Chapter 7

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In Chapter 6, we presented the critical-section problem and focused on how

race conditions can occur when multiple concurrent processes share data. We
went on to examine several tools that address the critical-section problem by
preventing race conditions from occurring. These tools ranged from low-level
hardware solutions (such as memory barriers and the compare-and-swap
operation) to increasingly higher-level tools (from mutex locks to semaphores
to monitors). We also discussed various challenges in designing applications
that are free from race conditions, including liveness hazards such as
deadlocks. In this chapter, we apply the tools presented in Chapter 6 to several
classic synchronization problems. We also explore the synchronization
mechanisms used by the Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems, and
we describe API details for both Java and POSIX systems.


• Explain the bounded-buffer, readers – writers, and dining – philosophers

synchronization problems.
• Describe specific tools used by Linux and Windows to solve process
synchronization problems.
• Illustrate how POSIX and Java can be used to solve process
synchronization problems.
• Design and develop solutions to process synchronization problems using
POSIX and Java APIs.

7.1 Classic Problems of Synchronization

In this section, we present a number of synchronization problems as examples
of a large class of concurrency-control problems. These problems are used for
testing nearly every newly proposed synchronization scheme. In our solutions
to the problems, we use semaphores for synchronization, since that is the
while (true) {
. . .
/* produce an item in next produced */
. . .
. . .
/* add next produced to the buffer */
. . .

Figure 7.1 The structure of the producer process.

traditional way to present such solutions. However, actual implementations

of these solutions could use mutex locks in place of binary semaphores.

7.1.1 The Bounded-Buffer Problem

The bounded-buffer problem was introduced in Section 6.1; it is commonly used to
illustrate the power of synchronization primitives. Here, we present a general
structure of this scheme without committing ourselves to any particular
implementation. We provide a related programming project in the exercises at
the end of the chapter.
In our problem, the producer and consumer processes share the following
data structures:
int n;
semaphore mutex = 1;
semaphore empty = n;
semaphore full = 0

We assume that the pool consists of n buffers, each capable of holding one item.
The mutex binary semaphore provides mutual exclusion for accesses to the
buffer pool and is initialized to the value 1. The empty and full semaphores
count the number of empty and full buffers. The semaphore empty is initialized
to the value n; the semaphore full is initialized to the value 0.
The code for the producer process is shown in Figure 7.1, and the code
for the consumer process is shown in Figure 7.2. Note the symmetry between
the producer and the consumer. We can interpret this code as the producer
producing full buffers for the consumer or as the consumer producing empty
buffers for the producer.

7.1.2 The Readers– Writers Problem

Suppose that a database is to be shared among several concurrent processes.
Some of these processes may want only to read the database, whereas others
may want to update (that is, read and write) the database. We distinguish
while (true) {
. . .
/* remove an item from buffer to next consumed */
. . .
. . .
/* consume the item in next consumed */
. . .

Figure 7.2 The structure of the consumer process.

between these two types of processes by referring to the former as readers and
to the latter as writers. Obviously, if two readers access the shared data
simultaneously, no adverse effects will result. However, if a writer and some
other process (either a reader or a writer) access the database simultaneously,
chaos may ensue.
To ensure that these difficulties do not arise, we require that the writers
have exclusive access to the shared database while writing to the database. This
synchronization problem is referred to as the readers– writers problem. Since it
was originally stated, it has been used to test nearly every new synchronization
The readers– writers problem has several variations, all involving priori-
ties. The simplest one, referred to as the first readers– writers problem, requires
that no reader be kept waiting unless a writer has already obtained permission
to use the shared object. In other words, no reader should wait for other readers
to finish simply because a writer is waiting. The second readers– writers
problem requires that, once a writer is ready, that writer perform its write as
soon as possible. In other words, if a writer is waiting to access the object, no
new readers may start reading.
A solution to either problem may result in starvation. In the first case,
writers may starve; in the second case, readers may starve. For this reason,
other variants of the problem have been proposed. Next, we present a solution
to the first readers– writers problem. See the bibliographical notes at the end
of the chapter for references describing starvation-free solutions to the second
readers– writers problem.
In the solution to the first readers– writers problem, the reader processes
share the following data structures:
semaphore rw mutex = 1;
semaphore mutex = 1;
int read count = 0;
The b i n a r y s e m a p h o r e s m u t e x and r w mutex are i n i t i a l i z e d to
read count is a counting semaphore initialized to 0. The semaphore rw mutex
while (true) {
wait (rw mutex);
. . .
/* writing is performed */
. . .
signal (rw mutex);

Figure 7.3 The structure of a writer process.

is common to both reader and writer processes. The mutex semaphore is used
to ensure mutual exclusion when the variable read count is updated.
The read count variable keeps track of how many processes are currently
reading the object. The semaphore rw mutex functions as a mutual exclusion
semaphore for the writers. It is also used by the first or last reader that enters
or exits the critical section. It is not used by readers that enter or exit while
other readers are in their critical sections.
The code for a writer process is shown in Figure 7.3; the code for a reader
process is shown in Figure 7.4. Note that, if a writer is in the critical section
and n readers are waiting, then one reader is queued on rw mutex, and n − 1
readers are queued on mutex. Also observe that, when a writer executes signal
(rw mutex), we may resume the execution of either the waiting readers or a
single waiting writer. The selection is made by the scheduler.
The readers– writers’ problem and its solutions have been generalized to
provide reader – writer locks on some systems. Acquiring a reader– writer lock
requires specifying the mode of the lock: either read or write access. When a

while (true) {
read count++;
if (read count == 1)
wait(rw mutex);
. . .
/* reading is performed */
. . .
read count--;
if (read count == 0)
signal(rw mutex);

Figure 7.4 The structure of a reader process.

process wishes only to read shared data, it requests the reader– writer lock
in read mode. A process wishing to modify the shared data must request the
lock in write mode. Multiple processes are permitted to concurrently acquire
a reader– writer lock in read mode, but only one process may acquire the lock
for writing, as exclusive access is required for writers.
Reader – writer locks are most useful in the following situations:

• In applications where it is easy to identify which processes only read

shared data and which processes only write shared data.
• In applications that have more readers than writers. This is because
reader– writer locks generally require more overhead to establish than
semaphores or mutual-exclusion locks. The increased concurrency of
allowing multiple readers compensates for the overhead involved in
setting up the reader– writer lock.

7.1.3 The Dining-Philosophers Problem

Consider five philosophers who spend their lives thinking and eating. The
philosophers share a circular table surrounded by five chairs, each belonging to
one philosopher. In the center of the table is a bowl of rice, and the table is laid
with five single chopsticks (Figure 7.5). When a philosopher thinks, she does
not interact with her colleagues. From time to time, a philosopher gets hungry
and tries to pick up the two chopsticks that are closest to her (the chopsticks
that are between her and her left and right neighbors). A philosopher may pick
up only one chopstick at a time. Obviously, she cannot pick up a chopstick that
is already in the hand of a neighbor. When a hungry philosopher has both her
chopsticks at the same time, she eats without releasing the chopsticks. When
she is finished eating, she puts down both chopsticks and starts thinking again.
The dining-philosophers problem is considered a classic synchronization
problem neither because of its practical importance nor because computer
scientists dislike philosophers but because it is an example of a large class
of concurrency-control problems. It is a simple representation of the need


Figure 7.5 The situation of the dining philosophers.

while (true) {
wait(chopstick[(i+1) % 5]);
. . .
/* eat for a while */
. . .
signal(chopstick[(i+1) % 5]);
. . .
/* think for awhile */
. . .

Figure 7.6 The structure of philosopher i.

to allocate several resources among several processes in a deadlock-free and

starvation-free manner. Semaphore Solution

One simple solution is to represent each chopstick with a semaphore. A
philosopher tries to grab a chopstick by executing a wait() operation on that
semaphore. She releases her chopsticks by executing the signal() operation
on the appropriate semaphores. Thus, the shared data are
semaphore chopstick[5];
where all the elements of chopstick are initialized to 1. The structure of
philosopher i is shown in Figure 7.6.
Although this solution guarantees that no two neighbors are eating
simultaneously, it nevertheless must be rejected because it could create a
deadlock. Suppose that all five philosophers become hungry at the same time
and each grabs her left chopstick. All the elements of chopstick will now be
equal to
0. When each philosopher tries to grab her right chopstick, she will be delayed
Several possible remedies to the deadlock problem are the following:
• Allow at most four philosophers to be sitting simultaneously at the table.
• Allow a philosopher to pick up her chopsticks only if both chopsticks are
available (to do this, she must pick them up in a critical section).
• Use an asymmetric solution— that is, an odd-numbered philosopher picks up
first her left chopstick and then her right chopstick, whereas an even-
numbered philosopher picks up her right chopstick and then her left

In Section 6.7, we present a solution to the dining-philosophers problem

that ensures freedom from deadlocks. Note, however, that any satisfactory
solution to the dining-philosophers problem must guard against the possibility
that one of the philosophers will starve to death. A deadlock-free solution does
not necessarily eliminate the possibility of starvation. Monitor Solution

Next, we illustrate monitor concepts by presenting a deadlock-free solution to
the dining-philosophers problem. This solution imposes the restriction that a
philosopher may pick up her chopsticks only if both of them are available. To
code this solution, we need to distinguish among three states in which we may
find a philosopher. For this purpose, we introduce the following data structure:

enum {THINKING, HUNGRY, EATING} state[5];

Philosopher i can set the variable state[i] = EATING only if her two neigh-
bors are not eating: (state[(i+4) % 5] != EATING) and (state[(i+1) %
5] != EATING).
We also need to declare

condition self[5];

This allows philosopher i to delay herself when she is hungry but is unable to
obtain the chopsticks she needs.
We are now in a position to describe our solution to the dining-
philosophers problem. The distribution of the chopsticks is controlled by
the monitor DiningPhilosophers, whose definition is shown in Figure 7.7.
Each philosopher, before starting to eat, must invoke the operation pickup().
This act may result in the suspension of the philosopher process. After the
successful completion of the operation, the philosopher may eat. Following
this, the philosopher invokes the putdown() operation. Thus, philosopher i
must invoke the operations pickup() and putdown() in the following


It is easy to show that this solution ensures that no two neighbors are
eating simultaneously and that no deadlocks will occur. As we already noted,
however, it is possible for a philosopher to starve to death. We do not present
a solution to this problem but rather leave it as an exercise for you.

7.2 Synchronization within the Kernel

We next describe the synchronization mechanisms provided by the Windows
and Linux operating systems. These two operating systems provide good
examples of different approaches to synchronizing the kernel, and as you will
monitor DiningPhilosophers
enum {THINKING, HUNGRY, EATING} state[5];
condition self[5];
void pickup(int i) {
state[i] = HUNGRY;
if (state[i] != EATING)

void putdown(int i) {
state[i] = THINKING;
test((i + 4) % 5);
test((i + 1) % 5);

void test(int i) {
if ((state[(i + 4) % 5] != EATING) &&
(state[i] == HUNGRY) &&
(state[(i + 1) % 5] != EATING)) {
state[i] = EATING;

initialization code() {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
state[i] = THINKING;

Figure 7.7 A monitor solution to the dining-philosophers problem.

see, the synchronization mechanisms available in these systems differ in subtle

yet significant ways.

7.2.1 Synchronization in Windows

The Windows operating system is a multithreaded kernel that provides sup-
port for real-time applications and multiple processors. When the Windows
kernel accesses a global resource on a single-processor system, it temporarily
masks interrupts for all interrupt handlers that may also access the global
resource. On a multiprocessor system, Windows protects access to global
resources using spinlocks, although the kernel uses spinlocks only to protect
short code segments. Furthermore, for reasons of efficiency, the kernel ensures
that a thread will never be preempted while holding a spinlock.
For thread synchronization outside the kernel, Windows provides
dispatcher objects. Using a dispatcher object, threads synchronize according
to several different mechanisms, including mutex locks, semaphores, events,
and timers. The system protects shared data by requiring a thread to gain
owner- ship of a mutex to access the data and to release ownership when it is
finished. Semaphores behave as described in Section 6.6. Events are similar to
condition variables; that is, they may notify a waiting thread when a desired
condition occurs. Finally, timers are used to notify one (or more than one)
thread that a specified amount of time has expired.
Dispatcher objects may be in either a signaled state or a nonsignaled state.
An object in a signaled state is available, and a thread will not block when
acquiring the object. An object in a nonsignaled state is not available, and a
thread will block when attempting to acquire the object. We illustrate the state
transitions of a mutex lock dispatcher object in Figure 7.8.
A relationship exists between the state of a dispatcher object and the state
of a thread. When a thread blocks on a nonsignaled dispatcher object, its state
changes from ready to waiting, and the thread is placed in a waiting queue for
that object. When the state for the dispatcher object moves to signaled, the
kernel checks whether any threads are waiting on the object. If so, the kernel
moves one thread — or possibly more — from the waiting state to the ready
state, where they can resume executing. The number of threads the kernel
selects from the waiting queue depends on the type of dispatcher object for
which each thread is waiting. The kernel will select only one thread from the
waiting queue for a mutex, since a mutex object may be “owned” by only a
single thread. For an event object, the kernel will select all threads that are
waiting for the event.
We can use a mutex lock as an illustration of dispatcher objects and thread
states. If a thread tries to acquire a mutex dispatcher object that is in a
nonsignaled state, that thread will be suspended and placed in a waiting queue
for the mutex object. When the mutex moves to the signaled state (because
another thread has released the lock on the mutex), the thread waiting at the
front of the queue will be moved from the waiting state to the ready state and
will acquire the mutex lock.
A critical-section object is a user-mode mutex that can often be acquired
and released without kernel intervention. On a multiprocessor system, a
critical-section object first uses a spinlock while waiting for the other thread to
release the object. If it spins too long, the acquiring thread will then allocate a
kernel mutex and yield its CPU. Critical-section objects are particularly efficient
because the kernel mutex is allocated only when there is contention for the
object. In practice, there is very little contention, so the savings are significant.

owner thread releases mutex lock

thread acquires mutex lock

Figure 7.8 Mutex dispatcher object.

We provide a programming project at the end of this chapter that uses
mutex locks and semaphores in the Windows API.

7.2.2 Synchronization in Linux

Prior to Version 2.6, Linux was a nonpreemptive kernel, meaning that a process
running in kernel mode could not be preempted— even if a higher-priority
process became available to run. Now, however, the Linux kernel is fully
preemptive, so a task can be preempted when it is running in the kernel.
Linux provides several different mechanisms for synchronization in
the kernel. As most computer architectures provide instructions for atomic
versions of simple math operations, the simplest synchronization technique
within the Linux kernel is an atomic integer, which is represented using the
opaque data type atomic t. As the name implies, all math operations using
atomic integers are performed without interruption. To illustrate, consider a
program that consists of an atomic integer counter and an integer value.

atomic t counter;
int value;

The following code illustrates the effect of performing various atomic opera-
Atomic Operation Effect
atomic set(&counter,5); counter = 5
atomic add(10,&counter); counter = counter + 10
atomic sub(4,&counter); counter = counter - 4
atomic inc(&counter); counter = counter + 1
value = atomic read(&counter); value = 12

Atomic integers are particularly efficient in situations where an integer

variable— such as a counter— needs to be updated, since atomic operations do not
require the overhead of locking mechanisms. However, their use is limited to
these sorts of scenarios. In situations where there are several variables
contributing to a possible race condition, more sophisticated locking tools must
be used.
Mutex locks are available in Linux for protecting critical sections within the
kernel. Here, a task must invoke the mutex lock() function prior to entering
a critical section and the mutex unlock() function after exiting the critical
section. If the mutex lock is unavailable, a task calling mutex lock() is put into
a sleep state and is awakened when the lock’s owner invokes mutex unlock().
Linux also provides spinlocks and semaphores (as well as reader– writer
versions of these two locks) for locking in the kernel. On SMP machines, the
fundamental locking mechanism is a spinlock, and the kernel is designed so
that the spinlock is held only for short durations. On single-processor
machines, such as embedded systems with only a single processing core,
spinlocks are inappropriate for use and are replaced by enabling and
disabling kernel pre- emption. That is, on systems with a single processing
core, rather than holding a spinlock, the kernel disables kernel preemption; and
rather than releasing the
spinlock, it enables kernel preemption. This is summarized below:
Single Processor Multiple Processors

Disable kernel preemption Acquire spin lock

Enable kernel preemption Release spin lock

In the Linux kernel, both spinlocks and mutex locks are nonrecursive,
which means that if a thread has acquired one of these locks, it cannot acquire
the same lock a second time without first releasing the lock. Otherwise, the
second attempt at acquiring the lock will block.
Linux uses an interesting approach to disable and enable kernel
preemption. It provides two simple system calls— preempt disable()
and preempt enable()— for disabling and enabling kernel preemption. The
kernel is not preemptible, however, if a task running in the kernel is holding
a lock. To enforce this rule, each task in the system has a thread-info
structure contain- ing a counter, preempt count, to indicate the number of
locks being held by the task. When a lock is acquired, preempt count is
incremented. It is decremented when a lock is released. If the value of
preempt count for the task currently running in the kernel is greater than 0, it is
not safe to preempt the kernel, as this task currently holds a lock. If the count is
0, the kernel can safely be interrupted (assuming there are no outstanding
calls to preempt disable()).
Spinlocks— along with enabling and disabling kernel preemption— are
used in the kernel only when a lock (or disabling kernel preemption) is held
for a short duration. When a lock must be held for a longer period, semaphores
or mutex locks are appropriate for use.

7.3 POSIX Synchronization

The synchronization methods discussed in the preceding section pertain to
synchronization within the kernel and are therefore available only to kernel
developers. In contrast, the POSIX API is available for programmers at the user
level and is not part of any particular operating-system kernel. (Of course, it
must ultimately be implemented using tools provided by the host operating
In this section, we cover mutex locks, semaphores, and condition variables
that are available in the Pthreads and POSIX APIs. These APIs are widely used
for thread creation and synchronization by developers on UNIX, Linux, and
macOS systems.

7.3.1 POSIX Mutex Locks

Mutex locks represent the fundamental synchronization technique used with
Pthreads. A mutex lock is used to protect critical sections of code — that is, a
thread acquires the lock before entering a critical section and releases it upon
exiting the critical section. Pthreads uses the pthread mutex t data type for
mutex locks. A mutex is created with the pthread mutex init() function. The
first parameter is a pointer to the mutex. By passing NULL as a second
parameter, we initialize the mutex to its default attributes. This is illustrated
#include <pthread.h>

pthread mutex t mutex;

/* create and initialize the mutex lock */

pthread mutex init(&mutex,NULL);

The mutex is acquired and released with the pthread mutex lock() and
pthread mutex unlock() functions. If the mutex lock is unavailable when
pthread mutex lock() is invoked, the calling thread is blocked until the
owner invokes pthread mutex unlock(). The following code illustrates
protecting a critical section with mutex locks:

/* acquire the mutex lock */

pthread mutex lock(&mutex);

/* critical section */

/* release the mutex lock */

pthread mutex unlock(&mutex);

All mutex functions return a value of 0 with correct operation; if an error occurs,
these functions return a nonzero error code.

7.3.2 POSIX Semaphores

Many systems that implement Pthreads also provide semaphores, although
semaphores are not part of the POSIX standard and instead belong to the POSIX
SEM extension. POSIX specifies two types of semaphores— named and
unnamed. Fundamentally, the two are quite similar, but they differ in terms of
how they are created and shared between processes. Because both techniques
are common, we discuss both here. Beginning with Version 2.6 of the kernel,
Linux systems provide support for both named and unnamed semaphores. POSIX Named Semaphores

The function sem open() is used to create and open a POSIX named sempahore:

#include <semaphore.h>
sem t *sem;
/* Create the semaphore and initialize it to 1 */
sem = sem open("SEM", O CREAT, 0666, 1);
In this instance, we are naming the semaphore SEM. The O CREAT flag indicates
that the semaphore will be created if it does not already exist. Additionally, the
semaphore has read and write access for other processes (via the parameter
0666) and is initialized to 1.
The advantage of named semaphores is that multiple unrelated processes
can easily use a common semaphore as a synchronization mechanism by
simply referring to the semaphore’s name. In the example above, once the
semaphore SEM has been created, subsequent calls to sem open() (with the
same parameters) by other processes return a descriptor to the existing
In Section 6.6, we described the classic wait() and signal() semaphore
operations. POSIX declares these operations sem wait() and sem post(),
respectively. The following code sample illustrates protecting a critical section
using the named semaphore created above:

/* acquire the semaphore */

sem wait(sem);

/* critical section */

/* release the semaphore */

sem post(sem);
Both Linux and macOS systems provide POSIX named semaphores. POSIX Unnamed Semaphores

An unnamed semaphore is created and initialized using the sem init()
function, which is passed three parameters:

1. A pointer to the semaphore

2. A flag indicating the level of sharing
3. The semaphore’s initial value

and is illustrated in the following programming example:

#include <semaphore.h>
sem t sem;

/* Create the semaphore and initialize it to 1 */

sem init(&sem, 0, 1);

In this example, by passing the flag 0, we are indicating that this semaphore can
be shared only by threads belonging to the process that created the semaphore.
(If we supplied a nonzero value, we could allow the semaphore to be shared
between separate processes by placing it in a region of shared memory.) In
addition, we initialize the semaphore to the value 1.
POSIX unnamed semaphores use the same sem wait() and sem post()
operations as named semaphores. The following code sample illustrates
protecting a critical section using the unnamed semaphore created above:
/* acquire the semaphore */
sem wait(&sem);

/* critical section */

/* release the semaphore */

sem post(&sem);
Just like mutex locks, all semaphore functions return 0 when successful and
nonzero when an error condition occurs.

7.3.3 POSIX Condition Variables

Condition variables in Pthreads behave similarly to those described in Section
6.7. However, in that section, condition variables are used within the context
of a monitor, which provides a locking mechanism to ensure data integrity.
Since Pthreads is typically used in C programs— and since C does not have a
monitor — we accomplish locking by associating a condition variable with a
mutex lock.
Condition variables in Pthreads use the pthread cond t data type and
are initialized using the pthread cond init() function. The following code
creates and initializes a condition variable as well as its associated mutex lock:
pthread mutex t mutex;
pthread cond t cond var;

pthread mutex init(&mutex,NULL);

pthread cond init(&cond var,NULL);

The pthread cond wait() function is used for waiting on a condition

variable. The following code illustrates how a thread can wait for the condition
a == b to become true using a Pthread condition variable:

pthread mutex lock(&mutex);

while (a != b)
pthread cond wait(&cond var, &mutex);

pthread mutex unlock(&mutex);

The mutex lock associated with the condition variable must be locked
before the pthread cond wait() function is called, since it is used to protect the
data in the conditional clause from a possible race condition. Once this lock is
acquired, the thread can check the condition. If the condition is not true, the
thread then invokes pthread cond wait(), passing the mutex lock and the
condition variable as parameters. Calling pthread cond wait() releases the
mutex lock, thereby allowing another thread to access the shared data and
possibly update its value so that the condition clause evaluates to true. (To
protect against program errors, it is important to place the conditional clause
within a loop so that the condition is rechecked after being signaled.)
Athread that modifies the shared data can invoke the pthread cond signal()
function, thereby signaling one thread waiting on the condition variable. This
is illustrated below:
pthread mutex lock(&mutex);
a = b;
pthread cond signal(&cond var);
pthread mutex unlock(&mutex);
It is important to note that the call to pthread cond signal() does not
release the mutex lock. It is the subsequent call to pthread mutex unlock()
that releases the mutex. Once the mutex lock is released, the signaled thread
becomes the owner of the mutex lock and returns control from the call to
pthread cond wait().
We provide several programming problems and projects at the end of this
chapter that use Pthreads mutex locks and condition variables, as well as POSIX

7.4 Synchronization in Java

The Java language and its API have provided rich support for thread
synchronization since the origins of the language. In this section, we first cover
Java monitors, Java’s original synchronization mechanism. We then cover three
additional mechanisms that were introduced in Release 1.5: reentrant locks,
semaphores, and condition variables. We include these because they represent
the most common locking and synchronization mechanisms. However, the
Java API provides many features that we do not cover in this text— for exam-
ple, support for atomic variables and the CAS instruction — and we encourage
interested readers to consult the bibliography for more information.

7.4.1 Java Monitors

Java provides a monitor-like concurrency mechanism for thread
synchronization. We illustrate this mechanism with the BoundedBuffer class
(Figure 7.9), which implements a solution to the bounded-buffer problem
wherein the producer and consumer invoke the insert() and remove()
methods, respectively.
Every object in Java has associated with it a single lock. When a method is
declared to be synchronized, calling the method requires owning the lock for
the object. We declare a synchronized method by placing the synchronized
keyword in the method definition, such as with the insert() and remove()
methods in the BoundedBuffer class.
Invoking a synchronized method requires owning the lock on an object
instance of BoundedBuffer. If the lock is already owned by another thread,
the thread calling the synchronized method blocks and is placed in the entry
set for the object’s lock. The entry set represents the set of threads waiting for
the lock to become available. If the lock is available when a synchronized
method is called, the calling thread becomes the owner of the object’s lock and
can enter the method. The lock is released when the thread exits the method.
If the entry set for the lock is not empty when the lock is released, the JVM
public class BoundedBuffer<E>
private static final int BUFFER SIZE = 5;
private int count, in, out;
private E[] buffer;

public BoundedBuffer() {
count = 0;
in = 0;
out = 0;
buffer = (E[]) new Object[BUFFER SIZE];

/* Producers call this method */

public synchronized void insert(E item) {
/* See Figure 7.11 */

/* Consumers call this method */

public synchronized E remove() {
/* See Figure 7.11 */

Figure 7.9 Bounded buffer using Java synchronization.

arbitrarily selects a thread from this set to be the owner of the lock. (When we
say “arbitrarily,” we mean that the specification does not require that threads in
this set be organized in any particular order. However, in practice, most virtual
machines order threads in the entry set according to a FIFO policy.) Figure 7.10
illustrates how the entry set operates.
In addition to having a lock, every object also has associated with it a wait
set consisting of a set of threads. This wait set is initially empty. When a thread
enters a synchronized method, it owns the lock for the object. However, this
thread may determine that it is unable to continue because a certain condition

acquire lock


entry set

Figure 7.10 Entry set for a lock.


The amount of time between when a lock is acquired and when it is released
is defined as the scope of the lock. A synchronized method that has only
a small percentage of its code manipulating shared data may yield a scope
that is too large. In such an instance, it may be better to synchronize only
the block of code that manipulates shared data than to synchronize the entire
method. Such a design results in a smaller lock scope. Thus, in addition to
declaring synchronized methods, Java also allows block synchronization,
as illustrated below. Only the access to the critical-section code requires
ownership of the object lock for the this object.
public void someMethod() {
/* non-critical section */

synchronized(this) {
/* critical section */

/* remainder section */

has not been met. That will happen, for example, if the producer calls the
insert() method and the buffer is full. The thread then will release the lock
and wait until the condition that will allow it to continue is met.
When a thread calls the wait() method, the following happens:

1. The thread releases the lock for the object.

2. The state of the thread is set to blocked.
3. The thread is placed in the wait set for the object.

Consider the example in Figure 7.11. If the producer calls the insert()
method and sees that the buffer is full, it calls the wait() method. This call
releases the lock, blocks the producer, and puts the producer in the wait set for
the object. Because the producer has released the lock, the consumer ultimately
enters the remove() method, where it frees space in the buffer for the producer.
Figure 7.12 illustrates the entry and wait sets for a lock. (Note that although
wait() can throw an InterruptedException, we choose to ignore it for code
clarity and simplicity.)
How does the consumer thread signal that the producer may now proceed?
Ordinarily, when a thread exits a synchronized method, the departing thread
releases only the lock associated with the object, possibly removing a thread
from the entry set and giving it ownership of the lock. However, at the end of
the insert() and remove() methods, we have a call to the method notify().
The call to notify():

1. Picks an arbitrary thread T from the list of threads in the wait set
/* Producers call this method */
public synchronized void insert(E item) {
while (count == BUFFER SIZE) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException ie) { }

buffer[in] = item;
in = (in + 1) % BUFFER SIZE;

/* Consumers call this method */

public synchronized E remove() {
E item;

while (count == 0) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException ie) { }

item = buffer[out];
out = (out + 1) % BUFFER SIZE;


return item;

Figure 7.11 insert() and remove() methods using wait() and notify().

2. Moves T from the wait set to the entry set

3. Sets the state of T from blocked to runnable

T is now eligible to compete for the lock with the other threads. Once T has
regained control of the lock, it returns from calling wait(), where it may
check the value of count again. (Again, the selection of an arbitrary thread
is according to the Java specification; in practice, most Java virtual machines
order threads in the wait set according to a FIFO policy.)
acquire lock wait


entry set wait set

Figure 7.12 Entry and wait sets.

Next, we describe the wait() and notify() methods in terms of the

methods shown in Figure 7.11. We assume that the buffer is full and the lock
for the object is available.

• The producer calls the insert() method, sees that the lock is available,
and enters the method. Once in the method, the producer determines that
the buffer is full and calls wait(). The call to wait() releases the lock for
the object, sets the state of the producer to blocked, and puts the producer
in the wait set for the object.
• The consumer ultimately calls and enters the remove() method, as the
lock for the object is now available. The consumer removes an item from
the buffer and calls notify(). Note that the consumer still owns the lock
for the object.
• The call to notify() removes the producer from the wait set for the object,
moves the producer to the entry set, and sets the producer’s state to
• The consumer exits the remove() method. Exiting this method releases the
lock for the object.
• The producer tries to reacquire the lock and is successful. It resumes execution
from the call to wait(). The producer tests the while loop, determines that
room is available in the buffer, and proceeds with the remainder of the
insert() method. If no thread is in the wait set for the object, the call to
notify() is ignored. When the producer exits the method, it releases the
lock for the object.

The synchronized, wait(), and notify() mechanisms have been part of

Java since its origins. However, later revisions of the Java API introduced much
more flexible and robust locking mechanisms, some of which we examine in
the following sections.

7.4.2 Reentrant Locks

Perhaps the simplest locking mechanism available in the API is the Reentrant-
Lock. In many ways, a ReentrantLock acts like the synchronized statement
described in Section 7.4.1: a ReentrantLock is owned by a single thread and is
used to provide mutually exclusive access to a shared resource. However, the
ReentrantLock provides several additional features, such as setting a fairness
parameter, which favors granting the lock to the longest-waiting thread. (Recall
that the specification for the JVM does not indicate that threads in the wait set
for an object lock are to be ordered in any specific fashion.)
A thread acquires a ReentrantLock lock by invoking its lock() method.
If the lock is available — or if the thread invoking lock() already owns it,
which is why it is termed reentrant — lock() assigns the invoking thread
lock ownership and returns control. If the lock is unavailable, the invoking
thread blocks until it is ultimately assigned the lock when its owner invokes
unlock(). ReentrantLock implements the Lock interface; it is used as follows:
Lock key = new ReentrantLock();

try {
/* critical section */
finally {

The programming idiom of using try and finally requires a bit of

explanation. If the lock is acquired via the lock() method, it is important that
the lock be similarly released. By enclosing unlock() in a finally clause,
we ensure that the lock is released once the critical section completes or if an
exception occurs within the try block. Notice that we do not place the call to
lock() within the try clause, as lock() does not throw any checked exceptions.
Con- sider what happens if we place lock() within the try clause and an
unchecked exception occurs when lock() is invoked (such as
OutofMemoryError): The finally clause triggers the call to unlock(), which then
throws the unchecked IllegalMonitorStateException, as the lock was
never acquired. This Ille- galMonitorStateException replaces the
unchecked exception that occurred when lock() was invoked, thereby
obscuring the reason why the program initially failed.
Whereas a ReentrantLock provides mutual exclusion, it may be too
conservative a strategy if multiple threads only read, but do not write, shared
data. (We described this scenario in Section 7.1.2.) To address this need, the
Java API also provides a ReentrantReadWriteLock, which is a lock that allows
multiple concurrent readers but only one writer.

7.4.3 Semaphores
The Java API also provides a counting semaphore, as described in Section 6.6.
The constructor for the semaphore appears as
Semaphore(int value);

where value specifies the initial value of the semaphore (a negative value
is allowed). The acquire() method throws an InterruptedException if the
acquiring thread is interrupted. The following example illustrates using a
semaphore for mutual exclusion:
Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(1);

try {
/* critical section */
catch (InterruptedException ie) { }
finally {
Notice that we place the call to release() in the finally clause to ensure that
the semaphore is released.

7.4.4 Condition Variables

The last utility we cover in the Java API is the condition variable. Just as
the ReentrantLock is similar to Java’s synchronized statement, condition
variables provide functionality similar to the wait() and notify() methods.
Therefore, to provide mutual exclusion, a condition variable must be associated
with a reentrant lock.
We create a condition variable by first creating a ReentrantLock and
invoking its newCondition() method, which returns a Condition object rep-
resenting the condition variable for the associated ReentrantLock. This is
illustrated in the following statements:
Lock key = new ReentrantLock();
Condition condVar = key.newCondition();
Once the condition variable has been obtained, we can invoke its await()
and signal() methods, which function in the same way as the wait() and
signal() commands described in Section 6.7.
Recall that with monitors as described in Section 6.7, the wait() and
signal() operations can be applied to named condition variables, allowing a
thread to wait for a specific condition or to be notified when a specific condition
has been met. At the language level, Java does not provide support for named
condition variables. Each Java monitor is associated with just one unnamed
condition variable, and the wait() and notify() operations described in
Section 7.4.1 apply only to this single condition variable. When a Java thread is
awakened via notify(), it receives no information as to why it was awakened;
it is up to the reactivated thread to check for itself whether the condition
for which it was waiting has been met. Condition variables remedy this by
allowing a specific thread to be notified.
We illustrate with the following example: Suppose we have five threads,
numbered 0 through 4, and a shared variable turn indicating which thread’s
turn it is. When a thread wishes to do work, it calls the doWork() method
in Figure 7.13, passing its thread number. Only the thread whose value of
threadNumber matches the value of turn can proceed; other threads must wait
their turn.
/* threadNumber is the thread that wishes to do some work */
public void doWork(int threadNumber)

try {
* If it’s not my turn, then wait
* until I’m signaled.
if (threadNumber != turn)

* Do some work for awhile ...
* Now signal to the next thread.
turn = (turn + 1) % 5;
catch (InterruptedException ie) { }
finally {

Figure 7.13 Example using Java condition variables.

We also must create a ReentrantLock and five condition variables

(representing the conditions the threads are waiting for) to signal the thread
whose turn is next. This is shown below:
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Condition[] condVars = new Condition[5];

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

condVars[i] = lock.newCondition();
When a thread enters doWork(), it invokes the await() method on its
associated condition variable if its threadNumber is not equal to turn, only
to resume when it is signaled by another thread. After a thread has completed
its work, it signals the condition variable associated with the thread whose turn
It is important to note that doWork() does not need to be declared
synchronized, as the ReentrantLock provides mutual exclusion. When a
invokes await() on the condition variable, it releases the associated
ReentrantLock, allowing another thread to acquire the mutual exclusion
lock. Similarly, when signal() is invoked, only the condition variable is
signaled; the lock is released by invoking unlock().

7.5 Alternative Approaches

With the emergence of multicore systems has come increased pressure to
develop concurrent applications that take advantage of multiple processing
cores. However, concurrent applications present an increased risk of race
conditions and liveness hazards such as deadlock. Traditionally, techniques
such as mutex locks, semaphores, and monitors have been used to address
these issues, but as the number of processing cores increases, it becomes
increasingly difficult to design multithreaded applications that are free from race
conditions and deadlock. In this section, we explore various features provided
in both programming languages and hardware that support the design of
thread-safe concurrent applications.

7.5.1 Transactional Memory

Quite often in computer science, ideas from one area of study can be used
to solve problems in other areas. The concept of transactional memory
originated in database theory, for example, yet it provides a strategy for
process synchronization. A memory transaction is a sequence of memory
read– write operations that are atomic. If all operations in a transaction are
completed, the memory transaction is committed. Otherwise, the operations
must be aborted and rolled back. The benefits of transactional memory can be
obtained through features added to a programming language.
Consider an example. Suppose we have a function update() that modifies
shared data. Traditionally, this function would be written using mutex locks (or
semaphores) such as the following:
void update ()
/* modify shared data */

However, using synchronization mechanisms such as mutex locks and
semaphores involves many potential problems, including deadlock.
Additionally, as the number of threads increases, traditional locking doesn’t
scale as well, because the level of contention among threads for lock ownership
becomes very high.
As an alternative to traditional locking methods, new features that take
advantage of transactional memory can be added to a programming language.
In our example, suppose we add the construct atomic{S}, which ensures that
the operations in S execute as a transaction. This allows us to rewrite the
update() function as follows:
void update ()
atomic {
/* modify shared data */

The advantage of using such a mechanism rather than locks is that the
transactional memory system— not the developer— is responsible for
guaranteeing atomicity. Additionally, because no locks are involved, deadlock
is not possible. Furthermore, a transactional memory system can identify
which statements in atomic blocks can be executed concurrently, such as
concurrent read access to a shared variable. It is, of course, possible for a
programmer to identify these situations and use reader– writer locks, but the
task becomes increasingly difficult as the number of threads within an
application grows.
Transactional memory can be implemented in either software or hardware.
Software transactional memory (STM), as the name suggests, implements
transactional memory exclusively in software— no special hardware is needed.
STM works by inserting instrumentation code inside transaction blocks. The
code is inserted by a compiler and manages each transaction by examining
where statements may run concurrently and where specific low-level locking is
required. Hardware transactional memory (HTM) uses hardware cache
hierarchies and cache coherency protocols to manage and resolve conflicts
involving shared data residing in separate processors’ caches. HTM requires
no special code instrumentation and thus has less overhead than STM.
However, HTM does require that existing cache hierarchies and cache
coherency protocols be modified to support transactional memory.
Transactional memory has existed for several years without widespread
implementation. However, the growth of multicore systems and the
associated emphasis on concurrent and parallel programming have prompted
a significant amount of research in this area on the part of both academics and
commercial software and hardware vendors.

7.5.2 OpenMP
In Section 4.5.2, we provided an overview of OpenMP and its support of parallel
programming in a shared-memory environment. Recall that OpenMP includes
a set of compiler directives and an API. Any code following the compiler
directive #pragma omp parallel is identified as a parallel region and is
performed by a number of threads equal to the number of processing cores in
the system. The advantage of OpenMP (and similar tools) is that thread creation
and management are handled by the OpenMP library and are not the
responsibility of application developers.
Along with its #pragma omp parallel compiler directive, OpenMP pro-
vides the compiler directive #pragma omp critical, which specifies the code
region following the directive as a critical section in which only one thread may
be active at a time. In this way, OpenMP provides support for ensuring that
threads do not generate race conditions.
As an example of the use of the critical-section compiler directive, first
assume that the shared variable counter can be modified in the update()
function as follows:
void update(int value)
counter += value;
If the update() function can be part of— or invoked from — a parallel region,
a race condition is possible on the variable counter.
The critical-section compiler directive can be used to remedy this race
condition and is coded as follows:
void update(int value)
#pragma omp critical
counter += value;
The critical-section compiler directive behaves much like a binary semaphore
or mutex lock, ensuring that only one thread at a time is active in the critical
section. If a thread attempts to enter a critical section when another thread is
currently active in that section (that is, owns the section), the calling thread is
blocked until the owner thread exits. If multiple critical sections must be used,
each critical section can be assigned a separate name, and a rule can specify
that no more than one thread may be active in a critical section of the same
name simultaneously.
An advantage of using the critical-section compiler directive in OpenMP is
that it is generally considered easier to use than standard mutex locks.
However, a disadvantage is that application developers must still identify
possible race conditions and adequately protect shared data using the compiler
directive. Additionally, because the critical-section compiler directive behaves
much like a mutex lock, deadlock is still possible when two or more critical
sections are identified.

7.5.3 Functional Programming Languages

Most well-known programming languages— such as C, C++, Java, and C#—
are known as imperative (or procedural) languages. Imperative languages are
used for implementing algorithms that are state-based. In these languages, the
flow of the algorithm is crucial to its correct operation, and state is represented
with variables and other data structures. Of course, program state is mutable,
as variables may be assigned different values over time.
With the current emphasis on concurrent and parallel programming for
multicore systems, there has been greater focus on functional programming
languages, which follow a programming paradigm much different from that
offered by imperative languages. The fundamental difference between
imperative and functional languages is that functional languages do not
maintain state. That is, once a variable has been defined and assigned a value,
its value
is immutable — it cannot change. Because functional languages disallow mutable state,
they need not be concerned with issues such as race conditions and deadlocks.
Essentially, most of the problems addressed in this chapter are nonexistent in
functional languages.
Several functional languages are presently in use, and we briefly mention two of
them here: Erlang and Scala. The Erlang language has gained significant attention
because of its support for concurrency and the ease with which it can be used to
develop applications that run on parallel systems. Scala is a functional language that
is also object-oriented. In fact, much of the syntax of Scala is similar to the popular
object-oriented languages Java and C#. Readers interested in Erlang and Scala, and in
further details about functional languages in general, are encouraged to consult the
bibliography at the end of this chapter for additional references.

7.6 Summary

• Classic problems of process synchronization include the bounded-buffer,

readers– writers, and dining-philosophers problems. Solutions to these
problems can be developed using the tools presented in Chapter 6, includ- ing
mutex locks, semaphores, monitors, and condition variables.
• Windows uses dispatcher objects as well as events to implement process
synchronization tools.
• Linux uses a variety of approaches to protect against race conditions, including
atomic variables, spinlocks, and mutex locks.
• The POSIX API provides mutex locks, semaphores, and condition variables. POSIX
provides two forms of semaphores: named and unnamed. Several unrelated
processes can easily access the same named semaphore by sim- ply referring to
its name. Unnamed semaphores cannot be shared as easily, and require placing
the semaphore in a region of shared memory.
• Java has a rich library and API for synchronization. Available tools include
monitors (which are provided at the language level) as well as reentrant locks,
semaphores, and condition variables (which are supported by the API).
• Alternative approaches to solving the critical-section problem include
transactional memory, OpenMP, and functional languages. Functional languages
are particularly intriguing, as they offer a different programming paradigm from
procedural languages. Unlike procedural languages, functional languages do not
maintain state and therefore are generally immune from race conditions and
critical sections.

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