Algebra 2
Algebra 2
Algebra 2
1. Solve for x in the equation (x + 3) : 10 = (3x – 2) : 8 20. For a geometric progression for which the first term is x + y and the
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 common ratio is the reciprocal of the first term, find the 10th term.
A. (x + y)-5 B. (x + y)-6 C. (x + y)-7 D. (x + y)-8
2. If x : 6 = y : 2 and x – y = 12, find y.
A. 8 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 21. The first term of a geometric sequence is 3 and the last term is 48. If
each term is twice the previous term, find the sum of the geometric
3. If 𝑥: 𝑦: 𝑧 = 2: 5: 7 and 4𝑥 − 𝑦 + 2𝑧 = 51, find the value of z. sequence.
A. 21 B. 6 C. 15 D. 8 A. 93 B. 92 C. 91 D. 90
4. A shipment of two items is divided into two portions such that the 22. Find the sum of all integers between 90 and 190 if each integer is
difference of the portions is half of their average. Find the ratio of the exactly divisible by 17?
larger to smaller portion. A. 847 B. 857 C. 867 D. 877
A. 3:5 B. 5:3 C. 2:5 D. 5:2
23. Find the 7th term and the sum of the first seven terms of the sequence
5. The volume of blood B, in a person’s body varies directly as body 9, -6,4, . . ..
weight, W. A person who weighs 160 pounds has approximately 5 A. 463/81 B. 471/90 C. 462/89 D. 471/81
quarts of blood. Estimate the number of quarts of blood in a person
who weighs 200 pounds. 24. The second term of a geometric sequence is 3 and the fifth term is
A. 6 B. 6.25 C. 6.5 D. 6.75 81/8. Find the eighth term.
A. 2187/45 B. 2187/96 C. 2187/64 D. 2187/95
6. Suppose that W is inversely proportional to V. if W = 20 when V = 12,
find W when V = 15 25. How many consecutive even integers beginning with 4 must be taken
A. 12 B. 14 C. 16 D. 18 for their sum to equal to 648?
A. 20 B. 22 C. 24 D. 26
7. If q is directly proportional to the square root of h and inversely
proportional to the cube of j, and q = 18 when h = 9 and j = 2, what is 26. Find the 8th term and the sum of the first eight terms of the sequence
q when h = 16 and j = ½ 4,8,16,. . .
A. 1536 B. 1563 C. 1356 D. 1365 A. 1200 B. 1020 C. 1002 D. 2010
8. The kinetic energy E of a body is proportional to its weight W and to 27. In the arithmetic progression -9, -2, 5, …., which term is 131?
the square of its velocity U. An 8 lb body moving at 4 ft/sec has 2 ft- A. 19 B. 21 C. 23 D. 24
lb of kinetic energy. Find the kinetic energy of a 3 ton (6000 lb) truck
speeding at 60 mi/hr (88 ft/sec). 28. Find the sum of the first fifty positive multiples of 12.
A. 456000 B. 615000 C. 789000 D. 726000 A. 15,300 B. 15,200 C. 15,100 D. 15,000
9. The pressure p of a given mass of ideal gas varies inversely as the 29. What must be the value of x in the arithmetic progression x – 7, x – 2,
volume V and directly as the absolute temperature T. To what x + 3, … so that its 10th term will be 40?
pressure must 100 cubic feet of helium at 1 atmosphere pressure and A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
253° temperature be subjected to be compressed to 50 cubic feet
when the temperature is 313°? 30. The first term of a geometric sequence is 375 and the fourth term is
A. 3.15 B. 2.96 C. 2.47 D. 2.45 192. Find the sum of the first four terms.
A. 1107 B. 1170 C. 1701 D. 1710
10. The force of wind on a sail varies jointly as the area of the sail and the
square of the wind velocity. On a square foot of sail the force is 1 lb 31. In a geometric progression, if the first term is x² and the common
when the wind velocity is 15 mi/hr. Find the force of a 45 mi/hr wind ratio is x4, which term is x18?
on a sail of area 20 square yards. A. 4th B. 5th C. 6th D. 7th
A. 1620 lb B. 1452 lb C. 1470 lb D. 1637 lb
32. Determine the 7th term of the arithmetic progression 3xy – y, 2xy, xy
11. In the series 2, -4, 8, -16, x, -64,….., what is x? + y, …
A. -24 B. -32 C. 24 D. -32 A. 5y – 3xy B. 5y + 3xy C. 5x – xy D. 5x + xy
12. If a, b, 2b – a,…. is an arithmetic progression, find the next term. 33. How many arithmetic means must be inserted between 1 and 36 so
A. 2b – 3a B. 3b – 2a C. 2b + 3a D. 2b + a that the sum of the resulting arithmetic progression will be 148?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
13. Find the fourth proportional to 3, 5 and 21.
A. 27 B. 56 C. 65 D. 35 34. Find the 10th term of the sequence 5, 10, 20, ……
A. 5620 B. 2560 C. 6520 D. 2650
14. If x, y and 5x are three consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression
whose sum is 81, find x. 35. The first term of a geometric sequence is 160 and the common ratio
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 is 3/2. How many consecutive terms must be taken to give a sum of
15. Find the value x from the series 1, 8, 27, x, 125, …… A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
A. 100 B. 81 C. 30 D. 64
36. Find the geometric mean of 2, 3, 3, 5, 7 and 8.
16. What is the third proportional to y/x and 1/x ? A. 4.121 B. 4.131 C. 4.141 D. 4.151
A. x/y B. xy C. y D. 1/xy
37. Find the arithmetic mean of 3, 8, 9, 11, 15 and 20.
17. Find the 7th term of the geometric progression √2, √6, √18, …. A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
A. 25√2 B. 26√2 C. 27√2 D. 29√2
38. Calculate the harmonic mean of the numbers 2, 4, 5 and 7.
A. 3.55 B. 3.66 C. 3.77 D. 3.88
18. Find the mean proportional between 3√2 and 6√2.
A. 6 B. 4 C. 8 D. 5 39. If the first term and third term of the harmonic progression are 5/21
and 5/23 respectively, find the 6th term.
19. Find the 8th of the progression 5x+1, 52x+1, 53x+1, ….. A. 26/5 B. 27/5 C. 24/5 D. 23/5
A. 56x+1 B. 57x+1 C. 58x+1 D. 59x+1
40. What is the harmonic mean between 3/8 and 4?
A. 24/35 B. 23/53 C. 22/35 D. 21/53
University of Cebu – Review Algebra 2
56. It will take John four days to string a certain fence. If Mary could string
41. A rubber ball is made to fall from a height of 50 ft and is observed to the same fence in three days, how long will it take them if they work
rebound 2/3 of the distance it falls. How far will the ball travel before together?
coming to rest if the ball continues to fall in this manner? A. 3 ½ days B. 3 days C. 2 2/7 days D. 1 5/7 days
A. 200 B. 225 C. 250 D. 275
57. A recipe serves four people and calls for 1 ½ cups of broth. If you
42. From a tank filled with 240 gallons of alcohol,60 gallons are drawn want to serve six people, how much broth do you need?
off and the tank is filled up with water. Then 60 gallons of the mixture A. 2 cups B. 2 ¼ cups C. 2 1/3 cups D. 2 ½ cups
are removed and replaced with water, etc. How many gallons of
alcohol remain in the tank after 5 drawings of 60 gallons each are 58. How many gallons of a solution that is 75% antifreeze must be mixed
made? with four gallons of a 30% solution to obtain a mixture that is 50%
A. 45 gal B. 54 gal C. 75 gal D. 57 gal antifreeze?
A. 2 gallons B. 3 gallons C. 3.2 gallons D. 4 gallons
43. A boy agrees to work at the rate of one cent the first day, two cents
the second day, four cents the third day, eight cents the fourth day, 59. Belinda is building a garden shed. When she helped her neighbor
etc. How much would he receive at the end of 12 days? build an identical shed, it took them both 22 hours to complete the
A. $49.05 B. $40.95 C. $59.40 D. $54.90 job. If it would have taken her neighbor, working alone,38 hours to
build the shed, how long will it take Belinda, working alone, to build
44. It is estimated that the population of a certain town will increase 10% her shed?
each year for four years. What is the percentage increase in A. 33.75 hours C. 41.25 hours
population after four years? B. 41.00 hours D. 52.25 hours
A. 46% B. 48% C. 41% D. 45%
60. Two unblended manganese (Mn) ores contain 40% and 25% of
45. Twice the product of the first two multiples of this number is 196. manganese respectively. How many tons of each must be mixed to
Find the number. give 100 tons of blended ore containing 35% of manganese? All
A. 19 B. 29 C. 7 D. 8 percentages are by weight.
A. 67 tons of 40% ore; 33 tons of 25% ore
46. When both six and nine are added to a number, the sum is 49.What is B. 33 tons of 40% ore; 67 tons of 25% ore
the number? C. 56 tons of 40% ore; 44 tons of 25% ore
A. 15 B. 34 C. 43 D. 21 D. 44 tons of 40% ore; 56 tons of 25% ore
47. A traveling circus can sell 250 admission tickets for $8 each. But if the 61. At what price should a merchant mark a sofa that costs $120 in order
tickets cost $6 each the circus can sell 400 tickets. How much larger that it may be offered at a discount of 20% on the marked price and
are ticket sales when they cost $6 each than when they cost $8 each? still make a profit of 25% on the selling price?
A. $160 B. $400 C. $500 D. $1700 A. $150 B. $200 C. $250 D. $300
48. Forty-eight dollars in tips is to be divided among three restaurant 62. A man is 41 years old and his son is 9. In how many years will the
waiters. Twila gets three times more than Jenny, and Betty receives father be three times as old as the son?
four times as much as Jenny. How much does Betty receive? A. 40 B. 7 C. 15 D. 36
A. $18 B. $16 C. $24 D. $6
63. Ten years ago Jane was four times as old as Bianca. Now she is only
49. A family of three ate dinner at a restaurant, with a total bill of $48.If twice as old as Bianca. Find their present ages.
the mother’s meal cost 5/4 as much as the father’s, and the child’s A. 15, 30 B. 30, 15 C. 12, 24 D. 24, 12
meal was ¾ that of the father’s, how much was the father’s meal?
A. $12 B. $14 C. $16 D. $20 64. A father is 24 years older than his son. In 8 years he will be twice as
old as his son. Determine the ages of father and son, respectively.
50. Six pounds of a dried fruit mixture that costs $3 per pound and 1 ½ A. 40, 16 B. 16, 40 C. 15, 35 D. 35, 15
pounds of nuts costing $7 per pound are mixed together. What is the
cost per pound of this mixture? 65. Mary is fifteen years older than her sister Jane. Six years ago Mary
A. $1.33 B. $3.80 C. $5.25 D. $8.75 was six times as old as Jane. Find Mary’s present age.
A. 9 B. 24 C. 12 D. 18
51. A helicopter flies over a river at 6:02 A.M. and arrives at a heliport 20
miles away at 6:17 A.M. How many miles per hour was the helicopter 66. Larry is now twice as old as Bill. Five years ago Larry was three times
traveling? as old as Bill. Find the present age of Bill.
A. 120 miles per hour C. 30 miles per hour A. 15 B. 30 C. 20 D. 10
B. 300 miles per hour D. 80 miles per hour
67. Ana was 24 years old. Ana is twice as old as Mary was when Ana was
52. Two saline solutions are mixed. Twelve liters of 5% solution are as old as Mary now. How old is Mary now?
mixed with four liters of 4% solution. What percent saline is the final A. 12 B. 16 C. 18 D. 20
A. 4.25% B. 4.5% C. 4.75% D. 5% 68. A tank contains 20 gallons of a mixture of alcohol and water which is
40% alcohol by volume. How much of the mixture should be removed
53. D’Andre rides the first half of a bike race in two hours. If his partner, and replaced by an equal volume of water so that the resulting
Adam, rides the return trip five miles per hour less, and it takes him solution will be 25% alcohol by volume?
three hours, how fast was D’Andre traveling? A. 15 gal B. 12 gal C. 6 gal D. 7.5 gal
A. 10 miles per hour C. 20 miles per hour
B. 15 miles per hour D. 25 miles per hour 69. Two cars A and B having average speeds of 30 and 40 mihr
respectively are 280 miles apart. They start moving toward each
54. Lee can catch 10 fish in an hour, and Charles can catch five fish in two other at 3:00 P.M. At what time will they meet?
hours. How long will Charles have to fish in order to catch the same A. 5:00 PM B. 6:00 PM C. 7:00 PM D. 8:00 PM
number of fish that Lee would catch in two hours?
A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 6 hours D. 8 hours 70. A’s rate of doing work is three times that of B. On a given day A and B
work together for 4 hours; then B is called away and A finishes the
55. Jared and Linda are both salespeople at a certain electronics store. If rest of the job in 2 hours. How long would it take B to do the complete
they made 36 sales one day, and Linda sold three less than twice job alone?
Jared’s sales total, how many units did Jared sell? A. 18 hours B. 22 hours C. 24 hours D. 20 hours
A. 19 B. 15 C. 12 D. 13
71. An army of soldiers is marching down a road at 5 mi/hr. A messenger 84. The base of a rectangle is seven times the height. If the perimeter is
on horseback rides from the front to the rear and returns 32 meters, what is the area?
immediately, the total time taken being 10 minutes. Assuming that A. 28 sq m B. 24 sq m C. 16 sq m D. 14 sq m
the messenger rides at the rate of 10mi/hr, determine the distance
from the front to the rear. 85. A rain barrel contained four gallons of water just before a
A. 5/8 mi B. 8/5 mi C. 4/9 mi D. 9/4 mi thunderstorm. It rained steadily for eight hours, filling the barrel at a
rate of six gallons per day. How many gallons of water did the barrel
72. During the 2010-2011 regular NBA season, the top scoring player have after the thunderstorm?
was Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City thunder. Durant scored a total A. 4 gal B. 6 gal C. 7 gal D. 9 gal
of 2161 points for that season. The number of free throws (each
worth 1 point) he made was 14 more than four times the number of 86. Jason is six times as old as Kate.In two years, Jason will be twice as
three point field goals he made. The number of two-point field goals old as Kate is then. How old is Jason now?
that Durant made was 28 less than the number of free throws he A. 6 mos old B. 3 yrs old C. 6 yrs old D. 9 yrs old
made. How many two-point field goals did Durant make during this
season? 87. Thirteen percent of a certain school’s students are A students,15%
A. 594 B. 566 C. 545 D. 549 are C students, and 20% make mostly Ds. If 16% of the students are
B students, what percent are failing?
73. A man can finish certain job in 10 days. A boy can finish the same job A. 25% B. 36% C. 48% D. 64%
in 15 days. If the man and the boy plus a girl can finish the job in 5
days, how long will it take the girl to finish the job alone? 88. Susan and Janice are sign painters. Susan can paint a sign in six hours,
A. 30 B. 45 C. 15 D. 35 while Janice can paint the same sign in five hours. If both worked
together, how long would it take them to paint a sign?
74. John and Jack can do a job in 4 hours and the working rate of John is A. 2.53 B. 2.73 C. 3 D. 3.23
twice that of Jack. How many hours would it take John to work alone?
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 10
75. A farmer can plow a certain field three times as fast as his son.
Working together, it would take them 6 hours to plow the field. How
long would it take each to do it alone?
A. father 24 hrs, son 8 hrs C. father 9 hrs, son 18 hrs
B. father 8 hrs, son 24 hrs D. father 18 hrs, son 9 hrs
76. A painter can do a given job in 6 hours. Her helper can do the same
job in 10 hours. The painter begins the work and after two hours is
joined by the helper. In how many hours will they complete the job?
A. 3 ½ hours B. 2 ½ hours C. 4 ½ hours D. 5 ½ hours
77. One group of workers can do a job in 8 days. After this group has
worked 3 days, another group joins it and together they complete the
job in 3 more days. In what time could the second group have done
the job alone?
A. 16 days B. 18 days C. 14 days D. 12 days
79. In how many minutes after 2 o’clock will the hands of the clock extend
in opposite directions for the first time?
A. 46.3 min B. 35.7 min C. 37.5 min D. 43.6 min
80. In how many minutes after 7 o’clock will the hands of the clock be
directly opposite each other for the first time?
A. 5.46 min B. 6.46 min C. 7.46 min D. 8.46 min
81. What time between 2 and 3 o’clock will the angle between the hands
of the clock be bisected by the line connected the center of the clock
and the 3 o’clock mark?
A. 2:20 6/13 B. 2:18 6/13 C. 2:10 6/13 D. 2:22 6/13
82. A man left his home past 3:00 o’clock PM as indicated in his wall clock,
between 2 to 3 hours after, he returns home and noticed the hands of
the clock interchanged. At what time did the man leave his home?
A. 3:31.47 C. 3:46.10
B. 3:21.45 D. 3:36.50
83. A man started for a walk when the hands of his watch were coincident
between three and four o’clock. When he finished, the hands were
again coincident between five and six o’clock. What was the time
when he started?
A. 16 4/11 minutes past 3
B. 17 5/11 minutes past 3
C. 18 6/11 minutes past 3
D. 19 7/11 minutes past 3