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Coordin Coordin

# District WHSName
Location (Village)
C&RD Type
Blockof Structure
ates(Lati ates(Lon Storage
tude) gitude)

1 SGH Manrang Dagal NokChokpot CC Dam 25.31442 90.41042 0.5 15000

2 SGH MangkengB CherengpaGasuaparaCC Dam 25.2124 90.26801 0.4 12000
3 SGH WageChiriLower DosBaghmaraDugout Po25.28551 90.57358 0.5 15000
4 SGH Tikrik Seempara GasuaparaEarthen D 25.20222 90.30825 0.4 11200
5 SGH MakraTuraKarukol BaghmaraCC Dam 25.28416 90.64606 0.4 12000
6 SGH SanaBill Rewak SoRonggara Dugout Po25.29164 90.66474 0.4 12000
7 SGH Taopakal Karukol TaBaghmaraEarthen D 25.27121 90.65499 0.9 25200
8 SGH Rongsa Badri RonSiju Earthen D 25.39456 90.67638 1.19 35700
9 SGH Rongmu Gare Son Siju CC Dam 25.51367 90.73135 0.8 18000
10 SGH Jakrak Gare Son Siju Earthen D 25.51402 90.73217 0.4 12000
11 SGH PepechandGoka PepcBaghmaraEarthen D 25.2645 90.6538 1.3 33800
12 SGH Chelka Rongro WaChokpot Earthen D 25.39809 90.69336 0.32 8960
13 SGH ChirringgrUpper DosBaghmaraEarthen D 25.29028 90.59282 0.7 21000
14 SGH Gakgil CherengpaGasuaparaEarthen D 25.2046 90.25955 0.4 10400
15 SGH Rujikal CherengpaGasuaparaEarthen D 25.20487 90.25786 0.5 13000
16 SGH RongbilbaUpper DosBaghmaraEarthen D 25.29412 90.58731 0.4 10400
17 SGH Daburam Rewak DaRonggara Earthen D 25.29912 90.66215 0.4 12000
18 SGH Darambil Balsigre Chokpot Earthen D 25.30603 90.30031 0.6 18000
19 SGH Nawak Gare Son Siju Earthen D 25.50566 90.7479 0.3 6000
Lean Peak Non- WHS Cost
Monsoon Comman Catchme
Discharg Discharg Monsoon Estimate (including CAT
Rainfall d Area nt Area
e e Rainfall approach road)

1.02 20.551 3089.64 369.84 24.2 26 ₹ 17,297,100 ₹ 1,860,000

0.93 18.656 3089.64 369.84 3.6 37.05 ₹ 7,491,500 ₹ 1,220,000
0.39 7.762 3089.64 369.84 3.5 12.48 ₹ 8,787,040 ₹ 240,000
0.2 4.035 3089.64 369.84 2.4 2.73 ₹ 4,885,000 ₹ 104,000
0.75 15.287 3089.64 369.804 6.2 16.13 ₹ 7,183,900 ₹ 970,000
0.23 4.35 3089.64 369.804 5.6 3.1 ₹ 2,296,000 ₹ 160,000
0.9 18.059 3089.64 369.804 39.9 21.2 ₹ 6,350,200 ₹ 900,000
0.69 13.918 3089.64 369.804 16.7 24.74 ₹ 7,966,300 ₹ 1,060,000
1.75 35.249 3089.64 369.804 1.6 140.2 ₹ 9,267,800 ₹ 1,060,000
0.33 5.499 3089.64 369.804 2.3 5.18 ₹ 4,085,350 ₹ 370,000
0.79 15.805 3089.64 369.804 11.13 26.26 ₹ 6,860,300 ₹ 1,540,000
0.16 5.193 3089.64 369.804 9.7 4.45 ₹ 5,792,500 ₹ 290,000
1.9 38.14 3089.64 369.804 3.7 100 ₹ 8,556,300 ₹ 930,000
0.48 8.714 3089.64 369.804 5.1 24 ₹ 5,171,500 ₹ 450,000
1 18.7 3089.64 369.804 12.3 43.16 ₹ 5,585,700 ₹ 1,320,000
0.31 30.971 3089.64 369.804 3.3 57.08 ₹ 5,725,600 ₹ 4,710,000
0.28 27.372 3089.64 369.804 4.4 82.3 ₹ 3,978,726 ₹ 4,296,000
0.032 1.622 3089.64 369.804 4.1 5.15 ₹ 4,580,200 ₹ 800,000
0.22 10.955 3089.64 369.804 5.3 33 ₹ 5,256,000 ₹ 420,000
Top Lenght Perimete
of HH
CAD Total project cost Length Width of Height of r of Dug
stream/ spillway out pond

₹ 936,000 ₹20,093,100.00 35.4 1.4 3 5 - 75

₹ 1,021,500 ₹9,733,000.00 18 0.6 3 8.5 - 54
₹ 1,350,000 ₹10,377,040.00 95 2 3 3 577.58 128
₹ 675,000 ₹5,664,000.00 28 4 2.8 3 - 108
₹ 1,125,000 ₹9,278,900.00 24 4 3 15 - 42
₹ 1,575,000 ₹4,031,000.00 90 1 3 3 260 44
₹ 990,000 ₹8,240,200.00 50 2 2.8 11 - 54
₹ 711,000 ₹9,737,300.00 35 3 3 11 - 69
₹ 531,000 ₹10,858,800.00 24 6 3 15 - 104
₹ 810,000 ₹5,265,350.00 45 3 3 16 - 104
₹ 675,000 ₹9,075,300.00 45 2 2.6 9 - 338
₹ 315,000 ₹6,397,500.00 35 0.5 2.8 3 - 85
₹ 472,500 ₹9,958,800.00 25 2.1 3 21 - 40
₹ 945,000 ₹6,566,500.00 35 1.2 2.6 6 - 72
₹ 1,125,000 ₹8,030,700.00 35 2.3 2.6 14 - 72
₹ 675,000 ₹11,110,600.00 40 2.1 2.6 15 - 40
₹ 675,000 ₹8,949,726.00 30 1.8 3 14.8 - 42
₹ 675,000 ₹6,055,200.00 40 0.2 3.5 1 - 15
₹ 495,000 ₹6,171,000.00 35 0.9 3 6 - 104
Status of CAT
Completi Package
on of
Remarks Cluster ref
Activit Afforestation(Ha) Rate Cost total
WHS ies
CompletedWith nomin B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 10 160000 1600000
CompletedWith nomin B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 6 160000 960000
Completed B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 1.5 160000 240000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 0.65 160000 104000
CompletedWith nomin A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 2 160000 320000
Completed A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 1 160000 160000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 4 160000 640000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 5 160000 800000
CompletedWith nomin A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 5 160000 800000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 1.5 160000 240000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 8 160000 1280000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 1 160000 160000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 5 160000 800000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 2 160000 320000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 5 160000 800000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 27 160000 4320000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 23.6 160000 3776000
CompletedWith impre B SGH/B/ SGH/Lot 2/20 5 160000 800000
CompletedWith impre A SGH/A/ SGH/Lot 1/19 2 160000 320000
Gabion Check Dams Rate Cost total Infiltration Rate Cost total Rate Cost total

2 130000 260000
2 130000 260000

2 130000 260000
2 260000
2 130000 260000
2 130000 260000
1 130000 130000
2 130000 260000
1 130000 130000
1 130000 130000
1 130000 130000
4 130000 520000
3 130000 390000
4 130000 520000

1 130000 1300000
Stone Stone
masonry Rate Cost total masonry Rate Cost total Water Rate Cost total Bunding
wall wall Tank
Cost total Periphera
Rate Rate Cost total Side Wall Rate Cost total Rate
l Bunding Dams
Gully Grassland
Cost total check Rate Cost total CC Dam Rate Cost total Developm Rate Cost total
Dam ent
Surface Rate Cost total Trenches Rate Cost total Diversion Rate Cost total Footpath
Contour Solar
Rate Cost total Rate Cost total Rate Cost total Terracing Rate
Trenches pump
Contour Approach
Cost total re Rate Cost total Rate Cost total Rate Cost total
Trenches Road
Activit Rate Cost total CC Canal Rate Cost total Irrigation Rate Cost total
ies Bench Terr Canal
Laying of
GI Water
Supply Rate Cost total Rate Cost total Rate Cost total
Pipes for
Irrigation Terracing Irrigation canal

208m 4500 936000

227m 4500 1021500
300m 4500 1360000
150m 4500 675000
250m 4500 1125000
350m 4500 1575000
220m 4500 990000
158m 4500 711000
118m 4500 531000
s 180m 4500 810000
150m 4500 675000
70m 4500 315000
105m 4500 472500
210m 4500 945000
250m 4500 1125000
150m 4500 675000
150m 4500 675000
150m 4500 675000
110m 4500 495000
Rate Cost total Delivery Rate Cost total Rate Cost total
CC lined Delivery Delivery
Canal channel Channel pipeline

208m 4500 936000

227m 4500 1021500
300m 4500 1360000
150m 4500 675000
250m 4500 1125000
350m 4500 1575000
220m 4500 990000
158m 4500 711000
118m 4500 531000
180m 4500 810000
150m 4500 675000
70m 4500 315000
105m 4500 472500
210m 4500 945000
250m 4500 1125000
150m 4500 675000
150m 4500 675000
150m 4500 675000
110m 4500 495000
Rate Cost total Rate Cost total Rate Cost total
Works Aqueduct

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