Introduction To Coulter Counter Method

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Introduction to

Coulter Counter
The Coulter Counter is a powerful instrument used to measure the size
and count of particles suspended in a liquid. It is a widely used
technique in various fields, including biology, medicine, and materials
Principle of Coulter Counter

1 Electrical Sensing 2 Electrical 3 Particle Size

Zone Impedance Measurement
The Coulter Counter As a particle passes The magnitude of the
works on the principle of through the aperture, it pulse is proportional to
electrical sensing, where displaces a volume of the volume of the
particles are detected as the surrounding particle, allowing the
they pass through a electrolyte, causing a size of the particle to be
small aperture. change in the electrical determined.
impedance, which is
detected and converted
into a pulse.
Working of the Coulter Counter
1 Sample Preparation
The sample is suspended in an electrolyte solution and introduced into the
sample chamber of the Coulter Counter.

2 Particle Detection
The sample is drawn through the small aperture, where each particle
passing through causes a change in the electrical impedance, generating a

3 Data Analysis
The pulses are amplified, counted, and analyzed to determine the size
distribution and concentration of the particles in the sample.
Diagram of a Coulter Counter
Sample Chamber Aperture Electrodes
The sample is introduced into The particles pass through a The electrodes are used to
the chamber, where it is small aperture, causing create an electrical field
suspended in an electrolyte changes in the electrical across the aperture, allowing
solution. impedance that are detected the changes in impedance to
and analyzed. be measured.
Advantages of the Coulter Counter
Accuracy Automation
The Coulter Counter provides highly The process is automated, allowing for rapid
accurate measurements of particle size and and efficient analysis of samples, reducing
concentration, making it a reliable tool for the time and effort required.
various applications.

Wide Range Minimal Sample

The Coulter Counter can measure a wide Only a small sample volume is required for
range of particle sizes, from 0.4 to 1200 analysis, making the Coulter Counter a
micrometers, making it versatile for diverse cost-effective and efficient choice.
Disadvantages of the Coulter Counter

1 Sensitivity to Contamination 2 Limited to Conductive Samples

The Coulter Counter is sensitive to the The Coulter Counter requires the sample
presence of contaminants in the sample, to be suspended in an electrolyte
which can affect the accuracy of the solution, limiting its use to conductive
measurements. samples.

3 Potential Clogging 4 Maintenance Requirements

The small aperture of the Coulter Counter The Coulter Counter requires regular
can become clogged by larger particles, maintenance and calibration to ensure
leading to inaccurate results. accurate and reliable results.
Applications and Advantages of the
Coulter Counter

Biomedical Materials Environmental Industrial

Widely used in Science Utilized to study Used for quality
hematology, Applied in particle water quality, control and process
immunology, and analysis for industries sediment analysis, monitoring in
microbiology to like pharmaceuticals, and airborne manufacturing
analyze cell sizes and cosmetics, and particulate matter. industries.
concentrations. ceramics.

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