Mock Test 31 With Answer Key

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Q.1 Sentences of a paragraph are given below in c) eronneous d) errauneous

jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the Q.6 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of
correct order to form a meaningful and the word ‘SINKS’ from the given sentence.
coherent paragraph. Groups work together to create Christmas
A. When this extra water vapour condenses parade themes, which are then carried out in
into precipitation, it results in heavier rain floats, musical groups, and strolling figures.
— or, if it's cold enough, heavier snow. a) Floats b) Create
B. The atmosphere can store an additional c) Parade d) Strolling
4% of water vapour for every additional 1°F Q.7 the blank.
of warming. The angles are equal, consequently the sides
C. More water evaporates from soils, plants, are _____________.
lakes and seas as the atmosphere warms. a) equal b) unequal
D. One of the most obvious indications of c) larger d) smaller
climate change is heavier rainfall. Q.8 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
a) CBDA b) DCBA given idiom. Like a cakewalk
c) ACDB d) BCAD a) Smooth surface
Q.2 Select the correct indirect form of the given b) Pleasant experience
sentence. c) Easy task
d) Active
She said, “I am in no mood to work now.”
Q.9 Select the most appropriate option that can
a) She said that she has been in no mood to
substitute the underlined segment in the
work then.
b) She said that she was in no mood to work given sentence. If there is no need to
now. substitute it, select ‘No substitution’.
c) She said that she was in no mood to work After finishing high school, I plan to
then. pursuing law.
d) She said that she has been in no mood to a) No substitution
work now. b) plan to pursue
Q.3 Select the correct passive form of the given c) plan in pursue
sentence. d) plan to pursuing
Manu will tell her later. Q.10 Select the most appropriate synonym of the
a) She will be tell later by Manu. given word. Confusion
b) She will tell later by Manu. a) Intrepidity b) Stagnation
c) She will be told later by Manu. c) Perusal d) Commotion
d) She will be tell later. Q.11 Select the most appropriate option to
Q.4 Select the correct active form of the given substitute the underlined segment in the
sentence. given sentence.
Has the villa been occupied by them? Our guests arrived; they are sitting in the
a) Did they occupied the villa? garden.
b) Had they occupied the villa? a) shall arrive b) have arrived
c) Have they occupied the villa? c) are arriving d) might arrive
d) Do they occupied the villa? Q.12 The following sentence has been split into
Q.5 In the given sentence, one word may have four segments. Identify the segment that
been incorrectly spelt. Select the correctly contains a grammatical error.
spelt word from the given alternatives. If During an earthquake, / it is advised to take /
there is no error, select ‘No error’ as your cover above a table / to save your life.
answer. a) cover above a table
The erroneous information spread rapidly b) During an earthquake,
across the nation and created a stir. c) it is advised to take
a) erronous b) No error d) to save your life.
Q.13 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. b) The clothes is washed by Priya in the
a) Finery b) Hiest evening.
c) Cringe d) Defer c) The clothes are washed by Priya in the
Q.14 Select the most appropriate meaning of the evening.
given idiom. All eyes d) The clothes were washed by Priya in the
a) Watching with anger evening.
b) Watching eagerly Q.22 Select the option that contains a
c) Watching with no interest grammatical error in the underlined portion.
d) Not watching at all It would be impossible for them to continue
Q.15 Select the most appropriate option that can living in this world if each of them knew
substitute the underlined segment in the exactly what fate had it store for them.
given sentence. a) It would be impossible for them to
He was looking into his book for the last continue living in this world if each of
two hours but couldn’t find it. them knew exactly what fate had it store
a) looking down on his book for them.
b) looking above his book b) It would be impossible for them to
c) looking for his book continue living in this world if each of
d) looking after his book them knew exactly what fate had it store
Q.16 Select the most appropriate collocating for them
word to fill in the blank. c) It would be impossible for them to
Ram was praised for his________ continue living in this world if each of
them knew exactly what fate had it store
for them.
a) imaginary b) visionary
d) It would be impossible for them to
c) magical d) broad
continue living in this world if each of
Q.17 Select the most appropriate word segment
them knew exactly what fate had it store
for the underlined word in the given for them.
sentence. Q.23 the blank.
Pintu has been advised to reduce smoking The doctor directed the nurse to administer
by his family doctor. an __________ medicine to the patient.
a) cut down b) less down a) official b) eminent
c) lower down d) up down c) alternative d) insightful
Q.18 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of Q.24 Select the option that can be used as a one-
the given word. Rebellion word substitute for the given group of
a) Uprising b) Loyalty words.
c) Sedition d) Allotment A piece of a living tissue or plant that is
Q.19 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of
transplanted surgically
the given word. Hospitality
a) Gratis b) Gourmet
a) Complaint b) Cordiality c) Gracious d) Graft
c) Coldness d) Wrathful Q.25 Select the correct active form of the given
Q.20 Select the sentence with the appropriate use
of adverb of manner.
The clothes will be delivered by the shop on
a) He done his work regularly.
b) He has just done his work.
a) The shop will be delivering the clothes on
c) He does his work carefully.
d) He has done his work on my table
b) The shop will deliver the clothes on
Q.21 Select the option that expresses the given
sentence in passive voice.
c) The shop would be delivering the clothes
Priya washes her clothes in the evening. on Monday.
a) The clothes was washed by Priya in the d) The shop would deliver the clothes on
evening. Monday.
Q.26 Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of P. activities may not require physical
the underlined word. Q. is important for children, all learning
Failure to carry hall ticket to the exam is R. the part of teachers and students
considered as a trivial issue. S. movement and facial expressions on
a) underrated b) kind a) PRQS b) RSPQ
c) problematic d) serious c) QSRP d) QPSR
Q.27 Sentences of a paragraph are given below Q.34 Select the most appropriate meaning of the
in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in given idiom. A green horn
the correct order to form a meaningful and a) Uneducated b) Inexperienced
coherent paragraph. person person
A. A panther is reported to have broken into c) Clever d) Skilled
a house yesterday in search of food and person person
shelter. Q.35 Select the correct direct form of the given
B. The villagers heard his cries and ran to sentence.
the house but the scared animal had run He said that something might be missing in
away through the window by then. there.
C. It secretly slouched into a room where a a) He said, “Something may be missing in
young man named Johnny was sleeping, here.”
b) He said, “Something had to be missing in
who suddenly woke up and realised that the
beast was roaming around his bed.
c) He said, “Something is been missing in
D. Just as the panther was about to leap on here.”
him, he swiftly shot out of bed and hid in a d) He said, “Something could be missing in
closet. here.”
a) ABDC b) BDCA Q.36 Select the sentences that contains no
c) ACDB d) DCAB spelling errors.
Q.28 Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word. a) Many communities in the world still feel
a) Peircing b) Sleek that their voices and position has been
c) Pie d) Itch dissenfranchised.
Q.29 the blank. b) Many communities in the world still feel
If you try to do something every day you that their voices and position has been
will ________ progress. dysenfranchised.
a) hold b) get c) Many communities in the world still feel
c) make d) catch that their voices and position has been
Q.30 Select the most appropriate synonym of the dysenfrenchized.
given word. Competent d) Many communities in the world still feel
a) Complex b) Poor that their voices and position has been
c) Capable d) Beginner disenfranchised.
Q.31 Choose the correct meaning of the given Q.37 Sentences of a paragraph are given below
idiom. In weal and woe in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in
Ans 1. In sad and gloomy days 2. In happiness the correct order to form a meaningful and
and good times 3. In prosperity and coherent paragraph.
adversity 4. In despair and failure A. They also wore felt caps to cover their
Q.32 Select the most appropriate synonym of the ears.
given word. Announce B. They wore trousers tucked into leather
a) Denounce b) Secret boots.
c) Hide d) Advertise C. This place was famous for its skilful
Q.33 Rearrange the parts of the sentence in archers and horsemen.
correct order. While physical movement
KATARIA PLAZA, SHEELA BY PASS, ROHTAK (PH. 7082220004, 7082220005)
D. In the 5th and 4th centuries BC, today’s Q.41 blank number 41.
south Ukraine was known as Scythia. a) impact b) might
a) BCDA b) CBDA c) factors d) force
c) ABCD d) DCBA Q.42 blank number 42.
Q.38 The following sentence has been split into a) inserted b) embedded
four segments. Identify the segment that c) planted d) stuck
contains a grammatical error. Q.43 blank number 43.
He used to reply / that the only place / for a) offices b) details
which he went / was the town library. c) processes d) hierarchies
a) was the town library Q.44 blank number 44.
b) for which he went a) mythical b) proverbial
c) He used to reply c) hypothetical d) classified
d) that the only place Q.45 blank number 45.
Q.39 Select the most appropriate synonym of the a) enhancement b) anticipation
underlined word in the given sentence. c) adaptation d) monitoring
The sporadic instructions of the invigilators Comprehension: In the following passage some
distracted the examinee. words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with
a) Continuous b) Indirect the help of the alternatives given. Select the most
c) Repetitive d) Occasional appropriate option for each number.
Q.40 Select the most appropriate option that can The modern-day student is extremely 46____
substitute the underlined segment in the with technology. They do read quite a bit
given sentence. because of social media. While their writing
Rajan is having three brothers and three skills may not be top notch, they do write,
sisters. courtesy 47____ affinity to various platforms on
a) Rajan has been having the internet. However, one skill that has been
b) Rajan has 48______ affected is listening skills. They are
c) Rajan was having extremely poor 49_______ listeners. If this issue
d) Rajan having is not addressed, what we may be heading to in
Comprehension: In the following passage, some the future is a huge chunk of people across the
words have been deleted. Read the passage globe, with poor skills of listening, and a huge
carefully and each blank. number of passive listeners. Researchers say that
Digital India can be the prime (41)________ listening is the prime ingredient for empathy and
behind making a reality of the government’s the world will be in extreme poverty in terms of
promise of minimum government, maximum number of 50_____ on the planet.
governance. Such a transformation requires Q.46 blank number 46.
technology to be firmly (42)_________ into a) hindered b) disconnected
government, something that the Digital India c) dreary d) Savvy
project lists as one of its foremost objectives. Q.47 blank number 47.
Embedding technology into government (43) a) their b) they’re
_________ will do three things; transform the c) dare d) there
government and make it more transparent and Q.48 blank number 48.
efficient, transform the lives of citizens a) thoroughly b) through
especially those at the bottom of the c) holistically d) daily
(44)_________ pyramid and make our economy Q.49 blank number 49.
more efficient and competitive. A 2014 a) passive b) active
McKinsey Global Institute report predicts that c) distinctive d) demonstrative
Q.50 blank number 50.
the large-scale (45) ________ of technology
a) sympathisers b) empathisers
through Digital India positions India with the
c) donors d) characters
biggest opportunity yet to accelerate economic


1. B 26. D
2. C 27. C
3. C 28. A
4. C 29. C
5. B 30. C
6. A 31. C
7. A 32. D
8. C 33. D
9. B 34. B
10. D 35. A
11. B 36. D
12. A 37. D
13. B 38. B
14. B 39. D
15. C 40. B
16. B 41. D
17. A 42. B
18. B 43. C
19. C 44. B
20. C 45. C
21. C 46. D
22. D 47. A
23. C 48. A
24. D 49. B
25. B 50. B

KATARIA PLAZA, SHEELA BY PASS, ROHTAK (PH. 7082220004, 7082220005)

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