Car Vocab - Accident
Car Vocab - Accident
Car Vocab - Accident
0 none Osome D most Dall D none D some D most Dall
A . .,. 2:19 VOCABULARY• Bad driving habits Read and listen. B PAIR WORK Compare surveys with a partne'
Then listen again and repeat. Discuss and explain your answers.
talk on the phone the phone while they're driving.
text while driving It's terrible. , ,
weave through traffic
not stop at red lights
not signal when turning Lots of taxi drivers turn without
signaling. I don't like that.
pass in a no-passing zone
'36 UNIT 4
11 • Discuss a car accident
I\ Car parts
• 2,21 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.
CD headlight
40 UNIT 4
GRI\MMt>.R PRt>.C1\CE Comp\ete the paragraph with the past c.ontmuous ano tne simp\e µas\. tense.
I accident yesterday. I ..................: .............. slowly and I'm
l have 2 drive
sure I ................................. attention. But I .................................for a phone call. When
3 �y 4 wd
the phone ................................., I Suddenly, the car in front of me
5 ring 6 answer
................................., and I ................................. it. I certainly .................................
7 stop 8 hit 9 learn
my lesson! Luckily, I ................................. when I ................................. the accident.
10 not speed 11 have
.,_ 2:22 LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to the conversations about accidents.
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Write the number of each conversation in the box under the picture. Then listen again
and write the car part or parts that were damaged in each accident.
� ......................... D ......................... D .........................
.,. 2:23 Read and listen to a conversation about a
car accident.
A: I had an accident.
B: f.rri. �9.�9�rJ.. Are you OK?
A: I'm fine. No one was hurt. � 2:25 Ways to respond
B: !���.� 9�<?�.11���- How did it happen? With concern With relief
A: Well, the other driver was tailgating, f!l} .s?.s.o.rrY.· Thank goodness.
Oh, no! What'a e reli' ti ..
and he hit my car. How awful! That's good.
B: �t1t .r!<?! Was there much damage? I'm sorry to hear that.
That's terrible.
A: No. I'll only have to replace a taillight.
Write what the driver was doing. Use the past continuous.