Question Bank CAM - Module 3
Question Bank CAM - Module 3
Question Bank CAM - Module 3
1. With a neat diagram explain how a stepper motor can be interfaced with 8051.
(Please refer: clock wise and counter clock wise rotation programs)
2. Using a schematic diagram explain the procedure of interfacing KEYBOARD to 8051
3. With a neat diagram, explain how a DAC 0808 can be interfaced with 8051.
(Please refer: waveform generation programs)
4. What is Seven Segment Display? Discuss interfacing of seven segment display with
8051 microcontroller.
5. Explain how ADC is interfaced with 8051.
6. Draw the schematic to connect an LED to the P1.0 and develop a program to blink
the LED continuously.
7. With a neat diagram explain how a LCD module can be interfaced with 8051.
ALP Questions
1. Write an 8051assembly language program to add two 8 bit numbers stored in
external RAM memory.
3. Write an ALP to sort N number in ascending order. Assume that the numbers are
4. Write an 8051 assembly language program to find the largest value from ten
numbers stored in memory locations 30H to 39H. Comment all lines of the program.
C Program Questions
4. Write an 80851 C program to toggle all the bits of port 1 continuously without any
5. Write an 80851 C program to toggle all the bits of port 1 continuously with a 250 ms
6. Write an embedded C program for 8051 microcontroller to read an analogue signal