DNB June 2022 Paper - Solution
DNB June 2022 Paper - Solution
DNB June 2022 Paper - Solution
Saini Page |1
Paper – 1st
Paper 1
Q. 1) IRON metabolism?
Type 1 Diabetes –
Cannot make enough insulin, because the body’s own immune system destroys the beta
cells of the pancreas. Not clear exactly what triggers this destruction.
Type 1 diabetes can only be treated with injectable insulin. Oral antidiabetic drugs do not
help in T1D. Treatment with insulin is essential for survival and normal health, because
the body cannot make enough. The child can become very sick (diabetic ketoacidosis) or
even die if insulin doses are missed or too little. This is not an addiction.
Type 2 Diabetes –
Insulin demand is high, and even though insulin is produced, it is less effective: “insulin
T2D is less common in adolescents, but is more severe than in adults, and must be taken
It can be managed effectively by healthy eating and other lifestyle modifications, as well
Diagnostic criteria for diabetes and prediabetes are defined per the American Diabetes
Type :-
Factors that favor diagnosis of non-type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) are as follows:-
Absence of ketosis
Maintain a good “time in range” (70% and above) defined as percentage of time the blood
Encouraged for healthy diet with limited intake of snacks, sweeteners, and high glycemic
index carbohydrates.
1/3rd protein.
Carbohydrate content of food can be calculated as “carb count” which helps to titrate
insulin therapy.
Dietary options become challenging for a patient with a coexistent celiac disease where
food should be made gluten free and with a low glycemic index.
Regular fitness and physical activity regime -> Good metabolic control.
Parents encourage the child for such as walking, running, dancing, using stairs often, and
Participate in all sports but should be educated to check BG before exercise and preferably
An ideal BG log should record premeal and 2-hour postmeal BG values at least thrice a
Additional testing should be done before a planned physical activity, at bedtime, and if
This device places a sensor over the skin to measure the glucose level in the interstitial
Readings from the sensor can be read real time or as records which can show fluctuations
(both hypo- and hyperglycemia) that would have gone unnoticed on timed-finger prick
Sensors usually last 5–14 days, and may need calibration with finger-prick values of a
CGMS log also helps to calculate the “time-in-range” that is defined as -> the
Target BG profile –
Multiple daily injections Insulin Therapy with the basal-bolus regime are preferred.
Poorer metabolic control with premixed twice daily insulin in adolescents makes them
Basal insulin are given once (or twice) a day and timed at a fixed schedule in a day,
usually night.
Regime is personalized to suit the child’s meal and activity pattern, and convenience.
Insulin Administration –
Insulin syringes:
One should use U-100 syringes with U-100 vials (100 units of insulin/mL) and
Regular and neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin are usually available in 40
Insulin pen:
Insulin pump:
Additional top-up boluses of insulin can be given using the same device for mealtime.
The insulin goes through a flexible catheter and a cannula directly into subcutaneous fat
Insulin Dose –
given as an i.v. infusion, following which insulin requirement may be as high as 2–3
Typically, as the patient enters the honeymoon phase, the dose comes down to 0.5
units/kg/day or less.
Following this, 0.7–1.5 U/kg/day is the usual dose with 40% as basal and 60% as
The dose and distribution may vary depending on age and puberty.
Change the place of the injection by 2–3 cm daily—“site rotation”. Repeated injections on
the same site harden the skin (lipohypertrophy)—the pain is less, but insulin is not
Extent to which the BG is expected to drop (in mg/dL) with 1 unit of regular insulin
or rapid-acting analog.
This factor can be derived by dividing a constant factor (1,700) by the patient’s total daily
dose (TDD).
(or the grams of carbohydrate for which 1 unit of rapid- or short-acting insulin is
The amount of carbohydrate being consumed can be titrated for premeal insulin dose as
per the ICR, i.e., to calculate the amount of insulin needed for the amount of carbohydrate.
The BG logs can be analyzed with ICR and ISF to optimize insulin dosage and meal
Check record book which should contain date and time of:-
(SMBG)/carbohydrate intake
Note of special events affecting glycemic control (e.g., illness and exercise)
When unwell frequent random BG and ketone (urine or blood) monitoring is needed,
Calculate TDD.This is the sum of all insulin being given in a day. To give extra dose of
If BG < 80 mg/dL: Regular insulin should be omitted. Frequent feeds in small quantities
should be given with 2–3 hourly BG monitoring. Basal insulin should be given. If urine
Hospitalize: If child is drowsy, vomiting more than three times, not tolerating oral feeds,
This approach allows systematic review producers and users to apply semi-objective
judgments on factors that may limit the quality of evidence in the review.
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Imprecision, and
Publication bias.
A detailed explanation of the GRADE approach is outside the scope of this article.
For example, a strong recommendation (grade A) is given to both level I evidence as well
Consistent level 2 or 3 studies and extrapolation from level 1 studies are given grade B.
Level 4 studies and extrapolation from level 2 or 3 studies are allotted grade C.
Level 5 evidence and inconsistent or inconclusive studies from any level are the lowest
Key Points
GRADE provides a framework for assessing quality that encourages transparency and an
The optimal application of GRADE requires systematic review of the impact of alternative
publication bias is necessary for decision makers, clinicians, and patients to understand
and have confidence in the assessment of quality and estimate of effect size.
Ans. In the fetal circulation, the right and left ventricles exist in a parallel circuit, as opposed
In the fetus, the placenta provides for gas and metabolite exchange. Because the lungs do
not provide gas exchange, the pulmonary vessels are vasoconstricted, diverting blood
3 cardiovascular structures unique to the fetus are important for maintaining this parallel
circulation: -
Ductus venosus
Foramen ovale
Ductus arteriosus
Umbilical venous partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), the highest O2 level provided to the
Approximately 50% of the umbilical venous blood enters the hepatic circulation, Rest
bypasses the liver and joins the inferior vena cava (IVC) via the ductus venosus, where it
partially mixes with poorly oxygenated IVC blood derived from the lower part of the fetal
This combined venous blood flow (PO2 of 26-28 mm Hg) enters the right atrium and is
preferentially directed by a flap of tissue at the right atrium–IVC junction, the eustachian
valve, across the foramen ovale to the left atrium. This is the major source of left
LV blood -> ascending aorta, supplies predominantly the fetal upper body and brain.
Fetal superior vena cava (SVC) blood, which is considerably less oxygenated (PO2 of
12-14 mm Hg) than IVC blood, enters the right atrium and preferentially flows across
the tricuspid valve-> Into the RV -> ejected into the pulmonary artery (PA).
of right ventricular (RV) outflow enters the lungs. The major portion of this blood
bypasses the lungs and flows right-to-left through the ductus arteriosus into the
descending aorta to perfuse the lower part of the fetal body, including providing flow
Upper part of the fetal body (including the coronary and cerebral arteries and those to
the upper extremities) is perfused exclusively from the LV with blood that has a slightly
higher PO2 than the blood perfusing the lower part of the fetal body, which is derived
From the ascending aorta (ONLY 10% of fetal cardiac output) flows all the way around
Total fetal cardiac output—(combined output of both LV+RV ) —is approximately 450
Approximately 65% of descending aortic blood flow returns to the placenta, remaining
Thus, during fetal life the RV is not only pumping against systemic blood pressure, but
also performing a slightly greater volume of work than the left ventricle. Thus the RV
wall is as thick as the LV wall during fetal and immediate neonatal life.
Blood flow is important determinant of growth of fetal cardiac chambers, valves, and
blood vessels.
downstream into the left ventricle is limited and LV growth may be compromised, which
Stenosis of a downstream structure such as the aortic valve can disrupt flow into the left
At birth, mechanical expansion of the lungs and an increase in arterial PO2 -> result
Output from RV flows entirely into the pulmonary circulation, and because PVR becomes
lower < SVR, Shunt through the ductus arteriosus reverses and becomes left to right.
Over several days the high arterial PO2 constricts and eventually closes the DA ->
Increased volume of pulmonary blood flow -> LA from the lungs -> increases LV volume
and pressure sufficiently to close the flap of the foramen ovale functionally, although
Removal of the placenta -> Results in closure of the (DV) ductus venosus.
The left ventricle is now coupled to the high resistance systemic circulation, and its wall
thickness and mass begin to increase. In contrast, the right ventricle is now coupled to the
low resistance pulmonary circulation, and its wall thickness and mass decrease.
The Left ventricle, now deliver the entire systemic cardiac output (approximately 350
Because the ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale do not close completely at birth, they
• The pericardial and pleural cavities are above (or cranial to) it, whereas the
1) Septum transversum is the most important component and it contributes for the
unpaired anterior and median part that includes central tendon, esophageal and
a. Liver develops in the caudal part of septum transversum. Cranial part form the
3) Ventral and dorsal mesenteries of esophagus form the irregular dorsal median part
4) Mesoderm of body wall including mesoderm around dorsal aorta that fuses with
pleuroperitoneal membranes.
The trachea develops from the intermediate part of laryngotracheal tube that lies
between the points of its bifurcation into bronchial or lung buds and the larynx.
At birth the bifurcation of trachea lies at the level of lower border of 4th thoracic
– The endoderm of laryngotracheal diverticulum forms the lining epithelium and glands
of trachea.
– The cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue of trachea develop from splanchnopleuric
• The esophagus is developed from the part of the foregut between the pharynx and the
• It is at first short but elongates with the formation of the neck, with the descent of the
foregut. Around the upper two-thirds of the esophagus, the mesenchyme forms striated
muscle. Around the lower one-third, the muscle formed is smooth (as over the rest of the
Generally, persistence of significant jaundice for more than 2 wk in term and more
First and foremost step to manage an infant with PJ is to rule out cholestasis.
Yellow colored urine is a reasonable marker for cholestasis; however the urine color
If the infant has dark colored urine, the infant should be managed as per cholestasis
Thyroid screen can be considered in such infants at this stage if routine metabolic screen
G6PD level, thyroid screen, ABO of infant & mother if not done earlier should performed
Ans. Therapeutic approach to congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) has shifted from one
The infant’s heart rate, preductal and postductal saturations, and blood pressure (invasive
The key principles of successful delivery room resuscitation and stabilization are the
avoidance of high airway pressures and high oxygen concentration as this will facilitate in
After delivery, the infant should be intubated immediately without bag and mask
Ventilation by bag and mask may cause distention of the stomach and must be avoided as
Ventilation in the delivery suite may be done with a ventilation bag or Neopuff with a peak
95 %. FiO2 should be started at 1.0 and then adjusted downwards to achieve SpO 2 targets.
A central or peripheral venous line should be inserted to allow for administration of fluids
Arterial line is to be placed for monitoring of blood pressure and for blood sampling after
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initial stabilization.
Arterial blood pressure to be maintained at acceptable levels for gestational age. In case of
hypotension or poor perfusion volume bolus (NaCl 0.9 % at 10–20 ml/kg) should be
surfactant therapy is associated with higher mortality rate, greater use of ECMO, and more
is still evolving.
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Surgical Repair
Most surgeons wait for a few days for the period of stabilization to occur prior to surgery.
Standard surgical approach to repair the diaphragmatic defect consists of the subcostal
incision with removal of the abdominal contents from the thorax and complete
For defects that are too large to be closed by primary repair, a number of reconstructive
techniques such as prosthetic patches have been evolved to close the gap, and this can
Approximately half of all the repairs that require some type of patch may result in
Minimally invasive surgery techniques for repair of CDH is gaining popularity; But
Even though early repair of CDH in neonates on ECMO can be accomplished, CDH repair
after ECMO therapy is associated with improved survival compared to repair on ECMO
Q. 13) JSSK ?
Ans. Government of India has launched Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) on 1st
June, 2011.
The scheme is estimated to benefit more than 12 million pregnant women who access
Moreover it will motivate those who still choose to deliver at their homes to opt for
institutional deliveries.
It is an initiative with a hope that states would come forward and ensure that benefits
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under JSSK would reach every needy pregnant woman coming to government
institutional facility.
All the States and UTs have initiated implementation of the scheme.
in 2014, the programme was extended to all antenatal & post-natal complications of
pregnancy and similar entitlements have been put in place for all sick newborns and
infants (up to one year of age) accessing public health institutions for treatment.
The following are the Free Entitlements for Sick newborns till 30 days after birth.This
has now been expanded to cover sick infants:
Free treatment
Free drugs and consumables
Free diagnostics
Free provision of blood
Exemption from user charges
Free Transport from Home to Health Institutions
Free Transport between facilities in case of referral
Free drop Back from Institutions to home
Ans .
India moved towards global commitment for malaria elimination and endorsed a plan to
WHO has developed the Global technical strategy for malaria under the National
indigenous cases) throughout the entire country by 2030, and maintain malaria-free
Microscopy has always been the gold standard method but it requires highly skilled
a daunting task, as a consequence, more than a quarter of malaria cases are missed by
Deletions of the Pfhrp2 gene in the parasite, fluctuation in the expression level of
Plasmodium Lactic Dehydrogenase (pLDH), and prozone phenomena are the major
Methods like conventional PCR, nested PCR, qPCR, multiplex PCR, and Loop-mediated
isothermal amplification (LAMP) are less frequently used techniques due to longer time
required, need for advanced equipment, expensive reagents and experienced personnel,
Hawthorne effect
Recall bias
Selection bias
Apprehension bias: Certain levels (pulse, blood pressure) may alter systematically from
Attention bias (Hawthorne effect): Study subjects may systematically alter their
Berkesonian bias (Admission rate bias): Bias due to hospital cases and controls being
Interviewer bias: Interviewer devotes more time of interview with cases as compared to
Lead time bias (Zero time shift bias): Bias of over-estimation of survival time, due to
Memory/ Recall bias: Cases are more likely to remember exposure more correctly than
Neymann Bias (Prevalence-incidence bias): Bias due to missing of fatal cases, mild/
silent cases and cases of short duration of episodes from the study.
Any factor associated with both exposure and outcome, and has an independent
Ans. Management
improve oxygenation and provide adequate oxygen delivery to the tissues while
Supportive Therapies –
Maintaining normal body temperature, glucose level, ionic calcium and sedation/
Lung Recruitment –
Optimizing lung recruitment with the use of PEEP to achieve lung expansion to functional
Underinflation and overinflation increase PVR due to the mechanical effects on the extra-
Oxygenation –
Hyperoxia (PaO2 > 100 mmHg) does not enhance pulmonary vasodilation and increases
the formation of oxygen free radicals that increases pulmonary arterial contractility and
Optimal saturation target range for patients with PPHN is not known.
Targeting a lower limit of preductal SpO2 of 92% Or 93% provides a buffer to hypoxic
pulmonary vasoconstriction and an upper limit of 97% ensures the optimal balance of
Adequacy of tissue o2 delivery by pulse oximetry and blood gas monitoring for acidosis.
disease. Although not routinely used in the management of PPHN, there may be benefit
to the use of NIRS in the presence of PPHN associated with hypoxic ischemic
initiation of iNO improves outcome and reduces the need for extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation (ECMO).
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Inhaled nitric oxide remains the only United States Food and Drug Administration
iNO is produced by the endothelial cells and causes pulmonary vasodilation through
iNO causes selective vasodilation of the pulmonary circulation as it diffuses from the
alveolus into the smooth muscle cells and causes pulmonary vasodilation.
iNO is inactivated by hemoglobin in the circulation and hence has minimal systemic
vasodilator effect.
iNO causes vasodilation of pulmonary blood vessels that are adjacent to well-ventilated
alveoli and decreases intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting and improves V/Q matching
(microselective effect).
Higher doses (80ppm) do not enhance pulmonary vasodilation and may increase the
initiation of iNO.
In infants who fail to respond to iNO after optimizing lung recruitment, ventilation and
Once oxygenation response is achieved, iNO dose can be weaned in decrements of 5 ppm
daily during treatment with iNO. Once oxygenation response is achieved, iNO dose can be
daily during treatment with iNO. The approach to weaning iNO used-
In patients who fail to respond iNO, measures needed to optimize of lung recruitment and
In responders wean FiO2 initially while maintaining PaO2 between 60 and 80 mm Hg.
Once PaO2 is stable and FiO2 is below 0.6, start weaning iNO by 5 ppm every 4 h till 5
During weaning >5% drop in pulse oximetry or sustained increase in FiO2 > 0.15 to
maintain PaO2 > 60 mm Hg is considered weaning failure, and previous dose of iNO
should be resumed.
Prostaglandins –
Prostaglandins cause activation of adenylate cyclase increasing the cAMP levels in the
Inhaled PGI2 by nebulization has been shown to be effective in infants who had poor
response to Ino.
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors –
Milrinone is a PDE3A inhibitor and enhances cAMP levels in the arterial smooth
Dose may be titrated up to 1 µg/kg/min with close monitoring of systemic blood pressure.
Sildenafil –
Sildenafil may be used in combination with iNO, or may be used alone to prevent rebound
Hyperoxic ventilation increases PDE5, and PDE5 inhibitors may be particularly effective
The starting dose of oral sildenafil is 0.5 mg/kg/dose every eight hourly and can be
therapy, hence intravascular volume status should be optimized, and blood pressure
Acid–Base Balance
DNB Theory- Exam Paper Solution
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