Skilling Journey - The-Nudge Institute

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Enabling underprivileged youth lead flourishing lives

India is staring at the world’s largest demographic divide ever

youth will enter our workforce over the next 15 years
but most are not ready for employment

33% employment unaware

47% school dropouts
50% unemployable
we need to significantly increase our investment
in youth across both capabilities & opportunities.

so we designed a 360 degree holistic program

focused on foundational learning towards
formal employment, pulling youth out of the
cycle of poverty, sustainably.
we designed a residential program to deliver a transformative impetus
90-day rigorous fully-residential Program in Life Management (PLM) - Gurukul

selection filters training employment post-employment support

impoverished rural communities modular for cohorts & urban destination for high post-employment support;
with an avg. combined household contexts, continuous density of jobs; open career path & upskilling
income < Rs25k/mo; filters (need,
motivation, cognition, education, monitoring & evaluation; campus model; 200+ guidance, job announcements,
livelihood fit); counselling on covering life, learning and employment partners counselling on health & savings
best-fit economic foundations management

beauty electrical delivery logistics HMT (household maintenance customer retail sales
works technician) service

key results of the Gurukul program

6200+ 100% 41 : 59 40% Rs. 12k

graduates employment rate women : men Increase in salary avg salary
(for those who opt-in) (for those who were employed
before the program)
impact of the Gurukul
In October 2019, an independent impact assessment was conducted, comparing the socio-economic outcomes achieved by
alumni from the Gurukul program against a control group who did not attend the program.
Strong track record with a bias for action

Gurukul Program in Life Management

: Graduated 6200+ youth since 2016 with 100% placements/150+ employers
: Gurukuls in 3 cities in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad serving students from 10 states
programs & : Student data collected, managed and analyzed on tech enabled platform
solving for service sector employability through “English+21st century skills”
: graduated 10,400+ youth since 2020 from 10+ states
: program delivered fully online through Zoom and TriByte

Pilot on Improving Industry Participation through Apprenticeship (funded by UNDP & KPMG
in partnership with GIZ)
innovation &
action : counselled 2000+ students on apprenticeship in over 100+ ITIs and colleges
: building career counselling platform to map student aspirations with industry demand

Research of teacher training landscape in skill development (funded by HSBC)

: examined reasons for low of quality training by evaluating the trainer’s journey
knowledge & : proposed a 2 solution design to solve lack of industry collaboration for trainer hiring
research Research on employment in MSME’s in India (funded by ADB)
Research on India’s skill development landscape (funded by Unisys)

Conceptualized a formal, vocational, industry-relevant B. Voc. Program to be implemented

strategy & with Bangalore Central University
Consulted with Delhi Govt for its flagship Delhi Skills and Entrepreneurship University to
design and conceptualize content for the university
Our Journey

partnered with GIZ, NSDC*, UNDP and Karnataka’s CSDE launch consulted with Delhi Govt on its flagship Skill &
SME clusters - KASSIA, ELCIA to run a pilot on
Entrepreneurship University
promoting apprenticeships within youth. 2366 youth institutionalised skilling and
counselled entrepreneurship completed 1st research project with ADB#

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

46 529 1601 3624 5974


Gurukuls partnerships Future/Perfect

residential skill training program youth employability in
joint research and
for youth formal service sector
innovation in partnership
with NSDC*
Way forward for the Future Perfect program

We are making 3 big bets based on pilot findings and our research:

1. Employment Ready (ER): provide youth the skills needed to enable upward
socioeconomic mobility sustainably

2. Job Coach : enable job-ready youth to enter formal sector employment by

overcoming last mile barriers

3. Youth Awareness Project (YAP): nudge the fence sitters among youth to consider
formal employment through better awareness and information sharing
Employment Ready
provide youth the skills needed to enable upward
socio-economic mobility sustainably
Employment Ready: a program focused on English and foundational skills
Building on our successes and learnings, Future Perfect will continue to pave the path to access opportunities for underserved
youth aged between 18-25 years through spoken English and 21st century skills such as problem solving, interpersonal skills and
career planning.

target student profile
- 0.6 level jump on CEFR* scale
age English language (Common European Framework
18+ of Reference for languages)

- avg 70% score in post-class

minimum education
21st century skills assessment taken by students
qualification for
(problem solving, collaboration, creativity)
eligibility - Measurable improvement in
College dropouts, high admissions graduation Punctuality, Resilience and
school diploma, enrolled in Empathy values
college or recent graduates
(growth mindset, empathy, ownership)
Low English proficiency

self & career awareness : upward economic mobility

Karnataka, Tamil Nadu : improved social outcomes i.e.
greater social standing,
economic status self-esteem, community
low income households participation, improved ability
with combined monthly to overcome obstacles, develop
trainer-led activity based learning + task based productive relationships,
income < Rs 30,000/-
self-learning and assessments greater autonomy in
households for women
Classes conducted by experienced trainers
Supported by quality assurance and content & curriculum teams Work Experience across Corporates,
Educational Institutions and NGOs

formal qualifications BSc, BTech, BEd,

0-4 yrs work experience
BE, BCom, MCom, MBA

Kannada, Tamil & English

Karnataka & Tamil Nadu
languages of instruction
trainer profile
Trainer Development
40+ hrs of induction knowledge
Framework 8 hrs of training x 6
(22 hrs), understanding (8 hrs)
days, followed by refresher and
and application (14 hrs)
need-based training

Trainer Development Framework

Domain Expertise Training Skills

: Fluent English - min B2 level on CEFR : Basic training skills prerequisite based on the
: Graduates in any discipline Trainer Development Framework
Evaluated through CEFR assessment Evaluated through an online demo

Communication skills Mindset

: Fluency in English & vernacular language Openness to learning and growing as a trainer
Evaluated through an online demo Evaluated in interview post demo
Employment Ready delivering on key metrics

encouraging early reads across operational metrics attendance rate

indicate the potential of online skilling while

allowing for scale:
● Attendance
○ Average attendance is currently ~80%+ for ER batches

● Profile
○ ~86% of our students fall in the income bracket of <INR 30K
monthly family income indicating we are serving right gender split monthly family income
○ Women comprise ~49% of the total cohort which indicates a INR 20-40 k
INR 0-20 k
healthy gender balance 26%

● Retention 65%
49% 51% > INR 40 k
○ Overall retention is at ~64% for over 25+ batches that have been 8%
graduated, much higher than the ~28% retention seen for 4m 3%
program B1 2%

● Learning outcome jump
○ Overall jump in CEFR level has been 0.47 points
○ Jump in values (resilience, empathy, punctuality) measured as baseline levels
per early reads
Tech first design key to our approach to training

a sample conversation facilitated on Whatsapp for a sample endline assessment scoreboard of a student
youth enrollment and check for program eligibility
Overview of the Future Perfect outcomes
Future Perfect is an online skilling program to improve the employability of underserved youth (primarily from Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities)
through English communication and 21st century skills. Your support has enabled us to achieve the following outcomes:

Ningappa, a native of Dharwad, Karnataka

comes from a family of five with a
family income of 15,000 per month. He
is currently working in a manufacturing
graduates company in Bangalore.
He lacked confidence and communication
skills which led him in tremendous pressure

47% 82%
A2 High and above on CEFR
at work. He was unable to build a career development plan nor
secure a promotion in his current role which prompted him to
enroll for Future Perfect.
He was highly motivated from his peers and the trainer during
the course and even proud of the 2 level jump he achieved on
the CEFR scale used for evaluating English learning outcomes.

graduates who are
₹14k “Future Perfect course has helped me build various skills
apart from improving me english and grammar. I’m highly
average monthly salary motivated after completing the course and I have a better
gainfully employed**
(self-employed: , The/Nudge placements: ) chance for a promotion in my field”

*CEFR = Common European Framework for Reference of Languages

**placement counseling is ongoing for graduates and average cycle is of minimum 4 weeks due to slowdown in economy
Job Coach
to enable upward socioeconomic mobility for youth from low
income families
Youth employability is a tough challenge despite the availability of entry level jobs

jobs are available at existing levels of education and technical skills, but youth do not currently access these opportunities.

challenges in accessing formal employment possible solutions

● unemployed youth need jobs urgently and cannot ● short duration program
wait for 2-4 months to be skilled
● 1:1 counselling towards
● underemployed youth find it difficult to balance
work with skilling programs/job hunting ○ career awareness

● youth have low/no awareness about the formal job ○ expectation-setting about job markets, role
market, esp in private sector and salaries

○ interview preparedness through mock

● biases about the job markets, role and salaries
interviews & tips and tricks
● lack of interview preparedness
● migration support
● lack of guidance & support system ○ access to affordable housing

● discomfort in migrating to tier 1/2 cities ○ counselling to stay in the job

with 6+ years of working with youth in enhancing their employability & providing employment assistance, we are launching…
Our proposed solution : a pilot on coaching towards job-readiness

target student profile placement coach

18-27 yrs old
sector awareness
minimum education (job market awareness, employer
expectations, competency mapping)

qualification for eligibility
rural : under/postgraduates fees - Rs 999 to ensure
urban : high school diploma students’ commitment
job readiness lifeguard
geo (resume & interview prep, workplace (career counselling,
Karnataka etiquette, documentation support) migration support)

employment status
unemployed or life skills
underemployed navigating first job challenges, financial
planning, choices)
economic status
low income households with acquisition filters
combined monthly income of age, geo, intent to work &
less than Rs 30,000 education qualification 20 hrs of 1-on-1 coaching over 3 weeks

before training & placement of youth lifeguard

Placement with employers in the formal workforce

customer service - retail

job roles: customer service executive, retail sales assistant, F&B associate
testimonial from a
repeat employer

“The kind of energy

level and motivation
students come with is
extraordinary. Girls
are saving, sending
money home and
customer service - BFSI (banking & financial services) & BPO (business process outsourcing)
taking care of their
job roles: call center support executive, sales associate, customer service executive
siblings’ education.”

Kulwinder Singh, HR
Business Partner,

logistics & supply chain management - to be onboarded

job roles: inventory executive, packaging executive, scanning & sorting operator
Youth Awareness Project
nudge the fence sitters among youth to consider formal employment
through better awareness and information sharing
An edutainment channel on Instagram
currently has a
reach of ~2 mn
accounts per month

624 mn 448 mn 204 mn Reels is the most

popular feature
among our TG - our
internet users social media users instagram users
reach: 40k
*india usage data users/week

jobcoach_ka engagement:
What are we trying? 2.08%

An edutainment channel to build awareness current 36k

about skills and employment opportunities. we demography
design content that is Q4 21-22 50k
● relevant and contextual 96% of our followers
● bite-sized are in the group of
● fun, engaging and useful Q4 22-23 500k 18-24 yrs

with a cvr of 1.5% 76% men: 24%

(internet skew)
Way forward:
● keep iterating on content to increase lead gen focus
top location:
● identify and partner with key influencers bangalore, mysore
● improve reach in semi-urban / rural areas
The Future Perfect Journey

Over the course of last 1.5 years, The/Nudge has been able to scale its residential training program for underserved youth, the Gurukul to a
completely online model, Future Perfect. The program has trained 10,500+ youth reaching 10 states with apt placement support for youth
looking to join the formal workforce.

The journey has been filled with active problem solving and dedicated efforts across mobilisation, learning, retention and placements as
we adapted to match the needs of the youth during the challenges of COVID-19.
Pilots focused on
product-fit of ER
A brief glimpse into our journey: model that gives
Experimentation youth a chance to
invest in their
with 2 month skills/jobs as per their
model in line with aspirations/needs.
Launch of working youth need for
Future Perfect shorter duration of program > on-ground research
to reduce opportunity cost. on understanding
mobile app with youth aspirations,
First cohort of gamification and > explore student pricing at their learning needs
Future Perfect leadership boards. INR 999 and INR 2,499 for and experiences in
the Job Readiness and Karnataka.
graduates > App integrated with Employability Readiness
(4 month model) WhatsApp to allow for models respectively to > Placement Coach
streamlining of student support student retention to improve
interaction employability and
Launch of Future > Evaluation of
and the long term viability
resilience among
of the program.
Perfect Online student learning > Phased transition to youth through 1:1
with 250 youth enrolled experiences to Aspiring Minds > placement portal mentoring
into the 240 hr-program improve program assessment to reduce designed for outreach to
(4 month model) stickiness for enrolled human biases in current graduates and > Edutainment
youth learning evaluations. alumni for jobs channel on
> Student fee of INR 499 Instagram for youth
to upskill themselves.

Jul-20 Nov-20 Mar-21 Jun-21 Oct-21 Dec-21

Future Perfect
The/Nudge CSDE: Future Perfect Team Leadership

Atul Satija
Founder, The/Nudge
InMobi, Google, Infy, Adobe

To Be Hired

AG Lakshmanan
Director & Head - Programs
GiveIndia, ITC
IIM-I, Mumbai University

Sonali Yadav Pooja Lathkar Prashanth C Awadhi Saxena

Delivery Excellence Product Head - Program Strategy & Ops
TFI, Mahindra & Mahindra, Operations
Indira Gandhi Inst of
Teach For India IIHS, Metamation, Medispec EY, Netaji Subhas
Technology Osmania University Copenhagen Business School Institute of Technology
Screenshots of Future Perfect App

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