligence (picture, sound, and sync information) from
the carrier, which served its purpose as a vehicle for trans-
UHF 1.4'e
(COLOR SYNC) (3.58 MHz)
provided after initial processing (conversion to IF in the
tuner), this time in the IF (intermediate frequency) am-
plifiers. A third and usually final portion of amplification is
accomplished, after another conversion (detection), in the
video amplifier(s) for the picture signal and in the audio
amplifier (s) for the sound signal. There also are other am-
plifiers in the TV set, for such nonsignal functions as sync and
AGC (automatic gàin control).
Meanwhile, back at the video amplifier, the third com-
ponent of the composite signal from the video amplifier is the
synchronizing-timing signal (called sync for short). Box H
contains sync amplifiers, separators, and shapers, with an
overall function of making the timing pulses suitable for
controlling the accuracy of the sweep voltages, via the
horizontal and vertical oscillators. Box J is the combined
vertical oscillator-amplifier which produces the voltage for
vertical deflection of the picture tube beam. Box K is the
corresponding group for horizontal deflection, as detailed
earlier for monochrome. The dotted line in Box K separates
the strictly sweep function from the incidental (although most
important) functions of B+ boost and high-voltage supply
generation. Finally, Box L represents the power supply for the
entire TV set, including some adjustments and controls for the
picture tube.
Now, what about those color signals? Let's go back to the
video amplifier and see what happens to them. From function
Block D in Fig. 3-4 (video amplifier) the color picture in-
formation signal and the color sync information signal (color
burst) are applied to Boxes D and M.
Box 0, the color picture information amplifier, brings the
picture signal up to the required level for further processing.
In Box P, the color components (red, blue, and green) detector
or demodulator, the three-in-one color signal goes through a
system similar to that of the video detector, delivering three
separate color components. (We shall see later that a color
picture uses the three primary colors to produce the ultimate
color picture.) The individual color signal amplifiers in Box Q
act like video amplifiers, for one of the three primary colors.
These are in effect "final amplifiers" or output amplifiers,
feeding the picture tube.
The burst sync amplifier (Box M) is a timing or (sync)
pulse amplifier, equivalent to the sync amplifier in a black-
and-white TV set, except that the purpose of this one is for
synchronizing the burst oscillator (Box Q) with the incoming
The subcarrier (burst) oscillator signal is used in the color
demodulator (Box P) to "retreive" the three color signals. If
each color is to be reproduced accurately the burst oscillator
must operate in step with a similar oscillator at the trans-
mitter. A failure in the burst oscillator causes a complete loss
of the color in apicture. The burst oscillator is called the color
subcarrier because it is used as acarrier (just like apicture or
sound carrier) to detect or demodulate the color signals.
There are three additional functions in the strictly color
portion of Fig. 3-4; namely, the color killer and the focusing
and convergence systems (Boxes R and S). Of necessity, we
shall leave the explanation of these for later.
dots, and the electron beam must "hit" the dots only.
Specifically, the screen is composed of 3-dot groups; each
group has ared, ablue and agreen dot closely spaced but not
quite touching (a recent improvement in color picture tubes
has been realized by putting a "black border," a nonluminous
coating around each color dot, to reduce unintentional
"blending" of the colors). The dot arrangement is alternated
in each group so that no two adjacent dots in any direction are
of the same color. For better visualization, consider the dot
groups as subminiature billiard balls, arranged in triangles
(three in a group, almost touching) with no two balls in the
triangle being the same. Fig. 3-5 shows the dot layout on a
portion of a color screen as just described.
Immediately behind the tricolor picture tube faceplate is a
perforated metallic plate very precisely arranged and
positioned so that each hole in the perforated plate lies in an
exact position behind agroup of color dots (a color "triad") on
the faceplate. When the plate is correctly positioned, the red
beam goes through the hole and strikes the red dot only.
Similarly, the blue and green beams passing through the same
hole will strike the blue and green dots, respectively. This is a
precision structural alignment and is independent of the
characteristics or behavior of the TV set.
For the sake of clarity, let us state again that the three
guns in the tricolor picture tube are identical, and they are
called red, blue, and green only because of their physical
positioning with regard to the aperture mask (the plate behind
the screen) and faceplate not because of any color difference
between them; all three produce identical electron beams
with no inherent color characteristics.
0 ® @0 ®
® 0 ® @0 0 @ ®
0 0 ®®®
Fig. 3-6. Sketches comparing the gun structure of black-
and-white (A) and color picture tubes.
Box S, Fig. 3-4, shows in functional block form the con-
vergence function just described. Although the convergence
adjustment shafts are accessible at the rear of the receiver,
these adjustments require extreme care as well as complex
equipment in order to set them properly. Such is not the case
with the focusing adjustments. With proper care (as we shall
indicate under Troubleshooting) this adjustment can be
satisfactorily performed by a beginner.
Incidêntally, at least one color TV manufacturer has built
in aconvergence test accessory, making it relatively simple to
carry out these adjustments when required. The trend in the
industry seems to be toward inclusion of the simpler self-test
or self-correct capabilities in the receiver. A common
example is the demagnetization or degaussing coil which
prevents and-or corrects color degradation due to stray
magnetic influences in the immediate vicinity of the color set.
Prior to this, the performance of acolor TV set, even though it
was in normal operating condition was affected (sometimes
seriously degraded) by the proximity of the set in regard to
appliances or electric wiring in the immediate vicinity of the
TV set.
A third "strictly color" function mentioned earlier is the
"color killer," and it is described fully later. At this point
suffice it to say that the purpose of this control is to make sure
that no color appears on the screen during a black-and-white
Chapter 4
(ONLY 3SHOWN) Fig. 4-1. Detailed functional diagram of the color-only
portions of a color receiver.
The output of the burst amplifier is ultimately applied to the
3.58-MHz oscillator (Box J) for precise control (timing) of the
pletely. In either case, if the crystal malfunctions, the color,
but not the picture, disappears.
mentioned earlier, that red and blue color components are
combined to produce the green primary color as well as all the
hues of green.
any current in the path of a chroma amplifier (which
automatically feeds one of the three color guns) is capable of
"exciting" the color dots on the picture tube screen regardless
of whether or not color is being transmitted! To prevent this
unwanted color the color killer function is required.
In operation, the color killer circuit keeps the chroma
amplifiers in a nonamplifying condition (or cutoff) until a
color picture is received. At such time, asignal from the color
sync (burst signal) disables the color killer, thus releasing the
chroma amplifiers to perform their normal functions.
Fig. 4-3. Crosshatch pattern A shows ideal convergence,
both at the center (static) and corners (dynamic). Pattern
B shows good static convergence but misconvergence at
the edges.
the tube, produce one and only one spot when pointed to the
center of the screen. This is the correct starting point for
dynamic convergence.
The need for dynamic convergence stems from the fact
that the three beams travel different (longer) distances when
going to the far corners or edges of the tube than when going to
the center of the screen. Fig. 4-3 shows what a crosshatch
pattern would look like as aresult of the difference in the paths
the beams travel. Furthermore, since the length of the path
from the gun to the screen is different for each spot on the
screen (the shortest being to the center, the longest to any of
the corners) it is necessary to continuously adjust the con-
vergence forces as the beams sweep the screen. This is ac-
complished by dynamic convergence; i.e., continuous con-
vergence correction during sweep.
In most color TV sets, all dynamic convergence circuits
and adjustments are grouped together, usually on a discrete
circuit board, often called the convergence board. While the
required continuous correction takes place electronically, it is
first necessary to preset anumber of controls (two or more for
each color) so that the automatic electronic correction will be
just right. In other words, dynamic convergence adjustments
are intended to preset initial conditions from which the
automatic circuitry takes over.
Due to the complexity of convergence adjustments the
procedure may not be within the ability of the majority of
beginners to perform. This is due not so much to the technical
difficulty as it is to the need for some very specialized test
equipment. There is at least one TV manufacturer, however,
who incorporates such "specialized test equipment" into his
TV sets and provides lucid instructions for convergence ad-
justments. But, even for the majority who will not be able to
perform this function themselves, understanding the whys and
hows will aid them in understanding what a professional TV
serviceman is doing.
In illustrating the phenomenon of nonconvergence of Fig.
4-3, we show a crosshatch pattern. In Fig. 4-3A the lines are
essentially straight to the very ends, while in Fig. 4-3B
noticeable curvature appears and increases the farther the
line moves from the center, both in the horizontal and vertical
directions. In an actual color picture, improper convergence
will be accompanied by some color distortion and fuzzing near
the ends of the lines. But for proper examination and
correction, a test instrument capable of producing a
checkerboard pattern on the screen, as in Fig. 4-3, is required.
Such is the "specialized test equipment" referred to earlier.
The convergence procedure involves a sequence of ad-
justments of convergence board controls while observing a
crosshatch pattern (from the test set) on the screen. Each
color and each position (left, right, top, bottom) are in-
dividually adjusted until the overall crosshatch is as linear as
possible. Some sets have two sets of controls, one for blue, the
other for red and green combined.
From the viewpoint of the beginner it should be added that
convergence problems are neither frequent, nor chronic. They
are almost 100 percent certain to be required when a picture
tube is replaced, but seldom otherwise. However, should the
need be visually apparent, you know what is needed. We
mentioned earlier that one of the color TV sets on the market
has such acolor signal generator built in. It should be added
that the adjustment procedures for this set are quite specific,
as they should be, since they serve a particular set and can
point to each control by symbol and location and outline step-
by-step procedures for the complete convergence ad-
justments, for this particular set only, of course.
Block R in our typical color chassis (Fig. 4-1) is the color
picture tube and its associated controls. Here, there are a
number of such adjustments and controls, usually two for each
color gun, although the red gun may sometimes have only one.
There are other adjustments associated with the picture tube,
but these are on the yoke and other assemblies on the tube
neck, which we return to later.
At this point, we concern ourselves with the controls
relating to the color aspects of the TV set only. The two groups
of adjustments are the screen and drive adjustments. In most
receivers, there is a screen adjustment for each color—red
screen, blue screen and green screen. However, there may be
only two drive adjustments, one for blue, the second for green.
The design of the more recent color tubes and receivers often
eliminates the need for the red drive adjustment.
In spite of the fact that these controls, whether six, or five,
or even fewer in some sets, are marked with particular color
names, their adjustments are best made for abalanced black-
and-white picture. The adjustments are often referred to as
the "gray-scale" adjustments, meaning that they are set so
that the complete range or scale of light is reproduced on a
monochrome scene. Once this is done, the color picture should
require little, if any, touching up for best color balance.
As to the basic need for these adjustments, this stems
from the fact that the 3-gun picture tube is in fact three fairly
independent tubes, with some variations in characteristics
between them. The adjustments are intended to compensate
for and equalize these differences, as well as for some dif-
ferences in the three signals reaching these three guns.
Furthermore, since the correct proportions of the three colors
is required to achieve apure black-and-white picture, correct
adjustment for such apicture, therefore, implies that the color
balance is correct.
The screen and drive adjustments, although in-
terdependent, can nevertheless be made one set at a time.
First, the receiver brightness control is set for afairly middle-
to-dim level. Next, each screen control is advanced to the point
where atrace of color appears, then backed off to apoint just
beyond where this trace of color disappears. Next, the
brightness control is advanced to what is considered "normal
bright" and the drive controls adjusted for a full gradation
from dark to white on the scene, without any pitch black or
glaring white patches showing. In other words, the complete
range of light to dark should exist. A second touch-up of the
screen controls may be required, depending on the end results.
If this is carefully carried out, there should be good color
balance when a color picture is received, although some final
touching up may be indicated if the color does not seem to be
balanced. To the beginner a balanced color picture is best
described as what seems to the eye to be a most "natural"
picture. Perhaps it might help to indicate what is not a
"balanced" color picture. If, for example, acolor picture has
abluish hue (or greenish or reddish), regardless of whether it
is sky, or skin, or grass, obviously there is an excess of blue (or
green, or red, as the case may be) in the picture. It is actually
possible to create such an artificially tinted picture by ad-
vancing one of the screen controls and observing the change.
A word of caution is in order, however. If you want to
make the test, you can best insure restoration of the color
balance to its original state by observing, and perhaps
marking, the position of the control about to be changed. Then
is it only necessary to reset the control to its original position
to obtain the original color balance.
Incidental to the discussion of color balance it is ap-
propriate to comment on artificial settings of the color balance
circuits for the sake of particular or special effects. It should
be remembered that the color TV set, like a painter, starts
with three primary colors, then mixes them in proper
proportions to obtain any desired color. However, while the
artist in order to achieve the exact hue or tint may have at his
disposal many more than the three basic colors, not so the
color TV tube. Unlike the artist's pallette, there are only three
colors to start with. This necessarily limits the versatility of
the color tube. While there are many other limiting factors,
this is the major one.
For best overall results, the proportion of the three colors
is such that all white or all blue or all green are easiest to
reproduce, while gradations and shadings are not so easy to
reproduce accurately. In practice, the eye is very tolerant on
color shades, except on such tints as flesh tones. While it is
possible to adjust the color balance of aset to favor flesh tones,
such favoring is usually achieved at the expense of color
balance; i.e., the general background (or some not so intended
objects) will take on the characteristic flesh tones. The clue to
the problem lies in the favoring. If for technical (design
transmission, etc.) reasons flesh tones do not look natural on a
properly adjusted color receiver, misadjusting the color
balance circuits to favor the flesh tones will invariably distort
the color balance on most other tints. It is like misadjusting
the tone control on a radio receiver or phonograph to obtain
better bass (low-frequency) response by cutting off the high
and medium frequencies essential to balanced sound.
Chapter 5
Introduction to Troubleshooting
solder—rosin core type only—never acid core or plumber's
type, and preferably of the "thin wire" type. A half-pound
spool of this stuff costs less than a dollar in a radio supply
house and will last almost a lifetime unless you get into the
business full-time.
The second piece of "equipment" that cannot be too highly
recommended is a complete set of tubes for your TV set (the
picture tube is, of course, not included). In hybrid sets (some
transistors, some tubes) this advice still applies as far as the
tubes in the set are concerned. The transistors are considered
later as parts of board assemblies. A set of tubes involves
some cost, of course, but actually it involves no additional
expense, since defective tubes have to be replaced anyway.
The great advantage in having acomplete set of spare tubes is
most obvious if you have a transformerless set (which are
fairly popular) as we shall see presently, but it is no less
convenient with transformer-operated receivers. Since the
small tubes in aTV receiver will probably have to be replaced
at least once during the life of the set, having aset of spares on
hand actually involves no additional cost at all.
The third item of great help to any repairman is a
schematic diagram or set of diagrams and other service data
for your set. This can sometimes be obtained by writing to the
manufacturer, giving the model of the set and the chassis
number. This information is always printed or stamped or
"stickered" on the back cover of the set and-or the back apron
of the chassis. Sometimes the chassis identification is also
given on the tube-transistor layout chart usually found inside
the cabinet.
There is another and much more readily available source
of service information. Instead of writing to the manufacturer,
a rather complete package of data, including schematics,
layouts, adjustment instructions and other helpful hints can be
bought in almost any radio supply house for a little over two
dollars. The folder usually contains data on more than one TV
set, but this is of no consequence (the folders are sold this way
only). While most users of this book and these diagrams may
not be very familiar with schematic diagrams, these never-
theless are very useful because they give tube and transistor
identification numbers, their functions as described in this
book as well as their relative physical locations in the chassis,
controls and adjustments, their locations, procedures, and
much other information easily usable by the beginner, par-
ticularly when used in conjunction with the procedures and
instructions given here for troubleshooting and corrective
6CG8 6GH6 6JH6 6BN11 6HS8 6LU8 6KD6 6AF9
e • • • •
3AH8 6CG8 13J10 lOGN8 17CU5 2ORP4 15FM7 17JM6 22BW3
.."-- —
115v AC
Fig. 5-2. When tube heaters are wired in series, as they are
in this drawing, they depend on each other for power. If
one goes out, the circuit is broken and they all go out.
Series Filaments
to light when none of them is burned out. This will happen
when a protective device, called a fusible resistor or surge
protector, burns out. As was mentioned earlier, tubes in a
series-string circuit are more prone to burnout and shortened
life than the same types of tubes in parallel-wired or trans-
former-type TV sets. To reduce this failure hazard, many
manufacturers have incorporated in series-wired TV sets a
limiting (or surge absorbing) resistor, wired in as if it were
one additional tube in the string. However, since it is not as
obvious as a tube and often much less accessible, it can be
While some beginners may consider this task beyond
either their present ability or ambition, others may be quite up
to replacing the resistor themselves. Therefore, here is a
simple procedure for locating and replacing this resistor.
Incidentally, this so-called fusible resistor is sold by radio
VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 VIO VII
7.\ 7.\ 7\ ts
supply houses, often in quantities of three or four in apackage,
for about a dollar or so. It is not a very critical part, and no
precise TV set make and model need be known to buy one of
these; anumber of different makes and models use the same
part. Fig. 5-3 shows a simple diagram of the wiring from the
AC line cord to the on-off switch to the surge resistor and
tubes. This resistor is almost always located immediately
after the on-off switch and in most sets is located in plain view
and reasonably accessible.
In order to determine whether or not the resistor is burned
out, disconnect the receiver from the wall outlet and remove
the rear cover. Should it be required to remove the chassis
from the cabinet (this is usually not the case), the picture tube
and the speaker are unplugged, leaving the chassis free. Most
service data clearly identifies what connectors exist between
the chassis and the speaker and picture tube. Usually, there
are two separate wires from the chassis to the speaker, each
with a quick-disconnect device. Sometimes these two wires
may interconnect through a 2-pin plug. The picture tube
usually has amulti-pin plug for the same purpose, and in some
color TV sets, two such plugs. In addition, there is a high-
voltage lead going to a snap button on the picture tube glass.
This also must be disconnected, preferably a few minutes
after the set has been switched off to allow time for the
residual high voltage to dissipate. Otherwise, an unpleasant
jolt may be in store for the bare hand touching this lead. In-
cidentally, alarge number of TV sets have a quick-disconnect
on this lead at the chassis end, making it so much easier to
To determine whether the surge resistor is burned out, the
professional TV man makes a continuity check with an ohm-
meter. However, it is perfectly safe to bridge this resistor
for test purposes (connecting the two ends together, as shown
in Fig. 5-3), then observe whether or not the tubes light. If they
do light, the resistor is burned out and should be replaced. If
they do not light, one of them is burned out.
parallel-filament TV set may (and sometimes does) carry a
different current than its neighbor; they are independent of
each other in this respect. Not so in the series string
Let us again look at Fig. 5-3 in somewhat modified form in
Fig. 5-4. When the string is complete, i.e., all tubes light, the
current is continuous and the same through the whole string.
If, for example, tube V4 (shown dashed in Fig. 5-3) should burn
out, all tubes will be out. However, consider a series string
circuit of the type found in some of the older sets. Fig. 5-4
shows a simplified version for the sake of explanation. Notice
that V4 and V5 are, so to speak, "together." Should one of
these two tubes (say V4) burn out, all tubes will continue to
light, and the second tube of the pair (V5) in this case will be
overloaded and most likely will burn out or be permanently
damaged. This type of hybrid tube hookup was employed by
some manufacturers because there was not available a full
choice of tubes for asimple series hookup as in Fig. 5-3.
In troubleshooting a TV set of this type it is necessary to
have the data folder or diagrams (mentioned earlier) showing
the tube hookup. Before removing any tube for possible
replacement, it is but necessary to look at the tube heater
hookup, which is always shown in the diagram. Any tubes
connected like VI, V2, V3, V6, V7, or V9 in Fig. 5-4 may be
removed, tested and replaced without any fear of damage.
Any tube hooked up in pairs, like V4 and V5, should be
removed in pairs; i.e., the set switched off, both tubes
removed, each tube replaced in turn, then the set switched on
to observe the effect of the substitution.
A final suggestion on hybrid series tube wiring: In .some
(very few) obsolete sets, atube or two may be paired not with
another tube, as are V4 and V5 in Fig. 5-4, but with a heater
element (called aresistor). The circuit might look like V8 in
Fig. 5-4. Observe that should V4, V5, or V8 burn out or be
removed from their sockets, the remaining tubes will still be
able to light, but the heater element marked R or the second
tube of the pair will be carrying all the current and may be
damaged as a result. In such cases the safe and proper
procedure is to switch off the set, remove the tube or tubes,
substitute others, then switch on the receiver and observe the
effect of the tube replacement.
Octal Tubes
upright over the center of the socket. Then, and without any
downward pushing whatsoever, the tube is moved slightly
until just the tip of the rounded part of the key barely enters
the center hole of the socket. Now, slowly turn the tube until it
drops abit into the socket. (Up to now, only the rounded end of
the tube key was pivoting in the hole.) When the tube drops, all
the pins will just about begin to engage the corresponding
socket holes and gentle but firm downward pressure will fully
seat the tube. An experimental trial with a tube and an ac-
cessible socket takes less time than it takes to describe it.
To remove the tube, astraight upward pull is used, taking
care that your hand (with the tube in it) doesn't come up
suddenly and hit something inside the TV set. Incidentally, a
straight, perfectly vertical pull upward is not always easy, but
with caution and judgment it is permissible, while pulling the
tube up, to wiggle it slightly from side to side. The tube pins
are strong enough and the socket pins flexible enough to
permit doing this without causing any damage.
the process of plugging into the socket, it can cause poor
contact and resultant performance troubles. Fig. 5-6 shows a
bottom view of a7-pin miniature tube and its socket. Observe
that unlike octal tubes, there is no key, no keyway, and no
mechanical guide for correct insertion. The seven pins are
symmetrically spaced on an 8-pin pattern, with one pin
omitted. Therefore, more care is required in removal and
especially in plugging in such a tube. In the latter case visual
observation of the tube and socket is essential, especially the
first time. As in the case of octal tubes, it is advisable to
"experiment" with a tube that is both accessible and visible.
The proper procedure for plugging in such atube is as follows:
Align the tube so that the blank space on the tube faces the
blank space of the socket. In other words, pins 1and 7 (wide
spacing) faces holes 1and 7on the socket.
With the tube resting on the socket (of its own weight),
rotate the tube very slightly back and forth, so as to get all
seven pins to the point where they just begin to find the
corresponding socket holes. This is best done by "feel."
Firmly push the tube straight down. If the pins are
aligned, the tube will move downward, although it will offer
some resistance.
Fig. 5-7. The 9-pin miniature tube and socket are similar to
7-pin tubes.
Other all-glass tubes: There are other ty; :3 of all-glass
baseless tubes in use in TV sets, but these are basically no
different than the two types just described. For example, a
series of tubes known as Compactrons are considerably larger
than the miniature types just described; in fact they are
among some of the largest tubes found in a modern TV set.
Their base structure differs somewhat from the miniatures,
and aword of caution with regard to this difference is in order.
All such tubes are, of course, evacuated the same as other
types. But miniature tubes previously discussed have the bulb
tip at the top, while Compactron types have this tip on the
bottom right in the center of the pin circle as shown in Fig. 5-8.
While handling this type of tube, care must be exercised
that the glass tip is not accidentally broken. As shown in Fig. 5-
8the socket has aclearance hole for the tip. Nevertheless, it is
possible to strike it against some object on the chassis.
Breaking this tip will not cause any violent implosion but it
will certainly destroy the tube!
Fig. 5-8. Some receivers use larger all-glass tubes like this
sketch of a Compactron and its socket.
one connection to such a tube is brought out to a metallic
button (top cap) on top of the tube instead of to one of the base
pins. Furthermore, in the interest of safety, the connecting top
cap lead is often enclosed in anonmetallic (bakelite, phenolic,
etc.) outer shell. While the top cap button on the tube is
electrically soldered to the appropriate internal tube element,
the button is only cemented to the glass; quite often the
cement separates from the glass, leaving only the soldered
wire to hold the button. While this does not call for discarding
the tube, it calls for special care in removal and replacement
of the top cap lead.
To remove a connection from a loose button first try
(gently) to rotate the cap abit. If it responds, gradually pull it
straight upward while rotating it a bit. Under normal con-
ditions, such rotation will be accompanied by a very slight
scraping of metal against metal, indicating that the button on
the tube is rigid while the cap is rubbing against the button.
Since there is motion between the two metal surfaces, it is safe
to pull the cap off. However, should this slight rotation be
smooth and noiseless, it probably (even if not 100 percent of
the time) means that both the cap and button are turning
together, because the button is no longer cemented to the
glass. Further twisting is likely to break the connection to the
tube element and thereby destroy the tube. In such a case it
should be possible, using both hands or perhaps a thin
screwdriver blade, to hold the loose button on top of the tube
while working the cap loose. If a subsequent test in a tube
tester shows the tube to be in operating condition, the
looseness of the cap may be ignored. If desired, any household
cement may be used to re-attach the cap before plugging it
back into the TV set.
If it is difficult to see whether or not a tube lights, deter-
mine by the touch method which tube if any does not feel
warm. If all tubes light, or are warm to the touch, the defect is
not due to a burnout, although a tube may still be defective.
Caution! Some tubes operate at very high temperatures,
sufficient to cause painful burns!
Determine from the troubleshooting procedures that
follow which of the tubes may be involved. Remove the tube,
following the procedures and caution notes given above.
Substitute agood tube for the suspected one. In cases where
more than one tube may be the cause, change only one tube at
a time.
Switch on the TV set, allow afew minutes for warmup and
stabilization, then observe the effect. If the tube was at fault,
the set should now perform normally. If it does not, return to
the paragraph in the book describing the malfunction and
continue the procedures given there.
Chapter 6
Operating Adjustments
mirror-on-a-stand for the purpose but any mirror, propped up
in front of the screen so it can be viewed from behind the set, is
quite satisfactory.
2. If the control setting for full screen height is at or near
its extreme position (little rotation remaining), the vertical
amplifier stage is not operating properly. Again, while it is
just possible that a defective part, resistor, capacitor, trans-
former, or even avoltage change is responsible for the loss of
height, the most likely and most frequent cause is an old, worn
tube in the vertical circuit.
Referring to the typical functional (block) diagram in
Chapter 2we notice that there is aV-osc (vertical oscillator)
tube and a V-amp (vertical amplifier) tube in every TV set.
Sometimes these functions have different names for the same
functions; thus "Vert-Multi" is an abbreviation for "vertical
multivibrator," a synonym for oscillator. In other cases, the
vertical oscillator is named "V-discharge."
"V-output" is quite commonly used for the vertical am-
plifier. What is significant is the fact that in the vast majority
of modern TV sets, these two functions are in one envelope and
can be located easily by observing the number description,
such as V6A and V6B, meaning parts A and B of tube V6. Thus,
after locating and removing this 2-in-1 tube from its socket, if
the TV set is switched on it should have normal sound and a
simple bright horizontal line across the center of the picture
tube. If, on the basis of probability, the pulled tube checks (in a
tube tester) as "weak" or "poor," replacement with a new
tube will solve the problem but will almost always require
readjustment of the V-size and perhaps also the V-Line
(linearity) control. The procedure is as follows:
1. Plug in the new tube and switch the TV set on. Wait a
few minutes for warm-up.
2. With amirror positioned so you can see the picture from
your position behind the set, reduce the V-size until the picture
is too small to cover the screen both at the top and bottom; i.e.,
until some blank screen shows.
3. Wait for a circular pattern or emblem to appear on the
screen and observe its symmetry. It is quite easy to tell
whether or not acircular shape is 100 percent symmetrical or
not. Fig. 6-1 is an example of patterns you may encounter
during this adjustment.
4. If the circular pattern resembles Fig. 6-1A, i.e., if two
halves are symmetrical, adjust the V-size to increase the
pattern or display until all four quarters are as identical as
possible, or until the circle is no longer flattened at the top and
bottom. This will produce the closest approach to a perfect
Fig. 6-1. These drawings show three conditions of vertical
nonlinearity. Using a circular emblem or insignia adjust
the vertical linearity for a symmetrical circle as indicated
at D. The circle at A is flat on both top and bottom; at B the
top half is stretched and the lower half compressed. The
nonlinearity at C is the exact opposite of the condition at B.
circle. (There may be some minor irregularity due to
horizontal and other imperfections, preventing the attainment
of a 100 percent perfect circle, but if this deviation is very
slight, no further correction is necessary.) The pattern should
look pretty much like that in Fig. 6-1D.
5. If the final, most nearly circular pattern is obtained
before the screen is fully covered in the vertical direction or,
conversely, if you have to turn the V-size control to the point
where the picture runs beyond the top and bottom edges of the
screen in order to get a circle, then the width ("horizontal
size") adjustment is incorrect and will have to be corrected
before completion of the vertical adjustment. However, at the
moment we are proceeding on the assumption that only the
vertical circuits require adjustment. (We shall return to the
horizontal adjustment presently.)
V3 1,V4, V5 1111—le V6A
V2 -6 EA8 6BZ6 (ALL) /
12 0F 6GN8
0- (SOUND)
co V6B V7A V7B
2 6GN8 / 6Z10 / 6Z10
1 2 1 2
_e l V10A I VlOB 2AS2
12 6KD8 or 1/
2 6GH8 or
12 6GH8 I 1/2 6KD8
6AY3 5U4GB
B+ 650 VOLTS
set is first switched on, when channels are changed, or when
programs are switched at the transmitter. At all other times,
the picture actually does not "want" to slip or roll as it is
controlled by and synchronized with a signal from the trans-
mitter (vertical sync; see Chapter 2). If however, a TV set
exhibits frequent rolling, requiring repeated readjustment of
the V-hold control, the fault is most likely in the sync circuits.
An examination of the typical block diagrams, and
especially the diagram of the particular set in question, will
reveal that there are such functions as sync amp (sync am-
plifier), sync separator, sync clipper, or perhaps com-
binations of these functions performed by one or more tubes
all having the common term sync. A defect in one of these
tubes is the most likely suspect causing vertical roll. As shown
in Figs. 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5, these are dual- or triple-function
tubes, identified as sections A, B, or C (V5A, V5B, etc.). Each
section of such tubes may be involved in separate unrelated
functions, so that removal of one tube actually disables two or
three separate functions. Thus, in Fig. 6-2, one half of V8
(V8A) is async clipper amplifier, while the other half (V8B) is
the vertical oscillator. With V8 out of its socket, the picture
will collapse to a thin horizontal line.
In most cases, a sync tube serves both vertical and
horizontal sweep circuits. Removal of this tube will, therefore,
disable both V and H sync, and the picture will roll vertically
and "tear" (zig-zag fashion) horizontally. As soon as a good
tube is replaced in the socket, everything should return to
normal, provided the tube was at fault.
to asubnormal video amplifier. Also, while apoor picture may
be due to one or more substandard tubes anywhere from the
antenna to the video amplifier, it is rather easy to tell which
portion of the set is responsible. A weak "thin" picture that is
otherwise clean is almost certain to be due to a poor video
amplifier, while substandard functioning in the TV tuner or in
the IF amplifier is almost certain to produce asnowy perhaps
"wavy" or "snaking" picture.
V3A- 1/26A R1 i
V1 -6GK5 4V3 B- 1
..-le., /26A R11
V2 -6CG8A /
1 3 6AF11
V4A- 1/26JN8
12 6LT8 /
RECTIFIER B+ l V12 I.,... 1K3
V14 5U4GB 6AX3
H- AND V- Fig. 6-3. Block diagram of another popular B & W TV set.
justments are required after substituting ahigher performing
new tube for a worn-out old one, the H-osc box may also be
involved, since some of the adjustments are located there.
Again referring to the typical block diagrams, other tubes and
functions are shown, because they are intimately related to
the H-amplifier.
In troubleshooting for insufficient width, we shall first
suspect the horizontal amplifier. To proceed:
1. Switch off the receiver and remove the back cover and
AC cord. Use a cheater cord if necessary.
2. Carefully remove the top cap from the H-amp tube and
remove the tube. This cap may be very tight or sometimes
"frozen." Observe the suggestions given in Chapter 5 for
removing the cap without damaging the tube.
3. Install anew tube and replace the top cap securely. This
is avery high voltage point; aloose cap may cause arcing and
even damage to the horizontal output transformer! Caution: If
this tube is located inside ametal enclosure or cage, be sure to
secure the enclosure after tube replacement. Practically all of
the components in this cage operate at extremely high
4. If the H-amp tube replacement does not correct the
insufficient width, one or two other tubes may be at fault.
Looking again at the typical block diagrams, Figs. 6-2 to 6-5
(V13, V12, V13, V10B respectively), we notice that each has a
tube called a "B+ boost" or "damper." Without going into the
technicalities of the function of the damper, it is sufficient for
our purpose to know that this tube contributes in large
measure to the normal operation of the vertical and horizontal
amplifiers by providing them with a voltage "boost." Should
this tube be below par (and this does happen frequently) the H-
amplifier will not provide sufficient output for full picture
width. Again, caution must be exercised here, since the
damper tube often is located inside the high-voltage cage.
Another tube that may be responsible for insufficient
width, also by virtue of providing insufficient voltage to the H-
amplifier (as well as to all other tubes in the set) is the rec-
tifier tube, where one is used. More and more TV sets
nowadays no longer use vacuum tubes for rectifiers;
semiconductor diodes, usually marked D (D1 and D2) on the
diagram, are preferred for many reasons, not the least of
which is a long, troublefree life. In the above mentioned
diagrams, the rectifiers are, respectively, V14, "2-diodes," "2-
diodes." When a tube-type rectifier is used, and if it is weak,
the symptoms will be more than just insufficient width. The
picture height may be subnormal, the sound may be below
V1-3 V3-4J D6 2 6CL8A
1 V6 ---• V7 SPEAKER
V2-6H B7' 1/
4-4JC6 4DT6A 12F X5
OR 6FV8A V14
73 HRP4
1 1OLZ8
12 1OLZ8 2 17JZ8
1 /
12 17JZ8
0R6 FV8A V10 V 1
8FQ7 21J Z6 "POINTS"
18,000 VOLTS
_..- TUNER
VIV2 -
-5GS 7- V4-4 E
/2 10-5AJY8
1 V5B
10JY8 1 /2 V6A
17BF11 V6B
17BF11 SPEAKER VI2, 3100DB4
V8A17J Z8 V8B17JZ8
V7B8B 10
/3 1/3 6 Q7 1
—le /33G Y7 1
2 /
FIER 18,000v
Fig. 6-5. Block diagram of another transformerless receiver using series-wired filaments.
Rotate the slug clockwise until both left and right edges of
the picture are visible, until the picture is now too narrow.
Rotate the slug in the other direction until a slight overlap or
"wrap" is achieved on each side. Of course, too much overlap
cuts off the picture.
Other width adjustments: In some TV receivers, a
mechanical (magnetic) adjustment is provided for picture
width control. No two of these are alike, and adjustment
should not be attempted without some sort of service sheets or
instructions. Two of the most common mechanical ad-
justments are the width sleeve and the width tabs.
The width sleeve is just that—a metallic sleeve on the rear
of the neck of the picture tube. This sleeve is easily adjusted by
acombined sliding-rotation motion (it may sometimes stick to
the glass until dislodged) until the correct width adjustment is
obtained. Again we repeat the need for caution: There is no
danger from either heat or high voltage in this procedure, but
neither is there room for carelessness. Since the sleeve sliding
along the neck of the picture tube also affects horizontal
linearity, we shall return to this adjustment presently.
The width tabs function in much the same manner as the
sleeve. The tabs have the same effect on width as a sliding
sleeve. Since there can be a great variety of mechanical
means of varying picture width, no standard, uniform
procedure can be given, except as described above.
As mentioned above in connection with the procedure for
horizontal width adjustment and correction, the horizontal
linearity adjustment is most conveniently made at the same
time. In some sets the two interact, so that it is almost man-
datory to do them together, unless a nonlinearity problem
exists without any accompanying reduction in width, in which
case it may be required to reduce the width in order to be able
to see the nonlinearity.
Horizontal linearity can best be understood by referring to
the discussion of vertical linearity. In simplest terms H-
linearity means that the left and right halves of the picture are
symmetrical. More specifically, and this applies to the vast
majority of TV receivers, horizontal linearity means that a
circle does not appear like an egg, and that the right side is
neither stretched or compressed. This is not always obvious
when the picture is "wrapped" around the tube sides;
therefore, nonlinearity is best shown when the width is
reduced to a little less than the edges of the screen. As in the
case of the vertical linearity, a circular object is most helpful
in observing horizontal linearity, although this is not a must. It
should also be borne in mind that although the standard aspect
ratio (picture width vs height) is 4 to 3, i.e., the picture is a
rectangle, not a square, acircle will appear (not an egg lying
down) on a properly adjusted TV set.
Horizontal linearity adjustments are not the same on all
TV sets. However, most sets have one of three types of ad-
justments. In earlier TV sets, a potentiometer adjustment,
through aknurled or slotted shaft on the rear apron of the set,
provides correction for nonlinearity. In other sets a slug ad-
justment, identical in appearance with the width slug ad-
justment described earlier, is used. In still other TV sets a
metallic sleeve on the tube neck, by itself or in conjunction
with a shaft adjustment, serve the same purpose.
Finally, some TV sets have no adjustment whatsoever,
relying on the normal operation of the circuit (which was
originally designed for proper linearity) to insure linear
horizontal configuration of the picture. It is important in the
latter case to make sure that the H-osc and H-amp tubes are
not significantly below normal. Any tube that tests "weak" on
atube tester is a likely suspect for causing nonlinearity, even
though the tube seems to work in the set.
The step by step procedure for linearity correction is:
1. Make sure that the H-osc and H-amp tubes are "good."
2. Reduce the picture width until both edges are visible. If
either the linearity of the centering (see centering, below) are
incorrect, the blank spaces may differ in width. With both
picture edges clearly visible, examine the picture carefully to
determine whether it is actually nonlinearity or improper
centering. If after examining a suitable scene, preferably a
circular object, it appears that both edges look symmetrical
but the blank spaces are of different width, no linearity ad-
justment is made; the picture is centered according to the
directions given below. If, however, there is definite distortion
on one edge (usually the right side), proceed as follows:
3. Rotate the linearity adjustment shaft, a small amount
at a time, first to the right then to the left and observe the
effects on the picture. Fig. 6-7 shows two opposites of
nonlinearity. In Fig. 6-7A the picture should be made to shrink
toward the center of the screen until symmetry is re-
established. In the case of Fig. 6-7B a certain amount of pic-
ture stretching is called for, until the picture most nearly
resembles Fig. 6-7C. Most likely, this will also affect width.
4. Readjust the width control, as described earlier, until
the picture again just begins to "wrap" around the edges of
the tube. Note: It may be necessary to slightly readjust the
Fig. 6-7. These drawings (A and B) show typical horizontal
nonlinearities in comparison with C. Compression on the
right is illustrated at A; at B the picture is stretched on the
width control during the linearity adjustment, but a final
width touch-up may still be required.
5. If the linearity adjustment is a "slug" type, proceed as
for the slug-type width adjustment: in other words, rotate the
shaft clockwise or counterclockwise two or three turns until
the effect is observed (is it going the wrong way or not), then
rotate in the proper direction until the best linearity is
achieved. The same precautions given for slug width ad-
justments apply here. If three or four turns seem to make no
difference, discontinue the adjustment; the fault does not lie
here. There are anumber of components (resistor, capacitor,
peaking coil) which, if defective, would cause horizontal
nonlinearity, and no amount of adjustment can correct this. A
professional repairman is then needed.
6. If the linearity adjustment is mechanical or a similar
type (as verified either by the service data or as may be in-
dicated on the interior of the TV set cabinet), the specific
procedure should be followed. One popular method (as
mentioned above), using a combination sleeve and shaft
linearity adjustment, is as follows:
Slide the metal sleeve on the neck of the picture tube until
the picture width is insufficient to cover the full screen width.
Rotate the linearity adjustment shaft on the back apron of the
TV chassis until the best linearity is obtained, following the
general criteria outlined above. When linearity has been
achieved, slide the sleeve on the picture tube neck until the
picture fills the screen (plus a little beyond the edges), ob-
serving the effect if any on the linearity. These two ad-
justments (width and linearity) are somewhat interrelated, so
it may be necessary to go through the procedure asecond time
until optimum linearity with proper width is obtained.
worsens, the control should be turned in the opposite direction
until effective correction is achieved. It is quite possible that
in an attempt to obtain some additional width, the H-drive
control was advanced to the point of overloading, distortion,
and hence nonlinearity. The correct setting is that which
produces the best linearity at normal picture width. The drive
may have been advanced to compensate for worn tubes in the
horizontal oscillator-discharge-amplifier circuits, but it
should be checked and if necessary readjusted when the old
tubes are replaced with new ones.
Fig. 6-9. The bowed lines indicate a need for pincushion
the far front end of the tube neck (see Fig. 6-8). The function of
the yoke is to deflect (it is called a "deflection yoke") the
picture to a perfect rectangular format. Actually, however,
and especially in large-size picture tubes, some distortion of
the format, called "pincushioning," takes place. The picture
seems to be stretched as by pulling on the four corners,
leaving the sides somewhat "caved in" (see Fig. 6-9).
The pincushion tabs or bars are fastened to the yoke
structure and may be loosened up for sliding, after which they
are tightened again. As in other cases of nonlinearity
described above, these adjustments can best be made when
the edges of the picture are visible, hence are easiest to ac-
complish as part of the other adjustments.
A note of caution is in order here. Since the tube and
deflection yoke assembly are rigidly secured, the pincushion
correction was made during installation of the original tube
and it is usually not necessary nor advisable to make pin-
cushion adjustments unless there is clear evidence of
distortion or when the picture tube is replaced (by a
professional TV man, of course).
in some recent color TV sets, two separate shaft adjustments
were used, one marked V-cent, the other H-cent.
Centering adjustments are very simple; the controls have
atotal travel of less than 360 degrees (less than one full turn)
and can safely be turned back and forth until proper picture
centering is achieved. In more modern TV sets, the centering
adjustments (if any) are mechanical-magnetic types, cen-
tering depending primarily on the original positioning and
assembly of the deflection and focus components on the neck
of the picture tube and only secondarily on "after the fact"
The most popular type consists of apair of tabs, flat metal
strips or bars, which can be rotated toward and away from
each other until centering is achieved. One tab affects
primarily the horizontal positioning, the other the vertical.
Again, these are rather interdependent adjustments, and
should, therefore, be made simultaneously. A variation of the
latter type is the single tab centering device. It can be moved
both horizontally and vertically (in fact, it can be made to
move in various directions simply by pushing down on it and
sliding it sideways at the same time). Still another centering
adjustment is a thumbscrew on the picture tube neck com-
ponents. This type requires only a clockwise or coun-
terclockwise rotation to achieve centering.
ticular objection to do this with any type of program on the
In connection with the adjustment of the ion trap magnet,
anote of caution is required. An improperly adjusted ion trap
magnet, in addition to producing a poor picture, can also
damage the physical interior structure of the picture tube, and
will ultimately result in poor focus and dark spots (burn spots)
at the center of the tube screen. To avoid this the magnet
should be kept near the base end of the picture tube and ad-
justments made with the lowest possible brightness setting as
quickly as possible.
For easiest adjustment and best results, it is recom-
mended that the ion trap magnet be moved as far back
(toward the tube base) along the neck as possible, consistent
with obtaining the desired results.
The brightness and contrast controls must be kept low, so
that slight changes are easiest to detect. After obtaining the
best adjustment, it might be desirable to note or mark the
position of the magnet both fore-and-aft as well as around the
neck, with a marking pen or a small piece of masking tape.
Thus, should this adjustment accidentally be disturbed in-
cident to other work in the back of the TV set, it is but
necessary to move and-or turn the ion trap magnet to the
marked location to restore the correct operation.
Fig. 6-10. Sketch illustrating horizontal shift.
whose function is to amplify the precise timing signals from
the transmitting station and use them for horizontal and
vertical frequency control, thereby keeping the picture steady
on the screen. A failure or defect in any of the sync circuits will
cause aloss of control with some such consequences as listed
above. To localize the defect, make two or three preliminary
First, is the picture generally weak, faint, or thin, even if
the sound is relatively strong? The fault may be in one of the
amplifier tubes (other than sync). In other words, any
defective or old tube that causes a poor signal also causes a
poor sync signal. While this condition affects both the
horizontal and vertical picture stability, the vertical is far less
susceptible and should not be affected too much.
Referring to Fig. 6-2, the offending tubes might be one or
more of the following: V1, RF amplifier (on the tuner), V3, V4,
V5, IF amplifiers, and V6A, video amplifier. Replacing these
tubes one at a time should locate the culprit. With the return
of a normal contrast picture the sync problem will
automatically disappear. Sometimes in the normal course of
aging, a number of tubes may be responsible, each con-
tributing partially to the trouble. Thus, in areceiver with aset
of tubes a few years old, some, if not all, of the tvbes listed
may be responsible. Such tubes may test on "weak-replace"
or "?" portion of the tube tester scale. Replacing them one at a
time will increase the performance of the signal stages, im-
proving the sync and picture stability at the same time. If the
picture contrast is normal the fault is most likely in the sync
circuit, either tubes or adjustments or both.
Fig. 6-12. Picture streaking is caused by man-made noise,
usually, from motors, appliances, etc.
Overloading; contrast control: Picture tearing can often
result from excessive picture signal! Incredible as this may
seem, the technical structure of the average TV set is such
that increasing the "picture" or "contrast" control to give a
very hard or "strong" picture (beyond that required for
normal picture gradation) actually decreases the strength of
the sync signal and often results in tearing. If this is the case,
turning the same control toward a more moderate contrast
setting should correct the tearing.
Overloading; AGC control: In most TV sets manufactured
in the past few years, there is arear-chassis adjustment called
AGC (automatic gain control). Its function, when properly set,
is to place the receiver in such an operating condition that all
stations in the receiving area will produce an acceptable
picture with but an occasional adjustment of the front panel
contrast control. However, misadjustment of the AGC control
can cause no end of TV woes, not the least of which is loss of
picture stability (hum, buzz, and even a complete loss of
picture). Since most TV sets have a tube whose function is to
regulate AGC performance, a defect in the tube could also be
responsible. Because of these possibilities, the following
procedure applies to the AGC stage and-or the AGC control
AGC Adjustment
Assuming the AGC tube to be normal, the adjustment is
checked next, proceeding as follows:
Using amoderately strong TV station, set the contrast (or
picture) control about halfway, or a bit beyond (clockwise)
until agood picture is seen. Do not back off the contrast even if
the picture seems too strong.
While watching the picture in a mirror, advance (clock-
wise) the AGC adjustment on the back of the chassis until a
buzz (or hum) is clearly heard. In some sets, advancing the
control too far beyond this point may cause acomplete loss of
picture. Exercise moderation!
Back off the AGC adjustment until all traces of the buzz
disappear, or just slightly more than that. The AGC is now
correctly set. Any malfunction of the horizontal sync will no
longer be caused by the AGC setting, and other corrections
must be attempted.
Horizontal Shifting
may be responsible for this type of picture defect. Tube sub-
stitution, regardless of the tube tester's "verdict," is the only
way of discovering such adefective tube. In addition, all tubes
in the horizontal group may be responsible, even if they ap-
pear to be less likely suspects than the sync tubes. An in-
cidental clue to such an elusive tube defect (not shown on the
tube tester because the tube doesn't really warm up here) is
the fact that the snaking appears only after the set has been
operating for arelatively long time, when the tubes and their
surroundings have reached their highest temperatures.
station is changed. Since, as explained earlier the precise
sync-timing signals are an integral part of the TV picture, the
signal interruption caused by switching from channel to
channel also removes the sync pulses, and, for the moment,
the TV receiver is "on its own."
In a normally functioning TV tuner, i.e., one that is not
worn out or otherwise defective, switching channels
momentarily interrupts the timing signals, but they are
restored almost instantly. But during the switching interval, a
quick tear or roll may take place, or there may be a
momentary diagonal zig-zag or "one picture" may slide up or
down. In aworn tuner, and that includes virtually every tuner
after a few years use, the switch contacts tend to become
intermittent and erratic, causing some misbehavior of the
kind just described.
With a color receiver malfunctions such as "color con-
fetti," absence of one or more colors, and especially color
instability and shifting, can be due to poor contacts in the
tuner. No special point is made of this fact under the color
picture troubleshooting because the problem is not peculiar to
color. In fact, it is much preferable (as is indicated in the
introduction to Color TV Troubleshooting) to cut off the color
when troubleshooting such color. When operation is restored
to normal on B & W, color performance will automatically
have been corrected. In other words, this is a basic receiver
problem, not a color problem.
There are two ways to solve anoisy or intermittent tuner
problem: either thoroughly clean and lubricate it or have it
overhauled by a specialist. A noisy tuner is so common a
problem in TV sets that a very practical and relatively
inexpensive procedure has been established and is being
followed by the repair industry. The old tuner is sent to a
specialist.overhaul shop where a "factory-type" overhaul is
done on each tuner. The end results may be called "as good as
new." In view of the heavy use the tuner must endure,
anything less than such a professional overhaul is a poor
second choice, except where this service is not available or
where a competent serviceman is positive after examination
that the overhaul is not required.
If you decide that cleaning and lubricating is the best
course, you should begin, if you feel confident enough to tackle
the job yourself, with a100 percent detailed examination of the
"before" conditions, including the method used to attach the
tuner to the front panel and-or the chassis, and the exact
positions, color, marking, etc., of each lead and cable from the
tuner to the chassis. Most leads, in newer sets at least, are of
the quick-disconnect type, but if any (especially a wire braid
or "shielding") is soldered, carefully unsolder it, using no
more heat than necessary; of course, when you reassemble
you must exercise equal care in resoldering to the same spot;
be sure the resoldered joint isn't a cold solder joint (a
seemingly rigid mechanical joint with a grainy appearance
that will pull off if tugged hard or pried). It is most important,
also to return all wires to the correct connections and locations
as before.
After removing the tuner from the chassis look at the
contacts. Misalignment and looseness should be apparent
now. In case of "snap-in" channel coils remove one coil to
observe the interior. Using afine, soft brush (a small camel's
hair artist's brush is best) clean the wiping contacts and the
shaft bearing with a contact cleaner sold in radio supply
stores. Do not use household grease solvents, especially
carbon tetrachloride. Allow all surfaces to dry. Best cleaning
can be done while repeatedly switching channels back and
Apply a very small amount of contact lubricant (only the
kind specifically made for the purpose and sold in radio supply
houses) to the wiping contacts and shaft bearings while
operating the channel selector and fine-tuning control back
and forth.
A final note of caution: under no circumstances should you
resort to the use of pressurized spray lubricant! While the
immediate effect may (or may not) be to "quiet" a noisy
tuner, the ultimate effect is bound to be disastrous. This
"brute force" method of alleged "cleaning and lubrication"
deposits a coat of dust-and-dirt-collecting film on many parts
of the tuner which cannot long tolerate the resultant electrical
leakage without aloss of sensitivity, increased noise, and most
likely, ultimate degeneration beyond repair.
Chapter 7
Preliminary Troubleshooting
High-voltage rectifier: This is almost certain to be one of
the following tubes, regardless of the model number of the TV
set: 1B3, 1K3, 2B3, 3CA13, 3A3, 1X2, or 2AS2. This tube is in-
variably inside the high-voltage cage or under a protective
shield or barrier, as the case may be. As mentioned earlier it
is difficult to see whether or not this tube filament is glowing.
This does not matter in this case, since the tube is certain to be
on; the suspicion is that the tube is substandard. Replacement
with anew one is asure test, while the ordinary tube tester is
less reliable in this case, since it may show the tube to be fair-
to-good which is not good enough in this case. The standard
precautions in handling this tube during replacement should
be followed, of course.
B+ boost or damper tube: This tube may be indirectly
responsible for blooming, but if the high voltage is sub-
stantially below normal, this tube may simultaneously affect
V-size, H-width, and the general performance of the set, since
this tube is an essential part of the overall power supply
system. If the tube tests "fair," or even "fair to good," it is not
good enough and should be discarded in favor of anew one.
Horizontal output tube: Since this tube and its circuits are
responsible for producing the multi-kilovolt supply for the
picture tube, it can account for blooming because of
degradation (reduction) in this supply. While it was indicated
earlier under decreased H-Width in Chapter 6that a poor H-
amplifier tube will cause reduced picture width, this is not
always the case. Depending on individual TV set circuit
details, the reduced high voltages which may cause blooming
may also, contrary as this seems, prevent a reduction in
picture width since blooming and picture dimming, because of
reduced high voltage, also expand the picture size, both
horizontally and vertically.
Picture tube: When no symptoms other than blooming and
patchy, chalky white result from advancing the brightness
and contrast controls, the picture tube is the most likely
culprit. If the tube is afew years old, this likelihood becomes a
high probability. A picture tube rejuvenator or booster will
extend the remaining life of the tube by a number of months.
Care must be exercised to obtain the correct type of booster
(for series or for parallel tube sets). Rejuvenation, a
technique used by professional repairmen, will accomplish the
same purpose.
For 3-gun color picture tubes (all U.S. made sets),
boosters have become available and may be used, provided
the instructions are carefully followed. Since the color tube
consists of three separate electron-emitting structures, some
boosters and rejuvenators have a simple provision for
boosting one of the three, depending which of the color guns is
deficient, by externally adjusting the booster before use.
High-voltage regulator: Because of the more critical
requirements of the color system, additional circuits and
tubes are used to keep the higher voltage as nearly constant as
possible. This applies to both color and black-and-white
reception. Looking at the color TV block diagrams in Chapter
9the regulators are V13 in Fig. 9-1, V14 in Figs. 9-2 and 9-3. On
color reception, blooming may evidence itself as color
smearing, fuzzing, and what is sometimes called color in-
stability. In troubleshooting such a TV set, in addition to
following the suggestion of turning down the chroma control to
remove all color, a check after replacement of a suspected
regulator tube should include turning up the chroma control to
see how the remedial action has affected color reception.
If none of the above checks locate the cause, there is the
possibility that acomponent (most likely afilter capacitor) in
the high voltage or B+ boost circuit is responsible. This,
however, is not a task for a beginner.
If the hum level changes with changes in volume, atube is
quite likely to be the cause. (Furthermore, such a defect is
peculiar to tubes only; transistor circuits are not subject to
this difficulty, although afilter capacitor failure as described
above could produce hum in atransistor receiver as well.) To
confirm your suspicion, change to a different station and
readjust the fine tuning. Any resultant changes in the hum
level further point to a defective tube, and the isolation to a
specific tube is carried out in one of two ways, depending on
whether the TV set has aparallel or series heater string. In the
case of parallel wiring:
Remove the sound discriminator tube. This is the first
tube in the TV receiver which handles nothing but sound
(audio). If the hum persists with this tube out of the socket, the
fault lies beyond this point, closer to the speaker. This includes
the first audio amplifier (if any) and the final audio amplifier.
To find out which of these two tubes is responsible, replace the
discriminator and remove the first audio tube. If the hum still
persists, the final audio amplifier is most likely responsible.
Replace with a new tube.
If removing the discriminator tube stops the hum, either
that tube or one of the tubes preceding it is at fault. If
replacing the discriminator tube does not cure the hum, the
fault lies in apreceding stage. In that case, remove the 1st IF
tube. The logical sequence here is the same as just outlined for
the audio sections. Thus, if the hum disappears with the first
IF tube out of its socket, either that tube itself or one of the
tubes from there to the antenna is responsible, including the
RF amplifier (V1 in most sets) and the converter (V2).
Remove the RF Amplifier. If the hum stops, this tube is at
fault. If not, the next tube in the tuner (V2, converter) is
If pulling the first IF amplifier does not stop the hum, the
fault lies in either of the remaining two IF amplifiers. Remove
and replace the second IF amplifier. If the hum stops, try a
new tube. If not, the third IF amplifier tube is defective.
A final note on this hum problem. Earlier it was stated
that while aconstant hum regardless of the channel selector
position or adjustment is most likely due to a defective filter
component, and that a hum that responds to a change in
station or volume control setting is probably due to adefective
(although still functioning) tube, it must be pointed out that a
tube-caused hum problem may produce effects other than
audible hum. This includes "snaking" or weaving, or other
image distortion on the screen. So be sure to observe any
abnormal displays on the screen.
Removing tubes to trace a hum source is a convenient
method for sets with parallel-wired filaments. But what about
those sets with series filaments? Since removal of one tube
(with rare exceptions) disables all others, the only alternative
is outright substitution all the way until the offender is found.
Some time can nevertheless be saved here by proceeding as
before from the audio output tubes back toward the antenna.
A general precaution in all tube-caused hum problems:
After plugging in a new tube, if the hum seems to have gone,
wait at least a few minutes before considering the problem
solved. Many cases of tube hum (heater-to-cathode leakage)
develop only after a thorough warm-up and disappear after
some cooling. Since removal and replacement of atube lets all
other tubes cool down, it is necessary to wait until all the
(suspected) tubes again reach their operating temperature.
Of course, this does not apply to parallel filaments, where all
but the removed tube maintain their operating temperature.
the AGC control. This rear chassis adjustment regulates the
overall amplification of the picture and sound IF stages. Too
high a setting will produce a buzz and sometimes a glaring
picture. As indicated earlier the AGC control is adjusted as
follows: Choose a "medium good" station. Adjust the contrast
control about midway or until agood range of light and dark
areas is obtained. Now advance the AGC control until the buzz
is audible, then reduce this setting just past the point where
the buzz stops. Recheck the range of black-and-white areas to
see that neither extreme has been lost; that the darker areas
are not prematurely becoming a solid black while the very
light areas are not becoming aglaring white. Readjustment of
both the AGC and contrast may have to be made to obtain a
happy medium—a full range of illumination from black
through all shades of dim through full brightness with a
minimum of audible buzz.
There are three sources of noise associated with a TV set,
whether visual (in the picture) or audible. Two of these are
external, while the third is internal. To dispose of the last one
first, noise in aTV set can come from a defective component;
an old resistor can sometimes develop either what the ser-
viceman calls an "intermittent," one with poor internal
continuity. What is even more likely, due to the high operating
temperature involved, a tube may become a noise source. If
it's atube, it is often possible to locate such aculprit by gently
tapping the tube with the rubber eraser end of an ordinary
pencil; if the tube is noisy the tapping may produce flashing
streaks in the picture and-or bell-like sounds from the speaker.
(Incidentally, a tube tester is of little value in performing
reliable tests for noise.) In case of a defective component, a
professional will have to be called upon for analysis and
repair. The same holds true for operating controls which
become noisy with age. This includes contrast, volume, tone
(if any), fine tuning, and channel selector.
— Line Noises"
lines, pole transformer, etc., prove to be the cause. In fact, for
any but the simplest type of local noise, the average TV owner
is hardly in a position to move his antenna any appreciable
distance, especially horizontally. A change in the antenna
height may be helpful, if it can be first found experimentally
that adifferent height (higher or lower) is noise free.
With regard to the transmission line, the problem is easier
to solve. If it is apparent that the transmission line runs along
anoisy structure or device or power line, either relocation or
shielding should produce some improvement. Relocation is
simpler and should be tried first. If this is not feasible or it
does not help, substitution of a shielded (metal clad) trans-
mission line is almost 100 percent certain to be effective.
There are two simple types of shielded transmission lines
suitable for practically all TV sets. One is unbalanced 75-ohm
line, sometimes called a "coaxial" line. This contains an in-
sulated center conductor and a metallic (braided) outer
conductor, sometimes rubber covered. When installing this
lead-in, the outer conductors must be thoroughly "grounded"
by asolid connection to the TV chassis. In addition, the TV set
must be equipped (some are) for a75-ohm transmission line.
Otherwise, alittle accessory known as a transformer must be
connected between the coaxial line and the TV set.
A second type of shielded transmission line is the "300-
ohm twin line." This is the usual two-wire flat line with the
addition of an external shield. Assuming that the TV set
requires a 300-ohm antenna (most sets do), the connections
are the same as with the unshielded transmission line, except
that the external shield must be tightly connected to the TV
chassis at one end and to the TV mast at the other. There's
usually a slight signal loss because of this outer braid or
shielding, but this is not significant, provided the antenna
proper is fairly good.
A final note on noise prevention or elimination: The notion
that an indoor antenna is immune to "outdoor noise" is
completely false. No compact, a simple, abbreviated antenna
can improve reception over a good outdoor antenna. In fact,
the window "improvements" can seldom approach the per-
formance of even the simplest outdoor antenna properly in-
stalled, and except for locations with extremely high signal
strength, these window gadgets are fairly useless. And as to
devices which employ radar principles and convert one's
housewiring into one giant all-direction antenna, the best that
can be said for them is that they will work where any scrap of
wire will work; they will not be much use where a normal
antenna is required.
Chapter 8
Troubleshooting Procedures
There are two inferences to be drawn from these
symptoms. One, the fault lies in a part of the set common to
both video and audio. Second, since the screen is dark (no
raster—the lighted screen with or without a picture), a fault
common to both the signal circuits and deflection circuits is
A power supply failure may be either very simple or
beyond the capability of the beginner, depending on whether
the power supply uses tube rectifiers (V14 in Fig. 6-2, V14 in
Fig. 6-3) or semiconductors (selenium or silicon diodes as in
Figs. 6-4 and 6-5). In the case of the latter (and these also fail
most infrequently, usually due to gradual deterioration with
age), aprofessional's skill is required, even if it is aquick and
simple job for him.
Failure of the sound may involve any of the stages and
tubes beginning with the sound IF, just following the video
detector, up to and including the speaker. This includes V5C,
V7A and V7B in Fig. 6-3, V5A, V6 and V7 in Fig. 6-4, etc., and
applies equally to parallel and series filament tube sets, since
the presence of apicture precludes any tube burnouts. Sound
failure can also be due to afailure in the sound detector, which
in some sets consists of a pair of semiconductor diodes.
However, diode failure is most infrequent and may be an-
ticipated as a "wear-out" type of failure, taking much longer
than tubes. In those rare cases, when the sound is weak even if
all the tubes identified above test "good," the detector diodes
may as a last resort be suspected.
V9 •lot SIF V13 •1st AUDIO
VI2 •
V 20 V2I
a) 7
There is an important caution that must be made in
connection with the sound section of a TV receiver and it
pertains to the handling of the speaker. Since most speakers
on TV receivers have quick-disconnect clips or pin-and-jack
connections (for convenience in removing the chassis from the
cabinet) it is quite possible to (deliberately or accidentally)
pull the speaker leads off, leaving the speaker electrically
disconnected from the receiver. This is potentially damaging.
In tube-type sets, disconnecting the speaker with the set on
may in some sets damage the output tube. With transistor
sound sections, disconnecting the speaker with the set on
spells sure death to one or two expensive transistors!
Therefore, NEVER disconnect the speaker leads while the TV
in on. In the troubleshooting procedure just discussed, first
switch off the set, substitute for the suspected tube, then
switch the receiver on again. While damage is not 100 percent
certain in some tube sets, it is not worth risking such damage.
With transistors damage is certain.
Split-Sound Sets
This picture defect may vary from good sound, snowy
picture to fairly good sound, very faint picture, or no picture at
all. In addition, the snow may appear at random, suggesting
(improperly so) that the fault lies outside the set. Actually,
this is not so. "Snow" is aname given to apicture which seems
to be broken up into small flecks or pieces which seem to
shimmer or waver. They do not fall or move down the screen,
although in ageneral way they are reminiscent of snow-filled
air. Regardless of which of these "snow" problems a par-
ticular TV set has, it is distinctly different (in fact, opposite)
from the weak picture cases described earlier. In the vast
majority of cases, the presence of "snow" is evidence that the
TV set is working hard to produce apicture from apoor signal.
This means that either no signal is received by the TV set, or
the received signal cannot get through due to a break in the
functional continuity in the set. The procedure for isolating the
fault and applying the appropriate remedy is as follows:
Examine the antenna lead-in system. An old or otherwise
poor antenna system will not necessarily cause a sudden
appearance of snow. But a break in one or both conductors of
the lead-in at the point of connection to the antenna, at the
point or points of fastening on the way down, at the entrance
through awindow or wall, or finally, at the connection to the
antenna terminals on the rear of the set—a break at any one of
these vulnerable points is a likely cause for snow on an
otherwise normal TV set. To check for a suspected broken
lead-in, a substitute antenna, "rabbit ears," an indoor wire
antenna, or even a length of wire connected in place of the
suspected antenna will be sufficient to verify whether or not
the antenna is at fault. Of course, allowance must be made for
the fact that the substitute antenna is, at best, a mediocre
performer. But if the picture improves and the snow effect is
diminished, the antenna lead-in is probably at fault, and that
means afurther check for abreak in the wire (s) .If, however,
no appreciable improvement is noticed with the substitute, the
antenna system is not at fault.
Check the RF amplifier tube (by tester or substitution) in
the tuner (V1 in all block diagrams). This tube, more than any
other, is likely to be the culprit. Even when it has deteriorated
very severely, this tube will still allow some signals to get
through, hence it may not be suspected. But the self-
compensating functions of amodern TV set will try to make up
for the severe reduction in signal, thus amplifying a lot of
noise which appears as snow. If no improvement is attained,
similarly check the first IF tube (V3 in all block diagrams,
except V4 in Fig. 8-1). To alesser degree than V1, this tube is
also potentially responsible for snow and should be checked
accordingly. Check the remaining IF tubes if the RF and first
IF tubes seem OK. While the probabilities are much lower that
one of these tubes is reponsible, they should be checked in a
tester or by substitution.
A totally dark screen with normal sound points to trouble
in the video portion of the TV set, including the picture in-
formation and horizontal sweep circuits (if there's no raster)
but not the vertical or sync circuits. The horizontal stages are
involved because they are responsible for the presence or
absence of any light (raster or picture) on the screen.
The troubleshooting procedure is based on some logical
assumptions. First, the picture tube is not burned out. In a
transformer-type set, a burned-out picture tube is identified
like any other burned out tube—absence of any light near the
base of the tube. Of course, it is assumed that the picture tube
socket is properly seated on the tube base; once in along while
it may work loose or simply lose proper contact. Second, the
tube did not become defective since the last time it was on; it
usually doesn't happen that way, certainly not suddenly. If the
tubes are wired in series and all tubes light, the procedure is
no different than for a parallel tube set. If no tubes light
(remember, this is an all-or-none situation), the procedure
outlined previously should be followed until the bad tube is
found. If this does not solve the problem, i.e., tubes will light,
but still no picture, the troubleshooting is the same as for the
parallel filament sets.
The step-by-step sequence for locating the cause of adark
screen is as follows: Replace the horizontal output tube (V11 in
Fig. 6-2, V10 in Fig. 6-3, V11 in Fig. 6-4, V10A in Fig. 6-5), etc.
Since this tube is directly responsible for generating the high
voltage (15,000 to 25,000) necessary for producing light on the
screen, afailure of this tube will result in atotally dark screen.
The precautions outlined previously regarding the handling of
this tube, especially if it happens to be inside the high-voltage
cage, must be followed at all times. If a new horizontal output
tube does not solve the problem, the next step is in order. This
is also assuming that the horizontal output stage is not
working, although the tube itself is OK.
Carefully remove and replace the damper tube (V13 in
Fig. 6-2, V12 in Fig. 6-3, V13 in Fig. 6-4, etc.). This tube, if
faulty, breaks the path of the B+ boost (250 -650 volts), again
disabling the horizontal circuit responsible for producing light
on the screen. In most cases, this would have to be a
catastrophic failure; aweak or even poor testing damper tube
will not remove all light from the screen.
If the damper tube proves to be good, proceed to carefully
remove the high-voltage (15,000 -25,000 volts) rectifier (V12 in
Fig. 6-2, V11 in Fig. 6-3, or V12 in Fig. 6-4). This tube is always
inside the protective cage and it always has a top cap con-
Fig. 8-2. Some fuses are intended to be soldered in place;
therefore they have "pig-tail" leads (A). Solderless
fuseholders (B) are available. They clip onto the burned-
out fuse and the replacement fuse is inserted in the clips on
top of the fuseholder.
an open is not too obvious. In replacing the fuse, if it is of the
snap-in type, the procedure is quite obvious. The fuse should
be of the same physical length in order to fit into the
fuseholder clips. Its electrical value is not very critical, and
lacking any other information, it is safe to use a 200 volt, 1 /
ampere type. A fuse rated at less than 1 / ampere may fail too
sufficient picture brightness, this case identifies acondition in
which the brightness and contrast controls are not functioning
properly. Sometimes increasing these settings, or advancing
the controls, will produce a photographic negative effect—
blacks are white and vice versa. More often the gradual
variation from dark to light to bright, as is the case with the
average TV scene, will not be obtainable, except perhaps at
very low (dim) settings of the brightness and contrast con-
trols. At all other positions, as when attempting to get a nor-
mal picture, the light and dark areas appear flat, muddy, and
very dull. Sometimes such apicture suggests looking through
avery dirty window or through agray filter at anormal scene.
Any of these symptoms, alone or in combination, suggest a
defective picture tube (of course, it is assumed that the
problem is not the one just described above). The electron
emission has deteriorated to such alow fraction of the normal
amount that internal adjustments or small tube replacements
will no longer help. The only permanent remedy is the
replacement of the picture tube, and this is a job for the
professional serviceman.
If you're shopping for a replacement picture tube (plus
installation) some money can be saved by buying a rebuilt
tube. In fact, if no specific instructions are given to the con-
trary, the "new" tube may well be arebuilt one. This is quite
satisfactory, both ethically and technically, provided it is a
tube rebuilt by one of the "standard" tube manufacturers. The
100 percent brand new tube today is still available, but its use
is the exception rather than the rule, and it offers absolutely no
advantage over the standard rebuilt tube.
Tube Rejuvenation
life. Since a "rejuvenation" overvoltage is applied for only a
relatively short time, it is necessarily more drastic and may
have some "delayed action" effect on the remaining life of the
tube. By contrast, the booster, which continuously operates
with the tube, applies amuch more modest overvoltage and is,
therefore, less detrimental to the remaining tube life.
Fig. 8-3 is a sketch of a common picture tube booster. At
one end is a socket (or section of one, as found on most TV
sets) which fits over the picture tube base, exactly like the
original one. At the other end is a plug, made from an octal
tube base, which contains a sealed-in small transformer.
Connection to the TV set is simple:
Switch off the set and carefully pull the socket from the
picture tube base. Mate and connect this socket with the base
plug on the booster. Connect the socket on the other end of the
booster cable to the base of the picture tube. The booster may
be left hanging "as is."
One important reminder: There are two different types of
boosters for sale in radio supply stores and they are not in-
terchangeable, even if they look alike. One is exclusively for
parallel (transformer-type) tube hookups, the other is ex-
clusively for series tube hookups (transformerless). Make
absolutely sure which type of TV set yours is and purchase the
correct type.
these bars will slowly drift up or down the screen. To locate the
cause of this malfunction, more than one step is usually
Understanding the problem will make the solution so
much easier. The vast majority of such bars is caused by what
is commonly called "AC hum," although the word "hum"
usually refers to the audible manifestation of the unwanted
presence of AC in a circuit. One of the most likely sources of
such AC hum (or at least those within the ability of the
beginner) is a tube. A defective tube in this case is one which
has developed what is called "heater-to-cathode leakage."
The technical significance of this statement is of no particular
importance at this point, except insofar as corrective action is
concerned. Specifically, when one or more tubes are suspected
of causing the horizontal bars, you should test them very
carefully on atube tester having aleakage indicator, usually
in the form of a small neon bulb. Total emission tests, as in-
dicated by the needle swinging into the "Replace," "Weak" or
"Good" portion of the scale, are of no value here, and may, in
fact, be misleading, since tubes with heater-to-cathode shorts
or near shorts often read high. Not only must the neon glow be
looked for very carefully, but enough time (at least a few
minutes) must be allowed for the suspected tube to reach a
high enough temperature to produce the leakage or short. The
same precaution applies to the tube substitution procedure.
Merely switching off the TV set often allows sufficient time for
the culprit tube to cool somewhat and operate normally when
the set is switched on again.
Therefore it is imperative for the beginner to follow two
simple steps in order to eliminate this ambiguity of in-
dications. First, observe how soon the bars appear after the
set is turned on initially. Second, when switching tubes allow
at least that much time to see whether or not the bars reap-
pear before concluding that the job is done. It should be noted
here, that contrary to most other malfunctions in a TV set,
which usually can be traced to one particular and exclusive
tube or stage, the AC hum responsible for the bars under
discussion here can originate almost anywhere in the TV set,
although under different circumstances and with different
symptoms. Because of this, the troubleshooting procedure
must be able to locate the defect without arandom hit-or-miss,
trial-and-error, let's-see-what-happens type of procedure.
To locate a defective tube, it is most helpful to isolate the
fault to aparticular portion of the TV set, keeping in mind the
fact that a number of tubes can be removed from the TV set
without affecting the raster. For example, referring to a
typical block diagram as in Fig. 6-3, all the tubes, individually
or in a group from VI through V7, can be removed without
removing the raster, although the picture itself may disap-
pear. A systematic isolation procedure for this TV set might
be as follows:
Remove the first IF (V3 in most sets) ;both picture and
sound will be disabled but not the raster. If the bars disappear,
the defect is either in the tube just removed or in the tuner
itself. To determine which is at fault, replace V3 and remove
Vi. If this removes the defect, Vi is at fault. If the bars persist,
the fault lies either in the converter tube, V2, or in the
previously removed V3. If neither of these tubes affect the
bars, the trouble lies further on, in the IF stages, V4 and V5,
the video stage, V6, or in the picture tube itself, as we shall
determine presently.
Remove the last IF tube (V5 in Fig. 6-2). This also disables
the picture and sound, but since the video amplifier (V6) is
still in its socket, it is a most likely suspect. If the bars
disappear, the fault is somewhere in the IF circuits, such as V4
or V5. To determine which, replace V5 and remove V3. If the
bars disappear, V3 is at fault; if the bars persist, V4 is at fault.
If removing V5 makes no change, the IF is not at fault. As the
bars persist, the video amplifier is almost certain to be
Another possibility, although a much less likely one, is the
sync tube(s). If the high probability video amplifier does not
seem to be defective, the sync tube(s) should be checked. In
fact, after eliminating the video amplifier as the cause, the
sync tube(s) become the prime suspect.
Remove V6A, the video amplifier. This will disable both
the picture and sound, as was discussed earlier. If removing
the video amplifier also removes the bars, the logical step is
the replacement of this tube. If this cures the malady, this tube
was at fault. If the bars persist, remove and replace the sync
tube, V8A. If the bars are still present, the fault lies beyond
this point either in the picture tube or in the power supply to
the picture tube.
Very often the fault will be in the power supply portion of
the picture tube circuits (i.e., filter capacitor) but most likely
the picture tube itself has an internal short or a near short.
Occasionally, even if rarely, it is possible to "burn out" the
short with a tube rejuvenator. If a professional serviceman
offers to do this, he will probably stipulate that it must be done
at your risk. This is not unreasonable and entails no loss to the
owner, since the tube is not serviceable and its trade-in value
will not diminish even if it is burned out in the attempt.
However, only the fine tuning is within the capability of the
beginner to correct. It is simply necessary to readjust the fine-
tuning control for a clean picture even if it means some
reduction in volume.
If this is not effective, it is an indication that either one or
more of the IF circuits is improperly adjusted, or, in some TV
sets, the "sound trap" (called 4.5-MHz trap) circuit is im-
properly adjusted. This should not occur if the TV set ever
functioned properly, as it is extremely unlikely that these
circuits would drift out of adjustment (although this is
possible). However, after a repair, or especially a realign-
ment in the repair shop, some of these circuits may have been
improperly adjusted.
have aherringbone pattern on the picture when, say, Channel
2is examined on the Channel 3position of the selector. In such
acase, the fine tuning is most probably incorrect.
A herringbone pattern may, in some few cases, stem from
internal causes. If, after exhausting the various possibilities
listed above, the problem still persists, asubstitution of one or
more tubes in the video detector-video amplifier section of the
receiver should be tried. This includes V6A in Fig. 6-2, V8A in
Fig. 6-3, V5A in Fig. 6-4, V5A in Fig. 6-5, etc. In those cases
where the video detector is a semiconductor diode, you may
have to call in aprofessional serviceman to do the job, because
careful soldering is required. This also applies to those cases
where tube substitution is of no help, suggesting that a
defective component other than tubes may be responsible.
However, semiconductor video detectors are seldom at fault.
Fig. 8-7. A ghost image, caused by multipath reception of
two signals (one delayed slightly), appears to the left of
the desired image.
Caution! At the top cap of this tube there is a potential of
thousands of volts. It is not necessary to come in contact with
it, since the magnet is skipped over the tube with the cap off
and the receiver off. But care is the watchword, here,
0+ /
(70 / ------- TV TRANSMITTER
, --- -
tremely small (millionths of a second) and the eye sees the
whole picture simultaneously. However, should two signals
from the same TV station arrive one behind the other because
one comes in around-about way the second signal will arrive a
little later. This is known as multipath reception; i.e., one
signal travels the shortest path between the transmitter and
receiver antennas, while the other follows asomewhat zig-zag
path by striking some object on the way, then bouncing off,
etc. This latter path is obviously longer, and takes more time.
(Fig. 8-8 is asimple illustration of this occurrence.)
If the TV receiver is far enough away from the trans-
mitting center (such as a central metropolitan location) so
that all stations lie in approximately the same line or path, the
surest way to avoid or eliminate the type of ghost just
described is to reorient the antenna. It probably has shifted, so
that it no longer points directly at the transmitters. It should
be remembered that TV transmitters radiate in all directions
(omnidirectional), while all receiving antennas are relatively
sharply unidirectional. Therefore, it is possible that the
receiving antenna now "looks at" atall building or a hill which
acts as a reflector for transmitted signals. In that case the
antenna is picking up adirect and areflected signal.
If the transmitting location is not in sight, a map and
compass should be used for correct pointing, although a cut-
and-try (rotate antenna, observe picture, repeat if necessary)
procedure is quite satisfactory. It is also fairly safe (although
not absolutely certain) to assume that the correct direction is
that in which most TV antennas in the immediate vicinity are
In cases where different TV stations are not in line but are
in definitely different compass bearings, an antenna rotator is
essential. This will permit the receiving antenna to be pointed
directly at the transmitter, without any compromise.
As more and more TV receiving antennas are made to
receive a combination of VHF (Channels 2-13) and UHF
(Channels 14-83) signals, an additional adjustment may be
required both for elimination of ghosts and for maximum
signal, especially on the UHF stations. This adjustment
consists of the raising or lowering of the antenna, while
simultaneously rotating it, for minimum ghosts and
maximum signal. Contrary to most cases of VHF antenna
installation, the highest possible location is not necessarily the
best for UHF. In fact, lowering aVHF-UHF antenna system as
little as afew inches may make the difference between a poor
UHF signal and a very strong signal. Since the VHF is not so
critical, it is safe to adjust the height for best UHF per-
formance only. The direction of the antenna is fairly critical
for all stations, hence this should not be neglected.
Tube Ghosts
the sharpest horizontal lines on the screen. Changes in the ion
trap magnet position should be made with circumspection, as
it is easy to degrade picture brightness, picture size, and
coverage of the screen edges by gross changes in the ion
magnet position. Very slight and gradual rotation and sliding
will easily show whether the focus is affected.
In connection with the adjustment of the ion trap magnet,
caution is required. An improperly adjusted ion trap magnet,
in addition to producing apoor picture, can also cause damage
to the interior structure of the picture tube and ultimately
result in poor focus and dark spots (burn spots) at the center of
the tube screen. To avoid this, the magnet should be kept near
the base end of the picture tube and adjustments made with
the lowest possible brightness setting and as quickly as
in half, while the thickness of each "new" line and the spacing
between them is doubled.
In the first Chapter it was established that the visible
rectangle (raster) on the screen consists of approximately 480
interlaced lines; i.e., lines "painted" by the electron beam,
first the odd-numbered set (lines 1, 3, 5, 7, etc.) then the even-
numbered lines (2,4,6,8) etc. During normal operation the
sync or precise timing pulses from the transmitter keep the
spacing between the lines exactly right, so that, for example,
line 2 falls exactly midway between lines 1 and 3, line 4 fits
exactly between lines 3and 5, and so on. In this manner, any
picture information on one of these lines is clear and distinct
from any information on an adjacent line. Should, however,
due to amalfunction, two adjacent lines overlap, two different
sets of picture detail will overlap and neither will be clear. The
term "pairing" of lines used above refers to just such an
overlap. A failure in the sync circuits, due to either internal
(TV set) or external (freak reception or transmitter
malfunction) causes will often produce this phenomenon. To
verify whether or not the TV set is responsible, proceed as
Switch to a different channel (preferably a third or fourth
away). If the malfunction persists, the fault probably lies
within the set. Since it is extremely unlikely that two or more
TV stations are having "technical difficulties" at the same
moment, this source can be discounted. Similarly, "freak"
reception, with possible interference from a more distant
station on the same channel, while it will produce just this
effect, is most unlikely to occur on a substantially different
frequency. Thus, if the pairing occurs on, say, Channel 2,
switch to Channel 5or 7and observe. If freak reception was
responsible, the other channels will most likely not be af-
fected. Since pairing persists, the TV set is at fault.
Replace the horizontal control tube (V10A in Fig. 6-2), the
horizontal phase detector tube (V9A in Fig. 6-3), or the
horizontal-AFC tube (V7C in Fig. 6-5). Each of these tubes,
although somewhat different in name and operation, performs
the same basic function of controlling the timing of the in-
dividual raster lines. A defect in any of them may produce
pairing and similar sync malfunctions. In testing these tubes,
careful checking for leakage after a few minutes warm-up is
important. Of course, substitution of a new known-to-be-good
tube is always conclusive.
Remove the sync tube (V8A in Fig. 6-2, V8B in Fig. 6-4,
etc). This tube can be equally responsible for pairing, except
that aserious malfunction here would also show up in aloss or
degradation of vertical sync. The picture would tend to roll or
slide up or down one or more frames at random times.
However, since the vertical circuits are much less susceptible
to sync troubles, the malfunction may not be very obvious
Check the V-hold control. Although this control setting is
not very critical in the presence of a strong signal, a fine
touch-up may sometimes cure amild case of pairing. Readjust
this control for best interlace; the picture rolling, if any, will
automatically be corrected.
Check the AGC control setting. The AGC control ad-
justment cannot be overemphasized. It may seem paradoxical
to the beginner (and even to some TV repairmen) that too
strong a picture signal may go hand-in-hand with too weak a
sync signal. Since the AGC adjustment serves to establish the
strength of the picture signal or contrast, it is quite clear that
in an effort to obtain agood strong picture where one did not
exist (quite often for other reasons), the AGC setting can be
advanced to the point where the sync pulses are reduced below
asafe minimum. Readjustment of the control should be made
until good sync performance (no more pairing) is restored,
even if this produces a somewhat weaker picture, which, in-
cidentally, can be corrected by the contrast control.
that the set is at fault. No further fuse replacement should be
Circuitbreakers: What has been said about the main fuse
of the TV set applies equally to the circuitbreaker—a device
which has replaced the "old reliable" fuse in many TV sets. In
simple terms, the circuitbreaker is a type of "lifetime fuse."
When the ordinary fuse blows during an overload and has to be
replaced with a new one, the circuitbreaker opens and
disconnects the TV set from the AC line. To restore operation
it is merely necessary to "reset" the circuitbreaker by
pushing abutton on the outside of the device.
There are two common types of circuitbreakers in use
today. One type can't be reset as long as the overload persists,
so that there is little danger of unknowingly causing the TV set
to operate under damaging or even dangerous conditions. If a
breaker can't be reset, as evidenced by the fact that the push-
button does not respond to normal pressure, it is an indication
that the overload is still there.
Fuse not blown—burning smell: It will sometimes happen
that a fuse will not blow when it should (fuses are not very
accurate devices; their behavior is not 100 percent predic-
table). In such a case, damage to the TV set is possible,
depending primarily on how long the overload exists before
the fuse goes (the correct and safe procedure is to im-
mediately switch the set off) and whether it's atransformer or
transformerless type set.
In transformerless sets, a "local" overload may be suf-
ficient to start a small part, called a resistor, to overheat or
actually burn out. A burning resistor emits some intolerable
odors. While the remedy is beyond the scope of the beginner,
the damage is seldom of major proportions. It is usually
caused by the total failure of another component (a capacitor,
for example).
In transformer-type sets, in addition to the same
possibility as just outlined for atransformerless set, repeated
blowing of the correct size fuse is very likely to be due to a
defect (short circuit) in the power transformer. It, too, may
"fry" and smell for a very short time (seconds, not minutes)
without being permanently damaged. This, too, is arepair job
for the professional, and his advice on whether or not
replacement is required must be taken.
As in the case of a burnout in a transformerless set, a
failure here seldom takes other parts with it; in other words, a
burned-out transformer usually does not cause damage to
other parts. However, as a matter of cause and effect, a
transformer failure, in addition to being due to an inherent
defect, may also be caused by an earlier failure of another
part. A defective rectifier tube (V14 in Figs. 6-2 and 6-3),
semiconductor diodes (Figs. 6-4 and 6-5) or a short-circuited,
filter capacitor in the main power supply may be responsible,
in which case, they too, will have to be replaced when the TV
set is repaired.
In addition to a defective power transformer or shorted
capacitors, there are many other potential causes of fuse
blowing, even if less common than these two. However, since
in all cases the services of a professional repairman are
required, it is only necessary here to classify all fuse failures
with two categories: One, a random failure not due to any
permanent defect. This one is identified by the fact that the
correct replacement fuse does not blow. The second, a
causative failure (due to a permanent internal defect or
damage), which should be repaired by a professional.
In connection with random fuse blowing, it should be
pointed out that it may sometimes be caused by injudicious
placement of the TV set. Since most TV sets generate hun-
dreds of watts of heat, it is absolutely essential to allow the
heat to dissipate. Pushing aTV cabinet tight against a wall or
some other piece of furniture is sure to cause overheating, and
regardless of whether or not the fuse blows, the heat buildup
shortens the life of the tubes and other components, not to
mention the degradation of performance caused by thermal
Chapter 9
'bee *JIM
VII 11110V
VED VAGINA 1.31005
V. (11.• th6JT.
Vs6JR/S VelLIVAI 61(N6
Note( Tne drive .na sue. e,. RAH e( ItA
1.1b pleura Robe settIngt.they need net be physkally on Me
SAO picture tube assembly.
Chroma Control Ineffective
5.55070 VIOC
1461,10 SLIM
VI 3 46.11JOA
Z ipt
Cle APLItirr
A A" "
, 410 V44616 VSA VIMOMX9 VIS
oscillator is an electromechanical element called a crystal. In
most TV sets it is a plug-in device and most resemble the
drawing in Fig. 4-2.
To remove the 3.58-MHz crystal, grasp it and pull upward,
after first noting carefully the appearance of the picture tube
screen. Often, avery poor crystal may still allow some color to
appear on the screen. If the removal of the crystal makes no
difference, then the fault does not lie here. However, if the
slight coloration previously seen does disappear, the crystal is
probably defective (or intermittent) and should be replaced.
This is a standard item found at most radio supply houses
catering to the TV serviceman; therefore, a replacement
crystal of the same type is readily obtainable. Where the
service data lists a crystal by a particular manufacturer's
part number, it may be more practical to obtain a
replacement from the service department of that manufac-
In some recent TV sets, the 3.58-MHz crystal is a "pigtail"
type; i.e., it is not like the plug-in type just described but is
intended to be soldered in, just like a resistor or capacitor. In
such a case, the crystal is "worked around" in the
troubleshooting procedure until all the other alternatives are
exhausted, and if none solves the problem of the absence of
color, it is assumed that the crystal is at fault and a
professional serviceman is called.
Replace the color killer tube. There is just a possibility,
although not very probable, that a malfunction in this tube
would cause the color absence. As explained in Chapter 4 the
function of the color killer stage is to shut off the chroma
amplifiers in the absence of a color signal. At first glance, this
may not sound very logical; why shut off the color amplifiers
when there is no color to amplify? Actually, however, this is
not quite so, as can be easily shown.
On all color block diagrams, Figs. 9-1 through 9-4, each of
the three color "guns" of the picture tube receives a signal
from a color amplifier. The signals are electric currents or
voltages, not actual colors! Thus, if any of the color amplifiers
feed an electrical signal into one of these guns, that gun will
produce acolor on the screen, the particular color depending
on which gun is being fed. To insure, therefore, that no color is
shown when a black-and-white picture is transmitted, the
color killer keeps the color amplifiers shut off until a color
burst signal (present only when acolor picture is transmitted)
commands the color killer to let the amplifiers perform
normally. If, due to a malfunction, the color killer tube keeps
the chroma amplifiers permanently shut off, no color will
come through. Replacement with a good tube will prove or
disprove this suspicion.
Check the color killer setting. In all cases where there is
an adjustable control marked "color killer adjust" or just
plain "killer," the setting of this control should be checked,
even before suspecting the color killer tube. It is just possible
that this control is set so that the bandpass amplifier(s) could
never pass a signal. Incidentally, the color killer control is
normally set so that all traces of color just barely disappear,
then advanced ever so slightly beyond this point. When some
professional servicemen set the killer they use an indicating
instrument of one type or another, but the suggested
procedure for a beginner is effectively equivalent to that
Component failure. If all the above procedures fail to
restore the color to an otherwise normal TV set, the fault must
lie in one of the internal components in the path of the color
signal, such as a coupling capacitor or a failure of a supply
voltage to one of the tubes. In the first case, the tubes function
normally, but the signal path is interrupted. In the second
case, one or more tubes are inoperative due to the failure of
the correct operating voltage. Whichever the case, the ser-
vices of a professional serviceman are required.
correct (from previous observation under normal set
operation), the possibility exists that the setting of this control
is responsible for reduced color performance. A quick check
on the proper setting is to switch to a station transmitting no
color at the moment and adjust this control as outlined above
for the normal setting to obtain a clean black-and-white pic-
Selective color troubleshooting. Up to now we have
discussed what might be called total or catastrophic color
failures. These involve either all of the color portions of the
receiver or avital link in the chain which, if broken, stops any
and all color from getting through. In the following pages, we
shall consider local color defects, when a partial break in a
secondary chain, so-to-speak, is responsible. For this purpose
it is necessary for abeginner to be able to clearly identify the
function, function block, and tube or tubes involved in each
case, although he will not have to understand the technical
version of how and why. Such identification is a bit confusing
because different terms are used by different manufacturers
for the functions and because of differences in functions
between different TV sets (always achieving the same end
result nevertheless) as well as the addition or omission of
certain functions in comparison with other color sets due to
different designs, etc. But, nevertheless, it will be worth your
while to be able to identify the same function on the different
typical diagrams shown, regardless of the differences in
names, addition, or deletion of certain steps or a combination
of more than one function in multipurpose tubes.
called "amplifiers." Further observation will disclose that the
demodulators are identified as the "X-demodulator" and the
"Z demodulator" (there is no "Y"), as in Fig. 9-2, and consist
of two tubes or two sections of a twin tube. In the latter ap-
plication they are marked to indicate that they are 1/ 2 of a2-in-
in Fig. 9-4, they are part of a3-in-1 tube, such as a 6LE8. In one
case (Fig. 9-1), no tubes are used; instead six semiconductor
diodes (DI, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6) are employed. In Fig. 9-3 the
terms "(R-Y)" and "(B -Y)" are used instead of "X" and "Z."
In the next group of function boxes, in practically all cases,
they are marked: R-Y amplifier, B-Y amplifier, and G-Y
In some cases (Figs. 9-3 and 9-4) there are no such am-
plifiers at all. In one example (Fig. 9-4) one multipurpose tube
(V16, 6LE8) performs all the functions of the demodulators
and final color amplifiers. In the second group of functions,
those of final color amplifiers, there are also a number of
different arrangements.
Returning to the names and functions of the various
stages, the demodulators serve to extract or separate the color
signals from the combined electrical signals which served to
"carry" the color information through the TV set. After the
demodulators, the signals are the ultimate color information
which (in some TV sets) require only additional amplification
before application to the three color guns of the picture tube.
As to the color identification, both the demodulators and the
following amplifiers carry the designations R-Y, B-Y and G-Y.
Notice that the dashes between the letters are "minus"
signs and should be read. G minus Y, R minus Y, etc. These
names describe a method of color processing technically
called "difference color system," viz., "difference color
demodulators and difference color amplifiers." In the
beginning at least it is not necessary to know the technical
reasons for this. Instead, it is perfectly satisfactory to assume
that R-Y stands for red, B-Y for blue, and G-Y for green. What
needs to be made clear here is that in many TV sets there will
be no G-Y demodulator because this is achieved as part of the
R-Y and B-Y functions. Furthermore, in some TV sets the
demodulators are marked X demodulator and Z demodulator.
The first of these is equivalent to the R-Y demodulator and the
Z to the B-Y.
there are two other sets of adjustments in the color-only
portion of the receiver which must be taken into account when
partial color deficiency is evident. One set of controls is called
"drive," the other set is called "screen." There is usually one
in each set for each color, marked (respectively) red drive,
blue drive, green drive and red screen, blue screen, green
The drive and screen adjustments are interdependent and
may seem to have very similar effects on the color quality.
Actually, however, they cannot be used interchangeably—one
cannot properly turn the drive control all the way up to
compensate for atoo-far-down setting of ascreen adjustment.
A simple way of describing the distinction between the two
controls is to say that the drive control sets the initial or
starting point for the operation of each color gun, while the
screen adjustment determines the "gain" or output of the
particular color. Thus, if the red drive, for example, is
properly adjusted, there will be a normal range of color
brightness in the picture, although the picture may still be
"thin," or faint, or weak. Improper adjustment of the drive
controls may produce, depending on whether the adjustment
is too little or too much, either too faint a picture in the dim-
mer portions of the scene or too strong (glaring, harsh, ex-
cessive) on the brightest portions of the scene. By comparison
the screen adjustment can make the whole picture look either
too low or weak (insufficient) or too high (oversaturated). The
normal adjustment for these twin-type settings is, first, to get
the complete range of variation from dimmest to brightest,
and second, to get this complete range up to alevel which is an
acceptable "good" picture.
"Gray-Scale" Method of Screen and Drive Adjustments
and screen adjustments to produce such a correct com-
bination. The term "gray-scale" is borrowed from
photographic terminology and denotes acontinuous gradation
from pitch black through all shades of gray to full white. A
normal black-and-white photograph should show all these
gradations, provided, of course, that they existed in the
original scene. In a3-gun color picture tube proper setup of the
gray scale is a prerequisite for a balanced color picture. But
even in agray-scale adjustment carried out by aprofessional
serviceman there is a certain amount of "magic" involved,
except in those cases of more recent sets where a detailed
adjustment procedure, applicable to a particular set only, is
provided by the manufacturer. In such cases there is often an
auxiliary switch marked "normal-service" (or similar ter-
minology), indicating that the switch is left in the normal
position for use of the set (some normal functions are disabled
in the service position), and temporarily switched to "ser-
vice" for adjustment purposes. But even in these cases, final
touch-up is still done by the serviceman by "magic." Based on
all these factors, the best procedure for the beginner still is to
use careful observation and judgment, proceeding as follows:
1. Set the brightness control to a moderately low level
(definitely lower than when viewing) and observe any
coloration on the raster. Identify which color or colors appear.
2. Adjust the screen control of one of the colors on the
raster—in other words "tune out" the blue coloration with the
blue screen, etc., until the color in question is at a minimum.
Do not go beyond this point.
3. Repeat, if necessary, for the second and third color, in
the same manner until the raster is substantially free of
4. Advance the brightness control to full, normal bright-
ness. Do not advance much beyond this point.
5. As in the case of the low brightness adjustments above,
repeat the whole sequence, but with the drive controls. While it
is always advisable to follow the manufacturer's recom-
mendations and instructions, this may not always be within
the capability of a beginner. The case of the gray-scale ad-
justment may be just an example. Unless the directions are
clearly understood (they were written for professionals), the
adjustment should not be attempted. However, the ob-
servation-judgment procedure outlined above is still valid and
cannot cause any difficulty if followed.
6. Slowly rotate the brightness control from its last
setting (full normal bright) down to a fairly dim setting,
simultaneously watching the screen for reappearance of
coloration as the screen is dimmed. If no appreciable
coloration reappears, the adjustment is complete. If
noticeable coloration reappears, repeat Steps 1through 5once
more. This is not "starting from scratch" but a touch-up, so
that amore careful and more gradual procedure is not called
for. The second adjustment should produce optimum
satisfactory pictures, both black-and-white and color.
There are three areas which affect the red color in the
picture—the demodulators, the final (individual) color am-
plifiers, and the picture tube. Based on some possibility of side
effects (on the other primary colors as well as on the in-
between shades) the test sequence is:
Blue and green appear fairly normal: Since you probably
do not have access to acolor-bar generator (except in the case
of a built-in color generator found on only one such TV set on
the market today), the judgment of color must be done sub-
jectively. Look for known blue picture elements such as sky,
or known greens such as grass, to judge. If such areas of
known color seem to show normal color, the trouble is
probably not in the demodulators.
Replace the R-Y final amplifier: This is V16 in Fig. 9-1,
V19 in Fig. 9-2, etc. If normal color returns, you've found the
cause of the trouble. If there's no substantial improvement,
replace the original tube.
Locate the "red screen" adjustment: This control affects
only the red gun of the picture tube. Before manipulating this
control, mark the "before" position (hurled or slotted shaft)
with a pencil or a piece of masking tape. Advance this control
gradually, usually clockwise, to increase the red color. If no
noticeable effect is observed, restore the shaft to the "before"
position. If gradual improvement results from turning the
control advance the adjustment further until red is normal.
A note of caution is in order here: First, if the red screen
control had accidentally been backed off (this is a possibility,
but not aprobability), advancing it to normal color production
is perfectly proper. However, if the control has to be turned all
the way to barely obtain a fairly good red, a defect elsewhere
in the system is responsible and compensating for this fault
with the screen control is not advisable, for the good of the
picture tube. While it is quite possible that the red gun in the
picture tube has degenerated, this is not too common, since in
normal use all three guns deteriorate more or less equally.
Replace the R-Y demodulator: This is no more than a
possibility in view of the fact that the green seems normal; it
would not be normal if the R-Y (or the "X") demodulator were
degraded. If this replacement does not cure the red deficiency
when advancing the red screen is only partly effective, a
defect in one of the components (a capacitor or resistor) is
most likely the cause. Incidentally, the red screen adjustment
is fully helpful; it may well mean that one of the color guns is
defective and a new picture tube will ultimately be required.
Under these circumstances, no harm is done in advancing the
control and obtaining as much use of the tube as possible
before a replacement must be purchased.
Carefully touch up the "red drive" control. This is im-
portant because the drive and screen controls for any one
color are very much interdependent and may seem to act
alike, especially in the hands of the inexperienced. As in the
case of the screen adjustment outlined above, it is good
practice to observe the initial setting of the drive adjustment
so as to be able to return it to its original setting if no change is
apparent. The original setting of the drive control is important
since, unless there is evidence to the contrary, the control was
set for the proper operating conditions for the particular gun
(red in this case) and only a competent serviceman using a
high grade instrument can set this control to its proper
position. However, you're safe in making a slight read-
justment, up or down, if there is clear evidence that such a
readjustment, combined with a corresponding adjustment of
the screen control, improves the red color sufficiently to make
it acceptable. If such adjustment fails to show a substantial
improvement in the red color, a defective component is
probably responsible.
Replace the 2-in-1 (or 3-in-1) tube comprising the B-Y and
G-Y amplifiers. This is V16 in Fig. 9-1, V19 in Fig. 9-2, etc. If
the fault lies in the color amplifier, this step should be ef-
fective. If it does not restore the blue and green colors,
pictures being transmitted. Any malfunction here will throw
the received picture out of kilter. The procedure in
troubleshooting these malfunctions is as follows:
Replace the first color sync tube: Since the number of
sync-related functions (and tubes used in each case) differ
widely, it is necessary to determine the sync "lineup" in each
particular set. Thus, using our typical block diagrams as
examples, in Fig. 9-1 the sync stages consist of burst gate V7C,
and subcarrier amplifier V15B, in the order given. The
corresponding sequence in Fig. 9-3 is gated burst amplifier
V18, phase detector V19A, reactance control V20A, and 3.58-
MHz oscillator V20B. In Fig. 9-2 the sync lineup is burst am-
plifier V15B and reactance control V17A. In Fig. 9-4 burst
amplifier V17A and 3.58-MHz oscillator V18A. These typical
diagrams are based on actual TV sets and cover the vast
majority of all color sets in use today. Should one exceptional
case have a somewhat different arrangement or designation,
you can identify each function by comparing the names and
functions with those given here. The word "chroma" may be
used for the word "color," "control" is often used for "sync,"
"burst" may be used interchangeably with "oscillator"
("osc"), or "reference" or "subcarrier."
Although the replacement or substitution of tubes in the
order given is the most direct way of finding amalfunctioning
stage, it does not mean that random substitution will not
ultimately produce the same results. But for logical
procedures the sequence should be followed, as it proceeds, in
all cases from the color IF amplifier to the 3.58-MHz oscillator.
A final general reminder: In all the sets represented by the
block diagrams in this Chapter the 3.58-MHz stage contains a
crystal, and it is just as vulnerable a link in the sync chain as
all the other tube stages enumerated here.
Replace the first tube in the sync lineup. Very often this
will be one section of a multifunction tube, but this does not
change the procedure. If only a minor improvement in
stabilization results, you have not found the trouble. In Fig. 9-1
the first tube is the burst gate, V7C, '/3 of a6M11 tube. In Fig.
9-2 it is the burst amplifier, V15B, 1
/ of a6BN11. In Fig. 9-3 it is
V18, 6EJ7, the burst amplifier. In Fig. 9-4, the burst amplifier
is V17A, 1 / of a 6A19.
Remove the second sync tube. In Fig. 9-1 this is the sub-
carrier amplifier, V15B, 1/ 2 of a6BW11. In Fig. 9-2 it is V17A, 1
Where the second step involved the 3.58-MHz oscillator, as
in Fig. 9-4 replace the 3.58 crystal if it is a plug-in type. It is
also advisable in this case to observe whether the color
breakup is always present from the moment the TV set is
switched on or if it appears later after the set warms up. If the
latter is true, the crystal is amost likely suspect, as these units
sometimes stop functioning (oscillating) after a period of
normal operation but may return to normal if the set is
switched off, then immediately switched on again.
Another possibility is poor contact at the crystal con-
necting pins. As described earlier, in many TV sets the crystal
connects to the TV set by means of two thin wire pins, similar
to those on miniature tubes. Applying agentle pressure on the
crystal case may momentarily restore normal operation if
poor contact is the cause. In other TV sets the crystal is
soldered in, like any other part, and replacement is not so
easy. As afinal note, it remains to be said that acrystal failure
or a 3.58-MHz oscillator failure usually, even if not always,
causes atotal loss of color, not just breakup.
In TV sets similar to Figs. 9-1 and 9-3, replace the next
likely offending tube. This is the oscillator control, V20A, 1 / of
The second factor, although much less scientific, is
nevertheless just as important: viewer attitude. It is a fact
that the average observer is far more tolerant when viewing a
black-and-white picture than he is of color. This is due, in part
at least, to the fact that even a faint picture can be seen and
followed in monochrome, while the weak picture in color is
intolerable and actually much more difficult to follow. Taking
both of these into proper consideration, the following may be
said about the color TV antenna requirements:
A number of publications, some in libraries and others on
the shelves in the stationary stores, spell out these
requirements quite adequately (it is not practical to furnish
this information here for many reasons). The general cliche
that good quality costs more is true, indeed, so one should not
be tempted by some "sensational" mail-order antenna
discoveries at "amazing" bargain prices. Without any other
basis for judgment, it is still safe to assume that the cheaper
the antenna, the less capable it is. In cases of color ab-
normalities such as smear or overlap of one color onto an
adjacent color to its right or left, it is advisable to consider the
antenna as a possible source of the trouble.
In ablack-and-white picture, acondition similar to smear
often results from an improperly installed or wrongly oriented
antenna. The usual name for such an appearance is
"ghosts"—a slight displacement of the picture edge, as if two
superimposed identical pictures were slightly out of
"register" or slightly displaced from one another, either to the
left or to the right. One check on the accuracy of this diagnosis
in acolor picture is to turn the chroma (or color gain or color)
control all the way off, so that a black-and-white picture
remains. If evidence of ghosts exists, the diagnosis was
probably correct. Adjusting (rotating) the antenna, if it is not
otherwise defective (broken elements, poor lead-in con-
nections at the antenna, loose elements, etc.) should eliminate
ghosts (or at least reduce them to a minimum) and effect a
marked reduction in the color smear.
A fairly common cause of both color smear and color
"mixing" or distortion, particularly around the edges of the
picture, is accidental magnetization of some of the structural
metal around the face of the picture tube by "stray f ields"—
AC lines in the wall, a heavy current appliance in the im-
mediate vicinity of the TV set, etc. No amount of adjustment
can remove this color distortion. Only a demagnetization or
"degaussing" of the picture tube will restore color purity.
While some of the more recently manufactured TV sets
have abuilt-in degaussing capability, most of the earlier color
sets are not so equipped. While the process of external
degaussing is relatively simple and quick, it does require a
degaussing device, alarge (6- to 10-inch diameter) ring made
of many turns of insulated wire terminated in an AC plug. In
operation the device is plugged into an AC outlet and moved
about (in a definite manner and speed) in front of the TV
picture tube. A few moments are required to demagnetize the
steel frame and rim of the color tube. While it is not par-
ticularly difficult for a beginner to construct and use such a
device, its very infrequent use makes the task unjustifiable.
Actually, it may be more economical to have aprofessional do
it for the nominal fee he charges. Incidentally, inexpensive
degaussing coils, sometimes advertised as "color purifiers,"
have appeared on the market and come with complete simple
instructions for their use.
AC (Alternating Current) The type of electricity normally used in homes
(and most industries). Its contrasting opposite is direct current, or DC,
now obsolete except for certain specialized applications. All batteries
supply DC.
ACC (Atitomatic Color Control) A circuit similar in function and purpose
to AGC, except that it is supplied exclusively to the color (bandpass)
amplifiers to maintain constant signals.
AC Hum A low-pitch "m-m-m" sound heard whenever AC power is
converted into sound, intentionally or accidentally. The common AC hum
is a 60-Hz note.
AFC (Automatic Frequency Control) A method of maintaining the
frequency or timing of an electrical signal in precise agreement with
some standard. In FM receivers, AFC keeps the receiver tuned exactly to
the desired station. In TV, horizontal AFC keeps the individual elements
or particles of the picture information in precise "registration" with the
picture transmitted by the TV station.
AGC (Automatic Gain Control) A system that automatically holds the
level or strength of asignal (picture or sound) at apredetermined level,
thus compensating for variations due to fading, etc.
Amplifier As applied to electronics, a magnifier. A simple tube or
transistor or acomplete assembly of tubes and-or transistors and other
components may function as an amplifier of either electric voltage or
Anode The more positive (+) element of a 2-element device such as a
vacuum tube or a semiconductor diode. In a television tube, an anode
(there are more than one) is an element having arelatively high positive
voltage applied to it.
Aperture mask An opaque disc behind the faceplate of a color picture
tube; it has aprecise pattern of holes through which the electron beams
are directed to the color dots on the screen.
Arc, arcing An electric spark that jumps (usually due to a defect) be-
tween two points in a circuit which are supposed to be insulated from
each other, but not adequately so.
Aspect ratio The relation or proportion between the width and height of a
transmitted TV scene. The standard aspect ration is 4:3, meaning that
the picture is 3inches high for every 4inches of width, or four-thirds as
wide as it is high.
Audio Any sound (mechanical) or sound frequency (electrical) that is
capable of being heard is considered as audio. Generally, this includes
frequencies between about 20 and 20,000 Hz (or cycles per second).
B+ A DC supply voltage, as low as 1volt in transistor circuits and as high
as hundreds of volts in circuits, which is essential to normal operation of
these devices. The plus sign indicates the polarity, not "more than."
B+ boost A circuit in TV receivers which adds to, or "boosts," the basic
B+ voltage. The boost source is aby-product of the horizontal deflection
system. Also see Damper.
Bandpass (amplifier) In acolor TV set, one or two color signal amplifiers
located "at the beginning" of the color portion of the TV set; they are
designed to amplify only the required color frequencies. (They "pass" a
certain "band" of frequencies).
Barkhausen A term applied to adisplay of one or two black vertical lines
on the left side of the picture tube, due to some spurious behavior
(oscillation) in the circuit. These lines are usually seen best when there is
no picture on the screen (just ablank raster).
Blanking A term used to describe the process which prevents certain
lines and symbols (which are required for keeping the picture "in step"
with the transmitter) from being seen on the TV screen.
Brightness Refers to both the amount of illumination on the screen (other
than picture strength) and the control that is used to adjust the brightness
Burst In color TV, aprecise timing signal (it is not continuous, but comes
in spaced "bursts") transmitted for controlling the 3.58-MHz oscillator
essential for color reception.
Burst oscillator The precision 3.58-MHz oscillator (vibrator) vital to color
reception. It is kept in step (sync) by the burst.
Buzz This is sometimes called intercarrier buzz, a raspy version of AC
hum, usually caused by improper adjustment of some IF circuits.
B-Y The blue component of a color picture.
Carrier The radio signal which "carries" the sound or picture in-
formation from the transmitter to the receiver. The carrier frequency is
the identifying frequency of the station (e.g., 880 kHz, 93.1 MHz, etc.).
Cathode The negative or minus element of a 2-element tube or
semiconductor. The cathode and the anode combine to form a diode (2-
element device). The cathode is also the source of electrons in such
Cathode ray tube A tube in which electrical energy is converted to light.
An electron beam (or beams), originating at the cathode, impinges upon
aphosphor light-emitting screen. TV picture tubes, radar tubes, "tuning
eyes" in some FM sets, and many similar types are basically cathode ray
Chroma Another term for color. Color amplifiers are often called chroma
amplifiers. The term is also used to denote the control used to increase or
reduce the color content of a picture.
Clipper A term describing the operation of one of the sync circuits in aTV
set. It is the stage (tube or transistor) that separates the sync (timing)
signals from the picture information.
Color killer A special circuit whose function is to turn off the color am-
plifier circuits when ablack-and-white signal is being received. Also the
control used to adjust the operation of the circuit.
Contrast The depth of difference between light and dark portions of aTV
scene. Also the name given to the control for adjusting the contrast level.
Convergence The system that brings the three electron beams together in
acolor picture tube so they all pass through the same hole in the shadow
mask and strike the correct dots on the screen.
Converter A stage in the tuner (or "front end") of aTV set (or any radio
receiver) which converts an incoming signal to a predetermined
frequency called the IF or intermediate frequency. All incoming signals
are converted to the same IF.
Corona Similar to an electric arc, except that this is acharacteristic of
much higher voltages (thousands). Corona occurs as acontinuous, fine
electrical path through air between two points, sometimes accompanied
by afaint violet glow (usually near the picture tube).
Crystal A quartz or synthetic mineral-like slab or wafer having the
property of vibrating at aprecise rate or frequency. Each crystal is cut to
vibrate at the desired frequency. Such acrystal is used in the 3.58-MHz
burst oscillator to control its frequency.
Damper A diode (usually atube but in newer sets asemiconductor) used
in horizontal amplifier circuits to suppress certain electrical activity. It
incidentally provides B+ boost voltage.
Deflection The orderly movement of the electron beam in a picture
(cathode ray) tube. Horizontal deflection pertains to the left-right
movement, vertical deflection the up-down movement of the beam.
Degaussing Demagnetizing. In color TV sets, an internal or external
circuit device which prevents (or corrects) any stray magnetization of
the iron in the picture tube faceplate structure. Magnetization results in
color distortion.
Demodulator A demodulator separates or extracts the desired signal,
such as sound energy or picture information, from its carrier—the radio
wave on which it is carried from the transmitter.
Detector Same as demodulator.
Diode A 2-element electron device, either atube or semiconductor. The
simplest and most common application of adiode is in the conversion of
AC to DC (rectification).
Discriminator An audio detector in an FM receiver or TV sound circuits.
Also, adetector performing asimilar function in other frequency control
circuits (such as horizontal frequency control).
Faceplate The front assembly of a picture tube. In a color tube, it in-
cludes the tricolor phosphor and the aperture mask.
Field Refers to one scan of the picture tube. Two scans are needed,
reproducing alternate lines during each scan, to complete one frame
(picture). A field takes one-sixtieth of a second.
Flyback. Retrace Name given to return movement of the electron beam
in apicture tube after completing each line and each field. You don't see
flyback or retrace lines (normally) on the picture tube because they are
blanked out.
Frame The combination of two interlaced fields is called aframe. Since it
consists of two fields each of one-sixtieth of asecond duration, the frame
duration is one-thirtieth of a second.
Frequency The number of recurring alternations in an electrical wave,
such as home AC, radio waves, etc. Frequency is specified by the number
of alternations occurring during one second and given in Hertz (cycles
per second), kiloHertz (1000 cycles) and megaHertz (million cycles).
high voltage Generally refers to the multi-thousand picture tube voltage,
but it can be used to mean any potential of a few hundred volts or more.
horizontal Pertaining to any of the functions associated with left-to-right
scanning in a picture tube including the horizontal amplifier, oscillator,
frequency, drive, lock, AFC, etc.
Hue In color TV, the basic color characteristic which distinguishes red
from green from blue, etc.
Hum Same as AC hum.
Linearity Picture symmetry. Horizontal linearity pertains to symmetry
between the right and left sides of the picture (best observed with a
standard test pattern). Also, an adjustment for achieving such linearity.
Vertical linearity refers to symmetry between upper and lower halves of
a picture.
Line, filter A device sometimes employed between the AC wall outlet and
aradio or TV set to reduce or eliminate electrical noises.
Line, transmission The antenna lead-in wire or cable.
Lock, horizontal An adjustment in some TV sets for setting the automatic
frequency operation on the horizontal sweep oscillator.
Loss Usually refers to the amount of signal lost in the antenna lead-in
(transmission line). This is particularly serious on UHF.
Modulation The process of combining (by superimposition) a sound or
picture signal with a "carrier" signal fèr purposes of efficient trans-
mission through air. The carrier's only function is to "piggyback" the
Oscillator Generator of a signal, such as the 3.58-MHz color subcarrier
signal, the RF oscillator in the tuner, the horizontal oscillator (15,750 Hz),
and vertical oscillator (60 Hz).
Parallel A method of circuit component connection where all com-
ponents involved connect to common points, so that each component is
independent of all other components. For example, all light bulbs in your
house are connected in parallel.
Phosphor The coating on the interior of the faceplate of a picture tube,
which gives off light when struck by an electron beam. The chemical
composition of the phosphor determines the color of the light it will emit.
Power supply That portion of a piece of electronic equipment which
provides operating voltages for its tubes, transistors, etc.
Preamplifier Ahigh-gain amplifier used to build up asignal so it is strong
enough to present to the normal level amplifiers. For example, an an-
tenna preamplifier for fringe area reception.
Pulse A single signal of very short duration, used for timing and sync
purposes. Sync pulses are the best example of this type of signal. Pulses
occur in precisely measured bursts.
Purity, color The display of the various true colors without any accidental
or unwanted contamination of one color by any of the others. Color purity
is largely dependent on correct convergence adjustments.
Retrace The return movement of the scanning electron beam from the
extreme right to the extreme left and from the bottom to the top of the
raster. Also see flyback.
Retrace blanking The extinction (or darkening) of the light on the face of
the picture tube during retrace time, in order to make these lines in-
visible. Should retrace blanking fail, white lines sloping downward from
right to left would be seen on the screen.
R-Y The red color component of the overall color picture signal.
Saturation Pertains to the "full depth" of acolor, in contrast to a faint,
"feeble" color. Saturated colors are "strong" colors.
Series A connection between a number of components (or tubes) in
"chain" fashion; i.e., one component follows the other. If any one com-
ponent opens or burns out it breaks the series circuit.
Shadow mask Same as aperture mask.
Shield Ametallic enclosure or container surrounding acomponent (tube,
cable, etc.). Also see tube shield.
Shielded cable A wire having a metal casing on the outside to prevent
unwanted electrical energy from reaching the inner conductor.
Signal Electrical energy containing intelligence such as speech, music,
pictures, etc.
Signal-to-noise ratio A mathematic expression which indicates the
relative strength of asignal within its noise environment. A good signal
has a high signal-to-noise ratio.
Sound bars Thick horizontal lines (or bars), usually alternately dark and
light, appearing on the TV picture screen due to unwanted sound energy
reaching the picture tube. In appearance, the width, number, and the
position of these bars varies with the nature of the sound. Sound bars are
caused by a misadjusted circuit.
Subcarrier The color picture information carrier. It is called asubcarrier
because it is a secondary carrier in the particular channel. The color
subcarrier frequency is 3.58 MHz.
Sync An abbreviation for asynchronizing signal. It is atiming signal or
series of pulses sent by the transmitter and used by the receiver to stay in
precise step with the transmitter.
Sync clipper See clipper.
Sync separator A circuit in aTV receiver which separates the sync from
the picture information or-and the vertical sync pulses from the
horizontal sync pulses.
Trap An electrical circuit which absorbs or contains a particular elec-
trical signal (also called wave trap). Also amagnet used on the neck of
some picture tubes for electron beam deflection.
Triad The 3-color, 3-dot group (red, green, blue) of which the color pic-
ture tube phosphor is made. Each group of three dots is atriad, and there
are thousands of triads on amodern color tube screen.
Tube shield A metal sleeve which fits snugly over a glass tube and
"shields" it from extraneous electrical impulses. A tube shield is part of
the tube's electrical circuit.
UHF (Ultra High Frequencies) Radio and TV frequencies from 300 MHz
upward. Channels 14 through 83 are all located in the UHF band and are,
therefore, called UHF stations.
Vertical Pertaining to the circuits and functions associated with the up-
down motion or deflection of the electron beam.
Vertical amplifier An amplifier following the vertical oscillator; used to
enlarge the vertical sweep signal.
VHF' (Very High Frequencies) Radio and TV stations located below 300
MHz (down to 50 MHz). TV Channels 2through 13 as well as the FM band
are in the VHF frequency spectrum.
Video A term applied to picture signals or information (video circuits,
video amplifier, etc.).
Yoke Deflection yoke. The electrical assembly, somewhat in the shape of
ayoke or collar, mounted on the picture tube neck against the flaring bell
of the tube. By electric and magnetic means, the yoke imparts to the
electron beam the scanning (left-right and top-bottom) or deflection to
produce the raster and the image.
Y signal This is the picture-only (minus color) signal that is fed to the
color picture tube. It is sometimes called the "brightness" signal,
meaning the actual brightness and darkness (and all shades in-between)
of the picture. This "brightness' signal plus the red signal produce all the
red hues in the picture; the same Y signal and blue give all the blue
coloration, and finally, the Y signal plus the green give the green
coloration to the scene.