Abstract based perception [48], and we anticipate that this will also
be possible for wider monocular vision tasks, including pre-
Driving requires interacting with road agents and pre- diction. Building a perception and prediction system based
dicting their future behaviour in order to navigate safely. on cameras would enable a leaner, cheaper and higher reso-
We present FIERY: a probabilistic future prediction model lution visual recognition system over LiDAR sensing.
in bird’s-eye view from monocular cameras. Our model pre- Most of the work in camera-based prediction to date has
dicts future instance segmentation and motion of dynamic either been performed directly in the perspective view coor-
agents that can be transformed into non-parametric future dinate frame [1, 23], or using simplified BEV raster rep-
trajectories. Our approach combines the perception, sen- resentations of the scene [28, 12, 10] generated by HD-
sor fusion and prediction components of a traditional au- mapping systems such as [29, 16]. We wish to build predic-
tonomous driving stack by estimating bird’s-eye-view pre- tive models that operate in an orthographic bird’s-eye view
diction directly from surround RGB monocular camera in- frame (due to the benefits for planning and control [34]),
puts. FIERY learns to model the inherent stochastic nature though without relying on auxiliary systems to generate a
of the future solely from camera driving data in an end-to- BEV raster representation of the scene.
end manner, without relying on HD maps, and predicts mul-
A key theme in robust perception systems for au-
timodal future trajectories. We show that our model outper-
tonomous vehicles has been the concept of early sensor
forms previous prediction baselines on the NuScenes and
fusion, generating 3D object detections directly from im-
Lyft datasets. The code and trained models are available at
age and LiDAR data rather than seeking to merge the pre-
dicted outputs of independent object detectors on each sen-
sor input. Learning a task jointly from multiple sources
of sensory data as in [50], rather than a staged pipeline,
1. Introduction has been demonstrated to offer improvement to perception
performance in tasks such as object detection. We seek
Prediction of future states is a key challenge in many
similar benefits in joining perception and sensor fusion to
autonomous decision making systems. This is particularly
prediction by estimating bird’s-eye-view prediction directly
true for motion planning in highly dynamic environments:
from surround RGB monocular camera inputs, rather than a
for example in autonomous driving where the motion of
multi-stage discrete pipeline of tasks.
other road users and pedestrians has a substantial influence
on the success of motion planning [10]. Estimating the mo- Lastly, traditional autonomous driving stacks [13] tackle
tion and future poses of these road users enables motion future prediction by extrapolating the current behaviour of
planning algorithms to better resolve multimodal outcomes dynamic agents, without taking into account possible inter-
where the optimal action may be ambiguous knowing only actions. They rely on HD maps and use road connectivity to
the current state of the world. generate a set of future trajectories. Instead, FIERY learns
Autonomous driving is inherently a geometric problem, to predict future motion of road agents directly from cam-
where the goal is to navigate a vehicle safely and correctly era driving data in an end-to-end manner, without relying
through 3D space. As such, an orthographic bird’s-eye view on HD maps. It can reason about the probabilistic nature of
(BEV) perspective is commonly used for motion planning the future, and predicts multimodal future trajectories (see
and prediction based on LiDAR sensing [38, 49]. Recent blog post and Figure 1).
advances in camera-based perception have rivalled LiDAR- To summarise the main contributions of this paper:
Figure 1: Multimodal future predictions by our bird’s-eye view network. Top two rows: RGB camera inputs. The predicted
instance segmentations are projected to the ground plane in the images. We also visualise the mean future trajectory of
dynamic agents as transparent paths. Bottom row: future instance prediction in bird’s-eye view in a 100m × 100m capture
size around the ego-vehicle, which is indicated by a black rectangle in the center.
1. We present the first future prediction model in bird’s- modal futures of the dynamic environment.
eye view from monocular camera videos. Our frame- 3. We demonstrate quantitative benchmarks for future
work explicitly reasons about multi-agent dynamics by dynamic scene segmentation, and show that our
predicting future instance segmentation and motion in learned prediction outperforms previous prediction
bird’s-eye view. baselines for autonomous driving on the NuScenes [5]
2. Our probabilistic model predicts plausible and multi- and Lyft [25] datasets.
2. Related Work (we use EfficientNet [45] in our implementation) to obtain
a set of features to be lifted and a set of discrete depth prob-
Bird’s-eye view representation from cameras. Many abilities. Let Ot = {It1 , ..., Itn } be the set of n = 6 camera
prior works [51, 47] have tackled the inherently ill-posed images at time t. We encode each image Itk with the en-
problem [17] of lifting 2D perspective images into a bird’s- coder: ekt = E(Itk ) ∈ R(C+D)×He ×We , with C the number
eye view representation. [35, 33] dealt specifically with the of feature channels, D the number of discrete depth val-
problem of generating semantic BEV maps directly from ues and (He , We ) the feature spatial size. D is equal to
images and used a simulator to obtain the ground truth. the number of equally spaced depth slices between Dmin
Recent multi-sensor datasets, such as NuScenes [5] or (the minimum depth value) and Dmax (the maximum depth
Lyft [25], made it possible to directly supervise models on value) with size Dsize = 1.0m. Let us split this feature
real-world data by generating bird’s-eye view semantic seg- into two: ekt = (ekt,C , ekt,D ) with ekt,C ∈ RC×He ×We and
mentation labels from 3D object detections. [39] proposed
ekt,D ∈ RD×He ×We . A tensor ukt ∈ RC×D×He ×We is
a Bayesian occupancy network to predict road elements and
formed by taking the outer product of the features to be
dynamic agents in BEV directly from monocular RGB im-
lifted with the depth probabilities:
ages. Most similar to our approach, Lift-Splat [37] learned a
depth distribution over pixels to lift camera images to a 3D ukt = ekt,C ⊗ ekt,D (1)
point cloud, and project the latter into BEV using camera
geometry. Fishing Net [19] tackled the problem of predict- The depth probabilities act as a form of self-attention,
ing deterministic future bird’s-eye view semantic segmen- modulating the features according to which depth plane
tation using camera, radar and LiDAR inputs. they are predicted to belong to. Using the known camera in-
trinsics and extrinsics (position of the cameras with respect
Future prediction. Classical methods for future predic- to the center of gravity of the vehicle), these tensors from
tion generally employ a multi-stage detect-track-predict each camera (u1t , ..., unt ) are lifted to 3D in a common ref-
paradigm for trajectory prediction [8, 20, 46]. However, erence frame (the inertial center of the ego-vehicle at time
these methods are prone to cascading errors and high la- t).
tency, and thus many have turned to an end-to-end approach 3.2. Projecting to bird’s-eye view
for future prediction. Most end-to-end approaches rely
heavily on LiDAR data [32, 11], showing improvements by In our experiments, to obtain a bird’s-eye view feature,
incorporating HD maps [7], encoding constraints [6], and we discretise the space in 0.50m × 0.50m columns in a
fusing radar and other sensors for robustness [43]. These 100m × 100m capture size around the ego-vehicle. The
end-to-end methods are faster and have higher performance 3D features are sum pooled along the vertical dimension to
as compared to the traditional multi-stage approaches. form bird’s-eye view feature maps xt ∈ RC×H×W , with
The above methods attempt future prediction by produc- (H, W ) = (200, 200) the spatial extent of the BEV feature.
ing a single deterministic trajectory [7, 19], or a single dis-
3.3. Learning a temporal representation
tribution to model the uncertainty of each waypoint of the
trajectory [6, 11]. However, in the case of autonomous driv- The past bird’s-eye view features (x1 , ..., xt ) are trans-
ing, one must be able to anticipate a range of behaviors for formed to the present’s reference frame (time t) using
actors in the scene, jointly. From an observed past, there known past ego-motion (a1 , ..., at−1 ). at−1 ∈ SE(3) cor-
are many valid and probable futures that could occur [21]. responds to the ego-motion from t − 1 to t, i.e. the transla-
Other work [8, 46, 36] has been done on probabilistic multi- tion and rotation of the ego-vehicle. Using a Spatial Trans-
hypothesis trajectory prediction, however all assume access former [22] module S, we warp past features xi to the
to top-down rasterised representations as inputs. Our ap- present for i ∈ {1, ..., t − 1}:
proach is the first to predict diverse and plausible future ve-
hicle trajectories directly from raw camera video inputs. xti = S(xi , at−1 · at−2 · ... · ai ) (2)
Since we lose the past ego-motion information with this
3. Model Architecture operation, we concatenate spatially-broadcast actions to the
An overview of our model is given in Figure 2. warped past features xti .
These features are then the input to a temporal model T
3.1. Lifting camera features to 3D which outputs a spatio-temporal state st :
For every past timestep, we use the method of [37] to st = T (xt1 , xt2 , ..., xtt ) (3)
extract image features from each camera and then lift and
fuse them into a BEV feature map. In particular, each im- with xtt = xt . T is a 3D convolutional network with
age is passed through a standard convolutional encoder E local spatio-temporal convolutions, global 3D pooling lay-
Figure 2: The architecture of FIERY: a future prediction model in bird’s-eye view from camera inputs.
1. At each past timestep {1, ..., t}, we lift camera inputs (O1 , ..., Ot ) to 3D by predicting a depth probability distribution
over pixels and using known camera intrinsics and extrinsics.
2. These features are projected to bird’s-eye view (x1 , ..., xt ). Using past ego-motion (a1 , ..., at−1 ), we transform the
bird’s-eye view features into the present reference frame (time t) with a Spatial Transformer module S.
3. A 3D convolutional temporal model learns a spatio-temporal state st .
4. We parametrise two probability distributions: the present and the future distribution. The present distribution is con-
ditioned on the current state st , and the future distribution is conditioned on both the current state st and future labels
(yt+1 , ..., yt+H ).
5. We sample a latent code ηt from the future distribution during training, and from the present distribution during infer-
ence. The current state st and the latent code ηt are the inputs to the future prediction model that recursively predicts
future states (ŝt+1 , ..., ŝt+H ).
6. The states are decoded into future instance segmentation and future motion in bird’s-eye view (ŷt , ..., ŷt+H ).
ers, and skip connections. For more details on the temporal predictions consistent with the observed future, and a mode
module, see Appendix B. covering Kullback-Leibler divergence loss to encourage the
present distribution to cover the observed futures:
3.4. Present and future distributions
Following [21] we adopt a conditional variational ap-
Lprobabilistic = DKL (F (·|st , yt+1 , ..., yt+H ) || P (·|st )) (4)
proach to model the inherent stochasticity of future predic-
tion. We introduce two distributions: a present distribution During inference, we sample ηt ∼ N (µt,present , σt,present )
P which only has access to the current spatio-temporal state from the present distribution where each sample encodes a
st , and a future distribution F that additionally has access possible future.
to the observed future labels (yt+1 , ..., yt+H ), with H the
3.5. Future prediction in bird’s-eye view
future prediction horizon. The labels correspond to future
centerness, offset, segmentation, and flow (see Section 3.6). The future prediction model is a convolutional gated re-
We parametrise both distributions as diagonal Gaussians current unit network taking as input the current state st and
with mean µ ∈ RL and variance σ 2 ∈ RL , L being the the latent code ηt sampled from the future distribution F
latent dimension. During training, we use samples ηt ∼ during training, or the present distribution P for inference.
N (µt,future , σt,future ) from the future distribution to enforce It recursively predicts future states (ŝt+1 , ..., ŝt+H ).
(a) Camera inputs.
(b) Centerness. (c) Segmentation. (d) Offset. (e) Future flow. (f) Instance segmentation.
Figure 3: Outputs from our model. (b) shows a heatmap of instance centerness and indicates the probability of finding an
instance center (from blue to red). (c) represents the vehicles segmentation. (d) shows a vector field indicating the direction
to the instance center. (e) corresponds to future motion – notice how consistent the flow is for a given instance, since it’s a
rigid-body motion. (f) shows the final output of our model: a sequence of temporally consistent future instance segmentation
in bird’s-eye view where: (i) Instance centers are obtained by non-maximum suppression. (ii) The pixels are then grouped to
their closest instance center using the offset vector. (iii) Future flow allows for consistent instance identification by comparing
the warped centers using future flow from t to t + 1, and the centers at time t + 1. The ego-vehicle is indicated by a black
Appendix B.2 for more details. All the labels (yt , ..., yt+H ) to previous published methods on bird’s-eye view semantic
are in the present’s reference frame and are obtained by segmentation from monocular cameras.
transforming the labels with the ground truth future ego- Many previous works [30, 35, 39, 37, 42] have proposed
motion. a model to output the dynamic scene bird’s-eye view seg-
4.2. Metrics mentation from multiview camera images of a single time-
frame. For comparison, we adapt our model so that the past
Future Video Panoptic Quality. We want to measure the context is reduced to a single observation, and we set the fu-
performance of our system in both: ture horizon H = 0 (to only predict the present’s segmenta-
(i) Recognition quality: how consistently the instances tion). We call this model FIERY Static and report the results
are detected over time. in Table 1. We observe that FIERY Static outperforms all
(ii) Segmentation quality: how accurate the instance seg- previous baselines.
mentations are.
We use the Video Panoptic Quality (VQP) [26] metric Intersection-over-Union (IoU)
defined as: Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3
VED [30] 8.8 - -
(pt ,qt )∈T Pt IoU(pt , qt ) PON [39] 24.7 - -
VPQ = (6)
|T Pt | + 12 |F Pt | + 12 |F Nt | VPN [35] 25.5 - -
STA [42] 36.0 - -
with T Pt the set of true positives at timestep t (correctly
Lift-Splat [37] - 32.1 -
detected ground truth instances), F Pt the set of false posi-
Fishing Camera [19] - - 30.0
tives at timestep t (predicted instances that do not match any
Fishing Lidar [19] - - 44.3
ground truth instance), and F Nt the set of false negatives at
FIERY Static 37.7 35.8 -
timestep t (ground truth instances that were not detected).
FIERY 39.9 38.2 57.6
A true positive corresponds to a predicted instance segmen-
tation that has: (i) an intersection-over-union (IoU) over 0.5 Table 1: Bird’s-eye view semantic segmentation on
with the ground truth, and (ii) an instance id that is consis- NuScenes in the settings of the respective published meth-
tent with the ground truth over time (correctly tracked). ods.
Setting 1: 100m × 50m at 25cm resolution. Prediction of
Generalised Energy Distance. To measure the ability of the present timeframe.
our model to predict multi-modal futures, we report the Setting 2: 100m × 100m at 50cm resolution. Prediction of
Generalised Energy Distance (DGED ) [44] (defined in Ap- the present timeframe.
pendix A.3). Setting 3: 32.0m × 19.2m at 10cm resolution. Prediction
2.0s in the future. In this last setting we compare our model
4.3. Training to two variants of Fishing Net [19]: one using camera in-
Our model takes 1.0s of past context and predicts 2.0s puts, and one using LiDAR inputs.
in the future. In NuScenes, this corresponds to 3 frames of
past temporal context and 4 frames into the future at 2Hz. In
the Lyft dataset, this corresponds to 6 frames of past context We also train a model that takes 1.0s of past observations
and 10 frames in the future at 5Hz. as context (FIERY) and note that it achieves an even higher
For each past timestep, our model processes 6 camera intersection-over-union over its single-timeframe counter-
images at resolution 224 × 480. It outputs a sequence of part that has no past context. This is due to our model’s abil-
100m × 100m BEV predictions at 50cm pixel resolution in ity to accumulate information over time and better handle
both the x and y directions resulting in a bird’s-eye view partial observability and occlusions (see Figure 6). Qual-
video with spatial dimension 200 × 200. We use the Adam itatively, as shown in Figure 5, our predictions are much
optimiser with a constant learning rate of 3×10−4 . We train sharper and more accurate.
our model on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs with a batch size of 12 Finally, we compare our model to Fishing Net [19],
for 20 epochs at mixed precision. where the authors predicts bird’s-eye view semantic seg-
mentation 2.0s in the future. Fishing Net proposes two vari-
5. Results ants of their model: one using camera as inputs, and one
using LiDAR as inputs. FIERY performs much better than
5.1. Comparison to the literature
both the camera and LiDAR models, hinting that computer
Since predicting future instance segmentation in bird’s- vision networks are starting to become competitive with Li-
eye view is a new task, we begin by comparing our model DAR sensing for the prediction task.
Intersection-over-Union Video Panoptic Quality
Short Long Short Long
Static model 47.9 30.3 43.1 24.5
Extrapolation model 49.2 30.8 43.8 24.9
No temporal context 51.7 32.6 40.3 24.1
No transformation 53.0 33.8 41.7 24.6
No unrolling 55.4 34.9 44.2 26.2
No future flow 58.0 36.7 44.6 26.9
Uniform depth 57.1 36.2 46.8 27.8
Deterministic 58.2 36.6 48.3 28.5
FIERY 59.4 36.7 50.2 29.9
Table 2: Future instance segmentation in bird’s-eye view for 2.0s in the future on NuScenes. We report future Intersection-
over-Union (IoU) and Video Panoptic Quality (VPQ), evaluated at different ranges: 30m × 30m (Short) and 100m × 100m
(Long) around the ego-vehicle. Results are reported as percentages.
Deterministic 28.5
We also report the results of various ablations of our pro-
posed architecture: FIERY 29.9
20 22 24 26 28 30
• No temporal context. This model only uses the fea-
tures xt from the present timestep to predict the future Figure 4: Performance comparison of various ablations of
(i.e. we set the 3D convolutional temporal model to the our model. We measure future Video Panoptic Quality 2.0s
identity function). in the future on NuScenes.
• No transformation. Past bird’s-eye view features
(x1 , ..., xt ) are not warped to the present’s reference FIERY largely outperforms the Static and Extrapolation
frame. baselines for the task of future prediction. Figure 4 shows
• No future flow. This model does not predict future the performance boost our model gains from different parts
flow. of the model.
IoU|VPQ [37]. The Uniform depth baseline uses the Orthographic
Short Long Feature Transform to lift features in 3D, by setting a uni-
Static model 35.3|36.4 24.1|20.7 form distribution on all depth positions. We observe that
Extrapolation model 37.4|37.5 24.8|21.2 such a naive lifting performs worse compared to a learned
FIERY 57.8|50.0 36.3|29.2 weighting over depth.
Table 3: Future instance prediction in bird’s-eye view for
2.0s in the future on the Lyft dataset. We report future Present and future distributions. A deterministic model
Intersection-over-Union and Video Panoptic Quality. has a hard task at hand. It has to output with full confidence
which future will happen, even though the said future is un-
certain. In our probabilistic setting, the model is guided
Temporal model. The No temporal context variant per- during training with the future distribution that outputs a
forms similarly to the static model. That is to be expected latent code that indicates the correct future. It also encour-
as this model does not have any information from the past, ages the present distribution to cover the modes of the fu-
and cannot infer much about the motion of road agents. ture distribution. This paradigm allows FIERY to predict
both accurate and diverse futures as we will see in section
Section 5.4.
Transformation to the present’s reference frame.
There is a large performance drop when we do not trans-
form past features to the present’s reference frame. This Further analyses on understanding the structure of the
can be explained by how much easier it is for the temporal learned latent space and on the temporal horizon of future
model to learn correspondences between dynamic vehicles prediction is available in Appendix A.
when the ego-motion is factored out. 5.4. Probabilistic modelling
Past prediction models either naively fed past images to a
temporal model [4, 21], or did not use a temporal model al- We compare our probabilistic future prediction model to
together and simply concatenated past features [31, 19]. We the following baselines: M-Head, Bayesian Dropout and
believe that in order to learn temporal correspondences, past Classical VAE (more details in Appendix A.3). We report
features have to be mapped to a common reference frame the results in Table 4, and observe that our model predicts
and fed into a high capacity temporal model, such as our the most accurate and diverse futures.
proposed 3D convolutional architecture.
6. Conclusion
Predicting future states. When predicting the future, it is Autonomous driving requires decision making in mul-
important to model its sequential nature, i.e. the prediction timodal scenarios, where the present state of the world is
at time t + j + 1 should be conditioned on the prediction at not always sufficient to reason correctly alone. Predictive
time t + j. models estimating the future state of the world – particu-
The No unrolling variant which directly predicts all fu- larly other dynamic agents – are therefore a key compo-
ture instance segmentations and motions from the current nent to robust driving. We presented the first prediction
state st , results in a large performance drop. This is because model of dynamic agents for autonomous driving in bird’s-
the sequential constraint is no longer enforced, contrarily to eye view from surround RGB videos. We posed this as an
our approach that predicts future states in a recursive way. end-to-end learning problem in which our network mod-
els future stochasticity with a variational distribution. We
Future motion. Learning to predict future motion allows demonstrated that FIERY predicts temporally consistent fu-
our model to re-identify instances using the predicted flow ture instance segmentations and motion and is able to model
and comparing instance centers. Our model is the first to diverse futures accurately. In future work, we would like to
produce temporally consistent future instance segmentation jointly train a driving policy to condition the future predic-
in bird’s-eye view of dynamic agents. Without future flow, tion model on future actions.
the predictions are no longer temporally consistent explain-
ing the sharp decrease in performance. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Giulio
D’Ippolito, Hannes Liik and Piotr Sokólski for tech-
Lifting the features to 3D Using a perfect depth model nical assistance. We also thank Juba Nait Saada, Oumayma
we could directly lift each pixel to its correct location in Bounou, Brady Zhou and the reviewers for their insight-
3D space. Since our depth prediction is uncertain, we in- ful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. This
stead lift the features at different possible depth locations work was partially supported by Toshiba Europe, grant
and assign a probability mass at each location, similar to G100453.
Camera input Ground truth VPN [35] PON [39] Lift-Splat [37] Ours Seg. Ours Inst.
Figure 5: Qualitative comparison of bird’s-eye view prediction with published methods on NuScenes. The predictions of
our model are much sharper and more accurate. Contrary to previous methods, FIERY can separate closely parked cars and
correctly predict distant vehicles (near the top of the bird’s-eye view image).
A. Additional Results ground truth futures and d be a distance metric. The Gener-
alised Energy Distance DGED is defined as:
A.1. Comparison with published methods
Figure 5 shows a qualitative comparison of the predic-
DGED = 2E[d(Ŷ , Y )] − E[d(Ŷ , Ŷ 0 )] − E[d(Y, Y 0 )] (7)
tions from our model with previous published methods, on
the task of present-frame bird’s-eye view semantic segmen- We set our distance metric d to d(x, y) = 1−VPQ(x, y).
tation. Since we only have access to a unique ground truth future
Y, DGED simplifies to:
A.2. Benefits of temporal fusion
When predicting the present-frame bird’s-eye view seg- DGED = 2E[d(Ŷ , Y )] − E[d(Ŷ , Ŷ 0 )] (8)
mentation, incorporating information from the past results
in better predictions as shown in Figure 6. Baselines. We describe below the baselines we compare
our model to in Table 4.
A.3. Probabilistic modelling
• M-Head. The M-head model inspired by [41] outputs
Generalised Energy Distance. Let (Ŷ , Ŷ 0 ) be samples M different futures. During training, the best perform-
of predicted futures from our model, (Y , Y 0 ) be samples of ing head backpropagates its loss with weight (1 − )
(a) The vehicle parked on the left-hand side is correctly predicted even through the occlusion.
(b) The two vehicles parked on the left are heavily occluded by the 4x4 driving on the opposite lane, however by fusing past temporal
information, the model is able to predict their positions accurately.
Figure 6: Comparison of FIERY Static (no temporal context) and FIERY (1.0s of past context) on the task of present-frame
bird’s-eye view instance segmentation on NuScenes. FIERY can predict partially observable and occluded elements, as
highlighted by the blue ellipses.
while the other heads are weighted by M−1 . We set Generalised Energy Distance (↓)
= 0.05. Short Long
• Bayesian Dropout. We insert a dropout layer after M-Head 96.6 122.3
every 3D temporal convolution in the temporal model. Bayesian Dropout 92.5 116.5
We also insert a dropout layer in the first 3 layers of the Classical VAE 93.2 109.6
decoder, similarly to [2]. We set the dropout parameter FIERY 90.5 105.1
to p = 0.25.
Table 4: Generalised Energy Distance on NuScenes, for
• Classical VAE. We use a Centered Unit Gaussian to 2.0s future prediction and M = 10 samples, showing that
constrain our probability distribution similarly to the our model is able to predict the most accurate and diverse
technique used in [3]. Different latent codes are sam- futures.
pled from N (0, IL ) during inference.
A.4. Visualisation of the learned states
We run a Principal Component Analysis on the states 60 Short
st and a Gaussian Mixture algorithm on the projected fea- Long
tures in order to obtain clusters. We then visualise the in-
Figure 7: An example of cluster obtained from the spatio-temporal states st by running a Gaussian Mixture algorithm on
the NuScenes validation set. Our model learns to map similar situations to similar states. Even though the training dataset
is deterministic, after mapping the RGB inputs to the state st , different futures can be observed from the same starting state.
This explains why our probabilistic paradigm can learn to predict diverse and plausible futures.
(a) Cruising behind a vehicle.
(a) Stuck in traffic.
B. Model and Dataset number of input channels. The present distribution takes
as input st , and the future distribution takes as input the
B.1. Model description concatenation of (st , yt+1 , ..., yt+H ). Let Cp = 64 be
Our model processes t = 3 past observations each the number of input channel of the present distribution and
with n = 6 cameras images at resolution (Hin , Win ) = Cf = 64 + Cy · H = 88 the number of input channels of
(224 × 480), i.e. 18 images. The minimum depth value we the future distribution (since Cy = 6 and H = 4). The
consider is Dmin = 2.0m, which corresponds to the spa- module contains four residual block layers [18] each with
tial extent of the ego-car. The maximum depth value is spatial downsampling 2. These four layers divide the num-
Dmax = 50.0m, and the size of each depth slice is set to ber of input channels by 2. A spatial average pooling layer
Dsize = 1.0m. then decimates the spatial dimension, and a final (1,1) 2D
We use uncertainty [24] to weight the segmentation, cen- convolution regress the mean and log standard deviation of
terness, offset and flow losses. The probabilistic loss is the distribution in RL × RL with L = 32.
weighted by λprobabilistic = 100.
Our model contains a total of 8.1M parameters and trains Future prediction. The future prediction module is made
in a day on 4 Tesla V100 GPUs with 32GB of memory. All of the following structure repeated three times: a convo-
our layers use batch normalisation and a ReLU activation lutional Gated Recurrent Unit [4] followed by 3 residual
function. blocks with kernel size (3, 3).
Bird’s-eye view encoder. For every past timestep, each Future instance segmentation and motion decoder.
image in the observation Ot = {It1 , ..., Itn } is encoded: The decoder has a shared backbone and multiple output
ekt = E(Itk ) ∈ R(C+D)×He ×We . We use the EfficientNet- heads to predict centerness, offset, segmentation and flow.
B4 [45] backbone with an output stride of 8 in our imple- The shared backbone contains:
mentation, so (He , We ) = ( H8in , W8in ) = (28, 60). The
number of channel is C = 64 and the number of depth • a 2D convolution with output channel 64 and stride 2.
slices is D = DmaxDsize = 48. • the following block repeated three times: four 2D
These features are then lifted and projected to bird’s-eye residual convolutions with kernel size (3, 3). The re-
view to obtain a tensor xt ∈ RC×H×W with (H, W ) = spective output channels are [64, 128, 256] and strides
(200, 200). Using past ego-motion and a spatial transformer [1, 2, 2].
module, we transform the bird’s-eye view features to the • three upsampling layers of factor 2, with skip connec-
present’s reference frame. tions and output channel 64.
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