SSRN Id4252858
SSRN Id4252858
SSRN Id4252858
We let “Algorithmic Market-Makers” (AMMs), using Q-learning algorithms, choose prices for
a risky asset when their clients are privately informed about the asset payoff. We find that
AMMs learn to cope with adverse selection and to update their prices after observing trades,
as predicted by economic theory. However, in contrast to theory, AMMs charge a mark-up over
the competitive price, which declines with the number of AMMs. Interestingly, markups tend
to decrease with AMMs’ exposure to adverse selection. Accordingly, the sensitivity of quotes
to trades is stronger than that predicted by theory and AMMs’ quotes become less competitive
Keywords: Algorithmic pricing, Market Making, Adverse Selection, Market Power, Reinforce-
ment learning.
Correspondence:,, All authors are at HEC Paris, Department of
Finance, 1 rue de la Libération, 78351 Jouy-en-Josas, France. We are grateful to participants in “The Microstructure
Exchange”, the Microstructure Asia Pacific Online Seminar, and seminars at the University of Copenhagen, University
Paris 1, and HEC Paris for helpful comments and suggestions. We thank Olena Bogdan, Amine Chiboub, Chhavi Ras-
togi and Andrea Ricciardi for excellent research assistance. This work was supported by the French National Research
Agency (F-STAR ANR-17-CE26-0007-01, ANR EFAR AAP Tremplin-ERC (7) 2019), the Investissements d’Avenir
Labex (ANR-11-IDEX-0003/Labex Ecodec/ANR-11-LABX-0047), the Chair ACPR/Risk Foundation “Regulation
and Systemic Risk”, the Natixis Chair “Business Analytics for Future Banking”.
Firms (e.g., retailers, airlines, hotels, energy providers etc.) increasingly rely on algorithms to set
the price of their products.1 This evolution reflects efficiency and predictive gains of artificial intel-
ligence but it generates new concerns, in particular about price discrimination and tacit collusion
among algorithms (see MacKay and Weinstein (2022), CMA (2018), OECD (2017)).2 Surprisingly,
this worry has not been expressed for market makers in securities markets even though propri-
etary trading firms (market makers such as Citadel, Virtu, Jane Street, etc.) began using pricing
algorithms at least two decades ago and now dominate liquidity provision in exchanges.3
Is this lack of concern justified? Is tacit collusion among pricing algorithms more difficult in
securities markets? To study this question, we consider a framework in which “algorithmic market
makers” (AMMs) compete in prices and are at risk of trading with better informed investors. Our
setting is, by design, very similar to standard models of market making with asymmetric information
(in the spirit Glosten and Milgrom (1985) and Kyle (1985)). However, in contrast to these models,
we assume that quotes are posted by AMMs that set their quotes using Q-learning algorithms, a
special type of reinforcement learning algorithm (often mentioned as the type of algorithms used for
pricing decisions; see CMA (2018)). We focus on whether Q-learning algorithms cope with adverse
selection, learn to account for the information contained in trades in choosing prices and whether
their prices are competitive. To our knowledge, our paper is the first to analyze how Q-learning
algorithms behave in the presence of asymmetric information (an important feature of trading in
securities markets).
In our framework, AMMs simultaneously post offers in response to clients’ requests to buy
one share of a risky asset. Clients’ valuation for the asset is the sum of the payoff of the asset (a
common value component) and a component specific to each client (a private valuation component).
For instance, Chen et al. (2016) find that more than 500 Amazon third-party sellers on Amazon marketplace were
using algorithms to price their products.
For instance, MacKay and Weinstein (2022) write: “The explosion in the use of pricing algorithms over the past
decade has sparked concerns about the effect on competition and consumers [...].”.
These firms are often referred to as “high-frequency market makers” because their algorithms (and hardware
equipments) generate very frequent new orders (quotes, cancellations etc.). Menkveld (2013) finds that, in 2007-2008,
a single high-frequency market maker accounts for about 15% of total trading volume in Dutch stocks (and more than
60% on one of the trading platforms for these stocks). Brogaard et al. (2015) find that fast traders on the Stockholm
Stock Exchange are primarily market makers, who account for 83% of all limit orders on this exchange (and 44% of
trading volume).
to her request, provided that this offer is less than her valuation.4 As clients’ demand for the asset
increases with the common value, dealers are exposed to adverse selection (they are more likely to
sell the asset when its payoff is high than when it is low). In the baseline case, a new realization of
AMMs behave as follows. In each trading round, each AMM starts with an assessment of the
expected profit associated with each possible price, picks a price (on a grid) based on this assessment,
and updates its assessment of the expected profit associated with this price by taking a weighted
average (with pre-specified weights) of its realized profit at the end of the trading round and its
prior assessment of its expected profit. The assessment of the expected profit associated with other
possible prices is unchanged. In each round t, the AMM picks the price that generates the largest
expected profit according to its assessment with a given probability of “exploitation”. Otherwise,
it “explores” by picking at random (with equal probability for each possible price) another price.
Exploration enables the AMM to receive feedback about the profit generated by a price and therefore
This iterative process is repeated over a large number of “episodes” (each made of one trading
round), which collectively constitute one “experiment”. In a given experiment, the set of parameters
(e.g., the number of AMMs, the distribution of the asset payoff, and the distribution of each client’s
private valuations) is constant across episodes and forms the “environment”. For each environment
considered in our analysis (i.e., for a fixed set of parameters), we run 10, 000 experiments, each
made of 200, 000 episodes. In each experiment we record each AMM’s quote, the transaction price,
In early episodes of a given experiment, AMMs “learn” the expected profit associated with
each possible price, which leads to significant volatility in prices. After a large number of episodes,
their pricing strategy eventually “converges” in most experiments, in the sense that AMMs keep
playing the same price over a large number of episodes. However, this “long run” price can vary
In electronic securities markets (e.g., electronic limit order books markets used in most of the major stock markets
in the world), market makers compete in prices (“à la Bertrand”) with no room for product differentiation. Price
priority is strictly enforced, which guarantees that clients’ orders are filled at the best price, as assumed in our analysis.
outcomes (e.g., transaction prices and dealers’ profits) across experiments (holding the environment
constant). We study how this distribution varies with parameters of the environment (in particular
the intensity of adverse selection) and we systematically compare final outcomes to those predicted
by economic theory. When there are multiple dealers, the outcomes predicted by theory (e.g.,
transaction prices and profits) are those corresponding to the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium of the
environment considered in our simulations (accounting for the fact that market makers must post
their quotes on a grid).5 When there is a single dealer, predicted outcomes are those corresponding
We observe several interesting regularities. First, when there is a single AMM, it does not
necessarily learn the monopoly price and its average quote is smaller than the monopoly price. In
contrast, when there are two AMMs, they charge a price above the competitive price on average
(even the smallest price in the distribution of observed prices is well above the competitive price).
This markup decreases with the number of AMMs and becomes close to zero only with 10 AMMs.
Second, in all environments, AMMs learn how not to be adversely selected. That is, they
charge prices that (more than) cover adverse selection costs. However, when their exposure to
adverse selection increases (either because the volatility of the asset payoff increases or the variance
of clients’ private valuations decreases), AMMs tend to choose prices that are more competitive
(in particular, their realized bid-ask spreads are smaller on average). This is particularly striking
when the variance of clients’ private valuations increases. In this case, AMMs’ offers (and therefore
transaction prices) increase, even though the competitive (Nash-Bertrand) price decreases because
adverse selection costs decline. Overall these findings suggest that adverse selection interacts with
In existing models (Kyle (1985) or Glosten and Milgrom (1985)), market makers are assumed
to learn the asset payoff from the trading history (the “order flow”) in a Bayesian way. For this
reason, holding the asset payoff constant, these models predict that dealers eventually discover asset
payoffs. For instance, dealers’ pricing errors (the average squared difference between the asset payoff
In particular, as is well-known, price discreteness can generate multiple Bertrand-Nash equilibria. We take this
into account in our analysis.
Milgrom (1985)). To study whether AMMs can also discover asset values, we extend our baseline
setting to allow for two trading rounds per episode. We find that AMMs behave qualitatively like
a Bayesian learner would. That is, after a buy (no trade), they increase (reduce) their offer in the
second trading round. Thus, price discovery takes place, even though AMMs have no knowledge
of the data generating process and their learning process is not Bayesian. However, observing the
outcome of the first period brings new information to the algorithms, which then face less adverse
selection in the second period. As adverse selection curbs algorithms’ rent-seeking behavior, prices
become less competitive on average in the second period. Moreover, this effect is stronger after
observing a trade than after observing no trade in the first period. In this sense, AMMs seem to
In summary, our findings have two main implications. First, algorithmic market makers settle on
non competitive prices, even though they operate in an environment where economic theory predicts
competitive outcomes. This echoes findings in Hendershott et al. (2011) and Brogaard and Garriott
(2019). The former find empirically that algorithmic trading (AT) increases dealers’ expected profits
net of adverse selection costs (realized bid-ask spreads). Commenting on this result, they write (on
p.4): “This is surprising because we initially expected that if AT improved liquidity, the mechanism
would be competition between liquidity providers.” Brogaard and Garriott (2019) study the effect
of high frequency market makers’ entry on one trading platform for Canadian stocks. They find
that this entry triggers a decrease in bid-ask spreads. However, the entry of two competitors is
not sufficient to obtain the competitive outcome, in contrast to what standard models of market
making predicts. This pattern is exactly what we find when we compare average bid-ask spreads
across environments that only differ by the number of AMMs. Our second main implication is that
adverse selection induces AMMs to post quotes that are more competitive. In a cross-section of
assets, this means that realized bid-ask spreads for AMMs (a measure of dealers’ expected profits net
of adverse selection costs) should be smaller in assets that are more exposed to informed trading.
For instance, they should be smaller for stocks than for Treasuries (high frequency market makers
are active in both types of assets), even though adverse selection costs are larger for stocks. This
quote less competitively, contrary to the predictions of standard asymmetric information models.
It is worth stressing that we do not claim that market-making algorithms necessarily behave
as our AMMs.6 This does not mean however that the patterns uncovered by our analysis are
unlikely to hold in reality.7 Our approach is to make stylized assumptions on pricing algorithms to
develop predictions about their effects on securities markets. In particular, our assumptions capture
that (some) algorithms used in practice rely on experimentation (“trial and error”) but eventually
experiment less and less, as experimentation is costly. We believe these properties are reasonable in
a financial context. As explained above, this approach delivers predictions that are quite different
from those of standard economic models in the same environment. To decide which approach has
more explanatory power, the next step (which is beyond the scope of this paper) would be to test
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we position our contribution in the
literature. Section 2, we present the economic environment analyzed in our paper. In Section 3, we
study the case in which each episode has a single trading round. In this case, our analysis focuses
on how AMMs’ behavior differ from two benchmarks: (a) competitive behavior (Nash-Bertrand
equilibrium) and (b) monopolistic behavior (monopoly prices). In Section 4, we study whether
AMMs can discover asset fair values by considering the case in which each episode has two trading
Our paper is related to the emerging literature on algorithmic pricing and the possibility for algo-
rithms to sustain non competitive outcomes. Calvano et al. (2020) show that Q-learning algorithms
There is not much guidance on the actual design of market making algorithms in reality because market making
firms do not disclose information on their algorithms. Securities trading firms strongly push back a regulator’s attempt
to require disclosure of their computer codes for surveillance purpose. See “US regulator declares ‘dead’ moves to seize
HFT code”, Financial Times, October 14, 2017. In the EU, proprietary trading firms must make sure that they take
steps to insure that their algorithms will not lead to disordely markets. However, they do not have to disclose their
algorithms to regulators.
The behavior of market makers in existing economic models is also highly stylised and, in contrast to our approach
here, they are assumed to have a complete knowledge of their environment (e.g., the distribution of asset payoffs,
traders’ valuations etc.). Yet, these models have explanatory power for the behavior of security prices at high frequency
(see, for instance, Glosten and Harris (1988) and the subsequent literature using price impact regressions).
(2021) and Abada et al. (2022) show that supra competitive prices can be reached in this type
of environment even if dynamic strategies are ruled out, through what Abada et al. (2022) call
“collusion by mistake”.8 Cartea et al. (2022a) and Cartea et al. (2022b) study different families
of reinforcement learning algorithms and develop new methods to study which ones may lead to
non Nash behavior in a market-making environment.9 Banchio and Skrzypacz (2022) find that Q-
learning algorithms post less competitive bids in first price auctions than in second price auctions.
In contrast to our setting, bidders and sellers have a fixed valuation for the auctioned good and
bidders are not exposed to adverse selection in their setting (they consider private value auctions).
In sum, in line with other papers, we find that pricing algorithms relying on Q-learning can lead
to non competitive outcomes even when dynamic strategies are ruled out and when price setters
compete in prices. However, new to the literature, we find that adverse selection tends to mitigate
this issue.10 Moreover, to our knowledge, we are the first to study price discovery with Q-learning
Our paper also contributes to the literature on algorithmic trading in securities markets. The
theoretical literature on this issue (e.g., Biais et al. (2015), Budish et al. (2015), Menkveld and
Zoican (2017), Baldauf and Mollner (2020), etc.) has mainly focused on how the increase in the
speed with which algorithms can respond to information increases or reduces liquidity suppliers’
exposure to adverse selection, using traditional workhorses models (Glosten and Milgrom (1985)
or Kyle (1985)). Yet, O’Hara (2015) calls for the development of new methodologies to study the
effects of algorithms in financial markets, writing that as a result of algorithmic trading: “the data
that emerge from the trading process are consequently altered [...] For microstructure researchers, I
believe these changes call for a new research agenda, one that recognizes how the learning models used
in the past are lacking [...].” Our paper responds to this call. Instead of modeling algorithmic traders
as Bayesian learners, with an omniscient knowledge of the environment in which they operate, we
This idea is in line with an earlier literature in machine learning showing that games between Q-learning algorithms
do not necessarily converge to a Nash equilibrium (Wunder et al., 2010).
In particular, Cartea et al. (2022b) show that using a finer pricing grid (a lower “tick size”) reduces the scope for
Another rather unique feature of our setting is that, in our setting, the demand faced by pricing algorithms is
stochastic. See also Hansen et al. (2021) and Cartea et al. (2022b) other settings in which selling algorithms face a
stochastic demand elasticity, but without adverse selection.
knowledge of the environment, which represents the polar opposite of standard Bayesian learning.
Moreover, Q-learning is relatively simple and transparent, which makes it a good candidate for
workhorse model of market-making. This approach generates strikingly different implications for
those of canonical Bayesian-learning models. In particular, price competition does not guarantee
a competitive outcome and, maybe even more surprisingly, increased adverse selection can reduce
dealers’ rents.
In this section, we provide a general description of the economic environment considered in our
experiments (Section 3.3). We consider the market for one risky asset with t = 1, 2, ..., T episodes
(one can think of them as “trading days”). Quotes in this market are posted by N dealers who
trade with clients. Each episode has τ̄ trading rounds and the asset payoff ṽ is realized at the end of
the last trading round in a given episode. This payoff has a binary distribution, ṽ ∈ {vL , vH }, with
independent across episodes. In the rest of this section, we describe traders’ actions and realized
In each trading round τ , a new trader (the “client”) arrives to buy one share of the asset. The
buyer’s valuation for the asset is vτC = ṽ + L̃τ , where L̃τ is i.i.d across trading rounds. Clients’
private valuations are assumed to be normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ 2 . The
buyer observes her valuation for the asset and requests quotes from the dealers, who simultaneously
respond by posting their offers a(τ ) = {a1τ , ..., aN τ }. The ask price anτ is the price at which dealer
n is ready to sell at most one share in trading round τ . We denote by (i) amin
τ = min{anτ } the
smallest ask price, (ii) Dτ the set of dealers posting this price and (iii) zτ the number of dealers in
Dτ . The client buys the asset if the best offer is less than her valuation for the asset (amin
τ ≤ vτC )
and, in this case, she splits her demand among the zτ dealers posting this price. Otherwise she does
not trade.
asset, i.e., if the client valuation ṽ + L̃τ is not smaller than the lowest price amin
τ , and it is zero
otherwise. Let denote by Z(anτ , a(τ )) the fraction of the τ th round trade executed by dealer n, that
is, Z(anτ , a(τ )) = zτ if anτ = amin
τ and is zero otherwise. In trading round τ , dealer n’s realized
I(an,τ , a(τ ), L̃τ , ṽ) := V (a(τ ), L̃τ , ṽ)Z(anτ , a(τ )), (1)
Π(anτ , a(τ ), L̃τ , ṽ). (3)
τ =1
In our setting, holding prices constant, dealers are more likely to sell the asset when the asset
payoff is high than when the asset payoff is low. Indeed, conditional on a realization of v, the
τ , v) := P r(amin
τ ≤ v + L̃τ ) = 1 − G(amin
τ − v), (4)
they are more likely to sell the asset when its payoff is high than when it is low.
Finally, we denote by Π(a, µτ ) = N E[Π(a, a, L̃, ṽ)] the dealers’ expected aggregate profit when
they all post the same price a, and attach probability µτ to the event ṽ = vH . This gives
In the rest of the paper, we study how AMMs using Q-learning algorithms set their prices in
such an environment. We consider two cases. In the first case, analyzed in Section 3, we consider
is on whether and how outcomes when prices are set by AMMs differ from those obtained in two
benchmarks: (i) the Nash-Bertrand equilibrium with multiple dealers (the competitive case) and (ii)
the case in which dealers set their price to maximize their aggregate expected profit (the monopoly
case). This comparison will help us to analyze how AMMs exert market power and cope with
adverse selection relative to rational Bayesian dealers. In the second case, analyzed in Section 4,
we consider a dynamic environment in which τ = 2 (two trading rounds per episode) and we focus
on price discovery (i.e., on how AMMs adjust their quotes over time).
In this section, we compare the pricing policies chosen by AMMs using a Q-learning algorithm
Section 2 when there is a single trading round per episode. We refer to this case as the static case
since, when we solve for dealers’ equilibrium pricing policies in this case, they behave as if they
were facing a static one-shot problem. We proceed in three steps. First, in Section 3.1, we derive
the equilibrium outcomes in two benchmark cases (the monopolist and competitive cases). Then,
in Section 3.2, we describe the Q-learning algorithms used by AMMs to choose their pricing policy
when τ̄ = 1. Third, in Section 3.3, we compare the pricing policies chosen by AMMs to those
3.1 Benchmarks
Monopolist Case. In the monopolist case, in each episode, each dealer chooses her price, denoted
m 1
a ∈ arg max Π̄ a, . (6)
a 2
Economic theory predicts that this price should be the equilibrium outcome when N = 1.
Competitive Case. In the competitive case, dealers choose a price ac such that each dealer’s
When the set of prices is continuous, ac is the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium of the game played by
dealers in each trading round. This is the outcome predicted by economic theory when N ≥ 2.
We explain how to obtain ac and am in Appendices A.4 and A.3 and we find (numerically) that
(i) the competitive price, ac , increases with ∆v and decreases with σ while (ii) the monopoly price
increases with both ∆v and σ. We provide a numerical example in Table 1 where we report am and ac
when ∆v = 4 and σ = 5 (vH = 4 and vL = 0, so that E(ṽ) = 2), the baseline values of the parameters
in our experiments. The table also reports the expected half-quoted spread, E(a − E(ṽ)) = a − E(ṽ),
(the difference between the ask price posted by each dealer and the unconditional expected payoff
of the asset) and the expected half realized spread, E(a − ṽ | V = 1). In contrast to the average half
quoted spread, the expected half realized spread measures the expected profit of a dealer conditional
on a trade by the client. As this trade is more likely when v is high, this measure accounts for the
adverse selection cost borne by the dealer. In fact the difference between average half quoted spread
and average half realized spread is often used as a measure of adverse selection costs in empirical
studies.11 Last observe that the total expected profit of a dealer is the expected half realized spread
times the probability that the client trades (Π̄(a, µ) = Pr(V = 1)E(a −˜˜v | V = 1)).
When the dispersion of clients’ private valuations (σ) increases or the volatility of the asset payoff
(∆v) decreases, dealers’ ask prices become lower in the competitive case because dealers’ adverse
selection costs decline. In contrast, when the dispersion of clients’ private valuations increases, the
monopolist offer becomes larger, despite the fact that their adverse selection costs decline. This
reflects an increase in dealers’ rents, as shown by the increase in the expected realized spread. The
reason is that as σ increases, clients’ demand becomes more inelastic, which as usual enables a
monopolistic dealer to extract larger rents. In contrast, when ∆v increases, the client’s demand
becomes more elastic and the adverse selection cost increases. As a result, the monopolist dealer
See Foucault et al. (2013), ch. 2, for a description of various measures of bid-ask spreads in securities markets
and their interpretation.
We now describe the functioning of Q-learning algorithms in the environment described in Section
2 when τ̄ = 1.12 We use the same notations as in Section 2, unless otherwise stated. In contrast
to the benchmark case, we restrict AMMs to choose their quotes in a discrete and finite action set
To each dealer n and episode t, we associate a so-called Q-Matrix Qn,t ∈ RM ×1 . In this section,
Qn,t is simply a column vector of size M . The m-th entry of the matrix is denoted qm,n,t where
qm,n,t represents the estimate in episode t of the payoff that AMM n expects from playing price am .
The Q-learning algorithm is meant to refine the payoff estimates in Qn,t over time, and to end up
More formally, the algorithms (AMMs) play the game according to the following process. We
first initialize the matrices Qn,0 with random values: Each qm,n,0 for 1 ≤ m ≤ M and 1 ≤ n ≤ N
is i.i.d. and follows a uniform distribution over [q, q]. Then, in each episode t, we do the following:
1. For each dealer n, we define m∗n,t = arg max qm,n,t−1 the index associated with the highest
value in matrix Qn,t−1 , and we denote a∗n,t = am∗n,t the greedy price of AMM n in episode t. This is
the price that seems to maximize the AMM’s static profit, according to the estimates available in
episode t.
2. For each dealer n, with probability ϵt = e−βt the AMM “explores” by playing an,t = am̃n,t ,
where β > 0 and m̃n,t is a random integer between 1 and M , all values being equiprobable. The
price am̃n,t is thus a price taken randomly in A. With probability 1 − ϵt , the dealer “exploits” and
plays an,t = a∗n,t , the greedy price. The random draws leading to exploring or exploiting are i.i.d.
t , and draw ṽt and L̃t . Each dealer n then receives a profit equal to πn,t = Π(an,t , a(t), L̃t , ṽt ),
as given by (2).14
n,t + (1 − α)qm,n,t−1 if an,t = am
∀1 ≤ n ≤ N, qm,n,t = (8)
qm,n,t if an,t ̸= am
Intuitively, each Q-learning algorithm alternates between experimenting random prices, and
playing the price that seems to lead to the highest payoff based on past plays. As the number of
past episodes grows, information accumulates and there should be less value in experimenting. For
this reason, the probability of experimenting decays over time (here exponentially, at rate β). This
important parameter of the algorithm governs the trade-off between experimenting and exploiting.
A second trade-off is how much should one react to one particular observation πn,t , knowing that
payoffs are stochastic. This is governed by the parameter α: if α is large the algorithm reacts
quickly to new observations, but the estimates generated in the Q-matrix are unstable (consider
the extreme case α → 1). Conversely, if α is small the estimates are stable but it will take a lot
of experimentation to move the values of the Q-matrix towards accurate estimates of the expected
3.2.2 Convergence
There are many variants of the Q-learning algorithm, with different specifications for the experi-
mentation probability ϵt and the updating rule (8). The one described in the previous section is
common in practical applications and is also the one used in recent papers in the economic lit-
erature (e.g., Calvano et al. (2020)). We choose it for comparability with prior literature. This
version of Q-learning does not satisfy the assumptions given in, e.g., Watkins and Dayan (1992),
We index all variables by the episode counter and omits the trading round index, τ within an episode since τ = 1
in each episode here.
these algorithms and the environment in which they operate, Lemma 1 below shows that no matter
t (that is, even when T becomes very large), with a probability that is bounded away from 0, the
Q-matrix changes by an amount that is bounded away from 0. Thus, entries in the Q-matrix never
an,t = am = amin
t , then ,
α vH − vL
∆∗m := vH − vL + am − ,
2 2
∗ 1 1
Pm := min D(am , vL ), 1 − (D(am , vL ) + D(am , vH ))
2N 2
For instance, consider the case N = 1 and suppose that the AMM plays for T consecutive
periods the same price am . Then, as T goes to infinity, the value of the Q-matrix qm,t does not
converge in probability to Π(am , µ), that is the actual monopolist dealer’s expected profit when
she sets a price of am (the metrics a monopolist would use to set his price in economic theory).
Because the Q-matrix does not converge, the price that maximizes the Q-matrix needs not stay the
same and will vary with probability 1 after sufficiently many episodes. Thus, one cannot expect the
greedy price to remain stable, even when T becomes very large. This also implies that the greedy
In actual simulations, when α is small, most experiments give the impression of “converging” in
the sense that, after a sufficiently large number of episodes, the price chosen by each AMM stays
constant for many periods (this is because ∆∗m is linear in α). This is the meaning of “convergence”
in many papers in the literature (e.g., Calvano et al. (2020)). Thus, following the literature, we
say that an experiment has “converged” if all algorithms’ actions have been constant over the last
κT periods (e.g., κ = 0.05). Moreover, to describe the outcome of the interaction between AMMs
K of experiments, focusing in particular on the mean of the distribution. When needed, we use a
Keeping these observations in mind, we set the parameters of our baseline simulations as follows.
and vL = 0. In addition, the set of available prices A is all integers between 1 and 15 included.
We initialize the Q-matrices with values between q = 3 and q = 6 so that all values of the initial
Q-matrix are above the maximal payoff a dealer can get in a given period.15 There are K = 10, 000
experiments, T = 200, 000 episodes per experiment, and in all experiments we set β = 0.0008 and
α = 0.01. This means that the algorithm chooses to experiment 1249.5 times in expectation, and
hence “tries” each price about 100 times on average. As α = 0.01, this frequency of experimentation
is enough (in expectation) to override the initial values of the Q-matrix.16 Finally, we set κ = 0.05,
so that an experiment is said to “converge” if algorithms’ actions have been unchanged for the last
10,000 episodes.
3.3 Results
In this section, we report the main results of our experiments. We first consider the monopoly case
(N = 1) and duopoly case (N = 2), holding other parameters to their baseline values (Sections
3.3.1 and 3.3.2). In particular, we compare the distribution of final prices in these cases to their
equilibrium values when N = 1 (monopoly price) and N = 2 (duopoly case), accounting for the fact
that dealers must position their prices on a grid. Given this constraint, the theoretical monopoly
price is am = 7 and there are two possible Nash-Bertrand equilibria (ac = 3 or ac = 4).
This specification is common in the literature on Q-learning to guarantee that all actions are chosen sufficiently
often to overcome the initial values of the Q-matrix. Indeed, as long as qm,n,t is larger than the maximal payoff the
agent can realize, action m will necessarily be picked again because all the cells associated with actions that are played
eventually fall below the maximal payoff.
Note that Q-learning algorithms are meant for situations in which agents have no prior knowledge of the envi-
ronment. Hence, there is no basis on which one could optimize the algorithm, e.g., by picking the “best” values of α
and β. Rather, these values and the rules used by the algorithm must be seen as parameters.
Consider the case in which N = 1 first. Panel (a) of Figure 1 reports the evolution of the greedy price
1,t over episodes, averaged over the 10, 000 experiments while Panel (b) reports the distribution over
(a) suggests that, on average the greedy price converges as the number of episodes becomes large.
However, only 73.64% of the experiments converge (as defined in Section 3.2.2) and the final greedy
price is heterogeneous across experiment as shown in Figure 1. The average final greedy price, a∗k
1,T ,
across all experiments is 6.16. However, there is substantial heterogeneity across experiments. As
panel (b) shows, while most experiments ultimately reach a greedy price of 6, a substantial number
reach 5 or 7, and in a few cases even 8 or 9. This dispersion in final outcomes across experiments
is due to the environment being stochastic. Even though the values of the Q-matrix are not very
sensitive to individual observations (remember that α = 0.01), there is still a significant probability
to obtain sufficiently many “bad draws” resulting in zero demand with prices of 6 or 7 to lead to a
Q-matrix with a greedy price of 5 or 8, even though the monopolist’s payoff is maximized at 7.
A striking feature of this experiment is that, most of the times (in more than 75% of all exper-
iments), the algorithm fails to learn the theoretical (optimal) monopoly price 7 even though T is
large. Moreover, this failure is not random: On average, the final price posted by the algorithm is
below 7. The modal price is 6, and the algorithm is more likely to set a price of 5 than a price of
8, even though playing 8 would give a higher expected profit than playing 5. The reason is that
the updating rule (8) is biased against actions giving a high payoff with a low probability, such as
choosing a high price. This effect is more pronounced when α is larger, but still significant even
with the low value of α we are using (in unreported results, we checked that the average final greedy
deficiency of the algorithm. However, this class of algorithms is not explicitly designed to learn the
optimal price. Rather they seek to reach a certain balance between “exploring” and “exploiting”.
For instance, one could reach a final outcome closer to the monopoly price by choosing smaller
values of α and β. However, doing so would be at the cost of playing suboptimal prices for more
periods (so that the average profit of the AMMs over all episodes might be smaller).
In any case, an important conclusion from the single dealer case is that the Q-learning algorithm
used by the AMMs in our experiments is not by itself biased towards high prices. If anything, the
single dealer case shows that the opposite happens. This makes the non competitive final outcomes
Now consider the duopoly case (N = 2). The starting values of the Q-matrices, Q1,0 and Q2,0 , for
each AMM as well as all the subsequent random draws for the two AMMs, are drawn independently
of each other (except the client’s demand). Panel (a) of Figure 2 reports the evolution of the greedy
price a∗k
n,t for each AMM over T episodes, averaged over the K experiments. Panel (b) reports the
As can be seen in Figure 2, the AMMs’ quotes converge more quickly in the duopoly case
than in the monopoly case. Convergence is also more frequent: In 94.18% of the experiments, the
quote posted by each AMM has converged after 200,000 episodes (vs., only 73.64% when N = 1).
Moreover, in all experiments with convergence, the AMMs end up posting the same price (a∗k
1,T =
2,T ). However, this price is rarely one of the two Bertrand-Nash equilibrium prices (3 or 4 due to
observe a∗k ∗k
1,T = a2,T = 3. As Panel (b) of Figure 2 shows, a majority of experiments (more than
60%) converge to a price of 5, about 20% converge to a price of 6, and some to 7 (the monopoly
price) or 8. Thus, on average, the prices posted by the two competing AMMs are far above the
because our setup precludes dynamic strategies (quotes cannot be contingent on past competitors’
quotes in our set-up). Its origin seems closer to that in Asker et al. (2022) who also find that prices set
by Bertrand competitors using Q-learning are above competitive prices (in an environment without
adverse selection). In the first episodes, both AMMs are experimenting with a high probability.
AMM 1 for instance is gradually learning how to best respond to AMM 2. However, most of
the time, AMM 2 chooses a random price since the likelihood of experimentation is high in early
episodes. The best response to AMM 2 is actually for AMM 1 to play a = 6. As AMM 1 plays 6
more and more often (since the likelihood of experimentation declines over time), AMM 2 should
in principle learn that her best response is then to play a = 5 (in an undercutting process typical
of Bertrand competition). However, because both AMMs experiment less and less often over time,
this undercutting process will typically not last long enough to reach the Bertrand outcome. For
instance, both AMMs may have reached a price of only 5 when the probability of experimenting
ever again becomes very small. If for both AMMs playing 3 or 4 did not prove profitable in the
past (when the other AMM was playing differently), then the AMMs appear “stuck” with supra-
competitive prices.18 Our next step is to study how the probability that this happens depends on
the parameters of the model, and in particular on the degree of adverse selection.
In this section we study how the outcomes of the simulations vary when we change the parameters of
the economic environment, in particular the degree of adverse selection. For each set of parameters,
in each experiment k and episode t we compute the following four variables (which correspond to
1. The trading volume Vtk , which is equal to 1 if a trade happens and 0 otherwise.
2. The quoted spread QStk , which is the best ask minus the asset’s ex ante expected value:
QStk = amin,k
t − E[ṽ]. (9)
See Abada et al. (2022) for a comprehensive analysis and discussion of this issue. Wunder et al. (2010) show that
even in a simple prisoner’s dilemma Q-learning algorithms may not reach the Nash equilibrium.
RStk = amin,k
t − vtk . (10)
The realized spread is computed only when there is a trade. It measures the profit actually
realized by the AMM with the best quote, given the actual value vtk of the asset. Its average
value over trades is a standard measure of dealers’ expected profits per share in the literature
We then compute the average across the K experiments of these three quantities in the last episode.
PK k
k=1 VT
V = (11)
PK k
k=1 QST
QS = (12)
PK k k
k=1 VT RST
RS = K
. (13)
k=1 VT
Panels a) and b) in Figure 3 show the effect of a change in σ (the variance of clients’ private
valuation) and ∆v (the volatility of the asset payoff) on the average trading volume, the average
quoted spread, and the average realized spread in the case with a single AMM (dashed line), two
the elasticity of clients’ demand to dealers’ price. In the benchmark case (see Table 1), the first
effect reduces adverse selection costs. For this reason, the quoted spread in the Bertrand-Nash
equilibria decreases (weakly due to price discreteness) with σ. However, surprisingly, the opposite
pattern is observed for the quoted spread posted by AMMs: As σ increases, the two AMMs post
less competitive quotes. In fact, the effect of σ on AMM’s quotes is similar to its effect on the
monopoly price (red dashed line in 3). In this case, like a monopolist, the competing AMMs seem
thereby obtain larger expected profits (as shown by the evolution of the average realized spread).19
Thus, surprisingly, a decrease in adverse selection makes the quotes posted by AMMs less
decreases from 8 to 4, AMMs’ exposure to adverse selection decreases. However, as shown by the
evolution of AMMs’ realized spread, their rents increase, exactly as in the monopolist case. When
∆v keeps decreasing (from 4 to 1), AMMs rents decrease but in a way similar to what is observed
in theory for the monopolist.20 In sum, competing AMMs react to a decline in adverse selection
(an increase in σ or a decrease in ∆v) in a way qualitatively similar to a monopolist rather than
Bertrand competitors.
Panel (c) of 3 shows the effect of an increase in the number of AMMs (from 1 to 10). As the
number of AMMs increases, AMMs’ quotes become closer to the Bertrand-Nash equilibria. Thus,
AMMs’ rents (realized bid-ask spreads) decline. This pattern may seem intuitive. However, in
theory it takes only two dealers to obtain the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium. Thus, economic theory
predicts that bid-ask spreads and dealers’ rents should decline when N increases from 1 to 2 but
that a further increase in N should have no effect. Empirical findings regarding the effects of
high frequency market makers’ entry on bid-ask spreads, reported in Brogaard and Garriott (2019)
(discussed in the introduction), are more consistent with the patterns obtained for AMMs than
Spread measures do not immediately translate into welfare measures. In particular, the realized
spread RS measures a market-maker’s realized profit (and hence, cost for the client) conditionally on
a trade, but does not take into account the probability that this trade occurs. To further investigate
the consequences of AMMs for total welfare in the economy and its distribution between market-
makers and buyers, we compute the levels of welfare, consumer surplus, and firm profits achieved
The decline in the client’s demand elasticity explains why trading volume increases with σ in the experiments,
despite the fact that AMMs charge a larger price to their client.
AMMs’ rents also evolve in a way similar to that observed in one of the two Nash Bertrand equilibria (dotted
purple line) but opposite to that in the other one (yellow dashed line). We think that the pattern observed in first
case is due to price discreteness and will therefore not be robust with a finer grid, in contrast to other patterns.
In words, welfare in this model is driven by the liquidity shocks L̃, which create gains from trade
between buyers and market-makers. Welfare is always lower when the ask price increases, and as a
result even in the competitive case as increase in adverse selection lowers welfare. Welfare can be
Based on the results of the experiments, we compute the average realized values of W, CS, and
We observe that an increase in σ leads to an increase in profits, due to both the AMMs behaving
less competitively (realized spreads increase) and demand elasticity being lower. However, because
this elasticity is low, high prices have a lower impact on the probability that a trade is realized, and
conditionally on a trade the gains are also higher. As a result, consumer surplus and total welfare
also increase with σ. An increase in ∆v has a somewhat ambiguous impact on realized spreads but
Overall, the comparative statics of welfare and profit with respect to σ and ∆v are the same in
the two benchmarks and with a duopoly of AMMs, the levels reached with AMMs being in between
Models of trading with asymmetric information in financial markets are often used to study the
process by which market participants discover asset fundamental values (“price discovery”). In
these models, trades convey information about an asset payoff (because some trades come from
informed investors). Using this information, uninformed traders (e.g., dealers) update their beliefs
about this payoff in a Bayesian way. Via this dynamic learning process, over time, prices get closer
to the asset value (see, for instance, Glosten and Milgrom (1985) or Easley and O’Hara (1992)).
In this section, we study whether AMMs can also discover asset fundamental values (ṽ in our
setting). To do so, we consider the case with two trading rounds (τ̄ = 2), following the same steps
as when τ̄ = 1. That is, in Section 4.1, we first explain how to derive equilibrium prices in our
two benchmarks (the monopoly case and the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium). Then, we explain how
Q-learning algorithms work in this environment (Section 4.2). Finally we present the results in
Section 4.3.
When τ̄ = 2, dealers can learn information about ṽ from the trading outcome at date 1. Thus,
their beliefs regarding the payoff of the asset evolve over time. As is standard in models of trading
with asymmetric information, in the benchmark monopoly and competitive cases, we assume that
dealers update their beliefs in a Bayesian way. At the end of the first trading round in a given
episode, there are two possible trading histories (H1 ): (i) a trade at price amin
1 (H1 = {1, amin
1 }) or
1 , vH )
µ2 (1, amin min
1 ) := P r(v = vH | H1 = {1, a1 }) = , (18)
D(a1 , vH ) + D(amin
1 , vL )
asset value if v. In the second case, dealers’ Bayesian beliefs about the likelihood that v = vH is:
1 − D(amin
1 , vH )
µ2 (0, amin min
1 ) := P r(v = vH | H1 = {0, a1 }) = . (19)
2 − (D(a1 , vH ) + D(amin
1 , vL ))
should revise their beliefs about the expected payoff of the asset upward after a trade (buy) at date
Given these observations, one expects the monopoly price and the competitive price (the Nash-
Bertrand equilibrium price) to be larger (smaller) in the second trading round than in the first if
there is a trade (no trade) in the first trading round. Table 2 shows that this is the case for the
parameters of our experiments. In addition, in the competitive case, the difference between dealers’
ask prices when there is a trade and when there is no trade increases with the informativeness of
the order flow in the first period (i.e., increases with ∆v and decreases with σ). In addition, Table
2 shows that, in the competitive experiment, the ask price posted by dealers in the second period
is smaller on average than in the first period (that is, E[ac2 ] − ac1 ≤ 0). This reflects the fact that
as time passes, the informational asymmetry between dealers and their clients decline since dealers
learn information about the asset payoff. Thus, they face less adverse selection and therefore across
all possible realizations of v and the trading history at date 1, their ask price should be closer to
the asset unconditional value in the second period than in the first period. In Section 4.3, we study
whether AMMs’ quotes satisfy these properties or not. This is a way to study whether AMMs learn
to discover the asset payoff, even though they are not programmed to be Bayesian, as competitive
Table 2 also shows that, as in the case with one trading round (and for the same reasons), (i)
the competitive and the monopoly prices increase with the volatility of the asset (∆v) in each
trading round, (ii) the competitive prices in each trading round decrease with the dispersion of
clients’ private valuations (σ) and (iii) the monopoly prices in each trading round increase with this
Last, observe that, in the competitive case, the quotes posted by dealers in the first trading
round are identical to those obtained when there is a single trading round (compare Tables 1 and
2). In contrast, the monopolist price in the first trading round differs from that obtained when there
is a single a trading round. This reflects the fact that, in choosing her price in the first trading
round, a monopolist accounts for the effect of this price on her expected trading profit in the first
trading round and her expected trading profit in the second trading round via the effect of her
choice on her belief about the asset payoff given the first period outcome (trade/no trade).21
In this section, we explain how we adapt the Q-learning algorithms described in Section 3.2 to the
case in which episodes have two trading rounds. The algorithms will keep track in each episode of the
“state” they are in, and will play an action depending on the state. More specifically, for each AMM
n, we define (N +3) states, denoted sn , as follows: (i) sn = ∅ in the first trading round; (ii) sn = N T
n o
in the second trading round if no trade takes place in the first; (iii) sn ∈ S = 0, N1 , N 1−1 , ..., 12 , 1
is the number of shares sold by AMM n if a trade took place in period 1 (depending on how many
AMMs shared the market). Each AMM then relies on a Q-matrix Qn,t ∈ RM ×(N +3) , in which
each line corresponds to a different price and each column to a state, ordered as in the previous
We then modify the process described in Section 3.2.1 as follows. For any experiment k, we
initialize the matrices Qn,0 with random values: Each qm,s,n,0 (for 1 ≤ m ≤ M , 1 ≤ n ≤ N , and
s ∈ S) is i.i.d. and follows a uniform distribution over [q, q]. Then, in each episode t, we do the
Period 1:
One can show that µ2 (1, amin
1 )
and µ2 (0, amin
1 )
increase with amin
1 . Thus, by choosing a high amin
1 , the monopolist
improves the informational content of a trade at date 1 but it reduces the informational content of observing no trade.
2. For each AMM n, with probability ϵt = e−βt the AMM “explores” by playing a1n,t = am̃1n,t ,
where β > 0 and m̃1n,t is a random integer between 1 and M , all values being equiprobable.
With probability 1 − ϵt , the AMM “exploits” and plays the greedy price a1n,t = a1,∗
n,t . The
random draws leading to exploring or exploiting are i.i.d. across all AMMs in a given trading
3. We compute a1,min
t = min a1n,t , and draw ṽt and L̃1,t . This determines the position In,t
1 taken
by each AMM in period 1 and the state sn,t it will be in when period 2 starts. Formally, denote
1 =s
we have In,t n,t =
for every n ∈ Dt1 , and In,t
1 =s / Dt1 . If ṽt + L̃1,t < a1,min
n,t = 0 for n ∈ t
1 = 0 and s
then In,t n,t = N T for every n.
α[a1n,t In,t
1 + max q ′ if a1n,t = am
m ,sn,t ,n,t−1 ] + (1 − α)qm,∅,n,t−1
∀1 ≤ n ≤ N, qm,∅,n,t =
qm,∅,n,t−1 if an,t ̸= am
Period 2:
1. At the beginning of period 2 we know the state sn,t in which AMM n finds itself. We define
n,t = arg max qm,sn,t ,n,t−1 the index associated with the highest value in matrix Qn,t−1 in
2. With probability ϵt the AMM plays a random price a2n,t , following the same process as in
3. We compute a2,min
t = min a2n,t and draw L̃2,t . This determines the position In,t
2 taken by each
α[a2n,t In,t
2 − ṽ (I 1 + I 2 )] + (1 − α)q if a2n,t = am
t n,t n,t m,sn,t ,n,t−1
∀1 ≤ n ≤ N, qm,sn,t ,n,t =
qm,s ,n,t−1 if a2n,t ̸= am
Q-learning algorithms were initially designed to solve dynamic stochastic optimization problems
(both finite and infinite horizon), and are thus in principle well suited to optimizing prices in this
environment. The Q-matrix is defined in such a way that each algorithm can in principle learn to
play a different price in period 2 depending on the “state”, that is, depending on whether there
was a trade in period 1. Note that, in addition, the state needs to include the amount sold by the
AMM in period 1. Indeed, as vt is only revealed in period 2, the Q-matrix can record only at the
end of period 2 what was the actual cost of selling some units of the asset in period 1.22
4.3 Results
To study price discovery with AMMs using the Q-learning algorithms described in the previous
section, we proceed exactly as in Section 3.3. In particular, we use the same parameter values for
K (number of experiments), T (number of episodes per experiments), α and β. For brevity, we only
focus on the case with two AMMs (N = 2). We measure price discovery by AMMs (i.e., whether
AMMs’ quotes reflect information about the asset payoff contained in the first period trade) by
computing the magnitude of the average price reaction to the observation of a trade vs. no trade
(across experiments with the same environment). Formally, defining Vtτ,k the total trading volume
1,k 2,min,k
a1,min,k − VT1,k )[a2,min,k − a1,min,k
k=1 VT [aT − T ] k=1 (1 T T ]
Discovery = PK 1,k
− PK 1,k
. (22)
k=1 VT k=1 (1 − VT )
Using inventory levels as the state variable is common in other applications of Q-learning, in particular in dynamic
pricing and revenue management. See, e.g., Rana and Oliveira (2014) for a recent example. The list of states used by
the algorithms is an important parameter of the model. The list could be even richer (e.g., conditioning on prices in
period 1 as well), or coarser (not distinguishing states N T and 0).
the ask price in the second period when there is a trade and when there is no trade in the benchmark
cases. In these cases, this difference is always positive because dealers become more optimistic about
the asset payoff after observing a buy in the first trading round than after observing no buy (see
Table 2).
We also want to study whether price discovery induces dealers to charge lower markups relative
to their expectation of the asset payoff because it reduces informational asymmetries, as is observed
when dealers are competitive in the benchmark case (E(ac2 ) < ac1 ; see Table 2). To this end, we
compute the average difference (denoted Dif f erence) between the ask price posted in the second
trading round and the ask price posted in the first trading round across experiments:
− a1,min,k
k=1 [aT T ]
Dif f erence = . (23)
If AMMs behave as in the competitive benchmark, Dif f erence should be negative. If it is not and
Discovery > 0, this indicates that (i) price discovery takes place but (ii) AMMs take advantage
of the reduction in informational asymmetries to charge less competitive prices, in line with our
Figure 5 plots Discovery and Dif f erence for different values of σ and ∆v. In addition, we
plot the highest and lowest values these quantities can take across the several Nash equilibria of the
game, the monopoly benchmark, and the competitive benchmark with continuous prices.
First, we observe that for all values of the parameters, Discovery is positive. Thus, AMMs learn
to quote higher prices when a trade occurred in period 1 than when a trade did not occur. Hence,
Q-learning algorithms are able to learn from past trades and contribute to price discovery. However,
the algorithms seem to significantly “overshoot”. That is, the difference in the prices posted by
AMMs following a buy or no buy in the first trading round is always larger than that predicted in
the most competitive Nash-Bertrand equilibrium (the dashed dotted line), given price discreteness.
This indicates that the difference in posted prices following a trade or no trade in the first trading
Second, we observe that Dif f erence is always positive, that is on average the algorithms use a
higher price in the second trading round than in the first. This is in stark contrast to the competitive
benchmark in which, at least if the tick size were zero, Dif f erence should be negative (as shown
in Table 2 and the dashed green line in Figure 5 in the case of ”Difference”).
A mechanism that explains both results is, as in the static case, that adverse selection curbs
the market power of algorithms. In our set-up, observing the trading outcome in the first trading
round always reduces informational asymmetries between dealers and clients in the benchmark case.
Thus, dealers’ adverse selection cost is smaller in the second trading round. This decrease in adverse
selection leads the AMMs to settle on using less competitive prices, as we already observed in the
static case. In addition, adverse selection is reduced more after a trade than after no trade (observing
a trade is less likely ex ante, hence is more informative when it happens). Thus, AMMs tend to
charge larger markups after a trade than after no trade, explaining why on average Dif f erence is
These results give interesting insights into how competition between algorithms can be spotted
in the data. The first result implies that quotes will tend to over-react to order flow, potentially
generating more long-term reversal. The second result implies that spreads tend to widen as adverse
selection is resolved over time, whereas in competitive environments the opposite should occur (see,
5 Conclusion
environment a la Glosten and Milgrom (1985). We show that this provides a natural workhorse
model to study the role of algorithms in securities markets, and how their behavior may differ from
what is predicted by standard theory. We find that, despite their simplicity and the challenge of an
environment with adverse selection, algorithms behave in a realistic way: their quotes reflect adverse
selection costs and they update their quotes in response to the observed order flow. However, their
behavior is markedly different from what standard theory predicts. In particular, their quotes tend
resolved. More generally, our analysis shows that the interaction between algorithms is significantly
affected by the presence and extent of adverse selection, suggesting that securities markets are a
quite specific and particularly interesting application of recent research on competition between
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A.1 Tables
Panel A
σ 0.5 1 3 5 7
Competitive Case
a c 4.00 4.00 3.24 2.68 2.47
Quo. Spread 2.00 2.00 1.24 0.68 0.47
Real. Spread 0 0 0 0 0
am 4.37 4.69 5.68 6.54 7.03
Quo. Spread 2.37 2.69 3.68 4.54 5.03
Real. Spread 0.03 0.09 0.32 0.68 1.03
Panel B
∆v 0 2 4 6 8
Competitive Case
ac 2 2.16 2.68 3.65 5.02
Quo. Spread 0 0.16 0.68 1.65 3.02
Real. Spread 0 0 0 0 0
am 5.75 5.94 6.54 7.66 9.11
Quo. Spread 3.75 3.94 4.54 5.66 7.11
Real. Spread 0.82 0.78 0.69 0.57 0.47
Table 1: Predicted Outcomes in the Benchmark Cases, τ̄ = 1. Prices are continuous. Clients’
private valuations are normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ 2 . Moreover, E(v) = 2
and µ = 21 (vH = 4 and vL = 0). Panel A: ∆v = 4. Quotes have been rounded up to two decimals
(which explains why they are equal when σ = 0.5 and σ = 1). Panel B: σ = 5.
Table 2: Predicted Outcomes in the Benchmark Cases, τ̄ = 2. Prices are continuous. Clients’
private valuations are normally distributed with mean zero and variance σ 2 . Moreover, E(v) = 2
and µ = 21 (vH = 4 and vL = 0). Panel A: ∆v = 4. Quotes have been rounded up to two decimals
(which explains why they are equal when σ = 0.5 and σ = 1). Panel B: σ = 5. In each case, I1 = 1
if a trade takes place at date 1 and I1 = 0 otherwise.
(a) Average greedy price as a function of time. (b) Distribution of the final greedy price.
(a) Average greedy price of both AMMs as a function (b) Distribution of the final greedy price of both
of time. AMMs.
In this section, we explain how to compute the competitive price in a given trading round for given
dealers’ beliefs about the distribution of the asset payoff. We do so in the general case (for any τ )
Let Vτ = I(a(τ ), L̃τ , ṽ) ∈ {0, 1} denote the realized trade in period τ and let Inτ = Vτ Z(anτ , a(τ )) ∈
[0, 1] the trade executed by dealer n in round τ . Let Hτ denote the trading history (the obser-
vation of clients’ trading decisions and the best quotes until trading round τ ). That is, Hτ =
{(Vi , amin
i )}{i=1,2,...τ,} for τ ≥ 0 and H(0) = ∅. The trading history contains information about the
asset payoff. Indeed, holding the best quote constant, a client is more likely to buy the asset when
ṽ is large than when ṽ is low. Let µ(Hτ −1 ) be dealers’ estimate of the probability that ṽ = vH at
the beginning of trading round τ (with µ(0) = µ = 12 ), given the trading history.
In a Nash-Bertrand equilibrium, in the τ th trading round, all dealers posts the same price acτ
such that their expected profit is zero. This happens only if the expected profit of the dealer posting
the lowest price is nil among all dealers. Thus, acτ solves:
We deduce that:
The competitive price is the smallest solution to this equation. Observe that it is equal to dealers’
expectation of the asset payoff conditional on their information at the beginning of trading round j
plus a markup (since D(acτ , vH ) − D(acτ , vL ) = G(c −vH ) − G(ac − vL ) > 0). This markup increases
with dealers’ uncertainty about the asset payoff at the beginning of trading round τ (measured by
There is no analytical solution to (A.2). However, one can easily solve it numerically for specific
parameter values. To solve (numerically) for the competitive price in the first trading round, we
just replace µ(Hτ −1 ) by µ = 1/2 in (A.2) (dealers’ prior at the beginning of an episode). To solve
replace µ(H1 ) by µ2 (1, ac1 ) (given in (18) in the text) in (A.2). To solve for the competitive price
in the second trading round after no trade in the first trading round, we replace µ(H1 ) by µ2 (0, ac1 )
(given in (19) in the text) in (A.2). Also, note that the probability that a trade occurs in trading
round τ is P r(Vτ = 1) = µ(Hτ −1 )D(acτ , vH ) + (1 − µ(Hτ −1 ))D(acτ , vL ). Hence, one also gets that:
That is, the competitive price is the expected payoff of the asset conditional on the beginning of
the trading history up trading round τ and the occurrence of a trade in trading round τ .
For any given belief µ ∈ [0, 1] that a monopolist might have about ṽ in a given round τ , if the
monopolist sets a price of a, his expected payoff from that trading round is equal to Π̄(a, µτ −1 ).
That is, am (µ) is the price that maximizes the monopolist dealer’s expected payoff in round τ , given
his belief µ. If the monopolist plays price am (µ), his round τ expected payoff is equal to
Monopolist case with one trading round (τ̄ = 1). Because the initial belief is µ = 21 , when
Monopolist case with two trading rounds (τ̄ = 2). We now consider the optimal pricing
policy of a monopolist dealer when there are two trading rounds. To do so, we proceed by backward
In the second and last round, the price that the monopolist will choose if at the beginning of the
second period his belief is µ2 must be equal to am (µ2 ) leading to a second period payoff of Π∗ (µ2 )
period price of a, then his posterior belief µ2 is equal to µ2 (1, a) (given in (18) in the text) in (A.2)
if the first period client buys, whereas µ2 = µ2 (0, a) (given in (18) in the text) if the first period
client does not buy. Hence the monopolist will set his first period price am
1 equal to the price a
Π̄ a, + P r(a)Π∗ (µ2 (1, a)) + (1 − P r(a))Π∗ (µ2 (0, a)), (A.5)
2 | {z }
| {z } second round payoff
First round payoff
where P r(a) := 12 (D(a, vH ) + D(a, vL )) is the probability that a trade takes place at date 1 if
the monopolist chooses price a at this date. Thus, in choosing her price at date 1, the monopolist
accounts for the effect of this price on her expected profit on the trade at date 1 and her continuation
When τ̄ = 2, we obtain the benchmark price at date 2 in the monopoly case by solving numeri-
cally (A.4) (both when there is a trade at date 1 and when there is no trade) and the benchmark
Fix a price am and a dealer n. Suppose that at episode t the dealer’s price is an,t = am and
either the dealer does not trade, the dealer sells the asset worth vH , or the dealer sells the asset
worth vL . In all cases the Q-matrix is updated. If the dealer does not trade then πn,t = 0 and
If the dealer trades then qm,n,t+1 = α(am − ṽ) + (1 − α)qm,n,t+1 , and thus
if ṽ = vL . Denote ∆m (q) := α max{|q|, |am − vH − q|, |am − vL − q|} the maximum possible value
of that |qm,n,t − qm,n,t+1 | can take given that qm,n,t = q. Note that
am − vL vH − am vH − vL α vH − vL
min ∆m (q) = α max , , = vH − vL + am − = ∆∗m
q 2 2 2 2 2
In words, no matter the value of qm,n,t , at least one of the three possible outcomes mentioned above
leads to |qm,n,t − qm,n,t+1 | ≥ ∆∗m . Thus the probability that |qm,n,t − qm,n,t+1 | ≥ ∆∗m cannot be
1 1
2N D(am , vH ). The probability that the dealer sells the asset worth vL , is at least 2N D(am , vL ) <
2N D(am , vH ). The probability that the dealer does not trade is 1 − 12 (D(am , vL ) + D(am , vH )),
∗ . Q.E.D.
hence the expression for Pm