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J D W Greene
ognitive neurology deals mainly with disorders of memory (for example, is the patient’s
poor memory due to early dementia or to anxiety/depression?) or language (as in stroke). It
should be remembered, however, that other areas of cognition may be selectively impaired.
This review will cover disorders of perception and of higher order motor output, both in terms of
pathological loss and pathological gain of function.
A patient must be conscious in order to perceive the world around them. An exploration of
consciousness is outside the remit of this article though recently reviewed by others.1 2 The patient
must also have the capacity to attend selectively in order to focus on one part of the sensorium.
Perceptual processing is then necessary to identify what is being perceived through the various
sensory modalities (namely vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), thus allowing access to semantic
knowledge and through this understanding of the environment.
Initially, perceptual information is basic and modality specific, but as it is processed by higher
order centres, meaning is ascribed to percepts, and information becomes multi-modal (fig 1).
Ultimately, semantic knowledge is accessed using the various sensory streams. For example, if
standing in the path of an oncoming train, basic perception will involve visual information,
hearing the train coming, and feeling vibration from the ground. These separate streams then
come together, accessing relevant semantic knowledge and thus allowing the individual to
understand what is taking place. In discussing perception, I shall focus mainly on vision and
hearing, as the other three forms of perception are of lesser clinical importance.
Perception is not a passive process, but is modulated by attention. There is feedback from
higher order centres down to primary sensory cortex. Similarly, attention influences what is
perceived. Attention itself has many levels or subcomponents, including selective, divided,
sustained attention, etc. Of relevance to perception is selective attention, a process by which the
individual focuses specifically on particular areas of sensory experience, rather than simply
passively absorbing all such experience. Patients with subcortical dementia can lose this ability to
attend selectively, resulting in increased distractibility due to inability to ignore background
extraneous stimuli.
To some extent, we see what we expect to see. For example, if waiting for someone at a
crowded venue, we may have several false positive recognitions of strangers because we are
primed to expect to see the friend.
Normal visual processing
Visual processing involves signal relay from the retina via the lateral geniculate nucleus to the
striate cortex (area V1). In the visual cortex itself, there is initially strong retinotopic localisation,
such that striate occipital lesions cause deficits restricted to segments of the visual field.
Extrastriate visual cortex is organised more by process than by visual field location—that is,
different areas of extrastriate cortex are involved in colour, motion perception, etc. Extrastriate
deficits therefore cause deficits in aspects of vision, such as perception of motion, affecting the
entire visual field.
Broadly speaking, extrastriate regions group into two streams: the ventral occipitotemporal
‘‘what’’ stream is involved in object recognition, while the occipitoparietal ‘‘where’’ stream is
involved in spatial processing.3 The ventral stream runs below the calcarine fissure into the medial
Correspondence to: temporal lobe, while the dorsal stream extends superolaterally from the striate cortex into
Dr John D W Greene,
Southern General Hospital,
occipitoparietal and temporoparieto-occipital areas.
Institute of Neurological
Sciences, 1345 Govan Road, Deficits of visual processing, and how to test for them
Glasgow, G51 4TF, UK; john.
greene@sgh.scot.nhs.uk Deficits in visual attention can result in neglect, whereby attention is no longer directed either to
_________________________ self—that is, body part—or to external objects such as food on a plate.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Figure 1 The semantic system
illustrating the sensory modalities which
can access semantic knowledge.
Neglect is almost always for the left hemifield (figs 2 and will affect vision. While we are concerned with higher order
3). This is explained by the left hemisphere monitoring the visual deficits, such confounding conditions must be
right hemispace, while the right hemisphere monitors both excluded as part of the general assessment and examination.
hemispaces. A left hemisphere lesion will still allow the right Lesions to the ventral or dorsal streams of visual processing
hemisphere to survey the entire visual field, hence neglect can give rise to different clinical deficits. Ventral stream
does not occur. By contrast, with a right hemisphere lesion, lesions (fig 6) may produce defects such as object agnosia,
the left hemisphere monitors only the right hemispace; prosopagnosia, alexia and achromatopsia, while dorsal
therefore because of the lack of monitoring the left hemi- stream defects (fig 7) include akinetopsia and Balint
space, left sided neglect occurs. syndrome. These will be discussed further below.
Sensory inattention and neglect may be assessed clinically by
the examiner moving one, other, or both fingers in right and left Disorders of ventral stream
hemifields and asking the patient which finger has moved. In Agnosias
visual extinction, the patient will note either finger moving The term agnosia is used to describe a modality specific
separately, but will only detect the finger in their right hemifield inability to access semantic knowledge of an object or other
when presented simultaneously. This is due to the ipsilesional stimulus that cannot be attributed to impairment of basic
stimulus ‘‘extinguishing’’ the contralesional stimulus from perceptual processes—that is, it relates to a normal percept
awareness. Similarly line bisection tasks can be employed in stripped of its meaning. Agnosias may apply to any sensory
the clinic (fig 4), as can letter cancellation tasks in a visual array. modality, but here we shall deal firstly with visual agnosias.
Drawing a clock face is another useful test (fig 5). Visual agnosics cannot recognise by sight objects that they
Anosognosia refers to a patient’s inability to recognise would have previously known. They can neither produce
consciously the presence of somatic dysfunction indicative of unique semantic identifying information nor name the
a disease process. Patients with left hemiplegia caused by percept. Visual agnosia is sometimes further subdivided into
stroke may be entirely unaware of their deficit. Anosognosia apperceptive visual agnosia, where a deficit in high level
tends to occur predominantly, though not exclusively, with perception is implicated (usually widespread, bilateral
non-dominant parietal lesions and is regarded more a occipitotemporal infarction), and associative visual agnosia,
disorder of attention than of perception. where high level perception is preserved but the percept is
Moving next to visual perception itself, clearly retinal, optic unable to activate semantic identifying information (usually
nerve pathology or any lesion of the system from the retina anterior left temporal lobe). The term visual agnosia is best
via the lateral geniculate nucleus to the primary visual cortex restricted to the inability to access semantic information
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Figure 4 Neglect patient does not ‘‘see’’ left half of line, so when
asked to put a cross halfway along the line, he puts it halfway along the
‘‘seen’’ line—that is, three quarters of the way along the line.
object allows the patient to identify the object where vision
has not, this would be in keeping with a visual agnosia rather
than a loss of semantic knowledge. (In the latter, identifying
information will not be able to be provided regardless of
Figure 2 Left hemisphere damage results in no visual field deficit,
modality of sensory input.)
while right hemisphere damage results in neglect to the left.
Bedside testing may be usefully amplified by a formal
neuropsychological evaluation. Visuo-perceptual function
through the visual modality only, with retained semantic
may be tested by unusual views tests, overlapping line
knowledge accessible through other modalities such as
drawings, partially degraded or fragmented images, judge-
auditory. So called associative visual agnosia often involves
ment of line orientation, face analysis, and matching from
a more general loss of semantic knowledge, with no ability to
different angles as well as the Visual Object and Space
access this via any sensory modality.
Perception battery.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Reading is a very complex activity. It requires the eye to coordinate eye movements such as ocular motor apraxia or
fixate on the written word, perception, eye movements, and saccadic intrusions may also impair reading ability.
central language to allow understanding of the written word. Alexia without agraphia represents a high level visual
Deficits in any of these areas can impair the ability to read— deficit resulting in inability to read, and is an example of a
that is, alexia. Alexia may be peripheral (where there is disconnection syndrome. Here there is an inability to
difficulty transmitting the visual percept to the intact comprehend written material. The patient can write what
language centres) or central (due to an impaired language he has seen, but is then unable to read back what he has
written. It is a sort of category-specific form of visual agnosia
for words, in some ways similar to prosopagnosia. The deficit
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Table 1 Types of dyslexia
Site of pathology
Peripheral dyslexia
Alexia without agraphia Disconnection syndrome Left medial occipital lobe
Neglect dyslexia Difficulty with left side of words or page Right hemisphere
Central dyslexia
Surface dyslexia Loss of semantic knowledge Left temporal lobe v29
Difficulty with irregular words
Deep dyslexia Only able to read via meaning, not by letter-by-letter. Left hemisphere
Unable to read non-words (e.g. CHOG, LAVE)
is caused by the inability of perceptual information from recognition come into play (for example, if the person has a
primary visual cortex to get to language areas—that is, they characteristic voice or gait, etc), this allows access to unique
are disconnected. The patient can recognise words spelled semantic identifying information—that is, there is no loss of
aloud, showing that this is an access problem rather than a knowledge of the person. Covert recognition of apparently
primary language deficit. Preserved writing illustrates that unrecognised faces is supported by studies of galvanic skin
pathways from primary visual cortex to pre-motor and motor responses, these being greater when viewing faces that were
cortex involved in control of writing movements are previously known, implying that face identification may
preserved. It is best understood by reference to fig 9. occur at unconscious levels.
The syndrome is often accompanied by a right homo- Prosopagnosia is best understood by means of employing
nymous hemianopia, colour anomia, or achromatopsia, and current models of face recognition (fig 10). It can occur with
occurs with lesions affecting the left occipital lobe and the ventral occipitotemporal pathology, especially right sided.4
posterior fibres of the corpus callosum. This syndrome is rare
and more often overlooked. Other face recognition disorders
Several other conditions previously thought to be of
Disorders of face perception psychiatric origin are now considered organic, with cognitive
Prosopagnosia refers to a patient’s inability to recognise a neuropsychology now providing plausible explanations for
person simply by studying their face. Once other means of their phenomenology.5
Prosopagnosia results in damage to face
recognition units.
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Capgras syndrome is a form of delusional misidentification target). Patients complain of visual difficulties, and may
in which the patient believes that familiar people have been appear functionally blind. They exhibit a curious searching
replaced by impostors. Attempts to explain this condition head thrust, by which they aim to search their environment
involve theories of face recognition. Normally, it is claimed item by item (sometimes unfortunately but accurately
that when viewing a face, the conscious stream will result in compared to the head thrusts of a hen searching for food).
recognition, while the unconscious stream may invoke Pathology usually is bilateral superior parieto-occipital. It
v30 feelings of empathy if it is a liked person. Normally, there may be cerebrovascular due to ‘‘watershed’’ infarction, or be
is no conflict between these parallel streams, and recognition neurodegenerative as in the posterior cortical atrophy variant
occurs. It is claimed that in Capgras, there may be damage to of Alzheimer’s disease.
streams of unconscious processing. This can result in a
dissociation between the conscious stream identifying a Dressing apraxia and constructional ‘‘apraxia’’
person as, say, wife, and the lack of unconscious empathic Confusingly, these are not apraxias as such, but are rather
feelings. The lack of concordance between these two streams visuospatial deficits resulting in difficulty dressing and
(that is, looks like wife but no feelings of empathy) may drawing. Dressing apraxia may be tested by asking the
therefore be resolved cognitively by the contention that the patient to don a jacket which has had the sleeves deliberately
loved one has been replaced by an impostor (explaining the turned inside out. Bedside tests of constructional apraxia
dissonance). The lack of concordance between conscious and include drawing overlapping pentagons, the Neckar cube, or
unconscious streams has been ascribed to a disconnection a clock face. Left hemisphere damage results in simplified
between the cognitive and emotional streams, anatomically drawings, while right sided pathology leads to an ‘‘explosion’’
represented by fusiform gyrus of the right temporal lobe and of the constituent parts of the drawing.
the limbic system, respectively.
Fregoli syndrome is the clinical mirror image of Capgras in Other higher order deficits of vision
that the patient will accuse strangers of being a familiar Topographagnosia
person in disguise. Intermetamorphosis is a condition where Getting lost in familiar surroundings can be due to deficits in
the patient, on looking at a real face, has a subjective either ventral or dorsal visual association cortices.
experience of the face morphing from one known face into
another, and is thought to represent inappropriate activation Anton’s syndrome
of face recognition units. This is a form of anosognosia restricted to vision, in which
the patient denies there is any visual disturbance despite
Disorders of colour being functionally blind. It is associated with pathology
Focal impairments of the colour system mirror deficits to the affecting the primary visual cortex.
semantic system in general. Achromatopsia refers to a loss of
the ability to perceive colours. Patients usually describe this Blindsight
as like watching black-and-white television. It results from The existence of this condition is disputed, but it is claimed
lesions affecting the medial occipito-temporal region, in that in the context of blindness caused by primary visual
particular fusiform gyri. cortex damage, residual unconscious visual function may
Colour agnosia is not a perceptual deficit (as demonstrated occur, subserved by subcortical structures such as the lateral
by intact matching tasks) but reflects a loss of semantic geniculate nucleus.
knowledge of colour. It is really a category specific semantic
memory impairment for colour, and the term ‘‘colour Visual gain
agnosia’’ is unfortunate. Pathological gain of visual function can result in positive
In colour anomia, there is both preserved perception and phenomena—that is, hallucinations.6 Visual hallucinations
semantic knowledge regarding colour, but simply a deficit in are a strong pointer to organic disease. Common causes
colour naming. include the acute confusional state and Lewy body disease.
These deficits may be tested by assessing colour discrimi-
nation, colour knowledge, and colour naming. Charles Bonnet syndrome
This comprises positive visual phenomena occurring in areas
Deficits of dorsal stream of visual field deficit, whether this be total or partial. It often
Disorders of motion perception arises in the elderly as a result of ocular pathology—for
Selective impairment of motion perception is rare, and tends example, age related macular degeneration. The images tend
to be associated with damage to areas of extrastriate visual to be complex (for example. animals, people) and insight is
cortex analogous to V5—that is, bilateral lesions of the lateral usually retained.
occipitotemporal area. Patients may have no impression of
motion in depth or of rapid motion. Fast targets appear to Peduncular hallucinosis
jump rather than move. Particular difficulties are encoun- Following midbrain stroke, vivid hallucinations may arise,
tered judging the speed and direction of cars. which tend to occur in the evenings, and have a tendency to
disappear over weeks.
Disorders of spatial perception
Balint syndrome is a disorder of spatial perception compris- HEARING
ing three aspects: simultanagnosia (the inability to compre- Drawing analogies with vision, normal hearing requires
hend a complex scene in its entirety—that is, only one intact end organs which feed information to the primary
component of the scene is perceived at a time), optic ataxia auditory cortex. Again, information is initially strongly
(inability to reach by hand for targets presented visually), tonotopically represented, but loses this as it is processed in
and ocular motor apraxia (inability to direct gaze to a visual the association cortex, which is specialised for types of
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
auditory information—for example, speech, music, and
environmental sounds.
Hearing loss
Auditory agnosias
The inability to understand the meaning of sounds in the
context of preserved basic auditory perception is called
auditory agnosia. Strictly speaking, Wernicke’s aphasia is a
form of auditory agnosia for words, though language
disorders are outwith the remit of this review. In practice
the term ‘‘auditory agnosia’’ tends to be applied to non-verbal
sounds—for example, environmental sounds such as traffic,
aircraft noise, etc. Most patients with this have bilateral
lesions of the auditory cortex. The disorder is normally of
acute onset, and initially the patient becomes almost entirely
deaf—that is, cortically deaf. Normally, however, this
improves such that the patient hears auditory stimuli.
Auditory perception returns to normal (tested clinically by
the examiner snapping fingers behind patient’s head) but the
patient remains unable to identify the sound. Although
restricted category specific forms may exist, most auditory
agnosias refer to a wide group of environmental sounds.
Figure 11 MRI showing left parietal arterio-venous malformation.
Hearing gain
Auditory hallucinations
While hearing voices, especially if threatening or accusatory,
dyspraxia are unaware of their deficits, thus the examiner
is more likely to be due to psychiatric illness, organic disease
should specifically enquire from the patient and caregiver as
can also result in auditory hallucinations. These may be
to how the patient manages activities of daily living such as
musical in nature, and are associated with temporal
brushing teeth, combing hair, using kitchen utensils, etc.
pathology, often non-dominant.7
Dyspraxia is frequently missed by clinicians, and may then be
detected by occupational therapists or physiotherapists—for
example, when seeing patients recovering from stroke.
Tactile agnosias have been described—that is, an inability to
access semantic knowledge of an item by touch, yet with
Anatomy and pathology of apraxia
preserved semantic knowledge of the item when accessed
Left parietal or frontal premotor lesions are most commonly
through other modalities such as vision.
associated with dyspraxia (fig 11). It is thought that it results
Extracampine hallucinations involve the patient sensing a
from loss of motor engrams or a disconnection between
human presence near them, yet they see no one and there is
praxis systems. Orobuccal apraxia occurs with insular and
indeed no one there. While this has been reported in normal
left inferior frontal lesions.
individuals under severe stress, such as Antarctic explorers, it
is well recognised in Lewy body dementia.8 The most common causes of apraxia are stroke and
neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s or cortico-
basal degeneration—progressive isolated limb apraxia
strongly suggesting the latter.9
Motor function
Normal motor function
The formulation of an action requires the will and intention Subdivisions of apraxia
to do such a task, and is generated in prefrontal cortex. This Confusingly, traditional subdivisions of apraxia, particularly
signal is then used to activate left fronto-parietal systems that ideomotor and ideational, are used in an inconsistent
in turn activate motor engrams (for example, the pattern and manner. Clinically it is often sufficient simply to describe
sequence of movements needed to light a match) in premotor which body parts are affected (for example, limbs or
cortex. This is then fed down to the primary motor cortex and orobuccal), and to describe which movements are impaired.
by the corticospinal tracts to muscle, with modulation from If a more detailed knowledge of praxis is required, then the
cerebellum and basal ganglia. following cognitive neuropsychological model of praxis and
its deficits may be helpful.
LOSS OF MOTOR FUNCTION Praxis is conceptually difficult, and it may help for the
Apraxia reader to draw analogies between the following account of
Praxis refers to the ability to perform skilled movements. praxis, and the more widely understood language system.
Dyspraxia refers to difficulty performing motor acts which Praxis requires both a conceptual system of knowledge of tool
cannot be accountable by lack of understanding of the task, functions and actions (for example, the purpose of a
weakness, or proprioceptive loss. (Apraxia can even occur in screwdriver), and a production system including sensori-
the presence of an additional deficit such as hemiparesis, but motor action programmes concerned with the generation and
to qualify as apraxia, the examiner must be confident that control of movement (that is, the ability to move a limb
the apparent difficulty performing the motor act cannot be through space in the correct direction and with appropriate
explained by the hemiparesis alone.) Many patients with speed).10
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Figure 12 A model of praxis, which
can be accessed through various
sensory modalities.
How to examine for dyspraxia toothbrush’’, imitation of examiner’s mime, ability to
It is impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about pantomime usage while looking at the tool ‘‘Pretend you
the presence or absence of praxis, unless tests for it are have this in your hand. Show me how you would use it’’,
interpreted in the context of the rest of the neurological and by actual tool use ‘‘Take this in your hand and show
examination—hence a full neurological examination is me how you would use it’’.
essential. A simpler means of testing praxis at the bedside is to ask
Given the above confusion regarding subdivisions of the patient to imitate gestures, or to gesture to command. Use
praxis, there is no clear consensus as to how best to test of imagined objects should also be tested. The above should
praxis. If, however, we employ the above classification of the be done both for limb movements and for orobuccal
conceptual system for action (that is, knowledge of actions movements. Finally, a sequencing task such as the Luria
and tools) and the action production system (that is, the three-step test or alternating hand movements can be done.
ability to carry out motor programmes), then this lends itself Table 2 illustrates a useful series of commands which allow
to a logical means of exploring dyspraxia in patients. The praxis to be tested at the bedside.11
following account of testing praxis is exhaustive and lends
itself more to clinical research than clinical practice. It is best Ideational apraxia
read in conjunction with fig 12. Damage to the conceptual system leads to both impaired
Graham et al10 assessed the conceptual system for action by gesture comprehension and discrimination, as well as a
testing naming of actions, naming of tools, specification of production deficit. Patients have difficulty performing in
tool use (for example, ‘‘What would you use a toothbrush for ?’’, response to command and imitation and do not discriminate
and action recognition (‘‘Which is the correct movement well between poorly and well performed acts. Patients may
for brushing teeth?’’ with the examiner miming both the make content and tool selection errors, and exhibit loss of
target action and distractors). The action production system tool–object action knowledge (for example, using a screw-
was assessed by hand and finger position imitation, driver as a hammer). Preserved tool naming shows that this
execution of familiar action sequences (for example, deficit cannot be explained on the basis of an object agnosia.
‘‘Fold a piece of paper, place in envelope and seal the Patients may also show a loss of tool–object association
envelope’’), and execution of single familiar actions. knowledge (for example, when shown a partly driven nail,
Execution of single familiar actions can be further assessed they may choose a screwdriver rather than a hammer). This is
by verbal command ‘‘Show me how you would use a best termed an ideational apraxia (although others use the
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
Table 2 Schema for examining praxis: ‘‘Show me how
you would …’’ If defective by command, test by imitation.
Buccofacial Blow out a match
Lick lips
Sip through a straw
Limb Gestures Wave goodbye
Beckon ‘‘come here’’ v33
Salute, like a soldier
Hitch a lift
Object use Comb hair
Brush teeth
Use scissors
Hammer a nail
keeping scissors in the sagittal plane) and spatial movement command.
(for example, rotating at the shoulder rather than pronating/
supinating when using a screwdriver) may also occur. Timing Callosal apraxia
errors relate to the fluidity of movement (for example, The left frontal and parietal areas are dominant for higher
cutting bread with a knife should employ regular sinusoidal order motor function. A lesion affecting the anterior corpus
movements). Lesions affecting the premotor cortex may callosum will not impair the left hemisphere’s ability to
cause this type of dyspraxia. control movement of the right arm and leg. The callosal
Some patients, often with bilateral frontal and parietal lesion will, however, impair the left hemisphere’s ability to
dysfunction as in dementia, are unable to carry out a series of control the right premotor cortex, and can therefore result in
left sided apraxia caused by this disconnection.
acts in the proper sequence (for example, folding paper,
putting in envelope, sealing the envelope). Confusingly, this
Gain of motor function
has been termed ideational apraxia, but it is really a failure of
‘‘Toxic gain’’ of motor function may occur at prefrontal,
execution of familiar action sequences, and hence a measure
premotor, and motor levels (an example of the latter being
focal motor seizures).
The prefrontal cortex may exert an inhibitory effect on the
ability of perceptual input to result in motor response—that
is, it lets us carve an autonomous path in the world rather
than be a slave to our environment. Prefrontal pathology can
remove this inhibition, leading to a compulsion to act on the
surroundings (that is, environment dependency syndrome or
forced utilisation behaviour). A patient with this condition,
on being taken into a room with hammer, nails, and a
picture, will hammer a nail into the wall and hang the
picture. If asked why he did that, he will say ‘‘I assume from
the items being there that this is what you wanted me to
do’’.12 13
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.2005.081885 on 16 November 2005. Downloaded from http://jnnp.bmj.com/ on October 12, 2022 by guest. Protected by
c Deficits of visual processing are best divided into disorders
of the ventral ‘‘what’’ stream and of the dorsal ‘‘where’’
c Agnosias can be differentiated from more central semantic
deficits by assessing the same object using different
modalities. If knowledge can be accessed via other
modalities, then there is a modality specific agnosia rather
v34 than a multi-modal semantic deficit.
c Apraxia is often missed in the acute stage, as it can be
masked by coincident hemiparesis. It is often first noticed
by physiotherapists in stroke rehabilitation.
c Subdivisions of apraxia are confusing. Perhaps the most
logical subdivision is into disorders of either the con-
ceptual system for action (that is, semantic knowledge of
tools and actions), or the action production system (that
is, the actual motor programmes needed to carry out
c Progressive isolated alien limb is very suggestive of
corticobasal degeneration.
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7 Berrios GE. Musical hallucinations. Br J Psych 2005;156:188–94.
cerebrovascular disease. Progressive isolated alien limb is 8 Chan D, Rossor MN. ‘‘—but who is that on the other side of you?’’
essentially pathognomonic of corticobasal degeneration Extracampine hallucinations revisited. Lancet 2002;360:2064–6.
(figs 13–15). 9 Spatt J, Bak T, Bozeat S, et al. Apraxia, mechanical problem solving and
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CONCLUSION 10 Graham NL, Zeman A, Young AW, et al. Dyspraxia in a patient with
To summarise, while memory and language disorders tend to corticobasal degeneration: the role of visual and tactile inputs to action.
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dominate cognitive neurology, it is important to have at least 11 Hodges JR. Cognitive assessment for clinicians. Oxford: Oxford University
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c Disorders of gnosis and praxis may result in either 12 Lhermitte F. Utilisation behaviour and its relation to lesions of the frontal lobes.
Brain 1983;106:237.
pathological loss or pathological gain in function.
13 Lhermitte F. Human autonomy and the frontal lobes. II: Patient behaviour in
c Agnosias may involve any sensory modality, not just complex and social situations—the ‘‘environmental dependency syndrome’’,
vision. Ann Neurol 1986;19:335.