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In Use: Read The Text Below and Think of The Word Which Best Fits Each Space. Use Only One Word in Each Space

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in Use

13 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space.
The study of taxi drivers is a study (0) of contrasts. Within this group we find the two extremes of human
nature - the polite and sociable, and the downright rude. (1) .............................. is not to say that taxi drivers
can't fall into that broad spectrum that lies in between, but it is the extremes that (2) ........................................
to be the most common (or at least the most memorable). We have all (3) .................................... a ride with
the driver who acknowledges our presence with a cursory nod and a flick of the meter switch and who responds
(4) ................................. our timid questions with nothing (5) ............................... grunts. The really unlucky
passengers find (6) .............................................. travelling round and round in acute embarrassment
(7) .................................... been told in no uncertain terms that it is their fault that the driver has no clue where
they are going. Of course, these people are (8) ................................................. to feel suitably guilty despite
never having (9) .................................. foot in the city before.
On the other hand, we have the non-stop friendly talker who assails you with irrelevant chit-chat before you
have (10) ................ .................... managed to close the door. The conversation includes every topic
(11) .................................... the sun and by the end of the journey, you are suitably prepared to write the next
edition of the "Encyclopaedia Britannica". (12) ................................... drivers succeed in telling you all about
their family life (13) .................................. trying to learn your entire life history at the same time.
Whichever type of taxi driver you find yourself with, there is (14) .......................... doubt that you will reach
your destination emotionally exhausted - but can you think of a (15) .................................. interesting way to

PHRRSRL UERBS 1 2 These magazines must be read in the library. You

can't take them ........................... .
take aback: surprise 3 The secretary took ............................... the list of
take after: look/be like a relative titles as her boss read them out.
take against: dislike sb 4 We were so taken ................................ by his
take away: remove decision to resign that we didn't know what to say.
take back: withdraw a statement or comment 5 I'll never forgive you if you don't take .................. .
what you said about me.
take down: 1) write down
2) remove sth from a high place 6 Since his retirement, he has taken ...................... ..
to fill up some of his spare time.
take sb for: mistake sb/ sth for sb/ sth else
7 She seems to have taken ...................................
take in: 1) deceive
me, as if I had offended her somehow.
2) allow sb to stay in one's home
8 Nobody was taken ........................... by his story,
3) understand
4) make clothes smaller although it seemed convincing at first.
9 You have to take ........................... these curtains.
take up: 1) begin a hobby, sport etc.
They look very dirty.
2) occupy space
10 If you take this skirt ............................... a little, it
should fit you perfectly. It's too big for you now.
11 She is always being taken ................................. ..
14 Fill in the correct preposition or adverb. Elizabeth Taylor, even though she doesn't look that
much like her.
o She takes after her father: she has the same 12 When they discovered that the child was an
gestures and mannerisms. orphan, they offered to take him ........................ .
His lecture was so complicated that I only took 13 That desk is so big that it takes ........................... ..
........................... a few words of what he sa id. most of his office.

take off: 1) remove (clothing) go back on one's word: not fulfil a promise (opp.
2) leave the ground (of aeroplanes keep one's word)
etc) have words with sb: have an argument
3) imitate sb in a comic way
4) begin to succeed (of plans, ideas, make one's day: make sb very happy
etc) in deep water: in trouble/difficulty
take on: 1) undertake sth an old wives' tale: false belief (usu about health)
2) employ staff
have/keep one's wits
3) accept sb as an opponent
about one: be alert and able to deal
take out: 1) extract, remove with difficulties
2) accompany sb to a theatre, etc
the year dot: a long time ago
take over: take control of sth esp in place of
sb else be born yesterday: be easily deceived/naive

take to: 1) find agreeable/like not have it both ways: refuse to make a decision
2) begin a habit between two pleasant things
3) escape to/hide in (usu in expression "You can't
have it both ways!")
take up with: become involved in (usu derog)

15 Fill in the correct preposition(s) or adverb.

o She took the cover off the sofa and had it cleaned. 16 Fill in the correct idiom/fixed phrase.
1 The amateur boxer was apprehensive about taking
She ....................................................... when
........................... such an experienced fighter.
she saw the fire in the kitchen; instead of panicking,
2 I don't think he'll take ............................. the new
she went out and phoned the fire brigade.
project unless we offer him more money.
2 She is forever making promises and then ........... .
3 He has taken ........................... drinking cocoa at
night to help him sleep.
3 Unless you can explain where you got the money, I'm
4 You'd better take this paragraph ......................... .
afraid you'll find yourself ................................... .
as it weakens your argument.
S Their plane was due to to take ......................... at
.4 You can't . ........................................................ .
10 pm but it was delayed because of fog.
- either take the well-paid job or keep the job you
6 He's such an aggressive person that nobody really
enjoy doing.
takes .......................... him.
5 I don't believe you're a millionaire. I ................. .
7 Their daughter has taken ........................ a group of
. ..................................................... , you know.
friends who have no intention of ever finding work.
6 I think the idea that you can cure colds by eating
S Mark was sent home from school because he was
onions is just ................................................. .
seen taking .......................... the headmaster.
7 My mother ..................................................... .
9 Mr Johnson's son is going to take ........................ .
the cleaner today as she is always breaking the
as chairman of the board.
10 After a slow start, their new line of cosmetics has
8 She ............................................................... .
begun to take .......................... .
when she accepted his proposal; it was the
11 They've decided to take .......................... at least
happiest day of his life.
twenty new sales people this year.
9 It looks as if this house hasn't been decorated since
12 The rebels took ............................ the mountains
after their leader had been captured.
It will have to be done up completely before we
13 He promised to take me ............................. for
move in.
dinner on Friday evening.
English in Use

IDIO"S/FIXED PHRASES 2 7 Ecologists want to protect the ............................ .

(COLOUR IDIO"S) ..................... of the town from being developed.
8 Ruth wanted to help protect the environment so she
the black sheep of the family: a disgraced family
insisted on buying ............................. household
cleaning products.
red herring: sth which distracts you
9 Brian wore his dinner jacket to the reception as it
from sth important
was a ............................................... occasion.
green belt: the area on the 10 It was a case of .............................................. ..
outskirts of the town
................................ when Jack sa id I was lazy.
adjoining the country
11 The boys accused him of having ....................... .
the pot calling the kettle black: accusing sb of a fault ......................................... because he wouldn't
one has oneself
enter the derelict house.
in the red: owe money to a bank 12 Tom must have ................................................ .
(opp: in the black) ............................... as his tomatoes always win
see red: suddenly become first prize in the agricultural show.
angry 13 Stephane ........................................................ .
see/look at sth through when her manager falsely accused her of being
rose-coloured spectacles: see sth from an unpunctual.
unrealistically positive 14 Optimists have a tendency to ............................ .
point of view
have a yellow streak: be a coward rather than being realistic.
pitch black: very dark
have green fingers: be good at gardening
until one is blue in the face: as hard/long as one
possibly can (usu
without success)
18 Look at Appendix 5 and fill in the blanks with the
correct preposition.
black tie: formal clothing
be green with envy: be very jealous I'm very wary ........................... riding that horse;
green (matter/issue): concerned with it's been known to shy at traffic.
ecology 2 The schoolboy winced ........................... the sight
of the cane in the headmaster's hand.
3 She yearns ..................... a relaxing holiday in the
17 Fill in the correct idiom/fixed phrases. sun.
4 You won't solve your problems by wallowing
She was ......................................................... . .......................... self-pity.
when she saw Jim's new sportscar. 5 The student wrestled .................... ......... the
2 When he opened his bank statement, he saw he difficult mathematics problem.
was ................................ to the tune of £5,000. 6 Wind and rain have whittled away ..................... .
3 The plot of the novel contained so many ............ . the old stone wall for the past three centuries .
...... .................................... that I couldn't guess 7 Ray winked ............................ us to show that he
how the story would end. wasn't being serious.
4 Being ............................................................. , 8 After six months in the countryside, Alan has a yen
........................ he was cut out of his uncle's will. ............................ the bright lights of the city.
5 It was ............................................ as I walked 9 The woman yelled ............................. the boys
home under a moonless sky. when they ran through her garden.
6 You can ask .................................................... . 10 She tried not to yield ........................... temptation
................ but I still won't let you borrow the car. and have another piece of cake.

13b English

19 Look at Appendix 5 and fill in the blanks with the 5 Jack's teacher says he's particularly good at
correct preposition. languages.
The spy had little choice ....................... the matter Jack's teacher says .......................................... .
but to destroy the microfilm. ...................................................... languages.
2 There's no point crying ............................ things 6 People often make that mistake in the beginning.
you can't change. common
3 We had to choose ............................... a hotel in It ................................................................... .
Rome and a villa in Tuscany for our last holiday. ............................................. in the beginning.
4 The restaurant menu offered a choice .................. . 7 The majority of their clientele is made up of local
trout, beef or chicken. people.
5 Membership of the society has decreased comprise
........................ number since last year. Local people .................................................. .
6 The national debt has been decreased ................. . . ................................................. their clientele.
£ 10 billion this year. 8 The politician tried to find people who were willing
7 Do you mean you still haven't decided .................... . to back his campaign to help the homeless.
your holiday yet? drum
8 She can't decide ............................. what style of The politician tried to ...................................... .
wedding dress to buy. ........................ campaign to help the homeless.
9 If you clean the hall, we'll deal ........................... . 9 Karen's bad mood is totally unconnected with the
the kitchen together. matter in hand.
10 My uncle deals ........................ antique furniture. bearing
11 The baby was crying .......................... its milk. The ............................................................... .
. ......................................... Karen's bad mood.
10 Further confusion was caused by the loss of the
20 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You
The ............................................................... .
must use between three and eight words,
............................................. further confusion.
including the word given.
11 The custom dates back to mediaeval times.
He was dismissed because he was inefficient.
The ............................................................... .
............................................. mediaeval times.
He ................................................................ .
12 It's difficult to imagine his work being improved on
..................................................... inefficiency.
by anyone.
2 Jerry feels his colleagues despise him for not having
a degree.
It's difficult ..................................................... .
............................................................. work.
Jerry .............................................................. .
13 To this day no one has equalled his achievements in
.................................. for not having a degree.
the field of technology.
3 Only Martha survived the crash.
To this day ..................................................... .
Martha .......................................................... .
. ................................ in the field of technology.
............................................................. crash.
14 Their rivals are still a long way behind.
4 If you give in to them, you'll be sorry.
They .............................................................. .
If .................................................................. .
. ............................................................ rivals .
............................................... , you'll be sorry.

FIXED PHRASES , \ - - - - - - - - - - . 21 Complete the sentences using one of fixed
phrases in an appropriate form.
(to) be on the safe side: do sth to prevent
the possibility of sth You don't want to ............................................ .
bad happening ........ of Roy as he makes a formidable opponent.
not one's scene (inij: not like/enjoy sth 2 After my spring clean, the house was ................ ..
settle a score: take revenge ..................................................... which made
all my hard work worthwhile.
without 0 shadow of (a) doubt: without any doubt
3 The new musical .................................. the town
talk shop talk about work or ..................... and people were flocking to see it.
A The problem with the printer is that it is ............. ..
if push comes to shove (inij: if a situation ................................. with the rest of the system.
becomes really 5 Some celebrities have such a thirst to be continually
bad/difficult .......................................................... that they
get on the wrong/bad side of sb: do sth to annoy sb seek out every opportunity for publicity.
a sore point with sb: sth that makes sb 6 ..................................................................... ..
angry or and money is really tight, Lloyd will think about
embarrassed getting a second job.
spick and span: clean and tidy 7 Both teachers and pupils .................................. .
......................................... things, so the end of
enter into the spirit of sth: take part in sth
year concert was a great success.
with enthusiasm
8 little did she know what was ............................ .
in the receiving a great . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... when she accepted the job.
deal of public
be/get in a state: be very nervous/ 22 Choose the correct item.
upset about sth
The audience were in ......... as they watched the
in stitches (inij: unable to stop
laughing latest Aykebourne comedy.
A stitches C tears
in store for one: about to happen
B pleats 0 shreds
in near future
2 Don't mention work to Ray, as it's a sore ......... with
toke sth by storm: be extremely
him at the moment.
successful or
popular A finger C place

get into the swing of sth: get involved/get

B point thumb o
into the rhythm 3 It's hard to get back into the ......... of things after a
long holiday.
in sync (inij: well matched/ work
simultaneously as it A pace C swing
should B way D rhythm

(opp. out of sync A The trouble with socialising with colleagues is that
badly matched not they usually end up talking ......... .
simultaneous as it A sense C back
should) B shop 0 rot
5 Take your mobile phone with you just to be on the
......... side.
A sunny C straight
B secure D safe

6 The opposition will be elected into government at 7 Noisy parties are really not my ......... .
the next election, without a ......... of a doubt. A idea C scene
A shadow C benefit B liking D preference
B shade D hue

23 Find the mistake and correct it.

o I live in a house ot a lake. beside/by/on
1 The church had been built in the 18th century.
2 Except from John and Mary, nobody wants to go to the cinema.
3 He wants to go home and he hasn't finished work yet.
4 My neighbours make enough noise to rise the dead.
5 Keeping a dog is fairly expensive, so I had rather keep a goldfish.
6 The farmer's chickens have lain ten eggs today.
7 Although he's been working in the bank for two years, he yet hasn't been promoted.
8 The streets are flooded. It can't have been raining all night.
9 Children under five mustn't pay to travel on public transport.
10 A farmer who went missing yesterday while a blizzard has been found alive and well.
11 I'm exhausted as I've had quite a long day at work.
12 My feet are killing me! I need to lay down.
13 Bob can't go to the cinema because he's still spent all his pocket money.
14 It's only 9:30. He might have arrived already.
15 This is a secret. You needn't tell anyone.
16 Unemployment was the government's main concerning.


24 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line.


An underground film is a motion picture made and distributed outside the commercial
film industry, usually as a(n) (0) creative expression of its maker. Underground films CREATE
display greater (1) ................................... in form, technique, and content than films FREE
directed toward a mass audience. The term came into common use in the 1950s, when
the greater (2) ........................................ of good-quality 16-millimetre film stock and AVAILABLE
(3) ........................ permitted an increasing number of non-professionals to engage in EQUIP
cinema art. The term was also (4) ........................ to earlier films that were considered APPLY
too (5) .................................. for the general public. As opposed to a high-budget film EXPERIMENT
maker, the underground film maker (6) ...................... uses such production methods as ORDINARY
filming with a 16-millimetre or 8-millimetre camera, which are quite (7) ..................... . EXPENSE
The films vary (8) ............................... in length. Robert Breer's A Miracle (1954) is 14 CONSIDER
seconds long while Andy Warhol's Empire (1964) lasts eight hours. During the 1920s,
film making was stimulated by the Dadaist, Cubist, and Surrealist movements. Little of
comparative interest was produced until the late 1950s, when a host of new cinema
artists arose in the United States. Unlike their (9) ............................ , they were strongly RUN
influenced by the techniques and personal expression of anti-commercial art films by
directors such as Federico Fellini. Since the 1970s, underground film continues to be
explored by film makers from the (10) .............................. world. ART
25 Collocate the expressions with words from the 8 I need to ......... my weight by about ten kilos for
given list. health reasons.
A reduce C dwindle
• bind • ponder • foresee • appreciate • assign B diminish D shrink
• shrivel • speculate • transmit • infer 9 I don't think you're suitably ......... for this party.
o infer a meaning from 5 ....................... sb to A clothed C wearing
sb's statement a task
B clad D dressed
6 ....................... on a 10 The mountains were ......... in thick cloud.
on a problem matter A clothing C dressing
2 ........................... . 7 ........................... in B clothed D wearing
the dangers the heat
3 .................... a book 8 ........................... .
4 ............................ a in value
radio message
27 Collocate the expressions with words from the
given list.
26 Choose the correct item.
• enunciate • dye • refute • petition • commend
I hate the way Tony ......... around looking so self- • beseech • applaud • engrave • despatch
important. • undertake
A struts C slithers
B scampers D slinks .......................... sb 6 . ......................... a
for help hero
2 The dog ......... under the table when I shouted at
2 .......................... a 7 . ......................... a
him for eating my steak.
claim piece of jewellery
A slithered C slunk
3 .......................... for 8 .......................... a
B scampered D strutted
sb's release document
3 Rosie the kitten ......... playfully around with a ball. 4 .......................... 9 ..........................
A slunk C slithered to do a job your words carefully
B strutted D scampered 5 .......................... 10 ..........................
4 A long, green snake ......... through the grass and sb very highly your hair
A strutted C slunk 28 Fill in sound, stone, hard.
B slithered D scampered
5 She tried to Tom's importance to the 1 ................ advice 5 ................ deal
company in order to gain a promotion for herself. 2 ................ bargain 6 ................ dead
A diminish C shrink 3 ................ cold 7 ................ evidence
B dwindle D reduce 4 ................ conditions 8 ................ time

6 Due to inflation, my savings have ......... gradually

to practically nothing. 29 Think of one word only which can be used
A shrank C reduced
appropriately in all three sentences.
B dwindled D diminished
o • One doesn't need to be an expert to appreciate
7 My new pullover to half its previous size the beauty of classical
when I washed it. • He seems confident that houses in this'are6'" will
A shrank C diminished appreciate in value in the next few years.
B reduced D dwindled • I'll always appreciate your help and support.

• The journalist gave a lot of details about the case 8 • The sudden ............................... of the film star
but refused to ................... his source. at the party caused a stir.
• When she was a baby, Paula's parents wanted to • The modern extension did nothing to add to the
........ ...... ..... her Sheba but were talked out of it. ............................... of the grand old house .
• If you wanted to sell that painting, you could • Fears are growing about a possible typhoid
................... your own price. epidemic following the ............................... of
2 • The government intends to .............................. . quite a few cases in the village.
interest rates at a high level in order to discourage 9 • Hours before the awards ceremony, the actress
public spending. had her hair ......................... and styled.
• Amanda continues to ............................... that • My electricity was .................. ....... when I
her dismissal was unfair. forgot to pay the bill.
• Their house is so big that it must cost a fortune to • Unfortunately, the government ........................ .
costs by reducing its funding for education.
3 • The country's ............................ birth rate was 10 • They considered painting the room in
studied by a group of demographers. ............................. colours; oranges, pinks or
• The hotel staff prepared the accommodation for yellow.
the coming ............................ season. • Put on a ............................. coat before you go
• Amanda was held in ............................ esteem out in the snow.
for having landed the advertising account. • Their ............................. welcome immediately
.4 • Jones does a wicked ........................... of the put me at ease and made me feel as if I were
headmaster that is just like him. home.
• From what you said I got the .......................... . 11 • They never thought Harry would be capable of
that you weren't at all that interested in going to such ....................... behaviour.
the party. • He murmured "All right" in a ...................... .
• From the look on their faces, it seemed that voice.
Neville's impassioned speech and vision had • From a ....................... position in the company,
made no ........................... on his companions. Hannah worked her way up to a directorship.
5 • Jane visited me unexpectedly last night but I 12 • The actor was given his big ......................... .
managed to throw together a ......................... . on television by a famous producer.
meal of omelette and salad. • Fran took a short .......................... in Italy after
• The maths exam was so .......................... I her operation.
passed with flying colours. • The chairman called for a .......................... in
• He was a .......................... child and was not the meeting to consider the new proposals.
capable of following the regular classes at 13 • Professor Carson is an ............................. on
school. mediaeval music.
6 • The bull ...................... his back foot to shake • The local planning ............................. will take
off the flies which kept in landing on him. the final decision about the new shopping
• BMW ...................... the vehicle's identification complex.
number under the bonnet on their latest model. • Without being given ............................. by the
• Michael ...................... off to his room after head of department, I cannot sanction your
losing an argument with his father. transfer.
7 • We need an .......................... to the pressing 14 • She has a ...................... figure and looks good
problem. in everything she wears.
• Robbie wrote the best .......................... in the • Kristina keeps her house so ...................... and
history test. spotlessly clean.
• Without waiting for their .......................... , she • Julia wore a ...................... checked suit on her
left the room. first day at work.


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