Project Report On Real Estate

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Real Estate Portal with Multivendor features
Technologies Used

 This Project is designed and developed in JS bsed Technologies React JS & Node JS

 React JS is used for front-end design.

 Node JS is used for Database interaction in backend.

 In backend mySql is used as a database.

 There are various tools are using for completing several tasks

 Various third party integrations like payment gateways, email and sms services, google

 There are multiple tables to storing data.

 In this Project Java script & JQuery is used for Validation.

Title of the project
“Real Estate Portal with Multivendor”

Real Estate Portal with Multivendor is highly flexible software which constitutes all the
essential features and modules required by the User

The software is designed with emphasis on

o Ease of use.
o Reliability.
o Performance.

This Real Estate aim is to provide a Admin to create and maintain his/her record and searching
a detail of latest Projects on the basis of location.

The project is maintaining all the validation while inserting, deleting , and updating and login in
to the application.

Quality of the project

 This project is user-friendly , user can easily interact with the project

 This project contains number of screen for different purpose

 This Project enables an admin to maintain his/her record’s on internet and search for
Properties on the basis of location.

 Project is having Admin part for controlling several tasks such as, insert a new Property
Project record and Delete a record.

 You can also search a Property detail by using Property id.

 The Project is having Proper validation in user interface form.

The project is developed using Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

A database system is essentially a sophisticated, computerized record keeping system, a

repository for a collection of computerized data files. A database system maintains information
and makes that information available on demand, for this purpose a database system provides set
of facilities to perform such operations.

The benefits of a database system over any traditional system are obvious as database is
integrated as well as shared, thus a database eliminates redundancy and also as a consequence,
database lets multiple users access the same piece of data.
The most important advantage of the database is to maintain the integrity i.e. it insures
that the change made to the database by authorized users do not result in a loss of data consis-
tency and guard against accidental damage to the database.
RDBMS have the following facilities:

1. Creation of files, Addition of data, Deletion of data, Modification of data

2. Retrieving data collectively or selectively
3. The data stored can be sorted or indexed at users discretion or direction
4. Various reports can be produced from the system. These may either be standardized re-
ports or that may be specifically generated according to specific user definition.
5. Mathematical function can be performed and the data stored in the database can be manip-
ulated with functions to perform the desired calculations
6. To maintain data integrity and database use
7. Data integrity for multiple for easy.
8. Providing form based interface for easy accessibility and data users

Topics/contents of the project


 Data Flow Diagrams / Flow Chart

 Designing Forms (User Interface)

 Coding

 Database Structure
Defining A System

Collections of components, which are interconnected, and work together to realize some
objective, form a system. There are three major components in every system, namely input,
processing and output.

Input Output


Systems Life Cycle

The sequencing of various activities required for developing and maintaining systems in an
ordered form is referred as Systems Life Cycle. It helps in establishing a system project plan as it
gives overall list of process and sub-processes required for developing any system. Here, the
systems life cycle will be discussed with reference to the development of Employee
Management System.

Broadly, following are the different activities to be considered while defining the systems
development cycle for the said project:

 Problem Definition

 Systems analysis
 Drawbacks of the existing system

 Systems Requirement study

 Data flow analysis

 Feasibility study

 Systems design

 Input Design (Database & Forms)

 Updating
 Query /Report Design

 Testing

 Implementation

 Maintenance

2.1 Problem Definition and Project Initiation

The first step in an initial investigation is to define the problem that led to the user request. The
problem must be stated clearly, understood, and agreed upon by the user and the analyst. It must
state the objectives the user is trying to achieve and the results the user wants to see. Emphasis
should be on the logical requirements (what must be the results) of the problem rather than the
physical requirements.

System Analysis

System analysis is a logical process; the objective of this phase is not actually to solve the
problem but to determine what must be done to solve the problem. The basic objective of the
analysis stage is to develop the logical model of the system using tools such as the data flow
diagram and elementary data description of the elementary algorithm. The logical model is
Subject to review by both the management and the user who agree that the model does in fact
reflect what should be done to solve the problem.

Analysis and development of the actual solution

A complete understanding of the requirement for the new system is very important for the suc-
cessful development of a software product. Requirement Specification is the foundation in the
process of software development .All further developments like system analysis; designing and
coding will depend on how accurate and well documented the Requirement Specification are
which is known as System Requirement Specification.
Project Overview
Product prospective
It will be able to manage information about different tutorial in more user
friendly way. This system will manage tutorial information at various pages.
User ID and password has been given to all the field in admin accounts so that
they can enter their see by these information to login from admin and.

User Interface

 The system will be having user privileges based menu.

 User will have to select the options form the given menu.

 The system will be selecting desire tutorial information from database.

 The forms will be designed to enter the data.

 Buttons will be used to insert, delete, clear and modify the data.

 Buttons to exit from the forms.

The minimum hardware configuration for implementation of this software project is –

 Processor
 Memory
 Hard Disk
 Keyboard
 Monitor
 Mouse

This phase implies on the primary job of recognizing the problem. In this stage we define what
the problem is and study the various inputs and outputs of the system. Recognizing the demands
of the system and clearly defining the system must be the output of this phase of software
development life cycle.
The output of the preliminary investigation phase is the input to this phase. This stage aims at
analytical conclusions of developer. This phase implies at analyzing whether it is feasible on the
part of programmer and for the user to build the system. The feasibility study is done in terms of
resources such as economy, time etc. Moreover system requirements are also interpreted from
the user and deductions are made.
A feasibility study determines whether the proposed solution is feasible based on the priorities of
the requirements of the organization. A feasibility study culminates in a feasibility report that
recommends a solution. It helps you to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a proposed system.
The feasibility study is carried out to test if the proposed system is worth being implemented.
Given unlimited resources and infinite time, all projects are feasible.
After performing a Preliminary Investigation, gathering and interpreting data and details
concerning the project, a Feasibility Check is done which involves a series of steps to check the
Technical, Financial and Operational feasibilities.
During this phase, various solutions to the existing problems were examined.
For each of these solutions the Cost and Benefits were the major criteria to be examined before
deciding on any of the proposed systems.
These Solutions would provide coverage of the following:

(a) Specification of information to be made available by the system.

(b) A clear cut description of what tasks will be done manually and what needs to be handled
by the automated system.
(c) Specifications of new computing equipment needed.
A system that passes the feasibility tests is considered a feasible system. Let us see some
feasible tests in my project.

The implementation ability is in terms of logistics, resource availability, cost factors and time.
We did two types of feasibility study.
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility
Economic feasibility can be established by cost /benefit analysis of the project while
considering both the direct as well as the indirect cost against the tangible benefits.
In software system intangible benefits are visible at the start & hence a system
analyst must try to convert such intangible benefits into measurable derivatives of
such benefits.
Operation feasibility is a measure of how people feel about the system. Operational Feasibility
criteria measure the urgency of the problem or the acceptability of a solution. Operational
Feasibility is dependent upon determining human resources for the project. It refers to projecting
whether the system will operate and be used once it is installed.
If the ultimate users are comfortable with the present system and they see no problem with its
continuance, then resistance to its operation will be zero.
Behaviorally also the proposed system is feasible. A particular application may be technically
and but may fail to produce the forecasted benefits, because the company is not able to get it to
work. For the system, it is not necessary that the user must be a computer expert, but any
computer operator given a little bit of knowledge and training can easily operate.

Our Project is operationally feasible since there is no need for special training of staff member
and whatever little instructing on this system is required can be done so quite easily and quickly
as it is essentially This project is being developed keeping in mind the general people who one
have very little knowledge of computer operation, but can easily access their required
database and other related information. The redundancies can be decreased to a large extent as
the system will be fully automated.

Operational feasibility can be further divided into two types: -

1).Technical Feasibility (regarding implementation)
2).Usage/ Application Feasibility
It is related to the software and equipment specified in the design for implementing a new
system. Technical feasibility is a study of function, performance and constraints that may affect
the ability to achieve an acceptable system. During technical analysis, the analyst evaluates the
technical merits of the system, at the same time collecting additional information about
performance, reliability, maintainability and productivity. Technical feasibility is frequently the
most difficult areas to assess.
The main technical issue raised during feasibility is the existence of necessary technology
and whether the proposed equipment has the capacity to hold required data. The technical
guarantee of accuracy, reliability, ease and data were also investigated

Assessing System Performance:

It involves ensuring that the system responds to user queries and is efficient, reliable, accurate
and easy to use. Since we have the excellent network setup which is supported and excellent
configuration of servers with 80 GB hard disk and 512 MB RAM, it satisfies the performance

After the conducting the technical analysis we found that our project fulfills all
the technical pre-requisites environments, if necessary are also adaptable
according to the project.

2) APPLICATION FEASIBILITY: It is established by the analysis of

the systems applicability, ease of use & efficiency under various possible op-
erating environments with respect to specified constraints.


This feasibility has great importance as it can outweigh other feasibilities because costs affect
organization decisions. The concept of Economic Feasibility deals with the fact that a system
that can be developed and will be used on installation must be profitable for the Organization.
The cost to conduct a full system investigation, the cost of hardware and software, the benefits in
the form of reduced expenditure are all discussed during the economic feasibility.
Return on Investment
i. There will be revenue in terms of more Customer Subscriptions.
ii. There will be cost reduction in terms of maintaining huge amounts of paper records,
stationary, humans.
iii. There will be tracking of the Subscribers from a centralized database.
iv. There will be awareness among not only the Subscribers ,but general public regarding the
good points of the issue.
v.Subscriber satisfaction will lead to more upgrades and reduce the downgrades.

Cost of No Change

The cost will be in terms of utilization of resources leading to the cost to the company. Since our
cost of project is our efforts, which is obviously less than the long-term gain for the company,
the project should be made.


A cost-benefit analysis is necessary to determine economic feasibility. The primary objective of

the cost benefit analysis is to find out whether it is economically worthwhile to invest in the
project. If the returns on the investment are good, then the project is considered economically
worthwhile. Cost benefit analysis is performed by first listing all the costs associated with
the project cost which consists of both direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are those
incurred by buying software, hiring people, cost of consumable items , rent for
accommodation etc. Indirect costs include those involving time spent by user in discussing
problems with system analysts


For the system to function and operate successfully several needs are to be fulfilled :


Internet Information Service is required for running code . Since the front end used in this
system is in HTML and in ASP.NET ,server is needed to execute the code

Objectives of Testing:

This section introduces the concept of testing and how important is, for the successful
implementation of the project. Different phases of testing are described along with the level of
testing incorporated in this particular project.

Testing is vital to the success of any system. Testing is done at different stages within the phase.
System testing makes a logical assumption that if all phases of the system are correct, the goals
will be achieved successfully. Inadequate testing at all leads to errors that may come up after a
long time when correction would be extremely difficult. Another objective of testing is its utility
as a user-oriented vehicle before implementation. The testing of the system was done on both
artificial and live data.

Testing involves operation of a system or application under controlled conditions and evaluating
the results (e.g., “if the user is in interface A of the application while using hardware B and does
C, then D should not happen”). The controlled conditions should include both normal and
abnormal conditions.

Typically, the project team includes a mix of testers and developers who work closely together,
with the overall QA processes being monitored by the project managers.

Testing principles

Davis suggested a set of testing principles in 1995. These are:

1) All tests should be traceable to the customer requirements.

2) Test should be planned long before testing begins.

3) Testing should begin in small and progressed towards testing in the large.
4) Exhaustive testing is not possible.
5) For effective results, testing should be conducted by an independent third party.
Attributes of a good test

A good test should have the following characteristics: -

1) A good test must have a high probability of finding an error.

2) A good test is non redundant.
3) A good test should be best of breed, i.e. testing should be in time and according t6o resource
4) A good test should be neither too simple nor too complex. Sometimes it is possible to
combine a series of tests into one test.

Testing is usually relied on to detect the faults introduced during the coding phase. Due
to this different level of testing are used in the testing process and each level of testing aims to
test different aspects of the system.
Levels of testing

Client needs Acceptance testing

System requirement System testing


Design specification Integration testing

Unit testing
Types of Testing

Black Box Testing

Also known as functional testing, this is a software testing technique whereby the tester does not
know the internal working of the item being tested. Black-box test design treats the system as a
“black-box”, so it does not explicitly use knowledge of the internal structure. Black-box test
design is usually described as focusing on testing functional requirements. Synonyms for black-
box includes: behavioral, functional, opaque-box and closed-box.

White Box Testing

White box test design allows one to peek inside the “box”, and it focuses specifically on using
internal knowledge of the software to guide the selection of test data. Synonyms for white-box
include: structural, glass-box and clear-box.

Condition Testing

An improvement over White-box testing, the process of condition testing ensures that a
controlling expression has been adequately exercised whist the software is under test by
constructing a constraint set for every expression and then ensuring that every member on the
constraint set is included in the values whish are presented to the expression .
Data Life-Cycle Testing

It is based upon the consideration that in the software code, a variable is at some stage created,
and subsequently may have its value changed or used in a controlling expression several times
before being destroyed. If only locally declared Boolean used in control conditions are
considered then an examination of the sources code will indicate the place in the source code
where the variable is created, places where it is given a value is used as a part of a control
expression and the place where it is destroyed.
This approach to testing requires all possible feasible lifecycles of the variable to be covered
whilst the module is under test.

Unit Testing

The purpose of this phase is to test the individual units of the developing software component.
This phase is recursive and is to be repeated, as many as there are, levels of testing. In the
DGLW project, each individual form has been tested using techniques of testing namely: Client
side testing using JavaScript.
Each individual form has been validated so that user enters only valid data at every time.

Functional Testing:

This is done for each module / sub module of the system. Functional testing serve as a means of
validating whether the functionality of the system Confers the original user requirement i.e. does
the module do what it was supposed to do? Separate schedules were made for functional testing.
It involves preparation of the test data, writing of test cases, testing for conformance to test cases
and preparation of bugs listing for non-conformities.
System Testing:

System testing is done when the entire system has been fully integrated. The purpose
of the system testing is to test how the different modules interact with each other and
whether the entire system provides the functionality that was expected.

System testing consists of the following steps:

a) Program Testing
b) String Testing
c) System Testing
d) System Documentation
e) User Acceptance Testing

Various Levels of Testing

Before implementation the system is tested at two levels:

Level 1

Level 2
Level 1 Testing (Alpha Testing)

At this level a test data is prepared for testing. Project leaders test the system on this test data
keeping the following points into consideration:

● Proper error handling

● Exit Pints in code

● Exception handling

● Input / Output format

● Glass box testing

● Black box testing

If the system is through with testing phase at LEVEL 1 then it is passed on to LEVEL 2.

Level 2 Testing (Beta Testing)

Here the testing is done on the live database. If errors are detected then it is sent back to LEVEL
1 for modification otherwise it is passed on to LEVEL 3.

This is the level at which the system actually becomes live and implemented for the use of END

We have also checked the proposed system for:

Recovery & Security

A forced system failure is induced to test a backup recovery procedure for file integrity.
Inaccurate data are entered to see how the system responds in terms of error detection and
protection. Related to file integrity is a test to demonstrate that data and programs are secure
from unauthorized access.

Usability Documentation & Procedure:

The usability test verifies the user-friendly nature of the system. This relates to normal operating
and error-handling procedures.

Quality Assurance

Proper documentation is must for mainframe of any software. Apart from In-line documentation
while coding. Help coding, help files corresponding to each program were prepared so as to
tackle the person-dependency of the existing system

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