ERP Fact Sheets
ERP Fact Sheets
ERP Fact Sheets
Definition Organizational units are used to structure business functions and for reporting.
The organizational units of Financial Accounting are used for external reporting
purposes, that is, they fulfil requirements that your business is subject to from
Organizational units are elements of external parties, for example, legal regulations. The financial statements for
the SAP System logical structure example, are created based on the organizational units of Financial Accounting
Best idea how to understand organizational units is to explain on well known
company where we can imagine what are organizational units in reality.
You can have more than one Operating Concern created in your SAP system. If
Useful Transaction Codes you are working in a particular configuration then system will by default use the
KEA0 - Maintain operating concern Operating Concern that is currently in use. To get into another Operating
Concern settings or to change the defaulted Operating Concern in SAP you use
the Transaction code KEBD. You can also use following path:
ERKRS SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Controlling > Profitability Analysis > Structures >
Set Operating Concern
The possible roles are: production ("live"), Customizing, test, training, and
To avoid confusion and the resulting demonstration.
errors, clients in a distributed
environment must have unique IDs. • Change and transport of client-specific objects
The name of the logical system is
used as a unique ID. It has a unique This parameter controls whether or not changes to Customizing settings are
assignment to a client in an SAP automatically recorded in a change request.
• Changes to cross-client objects
Useful Transaction Codes This parameter controls whether or not changes to R/3 Repository objects or
cross-client Customizing objects are permitted.
SCC4 - Client Administration
SCC5 - Client Deletion • Copy overwrite protection
SCC1 - Client Copy via Transport • CATT runs permitted
• Currently locked, Client copy in progress
• Protected against SAP upgrade
A Controlling Area can be defined through transaction code OKKP or through the
Assignment following path in the customizing IMG
Menu Path:
You can assign multiple controlling
areas to one operating concern. It’s Controlling > General Controlling > Organization > Maintain Controlling Area
client independent.
Assign Controlling Area to Operating Concern
Useful Transaction Codes Assignment of Controlling Area to Operating Concern can be done through
OKKP - Maintain Controlling Area Transaction code KEKK or through following path:
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Controlling >
Domain Assign Controlling area to operating concern
Assign Controlling Area to Controlling Area
TKA01 Assignment of Company Code to Controlling Area can be done through
following path:
TKA02 SPRO > Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing (IMG) > Controlling >
>General Controlling >Organization > Maintain Controlling area
Definition Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According
to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is
Credit control area is an centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between.
organizational unit created by SAP
that represents the area where • For centralized credit management, you can define one credit control
customer credit is awarded and area for all of your company codes.
monitored. This organizational unit • For decentralized credit management, you can define credit control
can include one or more company areas for each company code or each group of company codes.
codes, if credit control is performed
across several company codes. One Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and
credit control area contains credit customer level.
control information for each
customer. It is not possible to divide a You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management
company code into several credit in Customizing for Financial Accounting. For more information, see the
control areas. Implementation Guide under:
Assignment Enterprise Structure > Definition or > Assignment > Financial Accounting and
then Maintain credit control area.
There is possibility to assign only 1
Credit Control area to 1 company,
however 1 Credit control area can be You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the
assigned to many company codes appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
Definition What is the purpose of Company?
SPRO -> SAP Ref IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial
Company code can be assigned only Accounting -> Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code.
to one Controlling area
Note: You must define at least one company code before implementing the
Financial Accounting component. The business transactions relevant for
Useful Transaction Codes Financial Accounting are entered, saved, and evaluated at company code level.
You usually create a legally independent company in the SAP System with one
Create a new Company Code or company code. However, you can also define a company code according to
change an existing one – SPRO/ OX02 other criteria. A company code could also be a separate, but not independent,
Copy an existing Company Code as commercial place of work. This is necessary for example, if the place of work
reference for a new one – EC01 is actually situated in a different country and evaluations therefore have to be
carried out in the appropriate national currency and in accordance with other
tax and legal specifications.
BUKRS If you want to manage the accounting for several independent companies
simultaneously, you can set up several company codes in one client.
But you must set up at least one company code in each client.
OX03 Customizing: business area Setup SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial
Accounting > Define Business Area
CXN5 - Assign Company
Codes/business areas • Select new Entries
• Give the business area HYD
• Description: Business Area for HYD
You set up two separate dunning areas, e.g. for the fertilizers and the plastics
divisions respectively. If a customer purchases his goods from the fertilizer
BBP_MABER division and also buys plastics, he could be dunned by two dunning areas (see
the figure below).
MHNK: Header information
MHND: Line Items
MAHNV: Status
You can define your own dunning procedure for each dunning area. Separate
dunning procedures are required if you want to use the dunning areas at
different intervals or to assign different grace days.
The dunning areas for the fertilizers and plastics divisions have defined their
own dunning procedures. A customer who purchases goods via both divisions is
reminded of its payment due by the dunning area for the fertilizer division after
ten days; the plastics dunning area only sends a dunning notice after 14 days.
You have to assign a chart of accounts to each company code. This chart of
Definition accounts is the operating chart of accounts and is used for the daily postings in
this company code.
You have the following options when using multiple company codes:
Chart of accounts is a list of all G/L
accounts used by one or several • You can use the same chart of accounts for all company codes
company codes. If the company codes all have the same requirements for the chart of accounts
set up, assign all of the individual company codes to the same chart of accounts.
This could be the case if all company codes are in the same country.
Assignment • In addition to the operating chart of accounts, you can use two additional
charts of accounts
If the individual company codes need different charts of accounts, you can
Exactly one operating chart of assign up to two charts of accounts in addition to the operating chart of
accounts can be assigned to one accounts. This could be the case if company codes lie in multiple countries.
company code
Charts of depreciation are used in A chart of depreciation, for example, can be used for all the company codes in
order to manage various legal a given country.
requirements for the depreciation and
valuation of assets. These charts of Independent from its assignment to a chart of depreciation. This means that
depreciation are usually country- several company codes can use the same chart of accounts, although they have
specific and are defined different charts of depreciation (and vice versa). Chart of depreciation are
independently of the other linked special accounts
organizational units.
Assignment Usage
SAP supplies typical reference charts of depreciation for each country. They
have different depreciation areas and depreciation keys depending on that
Exactly one chart of depreciation can country’s specific requirements. You cannot use these charts of depreciation
be assigned to one company code directly. You must create your own chart of depreciation by copying the
reference chart of depreciation. Delete any depreciation areas that are not
Useful Transaction Codes
Country-Specific Charts of Depreciation
OADB – Definition of depreciation area
AFAB – Post depreciation
AFAR – Recalculation of depreciation In the simplest scenario, all of your company codes are in the same country and
are subject to the same legal requirements for asset valuation, meaning that
you only need one chart of depreciation.
How to create a new Cost Center:
Cost Center is organizational unit
used for internal controlling
purposes. Dividing your company up To create a new Cost Center enter KS01 into the SAP system’s transaction code
into profit centers allows you to box.
analyze areas of responsibility and to
delegate responsibility to The standard cost center hierarchy is organizational structure created
decentralized units, thus treating automatically for each controlling area. It is a tree structure which contains
them as “companies within the cost center groups which contains all cost centers in a controlling area and
company”. Cost center is responsible reflects the organizational structure used in Profit Center Accounting. Cost
only for costs Centers are dependent on validity dates.
Usage of cost center
Cost centers are created within
controlling area. Because of
assignment of company codes to
Cost centers are used for cost center accounting. It determines which costs
controlling area, by creation it is
were incurred in individual cost centers.
determined for which company codes
can be profit center used/assigned. Products and orders are debited with these costs based on the cost center
One cost center can be assigned for activities they used.
multiple company codes (within
In costing with quantity structure the Cost Center is determined through the
controlling area)
work center.
In unit costing (costing without quantity structure, reference and simulation
Useful Transaction Codes costing) you enter the cost center or work center manually in the screen.
Definition Profit Center Accounting at the profit center level is based on costs and
revenues. These are assigned statistically by multiple parallel updating to all
logistical activities and other allocations of relevance for a profit center.
A profit center is an organizational
unit in accounting that reflects a The exchange of goods and services between profit centers can be valuated
management-oriented structure of the using the same valuation approach as in financial accounting or another
organization for the purpose of approach
internal control.
You can analyze operating results for
profit centers using either the cost-of- Structure:
sales or the period accounting The master data of a profit center includes the name of the profit center, the
approach. controlling area it is assigned to, and the profit center’s period of validity, as
well as information about the person responsible for the profit center, the
By calculating the fixed capital as profit center’s assignment to a node of the standard hierarchy, and data
well, you can use your profit centers required for communication (address, telephone number and so on).
as investment centers.
Every profit center is assigned to the controlling area organizational unit. This
assignment is necessary because Profit Center Accounting displays values in
G/L accounts.
Useful Transaction Codes
The system transfers all the data to Profit Center Accounting together with
Create a new Profit Center – KE51 the G/L account to which the data was originally posted. You can only
aggregate data that shares the following:
Change an existing one – KE52
• Same chart of accounts
View existing Profit Centers – KE53 • Same fiscal year variant
• Same currency
To view the hierarchy of a
Profit Center Group – KCH2 To ensure that your data in Profit center Accounting is consistent with that in
other areas, you must assign each profit center to the Standard Hierarchy.
Domain The standard hierarchy is used in the information system, allocations, and
various planning functions. You can also assign your profit centers to
alternative hierarchical structures, called Profit Center Groups .
Table Like cost centers, profit centers are valid for a specific time period. This has
the following advantages:
• No complicated activities are necessary when a new fiscal year begins.
• You can enter future changes to the master data in advance.
• Profit centers are time-dependent in two ways:
First, you can enter a period during which actual or plan data can be
posted to the profit center. Second, you can define time-based fields when
you customize Profit Center Accounting.
What is the purpose of Company?
The Functional area field appears on FI, CO, profit center accounting (PCA),
Functional areas are used to analyze and special purpose ledger (SL) documents or for the cost of sales accounting
Cost of Sales Accounting. By this you ledger (0F). It's used to report results under the cost-of-sales accounting
can analyze your organization's approach. When combined with the G/L account, the functional area
expenses by definition of the
determines where on the profit and loss statement a value will be displayed.
functional area like Finance,
Marketing, Production, HR, etc. Functional areas allow you to deliver a profit and loss statement that meets
the requirements of US GAAP.
You define functional areas such as manufacturing, sales, distribution,
Useful Transaction Codes administration, R&D, etc. Each transaction is recorded with a functional area,
and that additional dimension is used in reporting to classify expenses.
Create functional areas - OKBD
If necessary, dunning notices can be created for outstanding receivables (for
BKPF example, to receive payment for a credit memo). The dunning program
supports this function.
FBL2N Postings made in Accounts Payable are simultaneously recorded in the General
BSIK Ledger where different G/L accounts are updated based on the transaction
involved (such as payables and down payments). The system contains due date
forecasts and other standard reports that you can use to help you monitor open
BSAK items.
You can configure balance confirmations, account statements, and other
notifications to suit your correspondence requirements. There are balance lists,
journals, balance audit trails and other evaluations available for documenting
transactions in Accounts Payable.
All postings in Accounts Receivable are also recorded directly in the General
Ledger. Different G/L accounts are updated depending on the transaction
Accounts Receivable is not merely a basis for adequate and orderly accounting.
It also provides the data required for effective credit management, (as a result
of its close integration with the Sales and Distribution component), as well as
important information for the optimization of liquidity planning, (through its
link to Cash Management).
Useful Transaction Codes • If you are using an external number assignment, enter the
new asset’s main number (sub-number might also work).
Create a new Asset: AS01 (You can not use hyphens (-) or stars (*) as part of the
Change an existing Asset: AS02 asset number when using an external number assignment.
If you are using an internal one, the system will
View existing Assets: AS03 automatically assign the number.
Remove Assets: AS06
Now you should be able to add relevant information to your asset.
A description, the date of capitalization and inventory, its origin, tax
Domain specifications, insurance data and leasing information (if available) could be
very useful for you or others taking care of assets within your company.
You should also specify depreciation and valuation information for each area
(or check if the default values are correct).
Also make sure that you deactivated any depreciation area that is not
Tables necessary for your asset.
ANLA (Asset Master Record Segment) Save your asset. After doing so you can create another one or leave.
Definition Understanding the Standard Product Cost Estimate:
Product costing is one of the key areas in Manufacturing and process industries.
A material cost estimate used to It is used for estimating and valuating the internal cost of a product. Product
calculate the standard price in the cost planning is used for estimating/predicting the cost incurred in producing a
material master record. Finished Product. This estimate is also used for budgeting purpose. When the
The cost estimate must be executed material is actually produced, the actual cost is incurred and the variance
with a costing variant that updates the between planned cost and the actual cost is calculated. Based on the magnitude
material master, and the cost of variance, decision is taken to re-estimate the cost of the materials.
estimate must be released. Standard Cost estimate is the basis of product cost planning . This is nothing
but the estimation of cost of a particular product, being manufactured.
Important tools used in cost estimate:
Useful Transaction Codes
• Cost Variant
CK11 – Create Material Cost Estimate • Cost Component Split
CK13 – Display Material Cost Estimate • Costing Estimate with/without quantity structure
• Costing Run/Price Update
Current Cost Estimate:
You can use the current cost estimate to calculate the cost of goods
manufactured of a material in the course of the fiscal year, and to provide up-
to-date information as to whether the current material costs are acceptable.
You can transfer the results of a current cost estimate as "other planned prices"
Tables to the material master.
The current cost estimate valuates the current quantity structure with the
KEKO current valid prices.
Definition Overview:
What is the purpose of controlling document?
A document of value and quantity
changes within a controlling area
because of a business transaction. The Controlling and Financial Accounting components create separate
documents. When primary postings from FI are transferred to CO, corresponding
It holds one or more line items
documents with unique document numbers are generated in CO. Additional CO
detailing the changes.
documents are generated through internal transactions, such as internal
activity allocation, assessment, and accrual calculations. You can display these
documents and the original documents recorded in Financial Accounting.
Organizational units are used to structure business functions and for reporting.
Organizational units are elements of
The organizational units of Material Master(Logistics) are used for controlling of
the SAP System logical structure
all logistic business processes and ensure smooth processes e.g.
Best idea how to understand organizational units is to explain on well known
company where we can imagine what are organizational units in reality.
A plant is assigned to exactly one
company code. As a Retail or Wholesale Site
A plant is divided into storage Makes merchandise available for distribution and sale.
locations that contain physical stock A Plant can be subdivided into storage locations, allowing stocks of materials
to be broken down according to predefined criteria (for example for location
or materials planning aspects).
Useful Transaction Code A plant can also be subdivided into locations and operational areas.
Subdivision into locations takes geographical criteria into account, whereas
Create a new plant – WB01 subdivision into operational areas reflects responsibilities for maintenance.
Change existing plants – WB02
Use of the “Plant” Field Type
The preferred shipping point for a plant is defined as the default shipping
Domain point which depends on the shipping and loading conditions.
For the placement of materials in storage (stock put-away) a storage location
must be assigned to a plant. The storage location depends on the storage
conditions and the placement situation.
Valuation of material stocks can be At company code level, one company code corresponds to one material
set either at plant or company code valuation area (for all plants belonging to company code)
In most cases it is setup “At plant level” as following picture shows:
Useful Transaction
OX14 – Valuation level settings
1 Storage location can be assigned SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition> Materials
to only 1 plant, however many Management > Maintain storage location
storage locations can be assigned to
1 plant. After creation of storage location ID it is possible also to create Addresses of
storage locations
Useful Transaction There is possible to assign Warehouse number to storage location which can be
Codes imagined as number of rack where material(good) is located.
This can be found in customizing:
OX09 – Creation of storage location
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment> Logistics
execution > Assign warehouse number to plant /storage location
The Material Number is a unique You have the following types of number assignments in the R/3 / ERP system:
number for identifying a material
master record and thus material. External: If your company uses mnemonic keys (normally alphanumeric) you
enter the character string you want to use as the material number when
For every material that your creating the material master record.
company uses, you must create a
material master record in the Internal: If your company uses non-mnemonic key instead you don’t have to
material master. enter a material number when creating its master record.
You can assign mnemonic or non- The system will automatically assign its next available number to the material.
mnemonic keys as material numbers, You can then view the number when maintaining the master record.
depending on the method your Your system administrator defines the required type of number assignment
company prefers. under “Customizing” for the material master in defined number ranges.
If external number assignment is required, your system administrator can flag
the defined number range as an external number range.
Useful Transaction Codes It can then assign it to one or more material types and, as a result, the type of
number assignment depends on the chosen material type.
Create a new one – MM01
In a standard R/3 or ERP system, an external and an internal number range can
Change an existing one – MM02 be defined for each material type or group of material types.
View existing ones – MM03
Most important setting of materials is material type – MTART. Best examples of
material types are Finished products/NotFinished products/Raw
Standard Tables Behind each material type are special attributes which are valid only for
selected material type.
MARA, MARC and MARD (A-segment,
company code data, and storage
location data with stocks)
Enter the transaction code XK01 to get to the initial screen for creating a new
A vendor is any person or company vendor.
that sells goods or services to
someone else in the economic
production chain.
In the IT as well as in other industries
the term is commonly applied to
suppliers of goods and services to
other companies.
Vendor Master Table – LFA1 You should also state a Purchasing Organisation but the three mentioned
Company code data – LFB1 values are enough to proceed. Press Enter (or the Enter button in the upper
left corner) to continue to the next page.
Bank details - LFBK
Here you can enter the address info of your vendor (Company Name, Street
and City, Country, etc., etc., etc.).
Domain A name and a country are mandatory. Anything else is optional but it’s always
better to give as much information as possible.
After that, the next page is about “control” info including Tax Information.
There are no mandatory fields but as before. The more, the better.
Continue filling out the remaining pages with at least the mandatory fields
filled out to succesfully save your new vendor.
Main purpose of the info record allows buyers to provide fast information such
as following:
Serves as a source of information for
Purchasing. The purchasing info
Prices and conditions that you can store for the relevant purchasing
record (also referred to in organization or plant
abbreviated form as the "info
record") contains information on a Vendor material number / conversion unit aspect
specific material and a vendor
supplying the material. For example,
• The number of the last purchase order
the vendor's current pricing is stored
in the info record. • Tolerance limits for overdeliveries and underdeliveries
• The planned delivery time (lead time required by the vendor todeliver
Useful Transaction Codes
the material)
ME11 / ME12 / ME13
• Vendor evaluation data
• The availability period during which the vendor can supply the material
Scheduling Agreement is type of outline agreement. The outline purchase
agreement is often referred to as a blanket or umbrella purchase order. It is
Definition basically a long-term agreement between the purchasing department and
vendor for material or services for a defined period of time. The purchasing
department negotiates with the vendor a set of terms and conditions that are
Scheduling agreement is a long term
fixed for the period of agreement.
outline agreement between vendor
and ordering party over a predefined
material or service which are
Scheduling agreement attributes:
procured on predetermined dates
over a framework of time
• Longer-term scheduling agreements and delivery schedules
• Same scheduling agreement number is used with different release calls
Useful Transaction Codes • Mainly used for repetitive/predictable requirements e.g. purchasing
spare parts of a large fleet
ME31L/ME37/ME32L/ME33L • Can be tightly integrated with MRP
Scheduling agreem
Definition The purpose of source list is for a material how many source are there to supply.
The source list record uniquely identifies the source of supply, that is, in the
SAP system, a vendor, an internal plant, or an outline agreement item, and
List of available sources (vendors) of facilitates determination of the applicable source for a purchase requisition at
supply for a material, indicating the a certain time.
periods during which procurement
from such sources is possible.
Source list is always created for combination Material and plant
Standard Tables
Combination of 2 fields MATNR +
Definition Information
Contract is also type of outline agreement.
Contract is a long term outline The contract does not contain specific delivery dates or the individual delivery
agreement between vendor and quantities. These are specified subsequently in release orders issued against
ordering party over predefined the contract when customer requires them.
material or services over certain
framework of time.
There are two types of contract:
Useful Transaction Codes Quantity Contract: In this type of contract overall value is specified in terms
of total quantity of material to be supplied by vendor.
Monitor contracts - ME80RN Value Contract: In this type of contract overall value is specified in terms of
total amount to be paid for that material to the vendor.
Standard Tables Contracts are stored in EKKO table and usually type is BSTYP = K
Definition Information
In simple terms SAP Batch Handling means an additional keys fields for users
Batch can be defined as tagging an
to identify the same materials.
alphanumeric or numeric code to the
material produced or material
For e.g.
Normal Control: Plant + Material + Storage Location
Useful Transaction Codes Batch Handling: Plant + Material + Storage Location + Batch Number
MSC1n/MSC2n/MSC3n Best example is e.g. materials that require such precise identification, for
example pharmaceutical products, are identified and managed in stock not
only according to material number, but also according to batch number.
Standard Tables
Activation of batches for materials is done in transaction MM01. MM01 --
General Plant data/storage 1 View -- Batch Management (check box)
(Check also Purchasing or Warehouse Mgmt 1 view).
This component enables you to store pricing stipulations agreed with the
vendor (such as applicable discounts or surcharges, or stipulations regarding
Purchase conditions are used in the payment of freight costs) in the system. You can enter these conditions in
generally for pricing agreements quotations, outline purchase agreements, and info records. You also have the
with vendors. option of entering general conditions at vendor level, for example. The
system then applies the conditions in determining the price in purchase
orders (POs). You can enter further conditions in the PO itself.
Useful Transaction Codes
Purchase conditions are similar to purchsae info records, however you can
MEK1/MEK2/MEK3 /customizing specify more conditions how price should be determined
Main difference is that purchase info records is only for combination material,
Standard Tables vendor & P.Org, however purchase conditions are quite agile and you can also
include e.g. plant, material group, material type,…
If condition record is not existing for a vendor/material but Purchasing info
record is existing then during PO it will pick price from purchasing infor
The Vendor Evaluation component supports you in optimizing your procurement
processes in the case of both materials and services .
Vendor evaluation is the process of
analyzing and assessing the
performance of the vendors of the
external vendor. In this processes How the system calculates vendors delivery
vendors are allowed to score in perfomance?
different criteria and the highest
scored vendor is selected for
procurement. The system uses the statistics-relevant delivery date in the purchase order
(Items -> Delivery Schedule) and the goods receipt date to calculate date
Useful Transaction Codes You use the statistics-relevant delivery date, for example, if you know that the
vendor will not deliver the material as scheduled on September 15 but on
September 30. Enter the delivery date as September 30, but enter the
statistics-relevant delivery date as September 15.
In calculating the score for on-time delivery performance, the system will then
not use the actual delivery date, but the statistics-relevant delivery date. This
Standard Tables has a negative effect on the score for this goods receipt.
However, materials planning and control uses the realistic delivery date
(September 30) which the vendor will actually adhere to.
The system considers only goods receipts against purchase orders and
Domain scheduling agreements into stores and the release of GR blocked stock into
stores. In the standard system, these are the movement types 101 and 105.
You can define criteria by following customizing path:
SPRO --> SAP Reference IMG --> Materials Management --> Purchasing -->
Vendor Evaluation --> Define Criteria
But via quota arrangement, we can give the quantity and percentage for a
Standard Tables vendor, so if we maintain many vendors in source list, system will take the
correct vendor with comparison of quantity of document and quota
EQUK arrangement.
Good example where can Output conditions help is following:
Output messages are basically used
by the SAP System to remember the 1, Send the Purchase Orders via Fax to all Vendors in Purchasing Organization
preferred mode of communication XXX.
with the Vendors. Some Vendors may
accept Purchase Orders though Fax 2, Send the Purchase Orders via EDI to all Vendors in Organization YYY
and others through EDI(mail) etc.
Output condition can be set up for specified object e.g. Purchase order/
Invoice/ …
Useful Transaction Codes
The Output Condition records are maintained in the Table NACH.
Setup of output conditions is done via customizing:
Standard Tables SPRO --> SAP Reference IMG --> Material Management--> Purchasing ->
Message -> Output Control
Vendor selection is an important process in procurement cycle. Once
Definition requirements are gathered we will look for possible suppliers who can fulfil the
requirements at the best possible price. So a request is made to vendors to
submit their quotations indicating the price of material along with their terms
It is the initial step in a vendor and conditions. This request is known as request for quotation. The key points
selection process. The business about request for quotation are as follows:
sends out RFQ to the vendors and
the vendors respond back with • Request for quotation is a form of invitation that is sent to vendors to
submit quotation indicating pricing and their terms and conditions.
Quotations with prices. Next step is
• RFQ contains details about goods or services, quantity, date of delivery
quotation evaluation followed by
and date of bid on which it is to be submitted.
issue of a purchase order for the
• Quotation is a reply by a vendor in response to request for quotation.
material/services needed.
RFQ can be created by following two ways:
Standard Tables Request for quotation are predefined in SAP in table EKKO as BSTYP = A
To create a Purchase Requisition, execute transaction code ME51.
There you can specify the document type (consult input help if you need
assistance) and continue to the item overview with F5.
BANFN Now you can enter a header note and the material numbers, their quantity and
its respective measuring unit, the storage location, vendor, tracking number,
and valuation prices
Definition A purchase order (PO for short) consists of document header and a number of
A purchase order is a document that
records the quantity, time and Information defined in the header (such as payment and/or delivery terms)
conditions which under a vendor or relates to the entire PO, while information defined in each item can be different
service agent has to deliver goods or because they might belong to different item categories.
provide a service to the one who
Depending on its category, receipts or other further information might be
requested it.
needed to complete the PO. But usually the system will inform you about
This document can be used either missing data before you can proceed.
for actions between two of a
company’s plants or between two
An example for
companies with one acting as
creating a “demo”
vendor and the other one as client.
purchase order.
Normally a purchase order is
When all needed data
created automatically by the system
for the PO is given you
or manually by a user (who mostly
can continue by
plays the role of the client).
creating it.
Then you will be
Useful Transaction Codes: forwarded to a list
where you can enter
your required items
with their desired
Create a new purchase order with a
delivery date,
new vendor – ME25
quantity, etc.
Main Tables in SAP ERP If you are also done with this step you can finish the purchase order by saving
it. After that you can create another one or leave the transaction.
EKKO You can also use your purchase order as a reference for POs that will be
EKPO created at a later date.
Request for quotation are predefined in SAP in table EKKO as BSTYP = F
The purpose of a reservation is to ensure that a material will be available when
it is needed. It also serves to simplify and accelerate the goods issue process
Definition and prepare the tasks at the point of goods issue.
Request to the warehouse or stores It is also important that reservations are taken into account by Material
to keep a material ready for issue at Requirements Planning (MRP), which means that required materials are
a future date for a certain purpose. procured in time if they are out of stock.
In a reservation, information is stored that is relevant for the goods issue and
Useful Transaction Codes for materials planning, for example:
If reorder point planning is used at storage location level and the available
stock on hand falls below the reorder point, the system generates a stock
transfer reservation in the plant for the replenishment quantity.
Definition The Inbound process comprises all the steps of an external procurement process
that occur when the goods are received
Basically it denotes that the material has been shipped from the vendor's
location and is in transit. In the system, Inbound is made with reference to a
Useful Transaction Codes
PO when the vendor sends his shipment notification. This Inbound is referenced
while making the GR
The outbound delivery supports all shipping activities including picking, packing,
transportation and goods issue. When the outbound delivery is created, the
Standard Tables shipping activities, such as picking or delivery scheduling, are initiated, and
data that is generated during shipping processing is included in the delivery.
It is situated at the end of the logistics supply chain that includes Purchasing,
A document that states the invoice Inventory Management, and Invoice Verification. Verification that incoming
recipient’s obligations to the vendor invoices are verified in terms of their content, prices and arithmetic. When the
or service provider. invoice is posted, the invoice data is saved in the system. The system updates
the data saved in the invoice documents in Materials Management and Financial
Useful Transaction Codes
An invoice is normally created after the goods receipt or service performance
MIRO/MIR7/ MIR4 has been confirmed. It includes general invoice information, such as total
amount, total tax, freight costs, vendor and invoice recipient, and detailed
information (header information, item information, and approval preview).
Standard Tables
RSEG Integration
RBCO Logistics Invoice Verification is closely integrated with the components
RBKP_BLOCKED Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO). It passes on the relevant
information about payments or invoice analyses to these components.
In other words, when Invoice is created and saved it automatically creates
Domain related FI and CO documents where FI department takes over the business
process and supervise actual payment.
Enterprise structure
The SAP ERP application Human
Capital Management is an extensive
personnel administration system. As
such it allows for mapping the
hierarchical structures of a company
and the relationships within these
hierarchies as well as storing and
managing employee data. The SAP
ERP system differs between the Personnel structure
enterprise structure, personnel
structure, and organizational
Organizational structure
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Human
Table Resources Management > Personnel Subareas
Employee group Used to define The employee group defines the relationship between an employee and a
different types of employees in a company in that the employee makes a certain contribution to the company in
company for making payroll, time terms of work. Active employees, pensioners and early retirees make up the
evaluation, and benefits decisions. main employee groups in Personnel Administration.
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Human
Resources Management > Employee Groups
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Human
Resources Management > Employee Subgroups
The payroll area is used to give default values for payroll that can be used
as selection criteria for reporting as well as for authorization checks. Using the
payroll area, you can determine the period of time between settlements
Definition (payments) for employees of a subgroup.
A group of employees with the same A payroll area is an organizational unit used for running payroll. All employees
pay period duration, pay day, and who have payroll run for them at the same time and for the same period are
legal reporting requirements assigned to the same payroll area.
processed together in the same Usually, payroll is carried out for each payroll area.
payroll run. The payroll area provides the payroll driver with the number of employees for
whom payroll is to be run and with dates of the pay-roll period.
Payroll areas within a client must be
SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Personnel Management -> Personnel
Administration -> Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment -> Create
payroll area
Profesia | Stelle
Pozícia | Planstelle
PA* - Personnel Administr. InfoTypes
A set of tasks that are commonly performed together can then be assigned to
a task group. The advantage of task groups is that you only need to assign the
Useful Transaction Code group to the object rather than each individual task. By defining your tasks
PPOCE - Org. and Staffing create and assigning tasks to positions and jobs, you start to build up information on
the required skills and qualifications in your company.
PFCT – Task Catalog
HRP1000 Object type = T
Work centres describe the specific physical locations where tasks are carried
out. A work centre can be determined using a general location description (for
example, DataVard Office). However, it can contain an exact description of the
location, such as a specific desk with specific equipment in a specific building.
Definition Exact work centre definitions of this kind are particularly useful in a production
A physical location where employees
do their work; used in organizational Several positions can share one work centre. For example, the Reception work
management to define the company. centre can be assigned to two positions whose holders are assigned to different
HRP1000 Object type = A
Distribution channel is mainly defined One distribution channel can be assigned to many sales organizations and one
to take care of different types of sales organization can have many distribution channels assigned to it. So the
sales in a sales organization. You can relationship is N:N.
define a distribution channel for
direct sales, internet sales, sales
through dealers etc. Definition of distribution channel - Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >> Enterprise
Structure >> Definition >> Sales and Distribution >> Define, copy, delete,
check distribution channel
Assignment of distribution channel - Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >>
Sales organization can have number of
Enterprise Structure >> Assignment >> Sales and Distribution >> Assign
distribution channels assigned and
distribution channel to sales organization
distribution channel can be assigned
to number of sales organizations.
Division is defined mainly based on the bases of products. For example, you
can have one division for two wheelers and one for four wheelers.
Sales organization can have number of
divisions assigned and division can be
assigned to number of sales
Sales office is a physical location (for example, a branch office) that has
responsibility for the sale of certain products or services within a given geographical
area. It is used in sales transactions but mostly it is used for reporting purposes
only. Sales office is not mandatory field during creation of transactional data.
Sales office is a physical location (for example, a branch office) that has responsibility
for the sale of certain products or services within a given geographical area. It is used
in sales transactions but mostly it is used for reporting purposes only. Sales
office is not mandatory field during creation of transactional data.
Assignment of sales office - Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >> Enterprise
Structure >> Assignment >> Sales and Distribution >> Assign sales office to
Sales group is assigned to sales office. sales area
Delivering plant refers to the plant from which the goods are to be delivered
to the customer, within a specific sales organization and distribution channel.
Several plants can be assigned to many sales organizations – the relationship is
Definition N:N.
The plant can be automatically proposed by the system when processing a sales
In general plant is physical
order, if it has been maintained in one of the master records. It can be derived
organizational unit with fixed location
where the goods can be produced,
stored, sold. Shipping point is location • the customer/product info record
in plant from where the goods are
physically shipped out to customers • the customer master record of the ship-to party
• the material master record.
Shipping point is organizational unit with fixed location that process and
Domain monitors outbound deliveries and goods issue. Shipping point is actually the
location that performs all delivery related activities and a delivery can be
WERKS – plant processed only from a shipping point.
VSTEL – shipping point
Many shipping points can be assigned to plant and many plants can be assigned
to shipping point – N:N relationship.
T001W - Plants Definition of shipping point- Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >> Enterprise
TVKWZ - Allowed Plants per Sales Structure >> Definition >> Logistics Execution >> Define, copy, delete, check
Organization shipping point
Credit management is to manage the credit limit of the customers which takes
place in the credit control area. Credit control area is defined in FI module.
Credit control area can be assigned to many sales areas, but one sales area
Definition can have only one credit control area. Relationship between credit control
area and sales area is 1:N.
Credit Management (FIN-FSCM-CR)
supports your company in determining Credit Management enables you to minimize the credit risk yourself by
the risk of losses on receivables from specifying a specific credit limit for your customers. Thus you can take the
your business partners early and in financial pulse of a customer or a group of customers, identify warning signs
making credit decisions efficiently earlier, and enhance credit related decision making.
and in some cases automated. Once customer reach the limit, system can raise a warning or even block new
sales orders, thus no goods can be sold to respective customer.
Definition of credit control area- Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >> Enterprise
One sales area can have only one Structure >> Definition >> Financial Accounting >> Define Credit Control Area
credit control area. Relationship
Assignment of credit control area - Follow the path SPRO >> IMG >> Enterprise
between credit control area and sales
Structure >> Assignment >> Sales and Distribution >>Assign Sales Area to
area is 1:N.
Credit Control Area
Inquiry is coming from the customer to the sales organization seeking some non-
Definition binding sales information. Whenever customer seeks any information about your
product, you create a document – Inquiry.
Its internal document which holds
information about the request from
prospective customer to be circulated How to create a new inquiry on an ERP system
in the company and is not legal
Enter T-code VA11 in the command bar field.
Select Inquiry Type from help. In screenshot, "IN" is selected for Inquiry.
Main information are materials and
the quantity. Enter Sales organization, Distribution channel, Division, Sales office (optional),
Sales Group (optional)
Select Sales Icon (or Enter)
Useful Transaction Code
VA11 - Create inquiry
VA12 - Change inquiry
VA13 - Display inquiry
The standard version of the SAP System contains the following categories of
Definition contracts:
Customer contracts are outline Master Contracts - a document in which you can group contracts together as
customer agreements that display lower level contracts. Thus, all the data that refers to other documents remains
when sales materials or services are consistent. The master contract contains the general terms which apply for all
sold within a certain time period. lower level contracts.
Quantity Contracts - an agreement that your customer will order a certain
quantity of a product from you during a specified period.
Useful Transaction Code
Value Contracts - a contractual agreement with a customer that contains the
VA41 - Create contract materials and/or services that they may receive within a time period and up to
a target value.
VA42 - Change contract
Servic eContracts - an agreement that contains the conditions for offering a
VA43 - Display contract certain service to the customer. A service contract contains validity dates,
cancellation conditions, price agreements, and information on possible follow-
up actions.
How to create a new contract on an ERP system
Contract is created similarly as Inquiry on page above.
Enter T-code VA41 in the command bar field.
Table Enter Contract Type, Sales organization, Distribution channel, Division, Sales
office (optional), Sales Group (optional).
VBAK-VBTYP = ‘G’ Select Sales Icon (or Enter)
Enter Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party, Enter Material Code and Quantity. Click
on Save Button.
You fulfil a scheduling agreement by creating the deliveries in the schedule as
they become due. You process deliveries for a SA in exactly the same way as
Definition you process a normal delivery. After you have carried out the delivery, the
system updates the Delivered quantity field in the scheduling agreement item
A customer scheduling agreement (SA)
with the delivery quantity.
is an outline agreement with the
customer containing delivery
quantities and dates. These are then
entered as schedule lines in a delivery How to create a new SA on an ERP system
schedule. Enter T-code VA31 in command bar field.
Enter SA Type, Sales organization, Distribution channel, Division, Sales office
(optional), Sales Group (optional).
Useful Transaction Code
Select Sales Icon (or Enter)
VA31 - Create Scheduling agreement
VA32 - Change Scheduling agreement
VA33 - Display Scheduling agreement
VA35 - List of Scheduling agreements
Enter Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party, Validity dates, Enter Material Code and
Table Quantity.
To enter the delivery dates for an item, select the relevant item in the item
VBAK-VBTYP = ‘E’ overview and choose Goto >> Item >> Schedule lines.
Click on Save Button.
Quotation can be created after receipt of inquiry from customer or without
Definition inquiry.
Quotation is an offer from a particular sales area to the customer. Quotation
It’s a legally binding sales document, always contains a validity period and it legally binding within this period.
which informs the customer, that
In Quotation Completion rule "B" is applicable. Therefore, Quotation gets
company will deliver a specific
completed status if you refer the total quantities to the order, or, if you are
quantity of product at a specific time
referring partial quantities then rest quantities you have to reject, or, if the
and at a specific price
validity period of the Quotation is over.
Enter Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party, Validity dates, Enter Material Code and
Click on Save Button.
You can create sales order (as any other document in SD) with reference. After clicking on Create with Reference
button, select required document type and enter document number.
Select Sales Icon (or Enter). If document is created with reference, all data will be fetched from reference
document. Otherwise enter following data – Enter Sold-To Party and Ship-To Party, Validity dates, Enter Material
Code and Quantity.
Click on Save Button.
If everything went well the message “Standard Order XXX has been saved” should be displayed.
Following actions are processed during delivery creation:
Definition - To check the material and order to ensure if the outbound delivery of
goods is possible.
The outbound delivery is a document - Defining the quantity of goods and its availability.
representing the goods to be - Packing the outbound delivery.
delivered together to a goods - Calculating weight or volume of delivery.
recipient. - Find out the delivery situation and the delivery agreement.
- Defining the route.
- Finding/determining the batch.
Useful Transaction Code - Finding the pickup location.
- Quality check of material to be delivered.
VL01N - Create Outbound delivery - Updating and changing the status of the sales order.
VL02N - Change Outbound delivery If there is a change in a delivery situation, you can change the delivery after it
is created.
VL03N - Display Outbound delivery
Final action in delivery process is Post Goods Issue (PGI) which triggers follow
up process in billing.
LIKP – SD document: delivery header
LIPS – SD document: delivery item
The basic goal of outbound logistics is to process the products to be issued from
a warehouse. In outbound logistics, you can process the following types of
outbound deliveries:
An invoice is normally created after the goods issue. It includes general invoice
information, such as total amount, total tax, freight costs, vendor and invoice
recipient, and detailed information (header information, item information).
Definition The billing document is created with reference to a preceding document, in
order to create an invoice or a credit memo, for example.
Billing is known as the final stage for
executing business transactions. When
an order is processed and delivery is
made, billing information is available
How to create a new billing document on an ERP
at each stage of this order processing. system
VBRK – Billing document Header
VBRP – Billing items
Click on Save Button.
You can create shipments both manually and automatically.
Definition A shipment can have different characteristics that are determined by the
shipment type as well as its relationship to other shipments. You define the
Document containing all the goods shipment type in Customizing for Transportation Management (TM). It contains
that are consolidated by a ship-from all the important control parameters for the shipment document.
party and are then transported
The following options shows the possible instances of shipments:
together from an issuing location (a
plant, for example) to a destination • Transportation request
location (a customer, for example).
• Bill of lading
The shipment forms the basis for
planning, executing, and monitoring The following classification is relevant to the processes in
the transportation of goods. the Extended Warehouse Management (EWM)component:
• Planned shipment: Can still change regarding type and size, for
Useful Transaction Code example, due to a subsequent delivery split in the Extended Warehouse
Management (EWM) component.
VT01N - Create shipment • Final shipment: Is fixed regarding type and size, in other words, it is
confirmed. Most of these shipments are already packed or loaded.
VT02N - Change shipment
VT03N - Display shipment
The header contains data such as:
• Incoterms
• Partners
• Dates/times
Table • Transportation details such as transportation mode, route, stops, and
VTTP – Shipment items The shipment items contain data such as locations, dates/times, packages,
products, weight and volume, units of measure, and references to the original
document, for example, the delivery.
Definition Use transaction code FD01 to get to the initial screen for creating new
A customer (also known as client,
buyer or purchaser) is the recipient of
a good, service, product or idea
obtained by a seller, vendor, or
supplier (probably the company you
are working for) for a monetary or
other valuable consideration.
KNA1 - General data (“A-segment” After saving your new customer via the save button in the upper left corner
KNB1 - Customer Master, company you should be able to state even more information about it in the “Sales Area”
code dependent data – (“B-segment”)
Definition Pricing Elements in Sales Order
• When entering sales orders, the system can carry out an automatic
Pricing is often a complex process check. During sales order entry, the system can calculate prices
and it can be a challenge to automatically.
organizations to arrive at a specific
• The price is represented by one condition type (PR00) – main
for a Customer or Vendor under
different circumstances.
Pricing is considered various factors Prices types:
such as Surcharges, Discounts,
• Material price
Freights, Promotions and Taxes
• Price List Type
before arriving at final price of the
Goods or Services
Discount & Surcharges
Useful Transaction Codes ▪ Discounts and Surcharges are based on the Base Price, Quantity or
Percentage of the base price defined condition category
VOK0 – Conditions pricing in Freight Charges
▪ Incoterms are the internationally recognized shipping terms that
establish the respective liabilities of both the shipping party and the
Standard Tables
There are different types of conditions records. Condition records could be
Definition used to automatically determine prices, outputs, batches in sales and delivery
A Condition table is defined as a
combination of keys to identify an
individual condition record. A
condition record is defined as how
system stores the specific condition.
Standard Tables
KONV - Conditions for Transaction
Data Example of a Condition Record − Entering the price of a product or to specify
the discount for a privileged customer.
KONP - Conditions for Items
KOND - Conditions (Data)
Example of a Condition Table − Condition records for a customer specific
KONH - Conditions (Header) material prices are stored by a sales department. SAP system contains a
KONM - Conditions conditional table 005 for this purpose. Key of table 005 includes the following
field – Customer/Material/Sales Organization/Distribution Channel.
Domain In the first two fields, the customer and material determines the relationship
between customers and specific materials. The last two fields are used to
identify organization data in a SAP system. Now, if sales department in an
organization enters a condition record for discount to one privileged customer,
the system will automatically make use of the condition table 005 to store the
record and define a key. Any standard SAP system contains predefined
condition tables and specifies for each access in a predefined access sequence.
When a delivery is created in SD, the system first checks the inspection
settings in the material master to determine if the material should be
Definition inspected. If so, the system checks whether a customer info record exists for
the customer/material combination, to determine if any special inspection
The customer info record defines the requirements apply. If a customer info record does not exist, the system uses
inspection requirements for a the default customer specifications.
specific customer/material
combination (per sales organization). In the customer info record, you can:
You can use the customer info-
record to override the default
customer specifications. ▪ Specify the material for the customer/material combination
▪ Enter an additional short text for the customer info record
▪ Create a long text as additional documentation
Useful Transaction Codes
▪ Change the default customer specifications (quality inspection, delivery
VD51 – Create customer info records category, or documents)
VD52 – Change customer info records
VD53 – Display customer info records You normally create a customer info record after you have maintained the
inspection settings in the material master and the customer data in the
customer master.
Standard Tables
KNMT – Customer-material info
record data table
Definition The plant (same as in MM part) is undoubtedly the most important organizational unit
for plant maintenance. It is important to still understand that plant is assigned to
company code.
Organizational units are elements of
the SAP System logical structure It fulfils several maintenance functions:
• You require a plant with a storage location in which you can store spare
• Functional location
• Equipment
Definition • Serial numbers
• Work Center
• Task list
Main PM business objects are created
by business users during processing • Maintenance Plan
daily business. They are transactional • Measure Points
or master data
• Capacity
• Maintenance Order
• Maintenance Order Operations
• Notification
• Confirmation
• Reservation
• Settlement Rule
• Manage individual data from a maintenance perspective for the object
IL01 – Create Functional Location • Perform individual maintenance tasks for the object
IL02 – Change Functional Location
IL03 – Display Functional Location • Keep a record of the maintenance tasks performed for the object
The equipment category is often used for reporting and distinguishing different
Definition groups of equipment.
You can manage all types of device as pieces of equipment (for example, production
utilities, transportation utilities, test equipment, production resources/tools,
buildings, PCs).
The business object "Equipment" is an
individual, physical object that is to Since many of these physical objects are managed as "assets" in Asset Management,
be maintained independently. It can the term "piece of equipment" was chosen for objects defined from a technical
be installed in a technical system or perspective, in order to avoid confusion with the activated tangible assets.
part of a technical system.
You define and manage each piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM)
System in a separate master record and can set up an individual maintenance history
for each one.
T-Codes: Structure:
IE01 – Create Equipment The system manages the master records for pieces of equipment at client level. This
IE02 – Change Equipment means that their numbers are valid for the entire corporate group.
IE03 – Display Equipment
The equipment master record contains several types of data:
EQUNR If your system is set up accordingly with the help of the Customizing functions, it
automatically creates a new time segment for specific master record changes that
describes the equipment usage period.
• Serial number data
This is data that you specify when you want to manage your pieces of equipment
not only as individual objects, but also from an inventory management
perspective. This data comprises material data as well as stock and customer
• Configuration data
You use serial numbers to identify A number that you give to an item of material in addition to the material number,
items of material, which enables you to differentiate that item from other items belonging to the material.
to distinguish between the individual The serial number is usually engraved on the device.
Organizational object (object key A) used to depict work centers that exist in your
A work center identifies the physical enterprise in your organizational plan. A work center can be defined by a general
location where work is carried out. place description (Philadelphia, for example) or a very specific place description
(office 105, desk III, for example).
T-Codes: Together with bills of material and routings, work centers belong to the most
important master data in the R/3 production planning and control system. Work
IR01 – Create Work Center centers are used in task list operations and work orders. Task lists are for example
IR02 – Change Work Center routings, maintenance task lists, inspection plans and standard networks. Work orders
IR03 – Display Work Center are created for production, quality assurance, plant maintenance and for the Project
System as networks.
Tables: Data in work centers is used for:
CRHD • Scheduling
CRCO Operating times and formulas are entered in the work center, so that the duration
CRTX of an operation can be calculated.
• Costing
Domain: Formulas are entered in the work center, so that the costs of an operation can be
calculated. A work center is also assigned to a cost center.
ARBPL • Capacity planning
The available capacity and formulas for calculating capacity requirements are
entered in the work center.
• Simplifying operation maintenance
Various default values for operations can be entered in the work center.
A work center is created for a plant and is identified by a key. The work center
category, which you define in Customizing, determines which data can be maintained
in the work center.
The data is grouped thematically together in screens and screen groups. Examples
of such screen or screen groups are:
• Basic Data
• Assignments (to cost centers, Human Resource Management System (HR))
• Capacities
• Scheduling
• Default values
Task Lists
Work centers are assigned to operations in task lists. If you change default values in a
work center, the changes are effective in the task list if a reference indicator has been
set for the default value.
Definition General maintenance task lists are task lists that are used for general maintenance
tasks. They do not refer to a specific technical object. Using general maintenance
General maintenance task lists help task lists, you can define and manage sequences of maintenance tasks centrally, and
you to prepare maintenance plans and use them for work scheduling.
orders. Furthermore, you can use
these task lists to reduce the time Within a group, you can create several individual general maintenance task lists. The
spent creating equipment task lists. system automatically assigns a sequential number, the group counter, to each general
maintenance task list. This clearly identifies each general maintenance task list
within the group.
A maintenance plan basically consists of the following elements:
Description of the maintenance and
inspection tasks to be performed at
maintenance objects. The • Maintenance item(s)
maintenance plans describe the dates
A maintenance item describes which preventive maintenance tasks should take place
and scope of the tasks.
regularly at a technical object or a group of technical objects.
A maintenance plan automatically always contains a maintenance item. You can
T-Codes: create additional maintenance items directly in the maintenance plan, or assign
existing maintenance items which have not yet been assigned. Exceptions to this rule
IP01 – Create Maintenance Plan include maintenance plans for service procurement and maintenance plans with
IP02 – Change Maintenance Plan reference to an outline agreement. These plans have only one maintenance item.
IP03 – Display Maintenance Plan For the call objects maintenance order (PM order) or service order, you can describe
the necessary activities using a task list which you assign to the maintenance item.
MPLA • Maintenance plan
The maintenance plan contains scheduling information from the following sources:
• For single cycle plans, from the maintenance cycle
• If you want to perform time-based or performance-based (counter-
based) maintenance planning, you can work with both single cycle plans
as well as strategy plans.
• For strategy plans from the maintenance strategy assigned to the
maintenance plan
• For multiple counter plans from the maintenance cycles
• If you want to combine maintenance cycles from different dimensions (for
example, time and distance), you can use multiple counter plans .
• From the scheduling parameters specific to this maintenance plan
When you schedule the maintenance plan, this information is used to calculate the
due dates for the maintenance operations to be performed on the assigned technical
Measurement readings are taken at measuring points in particular measurement units
at particular intervals. For example, the temperature in degrees Celsius of the
Definition coolant in the coolant pipe that leaves the pressure vessel at the nuclear power
station, or the number of revolutions per minute at the rotor shaft of the wind-driven
In Plant Maintenance, measuring power plant.
points are located on technical
objects, in other words, on pieces of Measurement readings describe a condition at a measuring point at a particular point
equipment or functional locations. For in time, and represent the transaction data for measuring points in the SAP System.
example, in a storeroom for fruit, a In many cases, there may be an optimum value for a particular measuring point to
certain room temperature has to be which the device concerned is calibrated. You can specify this measurement reading
created and maintained. The as a target value for the measuring point.
temperature is kept constant by a
regulator, and is also checked
regularly by a measuring device. You can enter measurement readings in three different forms:
Valuation Use Example
IK01 – Create Measuring Point
IK02 – Change Measuring Point
IK03 – Display Measuring Point Quantitative The current reading measured is February 2, 2000,
entered in the system. The unit of the 14.00:
measurement reading (degrees Celsius
Tables: in the above example) is defined by 25 degrees Celsius
the characteristic in the master
record of the measuring point.
Qualitative A valuation code is entered in the 01.02.1999, 12.00
system that gives the meaning of the Uhr:
Domain: current reading measured.
Temperatur ist
IMRC_POINT You can only enter a solely qualitative normal
valuation if you have specified this in
the system explicitly for the
measuring point concerned.
Definition Capacity requirements planning supports you in detailed work scheduling for the
individual maintenance work centers (maintenance groups).
In Plant Maintenance, you use
capacity requirements planning if you The capacities of the work centers must be maximized as far as possible in view of
want to maximize the capacity of the the changing daily requirements. Therefore, capacity requirements planning can help
individual work centers for work you when determining which work centers and individual persons are available and
scheduling, in view of the changing when assigning them to orders and order operations. You can use this component to
daily requirements. define which workshops or persons can or should complete which activities for which
KAKO Integration:
KBKO You can only use this component in connection with the following application
KAKT components:
• Maintenance Orders(PM-WOC-MO)
• Personnel Management(PA)
• Time Management(PT)
In the PM component, the operation has the following tasks:
You use operations to describe the
individual maintenance tasks to be
performed. The operation includes • Determination of the capacity requirement
the time, the work center, and other • Specifying whether a task is performed by the company’s own staff
controlling information for an (internal processing) or by the staff of another company (external processing)
individual maintenance task. In the
operation text you can describe how • Maintaining the status
the work should be done. • Definition of deadlines at operation level
• Specification of required spare parts and utilities (such as special tools)
• Determination of the process flow when processing relationships
between operations
IW49 – Display Operations
IW37 – Change Operations
You can assign service packages to both operations that are to be internally processed
Tables: and operations that are to be externally processed, if the control key entered allows
this. Using service packages also allows you to:
• Plan services in all dimensions
Domain: • Plan many services that are provided in different dimensions together
AUFPL • Define services uniformly (enter the service master in the service
• Structure services in an unlimited number of steps
• Meet framework agreements
• Agree conditions
• Use service catalogs
• Describe work contents better
As a rule, the system determines the settlement rule for an order automatically from
T-Codes: the object data.
The system does not create a separate settlement rule for objects contained in the
KO88 – Actual Settlement object list of an order. If you want to identify the costs individually for each object,
you have to create a separate maintenance order for each object.
The Plant is an organizational unit From purchasing perspective there are 4 organizational units used in SAP SRM and are
serving to subdivide an enterprise represented mostly by same structure as ERP org units:
according to production,
procurement, maintenance and
materials planning aspects. • Company code
• Plant
It is a place where either materials • Purchasing organization
are produced or goods and services • Purchasing group
provided. • Business partner representing location – plant. The assignment of plant and
Business partner is done in table BBP_LOCMAP
Purchasing organization
An organizational unit subdividing an
enterprise according to the
requirements of Purchasing. It
procures materials and services,
negotiates conditions of purchase
with vendors, and is responsible for
such transactions.
There are several types of transactional documents using the same tables but can
have different structure and organizational assignment.
Types of documents:
o Shopping carts
o Purchase orders
o Purchase requisitions
o Invoice documents
There is no transaction on SRM where you can change documents. The change is
done in WEB UI which you don’t have on projects. The transaction to see documents
is BBP_PD.
The transactional tables are similar as in CRM system but contain also BBP* tables
that contain SRM specific data.
• Organizational model
Stores the structure of company with departments, jobs, positions, central persons
and employees.
o Transaction: PPOMA_BBP
o Tables: HRP*, HRT*
o The assignment is through OTJID object structure. In case conversion is
planned for organizational model, the derivation of OTJID objects need
to be done first
Standard Tables When you set up the organizational units and their hierarchical links, you create an
organizational model of your company, that is, how the organizational units fit
HRP1000 Org. Unit - Overview together.
HRP1001 Org. Unit - Relations
HRV1222A Attributes from ERP
The following organizational units are available in CRM for which you can enter the
corresponding organizational unit in the ERP system. You make this setting in
maintenance of the organizational model on the Function tab page.
You can also define individual organizational units, for example, regional office,
branch etc. But you can only define an SAP counterpart for the above.
Organizational units have general attributes that specify, for example, the
responsibility of an organizational unit for a specific area. You can define the features
of an organizational unit in CRM under general attribute maintenance.
The organizational units do not have to have their own cost centers.
You can find more information under BP role organizational unit and in the
Implementation Guide (IMG) under Master Data ->Business Partner ->Integration
Business Partner – Employee.
Data created for specific sales areas for use in the relevant business transactions
In this data set, you can define customer groups for pricing and statistical purposes
(for example, wholesale or retail trade).
The customer groups defined here are used as default data in CRM business
transactions and can be overwritten.
Similarly, you can group business partners for the payment guarantee procedure and
incompleteness check.
In this data set, you enter default data for the sales order concerning how products
are to be shipped.
In this data set, you enter default data for billing:
• The customer determination procedure defines which pricing procedure
should be used as a basis for the sales document. It cannot be changed in
the document.
• The exchange rate type and the currency in which the settlement is carried
out with the customer or the vendor.
• Terms of payment in the form of cash discount percentage rates and
payment deadlines. The key is used in orders, purchase orders and
invoices. It is generally defaulted but can be overwritten manually.
This data is used for information purposes. The entries must correspond to the sales
area selected:
• Sales office. This is a location such as branch office responsible for the
sales and distribution of certain products and services in a particular
geographical area. Purchasing groups can be formed within a sales office.
• Purchasing group. Group of sales employees responsible for the sales and
distributionof specific products and services.
• District
The organizational unit responsible for the document need not be a sales organization.
Definition It can also be, for example, a sales office. You can assign business partners directly
to the sales organization
The sales organization is an
organizational unit within logistics, A sales organization is responsible for the sale and distribution of goods and services.
that structures the company It represents the selling unit as a legal entity. It is responsible for product guarantees
according to its sales requirements. and other rights to recourse, for example. Regional subdividing of the market can
also be carried out with the help of sales organizations. Each business transaction is
processed within a sales organization.
Several divisions can be assigned to a sales organization which is responsible for the
materials or services provided.
A sales area determines which distribution channel can be used to sell the products
from one division in a sales organization.
Within a sales organization a customer can be supplied through several distribution
The distribution channel represents channels. In addition, the material master data relevant for sales, such as prices,
the channel through which salable minimum order quantity, minimum quantity to be delivered and delivering plant, can
differ for each sales organization and distribution channel.
materials or services reach customers.
Typical distribution channels include
wholesale, retail and direct sales. Structure
Business partner is any entity with whom your organization has business
relationship, transaction or interaction.
The following basic concepts are relevant for business partner data:
• Business Partner Role
Business Partner is a generic term for o A business partner can take on different business partner roles, reflecting
any party in which your company has
the business transactions in which it is likely to be involved.
a business interest.
• Business Partner Relationship
Either if it’s a customer or a vendor.
o A relationship connects two business partners and is characterized by a
The description Business Partner has
business partner relationship category.
been introduced to avoid redundant
• Account Hierarchy
entries of one company due to
different business interests you had o You can represent the structure of an organization using an account
with that company or it had with you. hierarchy.
• Marketing Prospect
So instead of multiple entries
documenting your business interests o A marketing prospect is a potential customer, or the contact of a potential
with you and them, you have one customer. You can collect data for marketing prospects and use this for
entry containing all your businesses your marketing activities.
you had in the past.
Example Definition
A company supplies you with goods (= The BP role Employee is the term for someone who works in your own company.
vendor). And this company is also
buying your products (= customer).
With using a Business Partner, there If a company has business relations with one of its own employees, you can enter
will be only one record in your data on this business partner in the BP role Employee.
database instead of two.
In addition to the corresponding master data, you can also define the user number
Useful Transaction Codes and personnel number of the employee for the BP role of Employee.
With the BP role contact person, you can enter data on name, address and
relationships but not on bank details and payment cards.
To map a "is contact person for" relationship, you must have created one business
partner as an organization, person, or group, and another business partner as a
SAP CRM provides product master for the management of products part of different
business processes in your organization.
SAP CRM Product master can be used to maintain and retrieve all information on the
Definition products that your organization purchases or sells.
In terms of SAP CRM, Products are It works the same across all processes involved in the three modules of SAP CRM, i.e.,
goods that are the object of your sales, service and marketing.
company's business activities. The role selected to access the Product master within CRM UI determines the product
Products can be tangible, such as a types that can be maintained by the current user.
PC, or intangible, such as services like
PC maintenance SAP CRM supports up to six different types of products.
The following are the SAP standard Product Types:
• Material (e.g. service parts or accessories)
Useful Transaction Codes
• Services (delivery contract, water or electricity)
COMMPR01 – Product Master
• Warranties
COMM_HIERARCHY – Maintain • Financing
hierarchies and categories • IP (Intellectual Property)
COMM_SETTYPE – Maintain Set Types
and Attributes
Set Types
A set type is a group of attributes that you can integrate into the product maintenance.
When generating database fields using the Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEW), you
can integrate the set types in the product hierarchy and then maintain them in the
Useful Standard Table product. When you create a contract, the system uses the default attribute values
COMM_PRODUCT defined in the product.
For every attribute that is allocated to the set type, you can define, via the
corresponding indicator, whether it is relevant for the configuration or relevant for BW
and/or whether several values of the attribute are possible. You can also assign a set
type to a certain product category and define it as specific to the distribution channel.
A hierarchy can be defined as a configuration hierarchy. The subcategories can contain
configurable fields and logic. Only one configuration hierarchy is permitted per product
category. You can define the extended maintenance in the hierarchy as well. If you set
this indicator, all categories and set types of the hierarchy are generated in the Product
Modeling Environment (PME). As a result you can use set types with several value
attributes. In addition, you can define default values on category level. The extended
maintenance is automatically defined for configuration hierarchies.
As a departure from regular ERP "fat table" design, CRM embraces a new data model
Definition concept for business transactions called the "one-order" concept. The one order
concept is relatively simple, yet very elegant. Each business transaction type is
stored in a common set of tables which we will call segments, and then has segments
specific to the business transaction type. This means a sales order, activity, lead,
Useful Transaction Codes opportunity, complaint, etc. all live in the same central tables. This allows for an
easier technical copy control and search. The order guide is used to handle this.
• CRMD_ORDER - Transaction
Basic Data Model
Useful Standard Table The primary header table for the business transactions is CRMD_ORDERADM_H. This
CRMD_ORDERADM_H - Primary Header contains different document types. The type of the document is stored in field
Table PROCESS_TYPE (value table CRMC_PROC_TYPE).
CRMD_ORDERADM_I - Primary Item
CRMD_LINK - Transaction - Set - Link The transaction ID is stored in field OBJECT_ID and to display a business document
transaction CRMD_ORDER can be used.
Attention: The transaction ID is not unique, different business document types have
the same ID. Therefore, only use the OBJECT_ID in combination with the GUID (or
only the GUID).
The primary item table for the business transactions is CRMD_ORDERADM_I. The link
between header and items table is:
These two tables are then related to various segments through the linkage table
Examples of segments are CRMD_ACTIVITY_H and CRMD_PRODUCT_I.