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JAIRM, 2022 – 12(1), Online ISSN: 2014-4806 – Print ISSN: 2014-4865


Management of urban air mobility for sustainable and smart cities:

Vertiport networks using a user-centred design

Marta Gouveia , Veruska Dias , Jorge Silva

University of Beira Interior, Aerospace Science Department (DCA-UBI) &

CERIS, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
marta.gouveia@ubi.pt, veruska.dias@ubi.pt, jmrs@ubi.pt

Received December, 2021

Accepted June, 2022


Purpose: Urban mobility is all about people as well as the climate change issue is a human issue.
Thus, this research envisions to provide conditions and practical tools through the innovation in
urban mobility by bringing urban air mobility (UAM) to cities worldwide, contributing to change
lives for the better and reversing the global issue of climate change.
Design/methodology: This study goes through two phases: social feasibility and technical
feasibility. Moreover, it incorporates a user-centred design based on the systematic engagement
of people in the decision-making process alongside a parallel interaction with several
stakeholders. An innovative roadmap based on real data and feedback
Findings: By tackling people and stakeholders’ concerns related to vertiport networks
implementation (e.g., safety, security, environmental, travel costs, and noise pollution concerns),
the people’s needs (e.g., time savings, contribution to less air pollution, enjoyment, and sending
and purchasing merchandise) and stakeholders' needs (e.g., adaptation related to airspace and
ground integration and capacity, enabling technology, and real-time update and share of data)
might be addressed, as by-products. Plus, we could minimize concerns by maximizing
opportunities, like optimizing the airspace architecture and enhancing current airspace
operations, a chance for businesses to develop on-demand, innovative, and green technologies,
and higher employment opportunities. Finally, we have discovered that driving positive global
change requires inspiring others by addressing people’s needs and concerns and, by then, calling
them to action.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

Originality/value: UAM’s market reveals a gap in engaging this technology with the people,
which is the key enabler to success in the long run. Empathic communication is, therefore, an
integral tool to bring urban air mobility to our lives and our world. So, this investigation thrives
on humanizing technology to narrow the gap between the science community, public
authorities, the industry, and consumers.
Keywords: Urban Mobility, Urban Air Mobility (UAM), Vertiport Network, Sustainable Mobility,
Smart Cities.

To cite this article:

Gouveia, M., Dias, V., & Silva, J. (2022). Management of urban air mobility for sustainable and smart cities:
Vertiport networks using a user-centred design. Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 12(1), 15-28.

1. Introduction
As the world gets crowded, the increase in urban road traffic has intensified pollution and noise in cities,
deterioration the quality of life of all human beings. Notably, an innovative and swift change in urban mobility
needs to occur now.
To tackle this rise in urbanistic movements the airspace could be a potential alternative for it. The solution: urban
air mobility (UAM). Imagine taking off and landing anywhere and anytime. UAM has the power to point the way
toward a new world of accessibility. It appears as a revolutionary way to provide a combination of urban point-
to-point connections, an air taxi network, and on-demand mobility (ODM) service (see figure 1). These intracity
connections offer a new travel solution to complement existing modes of urban public transport for service
providers (e.g., emergency responses, mobility service for disabled citizens, rescue operations, humanitarian
missions, sustainable tourism), air taxis, or private/executive transportation. UAM will serve passengers, freight,
and service providers, using hybrid and electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicles (EmbraerX,
Atech & Harris Corporation, 2020). Yet, UAM reveals a gap regarding the involvement of its technology with
people, which interestingly represents the key to long-term success. In this way, by keeping people at the centre
of UAM we would nurture world progress by changing the way we all travel in cities and be one step closer to
driving a third global mobility revolution and a new world of accessibility.

Figure 1. A combination between urban point-to-point connections, air taxi network, and ODM service
(Baur, Schickram, Homulenko, Martinez & Dyskin, 2018)

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

Moreover, the opportunities in UAM will not be in creating new technologies themselves, whereas in the
ecosystem they create: a Vertiport Network. Vertihubs, vertiports, and vertistations, also known as take-off and
landing sites, which are UAM physical infrastructures to support eVTOL operations, must be carefully planned
to provide passengers with an effective and efficient experience. Initial vertiports placement could be in existing
landing pads (e.g., helipads), taxiways, rooftops, and parking lots considering additional space for vehicle
maintenance and repair operations (Johnston, Riedel & Sahdev, 2020). A vertiport network incorporates
vertiports strategically scattered in cities connected via virtual lanes over the low altitude airspace and a fleet of
air vehicles servicing between those infrastructures (Varon Vehicles, 2021).
However, this raises a challenging question: how to incorporate vertiport networks in cities worldwide using a
user-centric design? Thereby, this research tries to understand how a network of vertiports in cities can help
reverse global climate change and improve people's quality of life. Thus, the object in this study is urban mobility
three-dimensional (3D), and the objectives of this research are:
• Identify the gaps, issues, and challenges associated with vertiports implementation in cities;
• Determine possible and ways to make this implementation work, consistently considering people
• Provide a roadmap based on real data and feedback for the implementation of vertiport networks in
cities worldwide.
Plus, the methodology followed embraces a conceptual vertiport network implementation to analyze the logistics
and feasibility of the integration of vertiport networks in urban areas. Nonetheless, UAM’s research and
development (R&D) reveals a critical gap in engaging this technology with the people, which is the key enabler to
reach success in the long run. Therefore, this study incorporates a proactive user-centred design based on the
systematic engagement of citizens alongside a parallel interaction with several stakeholders, resulting in an
innovative roadmap based on real data and feedback to discover optimal locations for vertiports placement.
Through this design, ongoing people engagement in the long term is promoted.
Ultimately, this study contains five parts: introduction, state of the art, operation outline, results analysis, and
conclusion. The state of the art compiles information about vertiport networks. The operation outline follows,
and it is split into two phases: social feasibility (phase 1) and technical feasibility (phase 2). The former ambitions
to understand the people’s concerns and needs regarding the acceptance and/or use of UAM for their future
travels, while the latter explores the expectations and requirements of stakeholders involved in the decision-
making process of urban mobility in a particular city (e.g., Lisbon, Portugal) by interviewing them to help to
mitigate their concerns and therefore, maximize opportunities for vertiport networks. With all this information
gathered, an evaluation of the results of both phases is performed. Then, this evaluation leads to a connection
between both phases. As a result, a roadmap with lean practices for vertiport networks integration in cities all
around is provided. Interestingly, the power of the roadmap developed reflects on its practical application to any
urban area on earth.
Ultimately, whilst prioritizing the development of sustainable mobility and smart cities, this research ambitions to
provide conditions and practical tools to promote change in people's lives for the better and reverse global
climate change. Thus, this investigation has the power to support future advanced discussions to bring UAM to
Portugal and to humanize UAM's technology in order to narrow the existent gap between the scientific
community, public authorities, professional actors (i.e., the industry) and consumers (i.e., people).

2. State of the art

UAM needs infrastructures that enable multimodal connectivity and take-off and landing operations for eVTOL
vehicles (Johnston et al., 2020; Vascik & Hansman, 2019). For the sake of clarification, our primary focus is on
vertiports exclusively, representing infrastructures that must include 1-2 take-off and landing pads, taxiways, 2-3
parking gates with charging batteries or refuelling tanks facilities, and a small space for passenger processes.
Additionally, to vertiports, other types of UAM infrastructures are (Figure 2) (Fadhil, 2018):

• Vertihub: the biggest type, it can be built in the city centre or periphery areas, and Maintenance, Repair,
Overhaul (MRO) operations are carried here;

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

• Vertiport/Vertibase: the intermediary type, it can be built in the city centre, and small maintenance and
repair operations are carried here;

• Vertistation/Vertistop/Vertipad: the smallest type and it can be built everywhere.

Figure 2. Types of UAM infrastructures (Lineberger, Hussain, Metcalfe & Rutgers, 2019)

Furthermore, vertiports development and placement in cities still require bearing in mind some considerations
and regulations.

On the one hand, vertiports development will depend on the regulatory timeline and technical capability. Figure
3 displays the four system-level processes that may constrain vertiport throughput by limiting aircraft or
passenger throughput: airspace, airfield, terminal, ground access capacities.

Figure 3. Four capacity limiting processes of vertiport (or airport) operation (Vascik & Hansman, 2019)

Plus, the government, local communities, and the private sector must be engaged alongside vertiports
development while requiring an understanding of diverse factors like existing transportation, land use/zoning,
physical infrastructure, and fuelling. In this sense, connections times to other public transport must be held,
whereas UAM services can also be on-demand. Likewise, it is indispensably to take into account no-fly zones,
existing air routes, critical infrastructures, city obstacles, weather conditions, and topography (Varon Vehicles,
2021). Still, another relevant consideration resides on the type of propulsion used in eVTOL vehicles (e.g.,
battery, hydrogen, or fuel), and energy storage must be deliberated (Fadhil, 2018).

In another point of view, vehicles driven by batteries are more favourable and much easier to handle when
compared to tanks for hydrogen or fuel. In order to reduce the number of vertiports, these infrastructures must
be equipped with hydrogen or fuel (both with superior energy density than batteries) because vehicles could take
either energy source for multiple trips with them (Ploetner, Haddad, Antoniou, Frank, Fu, Kabel et al., 2020).
Besides that, using hydrogen fuel cells as the power source for eVTOL vehicles poses advantages (e.g., increasing
range, endurance, and others), but it is also the biggest drawback for vertiports. This gas is a highly flammable

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

fuel creating significant hazardous for use in rooftop-based vertiports because it is logistically difficult and
expensive to transport to such heights. Fire hazards may be concerned if the refuelling of the vehicle is not
performing in a safer manner that is allowable under the fire regulations (Cowan, 2021; NIA, 2020).

At last, data intelligence must be part of vertiports to leverage high levels of dynamic autonomous UAM
operations. These operations will be englobed by a vertiport automation system (VAS) (Figure 4). This system
consists of a vertiport operations system capable of supporting high-throughput operation capabilities under
conditions defined as National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)’s UAM Maturity Level (UML) 4.
While providers of services for UAM (PSUs) manage air traffic from departure vertiport to arrival vertiport in
coordination with VAS operators, the latter manage surface operations within the vertiports (NUAIR, 2021).

Figure 4. VAS Diagram (NUAIR, 2021)

Enabling technologies will boost the development of vertiport networks like automation, sensors, software,
radar, fuel cells, and flight simulators. These next-generation technologies will produce a network blockchain and
artificial intelligence (AI) system with a mix of fifth-generation (5G) network communication and automatic
dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B). As a result, more situational awareness for UAM operations like
beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) in urban areas (Zoldi, 2021).

On the other hand, now related to vertiport placement, the location of vertiports is challenging in urban
environments because it could have huge implications on equity, e.g., gentrification, displacement, affordability
of services, access for people with disabilities, vertiport vicinity, flight paths, and so on (NASA, 2018). Finding
the optimal vertiport locations and creating seamless interfaces to existing urban mobility options are the keys to
providing genuine-time savings to potential users (Volocopter, 2021). There are key areas such as points of
interest, zones with high population density, and traffic nodes (i.e., the entrances into cities, where traffic is more
concentrated) that could serve as optimal locations for these infrastructures’ location. For example, vertiports
can be constructed over water (e.g., floating barge vertiports), on the ground (e.g., highways
cloverleaves/turnabouts, private company campuses), or elevated (e.g., rooftops, the top level of parking garages)
(Uber Elevate, 2016; Fadhil, 2018). Also, a high-ranking factor for infrastructures placement prevails on the
access or closeness to major transport hubs (e.g., airports, train stations) and closeness for a passenger home
because of the greater potential for time savings (Johnston, Riedel & Sahdev, 2020). However, vertiports do not
necessarily have to be newly constructed. The initial placement could be in existing landing pads (e.g., helipads),

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

taxiways, rooftops, and parking lots, considering additional space with space with a minimum area of 1,000 m2
(Volocopter, 2021). The lack of locations in cities to place vertiports is the greatest operational barrier. Other
constraints include rooftops that may not have been constructed such that they can be retrofitted or surrounding
high-rise buildings that may create micro-climates (e.g., wind tunnels) and may necessitate increased rates of
vertical climb at take-off, and therefore increasing power demands (Uber Elevate, 2016).

Despite that, UAM is believed to require little to no infrastructure. For example, Varon Vehicles Infrastructures
Networks will provide transportation services in Latin American cities without the need for physical
construction (Varon Vehicles, 2021). This company defines a vertiport network as a set of vertiports strategically
scattered in cities connected via virtual lanes over the low altitude airspace with a fleet of air vehicles servicing
between those infrastructures features a vertiport network. All UAM fields together must build an ecosystem of
simplicity to ensure an effective and efficient vertiport network. Besides, these networks need to englobe all
demand trips within one network rather than be separated by trip purpose. The number of UAM routes rises
with the number of vertiports, and UAM is expected to have a strong positive impact on long routes (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Distribution of possible UAM routes by distance for different levels

of density network (Ploetner et al., 2020)

After analysing the considerations beyond the vertiports development and placement in cities, there are
regulations to consider. From a regulatory perspective, there are no explicit regulations for design and placement.
Current heliports can serve as support for vertiport regulations until then. Heliports' regulations can be
consulted in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5390-2C (FAA, 2020),
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)’s Regulation (European Union) No 139/2014 (EASA, 2020),
and the Portuguese Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC Portugal)'s Decree-Law no. 55/2010 (released on 31 May
2010) (ANAC, 2010). Nevertheless, progress with new regulations for vertiports has been carryout out lately by
national and international regulators. For example, the FAA Technical Centre is in the process of developing
Vertiport Design Standards (on the other hand, the FAA’s AC 150/5390-3 “Vertiport Design” was cancelled due
to incompatible eVTOL vehicles use). Concurrently, the EASA has established the Vertiport Task Force to
develop a Vertiport Design Manual (Rule Making Task 0230) (EASA, 2021). Other specifications for vertiport
designs are in progress by EUROCAE with its WG112 vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) SG5 Ground and
American Society for Testing and Materials with its Committee F38. For vertiports design, the touchdown and
lift-off area (TLOF), final approach and take-off area (FATO), and safety area dimensions are shown in
Figure 6.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

Figure 6. Vertiport design dimensions for an example eVTOL (Vascik & Hansman, 2019)

Despite all considerations and regulations presented, there are yet several gaps, issues, and challenges, as listed in
Table 1, along with the development and placement of vertiports.

Gaps Issues Challenges

Regulation for vertiport design and Vertiports funding

Technology and infratructure
placement development cycles are not in Vertiports placement
Ensure equity
National and local legislation Ensure safety and
Different city characteristics (no
Determine who will plan
size does not fit all)
Ground support equipment
Public acceptance
Adapt to the birdlife and
Roles, processes, systems (e.g., safety wildlife
management system) Adapt to the varied
Power sources generation,
weather adversities
transportation and storage
Multimodal integration
(e.g., alignment of
Enabling technology timelines)
Airspace and ground
integration and capacity
Limited space in cities for Privacy, noise, and visual
People perception for electrification vertiport placement pollution
and fully autonomous technologies Real-time update and
share of data

Table 1. Gaps, issues, and challenges of vertiports.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

3. Operation outline
This section presents the operation scenario for the vertiport network implementation in Lisbon. Simply put,
this section is divided into social feasibility (phase 1) and technical feasibility (phase 2). Thereupon, a diagram is
showcased in Figure 7, reflecting the operation outline.

Figure 7. Workflow of the methodology adopted for the operation scenario

3.1. Phase 1
All set, phase 1 fosters to understand the people’s concerns and needs regarding the acceptance and/or use of
UAM for their future travels. Likewise, we seek to gather people’s preferred locations for vertiports placement.
Consulted using internet-based communications, we disseminate phase 1 survey to the population that lives,
works, and studies within the capital of Portugal. This dissemination comprises getting in touch with the city of
Lisbon's parish councils, non-governmental organizations, educational establishments, companies, and the like.
We have collected 89 responses.

3.2. Phase 2
Stakeholders influence the UAM and vertiports integration outcomes. This second part of the operation outline
consists in exploring the logistics and feasibility for a vertiport integration in the urban area of Lisbon. Thus, this
phase’s strategy gears towards three steps:

1. Define stakeholders involved in the decision-making process of urban mobility in Lisbon, Portugal;

2. Identify the reason for their resistance through their expectations and requirements;

3. Explore and discover ways to minimize their concerns and maximize opportunities for vertiport

Step 1 permits identify the main stakeholders (i.e., the national entities) as the Portuguese Air Navigation Service
Provider (ANSP) (NAV Portugal) the airport authority of Portugal (ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal), the ANAC
Portugal, the Lisbon City Hall, and the Government of the Portuguese Republic (specifically, the Ministry of
Infrastructure and Housing).

Moving to step 2, stakeholders shared their meaningful expectations and requirements. Overall, they assume a
positive initial attitude and a firm willingness to actively contribute towards the integration of a vertiport network
in Lisbon.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

The last step will be performed in the results analysis of phase 2. But firstly, we conduct an analysis on phase 1
results, giving then essential guidance to phase 2 to find ways to minimize stakeholders’ concerns and maximize
opportunities with the vertiport network integration in the chosen city.

4. Results analysis
4.1. Phase 1
The key results from the phase 1 survey are detailed below:

• The top three people’s needs relative to a vertiport network include time savings, contribution to less air
pollution, and pleasure which scored 74, 43, and 32 responses, respectively. Additionally, the interest of
nearly 30 responses is on sending and purchasing merchandise, expressing a sizeable tendency to the
appearance of new future business and work opportunities;

• The top three people’s concerns consist in the travel costs with 51 responses, safety concerns with 43
responses, and noise pollution and environment concerns that both amount to the identical level of
concern (with precisely 30 responses each). In addition, security concerns represent just about 30
responses and hence should be taken also as a priority;

• The top three places for vertiports placement include parking lots with the highest rank of 60 responses,
followed by existing helipads or heliports which total for 52 responses, and airports in third place with 46
responses. Furthermore, performing the facilities' location problems, also known as location analysis,
might be a compelling task to find the optimal locations of vertiports to diminish travel costs.

4.2. Phase 2
After analyzing the pertinent insights provided by stakeholders, we concluded that the expectations and
requirements among them are in table 2. Bearing this in mind, we have fostered to mitigate their concerns and
maximize opportunities for vertiport networks, which are in Table 2 as well.

Expectations and requirements Opportunities

Need for adaptation of the airspace and ground integration and Opportunity to overview the airspace architecture
capacity. This concern englobes the development of new laws and and optimize current airspace operations. By
regulations for urban airspace reconfiguration and phased doing it, the complexity of managing a 3D space
integration with the existing aviation and the advanced training with high-density air transportation might be
with a “reskilling” process for service providers, operators, and decreased and all operational safety requirements
pilots deal with the different roles, processes, systems guaranteed
Need for real-time update and share of data. The
data network must be high resiliency and low
Need for enabling technology. So, biotechnology and artificial
latency to allow managing automated air traffic in
intelligence should go through further progress
real-time. For that, information technology has to
be heftily advanced
Higher employment opportunities. The switch
from manned aircraft to unmanned aircraft will
forever vanish some of today’s jobs, whereas other
Need for real-time update and share of data. The data network work opportunities will appear in maintenance,
must be high resiliency and low latency to allow managing remote control, data analysis, and cybersecurity.
automated air traffic in real-time. For that, information technology The goal here is to protect people, not jobs. Still,
has to be heftily advanced these new jobs will require an advanced individual
specialization, so there is an urge to invest in
people to equip them with new technical and
interpersonal skills beforehand

Table 2. Expectations and requirements from the stakeholders’ interviews and opportunities for vertiport networks

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

4.3. Phase 1 and phase 2 connection

Finally, with all this information gathered, a connection between both phases is conducted here.

As the top priority for stakeholders, safety concerns are also common among citizens. Safety concerns can divide
into internal or external safety concerns. External concerns represent the actual problem (e.g., collisions) and
internal ones refer to how the external problem makes them feel (e.g., for stakeholders is the responsibility to
provide safe and secure operations, and for the people is the feeling unsafe without a pilot onboard). Since
problems should be solved starting from the root, the primary focus should be to find solutions for internal
concerns. A risk management cycle assessment might be a helpful process to perceive fundamental actions that
need to be taken and learn from those actions to make continuous improvements in UAM. It is also mandatory
the development of standardized infrastructure specifications that would secure the highest possible and
uniform level of safety for vertiports. As one of the stakeholders mentioned, there is a lack of infrastructures
capable of accommodating vertiports in Lisbon.

Essentially, the impact that UAM would have on the environment will displace the birdlife and wildlife, requiring
the adequacy factor of the energy networks and the acceptable noise level of decibels in urban areas. A life cycle
assessment for vertiport networks is a useful resource to analyse its environmental impacts, from production
until the end of life. However, to be truly sustainable, people must first want to fly electric, and so, elected
officials should support best practices without imposing them.

After analyzing the results obtained from phase 1 (social feasibility) and phase 2 (technical feasibility), we
conclude that: by tackling people and stakeholders' concerns related to vertiport networks (e.g., safety, security,
environmental, travel costs, and noise pollution concerns), the needs of people (e.g., time savings, contribution
to less air pollution, pleasure, and sending and purchasing merchandise) and the requirements of stakeholders
(e.g., adaptation related to airspace and ground integration and capacity, enabling technology, and real-time
update and share of data) might be addressed, as by-products. Also, we could minimize concerns by maximizing
opportunities related to UAM, like performing an overview for optimizing the airspace architecture and
enhancing current airspace operations, a chance for businesses to develop on-demand, innovative, and green
technologies, and higher employment opportunities.

4.4. Roadmap
After analysing phase 1 and phase 2, we move into the production of a roadmap for vertiport networks
integration in cities worldwide. As a result, since the UAM ecosystem depends foremost on people, followed by
the process and finally, by the product, a roadmap is proposed, orientating how to manage these three key
elements efficiently and effectively. This article proposes the following three-step roadmap with lean practices for
UAM integration in Lisbon:
1. People: Create a marketing plan (Miller, 2017):
a. People’s needs:
i. Time savings;
ii. Contribute to less air pollution;
iii. Enjoyment, sightseeing, and tourism;
iv. Sending and buying merchandise.
b. People’s concerns:
i. Travel costs;
ii. Safety and security concerns;
iii. Noise pollution;
iv. Environment concerns.
c. Express empathy and authority by resonating UAM’s will with people and sharing real data with them
(e.g., UAM testimonials and statistics), respectively.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

d. Give them a plan of action (ICAO, 2017):

i. Inform: provision of information from stakeholders to people;
ii. Involve: exchange of information between both parties;
iii. Collaborate: exchange of information and consider it over the decision-making process.
e. Call them for action;
f. Test this marketing plan and reflect on its successful and tragic results;
g. Identify, record, and share people’s transformation (i.e., before and after visual illustrations to make daily
and continuous improvements).
2. Process: Adapt and reinforce this marketing plan by interconnecting the three key areas of a living lab
(Figure 8).

Figure 8. Three key areas of a living lab in cities (ENoLL, 2021)

3. Product: Deploy a vertiport network in the chosen urban area.

This roadmap includes a three-step plan of action for people engagement in the decision-making process that
consists in informing, involving, and collaborating directly with the people. Still, this engagement must be
initiated early, exchange information in a continuous, understandable, and transparent way, prove to people that
their concerns and needs are being addressed and considered in the decision-making process, and ensure that the
process is as inclusive and collaborative as possible (ICAO, 2017). This means involving people directly in
building together with our future. Essentially, the collaboration with local communities should empower people
by giving them the freedom to share their ideas and unique perspectives (e.g., through working groups, public
meetings, targeted meetings, mail-outs, print, broadcast, and so on). Plus, armed with the latest information
about UAM, people can make better decisions and come up with better solutions. Going a little further, we
suggest moving from a data presentation position to predicting data (e.g., showing evolution in future milestones,
such as lives and the UAM market within one year, two years, five years, ten years, and so on.) In this context,
empathic predictions that incentivize people to act now must be generated (e.g., through modelling, simulation,
and visualization technologies, to show people their direct upwards and downwards effects on themselves, their
relatives, and other lives, including potential environmental impacts). Furthermore, people tend to desire
interactive experiences (e.g., the Danish company Lego Group and the Swedish company IKEA), so we should
not forget to make UAM joyful, innovative, and engaging like an enrich and fulfilling on-hand eVTOL flight
experience. Anyway, the implementation of living labs could ensure covering all perspectives of this integration,

For future advanced discussions, the roadmap proposed could serve as a tipping point to bring vertiport
networks worldwide and to humanize UAM's technology in order to narrow the existent gap between the
scientific community, public authorities, professional actors (i.e., the industry) and consumers (i.e., people).

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

5. Conclusion
To sum up, an innovative and swift change in urban mobility needs to occur now due to urban road traffic. UAM
could be a way to contribute to this change in urban mobility, whereas, at the same time, it represents one of the
biggest challenges facing the aviation industry. Current R&D on UAM has a long way ahead until it integrates
vertiport networks in cities all around and meets a dynamic equilibrium between the people and stakeholders
involved. Furthermore, the market of UAM reveals a gap in engaging this technology with the people, which is
the key enabler to success in the long run. In this way, by keeping people at the centre of UAM we would nurture
world progress by changing the way we all travel in cities and be one step closer to driving a third global mobility
revolution and a new world of accessibility.

Along with this research, a conceptual deployment of a vertiport network is performed using a user-centred
design in a particular city. Fortunately, all three objectives of this research were successfully achieved, promoting
this research be one step closer to achieving its vision of providing conditions and practical tools for changing
lives for the better and reversing the global issue of climate change.

For future research to drive a positive and meaningful change in urban mobility through UAM, prospects are
provided next: facilities location problems; vertiports design; vertiports and local airports integration; passenger
flow and traffic prediction of vertiport network; vertiport network impact and integration with transport
network of cities; vertiport network worthiness analysis (i.e., make parallelism of the ins and pos regarding
eVTOL travel over other transport mode travel); data visualization tools (i.e., modeling, simulation, and
visualization technologies); environmental laws and regulations updating; cost-benefit analysis (i.e., analyze the
economic feasibility); risk management cycle assessment; life cycle assessment; conduct living labs in cities;
physical infrastructure suitability assessment (i.e., the study of types of city infrastructures that need to be
repurposed, renovated, or redeveloped to incorporate vertiports); fuel capacities assessment (e.g., electricity
generation, transmission, distribution, and storage).

Lastly, if vertiport networks can be propelled with zero-carbon energy, they might revolutionize transportation
worldwide and prevent a climate crisis. For the sake of simplicity and clarity, to incorporate vertiport networks in
cities worldwide using a user-centric design, it is necessary to cultivate and nurture global and national
cooperation without neglecting people in the decision-making process. Because, in the end, urban mobility is all
about people. Hence, people must be inspired by considering their needs and concerns in the decision-making
process and then call them for action. However, we must take action now. Both sustainable mobility and smart
cities start foremost with the daily habits of each of us. Likewise, since the climate change issue is a human issue,
the most important solution consists of changing behaviours, and technology can strikingly help with that.
Complementary, instead of humans competing with artificial intelligence, they can focus instead on collaborating
with, while improving it. It might be, nonetheless, helpful to resort to anthropology and digital anthropology.

We are delighted and blessed for the consideration and time invested by all the stakeholders (NAV Portugal,
ANAC Portugal, ANA Airports of Portugal, Lisbon City Council, and the Government of Portugal).
Representing an integral key enabler for this accomplishment, they have provided feedback based on their
advanced knowledge and professional experience, contributing to having a glimpse of their expectations and
requirements to assess the logistics and feasibility of the implementation of vertiport networks in Lisbon.
Likewise, successful outcomes were possible due to the collaboration of all 89 survey responders of phase 1 to
whom we deliver a sincere thanks.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

Journal of Airline and Airport Management 12(1), 15-28

The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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