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Back & Core & pelvis program ascenti.physiapp.

PhysiApp code: tfqxhpwd
Suzan Erdogan

1 Set / 10 Reps / 3 s hold

1. Pelvic tilt and lift

Lie on your back with your legs bent and place a small towel between your knees.
Keep your feet hip width apart.
Take a deep breath in, allowing your tummy to inflate.
Breathe out, gather your tummy and your pelvic floor.
Repeat, breathing in, relaxing your tummy.
As you breathe out, gather your tummy, your pelvic floor and add the pelvic tilt by
pushing your heels down, tilting your pelvis upwards so it just off the mat to a
height of 1 to 2 inches.
Breathe in and lower your pelvis back down, making sure you roll down one
vertebra at a time, relax your pelvis.
Repeat this movement.
Remove the towel, bring your legs down, one by one, starting with the right, and
the left and return to the starting position.

1 Set / 5 Reps / 3 s hold

2. Supine knee hugs

Lie on your back.

Draw one foot up and then the other.
Bring one knee in towards your chest and then the other, using your hands for
assistance to curl yourself in to a ball.

1 Set / 5 Reps / 10 sec duration

3. Middle and lower back AROM

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent.
Place your arms across your chest.
Turn your body left and right, and gradually increase the amount of movement.

Back & Core & pelvis program (assigned on 10/07/2024) Page 1 of 2

Assigned by Gina Estenor, printed on 10/07/2024
1 Set / 5 Reps / 3 s hold

4. AROM standing trunk extensions

Stand with your legs at hip width apart and straight.

Place your hands on your hips.
Lean your body backwards, trying to arch in the lower back as much as you can,
lifting your chest up towards the ceiling.
Try to avoid allowing your hips to swing forwards too far.
Hold this position before returning to the start position.

1 Set / 5 Reps / 3 s hold

5. Roll down against wall

Stand up straight with your back to a wall, your spine in neutral position and your
feet hip-width apart.
Ensure your back is making contact with the wall.
Let your arms relax along the sides of your body.
INHALE: lengthen your spine.
EXHALE: roll down all the way to the floor trying to peel your spine off the wall one
vertebra at a time starting from the top.
Reach your hands towards the floor.
Once you have reached as far as you can, hold this position for one inhale.
EXHALE: and roll your spine back to the upright position, touching one vertebra at
a time to the wall.

Back & Core & pelvis program (assigned on 10/07/2024) Page 2 of 2

Assigned by Gina Estenor, printed on 10/07/2024

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