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A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Business and Management
Saint Anthony's College Incorporated
Santa Cruz, Santa Ana, Cagayan


In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Course
Business Research


Amy L. Acbang
Everlyn A. Calubong
Mariel B. Antonio
John Marvin A. De Jesus

April 27 2024


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Business Research, this research

titled, “Public Service Delivery in Sta ana Cagayan: Challenges and Innovations” has been

prepared and submitted by Amy L. Acbang, Everlyn A. Calubong and Mariel B. Antonio,

who is hereby recommended for Oral Examination.

Date Adviser

Approved by the panel on Oral Examination with a grade of .



Member Member


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

course Business Research.

Date Dean


First and Foremost, praises and thanks to God the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout our research and its successful completion.

The researchers would like to extend our gratitude and heartfelt obligation towards

all the people who have helped to finish our study, Without their active guidance,

cooperation, and encouragement, the researchers wouldn’t come this far.

The researchers would like to express their extreme gratitude to the research adviser

Dr.Jay F. Omotoy for sharing his knowledge, guidance, and support for the completion of

this Research Paper. He taught the researchers very well about all this chapters, on how to

make it properly and guide us until to finish this Study.

An appreciations also go to our participants who willingly helped with their full

cooperation and gave time to share their knowledge which has made the research Study

achieve its smooth completion.

Lastly, to the dearest parents for their deep consideration for the finances and

undying support throughout the making of the research study. As well as for their words of

encouragement and motivation.



We dedicate our research study on "Enhancing Public Service Delivery in Sta Ana

Cagayan: Addressing Challenges and Fostering Innovation " to all business

owners/managers who use courier logistics to distribute their product.

To the Business Owners/managers of Sta Ana Cagayan, who participated in our

study and shared their experiences, perspectives, and insights, we dedicate this research to

you. May this study serve as a testament to your dedication in understanding about the

Innovation of Public Service Delivery.

To our advisors and mentors, we express our deepest appreciation. Your guidance,

expertise, and unwavering support have shaped our research journey. This dedication is a

reflection of the gratitude we hold for your invaluable contributions to our intellectual

growth and development.

Lastly, we dedicate this research to our families, friends, and loved ones. Your

unconditional love, encouragement, and belief in our abilities have been the cornerstone of

our perseverance and dedication. This dedication is a token of our gratitude for your

unwavering support throughout our research endeavors.

May this research study contribute to Businessess who have struggles when it comes to

distribution of their products, may this help them gain ideas and motivate them to

implement innovation for their business to become successful and profitable.

We look up and dedicated this whole study to our Almighty God who gave the

strength, knowledge, wisdom, protection, and will to continue and keep positive to finish

this research.

Table of Contents
TITLE PAGE.....................................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................................ii
Chapter 1...........................................................................................................................7
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND.......................................................................7
Conceptual Framework.........................................................................................................................7
Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................7
Significance of the Study......................................................................................................................7
Scope and Limitations..........................................................................................................................7
Definition of Terms..............................................................................................................................7

Chapter 2...........................................................................................................................8
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES.................................................8
Chapter 3...........................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................9
Research Design...................................................................................................................................9
Participants of the Study.......................................................................................................................9
Research Instruments............................................................................................................................9
Locale of the Study...............................................................................................................................9
Data Gathering Procedures...................................................................................................................9
Data Analysis of the Study...................................................................................................................9
Statistical Tools and Treatment..........................................................................................................9

LITERATURE CITED...................................................................................................10
Theses and Dissertations........................................................................................................10
Journals, Articles, Papers......................................................................................................10
Internet Resources.................................................................................................................10
Letter of Endorsement for Oral Defense.............................................................................................11
Language Editing and Plagiarism Certification..................................................................................11
Statistician Certification.....................................................................................................................11
Request Letters...................................................................................................................................11
Research Instrument...........................................................................................................................11
Curriculum Vitae................................................................................................................................11

Chapter 1



Sta. Ana, located in the heart of Cagayan, represents a microcosm of the larger

challenges that many local towns face when it comes to providing critical public

services. As populations grow, infrastructure ages, and social needs change, providing

public services becomes more difficult and time-consuming. Understanding the

difficulties and seeking innovative solutions in this dynamic terrain is critical to the

community's well-being and success.

Service delivery innovation (SDI) is the process of creating new or improved

ways of delivery services to customers, stakeholders, or beneficiaries. This may entail

implementing new technology, processes, organizational structures, or business models

to better fulfill the requirements and expectations of customers, stakeholders, and

beneficiaries. SDI frequently necessitates collaboration and partnership across diverse

players, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporate sector

companies, and community groups, in order to co-create and implement creative

solutions. SDI enables businesses to adapt to changing conditions, solve emergent

challenges, and optimise outcomes for all stakeholders by promoting a culture of

continuous improvement and innovation.


Innovation in service delivery is a key component of any organization's success.

By investing in innovative approaches to service delivery, organizations can increase

customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as reduce costs. This innovation is not just

about implementing cutting-edge technologies but also about rethinking organizational

structures, workforce management, and service designs. The ultimate aim is to create

customer value, increase operational efficiency, and enhance service quality.

Service innovation had a positive and significant impact on customer

satisfaction in the logistic industry. Service innovation can make it easier for customers

to create customer satisfaction. It means the service innovation can make customers

very satisfied with the services provided by the company. (Sarah KHendrayati,

HHurriyati R, 2022)The study conducted by Mahavarpour N.,Marvi R.,Foroudi P.

Service innovation emerged more than a decade ago and is considered as the main

source of competitive advantage between the market and firms. Due to the growing

attention to service innovation in recent years, this study investigates the phenomenon

of service innovation in greater depth to understand how service innovation has

emerged, evolved, and how it will potentially advance. Considering a systematic

investigation, the foundational research areas and historical development of service

innovation are explored by conducting a comprehensive performance analysis

(qualitative and quantitative) employing 255 articles published in two periods between

1970 and 2021. The results revealed four distinguishable clusters with each showing

different characteristics of the service innovation domain including: resource focus,

process focus, solution focus, and actors’ focus. In particular, they analyse which

research streams are related to service innovation and compare these themes over time.

The findings show that the major themes in the first period (1992–2014) included

innovation, customer, service, and product, while the second period (2014–2021)

encompassed service, customer, value, and information as the main themes. This paper

supports the assertion that service innovation has an interdisciplinary theoretical

foundation and that the structure of the foundation of service innovation research

changed significantly over time.In the article of Lusch R. F.,Nambisan S. states that

they offer a broadened view of service innovation-one grounded in service-dominant

logic-that transcends the tangible-intangible and producer-consumer divides that have

plagued extant research in this area. Such a broadened conceptualization of service

innovation emphasizes (1) innovation as a collaborative process occurring in an actor-

to-actor (A2A) network, (2) service as the application of specialized competences for

the benefit of another actor or the self and as the basis of all exchange, (3) the

generativity unleashed by increasing resource liquefaction and resource density, and (4)

resource integration as the fundamental way to innovate. Building on these core themes,

they offer a tripartite framework of service innovation: (1) service ecosystems, as

emergent A2A structures actors create and recreate through their effectual actions and

which offer an organizing logic for the actors to exchange service and cocreate value;

(2) service platforms, which enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service

exchange by liquefying resources and increasing resource density (facilitating easy

access to appropriate resource bundles) and thereby serve as the venue for innovation;

and (3) value cocreation, which views value as cocreated by the service offer(er) and the

service beneficiary (e.g., customer) through resource integration and indicate the need

for mechanisms to support the underlying roles and processes. In discussing these

components, they consider the role of information technology-both as an operand

resource and as an operant resource- and then examine the implications for research and

practice in digitally enabled service innovation.

Innovation in public service delivery is about getting the most out of the

resources and capacities invested in the public sector and deliver on the promises of

better outcomes at lower cost. Service delivery accounts for more than half of public

sector spending on average in OECD countries. The scale of the demographic,

environmental and fiscal challenges governments are confronted with today is reflected

by increased pressures on public services to deliver more (or the same) with tight

resources. What is at stake is the ability of governments to adapt to these changes and

create the capacity to transform risks into opportunities for new methods, tools and

delivery channels.(John Taylor, Christine Bellamy, Charles Raab, William H Dutton,

Malcolm Peltu,2023). According to Daniel Hellström.... the remarkable growth of e-

commerce has defined the recent years of various industries worldwide. Driven by

consumers, the e-commerce surge (e-retail in particular) stems from the final leg of the

supply chain: the last mile. As the growing flow of e-commerce orders continues to

generate new records for annual revenues, key actors in the last mile face the challenges

of increasing customer demands and transportation volumes. In response, e-retailers and

logistics service providers seek innovative service solutions, often powered by

technological advancements. This study consisted of focus group interviews and a

usability test that incorporated an innovative technology in the delivery service. The

study provides insights into how service innovation affects e-customer behavior and

presents a basic map of the e-customer journey. The findings also provide a foundation

for improving management of the customer experience and aiding managerial decision-

making when designing new e-commerce last mile services. And a new

conceptualization and path forward to Service innovation is it is challenge existing

offerings and business models, shape existing markets, and create new ones. Over the

last decade, service research has shown increasing interest in the concept of innovation

and should by now have reached maturity and created a strong theoretical basis.

However, there is no coherent theoretical framework that captures all the facets of

service innovation, and to move service innovation research forward, we must revisit

the key assumptions of what an innovation is. To enable this, the present article

addresses three fundamental questions about service innovation: (1) What is it and what

is it not? (2) What do we know and what do we not know? and (3) What do we need to

know to advance service research? By doing so, this article offers an updated and

comprehensive definition of service innovation and provides a research agenda to

suggest a path forward.(Gustafsson A.,Snyder H.,Witell L. 2020).

This is study conducted to know the challenges of service delivery, on how to

resolve it and what are the process that the business implementing to improve the

performance of delivering a product or services to satisfied the customers.

The purpose of the study is to conduct the “Enhacing Public Service Delivery in

Sta. Ana Cagayan: Addressing Challenges and Fostering Innovation”

Conceptual Framework
 Participants profile  Data Collection of  The Innovation and
in terms of: Business challenges of
 Age manager/owner Public Delivery
 Sex Profile. Service in Sta Ana
 Educational  Administering a Cagayan.
attainments questionnaire and
 Years of Business an Interview for
 Civil Status supplement.
 Fees  Organizing the
 Monthly Income Responses
 Process and  Content Analysis
Technologies that of Data.
the Courier
 Negative Factors
that Affect the
service delivery.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The researchers IPO shows on the table, this is the steps that the researchers

going to use,first is to distribute the questionnaire to the participants,secondly is to

collect it and do a Data Analysis to determine if the data collected meets the objective

of the Study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explain the “Enhancing Public Service Delivery in Sta. Ana

Cagayan: Addresing Challenges and Fostering Innovation”, specicifically this will answer the


1. What are the Demographic Profile in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Educational attainments

d. Years of Business

e. Civil Status

f. Fees

g. Monthly Income

2.What are the exisitnng obstacles and inefficiencies in public service deliveries?

3. What are the factors that hinder innovation in public service delivery?

4. What are the propose solutions to improve service delivery, efficiency, and

effectiveness through innovative approaches?

4. What are the challenges faced by public service delivery in Sta. Ana, Cagayan?

Significance of the Study

To the Business Owners: Businesses may enhance customer happiness, optimize their

supply chains, and adjust their strategy by having a thorough understanding of the

advances and problems in courier service delivery.

To the Customers and Residents: The dependability and quality of the courier

services Santa Ana, Cagayan residents use to receive parcels, paperwork, and other

necessities are directly impacted by. By researching the advances and difficulties in the

delivery of courier services, customers can become more empowered to demand better

treatment and make well-informed decisions about which courier services to use.

To the Future Researchers: The findings might stimulate more investigation and serve

as a foundation for comparison studies in related settings.

Scope and Limitations

This study conducted at Sta. Ana Cagayan year 2024. This study only covers the

Courier Delivery at barangay Tangatan, Centro, and Santa Cruz.


Definition of Terms

Innovation: is defined as the process of bringing about new ideas, methods, products,

services, or solutuins that have significant positive impact of value.

Service Innovation: changes the way customers are served to create value for

customers and revenue for the company.

Cluster: is a small group of people or things.

OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,.

E-commerce or “Electronic Commerce”: companies and individuals that buy and sell

goods and services over the internet.

Tripartite: involving three people or organizations, or existing in three parts.

Liquefaction: a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by

earthquake shaking or other rapid loading.

Dynamic Terrain: is an interactive floor-like surface that supports customized

adjustment by users.

Microcosm: a representation of something on a much smaller scale.

Innovative: introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing something, etc.

Phenomenon: something that exist and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc.

Tripatile framework: is used to explore the formation of personal identity.

Service Delivery: is a business idea and framework, the main goal of which is to
provide services from a vendor to a customer.

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the ideas.finished thesis,generalization or conclusions,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing

information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

E-government and innovations in service delivery: the Malaysian experience

According to Noore Alam Siddiquee, (2008).As part of its public sector reform the

government of Malaysia has embarked upon a massive e-government program seeking to

introduce innovations in service delivery and enhance the quality and performance of public

services. Started with the establishment of the Multimedia Super Corridor in 1996 the

governmental initiatives have already resulted in significant progress towards ICT application in

the public sector at national, state and local levels. A number of e-government schemes are

currently underway that seek to make services accessible to the public at any time from

anywhere without being constrained by agency working hours and distance. The present article

focuses on Malaysia's experience with e-government and innovations in service delivery. In

specific terms, it examines and analyses the e-government experiments in Malaysia and

comments on their impacts on governance and service provision. It shows that although the e-

government initiatives have produced, generally speaking favorable impacts on delivery of

public services, their overall impact has remained limited due to a plethora of constraints and

slow pace of their implementation. Not only the range of services offered is limited but also

those expected to benefit from such services lack adequate access to information and sources as

manifested in the country's poor e-maturity and e-readiness levels.( Intl Journal of Public

Administration 31 .

Innovation process interlinked with the process of service delivery: a management

challenge in KIBS

M. TOIVONEN, T. TUOMINEN, S. BRAX 356, (2007) ferent models developed for

the analysis of service innovation and aim to clarify the concept of service innovation. The

models which we consider are the stage-gate model, the model of the Nordic school of service

marketing, and the service innovation model of the Lille school. We conclude that each of these

models makes some important contribution to the understanding of the innovation processes in

services. We also apply these models in an empirical case study where eleven individual

innovation processes in four KIBS companies have been analysed in detail. We could identify

three types of innovation processes in these cases: the model of a separate planning stage, the

model of rapid application (simultaneous planning and production) and the model of a posteriori

recognition of innovation. The model of rapid application was the most typical, ie the

innovation process proceeded hand in hand with the actual service delivery.

Service Quality Affecting Customer Satisfaction in Parcel Delivery Service

This study is conducted by Surangkana Pipatchokchaiyo, Mananya Meenakorn,

(2022).The purpose of this study was to study service quality that affect the satisfaction in

parcel delivery service in Thailand. The sample group of 385 residents used in the study came

from people who used parcel delivery service in Bangkok with using a multistage randomized

sampling method. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire with a confidence

value of 0.845. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard

deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that service quality

in the aspect of responsiveness, reliability and assurance positively influenced customer

satisfaction in parcel delivery service with statistical significance at F= 20.25. All variables can

explain the variability of customer satisfaction in parcel delivery service (R2) accounted for

56.85 percent. While service quality in the aspect of empathy and tangibles did not influenced

customer satisfaction in parcel delivery service. When considering multiple regression

coefficients in the form of a standard score, the aspect of responsiveness had the highest

multiple regression coefficients (β=. 289), followed by reliability (β=. 252) and assurance (β=.

138), respectively. The results of this research can be used as a model for improving the quality

of service to meet consumer needs and use it as a guideline for planning, formulating a policy

for the competitive advantage of the transportation business.

Rethinking Customer Experience in Post-Pandemic Era A Case Study of J and T Express

According to International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP)

6 (2), 15-25, (2023).In logistics management, customer satisfaction is the crucial factor in

providing service quality. J&T Express has proven to be successful and very influential in

providing its customer services. While constant innovation is essential to providing better

services to consumers. The purpose of this research is to identify the distinguished services

offered and ways that customers derived their satisfaction during this pandemic. The covid-19

pandemic has brought massive changes in the way J&T Express offered its services as we can

see that today's society makes extensive use of internet transactions and courier services. This is

due to the existing state of affairs, which is plagued by pandemics. As a result, numerous

services will play a part in ensuring that clients receive high-quality services post-pandemic.

This research paper will focus on identifying the factors that influence customer satisfaction in

using J&T delivery service. A structured questionnaire & survey will be conducted to gather

customers’ responses in Malaysia and Indonesia. The study will highlight aspects to provide a

different perspective and greater customer satisfaction during and post-pandemic covid-19. The

survey data will help to analyse and suggest new ways of creating customer experiences.

Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction In Using J&T Express Service Delivery During

Covid-19 Pandemic In Malaysia

On April 1, 2022, Malaysia transitioned from the Covid-19 pandemic's epidemic phase.

The shift to the endemic phase, which allows Malaysians to resume a nearly normal life after

two years of fighting the pandemic, is a strategy for exiting the situation. It has produced some

unanticipated disruptions, exacerbated some pre-existing trends, and compelled us to make

some adjustments to our way of life. Even after COVID-19 is no longer a public health threat,

some of these modifications most likely will not disappear. Many of these changes, like the

expansion of delivery options for customers and businesses, will be advantageous. Access to

goods and services could be made simpler, which could raise everyone's standard of living. In

Malaysia, the government urges to utilize the online services and delivery services such as J&T

Express. J&T Express is well-known for providing logistical services, particularly in the areas

of parcel and document delivery. The purpose of this study was to look into the factors that

influence customer satisfaction, such as price, reliability, and responsiveness, when using J&T

Express Service Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia. These factors are

critical since customers are likely to remain satisfied till services become more enticing. The

analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Science Software version 26

and an online survey questionnaire distributed to 150 respondents (SPSS 26). Descriptive

analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. This study proves

that responsiveness variable is the most influential factor influencing customer satisfaction in

using J&T Express delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic among customers in

Malaysia. Therefore, J&T Express Delivery need to pay attention on the responsiveness element

to ensure the quality of services provided to customers that can boost customer satisfaction.

( Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business 11 (2), 35-44, 2023)

Competitive Intelligence (CI) as a business strategy in the sustainability of delivery

services in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0

According to Yusup Iskander, 2017. The company growing among its competitors is

something that needs to be maintained where the company gets the right steps to know the

business development of its competitors. This study uses a qualitative research method based on

the philosophy of postpositivism. Shipping service companies to survive in the midst of

competition must have a strategy, namely Competitive Intelligence so that they are able to take

on the strategies of their competitors with changes in the demographic, economic, sociocultural,

global, technological and political environment. Information on products, industry, vendors,


customers, competitors and markets obtained is used as material to be applied in the company.

Competitive Intelligence delivery services obtained information namely delivery speed, range,

fleet, service, price, search marketing, web design and management of information systems.

POS is a delivery service that has the widest range and the fastest J&T. Winning the

competition. Shipping services must implement what is expected of the Industrial revolution

4.0.( JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia) 9 (3), 1559-1569, 2023)

The Influence of Experiential Marketing, E-Service Quality (WebBased Tracking System)

And Trust On Customer Satisfaction In J&T Express Service Users In Kab. Pasuruan

In the article of Miftahul Huda, Fitri Anisa, (2020). The role of a shipping service

company is very important to the development of the society and lifestyle of today, the role as a

media distribution of goods. With the delivery service is very easy for consumers to fulfill their

needs, but it can save time and also make consumers feel happy things can be done easily. The

purpose of this research is to know the influence of Experiential Marketing, E-Service Quality

(Web based Tracking System) and trust in customer satisfaction in service users J&T Express in

Pasuruan whose results can be used as an evaluation of J&T Express to improve its

performance. The population in this research is a customer who has been delivering goods at

J&T Express in Pasuruan. The number of samples in this study used Machin formula and was

found to be 132 respondents or a service user of J& Express in Pasuruan. The results of this

study show that Experiential Marketing, E-Service Quality and trust have a positive and

significant effect on customer satisfaction, so that J&T Express is expected to develop and as

well as maintain Experiential Marketing, EService Quality and customer confidence so that

later to increase customer.

Open governance for improved service delivery innovation in South Africa

This research is Conducted by Nel D.Masilela L., (2020).The Fourth Industrial

Revolution (4IR) is the current and developing environment in which changing technologies

and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the

way governments function. Governments are increasingly facing new risks and opportunities

due to the advancement of the 4IR. Governments need to find ways to adapt to the 4IR.

Innovation is a prerequisite for adapting to the 4IR. The aim of this article is to determine the

level of public service delivery innovation (SDI) in South Africa in the context of the 4IR. The

analysis in this article is based on secondary data and documentary analysis, including

unsolicited government documents, reports and legislation, and authoritative scholarly

literature. A number of innovation measures for improved service delivery have been adopted in

South Africa. These efforts are not, however, embedded within the wider public service, and

efforts to improve SDI should be considered. In a global environment of resource constraints

and constant change, open governance through multi-stakeholder collaboration may present

strategic opportunities to facilitate innovation. The aim of these initiatives is to enhance

transparency and accountability, and to facilitate public service delivery and citizen


The impact of technological innovation on service delivery: social media and smartphone

integration in a 311 system


According to Young M., (2022). The Coproduction and digital service delivery are

innovative strategies public managers use to improve service delivery. This article analyzes

whether technological changes to coproduction systems improve effectiveness, and whether

improvements come at the expense of equity. Survival analysis is used to assess how integrating

Open311 and Twitter affect the time required to resolve reports in San Francisco’s 311 system.

The effects vary by technology: Open311 reports are resolved faster, while Twitter reports take

longer. Effectiveness gains associated with Open311, however, diminish over time. Both

technologies offer improvements over traditional reporting methods for resolution of service

issues in historically disadvantaged communities.

Market and Technology Orientations for Service Delivery Innovation: The Link of

Innovative Competence

This study is conducted by Tsou H. T.Chen J. S.Liao W. H., (2014).The purpose of this

paper is to deploy an alternative way, drawing upon research in service innovation, to predict

service delivery innovation from the extents of market and technology orientations and

innovative competence. Design/methodology/approach-Five hypotheses were proposed. A two-

part questionnaire was developed. One part of the questionnaire was completed by the sales

manager and the other part by the marketing manager of select companies. The questionnaires

were distributed to 533 information technology companies in Taiwan. Of the 533 questionnaires

returned, 160 questionnaires were deemed usable. This study uses the partial least square

analysis to test the hypotheses. Findings-Proactive market orientation and technology

orientation affect exploratory and exploitative innovative competences; but, only exploitative

innovation competence affects service delivery innovation. Practical implications-The findings

indicate that managers need to understand the market trends and the technology availability and

be able to customize corresponding service/product features which can further lead to stimulate

exploitative innovative competence and facilitate service delivery innovation. Originality/value-

The paper is among the first attempts to examine how market and technology orientations affect

innovative competence and service delivery innovation. In addition, this study provides the

explanatory variance missing in the literature that has not examined the black box relationship

between market and technology orientations and service delivery innovation.

Innovation readiness in public sector service delivery: an exploration

In the article of Ojiako U.AlRaeesi E. J. H.[...]Bashir H., (2022). They set out in this

study to examine the mechanisms (specific knowledge management practices) required to

operationalize service innovation readiness within public sector service delivery. Data is

obtained from 150 service delivery managers drawn from public sector service organizations

within the emirate of Sharjah. Sampling is undertaking utilizing a 38 factor knowledge

management-focussed service innovation readiness questionnaire developed from the literature.

Analysis of the data is via variable ranking and multidimensional scaling (MDS). The findings

of the study suggest the existence of four knowledge management-based imperatives which are

construed as managerial mechanisms for public sector service innovation readiness. These are

(i) ‘Knowledge core competence’ (knowledge as a key strategic asset) (ii) ‘Organizational

structure’ (internal patterns of organizational communication, authority and relationships) (iii)

‘Responsiveness to change’ (propensity to engage in both purposeful and timely behavioural


change in response to modulating stimuli), and (iv) ‘Innovativeness’ (relative earliness in

adopting innovation). The findings lead to a service innovation readiness typology which is

oriented towards ensuring that public sector entities are able to effectively and efficiently

deliver innovative services that meet both operational mandates and national visions of service


Framing innovation in public service sectors

According to Fuglsang LRønning REnquist B., (2014),. Innovation is seen as an

interactive process that involves many actors within and across organizational boundaries. In

public sector services, innovation is a frequent, often holistic, and multi-layered process that

involves many actors and many services at the same time. However, most of the existing

literature on innovation in public sector services is based on the economics of innovation, which

is heavily influenced by investigations of the private sector. Innovation in the Public Sector

develops a more context-sensitive and rich approach in order to explore the different logics of

innovation that prevail here. Rather than presenting a general theory of innovation, the book

specifies how innovation and value creation are interconnected with social and institutional

elements. Analytical constructs, including dynamic capability, absorptive capacity, and

practice-based approaches, are reviewed and anchored in the organizational context of public

sector services. Such a perspective on innovation can help us develop new understandings of the

process and history of innovation, contributing to processual organizational analysis in a

broader sense, and further developing present theories of organizational change.


The interrelationship between strategy as practice and public service innovation and

delivery: Academic history and evidence from kuwait

According to Al-Mansour J., (2021).Despite the rare use of the term ‘strategy’ in public

and voluntary sector organizations, recent research has seen the use of both the strategy and

strategy-as-practice concepts in regulating the innovation perspective within the public sector.

The available literature on innovation, strategy, and service delivery within the public sector

offers positive insights into forming a new concept of innovation within the public organization

sphere. Using a systematic review, we aim to understand the integration of the strategy-as-

practice perspective into the public service ethos to drive the innovation perspective forward.

The review was performed in two stages, 855 documents were retrieved in the first stage that

covered a five-year time span, while 8,620,000 documents were retrieved in the second stage

that covered a twenty-three-year time span. We further supported our argument through a

quantitative questionnaire with 93 respondents from Kuwait. The findings of the research

indicate that public sector policymakers need to pay attention to the social complexity of their

context in order to innovate delivered public services. Furthermore, policymakers need to adopt

new innovative schemes including innovative strategy practices, digital governance, reform

ethos, and mutual constitution in their strategies in order to ensure the innovative public

services that are required by their communities.

Impact of Innovation in Public Service Delivery

In the article of Saravanan M.Shreedhar K., (2011).Innovation is any positive change

that has commercial value. It could be changes in the products, processes, thinking, governance

or organizations. Given freedom, people organize themselves to find innovative solutions to the

existing bottlenecks. Though private enterprises are generally credited with making

breakthrough innovations, innovation per se is a neutral concept as it can happen as much in

governments as in the private sector. There are many instances of successful innovation made in

the public service delivery. For an innovation to be successful and sustainable in India, it has to

be frugal and ensure participation of all the stakeholders.

The Moderating Role of Tangibility in Synchronous Innovation in Services

According to Alexiev A. S.Janssen M.den Hertog P., (2018). A synchronous pattern of

innovation as between technological and management innovation, for example, can help firms

improve their performance. This article explores this idea with respect to servitizing companies

that introduce service delivery innovation as a means of gaining competitive advantage. It finds

that the degree of tangibility, an indicator of the firm’s position on the product–service

continuum, affects whether and how managers recognize the need for management innovation

when introducing service delivery innovation. Using a socio-technical perspective in

conjunction with insights from managerial cognition, the relationship between management

innovation and two central types of service delivery innovation—technological and customer

interface—is examined. Tangibility shapes the managerial cognitive structures that are related

to the enterprise’s technical and social subsystems in a paradigm that is capable of

demonstrating contrasting effects. Technological delivery innovation is related to management

innovation in firms with high tangibility. Customer interface delivery innovation, on the other

hand, relates to management innovation in firms with low tangibility. This study uses a sample

of diverse firms with varying degrees of tangibility to provide support for this theory.

Exploring perceived innovation in building customers’ patronizing behavior in the food

delivery service context

This Study is conducted by Ahn J., (2022). Purpose: In the food delivery industry,

mobile applications have become an important platform for providing services and interacting

with customers. Thus, this study aims to examine whether customers’ perceived innovation

changes their patronizing behavior intention toward the brand’s application.

Design/methodology/approach: Using data from food delivery customers in the USA, this study

identifies the relative impact of multidimensional innovation (i.e. service concept innovation,

service process innovation and customer experience innovation) on customers’ behavior. Partial

least squares-structural equation modeling is used to test the hypotheses. Findings: Results show

that customers’ perceived service process and experience innovation increase commitment,

which turns into reuse intention of the delivery application. Commitment also increases the

impact of customers’ perceived innovation on loyalty. However, in this study, service concept

innovation is insufficient to solely create positive behavioral intention. Practical implications:

Findings suggest that a food delivery application that continues to innovate to improve the

service process and experience can be an effective marketing tool because they increase

bonding with customers. This study recommends that food delivery companies manage their

relationship with customers to achieve sustainable growth. Originality/value: Despite the

growing attention in the mobile service industry, limited studies have examined the effects of

innovations of food delivery application on customers’ behavior. Thus, this study provides

useful guidelines that advance mobile commerce research, especially in the food delivery


Service innovation in e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the e-customer journey

According to panelYulia Vakulenko a, Poja Shams b, Daniel Hellström a, Klas Hjort a.,

(2019). The remarkable growth of e-commerce has defined the recent years of various industries

worldwide. Driven by consumers, the e-commerce surge (e-retail in particular) stems from the

final leg of the supply chain: the last mile. As the growing flow of e-commerce orders continues

to generate new records for annual revenues, key actors in the last mile face the challenges of

increasing customer demands and transportation volumes. In response, e-retailers and logistics

service providers seek innovative service solutions, often powered by technological

advancements. This study consisted of focus group interviews and a usability test that

incorporated an innovative technology in the delivery service. The study provides insights into

how service innovation affects e-customer behavior and presents a basic map of the e-customer

journey. The findings also provide a foundation for improving management of the customer

experience and aiding managerial decision-making when designing new e-commerce last mile


E-Government Innovation for Improved Service Delivery

This Study is conducted by Kanyemba D.Hofisi C., (2019). The primary objective of

this study was to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of the newly introduced online

application and learner admission system as a service delivery improvement e-government

initiative in the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) in South African public schools, and

the extent to which the GDE customers are ready to adopt the innovation. We review the

implementation of the online application system in the Sedibeng West District for admission of

2017 Grade 1 and 8 cohorts. The article employed mixed methods grounded in the frameworks

of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI). Our

analysis suggests that the new online services brought recognisable benefits of e-government in

the GDE public schools and education offices. Findings show that the system reduced queuing

in schools to apply for space, and provided convenience for applicants to apply at any time and

place. Government officials' efficiency in faster turnaround time for processing applications

improved remarkably. We argue that the online system is cost-effective for both applicants and

education officials; therefore , it needs to be supported, managed and sustained in a way that

will continue to improve public value. Hence, we conclude that the online application initiative

is an efficient and effective service-delivery improvement innovation.

Using performance-based contracts to foster innovation in outsourced service delivery

According to Sumo R.van der Valk W.[...]van Weele A., (2020)While many scholars

claim that Performance-based Contracts (PBCs) foster supplier-led innovation, empirical

research into their actual use and effects remains limited. We therefore explore two cases of IT

outsourcing through such contracts to see whether, and if so how, PBCs foster innovation. Our

findings suggest that in both cases, the low degree of term specificity in PBCs (i.e., their

openness regarding how to render the contracted services) provides suppliers with autonomy in

their daily service operations, which in theory allows them to innovate. However, only one of

the suppliers exhibited high innovative performance. Other relevant factors aside, our findings

further suggest that a lack of granted autonomy during contract execution is an important factor

in explaining the level of supplier-led innovation. Our findings imply that outsourcers that

remain too closely involved with the outsourced service delivery and do not allow their

suppliers to act autonomously during contract execution limit their supplier's innovation


Adopting Technological Innovations in the Air Cargo Logistics Industry in South Africa

This study is conducted by Adenigbo A. J.Mageto J.Luke R. ,(2013)Background: The

air cargo logistics industry has been deemed reluctant to adopt new technologies for their

business operations. So, this study aims to examine the adoption of technological innovations in

the air cargo logistics industry in South Africa. The specific objective is to emphasise the effects

of technologies on air cargo logistics operations to address the reluctance to adopt technological

innovations in the industry. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted randomly on three

hundred and seventy-three (373) cargo agents at the OR Tambo International Airport. The data

were subjected to a nonparametric test with Kruskal–Wallis, exploratory factor analysis and

regression analysis to explore the effects of technologies for prompt adoption and

implementation of emerging innovations that enhance quality service delivery. Results: The

study found that promptly adopting emerging technological innovations in the air cargo logistics

industry promotes efficient operations, improves warehousing, and enhances cargo delivery

services for customer satisfaction. Also, the study established that technologically driven

operations and warehousing are significant determinants of quality service delivery in the air

cargo logistics industry. Conclusions: This study encourages the prompt adoption and

implementation of technological innovations for improved quality service delivery, customer

satisfaction, and loyalty in the air cargo logistics industry.

Service Delivery Innovation

According to Ja-Shen C.Hung Tai T.Astrid Ya-Hui H.,(2019) Innovation is one means

of gaining an advantage in a highly competitive environment. In addition, service delivery has

played a key role in interactions with customers in recent years. Yet, research on the link

between innovation and service delivery is scant. This article theoretically and empirically

examines innovation in service delivery and its antecedents and consequences. The authors

identify innovation orientation, external partner collaboration, and information technology

capability as the antecedents of service delivery innovation and analyze the impact of service

delivery innovation on firm performance. Respondents were managers in the marketing and

information technology departments of financial firms in Taiwan. Overall, 298 responses were

received (including 123 paired responses from both department managers). Findings indicated

that service delivery innovation contributes to firm performance. These results support the

crucial influences of innovation orientation and information technology capability on service

delivery innovation.

Evaluating Public Service Delivery Smartness and Impact on Citizens' Well-Being


According to Hartanti F. T.Abawajy J. H.Chowdhury M., (2022) Public sectors are

increasingly adopting emerging technologies to innovate and deliver smart services to enhance

citizens' overall well-being. Although the idea of smartness in public sector service innovations

has been explored from the perspective of service providers, limited study has been done from

the perspective of end users. Furthermore, the impact of smart service delivery on citizens'

quality of life has been widely studied quantitatively, but qualitative evidence has been sparse.

This paper aims to address those research gaps using a mobile-based innovation in the motor

vehicle annual registration services (SAMBARA) recently introduced by the West Java

Province in Indonesia as a case study. We use a qualitative smartness measurement framework

based on efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and collaboration metrics to assess the

smartness of the service. We also evaluate the service's influence on enhancing citizens' overall

quality of life using the well-being framework, which is based on aspects of usefulness, safety,

and convenience experiences. We verified the significance of our findings across various

participants' background using statistical analysis ANOVA. The outcome of the study shows

that mobile-based innovation services not only create smartness in public service delivery but

also improve citizens' well-being regardless of their various backgrounds. This research

contributes to the public service innovation knowledge base and offers a baseline study for

researchers and practitioners to carry out similar study in other emergent nations like Indonesia.

Opportunities for innovation in the delivery of interactive retail services

This study is conducted by Berry L. L.Bolton R. N.[...]Seiders K., (2010) In today's

volatile economy, innovation in providing interactive services to consumers through a variety of


channels is critical in retailing. Interactive service innovations offer opportunities for retailers

by creating new markets or offering new benefits in existing markets. They also pose threats as

existing customers encounter new alternatives offered by competitors. This article explores

some of the most promising opportunities in interactive retail services; namely, the increasing

power of consumers, channel synergies, pre- and post-transaction service, optimal use of

resources, and consumer heterogeneity. In discussing these areas of opportunity we identify

knowledge gaps and suggest research questions relevant to these gaps that warrant attention.

Collectively, these questions offer a research agenda for the topic of interactive retail service

innovation. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.

Co-creation as social innovation: including ‘hard-to-reach’ groups in public service


In the article of Eseonu T.,(2022). IMPACT: This article identifies three conditions that

facilitate public sector organizations’ use of inclusive co-creation to achieve social innovation: a

commitment to the inclusion of minoritized groups; active strategies for encouraging the

participation of minoritized groups; and providing an environment in which minoritized groups

can contribute, by sharing power with them so that substantive design inputs are incorporated in

service delivery. For public sector organizations at the local level, these conditions can help

with making design choices at the start of the co-creation process to ensure that minoritized

groups are represented in decision-making processes. Co-creation then becomes the means

through which social innovation is achieved because organizations address the social needs of

minoritized groups.

Entrepreneurial Innovation : A Resilience Strategy

This study is conducted by Ogbu F.Akachukwu O. Onyemaechi U.,(2020). The paper

explored the effect of entrepreneurial innovation on firm resilience in selected Nigerian

hospitality firms using a cross-sectional survey. Twenty hotels that are registered with the

Enugu State Ministry of Culture and Tourism were surveyed with a simple random sampling

technique. The demographic profiles were analyzed using frequency distribution and linear

regression was employed to analyze the formulated hypotheses. The study found that

entrepreneurial innovation dimensions have a positive significant effect on situation awareness

and adaptability. It was concluded that entrepreneurial innovation measured in terms of service

innovation and marketing innovation enhances the resilience capacity of hospitality firms

through situation awareness and adaptability. The implication of this study is that entrepreneurs

in both hospitality and service-oriented sectors should embrace innovation in service delivery to

their esteemed customers to enhance their resilience capacity.

The antecedents and consequence of brand innovation of online food delivery

The study is conducted by Saewanee C.Khamwon A.,(2012) The research aims to

conceptualize and examine the antecedents and consequences of brand innovation in online

food delivery services. The conceptual framework of the study was developed from the

consumer-based approach. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 562 consumers who

used food ordering applications within Bangkok and metropolitan areas in Thailand. The

measurement and structural models were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

The results of the study demonstrated that brand image and customer experience quality are

classified as the antecedents influencing brand innovation and brand equity as the consequence

of brand innovation. This research contributes to the body of knowledge in the theory of brand

management and customer relationship management (CRM).


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, the participants of the study, the data-

gathering instruments, the data-gathering procedures, and the data analysis of the study.

Research Design

The researchers will apply mix method research design.

Participants of the Study

The study will compose of the Courier delivery at Santa Ana Cagayan such as

the Flash Express, J&T Express, and shoppee Express.

Research Instruments

The instrument will use in gathering data is a questionnaire and Face to face

interview to supplement the data gathred.

Locale of the Study

The study will conduct at Santa Ana Cagayan during the year of 2024.

Data Gathering Procedures

Upon the approval of Barangay Captain of the selected barangays where the

Courier Delivery Office Located, the researchers selected respondents in Santa Ana

Cagayan. The researchers then projected questionnaire and an Interview then let the

respondents depend their answers for every question that is asked.

After the allotted time, the researchers will collect the data that gathered for

further Analysis.

Data Analysis of the Study

The researchers will use statistical analysis to analyze the results of the collected

data form responses of participants of the study. The data are interpreted in tabulation

form and descriptive approach.

Statistical Tools and Treatment

The Researchers will use Descriptive statistical Analysis, frequencies and

percentage to summarize the data.



Adenigbo A. J.Mageto J.Luke R. ,(2013).Adopting Technological Innovations in the Air Cargo

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Ahn J., (2022).Exploring perceived innovation in building customers’ patronizing behavior in

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Alexiev A. S.Janssen M.den Hertog P., (2018).The Moderating Role of Tangibility in

Synchronous Innovation in Services.

Berry L. L.Bolton R. N.[...]Seiders K., (2010).Opportunities for innovation in the delivery of

interactive retail services.

Eseonu T.,(2022).Co-creation as social innovation: including ‘hard-to-reach’ groups in public

service delivery.

Fuglsang LRønning REnquist B., (2014),Framing innovation in public service sectors.


Hartanti F. T.Abawajy J. H.Chowdhury M., (2022).Evaluating Public Service Delivery

Smartness and Impact on Citizens' Well-Being.

International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality in Asia Pasific (IJTHAP) 6 (2), 15-25, (2023).
Rethinking Customer Experience in Post-Pandemic Era A Case Study of J and T Express

Ja-Shen C.Hung Tai T.Astrid Ya-Hui H.,2019.Service Delivery Innovation


Kanyemba D.Hofisi C., 2019.E-Government Innovation for Improved Service Delivery


Mansour J., (2021).The interrelationship between strategy as practice and public service
innovation and delivery: Academic history and evidence from Kuwait.


Miftahul Huda, Fitri Anisa, (2020).The Influence of Experiential Marketing, E-Service Quality
(WebBased Tracking System) And Trust On Customer Satisfaction In J&T Express Service
Users In Kab. Pasuruan.

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process of service delivery: a management challenge in KIBS

Nel D.Masilela L., (2020).Open governance for improved service delivery innovation in South

Noore Alam Siddiquee, 2008.E-government and innovations in service delivery: the Malaysian

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Ojiako U.AlRaeesi E. J. H.[...]Bashir H., (2022)Innovation readiness in public sector service

delivery: an exploration.

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online food delivery. : 10.5267/j.uscm.2022.3.011

Saravanan M.Shreedhar K., 2011.Impact of Innovation in Public Service Delivery.


Sumo R.van der Valk W.[...]van Weele A., (2020)Using performance-based contracts to foster
innovation in outsourced service delivery.

Surangkana Pipatchokchaiyo, Mananya Meenakorn,2022.Service Quality Affecting Customer

Satisfaction in Parcel Delivery Service

Tsou H. T.Chen J. S.Liao W. H., (2014)Market and Technology Orientations for Service
Delivery Innovation: The Link of Innovative Competence

Young M., 2022.The impact of technological innovation on service delivery: social media and
smartphone integration in a 311 system

Yulia Vakulenko a, Poja Shams b, Daniel Hellström a, Klas Hjort a.,2019.Service innovation in
e-commerce last mile delivery: Mapping the e-customer journey

Yusup Iskander, 2017. Competitive Intelligence (CI) as a business strategy in the sustainability
of delivery services in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0


Business Name:
Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female
Educational Attainment:
[ ] Elementary level [ ] College level
[ ] Elementary graduate [ ] College graduate
[ ] Highschool level [ ] Degree holder: specify
[ ] Highschool graduate
Number of Employees:
1. Are you currently exploring or planning to adopt any new technologies or
innovations to improve service delivery?
[ ] Yes
[ ]No
2. How optimistic are you about overcoming the challenges and improving service
delivery in Santa Ana Cagayan?
[ ]Very optimistic
[ ]Optimistic
[ ] Neutral
3. Which area do you believe requires the most innovation in public service delivery in
Santa Ana Cagayan?
[ ]Process optimization
[ ] Technology integration
[ ]Customer engagement
[ ]Staff training and development
[ ]Other (please specify)
4. Have you implemented any strategies to address these negative factors and improve
service delivery?

[ ]Yes
[ ] No
5. How do these negative factors impact the satisfaction of your customers?
[ ]Significantly
[ ]Moderately
[ ]Slightly
[ ]Not at all
6. Do you believe customer engagement and feedback are important for service
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
7. Are you utilizing mobile applications for service delivery?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No

1.Are there any specific challenges you encounter in these processes? Please specify.

2.What are the technologies that you usually use in Service Delivery?

3.How effective are these technologies in enhancing yourservice delivery?

4.In your opinion, what are the main challenges faced by businesses in improving your

service delivery?

5. From your experience, what technologies have failed to meet expectations or caused

challenges in service delivery?

Curriculum Vitae

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