13.3.24 (Share It 4)
13.3.24 (Share It 4)
13.3.24 (Share It 4)
Lesson Aim
To read a story about a new friend.
To understand the value of being friendly.
To name rooms in school
Anticipated problems Anticipated solutions
Some Ss might confuse with the speaking By modeling and giving example.
Lesson 3, Story
Time Stage Objective Activity / Procedure Interaction Material
10 mins Warm Up To engage students in a brief activity that • Review Lesson 1 vocabulary. Write Ss-Ss
prepares them mentally and emotionally for a list on the board of all the Lesson WC
the upcoming lesson. 1 school subjects.
• Say These are our classes today.
Model asking questions about the
class schedule with a volunteer. Ask
Do we have English today? Elicit
the answer yes.
• Put students in pairs. Have them
take turns asking and answering for
all subjects.
5 mins Pre-reading To introduce the reading topic and build • Display the story. Tr-Ss
anticipation for what will be read • Point to it and ask Ss to scan the WC
story panels for the words they
recognize from Lesson 1 Vocab.
Elicit the characters they see in
each panel.
• Read the title.
• Refer to some panels in the story.
• Ask some questions about the
• Do activity 1.
• Check answers.
15 mins Reading and To develop students' reading and listening • Play the audio and have Ss follow Tr-Ss
listening comprehension skills through engagement along in their books. Ss-Ss
with authentic texts or audio materials. • Give time to reread the story
• Elicit the value of the story.
• Model the behavior that shows (the
value) .
• Call out some volunteers. Let them
act it out without words.
• Then, ask them to read the story as
if it were a play.
• Repeat the process until all Ss have
a chance to participate.
5 mins Value To explore and discuss the core values, • Ss find examples of characters in WC
themes, or messages conveyed in the the story who demonstrate the
reading value or who don’t.
• Ss practice language associated
with the value.
10 mins Value extension To deepen understanding and application of • Ss demonstrate their understanding Tr-Ss
the values discussed in the reading of the value by action out situations WC
that Tr gives them.
10 mins Wrap Up To review key concepts, language points, or • Have students make a poster about Tr-Ss
learning outcomes covered during the the unit value. WC
lesson. • Put students in pairs.
• Have them draw a scene that shows
the value in practice and write a
sentence about it underneath the
• Model an example on the board.
• Draw a picture of a smiling face.
Write Smile a lot.
• After pairs make their posters,
have each present theirs to the
• Hang the posters around the
classroom as a reminder to practice
the value.
5 mins I can routine To encourage self-reflection and self- • Write I can statement on the board. Ss-Ss
assessment of individual learning goals and • Ss face each other and take turns to WC
objectives. say I can statement.
• Ss put a check mark next to the I
can statement.
Lesson 4, Vocabulary 2
Time Stage Objective Activity / Procedure Interaction Material
Warm Up To engage students in a brief activity that • Review Lesson 1 and 2 vocabulary
prepares them mentally and emotionally for and grammar. Play the Guessing
the upcoming lesson. Game. See page xii.
• On each card, write one school
subject, or draw a picture that
represents each subject. The class
asks Do you have ... today?
• Students answer (Yes, I do. / No,
• I don't.) based on the card.
10 mins Vocabulary To introduce and practice new vocabulary • Play the audio. Pause after each
routine words or phrases related to the lesson topic word until Ss find the picture.
• Play the audio. Ss listen, point and
say the words.
• Model the activity by asking a
strong SS to point to a picture while
you say the word.
• Ss work in pairs. Take turns
pointing and saying the words.
10 mins Song To reinforce language learning through Refer to Lesson Note.
rhythm, repetition, and movement • Read the title of the song aloud.
• Have students read the lyrics first
and write the missing letters. Play
the audio. Have students listen and
check their answers. Play the audio
as many times as needed. Have
students compare answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Read the
lyrics (or have a student read them)
and have the class call out the
missing letters. Play the audio again
and sing along as a class.
15 mins Speaking To provide opportunities for students to Refer to Lesson Note.
practice and develop their speaking skills in • Model the dialogue with a
a communicative context. volunteer.
• Say Give one more clue if your
partner can't guess.
• Give students a few minutes to
think of clues. Put students in pairs.
• Have them play until all six rooms
are guessed.
10 mins Wrap Up To review key concepts, language points, or • Review Lesson 4 vocabulary.
learning outcomes covered during the • Play Pictionary.
5 mins I can routine To encourage self-reflection and self- • Write I can statement on the board.
assessment of individual learning goals and • Ss face each other and take turns to
objectives. say I can statement.
• Ss put a check mark next to the I
can statement.