Nutritional Assessment Checklist Ipdf Pag1
Nutritional Assessment Checklist Ipdf Pag1
Nutritional Assessment Checklist Ipdf Pag1
To be completed by the pet owner. Please answer the following questions about your pet:
Pet’s name: _________________________________ Species/breed: _____________________________ Age: ___________________________
1 How active is your pet? Very active Moderately active Not very active
2 How would you describe your pet’s weight? Overweight Ideal weight Underweight
3 Where does your pet spend most of the time Indoor Outdoor Indoor & Outdoor
Please list below the brands and product names (if applicable) and amounts of ALL foods, treats, snacks, dental hygiene products,
rawhides and any other foods that your pet is currently eating, including foods used to administer medications:
*If you feed by volume, what size measuring device do you use? _______________
*If you feed tinned/canned food, what size tins/cans? _________________________
4 Do you give any dietary supplements to your pet (for example: vitamins, glucosamine, fatty acids, or any
other supplements)? No Yes
If yes, please list brands and amounts:_________________________________________________________________