Forum 8

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1. Why does planning need to be rational and comprehensive?

Planning by all means are important as it serves as the backbone of your goals that you
want to achieve and it allows you to use more efficient of time and other resources. It
should be rational and at the same time comprehensive to verify, define, and detail the
problem in order to come up with common goals and objectives. In this way, you will
have to follow a framework of how public policy decisions are taken based on a scientific
or rational approach in problem solving. In the video uploaded by MeanThat (2014),
there are 9-step structured approaches that involves identifying and comparing all
possible options or approaches to solving the problem under study. The first one is
Terms of Reference/Brief, second is Environmental Appraisal, third is Mission/Goals,
fourth is Consult with stakeholders, fifth is Develop Options, sixth is Evaluate Options
and Decide Strategies, seventh is Implement-Manage, eight is Monitor/Evaluate, and the
last one is Feedback.

2. What is the role of research in planning?

Doing research is important in all fields of study to support the right kind of analysis
most especially in planning purposes. It’s primary role in planning is to gather
information to describe and understand a situation, check assumptions about groups of
people and perceptions to determine the public relations consequences and define what
the problem is to draw valid and trustworthy conclusions of your study.

3. What are the issues associated with a lack of information?

Having less knowledge and information on what you are planning to do is just like not
having a plan at all. This problem may result to some issues that will greatly affect the
planning process on what you are intend to do especially when you are conducting a
research. In having a research, you should be informative enough to know the study you
are in to or else, it will result to failure. Based on personal experiences, as much as
possible you need to explore beyond the topic and study other related studies to come up
a comprehensive research and results.

4. What will be the use of my study for planning purposes?

This study will be surely useful in my planning purposes as the Zoning Officer in our
LGU. Being a zoning officer, strategic planning is essential since I will be dealing a lot of
inspection of premises and properties making it sure that it is conforming to the zoning
ordinance of the city. Being also a zoning officers, I must be knowledgeable and good in
planning and all its applicable laws and regulations to ensure that the city's plans and
projects are in line with the land uses of the city and that there are no probable issues with
land use planning.

Krizek, K., Forsyth, A., & Slotterback, C. (2009, December). Is There a Role for Evidence-
Based Practice in Urban Planning and Policy? Planning Theory & Practice, 10(4), 459-478.
Retrieved from

Ann Forsyth (2007): Innovation in Urban Design: Does Research Help?, Journal of Urban
Design, 12:3, 461-473.

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