Car Vocab - Accident

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1 Discuss a car accident.

2 Describe a car problem.
3 Rent a car.
UNIT 4 4 Discuss good and bad driving.

Cars and Driving


Eight Habits of Bad Drivers

How many drivers in your city ...
0 speed? 0 weave through traffic?

Onone Osome Omost Dall 0 none Osome Omost Oall


@tailgate? 0 don't stop at red lights?

0 none Osome D most Dall D none D some D most Dall

8 talk on the phone? @ don't signal when turning?


Dnone D some D most Dall D none D some D most Dall


e text while driving? @ pass in a no-passing zone?

D none Osome D most Dall D none D some D most Oall


A . .,. 2:19 VOCABULARY• Bad driving habits Read and listen. B PAIR WORK Compare surveys with a partne'
Then listen again and repeat. Discuss and explain your answers.

tailgate Some drivers in my city talk on

talk on the phone the phone while they're driving.
text while driving It's terrible. , ,
weave through traffic
not stop at red lights
not signal when turning Lots of taxi drivers turn without
signaling. I don't like that.
pass in a no-passing zone

'36 UNIT 4
11 • Discuss a car accident

I\ Car parts
• 2,21 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

liiiHMI © windshield wiper

@ windshield


CD headlight

® turn signal light

@)bumper @ side-view mirror
® emergency brake

@)seat belt B PAIR WORK Take turns identifying

CD steering wheel the car part for each definition.
1 a light at the back of the car
2 a light that indicates a turn
3 a part the driver uses to turn the car
4 a part that cleans the front window
5 a part that makes the car go faster
6 a part that keeps passengers safe
during an accident
7 a light that helps the driver see the roa'.:
8 a place in the back for carrying thil";

A The past continuous

The past continuous describes an activity that continued during a period of
time in the past or at a specific time in the past. Form the past continuous with was
or were and a present participle.
The car was making a funny sound while they were driving. The other driver was speeding.
Were the headlights working? (Yes, they were. I No, they weren't.)
Who was driving your car at 10:00 last night?
Remember: The simple past tense describes a completed past action. Use when
to combine a continuing past action with a completed action.
past continuous simple past tense GRAMMAR BOOSTER p. 131
It was raining when she had the accident.
• The past continuous: other uses

40 UNIT 4
GRI\MMt>.R PRt>.C1\CE Comp\ete the paragraph with the past c.ontmuous ano tne simp\e µas\. tense.
I accident yesterday. I ..................: .............. slowly and I'm
l have 2 drive
sure I ................................. attention. But I .................................for a phone call. When
3 �y 4 wd
the phone ................................., I Suddenly, the car in front of me
5 ring 6 answer
................................., and I ................................. it. I certainly .................................
7 stop 8 hit 9 learn
my lesson! Luckily, I ................................. when I ................................. the accident.
10 not speed 11 have

.,_ 2:22 LISTEN TO ACTIVATE VOCABULARY Listen to the conversations about accidents.

� �=!
Write the number of each conversation in the box under the picture. Then listen again

and write the car part or parts that were damaged in each accident.


� ......................... D ......................... D .........................
.,. 2:23 Read and listen to a conversation about a
car accident.
A: I had an accident.
B: f.rri. �9.�9�rJ.. Are you OK?
A: I'm fine. No one was hurt. � 2:25 Ways to respond
B: !���.� 9�<?�.11���- How did it happen? With concern With relief
A: Well, the other driver was tailgating, f!l} .s?.s.o.rrY.· Thank goodness.
Oh, no! What'a e reli' ti ..
and he hit my car. How awful! That's good.
B: �t1t .r!<?! Was there much damage? I'm sorry to hear that.
That's terrible.
A: No. I'll only have to replace a taillight.

• 2:2 RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

I I :il'i'l'rnlJ�m Discuss a car accident


Write what the driver was doing. Use the past continuous.

CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the

Conversation Model, using the pictures. Then change roles. TJ,,e driver was-fl't
A: Ihad an accident. : :P.�Y.�0ia.+f.e�f/i0:.::::: �......................
B: .......... Are you OK?
A:·········. DONTSTOP!
B: .......... How did it happen? • Ask more questions
A: Well, ......... , and ......... hit my car . about location, other
damage, the other
B: .......... Was there much damage? driver, etc.
A: ......... .

CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss other accidents. ,····························;··

UNIT 4 41

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