GK Trick Book - English

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Trick in GS

1 Trick to Remember the Name of the Member Countries of SCO

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO):

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an international alliance of eight member countries established in the
year 2001. The headquarters of SCO is situated in Beijing, China.
• Trick to remember the name of the member countries of SCO.

“TRUCK In Pakistan”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “TRUCK In Pakistan,” you can remember the member countries of the SCO:

• T – Tajikistan
• R – Russia LA
• U – Uzbekistan
• C – China

• K – Kyrgyzstan
• In – India
• Pakistan – Pakistan

2 Indian States Through which the Tropic of Cancer Passes


Tropic of Cancer
Tropic of Cancer is a line of latitude circling earth at approximately 23.5 degrees north of the equator. The Tropic of cancer
passes through eight states of India. Eight states from left to right are Rajasthan, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.
• Trick to remember 8 Indian states through which the Tropic of Cancer passes.

“Rajiv Gandhi Made Chief Justice to Wait for The Meeting”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “Rajiv Gandhi Made Chief Justice to Wait for The Meeting,” you can remember the eight Indian states
through which the Tropic of Cancer passes:
• R – Rajasthan
• G – Gujrat
• M – Madhya Pradesh
• C – Chhattisgarh
• J – Jharkhand
• W – West Bengal
• T – Tripura
• M – Mizoram

3 Name of the Member Countries of ASEAN

ASEAN stands for Association of South East Asian Nations. It is a political and economic union of 10 countries of Southeast
Asia. It was established in 1961. The secretariat of ASEAN is situated in Jakarta, Indonesia.
• Trick to remember the name of the member countries of ASEAN


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “MBBS PVT. LIC,” you can remember the member countries of ASEAN:
• M – Malaysia
• B – Brunei
• B – Burma (Myanmar)
• S – Singapore
• P – Philippines
• V – Vietnam LA
• T – Thailand
• L – Laos

• I – Indonesia
• C – Cambodia

4 Name of the Member Countries of G7

G7: G7 stands for Group seven. It is an intergovernmental political forum of the largest industrialized economies of the
world. Earlier it stands as G8 but due to suspension of Russia in 2014, it reformed as G7.

• Trick to remember the member countries of G7


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “JUICE GF,”:

• J – Japan
• U – USA
• Italy
• C – Canada
• E – England
• G – Germany
• F – France

4 Trick in GS P
5 Name of the Member Countries of SAARC

SAARC: SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It is the regional intergovernmental
organization of eight countries of South Asia. It was established in 1985. The headquarters of SAARC is situated in
Kathmandu, Nepal
• Trick to remember the name of the member countries of SAARC.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “MBBS PAIN,” you can remember the member countries of SAARC:
• M – Maldives
• B – Bangladesh
• B – Bhutan
• S – Sri Lanka
• P – Pakistan
• A – Afghanistan
• India
• N – Nepal AL C
6 Various Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sectors under Rainbow Revolution
Rainbow Revolution:

Rainbow revolution is India’s first agricultural strategy. It integrates the effects of all previous agricultural and animal
husbandry revolutions. It was launched in the year 2000. It seeks to promote resource development and environmental
• Trick to remember various agriculture and animal husbandry sectors under Rainbow Revolution.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the revolution starts.

Using the acronym “A PIG, FISH, SWEET HUSBAND HARD to find in FOREST,” you can remember the various sectors under
the Rainbow Revolution:
• Agriculture
• P – Poultry
• F – Fishery
• S – Sugarcane
• H – Animal Husbandry
• H – Horticulture
• F – Forestry

W Trick in GS 5
7 Name of the member countries of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation

Mekong-Ganga Cooperation
MGC is an initiative of six countries- India and five ASEAN countries. It was established in the year 2000. The organization
takes up the name of two major rivers, the Ganga and the Mekong, of the region.
• Trick to remember the name of the member countries of Mekong-Ganga Cooperation.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “LIMCa TV”, you can remember the member countries of the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation:
• L – Laos
• India
• M – Myanmar
• Ca – Cambodia
• T – Thailand
• V – Vietnam
8 Name of the countries bordering the Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea
The Caspian Sea is the world’s largest inland water body. It lies between Europe and Asia. There are five countries touching

their boundary with the Caspian Sea.

• Trick to remember the name of the countries bordering the Caspian Sea.

“TARIK (Tarik is the Hindi word for date)”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “TARIK (Tarik is the Hindi word for date)”, you can remember the countries bordering the Caspian

• T – Turkmenistan
• A – Azerbaijan
• R – Russia
• I – Iran
• K - Kazakhstan

9 Names of the countries bordering Black Sea

Black Sea
Black Sea is a water body lying between Europe and Asia. It is bounded by six countries. Danube, Dnieper and Don are
three major rivers supplying water in it.
• Trick to remember the names of the countries bordering Black Sea.

“Turkey BURGER”

6 Trick in GS P
*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “Turkey BURGER”, you can remember the names of the countries bordering the Black Sea:
• Bu – Bulgaria
• U – Ukraine
• R – Russia
• G – Georgia
• R - Romania
• T – Turkey

10 Planets of the solar system in order (going away from the Sun)

Solar system
In our solar system there are eight planets. The Sun is the centre of our solar system. Each planet revolves around the sun
in the fixed path or orbit. Going away from the Sun, the planets are as mentioned below.
• Trick to remember the planets of solar system in order (going away from the Sun).

“My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Noodles”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the planet starts.
Using the acronym “My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Noodles”, you can remember the planets of the solar
system in order, going away from the Sun:
• M – Mercury

• V – Venus
• E – Earth
• M – Mars
• J – Jupiter
• S – Saturn
• U – Uranus
• N – Neptune

11 Name of five major oceans on the Earth

Oceans on the Earth

Our Earth can be divided into two parts one is terrestrial (Continents) and other one is water body (Ocean). These water
bodies are known as Oceans. Ocean covers more than seventy percent of the Earth’s surface. There are five major oceans
on the earth.
• Trick to remember the name of five major oceans on the Earth.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the Ocean starts.

Using the acronym “PAISA”, you can remember the names of the five major oceans on Earth:
• P – Pacific

W Trick in GS 7
• A – Arctic
• I – Indian
• S – Southern Ocean (Antarctic Ocean)
• A – Atlantic

12 Sessions of Lok Sabha

Lok Sabha
Lok Sabha is the lower house of India’s bicameral Parliament. Members of Lok Sabha were elected on the basis of elections.
A session of the Indian Parliament is the period during which a House meets almost every day uninterruptedly to manage
the business. Lok Sabha by convention meets three sessions in a year.
• Trick to remember the sessions of Lok Sabha.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the sessions starts.

• Budget (February to May),

• Monsoon (June to September),
Using the acronym “B.M.W.”, you can remember the sessions of Lok Sabha:

• Winter (November to December).

Writs issued by the Supreme Court and High Court of India

A Writ is a formal written order issued by the executive or judicial body that directs the individual or authority to do or
refrain from doing a particular act. When the fundamental rights of any individual are violated, then that person can file a
petition directly in the Supreme Court or High Court. And the court can issue the following writs under Art 32 (By Supreme
Court) and Art. 226 (by High Court) of India Constitution.
• Trick to remember name of the Writs issued by Supreme Court and High Court of India.

“PCM Head Quarters”


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the Writs starts.

Using the acronym “PCM Head Quarters”, you can remember the names of the writs issued by the Supreme Court and
High Court of India:
• ‘P’ for Prohibition
• ‘C’ for Certiorari
• ‘M’ for Mandamus
• ‘H’ for Habeas Corpus
• ‘Q’ for Quo Warranto

8 Trick in GS P
14 Kings who followed Buddhism

Buddhism is one of the greatest religions established during the 6th century BCE. Buddhism was established by Gautam
Buddha. In history there are many kings who followed Buddhism.
• Trick to remember Kings who followed Buddhism.

“Buddhism Price is Always High Under King”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the king starts.

Using the acronym “Buddhism Price is Always High Under King”, you can remember the kings who followed Buddhism:
• B – Bimbisara
• P – Prasanjeet
• A – Ashoka
• Hath – Harshavardhana
• U – Uday sen
• Ka – Kaniska
15 Three principles of Jainism

Jainism is an Indian religion originated in the 7th- 5th century BCE. In the Jainism philosophy, there are three guiding

principles also known as three jewels. These three jewels guide the Jain way of life.
• Trick to remember the three principles of Jainism.


The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the principles starts.

Using the acronym “KFC”, you can remember the three principles of Jainism:

• Right Knowledge
• Right Faith
• Right Conduct

16 Name of Important fold mountains in the world

Fold Mountain
Mountains can be classified into types based on several factors such as shape, location, etc. Some common types are Fold
Mountain, Block Mountain, Volcanic Mountain.
Fold Mountains are formed due to tectonic movement of plates towards each other. Here tectonic forces push or
compress the Earth’s crust, causing layers to fold and buckle.
• Trick to remember the name of Important fold mountains in the world.

“U ARe A Himalaya”

W Trick in GS 9
*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the mountain starts.

Using the acronym “U ARe A Himalaya”, you can remember the names of important fold mountains in the world:
• U – Ural Mountain
• A – Alps Mountain
• R – Rocky Mountain
• A – Andes Mountain
• H – Himalaya

17 Names of the countries from which Prime Meridian passes

Prime Meridian
Prime Meridian is a vertical imaginary line on the Earth. It serves as the initial line of reference for other longitudes. It is
designated as 0 degree. It divides the whole earth into two hemispheres- Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.
There are eight countries from which the prime meridian passes.
• Trick to remember the names of the countries from which Prime Meridian passes.

AL C “Binod GoT FAMoUS”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the country starts.
Using the acronym “Binod GoT FAMoUS”, you can remember the names of the countries from which the Prime Meridian
• B – Burkina Faso

• G – Ghana
• T – Togo
• F – France
• A – Algeria
• M – Mali
• U – U.K.
• S – Spain

18 Official languages of the United Nation Organisation

United Nation Organisation

United Nation Organisation is an international organisation established in the year 1945 with the aim of promoting peace
in the world. UNO has 193 member states and six official languages. These languages are used for communication and
documentation within the organisation.
• Trick to remember official languages of the United Nation Organisation.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the language starts.

Using the acronym “FACERS”, you can remember the official languages of the United Nations Organisation:
• F – French

10 Trick in GS P
• Arabic
• Chinese
• E – English
• R – Russian
• S – Spanish

19 Keywords mentioned in the preamble of Indian Constitution

Preamble is the introductory page or the first page of the constitution of India. It shows the philosophy and intention of
the whole constitution. It summarises the constitution. There are several words mentioned in the preamble showing the
philosophy of the constitution makers.
• Trick to remember keywords mentioned in the preamble of Indian Constitution.

“DR. Sushant Singh Saini was fond of JaLEBI”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word mentioned in the preamble.

Preamble of the Indian Constitution:

• D – Democratic
Using the acronym “DR. Sushant Singh Saini was fond of JaLEBI”, you can remember the keywords mentioned in the

• R – Republic
• S – Sovereign
• S – Social
• S – Secular

• J – Justice
• L – Liberty
• E – Equality
• B – Brotherhood-word used in the preamble is ‘fraternity’
• I – Integrity

Major provisions of the Indian Constitution borrowed from Government of India (GOI) Act

20 1935

GOI Act 1395

GOI Act 1395 was the one of the most important legislations enacted by the British Parliament for making significant
reform in governance of British India. While the drafting of the Indian constitution of Independent India, it played a major
role in it.
• Trick to remember the major provisions of the Indian Constitution borrowed from Government of India (GOI) Act

“JPEG Format”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the provision starts.

Using the acronym “JPEG Format”, you can remember the major provisions of the Indian Constitution borrowed from the
Government of India (GOI) Act 1935:
• J – Judiciary

W Trick in GS 11
• P – Public Service Commissions
• E – Emergency
• G – Governor’s office
• F – Federal structure

21 All schedules mentioned in the Indian Constitution

Schedules of India Constitution

The constitution of India consists of 12 schedules. Initially there are 8 schedules. Schedules provided additional details,
list and provision related to various administrative and legislative matters:
1. First schedule deals with territories of the India.
2. Second schedule deals with emoluments of important constitutional posts.
3. Third schedule deals with Oath and Affirmation of constitutional functionaries
4. Fourth schedule deals with reallocation of seat of Rajya Sabha.
5. Fifth schedule deals with administration of Schedule area and scheduled tribe.
6. Sixth schedule deals with administration of tribal areas.

7. Seventh schedule deals with the three list for division of power.
8. Eight schedules deal with official languages recognized by the government of India, currently listing 22 languages.
9. Ninth schedule deals with protection of laws from judicial review.
10. Tenth schedule deals with Anti-Defection laws.

11. Eleventh schedule deals with Panchayats.
12. Twelfth schedule deals with Municipalities.
• Trick to remember all schedules mentioned in the Indian Constitution.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the schedule starts.

Using the acronym “TEARS OF OLD PM”, you can remember all the schedules mentioned in the Indian Constitution:
• T – Territory
• E – Emoluments
• A – Affirmations

• R – Rajya Sabha
• S – Scheduled areas
• O – Other scheduled areas
• F – Federal provisions
• O – Official languages
• L – Land reforms
• D – Anti Defection
• P – Panchayat
• M – Municipality

12 Trick in GS P
22 Name of the states of India through which Indian Standard Time (IST) passes

Indian Standard Time (IST)

IST is an imaginary line of longitude adopted by the government of India as a line to decide the time in India uniformly. It
is based on 82.5 degree East longitude.
• Trick to remember the name of the states of India through which Indian Standard Time (IST) passes.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “UP in COMBAT”, you can remember the states of India through which Indian Standard Time (IST)
• U – UP
• C – Chhattisgarh
• O – Odisha
• M – MP
• B – Bihar
• A – Andhra Pradesh
• T – Telangana
Provisions Enforced before 26th Jan. 1950

26th Jan 1950

26th Jan. 1950 is the date of enforcement of the Indian Constitution fully but India got its independence before 26th Jan.
1950 (15 Aug. 1947). Therefore, few provisions were primarily outlined, which served as a governing framework for India
until the new constitution was fully adopted. These provisions are mentioned with the help of a trick.
• Trick to remember provisions Enforced before 26th Jan. 1950.



*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the provision starts.

Using the acronym “TEMPORARY SPECS”, you can remember the provisions that were enforced before 26th Jan. 1950:
• C – Citizenship
• S – Short Title
• E – Elections
• P – Provisional Parliament
• T – Temporary and Transitional Provisions

24 Name of right bank tributaries of river Ganga

River Ganga
River Ganga is the longest river of India, approximately 2525 km. It originates from Gangotri glacier in Uttarakhand and
finally empties into the Bay of Bengal.

W Trick in GS 13
Right bank tributaries are those rivers or streams entering into the main river from the right side in the direction of
flowing of the main river. River Ganga has three major right bank tributaries.
• Trick to remember the name of right bank tributaries of river Ganga.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the tributary starts.

Using the acronym “YaShoDa”, you can remember the right bank tributaries of river Ganga:
• Ya – Yamuna
• So – Son
• Da – Damodar

25 Name of left bank tributaries of the river Ganga

River Ganga
River Ganga is the longest river of India, approximately 2525 km. It originates from Gangotri glacier in Uttarakhand and
finally empties into the Bay of Bengal.
Left bank tributaries are those rivers or streams entering into the main river from the left side in the direction of
flowing of the main river. River Ganga has six major left bank tributaries
• Trick to remember the name of left bank tributaries of the river Ganga.

“Reliance 3G KA MALIK”
*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the tributary starts.

Using the acronym “Reliance 3G KA MALIK”, you can remember the left bank tributaries of river Ganga:
• Reliance – Ramganga
• 3G – Gomti, Ghaghara, Gandak
• Ka – Kosi
• Malik – Mahananda

26 Ways in which Indian citizenship can be Acquired

Citizenship Act,1955
A person can be a citizen of only one country. In India, citizenship can be acquired by five ways outlined in the Citizenship
• Tricks to remember the ways in which Indian citizenship can be Acquired.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the means starts.

Using the acronym “I BRaND”, you can remember the ways in which Indian citizenship can be acquired:
• B – Birth
• R – Registration
• N – Naturalization

14 Trick in GS P
• D – Descent
• I – Incorporation of Territory

27 Eightfold Path in Buddhism

In Buddhism the eightfold path is the way through which any person can get rid of desires which is the ultimate reason for
the cause of sorrows. It is the middle path. It’s the core of the teaching of Gautam Buddha. These are eight ways
• Trick to remember Eight-Fold Path in Buddhism.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the ways of eight-fold paths starts.

Using the acronym “EVIL SCAM”, you can remember the eightfold path of Buddhism:
• E – Right Effort
• V – Right View
• I – Right Intention
• L – Right Livelihood
• S – Right Speech
• C – Right Concentration
• A – Right Action LA
• M – Right Mindfulness

28 Names of main Leaders of 1857 Revolt

The Revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857 was the most important and considered the first war of independence against the Britishers. It shook
the foundation of the British Empire in India. It started from Meerut in the year 1857. There are various leaders that took
part and played a major role in it.
• Trick to remember the names of main Leaders of 1857 Revolt.

“No General Seat for Begum Rani & Kunwar Maulvi”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the leader starts.

Using the acronym “No General Seat for Begum Rani & Kunwar Maulvi”, you can remember the names of the main
leaders of the 1857 revolt:
• N – Nana Saheb, Kanpur
• G – General Bakht Khan, Delhi
• S – Shah Mal, Baghpat
• B – Begum Hazrat Mahal, Lucknow
• R – Rani Laxmibai, Jhansi
• K – Kunwar Singh, Bihar
• M – Maulvi Ahmadullah, Faizabad

W Trick in GS 15
29 Order of Initial Movements of Gandhiji

Initial Movements of Gandhiji

Gandhiji played a major role in India’s struggle for Independence from British rule. His philosophy and non-violent method
of against Britisher were successful in Africa. Therefore, when Gandhiji arrived in India in 1915, he again used the non-
violent method of resistance. This can be seen in his Initial Movements.
• Trick to remember the order of Initial Movements of Gandhiji.

“CAKe for Rowlatt”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the movement starts.

Using the acronym “CAKe for Rowlatt”, you can remember the order of initial movements of Gandhiji:
• C – Champaran Satyagraha (1917) – First Civil Disobedience
• Ahmedabad Mill Strike (1918) – First Hunger Strike
• K – Kheda Satyagraha (1918) – First Non cooperation
• R – Satyagraha Against the Rowlatt Act – First Mass Strike (1919)

Chronology of Post 1940 Constitutional Development during struggle for Independence

India’s struggle of Independence has various events that ultimately leads to the independence which is considered to be
started with revolt of 1857 and ends on 15 august 1947. Post 1940 chronology was the chronology of important events
during the journey of Independence.
• Trick to remember the Chronology of Post 1940 Constitutional Development during the struggle for Independence.

“Augustus Came to Simla in Cab on 3rd June”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the events starts.

Using the acronym “Augustus Came to Simla in Cab on 3rd June”, you can remember the chronology of post-1940
constitutional development during the struggle for independence:
• A – August offer (1940)

• C – Cripps Mission (March 1942)

• S – Simla Conference (Wavell Plan) (1945)
• C – Cabinet Mission (1946)
• 3 – 3rd June Plan (1947)

31 Name major direct tax is levied on the income or profit

Direct Taxes
Taxes are the payment made by individuals, firms, organisations, etc to the government. These taxes become a part of
government income.
Taxes are of two types Direct taxes and Indirect taxes.
Direct taxes are those taxes in which liability to pay the tax laid on the person who is paying the tax. It is directly paid
to the government. There are various direct taxes in India.

16 Trick in GS P
• Trick to remember the name major direct tax is levied on the income or profit.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the tax starts.

Using the acronym “WE PRO IN CORPORATE”, you can remember the major direct taxes:
• We – Wealth tax
• Pro – Property tax
• Co – Corporate tax
• In – Income tax

32 Names of major Indirect taxes

Taxes are the payment made by individuals, firms, organisations, etc to the government. These taxes become a part of
government income.
Taxes are of two types Direct taxes and Indirect taxes.

Indirect taxes are those taxes in which liability to pay the tax laid on some other person than the person who is paying
the tax. It is indirectly paid to the government. There are various indirect taxes in India
• Trick to remember the names of Indirect taxes.

Explanation: LA
*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the tax starts.

Using the acronym “EXCUSE ME SP”, you can remember the names of indirect taxes:
• EX – Excise tax
• CU – Custom tax
• SE – Service tax
• M – Motor Vehicle tax
• E – Entertainment tax
• S – Sales tax
• P – Passenger tax

33 Name of types of Vitamin B

Vitamin B
Vitamin B is a complex of different vitamins. It plays an important role in various biological functions. Vitamin B is of eight
types with different names.
• Trick to remember names of types of Vitamin B.

“PiC TRaiN From Platform B”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the vitamin starts.

Using the acronym “PiC TRaiN From Platform B”, you can remember the names of types of Vitamin B:
• P – Pyridoxine (B6)

W Trick in GS 17
• C – Cobalamin (B12)
• T – Thiamine (B1)
• R – Riboflavin (B2)
• N – Niacin (B3)
• F – Folic Acid (B9)
• P – Pantothenic Acid (B5)
• B – Biotin (B7)

34 Name of the states in which Ganges Dolphins are found

Ganges Dolphins
Ganga river dolphin is a freshwater dolphin native to South Asia. Ganga dolphins are found particularly in Ganges,
Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers. It is the national aquatic animal of India. In India ganga dolphin is found mainly in seven
states of India.
• Trick to remember the name of the states in which Ganges Dolphins are found.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “BMW RAJU”, you can remember the names of states in which Ganges Dolphins are found:

• B – Bihar LA
• M – Madhya Pradesh
• W – West Bengal

• R – Rajasthan
• A – Assam
• J – Jharkhand
• U – Uttar Pradesh

Name of water bodies according to the amount of water they contain

35 (decreasing order of water) on the earth surfaces

Water Bodies according to the amount of water they contain: More than seventy percent of earth’ surface has been covered
with water. There are various water bodies according to the shape, size and water it contains. Among them, the ocean
contains 96.5%, the ice cap contains 1.7%, lakes 0.013%, and so on.
• Trick to remember names of water bodies according to the amount of water it contains (decreasing order of water)
on the earth surfaces.

“OILS ARe Big”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the water bodies starts.

Using the acronym “OILS ARe Big”, you can easily remember the names of the water bodies based on the amount of water
they contain:
• O – Oceans
• I – Ice caps and glaciers
• L – Lakes
• S – Soil moisture

18 Trick in GS P
• A – Atmosphere
• R – Rivers and streams
• B – Biosphere

36 Great Lakes of North America

Great Lakes of North America

The Great Lakes of North America are a group of five interconnected freshwater lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie,
and Ontario—located on the border between the United States and Canada. They are the largest group of freshwater lakes
in the world, containing about 21% of the global surface freshwater.
• Trick to remember Great Lakes of North America.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the lake starts.

Using the acronym “HOMES”, you can easily recall the names of the Great Lakes:
• H – Huron
• O – Ontario
• M – Michigan
• E – Erie

• S – Superior LA
37 Name of five Principal organs of UNO (United Nation Organisation)

Five Principal organs of UNO (United Nation Organisation)

The United Nations Organization (UNO) is an international organization founded in 1945. Its primary objective is to
promote peace, security, and cooperation .It consists of five principal organs: General Assembly (policy-making body),
Security Council (maintains peace and security), Economic and Social Council (promotes economic and social cooperation),
International Court of Justice (settles legal disputes), and Secretariat (administrative arm).
• Trick to remember five Principal organs of UNO.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the organ starts.

Using the acronym “GS IS ECONOMICS”, you can easily remember the names of the principal organs of the United Nations:
• G – General Assembly
• S – Security Council
• I – International Court of Justice
• S – Secretariat
• ECONOMICS – Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

W Trick in GS 19
38 Committees on Panchayati raj

Panchayati Raj In India

Panchayati Raj is a system of local self-government in India that aims to decentralize power and promote grassroots
democracy. The term “Panchayati Raj” translates to “rule by the village council.” It was introduced as a constitutional
amendment in 1992, establishing a three-tier system of Panchayati Raj institutions at the village, block, and district levels.
There were five committees constituted related to Panchayati Raj as mentioned below.
• Trick to remember major committees on Panchayati raj.

“BAG of Lieutenant General (LTG)”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the committee starts.

Using the acronym “BAG of Lieutenant General (LTG)”, You can easily remember the names of the major committees of
Panchayati Raj:
• B – Balwant Rao committee
• A – Ashok Mehta committee
• G – G V K Rao committee
• L – L.M. Singhvi committee
• T – Thungon committee
• G – Gadgil committee
39 Navaratnas of emperor Akbar’s court

Emperor Akbar, the third Mughal emperor of India, reigned from 1556 to 1605. Known for his administrative reforms,
religious tolerance, and cultural patronage, he played a significant role in shaping the Mughal Empire and promoting a
diverse and inclusive society.
Navaratnas, meaning “nine gems,” refers to the nine extraordinary individuals who served as advisors and key figures
in the court of Emperor Akbar during the Mughal Empire. These Navaratnas were known for their exceptional talents,
expertise, and contributions to various fields.
• Tricks to remember Navaratnas of emperor Akbar’s court.

“BAT BAT or MDH masale”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the navratana starts.

Using the acronym “BAT BAT or MDH masale”, You can easily remember the names of the Navaratans in the court of
• B – Birbal
• A – Abul fazal
• T – Tansen
• B – Bhagvandas
• A – Abdul rahim khane khana
• T – Todarmal
• M – Manshingh
• D – Mulla Do pyaza
• H – Hakim hukam

20 Trick in GS P
40 Members of Cabinet Mission

The Cabinet Mission was a delegation sent by the British government to India in 1946 with the aim of finding a solution
to the constitutional future of the country.
The mission was led by three members of the British Cabinet: Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Sir Stafford Cripps, and A.V.
Alexander. Its main objective was to discuss and negotiate the transfer of power from British rule to an independent India.
The discussions and disagreements surrounding the plan played a significant role in shaping the subsequent partition
of India and the creation of two separate nations, India and Pakistan, in 1947.
• Trick to remember the members of Cabinet Mission


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the member starts.

Using the acronym “PASt”, You can easily remember the names of the members of Cabinet Mission:
• P – Pathic Lawrence
• A – A . V.Alexander
• S – S trafford Cripps

41 Core industries in India

Core industries refer to a group of sectors that form the backbone of India’s industrial development and play a crucial role
in the country’s economic growth. These industries are characterized by their significant contribution to GDP, employment
generation, and supply of essential goods and services.

The core industries in India typically include sectors such as steel, petroleum and natural gas, coal, power generation,
cement, fertilizers, and refining. These industries provide the basic infrastructure and raw materials needed for the
growth of other sectors and are vital for the overall development of the Indian economy.
• Tricks to remember the core industries in India.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes to the word from which name of the industry starts.

Using the acronym “CCC FERNS”, You can easily remember the names of the core Industries:
• C – Coal
• C – Crude Oil
• C – Cement
• F – Fertilizers
• R – Refinery Products
• E – Electricity
• N – Natural Gas
• S – Steel

W Trick in GS 21
42 Hills of Southern India

The southern region of India is characterized by the presence of various hills and mountain ranges. Some prominent hills
in the southern area include the Nilgiri Hills, located in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, known for their scenic beauty
and tea plantations.
The Western Ghats, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, run parallel to the western coast of the southern region,
encompassing numerous hills and peaks. The Palani Hills in Tamil Nadu and the Cardamom Hills in Kerala are also notable
hill ranges in the southern area, attracting tourists and nature enthusiasts with their lush greenery and biodiversity.
• Tricks to remember the hills of southern India.

“ CAN She go to JaPan to Meet God”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which name of the hills start.

Using the acronym “ CAN She go to JaPan to Meet God”, You can easily remember the names of the hills of southern India:
• C – Cardamom Hills
• A – Anamalai Hills
• N – Nilgiri Hills
• S – Shevaroy Hills
• J – Javadi Hills
• P – Palkonda Range
• M – Mahendragiri Hills
• G – Garhjat Hills LA

43 Golden Crescent (Opium producing) countries

The Golden Crescent refers to the region in South Asia that comprises three countries: Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan.
These countries are known for their significant opium production, making the region a major global hub for opium
cultivation and the illicit drug trade. The term “Golden Crescent” is used to highlight the concentration of opium poppy
cultivation and the production of opium and its derivatives in this specific geographical area.
• Trick to remember Golden Crescent countries.

“PAI (π)”

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the country starts.

Using the acronym “PAI (π)”, You can easily remember the names of the countries that are part of the golden crescent:
• P – Pakistan
• A – Afghanistan
• I – Iran

44 States having Inner line Permit system

The Inner Line Permit (ILP) system is a special permit required for Indian citizens from other states to enter certain
regions within the country. This permit is aimed at protecting the indigenous cultures, traditions, and resources of these
• Trick to remember the states having Inner line permit system.

22 Trick in GS P

*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the state starts.

Using the acronym “NAMaMi”, You can easily remember the names of the states where ILP is required:
• N – Nagaland
• A – Arunachal Pradesh
• Ma – Manipur
• Mi – Mizoram

45 Panchamvrats in jainism

Panchamvrats, also known as the Five Great Vows, are fundamental principles followed by Jain monks and nuns as a part
of their spiritual journey. These vows are:
1. Ahimsa (Non-violence): The first vow emphasizes the practice of non-violence in thoughts, words, and actions. Jains
strive to avoid causing harm to any living being and promote compassion and respect for all life forms.
2. Satya (Truthfulness): The second vow emphasizes the commitment to truthfulness and honesty in all aspects of life.

Jains strive to speak the truth, avoid falsehoods, and live with integrity.
3. Asteya (Non-stealing): The third vow promotes the principle of non-stealing or refraining from taking what is not
rightfully earned or given. Jains believe in respecting others’ possessions and practicing contentment.
4. Brahmacharya (Chastity): The fourth vow encourages the practice of celibacy and maintaining purity of thoughts,

emotions, and actions. Jain monks and nuns abstain from indulging in any sexual activity.
5. Aparigraha (Non-attachment): The fifth vow emphasizes non-attachment to material possessions and worldly
desires. Jains strive to live a simple and minimalist lifestyle, minimizing their dependence on material wealth.
• Tricks to remember the five vrats in jainism.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the Vrata starts.

Using the acronym “CLIPS”, You can easily remember the names of the vratas in Jainism:
• C – chastity-Brahmacharya
• L – non Lying-satya

• I – non injury-ahimsa
• P – non possession-aparigraha
• S – non stealing-asteya

46 Regions in UK

The United Kingdom (UK) is composed of four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Each of these countries has its distinct regions, which contribute to the diversity and cultural richness of the UK.
The regions in the UK are as follows:
1. England: England is the largest and most populous country in the UK, divided into nine regions. These regions are
London, South East, South West, East of England, West Midlands, East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, North
West, and North East. Each region has its unique characteristics, landscapes, and cultural heritage.
2. Scotland: Scotland is located in the northern part of the UK and is divided into nine regions. These regions are
Highlands, Grampian, Tayside, Central, Fife, Lothian, Strathclyde, Borders, and Dumfries and Galloway. Scotland is
known for its stunning landscapes, historic castles, and vibrant cities such as Edinburgh and Glasgow.

W Trick in GS 23
3. Wales: Wales is situated in the western part of the UK and is divided into four regions. These regions are North Wales,
Mid Wales, South West Wales, and South East Wales. Wales is famous for its rugged mountains, picturesque coastlines,
and rich Celtic culture. The capital city of Wales is Cardiff.
4. Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland is located in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and is divided into six
counties. These counties are Antrim, Armagh, Derry/Londonderry, Down, Fermanagh, and Tyrone. Northern Ireland
has a unique blend of Irish and British influences, beautiful landscapes, and a complex history.
• Tricks to remember the name of regions in the UK.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the region starts.

Using the acronym “WINES”, You can easily remember the names of the regions in U.K.:
• W – Wales
• IN – Ireland north
• E – England
• S – Scotland


Indian States touching the boundary with Bhutan

Located in the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan shares a border with India in the states of Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam, and
Arunachal Pradesh. The India-Bhutan border is open, and the two nations share strong ties in various sectors, including
trade, education, and security.
• Trick to remember the Indian states that share the boundary with Bhutan.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the region starts.

Using the acronym “SAAB”, You can easily remember the names of the states that share the boundary with Bhutan:
• S – Sikkim
• A – Arunachal Pradesh

• A – Assam
• B – Bengal

48 Countries bordering India

India, a South Asian country, shares its borders with several neighboring nations. Here is a brief introduction to the
countries bordering India:
• Trick to remember the countries bordering India.


*The bold letter in the trick mentioned above denotes the word from which the name of the country starts.

Using the acronym “PCB MBA”, You can easily remember the names of the countries that share the boundary with India.
• P – Pakistan

24 Trick in GS P
• C – China
• B – Bangladesh
• M – Myanmar
• B – Bhutan
• A – Afghanistan
1. Pakistan: Located to the northwest, Pakistan shares a land border with India. The border between the two countries
is known as the Line of Control (LoC) and stretches across the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, and
2. China: India’s northern neighbor, China, shares a long border with India. The border between the two countries is
known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and extends through the mountainous regions of Ladakh in Jammu and
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.
3. Nepal: Situated in the north, Nepal shares a border with India in the states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West
Bengal, and Sikkim. The India-Nepal border is open, and there is a close cultural and historical relationship between
the two countries.
4. Bhutan: Located in the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan shares a border with India in the states of Sikkim, West Bengal,
Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh. The India-Bhutan border is open, and the two nations share strong ties in various
sectors, including trade, education, and security.
5. Bangladesh: India shares a border with Bangladesh in the states of West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and
Mizoram. The border is marked by the International Border (IB) and is one of the busiest land borders in the world.

6. AL C
India and Bangladesh have significant trade and cultural exchanges.
Myanmar: Situated to the east of India, Myanmar shares a border with India in the northeastern states of Arunachal
Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram. The border is known as the India-Myanmar International Border, and it
plays a crucial role in trade and connectivity between the two countries.


W Trick in GS 25
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