Mapeh 9
Mapeh 9
Mapeh 9
Instructions: Choose the best answer. Write letter of the correct answer on the space
_____1. Which Medieval play presents a real or _____6. In what part of a Greek theater building do
fictitious account of the life, miracles, or martyrdom actors perform?
of a saint. A. Parodos B. Skene
A. Mystery Play B. Satyr Play C. Theatron D. Orchestra
C. Miracle Play D. Morality Play _____7. Which of the following is NOT a part of a
_____2. Which of the following is NOT performed by Roman Theater play?
the minstrels during the Medieval period? A. Gladiator B. Puppetry
A. Cooking B. Singing C. Public Execution D. Chariot Races
C. Dancing D. Puppetry _____8. Which part of a Roman theater has an
_____3. Where do minstrels perform their juggling, elaborately decorated background of theatre stage,
storytelling, and acrobats? enclosed by large columned porticos with an
A. Theater B. Market expansive garden complex of fountains and statues.
C. Streets D. Coliseum A. Orchestra B. Scaenae fron
_____4. What Medieval play is popular that tells C. Quadriporticus D. Skene
stories from the Bible? _____9. Who are the first actors who experienced
A. Mystery Play B. Satyr Play theater in Rome?
C. Miracle Play D. Morality Play A. Etruscan B. Livius
_____5. When do Churches in Europe start staging C. Cyclopes D. Euripides
their own theater performances? _____10. What was the most admired type of play in
A. Maundy Thursday B. Black Saturday Greek that dealt with tragic events and had an
C. Good Friday D. Easter Sunda unhappy ending, especially one concerning the
downfall of the main character?
A. Satyr B. Comedy
C. Public Execution D. Tragedy
ACTIVITIES (Module 1 & 2)
Instructions: Choose the best answer. Write letter of the correct answer on the space
_____1. What is an activity that gives you pleasure _____6. How many minutes of moderate to vigorous
wherein you are not obliged to do but instead chosen by physical activity is needed by people aged 5 to 17
you to perform and to satisfy your needs? according to the WHO?
A. Recreation B. Leisure A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes
C. Sports game D. Group activity C. 30 minutes D. 60 minutes
_____2. What motive of recreation includes activities like _____7. Where are competitive badminton games best
friendly visit, going out, and gathering with other played?
people? A. Gymnasium B. Garden
A. Socializing B. Competitive C. Park D. Road
C. Associative D. Exploration _____8. What equipment is used if you want to do
_____3. What motive of recreation involves activities like cycling as a recreation?
hiking, diving, and other activities that expose oneself to A. Ball B. Bicycle
a new environment? C. Car D. Skates
A. Socializing B. Competitive _____9. Which of the following is a skill in volleyball? A.
C. Associative D. Exploration Blocking B. Dribbling
_____4. Which among the following is NOT considered C. Smashing D. Sculpturing
as an environmental activity? _____10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of
A. Biking B. Camping sports as a recreational activity?
C. Hiking D. Sculpturing A. Excuse not doing homework
_____5. Which among the list below is NOT included in B. Helps in managing one’s weight
the Techno-type classification of recreation? C. Enhances thinking and learning skills
A. Dancing B. Internet surfing D. Enjoy sports even as recreation and not in a
C. Piano playing D. Movie watching competitive level ‘
“Shadow Ball = Imaginary
Activity: Shadow Ball =
Imaginary Ball
Answer the following
questions after doing the
1. How did you feel after the
activity? Why?
2. Do you think this activity
helped you use sports as a
recreational activity amidst
our current situation (crisis)?
3. What other sports can we
apply shadow sports? Explain
your answer.
Instructions: Choose the best answer. Write letter of the correct answer on the space
Instruction: Put a check to the column that corresponds to your answer. Then answer the processing
Processing Questions:
1. Where did you experience or witness these situations or problems? Who committed these acts?
2. What did you feel when you experienced or witness these intentional injuries?
3. What are you going to do to prevent these intentional injuries from happening to you?
Name: _________________________________________ Date Accomplished: _______________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Teacher: __________________________
Instructions: Choose the best answer. Write letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____ 1. What harmful act occurs when damage is done C. Program Music D. Through-composed
to oneself or to others by accident? _____6. How many years after his death was Schubert’s
A. Stalking C. Intentional Injuries Unfinished Symphony first performed?
B. Rape D. Unintentional Injuries A. 4 years B. 40 years
_____ 2. What is the Art song mostly about? C. 400 years D. It was performed before
A. about Halloween he died.
B. about the Resurrection _____7. What did Schubert do as a student?
C. about Advent A. sang in the choir B. played the violin
D. about love, desire and beauty of nature C. played in an orchestra D. All the above
_____ 3. What form of Art song has the same music for _____8. How many compositions did Schubert wrote?
each of its verses? A. more than 600 pieces B. 600 pieces
A. Nocturne B. Strophic C. less than 600 pieces D. unknown
C. Program Music D. Through-composed _____9. Who was the wealthiest and most-influential
_____ 4. Which of the following is an important aspect of family of the Austrian empire where Schubert taught
lieder brought together an equal partnership with the music?
voice? A. Esterhazy B. Etherhazy
A. Piano Accompaniment B. Poetry C. Mozart D. Bach
C. Song D. Composer _____10. What do the friends of Schubert who are circle
_____ 5. What form of Art song has different music for of writers, artists, and music lovers called themselves?
each verse? A. Schbertiads B. Schubertad
A. Nocturne B. Strophic C. Schubertians D. The Schuberts
PERFORMANCE TASK: “Song Writing-My Art Song” PERFORMANCE TASK: “Song Writing-My Art
Direction: Compose a short poetry to be used as the lyrics Song”
of your own Art Song. Your poetry should have 2-3 stanzas
of 4 lines each, with 7 or 11 syllables per line).