Korean From Zero Book - 1-165-182
Korean From Zero Book - 1-165-182
Korean From Zero Book - 1-165-182
Lesson 10:
Future, Past, and
Present Tenses
Before This Lesson
1. Understand how to convert verbs into the BASIC
form. Lesson Highlights
Lesson Goals Future tense for most
1. Learn how to make any verb into the future and verbs
past tense.
Future tense and
present tense without
From The Teachers any conjugation
1. Don’t worry if you haven’t learned everything
perfectly from past lessons. A lot of sentences are 10-8.
designed to review prior concepts. If you have The months
KoreanFromZero.com 166
어제 yesterday
오늘 today
내일 tomorrow
매일 every day
매주 every week
매달 every month
매년 every year
시험 test, exam
10 Grammar 문법
In this lesson we introduce “action” verbs. Up until now we have learned mostly “descriptive”
verbs. The good news is that the conjugation methods, such as BASIC form, taught in section
6-4 work for both types.
To make verbs past tense you add ㅆ to the bottom of the BASIC form then add 어.
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Example sentences
1. 어제는 추웠어요. 5. 집에 있었어요. Without 요 this
It was cold yesterday. I was at home. is a casual
sentence. Use
2. 금요일은 더웠어요. 6. 고양이가 없었어요. with friends
Friday was hot. There wasn’t a cat. only!
NOTE: Sentence #5, #6, and #8 can be tricky. The present tense of verbs like 있다 and
없다 sound similar to the past tense of other verbs. These verbs need a DOUBLE ㅆ어
sound for past tense.
(place) 에 가다 / (place) 에 오다
go to (place) / come to a (place)
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The past tense for 가다 and 오다 follows the pattern taught in the prior grammar point.
Time is marked with the time marker 에. The time marker is exactly the same as the
location marker in sound.
(time) 에 가다 / (time) 에 오다
go at (time) / come at (time)
You can use the time and location markers in the same sentence.
Example sentences
1. 매일 가요. This is PRESENT tense
I go everyday. because 매일 is used.
4. 내일 집에 있어요?
Will you be at home tomorrow?
5. 지금 집에 있어요.
I am at home now.
Example conversation
1. A: 언제 한국에 와요? The BASIC form of
B: 금요일에 가요. 오다 (to come) is 와
BASIC form can only be future and present tense. The BASIC form is NEVER past
tense. To make past tense you must use the pattern taught in section 10-1. Also,
without the proper context BASIC form defaults to present tense.
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Example sentences
1. 서울에 갈 거예요. I will go to Seoul.
2. 수요일에 친구가 올 거예요. My friend is coming on Wednesday.
3. 내일 사람이 많을 거예요. There will be many people tomorrow.
4. 오늘은 집에 있을 거예요. I will be at home today.
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Example sentences
1. 내일은 추울 거예요? Will it be cold tomorrow?
2. 금요일은 더울 거예요. Friday will be hot.
3. 시험이 어려울 거예요. The test will be hard.
4. 시험이 쉬울 거예요. The test will be easy.
Example sentences
1. 내일은 추울 거예요. Tomorrow will probably be cold.
2. 이 김밥은 매울 거예요. This gimbap might be hot.
3. 시험이 어려울 거예요. The test might hard.
4. 시험이 쉬울 거예요. The test will probably be easy.
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SUMMARY: To verb “to rain” or “to snow” uses the verb 오다 (to come).
When 비 (rain) and 눈 (snow) fall, Koreans say “it’s coming” using 오다 (to come).
Example sentences
1. 내일 비가 올 거예요. It will rain tomorrow.
2. 지금 눈이 와요. It’s snowing now.
3. 화요일에 비가 왔어요. It rained on Tuesday.
4. 어제 눈이 왔어요. It snowed yesterday.
Example sentences
1. 내일 한국에 가요. I will go to Korea tomorrow.
2. 일요일에 친구가 와요. On Sunday a friend will come.
3. 어제 선생님은 여기에 있었어요. The teacher was here yesterday.
4. 월요일에 시험이 없을 거예요. There won’t be a test on Monday.
Example sentences
1. 이월에 중국에 갔어요. 3. 팔월에 비가 많이 왔어요.
I went to China in February. It rained a lot in August.
Example sentences
1. 매주 금요일에 서울에 가요. I go to Seoul every Friday.
2. 매주 일요일에 교회에 가요. I go to church every Sunday.
3. 매년 삼월에 병원에 가요. I go to the hospital every March.
4. 매년 오월이 더워요. It’s hot every May.
Example Q&A
1. 알마였어요. How much was it?
전 원이었어요. It was 1000 won.
삼만 원이었어요. It was 30,000 won.
1. 매일 학교에 가요?
Do you go to school everyday?
네, 매일 학교에 가요.
Yes, I go to school everyday.
2. 언제 서울에 와요?
When do you come to Seoul?
내일 가요.
I’ll go tomorrow.
3. 어제 날씨가 추웠어요?
Was the weather cold yesterday?
네, 추웠어요.
Yes, it was cold.
아니요, 더웠어요.
No, it was hot.
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10 Conversation 대화 K-E
A: Is today cold?
B: Yes, it’s really cold.
A: Will it be cold on Thursday?
B: No, it will be cold on Friday.
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10 Conversation 대화 E-K
A: 오늘은 무슨 요일이에요?
B: 일요일이에요.
A: 교회에 갈 거예요?
B: 네, 매주 일요일에 가요.
A: 책상 위에 떡이 있었어요?
B: 아니요, 없었어요.
A: 그럼, 뭐가 있었어요?
B: 책이 있었어요.
A: 어제 은행에 갔어요?
B: 아니요, 수요일에 갔어요.
A: 언제 서점에 갈 거예요?
B: 내일 갈 거예요.
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In each lesson we will build on a previous sentence. Watch it grow and transform each time
new concepts are introduced.
내일 콜라 두 병을 살 거예요.
I will buy 2 bottles of cola tomorrow.
Compare how the sentence has changed from the prior lessons:
Lesson 9: 콜라 한 병과 물 세 잔을 주세요.
2 bottles of cola and 3 cups of water please.
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10 Workbook Area
A: 준호 씨 언제 멕시코에 가요?
B: 칠월에 갈 거예요.
A: 무슨 요일에 갈 거예요?
B: 월요일에 갈 거예요.
3. 멕시코에 누가 많아요?
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3. 매년, 어머니, 약국, 는, 이, 어렵다, 여기, 제, 가다, 어제, 가, 오다, 숙제, 에, 삼월, 정말
A: 시험은 언제예요?
B: 수요일이에요.
A: 지금 성적이 좋아요?
B: 아니요… 나빠요.
A: What month did your younger brother go to Australia?
B: He went in December.
A: Does he go every December?
B: Yes, he goes every December and May.
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10 Vocabulary Builder
Keep learning new words. As you learn more grammar you will realize that grammar isn’t the
hard part. You won’t get stuck on grammar, but you will easily get stuck on a word you don’t
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