Metro Omsn 46 54 Oh Ed01
Metro Omsn 46 54 Oh Ed01
Metro Omsn 46 54 Oh Ed01
Rel. 4.6/5.4
Operator’s Handbook
PREFACE......................................................................................................................................... 15
Preliminary Information.............................................................................................................. 15
Applicability................................................................................................................................. 17
Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 17
History.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Related Documents .................................................................................................................... 18
Handbook Structure ................................................................................................................... 19
General Information on Documentation ................................................................................... 19
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 21
1.1 General description of the Craft terminal ......................................................................... 21
1.1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 21
1.1.2 Alcatel software product and licence delivered to the customer ..................................... 22
1.1.3 Craft Terminal main functionalities in the NE management ............................................ 24
2 MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................ 29
2.1 General introduction on views and menus ....................................................................... 30
2.1.1 EML-USM view organization .......................................................................................... 30
2.1.2 Introduction on the EML-USM menu options .................................................................. 33
2.1.3 Advices on Navigation principles .................................................................................... 55
2.2 NE Management supervision.............................................................................................. 57
2.2.1 NE management states .................................................................................................. 57
2.2.2 NE supervision and login ................................................................................................ 57
2.3 NE management general configuration ............................................................................. 59
2.3.1 Access state (allow or inhibit NE Craft access) .............................................................. 59
2.3.2 NE Time management .................................................................................................... 61
2.3.3 Alarm Configuration ........................................................................................................ 63
2.3.4 Restart NE ...................................................................................................................... 74
2.4 Security Management.......................................................................................................... 75
2.4.1 Set Manager list .............................................................................................................. 75
2.4.2 Set ACD level ................................................................................................................. 76
2.5 External input and output points management ................................................................ 77
2.5.1 Displaying external points ............................................................................................... 77
2.6 Diagnosis management....................................................................................................... 81
2.6.1 Alarms surveillance......................................................................................................... 81
2.6.2 Abnormal Condition List.................................................................................................. 83
2.6.3 Internal Link Monitor ....................................................................................................... 85
2.6.4 Log Browsing .................................................................................................................. 87
2.6.5 Remote Inventory ........................................................................................................... 88
2.7 Communication and Routing management....................................................................... 91
2.7.1 Overview on Communication and Routing Domain ........................................................ 91
2.7.2 Communication and routing views .................................................................................. 95
2.7.3 Local Configuration ......................................................................................................... 96
2.7.4 OS Configuration ............................................................................................................ 98
2.7.5 NTP Server Configuration............................................................................................... 99
2.7.6 LAPD Configuration ........................................................................................................ 100
2.7.7 Ethernet Configuration .................................................................................................... 103
2.7.8 Reachable Address Prefixes Configuration .................................................................... 105
2.7.9 Manual ES Adjacencies table Configuration................................................................... 106
Preliminary Information
ALCATEL makes no warranty of any kind with regards to this manual, and specifically disclaims the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. ALCATEL will not be liable
for errors contained herein or for damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or
special, in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
The product specification and/or performance levels contained in this document are for information
purposes only and are subject to change without notice. They do not represent any obligation on the
part of ALCATEL.
The technical information of this manual is the property of ALCATEL and must not be copied,
reproduced or disclosed to a third party without written consent.
Please contact your Local Alcatel Technical Assistance Center for questions reffered to the
information contained in this document.
To send your comments about this handbook please follow the indication on Customer Documen-
tation Feedback on page 517
The safety recommendations here below must be considered to avoid injuries on persons and/or
damage to the equipment.
Service Personnel
Installation and service must be carried out by authorized persons having appropriate technical
training and experience necessary to be aware of hazardous operations during installation and
service, so as to prevent any personal injury or danger to other persons, as well as prevent
damaging the equipment.
Safety Rules
Recommended safety rules are indicated in Technical Handbook Common (see [2] on page
Local safety regulations must be used if mandatory. Safety instructions in this handbook should
be used in addition to the local safety regulations. In case of conflict between safety instructions
stated in this manual and those indicated in local regulations, mandatory local norms will
prevail. Should not local regulations be mandatory, then safety rules stated in this manual will
Handbooks relevant to software applications (typically the Operator's Handbooks) are not mod-
ified unless the new software "version" distributed to Customers implies man-machine interface
changes or in case of slight modifications not affecting the understanding of the explained pro-
Moreover, should the screen prints included in the handbook contain the product–release's
"version" marking, they are not replaced in the handbooks related to a subsequent version, if
the screen contents are unchanged.
This handbook describes the operations concerning commissioning and operation that the operators
must carry out as indicated by the software application(s) referred to in this handbook (see para. Appli-
cability on page 17).
This handbook must be used together with the associated Technical and the 1320CT Operator's Hand-
book (see Related Documents on page 18)and does not replicate information contained into them.
In particular, all cautions relevant to safety, rules for EMC and ESD, as well as warnings regarding oper-
ations that may cause damages to the equipment, are not duplicated here, but must be retrieved from the
Technical Handbook.
• the structure (hardware composition) and all the possible operating modes of the equipment
(product–release) this handbook refers to.
• how to use a PC and the Windows ambient applications
[1] Metro OMSN Rel. 4.6/5.4 Operator’s Handbook 8DG 15437 AAAA
Provides Craft Terminal screens and operational procedure dedicated to SDH MANUAL
In particular refer to Common Technical Handbook [2] to obtain the following information:
Identical or similar information on Personal Computer, Work-Station etc., other than ALCATEL's, loaded
with software applicative described in this Handbook, is supplied in the Constructor's technical documen-
This handbook is divided into the following main topics as described in the table of contents:
1.1.1 Introduction
The Craft Terminal is a project in charge of the local management of single network elements, providing
ITU- compliant Information Model Interface to the Network Element.
Multiple NE management up to 32 Network element is possible obtaining a remote Craft Terminal appli-
The general information of the Craft Terminal are presented in the Basic Craft Terminal Operator's Hand-
book, that the operator have to read before this Handbook.
In the Basic Craft Terminal Operator's Handbook are described all the general description of use, login,
navigation, rules, etc, common to all the NE using the same Craft Terminal.
Further, the same handbook contains the detailed description of common operations as “Installation" and
common screens as “Network Element Synthesis view".
The Network Element Synthesis view is the first view presented to the operator entering the application.
Starting from this view it is possible login the NE and than enter the EML-USM views.
This Operator's Handbook deals with the EML-USM views of the Craft Terminal, which directly per-
mit to manage the Network Element.
The management main functions of the EML-USM are inserted at para. 1.1.3 on page 24.
A detailed description of the EML-USM screens is given in Section Ne Management of this handbook.
From the Craft Terminal is possible to run other Specific Software applications.
These applications are in charge of the ISA-ATM, ISA-PR and ISA-PR_EA (Packet Ring Edge Aggrega-
tor) management inside the NE such as cross-connection, Backup and Restore configuration files etc.
Details information about Specific Application are described in the relevant Operator's Handbook (see
Section 1 HANDBOOK GUIDE for the code).
The list and part numbers of the SDH software products distributed by Alcatel is inserted in para.1.1.2 on
page 22.
The Craft Terminal characteristic (computer configuration) are listed in the Basic Craft Terminal Opera-
tor's Handbook.
• Software package of the NE, to be installed in the NE or update the NE (by means of download
The software package used for management permits the dialogue between craft terminal and NE, to real-
ize all the functions of the NES and EML-USM ).
The software package used for updating the NE must be installed on the PC and then downloaded on
the NE, thus following product evolution.
They are referred both to the Network Element software features and to the Craft Terminal software fea-
tures. 1650SMC Software products and licences list and part numbers
Every Software Product is identified by a denomination and a part number, listed on the following table.
These are the software products at the date of this documents creation.
Other versions can be added with relevant part numbers.
Every Software licence is identified by a denomination and a part number, listed on the following table.
Every Software Product is identified by a denomination and a part number, listed on the following table.
These are the software products at the date of this documents creation.
Other versions can be added with relevant part numbers.
Every Software licence is identified by a denomination and a part number, listed on the following table.
In this chapter, are described the main functionalities of the Craft Terminal, referred to the Network Ele-
ment management views, obtained by means EML-USM. The functionalities constitute the heading of
each of the paragraphs below.
– NE Time management
– Alarms Configuration
• Alarm Severity Assignment Profile management,
• Allow/Inhibit alarm notification,
• Alarm re-synchronization.
• Alarm Persistency configuration.
– Restart NE
Deals with housekeeping signals input from the external (station alarms) or forwarded (output) towards
the external.
For real time alarm reporting and subsequent fault localization and correction.
– Alarm Surveillance
The alarms concerning a particular managed entity will be represented in a synthetic way in all the
views concerning the entity.
Alarms information are detailed in the Alarms Surveillance Manual
This deals with the configuration parameters concerning the communication protocols for the local NE,
the OS and each other related NE. Different types of protection can be managed:
– NTP configurations
– IP Configuration
– Tunneling Configuration
Deals with the presentation of the equipment and the hierarchical tree structure, permitting to define the
types of boards present. The Board view permits to access the Port view.
– Remote Inventory
This permits to set and show the transmission resources (TP) referred only to the port (SDH PDH, HOA,
It is used to check the detailed alarm of each TP and to configure them (many options are the same
of the Transmission view).
For each port a specific menu is available where various configuration of the specific port can be set, for
– MSP protection
– Retiming
This deals with the protection mechanism that is possible to configure in the NE. Different types of pro-
tection can be managed:
This permits to cover the management of the transmission resources, opening the views of all the specific
ports of the NE (SDH and PDH).
It supply an overview of the complete signal flow.
For all the ports are presented:
For each port a specific menu is available similar to the Port view where various configuration of the spe-
cific port can be set.
Also Transmission view is than the entry point of other “management functions" .
This deals with the connection of all the Termination Point (TP), which are the starting and terminating
points of a transmission segment. In this way the multiplex structures are created, managing the traffic
flow. Similar operation are made on the OverHead cross connections.
This function deals with the set up, collect, log and display performance data associated with the managed
NE according ITU-T G.826.It consists of a set of functions that evaluate and report on the behavior of the
NEs and their effectiveness relating to the communications taking place on the Network.
Describes the operations necessary for the ATM/PR_EA/ETH, DVB-ASI and ISA-BCE boards and the
ATM/PR_EA/ETH and DVB-ASI TPs creation.
– Software download refers to the NE software, permitting to charge the software in the relevant NE
to upgrade the NE software, thus following product evolution, or as a consequence of substitution
with a spare.
– Back-up and restore on the MIB of the NE.
Unless otherwise specified, the menu and the relevant description in the following
paragraphs are intended as applicable to two Network Elements (1650SMC and
In many screen of this handbook the release number is not indicated, while it is instead
present in the real screen displayed to the operator.
This is due to the fact that the same screen is associated to the different releases.
Sometimes the release number reported is only for example.
The most part of the screen of this handbook is referred to the 1660SM menu because it is
the equipment with the complete set of features, so it has been choosed like references
Anyway similar screen are presented for the 1650SMC, so can be applied to it the same
description of 1660SM.
First is introduced the view organization, than the accessible menu options are listed.
At the end some further advice are given for Navigation principles.
The EML-USM view is the first window presented to the operator after the login.
The first view is different according to the Equipment type but the navigation principles are the same for
all; Figure 1., and Figure some examples.
EML-USM view contains the following fields, that provide you with information needed to manage the NE:
The Menu bar and the View area contained in the same NE view permits to performs all the configuration
and supervision and display the specific selected item.
The view organization is detailed in the Basic Craft Terminal Operator Handbook to which refer for the
description, except for the following information, that differs according the NE type:
Information about the alarms and status is given in the Maintenance section of this handbook.
Menu bar
View title
View area
Message/state area
states control panel
Menu bar
View title
View area
Message/state area
states control panel
The menu bar allows to perform configuration and supervision functions on the Network Element.
This paragraph list all the menu options and then more details on the relevant contained entries.
For each of them the relevant operative function are briefly introduced and it is referred the paragraphs
where it is detailed or the introduction to the options of each menu inserted in next paragraphs of this chap-
From chapter 3 on details and operative information on the all the views are given. They are not presented
according the menu option sequence but according a functional subdivision.
In the menu bar there are permanent menu items always displayed. Staring from the left , the menus are:
– Permanent Menus
To set general configuration of the NE, set TMN and OverHead parameters and to show or mod-
ify some parameters (performance monitoring, ISA Port Configuration, MSP, EPS and cross-
To get information about the NE (alarms, performance monitoring, remote inventory, internal
link monitor).
– Other Menus
To manage the NE as a whole, setting subracks and boards which compose it. From the Equip-
ment view the Board view can be accessed.
From the Equipment menu is also possible to start the Specific Terminal application for ISA port
traffic configuration.
To show the physical port available in a specific board. It is the entry point for the Port view.
It permits to show and set the Termination Point of the equipment, thus having an overview of
the complete signal flow of the various port.
The menu permits to define all the Cross Connections and manages the transmission
resources, setting the relevant configuration.
Further access the Performance Monitoring and permits navigation to the Board view.
It also permits to manage the MSP protection setting the relevant configuration.
To set and show (detailed alarm view) the transmission resources referred to the Port.
It also permits to manage the MSP protection setting the relevant configuration.
This menu permits to navigate among the views and set some parameters, by means of the following
– Equipment: Open the Equipment view. See chapter 2.8 on page 115.
The “Equipment" menu and the"EPS" menu are then available on the menu bar.
– External Points: Open the External Point view. See chapter 2.5 on page 77.
The “External Point" menu is then available on the menu bar.
– Transmission: Open the Transmission view. See chapter 2.13 on page 204.
The “Transmission" menu is then available on the menu bar.
– Synchronization: Open the Synchronization view. See chapter 2.17 on page 340.
The “Synchronization" menu is then available on the menu bar.
– Refresh: The aim of the refresh feature is to avoid a misalignment between the CT and
the managed NE.
This misalignment is due to a loss of notifications coming from the NE.
– Open Object: Navigate and show the contents of the selected object: the current view
It is equivalent to a double click on the selected object in the view area.
– Open in Window: Navigate and show the contents of the selected object.
The current view doesn't change but a new window with a new view is opened.
– Close: Close the EML-USM view, without stopping the supervision of the NE
This menu permits to set general configuration of the NE and to show or modify some parameters, by
means of the following entries:
– Set Alarm severities: Send the Alarm Severity Assignment Profile to the selected object
See para. on page 66.
– Set SdhNe Alarm severities:Send the Alarm Severity Assignment Profile referred to the
equipment level.
See para. on page 66.
– NE Time: Display and set the NE local time. See para. 2.3.2 on page 61.
– Loopback Management: Enter the loopback management. See para. on page 238.
Used to configure the loopback command for commissioning or mainte-
nance purposes.
– PM overview: It shows both both PM and Monitoring Objects. Serch operation are allowed for
PM objects, Monitoring object or both.
– ISA port Configuration : It allows to create the TPs for the ISA and DVB-ASI connections.
See paragraph 2.19 on page 410.
– Alarm Persistency Configuration: This feature has the aim to avoid transient alarm conditions.
See paragraph on page 73
This menu permits to get information about the NE, by means of the following entries:
– Log Browsing: Manage the events stored in the NE. See para. 2.6.4 on page 87
It opens the following menu options:
• Alarm Log
• Event Log
• Software Trace Log
– View Remote Inventory:Display the remote inventory data, previously stored in the Craft Terminal
by means the “upload remote inventory" performed in the “Supervisory"
menu. See para on page 89.
– Abnormal Condition list:Display the list of the object class (Loopback, ALS Handler, protection
board) and the name of the boards that are in abnormal condition.
See para 2.6.2 on page 83.
– Internal Link Monitor: Indicates the presence of failure on Rx or Tx side for the signal
incoming/outgoing from/to the active/standby MATRIX or COMPACT-
ADM board.
Refer to paragraph 2.6.3 on page 85.
This menu permits to set the supervision states of the NE, by means of the following entries:
– Access State: Manage the supervision access to the NE, with CT or OS.
See para.2.3.1 on page 59.
It opens the following menu options:
• OS
• Requested
– Upload Remote Inventory:Store the Remote Inventory data in the Craft Terminal.
See para. on page 88.
This menu permits to manage the 2 fiber and 4 fiber MS-SPRing protection (the last is not operative in
current release) , setting the relevant configuration, by means of the following entries:
– Main dialog for MS-SPRing management: Contains all the command to set and manage the
See para. 2.18.4 on page 364.
This menu permits to manage the NE software, by means of the following entries:
– Units info: Show the status of the software package installed in the NE memory banks.
See para.2.20.5 on page 432.
– Mib management: Permits backup of NE software configuration and restore of backupped file.
See para. 2.20.6 on page 434.
This menu permits to manage the NE as a whole, setting the boards which compose it, by means of the
following entries:
– Modify: Change the board type without previously remove it. It is only possible
between compatible board or modules (ex. it is possible to change from
an Long and Short 1.1 optical module)
See para. 2.8.2 on page 119.
– Set in service: Insert a lock symbol in the board. See para. on page 125.
– Set out of service Delete the lock symbol in the board, enabling changes.
See para. on page 125.
– Software description: Show information on the software of the board. See para. 2.8.5 on page
– Remote Inventory: Show the Remote Inventory data inserted in the equipment.
See para. 2.6.5 on page 88.
It opens the following menu options:
• Subrack level
• Board level
– Show supporting equipment:Navigate to the upper equipment level. See para. 2.8.7 on page 129.
– ISA navigate: Start the Specific Craft Terminal application for the ISA traffic
management configuration.
For details refer to the specific ISA board Operator's Handbook.
N.B. This option is available only after having selected an ISA board
at subrack level view.
Do not use this option to manage the FAN subrack alarms!; Fan sub-
rack alarms can be managed only by CONGI#10.
This menu permits to show the physical port available in a specific board (alarm synthesis and port sym-
bol) and to access the port view, by means of the following entries:
– Port Access: Access the “Port view". See para. on page 132.
– Change Physical Interface Change the SPI or PPI object into PPI or SPI (and viceversa) on the
bi-mode port( 140Mbi/s/ STM-1 switchable). See para. on
page 133.
– Show supporting equipment:Navigate to the upper subrack level. See para. on page 134.
– ISA port Configuration: It allows to create the TPs for the ATM/PR_EA/ETH and DVB-ASI
See paragraph 2.19 on page 410
This menu permits to set and show the transmission resources (TP) referred to the Port, by means of the
entries indicated in the following list.
The menu differs according the port type (SDH, PDH, HOA and ISA).
The “Port view" is reached by means the Equipment menu and Board view to check the detailed alarms
presented, but the available menu permits to configure the port (many setting options listed in the port
menu are common with the “Transmission" view).
In these views are presented only the TP specific of the port.
– TP configuration: Set parameters for the Overhead (Signal Label and Path Trace) on
Synchronous TP's. See para 2.13.6 on page 220.
– Port Mode Configuration:This functionality allows to manage the alarms behaviour on LOS
according to the setup done at port level.
Refer to paragraph 2.10.4 on page 140.
– TP Threshold Configuration: Set B2 excessive BER and Signal Degraded parameter.
See para 2.13.7 on page 227.
– Set Retiming: Set the retiming feature applies to the outgoing 2Mbit/s.
See paragraph 2.10.5 on page 142.
It opens the following options:
• Enable
• Disable
– AU4 Concatenation: Only for SDH ports views. See para. 2.10.6 on page 144.
– Cross Connection: Manage the connection of the paths. See para.2.14 on page 245.
It opens the following menu options:
• Cross Connection Management
• Create Cross Connection
• Modify Cross Connection
– Monitoring Operation: Set parameters for POM/SUT/TCM/TCT TP's.
See para. 2.13.9 on page 229.
It opens the following menu options:
Not available for PDH ports.
• Creation / Deletion
• Configuration
– Performance: Set and show Performance Monitoring parameters and data.
See chapter 2.16 on page 303.
• MSP Create
• MSP Management
• MSP Commands
• MSP Delete
– Physical Media: Manage the physical setting of the TP of the ports. Not applicable to HOA
port. See para.2.10.7 on page 147.
It opens a menu which differs according the port type:
– SDH port:
• ALS Management
• Show Optical Configuration
• TX Quality Configuration
• Single Fiber Configuration
• LAPD Configuration
• Ms Configuration
– PDH port:
• Line Length Configuration
• HDSL Configuration (not operative)
• NT G703/704 Configuration (not operative)
• NT X21 Configuration (not operative)
– ETHERNET port:
• Remote Laser Management (not operative)
• ALS Management (not operative)
• Ethernet Port Configuration
• Ethernet Mapping Protocol
• ISA Port Configuration
• Control Path Activation
• LCAS Configuration
– Navigate to Transmission view: permit to show a complete overview about the signal flow, opening
all TP's
See para.2.10.10 on page 169
– Navigate to Monitoring view:permit to show for a selected TP the related POM/SUT/TCM and TCT
object if present.
– Navigate to HOA port view:permit to show the HOA port associated to a selected TP
(for example, the HOA port associated to an AU4 ia a VC4).
It is available only on SDH ports.
This menu permits to manage the EPS protection, setting the relevant configuration, by means of the fol-
lowing entries :
This menu permits to show and set the Termination Point of the equipment, thus having an overview of
the complete signal flow of the various port.
The menu permits to define all the Cross Connections and manages the transmission resources, setting
the relevant configuration.
Further access the Performance Monitoring and manage Multiplex Section Protections and Loopbacks
– Add TP: Search and add TP to the transmission view, than presented in the screen.
See para.2.13.5 on page 210.
– Expand: Display the TP's related to a selected TP. See para. on page 242.
It opens the following menu options:
• Next level of lower TP
• All lower TP
• Next level of upper TP
• All upper TP
– Port Mode Configuration:This functionality allows to manage the alarms behaviour on LOS
according to the setup done at port level.
Refer to paragraph 2.10.4 on page 140.
– TP configuration: Set parameters for the Signal Label and Path trace.
See para.2.13.6 on page 220.
– Disterminate TP: Disterminate the AU4-CTP paths. See para.2.13.8 on page 228
– AU4 Concatenation Only for SDH ports views. See para. 2.10.6 on page 144.
– Cross Connection: Manage the connection of the paths. See para.2.14 on page 245.
It opens the following menu options:
• Cross Connection Management
• Create Cross Connection
• Modify Cross Connection
• Port Switch Over
• Show Cross Connected TP's
– Monitoring Operation: Set parameters for POM/ SUT/TCT/TCM TP's.
See para.2.13.9 on page 229
It opens the following menu options:
• Creation / deletion
• Configuration
– Structure TP's: Define the structure of a selected TP (TU2, TU3, TU12, VC3/VC4, VC12)
See para.2.13.10 on page 234.
– Loopback : Enter the loopback management. See para. 2.13.11 on page 235.
Used to configure the loopback command for commissioning or maintenance
It opens the following menu options:
• Port Loopback Configuration
• Loopback management
– Physical Media: Manage the TP physical setting. See para.2.13.12 on page 240.
It opens the following menu options:
• ALS Management
• Show Optical Configuration
• TX Quality Configuration
• Single Fiber Configuration
• Extra traffic
• Regeneration Section management
• Line Length Configuration
• Set Domain
• HDSL Configuration (not operative)
• NT Configuration (not operative)
• X21 Configuration (not operative)
This menu permits to set and show the Synchronization parameters and status, setting the relevant con-
figuration, by means of the following entries :
– Timing Source Configuration: Set timing source priority and quality for the selected input reference.
See para. on page 346.
– Protection Command:Manage commands (force, manual, lockout) for the selected timing reference.
See para. on page 348.
– T0 Configuration: Enable/disable SSM and WTR on the T0 synchronization source.
See para. on page 349.
– T4 Configuration: Enable/disable SSM, WTR and Squelch Criteria on the T4 synchronization
source. See para. on page 349.
– SSU Configuration:Set NE single or with SSU. See para. on page 352.
– Transmitted SSM Quality Configuration: Set SSM quality transmitted on the selected T1 SDH
timing reference. See para. on page 359.
– Frame Mode Configuration:Set parameters for 2Mbit/s G.703/704 or ISDN-PRA management.
Only for PDH ports views. See para 2.10.8 on page 165
– Remove Timing ReferenceSee para. on page 353.
– Change T4<->T5: Change the synchronization physical interface from 2MHz (T4) to2Mbit/s (T5)
without traffic" and vice-versa (see para on page 354).
– Change 2MHz->2MbitChange the source of a protection unit from 2Mhz (T3) to 2Mbit(T6) and
viceversa (see para. on page 356).
– Set T0 Equal T4 See para. on page 358.
– Remove T0 Equal T4 See para. on page 358.
– Show Timing Source: Show the “port view" related to the selected timing reference.
See para. on page 360.
This menu permits to display and set the input/output environmental alarm (housekeeping alarm), by
means of the following entries:
A Refer to Figure 6.
Equipment Refer to Figure 9.
Open Object
Open in Window
NE Time
NTP Server
Configuration LAPD Configuration
Interfaces Ethernet
Configuration Configuration
EPS overview
RAP Configuration
OSI Routing
Set ACD level Configuration
Cross Connection MESA Configuration
IP Configuration
IP Address Config.
Comm/Routing of Point-toPoint
ISA board IP
Configuration OSI over IP
Alarm Persistency
NE alarms
Object alarms Access State
Subtree alarms
Equipment alarms
Transmission alarms
Upload Remote
Alarm Log
Set Manager list
Log Browsing
Event Log
Restart NE
Software Trace Log
Condition List
Internal Link
Management Remove
Set in service
Subrack level
Remote Inventory
Board level
ISA Board IP
Show supporting
Connect FAN to
Connect FAN to
Connect FAN to
NB.1- avaialble only if CONGI board has been selected
in the 1650SMC Subrack level view
NB.2- available only if CONGI board has been selected
in the 1660SM Subrack levle view
NB.3- available only if an ISA-ATM / ISA-PR_EA / ISA-ES / ISA-BCE board has been selected.
Board Port
Ms Configuration
Show supporting
with PDH port
Navigate to C Refer to Figure 8. Line Lenght
Transmission view Configuration
Navigate to HDSL
Monitoring view
NT G703/G704
Navigate to Configuration
HOA port
Notes: NT X21
nb1: only for PDH port Configuration
nb2: only for SDH port
Lower TPs
Upper TPs
Hide Selected TPs
Port Mode
Cross Connection
Monitoring Performance
Operations Monitoring
Display Current
Structure TPs
AU4 ALS Management
Navigate to X21
Port View F Refer to Figure 7. Configuration
Management Timing Source Display
Show External
Protection Input Points
Switch Command
Show External
T0 Configuration Output Points
T4 Configuration Show All
External Points
SSU Configuration
SSM Quality
Frame Mode
Remove Timing
T4 <-> T5
2MHz -> 2Mbit
Set T0 Equal T4
T0 Equal T4
Show Timing
Navigation rules are the same for all the NE using the same Craft Terminal Info Model.
This general rules are described in the “Basic Craft Terminal Operator Handbook".
In this paragraphs are instead inserted menu options typical for every NEs involved in Navigation and
example of Navigation.
To reach a particular view of the NE there are several ways (navigation is also possible mixing the different
• select the object and use the Open object or Open in Window option of the View pull down
• use the Menu option tree structure. The View pull down menu permits to show the following
– Equipment
– Transmission
– Synchronization
– External Points
The menu structure permits to open the same window following several menu paths.
The menu structure also permits to pass from a view menu to another (i.e. from “port view" to"board view"
or to “transmission view") thus facilitating the operators activity.
Depending on which object the mouse arrow is located, a related pop-up menu can be activated by means
of the right button of the mouse; this menu is correspondent to the possible actions that can be done on
the specific object of the view.
The first level of the “Equipment view" representation will be displayed directly into the current window,
immediately after the NE login. (See Figure 1. on page 31 and Figure 2.on page 32).
The Equipment view enables a fast navigation through all levels of the equipment hierarchy.
Navigation is done from higher to lower levels.
The navigation through different levels of the NE hierarchy is performed by double clicking on the
objects (see also para 2.8.1, pg. 115):
• the first level shows the subrack level of the Equipment view (see Figure 1. on page 31 and Fig-
ure 2.on page 32);
• by double clicking on a board body , the board level of the Equipment view can be reached.
• further, by double clicking on a port body contained in the board, the port level of the Equipment
view can be reached. The port view displays the inner TPs.
• it is possible to go back to the upper level of representation by pressing the <ESC> key on the
It is also possible to:
– go back to the previous view, by selecting the Backward option from the views menu
– go to the next view, by selecting the Forward option from the view menu.
N.B. Selecting in the first level of the Equipment view ( subrack level, see Figure 1. on page
31 and Figure 2.on page 32 ) the Show supporting equipment option from the Equip-
ment menu, the Rack level view is presented.
– at the top the Equipment Subrack (example “SR60M" for 1660SM or “SR50C" for
– at the bottom the Fans Subrack, named SRFAN.
The Fans Subrack presence is managed with the Set option as for the boards of the Equip-
ment Subrack (refer to paragraph 2.8.3 on page 123 for details)
Further, selecting in the Rack level view the Show supporting equipment option from the
Equipment menu, the Equipment level view is presented.
The elementary building blocks of any telecommunication network are the Network Elements (NEs).
Operating with the Craft Terminal the NE can present different management states according to the con-
dition of the connection (supervision, local access, connection state, etc). Also general Alarm status are
Management states are present at Network Element Synthesis view level and at USM-EML view level.
All the information referred to the management states are inserted in the Basic Craft Terminal Operator's
Any disruption in the communication link between the CT and the NE results in an update of the man-
agement states when the CT has detected the communication failure.
The Network Element Synthesis views enable you to get access to the current NE EML-USM view
described in this handbook.
The Network Element Synthesis views enable you to work on “local" or “remote" NE, selecting it and acti-
vating “Supervision" and “Show Equipment", as described in the Basic Craft Terminal Operator's Hand-
The NE can be managed by the OS or by the Craft Terminal. To control the competition of the OS and
the CT, a Local Access Control (LAC) is available.
If the LAC is “Granted!" that means the CT is allowed to manage the NE, the icon “LCA" has a green
rectangular shape.
If the LAC is "Denied" that means the OS manages the NE and the CT is not allowed to modify NE con-
figuration (it can only “read"), the icon “LCA" has a cyan circular shape.
If the LAC is "Requested!" that means the CT has requested permission to the OS and is waiting for a
replay, the icon “LCA" has a blue circular shape.
However the OS does continue to provide a certain number of services. These services includes:
Select the Supervision -> Access State -> Requested cascading menu.
From the confirmation dialogue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the "Craft access" operation using
the Yes or No push buttons. the request is up to the OS which accept or refuse it.
If the OS doesn't answer in a predefined time it is assumed that the NE is in the Craft access state
and can be managed from a Craft Terminal. Switching from the Craft Terminal access state back to the OS access state
N.B. The key symbol icon on the management states of the NE view, indicates whether the NE is
managed by a Craft Terminal or by the OS.
N.B. Local Craft Terminal access is denied on recovery phase after a loss of communication of the
NE. When communication is lost with the NE, the OS automatically recovers the communica-
tion and put the state that was set before the loss of communication (therefore the Craft Ter-
minal access can be denied or granted).
The NE local time of a selected NE can be visualized and/or re-aligned on the OS time basis.
In this view the OS indication identifies the Craft Terminal.
The status of the Network Time Protocol can be checked
The following dialogue box is opened from which you can get and/or set the local NE time and check the
NTP Status.
• NTP protocol
It can be enabled (in the NTP Server Configuration option at para 2.7.5 on page 99) or dis-
abled or empty (greyed).
If you do not want to set the NE local time, click on the Close push button to close the dialogue box.
To re-align the NE time on the OS time basis click in the Set NE Time With OS Time radio button and either
click on the Apply push button to validate or on the Close push button to cancel and close the dialogue
box. The OS time comes from the PC date configuration which corresponds to the legal GMT time.
N.B. When the NTP is not present, the OS system re-aligns the time of all supervised NEs period-
ically and automatically with a configured periodicity. This periodicity is common for all the NEs.
If you set the NE time, you will force the change, with an immediate effect on the NE. However
it will not have any effect on the periodic and automatic mechanism.
The operations described in this chapter, mainly related to alarm setting, are:
Managed entities yield alarms when they malfunction. This section deals with the configuration of ASAPs.
An ASAP is a list of Alarm probable causes to which Severities Profiles are assigned, predefined or set-
table by the operator.
• Profile "All Alarms". With this profile all the alarms are enabled (only Sfwr Download Failure
is not alarmed).
This ASAP enables the emission of all alarms.
• Profile “No Remote Alarms"shows the alarm criterion configuration defined for "path alarms"
(only AIS and RDI and Sfwr Download Failure are not alarmed)
This ASAP enables the emission of all:
– Communication Alarms (i.e. the AIS & RDI alarms are not alarmed)
– Equipment alarms
– Environmental
– Error Processing (i.e. Sfwr Download Failure is not alarmed)
• Profile "Primary alarms". With this profile the AIS, Battery Degraded, Sfwr Download Failure,
SSF and RDI alarms are not alarmed.
This ASAP enables the emission of all:
– Communication Alarms (i.e. the AIS, SSF & RDI alarms are not alarmed)
– Equipment alarms
– Environmental
– Error Processing (i.e. Sfwr Download Failure is not alarmed)
• Another Profile #10002 can be created by the user, as explained for the #10001; the profile
identifier is incremented automatically.
For ASAP “10001" and “10002" is then possible to choose Detail, Modify, Clone or Delete buttons.
For ASAP “No Alarms" , "Primary alarms", “No Remote Alarms" and "All Alarms" it is only possible to
choose Detail, or Clone buttons.
Clone selection can be used to create new ASAP.
By selecting an ASAP and clicking on Detail, Modify, or Clone button, the following ASAP edition dia-
logue box is displayed.
The alarm severity assignment profile dialogue box displays a list of probable causes and a list of alarm
The Probable Cause Families check buttons allows to filter the probable causes that will appear in the
Probable Cause Name list. NOTE: it is necessary to choose one or more of these filters to have the list.
To find a particular probable cause, enter its name in the Search entry box at the bottom.
ASAPs are already defined in the system with default values for the assigned severities.
You can modify the severity associated with each probable cause. To do this, select the probable cause
whose severity level you wish to modify.
Then click on the option button: Service Affecting (not protected probable cause), and then Non Service
Affecting (protected probable cause) and then Service Independent (don't used, it is not operative). For
each the severity can be chosen from "Critical", "Major", "Minor", "Warning", "Non-alarmed" or “Not used".
A "Non-alarmed" probable cause corresponds to no alarm emitted for this probable cause.
When selecting Details the assigned severity are only shown and it isn't possible to modify.
When you have finished configuring ASAP, press the OK button to confirm the settings and close the dia-
logue box or the Cancel push button to cancel the new settings and close the dialogue box.
When Clone an ASAP the created one is identified with next number (10002, ....).
N.B. The number of severities and the number of probable causes is fixed. The ASAP function only
enables the modification of the severities assigned to the probable causes, it does not allow
the addition, removal or modification of these severities and causes.
This option permits to send (i.e. to provision) the chosen ASAP to the previously selected object (rack,
subrack, board, port, TP).
If the severity profile is to be changed, it must be done by means of the Modify option, as described in
the previous paragraph (see procedure in paragraph, page 63).
It permits also to check the currently operative ASAP used by the object.
Select the Set Alarm Severities... option from the Configuration pull down menu
Note: the Set Alarm Severities option is accessible only if an object has been selected.
The Set ASAP dialogue box is displayed (Figure 15.). The List of ASAPs on the left side lists all available
ASAPs (Alarm Severity Assignment Profiles). The ASAP currently operative on the object is highlighted.
To choose an ASAP select a new one of the presented list.
Clicking on Detail button, or double-clicking on an ASAP, a dialogue box is displayed, as that in Figure
14., page 65, which displays detailed information about this ASAP.
Choose Scope
– Network element
The new ASAP is applied to all objects of the NE matching the criteria specified in “Choose
Classes" and “Choose current ASAP".
Since this application process takes some time, its progress is shown in the Section “Execution
This is the default if no object is selected in the view.
N.B. Due to system architecture, AU-4 CTPs are no subordinates of MSTTPs. Therefore, if the
AU-4 CTP should be included as subordinate, select the related OSTTP (OpS) or ESTTP
(ElS) as main object.
Choose Class(es)
Enabled if one of the scopes “Network element" or “Selected object and subordinates" is selected.
– All classes
– Specific class(es)
Select one or more object classes the new ASAP shall be applied to.
The new ASAP is only applied to objects which are currently assigned to this ASAP.
Execution Monitoring
Continuously shows the number of modified objects during the ASAP application process if one of the
scopes “Network element“ or “Selected object and subordinates“ is chosen.
Press Ok to confirm the ASAP assignment and close the dialog. Press Cancel to close the dialog and
discard any changes.
Note:Clipboard dialog is not called directly from a view menu entry . It is started as sub-dialog from
another dialog using the TP List button.
In principle, every dialog supporting clipboard can be the starting point to obtain a list of
resources assigned to an ASAP .
Use the Clipboard dialog to perform the same action, e.g. PM configuration, on a number of objects (TPs
or equipment) in one step.
The list box on the left side of the dialog displays all the Objects (TPs or equipment) the user has selected
(refer to Figure 16.) for the current action.
The buttons on the right side of the dialog are used to create a list of objects:
– Add Tp Opens the TP Search dialog in which the user selects the TPs to be configured. The selected
TPs are added to the clipboard list.
– Add EQP Opens the Equipment Filter dialog in which the user selects the equipment to be config-
ured. The selected equipment is added to the clipboard list.
– Load/Save Opens the User Preference dialog where a preference set can be loaded or saved. If a
preference set has been loaded, the name of this set is displayed on the lower left side of the dialog.
– Print The Print dialog opens and the user selects the print destination and print format.
– Start Starts the action process on the listed objects. The semantics of the action is defined in the call-
ing dialog. After starting, an information window opens to cancel the action during its progress. Click
on Ok to cancel the process.
– Continue Continues an action performed on the clipboard which was previously cancelled.
Clipboard dialog starts an improved version of TP search dialog (Figure 17.on page 69 ) (with support for
ASAP management and Performance Monitoring/Monitoring operations as well) using the AddTP... but-
The use case to search for ASAP assigned resources (both TPs and Eqp resources) could be summarized
in the following steps:
– In TP search use the ASAP filter to search for TPs using the selected ASAP.
– From the clipboard dialog ask for Equipment objects using the Add Eqp... button
– The content of clipboard is the list of resources assigned to a specific ASAP. It is possible to change
the ASAP for this list of objects (since the first operation was the invoke of ASAP Enhanced dialog),
to select the object instance to move toward a view (according to the object instance type), to load/
save this object instance list and to Print it.
Selecting the Set SdhNE Alarms Severities option from the Configuration pull down menu only the
alarms at Equipment level are managed as reported in the table below.
1650SMC 1660SM
SDH NEs managed alarms
- -
If an object was selected in a view before opening this dialog, its ASAP is highlighted in the list. Using the
Detail button or double-clicking on a list item opens the ASAP Edition dialog which displays detailed infor-
mation on this ASAP.
Press Ok to confirm the ASAP assignment and close the dialog. Press Close to close the dialog and dis-
card any changes.
The system provides the possibility to allow/inhibit the spontaneous incoming alarm notifications.
From the confirmation dialogue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the operation using the
Ok or Cancel push buttons respectively.
To inform the operator that alarms have been inhibited, the labels of the alarm panel are greyed out.
N.B. Inhibiting the alarms notification means that they are not forwarded to the CT but alarms
are still generated by the NE.
From the confirmation dialogue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the operation using the
Ok or Cancel push buttons respectively.
The system provides the possibility to recover alarms present on the NE and to update the current prob-
lem list of the NE. After this operation CT and NE current alarms are consistent.
To re-synchronize the alarms, select the Supervision -> Alarms -> Resynchronize pull down menu.
From the confirmation dialogue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the operation using the Ok or
Cancel push buttons respectively.
N.B. This functionality has to be used only if there is any perturbation. Never use this operation dur-
ing a correct behavior.
This feature has the aim to avoid transient alarm conditions on 2Mbit/s signals. To get this goal the network
element perform a persistency check on the fault causes, before declaring a failure. Once the failure is
declared, it shall be cleared if the fault cause is absent continiously for a persistency time.
Select the Configuration -> Alarm Persistency Configuration pull down menu.
2.3.4 Restart NE
The restart operation is a software reset and can be executed in normal traffic conditions.
The restart operation in any case activates the Commit (active) version.
This option is referred to the SECurity management and allows the user to set the Manager list and the
Access Control Domain of the NE.
Select the Set Manager list option from the Supervision pull down menu.
– Manager list: each connected manager to the NE is highlighted in the list. The user can set a man-
ager clicking on the denomination.
Several manager can be enabled contemporaneously, having in charge the NE.
The Manager List contains the list of managers ( i.e. RM, SY, NPOS , EML) that work on the NE.
The EML-USM administrator (SH or Craft Terminal) should set the Manager List only to remove a
manager in case of emergency (i.e. the Manager misses the NE connection).
– NE Domain field allow to select the domain among that displayed in the list, assigning it to the NE.
The different domains could be assigned to different operators.
This option allows the user to select the level of the Access Control Domain.
The ACD manage the concurrence of access among several different managers (i,e. RM and EML).
This only acts on the functions that can be used by different manager.
Select the Set ACD level option from the Configuration pull down menu.
An external input point is an environmental alarm (also called housekeeping alarm). It corresponds to an
external event which is monitored by the NE. Number of relays on the NE are dedicated to check mod-
ification of the environment as for example a fire, a flood ...
An external output point is used to manage a NE contact (i.e relay) connected to detector. An external out-
put point is independent from external input point.
Note: the max. number of External Points depends by the equipment type (1650SMC, 1660SM) and
board type were applicable ( example CONGI 3 Wire or CONGI 2 Wire boards equipped in 1650SMC and
1660SM); for details refer to the relevant Technical Handbook.
After selecting this menu option the external points view is displayed into the current window instead of
the current view.
Only for the “Output" external point there is the following information:
– the Output criteria: if configurated, display the alarm event and the board affected associated to the
Output point (see further the paragraph External points configuration).
The external points view displays a complete list of the external points but it can also be restricted to the
input or to the output points.
To see either the “Input points”, the “Output points “or “All the external points”, select the appropriate option
from the External Points-> Display pull down menu
To configure an external point, click on the concerned row of Figure 25.on page 77 and then select the
Configuration option from the External Points pull down menu.
The following dialogue boxes are then opened, displaying information about the selected external point
(Input or Output).
• Type: In the field the name of the involved Input point is displayed (e.g. ExtP#8 in Figure 26.)
• User Label: this field can be filled by the user with a Label that indicate the associated event
that must be taken under check (for example presences of water or fire in the room where the
Equipment is placed)
• External State: this field is set to off and can't be changed by the operator
• Probable Cause: this field is set to housekeeping and can't be changed by the operator
• Type: In the field the name of the involved Output point is displayed (e.g. ExtP#8 in Figure 27.)
• User Label: this field can be filled by the user with a Label that indicate the alarm detected or
the action that must be executed if a specific event occur (for example a “Pump" activation when
water is present in the room where the equipment is placed)
• External State: can be set to “on" (alarm) or “off" (non alarm) only if “Manual" option has been
selected in the “Output Criteria" field.
– Manual (forced). The output contact is set in a fixed way , not depending on a particular
For example the output contact could be used to “Manually" activate a pump to drain
water from the room where the equipment is placed ; in this case is also necessary to set
the option “On" in the field “External State".
– Flexible. It is possible to define from CT the couple event/CPO#, where the event is cho-
sen between a set of Output Criteria (LOS, RDI and LOF) and specifies the STM-N inter-
face which the Output Criteria refers to by clicking on Choose button; subsequently the
TP search dialog box will be opened.
When the configuration of the external point is completed, click on the OK push button to validate the
choice and close the dialogue box. The Cancel push button cancels the configuration and closes the dia-
logue box.
In this chapter is described the access to the Alarm Surveillance information of the NE.
Select the Diagnosis pull down menu. You can then select the following option from the Alarms pull down
– NE Alarms: all the NE alarms are listed in the Alarm Surveillance report which is
– Object Alarms: only the alarms of the selected object are listed in the Alarm Surveillance
– Subtrees Alarm: only the alarms of the selected object and of the relevant subtrees are
listed in the Alarm Surveillance report
– Equipment Alarms: only the alarms of the equipment management are listed in the Alarm
Surveillance report
– Transmission Alarms: only the alarms of the transmission management are listed in the Alarm
Surveillance report
– External Points Alarms: only the alarms of the input external point management are listed in the
Alarm Surveillance report
Selecting any of the previously seen options, the Alarm surveillance report is displayed as for the example
of the following figure.
This view shows first a synthesis of the NE alarms (Counter Summary) with the sum of all alarms, then
a detailed list of alarms of the selected filter (Alarms Sublist).
For example the board in which the alarm is detected, the status of the alarm, the alarm type, the probable
The information supplied help the operator, typically during troubleshooting operation, presented in next
section of this handbook. (Maintenance section, where more details about alarms are given).
The abnormal condition provides the synthesis of NE “not normal conditions" listinig the events that con-
tribute to abnormal condition.
• Loopback
• Protection units (in case of EPS, SNCP and MSP ) are in lockout or in forced status
Select an abnormal condition and click on “OK" to open the relative dialog window. Figure 31. on page
84 is opened.
The other abnormal condition types will open the corrisponding management window or will open the
window to navigate towards the management window.
This function improves, at the user interface level, the diagnostic associated to the hardware failure.
The presence of a failure on RX or TX side for the signal incoming/outgoing from/to the active MATRIX
is detected.
Internal Link Monitor displays a detailed localization of the link failure: a graphical representation of the
status of the link among the active and stand-by MATRIX is shown.
As shown in Figure 32.on page 86 the first page displays the link status for the main MATRIX, the second
one concern the spare MATRIX.
In detail, each page contains the following functional blocks and graphical objects:
• the tab of the page displays the user label of the MATRIX board;
• the left side of the page displays the block representing the MATRIX board;
• the right side of the page displays the list of blocks representing the equipped boards; each
block displays a string contained the user label of the associated board;
• two arrows are displayed between the MATRIX block and each board block; the two arrows rep-
resent the link status in Rx and Tx side:
• the Refresh button allows to perform an explicit refresh of all the displayed information.
In order to indicate all the possible roots of the "link failure", all boards that detect the link failure are rep-
resented by a red block in the page of the MATRIX main:
• a "port" board is represented by a red block if a link problem is detected in the NGI Rx from the
active MATRIX;
• the MATRIX is represented by a red block if a link problem is detected in one of the NGI Tx from
one of the possible "port" board.
From the Network Element context views, perform the following operations to have access to the Event
Log file:
– In the Diagnosis -> Log Browsing pull-down menu, the following options are available:
The Configuration and Log Browsing ELB Windows open, permitting to analyze all alarms
stored in the NE.
Refer to the “ELB Operator's Handbook"
The Configuration and Log Browsing ELB Windows open, permitting to analyze all events
stored in the NE.
Refer to the “ELB Operator's Handbook"
This paragraph describes the access to the remote inventory of this NE.
In the Remote Inventory are stored information of identification, construction data ect.
– Upload Remote Inventory: store the Remote Inventory data in the Craft Terminal.
– View Remote Inventory: display the remote inventory data, previously stored in the Craft Terminal
by means the “upload remote inventory" performed in the “Supervision" menu.
Remote Inventory option of the Equipment menu is instead presented in para. 2.8.6 on page 127.
This command stores the Remote Inventory data in the Craft Terminal.
Select the Upload Remote Inventory option of the Supervision pull down menu.
This command displays the remote inventory previously stored in the Craft Terminal by means the Upload
remote inventory.
Select the View Remote Inventory option of the Diagnosis pull down menu.
The Remote inventory data appears as for the following figure.
• Company
It indicates the Company's (Alcatel's branch) which designs the unit.
Refer to Alcatel for the abbreviation's meaning (four characters).
• Unit Type
It indicates the units' acronym
• CLEI Code
It indicates the CLEI code according to Bellecore specs. TR-ISD-325
• Serial Number
It indicates the product's serial number as specified by the NR 130 Norm.
• Date identifier
It indicates the meaning of the date that follow.
It is a two-digit code supplying the following information:
• Date (YYMMDD)
The identification of the date depends on the indications stated in the previous field. When only
the year is displayed, the format must be "YY- - - - "
The purpose of the communication and routing domain is to define configuration parameters concerning
the communication protocols for the local NE, the OS and each other related NE in order to provide a
global communication capabilities inside the network.
A brief description of basic concepts and terms involved in the communication and routing domain follows.
During the TMN design process, a network is partitioned into domains; each domain can consist of a col-
lection of two types of nodes:
• nodes supporting a link state routing protocol IS-IS; these nodes will be called adaptive rout-
ers; IS-IS protocol floods the network with link state information in order to build a complete con-
sistent picture of the network topology. Use of IS-IS routing protocol in a TMN facilitates
installation and operation due to the "self learning" capabilities of these protocols and automatic
network reconfiguration in case of failure; moreover the use of these standardized routing pro-
tocols guarantees interoperability in a multivendor environment.
• nodes not supporting these protocols; these nodes will be called static routers;
Networks partitions consisting of the former type of node will be called adaptive routing domains; net-
works partitions consisting of the later type of node will be called static routing domains.
Moreover, a node which have to take routing decisions must became Intermediate Systems, all others
can be made End Systems
For the description of the following paragraphs use is made of Figure 36.on page 92. It is not a network
planning example, it is only used to describe L1 ,L2, RAP and MESA.
In order to reduce the overhead associated with distributed adaptive routing, it may be useful to divide
a adaptive routing domain into smaller routing subdomains, called areas or level 1 subdomain. A level
1 subdomain should fulfill the following requirements:
• a level 1 subdomain should form a connected subnetwork; this subnetwork should have only
a few links to the outside world, compared with the number of internal links;
• each node must belong to exactly one level 1 subdomain;
• each node which is connected to a foreign level 1 subdomain must become a level 2 inter-
mediate system; level 1 intermediate systems know how to communicate only with IS in the
same area; obviously, there must be at least one level 2 intermediate system per level 1 sub-
• Level 2 intermediate systems must form a connected network, because level 1 paths cannot
be utilized for level 2 communication. This network will be called level 2 backbone.
In the most simple case, all nodes within a level 1 subdomain share the same area address.
In general it is allowed to have multiple synonymous area addresses within a level 1 subdomain even if
the usage of this features should be checked with Alcatel engineers.
The synonymous list is used to ease partitioning in the future. There is a basic rule, which must be followed
by two neighboring level 1 intermediate systems within a subdomain: there must be at least one area
address in common between their two synonymous list, otherwise they are not able to communicate with
each other.
In certain situations it may be necessary to partition a given network into separate routing domains, where
no routing information is exchanged between these domains. The major benefits of this partitioning are
reduction of memory, processing and traffic overhead, because there is no exchange of routing informa-
tion between the domains. Communication between separate routing domains must be achieved through
the use of Reachable Address Prefixes (RAP).
A Reachable Address Prefixes represents static routing information. It can only be associated with a link
of a level 2 intermediate system, whereby this link crosses routing domain boundaries. A Reachable
Address Prefixes is handled in the same way as information about a foreign level 1 subdomain within the
own domain. The Reachable Address Prefixes indicates that any packet whose destination network
address NSAP matches the prefix may be forwarded via the link with witch the prefix is associated.
For example, consider network which is split into two separate routing domains:
• routing domain A resides in a level 1 subdomain with area address "a"
• routing domain B resides in a level 1 subdomain with area address "b"
In order to enable the communication, the Reachable Address Prefixes in routing domain A must contain
the area address "b" and the Reachable Address Prefixes in routing domain B must contain the area
address "a".
On the other hand, within a given level 1 subdomain, there can be some NEs not supporting IS-IS nor ES-
IS protocol (static routing). In such condition, the communication can be achieved through the use of
Manual End System Adjacencies (MESA).
A prerequisite for the use of manual end system adjacencies is that the area addresses of the connected
nodes must be the same; as a consequence the nodes must belong to the same level 1 subdomain.
Within a pure Alcatel network there is no need to use any kind of static routing. Therefore normally RAP
and MESA shall never be used.
AREA (subdomain) 1
L1 L1
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
L1 L1
L2 L2
L1 L1 with MESA
AREA (subdomain) 2
L2 L1
with RAP L1
= NE
L1 with MESA
This feature is applicable to NEs equipped with ISA boards (excepted ETHERNET and PR board)
It permits to create a tunnel over OSI systems, to communicate IP management messages through an
OSI network; it encapsulates the SNMP messages of the TCP/IP protocol stack over the OSI stack, using
CLNP,LAPD,ECC protocols, and an OSI address. In this way the message reaches its final destination
without repeated IP decapsulation/encapsulation in the intermediate nodes.
The Comm/Routing option of the Configuration pull down menu allows to perform the following oper-
• NTP Server Configuration:addressing of the main and spare NTP servers connected to the
local NE
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing option and then from the cascading
menu the Local Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 38.) and allows to configure the local address of the NE.
• a Presentation Selector (P.Sel) identifies a presentation entity at the location identified by the
NSAP Address. The presented value must not be modified.
• a Section Selector (S. Selector) identifies a section entity at the location identified by the NSAP
Address. The presented value must not be modified.
• a Transport Selector (T. Sel) identifies a transport entity at the location identified by the NSAP
Address. The presented value must not be modified.
• a Network Service Access Point (NSAP) Address identifies a location in the network. The first
field of the NSAP address, AFI, determines the NSAP format.
The AFI filed is 2 characters long (2 exadecimal digits) and, depending on the its value, the
length of NSAP address is variable from 16 characters to 40 characters:
– the value of AFI 49 identifies the local format of variable length (from 16 characters to 40
– the value of AFI 39 identifies the ISO-DCC format of 40 characters long.
– the value of AFI 47 identifies the GOSIP-V2 format of 40 characters long.
Field after AFI: (optional: if not used must be all-zero), area address and organization iden-
In all cases the last two fields of the NSAP address are:
– System Id: uniquely identifies a NE in an area and is 12 characters long
It might be the equipment MAC Ethernet address, level 2, inserted in the NE (check the
value in the para. 2.7.7 on page 103 ) or it might be selected by the operator.
– Network Selector: provides the distinction among users of the network service and is 2
characters long (value is “1d").
In the view, the NSAP is managed as simple strings of characters without any pre-formatting
because of the variable format:
– a first string of two characters that identifies the AFI field
– a second string of variable length that identifies the remaining NSAP address
– Synonymous Area Addresses section allows to have multiple synonymous area addresses within
a level 1 subdomain. The compilation of the two network addresses is optional and if they are
inserted, the last two fields, System Id and Network Selector, of the mandatory address and of the
synonymous addresses must be the same.
– System Type section determines whether the local NE acts as a “intermediate system level 1" or as
a “intermediate system level 2" or as a “End System". Note that a level 2 intermediate system per-
forms functions of a level 1 too. End System is not operative.
Ok button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the dialog-box and closes
it; the dialog is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing option and then from the cascading
menu the OS Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 39.) and allows to configure the addresses of the Main and Spare OSs con-
nected to the local NE.
– Main OS Address section contains the same graphical object of the Local Address Section in the
Local Configuration dialog-box.
– Spare OS Address section contains the same graphical object of the Local Address Section in the
Local Configuration dialog-box.
Ok button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the dialog-box and closes
it; the dialog is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
Cancel button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Help button provides some useful information about the dialog.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing option and then from the cascading
menu the NTP Server Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 40.) and allows to configure the addresses of the Main and Spare NTP (Net-
work Protocol synchronization Time) Servers connected to the local NE, used for time distribution in the
– Enabling NTP Protocol section allows to enable or disable the NTP Protocol.
– Main NTP Server Address section contains the same graphical object of the Local Address Section
in the Local Configuration dialog-box.
– Spare NTP Server Address section contains the same graphical object of the Local Address Section
in the Local Configuration dialog-box.
If the NTP server is coincident with the OS (same hardware), the same NSAP address of the OS must
be assigned.
Ok button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the dialog-box and closes
it; the dialog is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
Cancel button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Help button provides some useful information about the dialog.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->Interfaces Configuration
option and then from the cascading menu the LAPD Configuration option.
The "LAPD Configuration" dialog opens (see Figure 41.on page 101, this example has one LAPD Inter-
face configured).
It contains the following functional block and graphical objects:
• the LAPD Interface List that lists all the configured LAPD Interfaces; for each LAPD Interfaces,
the table displays:
– the user label of the TTP containing the configured LAPD Interface (MS/RS TTP);
• Connection Oriented
• Connection Less
• Delete button that allows to delete the LAPD Interface selected in the LAPD table;
• Create button that allows to create a new LAPD Interface; this button starts a new dialog (see
Figure 42. on page 102) named Create LAPD Interface; it is disabled when the maximum num-
ber of LAPD Interface has been configured.
This Create LAPD Interface dialog contains the following functional blocks and graphical
– a Choose button that allows the operator to select the superior TTP of the LAPD Interface
to be created; this button starts the TP Search dialog; the TP Search dialog will be con-
figured in order to display in the right tree only the allowed TTP of the LAPD Interface i.e.
– a section LAPD Role that allows to configure the role (User or Network) of the LAPD Inter-
face to be created.
This connection is a must to establish end-to-end connection between two NE's: if one end
is configured with User role, the other end connected must be configured with Network
– a section LAPD Protocol that allows to configure the “protocol” of the LAPD interface to
be connected:
• Change Role button that allows to change the role (User or Network) of the LAPD Interface
selected in the table (after selection the Figure 43.on page 102 is shown to confirm action
• Change Protocol button that allows to change the protocol (Connection Less or Connection
Oriented) of the LAPD Interface selected in the table (after selection the Figure 44.on page 102
is shown to confirm action required).
– a section named Search Criteria that allows the user to display only the LAPD's of the selected type
in the LAPD Table; the section contains the following graphical objects:
• the field Interface Type that allows to select the type of the LAPD's to be displayed in the LAPD
Table; the field will manage both ADM and WDM DCC type; the value "Ignore" will allow to dis-
play all the LAPD types;
• the Search button starts the search of the selected LAPD type; this buttons can be used to
refresh the LAPD table too.
The LAPD Interface List will be updated on reception of the Delete/Create/Change DCC CTP noti-
fication. If no LAPD Interface are configured in the equipment, the message "No LAPD Interface" will
be displayed near LAPD Interface counter (that it is at zero).
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing -> Interfaces Configuration
option and then from the cascading menu the Ethernet Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 45.) and allows to define the parameters needed to manage a NE which
provides a LAN ethernet interface .
– Ethernet Interface field allows to define or remove a Local Area Network Port for the access to the
Data Communication Network.
– MAC Address section allows to display the address of the Network Element in the Ethernet LAN;
it is a read-only field.
– OSI Section:
• L2 only Parameter field indicates if the port shall be used for level 2 traffic only, thus avoiding
transmitting L1 packets. Note that the flag shall be set to No if some other nodes (NEs or OSs)
of the same area of the relevant NE are connected to the Ethernet.
One example is indicated in Figure 46. on page 104.
• L1 Default Metric is a not modifiable field , Priority field can be set ( default value for ethernet
is 64)
• L2 Default Metric is a not modifiable field , Priority field can be set ( default value for ethernet
is 64)
– IP Section section allows to define the “node" IP Address, IP Mask and the Routing IP Protocol used;
If “OSPF" or “Both" options of Routing IP Protocol field are selected, also the “Associated OSPF
Area" must be set.
L2 L2 L2
No No Yes
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing -> OSI Routing Configuration
option and then from the cascading menu the RAP Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 47.) and allows to configure the Reachable Address Prefix table.
Each element of the RAP table allows to link a LAPD port or a LAN port of the local NE to a separate
domain; the separate domain is selected by the address Prefixes. If the addressed element is the OS, the
LAN port will be used.
The view simulates a real notebook; it allows the user to select the pages of the notebook using the point-
ing device (upper part of the figure); each page represents a particular element of the RAP table and the
respective pointing device displays the element counter.
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete RAP table
and close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing -> OSI Routing Configuration
option and then from the cascading menu the MESA Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 48.) and allows to configure the Manual ES Adjacencies table.
Each element of the MESA table allows to link a LAPD port or a LAN port of the local NE to a End System
element; the ES element must be in the same area as the one of the local NE. If the addressed element
is the OS, the LAN port will be used.
The view simulates a real notebook; it allows the user to select the pages of the notebook using the point-
ing device (upper part of the figure); each page represents a particular element of the MESA table and
the respective pointing device displays the element counter.
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete MESA table
and close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
The options listed in the menu Configuration -> Comm/Routing -> IP Configuration and also in Con-
figuration -> Comm/Routing -> Tunneling Configuration are relevant to the configuration of messages
communications for the management of ATM or PR_EA boards (ISA) inside the equipment and in the net-
In order to manage the ISA boards (excepted ETHERNET and PR boards) inserted into the equipment,
the following operations are to be done:
• “IP Address Configuration of Point-to-Point Interface" (see para 2.7.13 page 110), defines
the IP address for the Equipment-Controller (EC). This should be the first addressing operation
• “ISA Board IP Address" (see para. 2.7.14 page 111), it defines the IP address for the ISA
boards; it is to be defined for every ISA board hosted by the equipment.
NOTE: if the ISA boards are in EPS 1+1 configuration, they must have the same address)
• “IP over OSI Tunneling" (see para. 2.7.16 page 113), it defines the OSI address (NSAP) of the
destination node to be reached (for instance the GNE connected to the TMN), when the ATM/
IP management message passes through an SDH/OSI network; i.e. it is to be done for every
SDH-NE of the network, if equipped with ISA boards.
NOTE: this addressing must be carried out at both end nodes of the tunnel, so that they can
see each other.
• “OSI over IP Tunneling", it defines the IP address of the destination node to be reached (for
instance the IP router where the TMN is connected), when an OSI management message
passes through an IP network. It is to be defined on a a Gateway Network Element (GNE)
equipped with the QB3 interface, where the QB3 is connected to a LAN/IP network.
NOTE: this addressing must be carried out at both end nodes of the tunnel, so that they can
see each other.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->IP Configuration and then from
the cascading menu, the IP Static Routing Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 49.) and allows to configure the parameters for IP Static Routing Config-
[1] Destination Host IP Address: allows to define the IP address necessary to reach a specific Host
[2] Destination Network: it is alternative to Destination Host IP Address; allows to define the
IP Address and IP Mask to reach a network.
[3] Default Gateway IP Address: allows to define the address of the next hop gateway
[4] CLNP (Connection Less Network Protocol): allows to use a pre-define IP over OSI tunnel towards
a gateway. The information in the field is automatically
assigned after the execution of the option “IP over OSI
Tunneling" (see para. 2.7.16 page 113).
[5] IP Point-to-Point Interface Id: allows to use point to point interfaces made available by EC
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete table and
close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->IP Configuration and then from
the cascading menu, the OSPF Area Table Configuration option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 50.) and allows to configure the parameters for OSPF (Open Shortest Path
First) Area Table Configuration , i.e. it is used in an IP network in automatic, dynamic OSPF routing con-
figuration. More area addresses may be set; in this case new pages are created by the system.
– OSPF Area IP Address: it is the address of the area containing the equipment
Both fields gives a synthetical information that includes all the addresses (specific to a NE and to a Net-
work) in an Area.
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete RAP table
and close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->IP Configuration and then from
the cascading menu, the IP Address Configuration of Point-to-Point Interfaces option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 51.) and allows to set the Equipment Controller IP Address used to
communicate with the ISA boards inserted into the equipment, and with the rest of the network.
Ok button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the dialog-box and closes
it; the dialog is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
Select an ISA board of the equipment and then the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/
Routing->IP Configuration and then from the cascading menu, the ISA Board IP Address option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 52.) and allows to set the IP Address of the ISA Board that communicate
with the Equipment Controller (EC).
Ok button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the dialog-box and closes
it; the dialog is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->Tunneling Configuration and
then from the cascading menu, the OSI over IP option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 53.) and allows to configure the Remote Destination IP Address of the
Equipment Controller.
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete table and
close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Comm/Routing->Tunneling Configuration and
then from the cascading menu, the IP over OSI option.
The dialog-box opens (Figure 54.) and allows to configure the Destination NSAP Address and the IP Rout-
ing Type; i.e. it permits the TMN to reach the ATM/IP boards inserted into the SDH/OSI network . More
tunneling channels may be created, in these cases new pages are created by the system.
a Network Service Access Point (NSAP) Address identifies a location in the network. The first
field of the NSAP address, AFI, determines the NSAP format.
The AFI filed is 2 characters long (2 exadecimal digits) and, depending on the its value, the
length of NSAP address is variable from 16 characters to 40 characters:
– the value of AFI 49 identifies the local format of variable length (from 16 characters to 40
– the value of AFI 39 identifies the ISO-DCC format of 40 characters long.
– the value of AFI 47 identifies the GOSIP-V2 format of 40 characters long.
In all cases the last two fields of the NSAP address are:
– System Id: uniquely identifies a NE in an area and is 12 characters long
It might be the equipment MAC Ethernet address, level 2, inserted in the NE (check the
value in the para. 2.7.7 on page 103 ) or it might be selected by the operator.
– Network Selector: provides the distinction among users of the network service and is 2
characters long (value is “1d").
In the view, the NSAP is managed as simple strings of characters without any pre-formatting
because of the variable format:
– a first string of two characters that identifies the AFI field
– a second string of variable length that identifies the remaining NSAP address
If “OSPF" or “Both" options are selected, also the “Associated OSPF Area" must be set (it is
to be chosen among the presented options); in this case the information field is automatically
filled with the addresses set in the “OSPF Area Configuration" application.
Apply button is used to perform a configuration change of the data contained in the complete table and
close the view; the view is visible until the end of the operations and a wait cursor is displayed.
New button is used to insert a new page.
Delete button is used to delete the selected page.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
This section deals mainly with the setting and changing of the boards present on the Equipment and
undertaking board protection operations.
Using the menu options, select the Equipment option from the View pull down menu
The first level of the “Equipment Overview" representation will be displayed directly into the current win-
dow (see the following figures).The Equipment Overview enables a fast navigation through all levels of
the equipment hierarchy. Navigation is done from higher to lower levels.
The navigation through different levels of the NE hierarchy is performed by double clicking on the
objects (see also para 2.8.1, pg. 115):
• the first level shows the subrack level of the Equipment view (see Figure 55. on page 116);
• by double clicking on a board body , the board level of the Equipment view can be reached (as
described in chapter 2.9 on page 130).
• further, by double clicking on a port body contained in the board, the port level of the Equipment
view can be reached (as described in chapter 2.10 on page 135). The port view displays the
inner TPs.
• it is possible to go back to the upper level of representation by pressing the <ESC> key on the
It is also possible to:
– go back to the previous view, by selecting the Backward option from the views menu
– go to the next view, by selecting the Forward option from the view menu.
N.B. Selecting in the first level of the Equipment view ( subrack level, see Figure 55. on page
116 ) the Show supporting equipment option from the Equipment menu, the Rack level
view of Figure 56. is presented.
– at the top the Equipment Subrack (example “SR60M" for 1660SM or “SR50C" for
– at the bottom the Fans Subrack, named SRFAN.
The Fans Subrack presence is managed with the Set option as for the boards of the Equip-
ment Subrack (refer to paragraph 2.8.2 on page 119 for details)
Further, selecting in the Rack level view the Show supporting equipment option from the
Equipment menu, the Equipment level view of Figure 57. is presented.
1650SMC 1660SM
Figure 57. Equipment Overview - 1650SMC and 1660SM “Equipment level"
The “equipment management" is achieved by using the options offered by the Equipment menu.
All the options offered by equipment menu are described in the next paragraphs.
The main functions are the setting and changing of the boards on the Equipment.
Boards administrative state settings, that decide about the “in/out of service" of the boards is also
– remove a board
• “Set out of service" the board
• Delete all the underlying traffic, connections, services, etc. concerning the board
• “Remove" the board.
The boards can be set, changed or removed using the menu options of the Equipment view.
A new subrack/board/module may be created in either an empty slot or it may replace an existing
Out of Service board/subrack (without the lock symbol). In fact, the Set option is available only after
selecting an empty slot or an Out-of-service board.
• Select the the Set option of the Equipment pull down menu
• The following example of dialogue box containing a list of the different types of boards/subrack/
access card and modules is displayed.
N.B. The following rules must be followed when 1660SM Rel. 5.4 is equipped with P16S1-4E port
card and the relevant access card A120S1SE:
a) If the first module of the P16S1SE port card is set as STM-4 (SFP module) automatically
the first three SFP modules of the relevant Access Card A120S1SE can’t be used.
b) If the first module of the P16S1SE port card is set as STM-1 (SFP module), also the first
three SFP modules of the relevant Access Card A120S1SE can be set with STM-1 SFP
Figure 58. on page 119 summarized the relationship among SFP modules type, the port card
and the relevant access card.
STM-1 #1
STM-1 #2
STM-1 #3
STM-1 #4
STM-1 #5
STM-1 #6
STM-1 #7
STM-1 #8
STM-1 #9
STM-1 #10
STM-1 #11
STM-1 #12
STM-1 #2
STM-1 sfp module STM-4
• Choose the board/subrack/access card type required, by clicking on the corresponding item in
the list. The name of the board is highlighted. Click on the OK push button to validate the choice.
Note: In case of 4xANY Modules it is also necessary to choose the type of user supported as
shown in Figure 59.
• The board/subrack representation appears on the NE view in the slot when the board change
is effective.
A lock representation appears over the boards ("in-service", see next para. 2.8.4 on page 125)
• In the Create/Modify dialogue box, the Cancel push button cancels the operation and closes
the dialogue box. The Help push button opens a Help view giving information about the context.
b) Removing a board/subrack/modules
NOTE: the “Remove" action is not possible in the case that, on the considered board, is still existing any
operation/connection/termination on the underlying supported signals, such as:
• Performance Monitoring on underlying TPs
• POM / TCT /TCM /SUT monitoring operations
• Lower order Connections
• Higher order Connections
• Lower/Higher order Path Terminations
• Loop-backs
• LAN/LAPD (and any comm/routing service)
• Auxiliary channels
• Timing Sources References
• Daughter boards, Submodules, etc.
Thus the deletion of every operation/connection/termination is necessary, in the same order as above
listed, before removing a board.
• Click on the board/subrack to remove (Out of Service board/subrack, as for next para. 2.8.4 on
page 125).
• The outline of the slot becomes highlighted. This indicates that the board is selected and that
operations can be done on the slot.
• If the slot you are working on is already empty no name appears under the slot.
• From the confirmation dialogue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the "Remove" operation.
NOTE: this procedure can be done to replace an existing unit with a similar one of different version,
without previously remove it. In other words: it is possible when changing only the version of the
board, not the type.
– Click on the optical module to replace. The outline of the slot becomes highlighted to show that oper-
ation can be done on it.
– Chose the optical module type required by clicking on the corresponding item in the list; the name
of the module is highlighted.
– The board representation appears on the N.E. view in the slot when the board change is effective.
A padlock representation appears over the board.
This command enable the Fan Subrack alarms management by means of a connection to a CONGI
The option menu is different according to the equipment type (1650SMC or 1660SM) as explained in the
following table:
Figure 60. shows an example of connection for 1660SM equipment; the description that follows can be
apply also to 1650SMC taking into account that the option to be chosen is “Connect Fan to CONGI#5".
To enable this function select the option (Connect Fan to CONGI#10 ) of the Equipment menu
It is possible to disable this function by selecting the relevant CONGI board and than choosing the
Remove Fan connection from CONGI#10 option of the Equipment menu (refer to Figure 61.).
The operator decides to set a board in service or out of service, if it is allowed by the NE.
N.B. In the equipment view, a lock representation appears over the boards which are in "in service"
The board's administrative ("in service" or “out of service") state is indicated on the board view as shown
in the following figure.
State Information
This function allows the operator to visualize information about the software(s) which is (are) present in the
selected board.
– Click on a board in which the software is wanted to know (EQUICO or MATRIX unit for “1660SM",
SYNTH unit “for “1650SMC”). The outline of the slot becomes highlighted. This indicates that the
board is selected and that operations can be done on the slot.
– Select the Software description option of the Equipment pull down menu.
The dialogue box contains as many folder sheets as there are softwares in the selected board.
If the selected board does not contain any software, the following information will be displayed:
This command displays the remote inventory data present in the Subrack and Boards.
– Select the Equipment -> Remote Inventory pull down menu.
Two options are available:
• Subrack level: prints or write on a file the remote inventory data of the subrack.
• Board level: show the remote inventory data of the selected board
The remote inventory data of the Subrack level can be printed on the default printer ( Figure 65.) or to a
file in postscript or ASCII format ( Figure 66.).
Click on Show Supporting Equipment menu option of the Equipment menu to navigate to the equip-
ment that supports the selected board.
2.9.1 Introduction
The Board View permits to show the physical port available in a specific board and to access the Port
The “Board view" is reached selecting the Equipment option in the View pull down menu, then double
clicking on the selected board to show the relevant Board view, presenting the ports.
In case of board containing “sub-boards", another view permits to see the contained item, named “daugh-
ter" or “sub-board" (see example of Figure 68.)
An example of “daughter" with the presented port is in Figure 69. It is displayed after clicking on it.
Alarms and Status indications referred to the board level are present at the bottom of the view, as indicated
in the example (Administrative State and Board Alarms/Status).
This information are “In/Out of service" of the board (Administrative State) and board alarms and status
like “missing" (RUM) or “mismatch" (RUTM), EPS condition if supported and other indications typical of
each unit .
Administrative state
Board Alarms/Status
Figure 68. Equipment view: select the SDH port on a board (example)
The operator is provided with a representation of the port alarm synthesis on each port.
The messages displayed at the top view provide port denomination.
The messages displayed at the bottom provide information about Board alarms.
A message under the mouse facility provides the name and the port type or the alarms name. A message
appears in the message area in the bottom left corner of the view.
By double clicking on a board view, it is also possible open the corresponding port view (see chapter 2.10 on
page 135).
Selecting the “Board" option in the menu bar of Figure 69.on page 131 the complete pull down Board
menu is presented:
– Port Access: Access the “Port" view. See para. on page 132 .
Note: this option is accessible after the selection of a port contained in
the view.
– Change Physical Interface:Change the SPI or PPI object into PPI or SPI (and viceversa) on the
bi-mode port( 140Mbit/s / STM-1 switchable).
See para. on page 133.
– ISA Port Configuration: It allows to configure the TPs for the ISA port connections.
Note: this is available only if an ISA board has been
equipped in the Subrack.
Click on Port Access option of the Board menu to access the “Port View" ( see chapter 2.10 on page
Navigation to the Port view permits to show a detailed alarm presentation of the port and to set the relevant
configurations as for the example of the following figure.
Note: on the ISA port the TPs are not automatically created (except for MAU TP) when the board is
equipped in the subrack but they must be created with the aid of the Configuration ->ISA port Configu-
ration (refer to Chapter 2.19 on page 410).
This command allows to change the type of physical interface in a bi-mode port (140 Mbit/s / 155 Mbit/
s switchable port) i.e it changes the SPI or PPI object into PPI or SPI.
Click on Change Physical Interface menu option of the Board menu (see Figure 72. on page 133)
Click on the Cancel push button to abort the change of the physical interface.
Click on Show Supporting Equipment menu option of the Board menu to navigate to the subrack that
supports the selected port view.
Figure 73. (example) opens.
2.10.1 Introduction
This section describes the operations necessary for the consultation, modification and configuration of
each port.
The Port View permits to set and show the transmission resources (i.e. the Termination Point, TP)
referred to the specific Port; it permits to check the detailed alarms presented by each TP of the Port,
and the available menu permits to configure the port, (many setting options listed in the port menu are
common with the “Transmission" view).
In these views are presented only the TP specific of the port.
The menu differs according the port type (SDH, PDH, HOA, ISA port).
The Port View can be accessed from the Equipment or Transmission Views.
The “Port view" is reached selecting the Equipment option in the View pull down menu then double click-
ing on the presented rack/subrack to present the subrack view, as described in Chapter 2.8 on page 115.
Double clicking on the selected board the relevant Board view is available presenting the ports (see chap-
ter 2.9 on page 130).
By double clicking on a board view, the corresponding port view is opened (see Figure 74.).
The “Port view" is also reached selecting the Transmission option in the View pull down menu.
Then the Add TP option of the Transmission menu permits to select and confirm a TP (see the descrip-
tion at para. 2.13.5 on page 210).
On the transmission view which appears select the TP and on the Transmission menu select the Nav-
igate to a port view option.
The HOA port view can be reached from the Port view, selecting a Tp and then Port -> Navigate to HOA
port view.
The ISA port (ATM, ETH, PR_EA) are not automatically created when the board is inserted in the subrack
but must be created as explained in Chapter 2.19 on page 410.
• SDH port: Electrical or Optical SPI TTP, RS TTP, MST TTP, prot TTP (MSP TTP), AU4 CTP,
Trail Monitor (only with enabled POM)
SONE Tport: Eelctrical or Optical SPI TTP, RST TTP, prot TTP (MSP), AU3 P.
HOA port: VC4 TTP, TUG3, TUG2, TU3, TU12, Trail Monitoring (only with enabled POM)
ISA-ATM port: VC4C TTP, VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, s31 TTP and E1 TTP
NOTE: ISA-PR board does not have any kind of port type.
On the port view, the messages displayed at the top view in the form of message boxes provide more infor-
mation concerning the type and the alarms of the port.
On the other hand the messages displayed at the bottom provide information about MSP protection and
ALS state ( if they are supported ).
A message under the mouse facility provides the name and the port type. A message appears in the mes-
sage area in the bottom left corner of the view.
The symbols of the TPs (see Figure 75.) have the following meaning:
– TP Role
The icon boxes represent the function: Adaptation, Termination or Compound Adaptation and Ter-
– Cross–connected state
If the condition of the resource is cross–connected, an icon with a x appears beneath the box.
– Performance state
If the condition of the resource is under performance monitoring, an icon with a P appears beneath
the box.
– Loop state
If the condition of the resource is under loop, an icon with a L appears beneath the box.
– Selected state
An orange frame around the box identifies the TP selection, so port menu refers to the selected TP.
G.783 TP Role
TP identifier
Selection indication
Crossconnected state
TP under Performance monitoring
Selecting the “Port" option in the menu bar of Figure 71.on page 132 the complete pull down Port menu
is presented (Figure 77.)
The menu differs according the port type (SDH, PDH, HOA and ATM), and is introduced in the fol-
– TP configuration: Set parameters for the Signal Label and Path Trace overhead on
Synchronous TP's.
See para 2.13.6 on page 220.
– Port Mode Configuration:This functionality allows to manage the alarms behaviour on LOS
according to the setup done at port level.
Refer to paragraph 2.10.4 on page 140.
The same functionality can be reached from Configuration -> Port
Mode menu.
– TP Threshold Configuration:Set B2 excessive BER and Signal Degraded parameter
See para. 2.13.7 on page 227.
– TP Frame Mode Configuration:Set parameters for 2Mbit/s G.703/G.704 or ISDN-PRA
See para 2.10.8 on page 165.
– Set Retiming: Enable/disable the retiming feature on the outgoing 2 Mbit/s signal.
See paragraph 2.10.5 on page 2.10.5.
– AU4 Concatenation: Only for SDH ports views. See para 2.10.6 on page 144
– Cross Connection: Manage the connection of the paths. See para.2.14 on page 245
– Monitoring Operations: Set parameters for POM/SUT/TCTTCM TP's.
See para.2.13.9 on page 229
– Performance: See and Show Performance Monitoring parameters and data.
See Chapter 2.16 on page 303.
– Loopback: Manage the loopback commands, for commissioning or maintenance
purposes. See para. 2.13.11 on page 235.
– MSP Manage the Multiplex Section Protection of the NE.
See Chapter 2.12 on page 189.
– Physical Media: Manage the physical TP port setting. Not applicable to HOA port.
It is described in the following paragraph.
– Show supporting board: Navigate to the upper board level
It is described in this chapter, see para.2.10.9 on page 168
– Navigate to Transmission view: permit to show a complete overview about the signal flow, opening
all TP's.
It is described in this chapter, see para.2.10.10 on page 169
– Navigate to Monitor view: permit to show an overview about the monitoring operation (POM, SUT,
TCT/TCM) TP's. It is described on paragraph 2.10.11 on page 170.
– Navigate to HOA port view: this option is available only on SDH ports;
The HOA pot view display the internal structureof the payload.
PDH port
ISA port
Figure 77. Examples of port menu options (SDH, PDH and ATM/GBIT ETHERNET port)
"To prevent alarms from being raised and failures being reported during trail provisioning actions, trail ter-
mination functions have the ability to enable and disable fault cause declaration.
This is controlled via their termination point mode or port mode parameter.
The termination point mode can be either "monitored" (MON) or "not monitored" (NMON). The state can
be MON if the termination function is part of a trail and provides service and NMON if the termination func-
tion is not part of a trail or is part of a trail which is in the process of set-up, breakdown or re-arrangement.
In physical section layers, the termination point mode is called the port mode. It has three modes : MON,
AUTO, and NMON (the last is not supported on OMSN).
The AUTO mode is like the NMON mode with one exception: if the LOS defect clears, the port mode is
automatically changed to MON. This allows for alarm-free installation without the burden of using a man-
agement system to change the monitor mode.
Selecting the Port->Port Mode Configuration option, the complete Port Mode Configuration window
is presented (Figure 78.)
The subset is defined according to the filtering capabilities on Port Type (all ports, SDH port Only, PDH
port Only, Ethernet port only, CWDM port only) and to the Port Mode set (Ignore, Mon, Auto).
Change of Port Mode setting can be done on the selected ports in the matrix gadget. Multiple selection
is allowed. The user can choose the new Port Mode ( in the Define Port Mode Values field) and can
start the change on the selected ports (Set Mode).
Change of Port Mode System Default can be done in the related frame. Current system default is visu-
alized in the combo box current value.
Port Mode Overview dialog is available both at Configuration menu and Port View menu and Transmission
View as well.
Using it at Configuration menu the “multi port" working mode is enabled with full support for search and
Using it in Port View or Transmission View enable the “single port" functionality and the search capability
is greyed out.
The Retiming feature applies to the outgoing 2 Mbit/s and its purpose is to absorb the jitter /wander that
is transferred to the PDH signal when SDH pointer justification occur. The feature is set individually per
When the Retiming feature is disable, the color of the state information at the bottom of the window is
brown and the label “Retiming State Disable" is written.
Select the Set Retiming->Enable option from the Port menu (see Figure 79.example)
As result of this operation the state information color become green and the label “Retiming State Enable"
is written (see Figure 80.example)
Select a STM-N optical interface to configure as AU4 concatenation structure; refer to Table 7.
STM-4 AU4-4c
STM-4 AU4-4c
Zoom in to open the board and then the port view menu.
Select the AU4 Concatenation option from the Port menu to open Figure 81. on page 145 (in this exam-
ple a STM-16 view is shown)
The STM16 stream appears divided into different groups: not all AU4s can be chosen as first AU4 but only
AU4#1, AU4#5, AU4#9, AU4#13 for AU4c. Therefore for concatenated action of four AU4s in one AU4c
these AU4 streams are deleted and substituted by the new AU4c component.
Select the supported concatenation Number =4 to visualize the available group/groups then select the
group to concatenate and click on the Concatenate push button.
Click on the Cancel key to exit and come back to the previous window.
The Concatenate button will be enabled and the Deconcatenate button will be disabled when is selected
a non concatenated AU4, viceversa when is selected a concatenated AU4.
The port view represented in Figure 82.shows an STM16 interface with four AU4 concatenated in one
AU4c. The AU4c appears as a single icon that has the same size of the actual AU4 blocks. The AU4c
streams support the Alarm synthesis, Cross-Connection states and Performance Monitoring information
as standard AU4 streams.
To deconcatenate an AU4c select again the “AU4 Concatenation" option in the Port View menu and then
select the AU4c to deconcatenate (see Figure 83.). Click on the Deconcatenate push button to apply
the command or on Cancel to exit.
The Port -> Physical Media options permit to set physical configuration of each TP of the port.
The Physical Media options are also accessible from the Transmission menu.
• SDH port:
– ALS Management
– Show Optical Configuration
– Tx Quality Configuration:see para. on page 359
– Single Fiber Configuration
– LAPD Configuration:see para.2.7.6 on page 100.
– Ms Configuration
• PDH port:
• ETHERNET port:
These options are described in next paragraphs except the previously referenced.
The aim of this paragraph is to describe the optical port hence the laser sources.
Automatic laser shutdown (ALS) is useful in case of a loss of communication between two NEs due to opti-
cal fiber breakdown. For safety reasons it may be necessary to shutdown the laser to enable the fixing
of the communication link.
The automatic laser shutdown function can only be configured from the optical ports of the equipment.
Select the SPI block in the port view and then select the Port pull down menu.
Select the Physical media option and then from the cascading menu the ALS Management option .
The Automatic Laser Shutdown State dialogue box opens ( Figure 85.).
To allow the automatic laser shutdown functionality, select the ALS Enabled option of the ALS
Function: option button.
When the laser is forced to ON or OFF, it is restarted or stopped and the Automatic Laser Shutdown
is disabled, if it was not already so.
c) Delete : this option deactivates the ALS function, returning to the state shown in Figure 86. on page
From this window it is only possible to create the ALS function (all the ALS commands are greyed).
Figure 86. Automatic Laser Shutdown Management (after ALS Function delete)
To enable (disable) an automatic laser restart following an automatic laser shutdown (periodic
restart), select the Enabled (Disabled) option of the ALS Auto Restart. The laser will be ON for
2 secs and OFF for 70 secs, in periodic mode. The same procedure is applicable for the ALS Manual
restart : while the ALS auto Restart is disabled,the manual restart permits to perform a laser restart
for a single time period.
The Wait To Restart Time: field indicating the delay period in seconds, occurring before an auto-
matic laser restart is launched (following an automatic shutdown). The restart time period for this
equipment is fixed to 70 secs.
When the ALS Manual Restart is Enable it is possible to enter two different commands: Manual or
Test Restart. The Manual command immediately activates a single laser restart: this command
overrides the wait to restart time. The Test restart is similar to the manual restart but the laser
remains “ON" for a longer time in order to make a measurement of the received optical power.
When all the different parameters have been configured, select the Apply button to confirm the setting
and close the dialogue box.
Selecting only the Close button allows you to cancel the choices made.
The TP list... button opens the clipboard dialog; refer to paragraph on page 68 for details.
Note that the ALS procedure is activated ( if enable ) only when the fiber has been interrupted and the
ALS state has not to be confused with the laser state.
ALS states (see example of Figure 87. ), displayed by the functional state message area of the optical
port, are:
ALS states:
Inactive = No ALS has been activated (Off) or the laser has been Forced ON/OFF.
Laser state:
This command permits to get detailed information on the optical characteristics of the port that is visual-
Firstly select an optical board and the SPI block, then click on Show Optical Configuration option from
the Physical media pull down menu to visualize the parameters of the selected optical port.
N.B. This dialogue box can only be read. You cannot write in the entry boxes.
– The wavelength of the laser source: the units are nanometers (nm = 10-9 m).
– The use of the port: describes whether the laser port is used for intraoffice transmissions on long
distances (Long Haul ] 40 km) or for infraoffice transmissions on short distances (Short Haul ] 15
The Colored Interface Parameters display the Channel used and the Grid spacing.
To close the dialogue box click on the Cancel push button.
The single fiber configuration can be realized with passive optical couplers (see Figure 89.)
The optical coupler must not loop the Tx signal onto the local Rx .
For this purpose and in general to avoid a low Tx/Rx decoupling also when the optical line is interrupted,
an identification label has been assigned to the local Tx side ; the Rx part in the remote receive side checks
the congruency between the received and the expected labels. If a signal label mismatch is recognized
on the received section, an alarm (AIS and RDI) will be generated. Example of Figure 89. shows that is
accepted the label “1" from Tx1 to Rx2 while is accepted label “2" from Tx2 to Rx1.
Tx1 Tx2
Single bidir
Rx1 Rx2
– Allow Single Fiber: select the transmit mode on the single fiber (enable or disable).
– Transmitted Section:
– Received Section:
• Received label
The Ms Configuration menu allows the SS bit provisioning for Multiplex Section Object (MSTTP) in
SONET/SDH network interworking.
Click on Ms Configuration menu option of the Port-> Physical Media menu. Figure 91. opens.
This dialog allows to select between SDH or SONET networks. After the selection click on Apply and then
on Close to close the dialog.
To manage the Line Length configuration click on Line Length Configuration menu option of the Phys-
ical Media menu. Figure 92.opens.
This dialog allows to configure the line length for a PDH PPI TP of a 45 Mbit/s port.
The OK button validate the configuration and close the dialog box.
To set the Fast Ethernet (10/100 Mbit/s) port parameters, select the Ethernet Port Configuration option
of the Port -> Physical Media menu as shown in Figure 93.
[1] “Auto Negotiation" : allows to configure the “Rate" to be negotiated (10 or 100 Mb/s).
The “Directionality" (Full Duplex) and the “Flow Control" (Activated) are always enable and can't
be changed.
Moreover It is possible to Restart the “Auto Negotiation" by depressing the relevant button; if parameters
has been changed before pressing the Restart button , a question dialog is displayed (see Figure 95.
on page 157) to advice that the user has changed data but not applied them.
In read only mode there are indication if the Auto negotiation on remote side is activated (Remote Auto
Negotiation) and what parameters are allowed on remote (Remote Allowed Parameters).
In both cases is possible to check the the “Auto negotiation Current State" with the possible massage:
– completed OK
– completed KO
– configuring
– deactivated
– parallel Defect Fail
– other
At the bottom of the port view are displayed the following indications (refer to Figure 93. on page 156
and Figure 96. on page 158):
• 10 Mb/s
• 100 Mb/s
Select a VC TP.
Click on PortEthernet Mapping Protocol option of the Port-> Physical Media menu. Figure 97. opens.
This dialog aims to show the actual Ethernet mapping protocol used and allowing the user to change it.
In Figure 14 is depicted an example of this new view.
Click on Control Path Activation option of the Port-> Physical Media menu.
A new window will be opened (Figure 98. and Figure 99. are examples); a similar window is display when
a new concatenated VCX is created in the “ISA port configuration" window (refer to paragraph
on page 415).
This dialog aims to show the activation state of the virtualTPs present in the Ethernet Port View and to
change the number of virtual TPs active.
[1] Individual path (refer to Figure 98.): the Active state is reached by selecting the individual row with
the mouse and click on the Change Status button.
[2] Path Range (refer to Figure 99.):the Active state is reached by choosing the number of “TPs to be
active" and click on the Apply button.
On the contrary to change in Idle the Active state of a TP decrease the “TPs to be active" field
and then and click on the Apply button.
To switch bwtween the two modality click on the relevant button in the Activation Mode field. In this field
it is also displayed the Actual Selected Mode.
Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS) is used to increase or decrease the capacity of a container that
is transported in a SDH network using Virtual Concatenation. In addition, the scheme automatically
decrease the capacity if a member experinces a failure in the network, and increase the capacity when
the network fault is repaired. The scheme is applicable to every member of the Virtual Concatenation
Group (VCG).
Select a VCnXv TP an than the Port -> Physical Media -> LCAS Configuration menu; Figure 100. will
be opened.
Figure 100. can be reached also from ISA board Configuration window (refer to paragraph 2.19.2 on page
In the LCAS Configuration window it is possible to Enable / Disable the LCAS scheme protocol selecting
the relevant button.
The Monitoring... button opens the LCAS monitoring window dysplayed in Figure 101.
– RS acknowledge timeout; it is the timeout value (in milliseconds) LCAS protocol waits for the re-
sequence acknowledge message
The button Apply will se the attribute Max differential delay and RS acknowledge timeout if the LCAS
protocol is enable.
The LCAS Monitoring window is divided in two section, the first reports information concerning the Virtual
Concatenation Group Monitoring Parameters, the second reports the Channels Monitoring Parameters.
– Active Channel Number: display the number of Vcs active on Source and Sink read on Node A.
– Acknowledge Bit (Re-Sequence Acknowledge) Source and Sink: when a renumbering of the
sequence numbers of the members sending in CTRL field NORM, DNU, EOS, or when a change
of the number of these members is detected at the Sk, a notification to the So per VCG has to be
performed by toggling (i.e. change from '0' to '1' or from '1' to '0' ) the RS-Ack bit.
– MST Channel Ref.: indicates wich channel of the VCG is the reference one for MST information;
MST information report the member status from Sk to So with two states: OK or FAIL (1 status bit
per member).OK = 0, FAIL = 1.
– VCG Master: indicates wich channel is the reference channel for the Differential Delay calculation.
– The first column contains the channel identifier inside the VCG (called Sequence Number) .
– Tx CTRL Packet: Message sent (ADD, DNU, IDLE, NORM, EOS, FIXED), relative to a traffic flow
from Node A to Node B; it provides the status of the individual member of the group as reported in
the following:
• Fixed: this is an indication that this end uses Fixed bandwidth (non-LCAS mode)
• Add: this member is about to be Added to the group
• Norm: Normal transmission
• Eos: End of Sequence indication and Normal transmission
• Idle: this member is not part of the group or about to be removed
• Dnu: Do Not Use (the payload) the Sk side reported FAIL status
• Unknow
– Rx Channel State: MST indication (OK/FAIL) relative to a traffic flow Node B to Node A;
– Rx CTRL Packet: Message received (ADD, DNU, IDLE, NORM, EOS, FIXED), relative to a traffic
flow from Node B to Node A; it provides the status of the individual member of the group as reported
in the following:
• Fixed: this is an indication that this end uses Fixed bandwidth (non-LCAS mode)
• Add: this member is about to be Added to the group
• Norm: Normal transmission
• Eos: End of Sequence indication and Normal transmission
• Idle: this member is not part of the group or about to be removed
• Dnu: Do Not Use (the payload) the Sk side reported FAIL status
• Unknow
– Tx Channel State: MST indication (OK/FAIL) relative to a traffic flow Node A to Node B;
– Differential Delay: it is calculated respect to the Virtual Concatenation group Master channel, rel-
ative to a traffic from Node B to Node A .
– TxVC: contains the sequence number assigned to a specific member from Node A to Node B. Each
member of the same VCG is assigned a unique sequence number, starting at 0.
– RxVC:contains the sequence number assigned to a specific member from Node B to Node A. Each
member of the same VCG is assigned a unique sequence number, starting at 0.
This menu item enables the configuration of the most important transmission parameters concerning the
Primary Rate Access (PRA) and G.703/G.704 frame management.
PRA management
The PRA functionality performs termination bi-directional function for Time Slot 0 on framed with CRC-
4 2 Mbit/s signal.
In detail, it extracts in sink direction and writes in source direction particular bits (E, Sa5, Sa6 and A) of
the Time Slot 0.
Moreover, it generates substitution frames in case of detection of LOS on the signal coming from a Ter-
minal Equipment.
The PRA functionality has been extended in order to manage proprietary handling of the bits of Time Slot
0 (Framed with leased line PRA option) in terms of state, defect detection and consequent actions.
G.703/G.704 management
This functionality allows to activate the adaptation function to process a framed (G.704 interface) or not
framed (G.703 interface) 2Mbit/s signal.
– P12-CTP
Select the desired P12-CTP and then the Port ->TP Frame Mode Configuration option.
TP Frame Mode Configuration can also be accessed from the “Transmission" and “Synchronization"
view menu.
– "Framed Signal Mode" that allows to configure the attribute framed Signal Mode; the user can
choose one of the following value:
• “Framed without PRA" (G.704): the behavior according to ETS 300-233 is applied in the han-
dling of bits of Time Slot 0 in terms of state, defect detection and consequent action;
• "Framed with leased line PRA" : a proprietary leased line behavior is applied.
• a configurable parameter in order to define the operation modes of the CRC procedure;
• the configuration of the “consequent action" on the transmitted 2M/s signal in case of config-
ured retiming functionality and loss of synchronization (when the CRU is in HoldOver or Fre-
eRunning mode).
• the configuration of the “consequent action" concerning the AIS insertion for board P63E1N-
M4 in leased Line mode.
– “CRC4 Status“ that defines the monitoring capabilities applied to the signal with a CRC multiframe:
• “Operation": allows to configure the CRC-4 processing modalities; the possible value are:
• "Remote Indication": read-only field that indicates if status of CRC-4 error counting functionality
of far-end NE is enabled or disabled.
• “Loss of Synch Consequent Action" allows to perform the consequent action on the trans-
mitted 2M/s signal with retiming when the CRU is in Holdover or Freerunning mode; the con-
sequent action is performed only if PRA or leased line application ha been configured on the
associated P12-CTP.
The possible values of the Loss of Sync Consequent Action are:
– “Frame Status" is a read-only field that reports an indication of the received signal:
• "no indication"
Select a TP.
Click on Show Supporting Board menu option of the Port menu to navigate to the board that supports
the selected port view.
Select a TP.
Click on Navigate to Transmission View menu option of the Port menu to navigate to the corresponding
Transmission View that is related to the selected TP.
Navigation to the Transmission view permits to show a complete overview about the signal flow as for the
example of the following figure..
Select a TP where are configurated some Monitoring Operations (POM, SUT, TC).
Click on Navigate to Monitoring View menu option of the Port menu to navigate to the corresponding
Monitoring View that is related to the selected TP.
Navigation to the Monitoring view permits to show a complete overview about the Monitoring Operations
(POM, SUT, TC) as for the example of the following figure.
In Figure 105.on page 170 is shown an example of Monitoring View of a TP with POM and TCM both
before and after matrix.
After having selected a Tp (for example AU-4), click on Port -> Navigate to HOA Port View option.
The HOA port displays the internal structure of the payload, as for the following figure:
2.11.1 Introduction
The protection is performed by switching the board supporting the protected service when this board fails
to a protecting board capable of supporting the same service. This protection is realized according to a
protection scheme.
An equipment protection scheme is composed of the following parameters which can be configured:
• Protection priority:
A priority can be assigned to protected units in 1+n protection schemes. This priority can be be
1, 2, ... or n, 1 being the highest priority.
Board duplication remains the easiest way to ensure equipment protection in a system.
The actions that can be undertaken are of the following type:
In Board view, the board whose contents is represented is considered as implicitly selected.
EPS protection states are displayed by the functional state message area of the boards involved in an
equipment protection scheme.
The “Port view" is reached selecting the Equipment option in the View pull down menu to present the
subrack view, as described at chapter 2.8.1 on page 115.
The EPS Management dialogue box shows the current NE protection schemes in the left side. The
list gives for each protecting board the protected board(s).
The available protection schemes are coherent with the NE type and release.
The right side of the dialogue box allows to modify the EPS configuration.
N.B. For P3E3/T3 P4ES1N and P16S1-4E more than one protection group N+1 revertive
can be created, depending on the equipment configuration.
The spare board position can be assigned in a flexible way .The only constraint are
the following:
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an HPROT card
• the HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the access card group
• the main/spare boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected group of
• the protecting/protected group of ports have to be of the same type
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an ISA-HPROT card
• the ISA-HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the ASI-ABNC access card
• the main/spare ASI-MB boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected boards
The spare card position can be assigned in a flexible way; The only constraint are the following:
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an HPROT card
• the HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the GETH-AGR or ETH-AFX
access card
• the main/spare ISA ES-16 boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected boards
N.B. for each type of failure on the MATRIX main board ( CRU, Shelf Controller) a switch is per-
formed to the spare boards.
The MATRIX protection is automatically presented in the left side of the dialog box
when the SPARE MATRIX is created in the Set option of the Equipment menu. It
is not created with the EPS menu described in this chapter.
N.B. For P3E3/T3 and P4ES1N only one protection group N+1 revertive can be created,
depending on the equipment configuration.
The spare board position can be assigned in a flexible way .The only constraint are the
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an HPROT card
• the HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the access card group
• the main/spare boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected group of
• the protecting/protected group of ports have to be of the same type
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an ISA-HPROT card
• the ISA-HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the ASI-ABNC access card
• the main/spare ASI-MB boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected boards
The spare card position can be assigned in a flexible way; The only constraint are the following:
• the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an HPROT card
• the HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the GETH-AGR or ETH-AFX
access card
• the main/spare ISA ES-16 boards have to be adjacent.
• the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected boards
N.B. In the following will be explained some rules for EPS schema configuration using
SYNTH1N board; the same rules can be applied to SYNTH4 board.
Mixed configuration are also allowed (i.e. EPS schema composed by SYNTH1N and
N.B. for each type of failure on the COMPACT ADM main board (matrix, CRU, Shelf Controller)
a switch is performed to the spare boards. The optical/electrical port and the Equip-
ment Controller function on the COMPACT ADM board are not EPS protected.
a) Scheme displaying
b) Scheme creation
After that operation, Choose Protecting button becomes insensitive and Choose Protected becomes
sensitive (see Figure 109.on page 179)
The user can add, always using the same “Board Selection" list dialogue box presented, as many pro-
tected boards as wanted (max.15 in 1660SM, max. 2 in 1650SMC).
When the right part of window is correctly filled, the OK button close the dialog box and create the scheme
(the new list is update re-opening the EPS Management dialogue box).
The Cancel push button cancels the creation and closes the dialog box.
c) Scheme deletion
To delete an existing protection scheme, the user selects a scheme in the left list. Using the Delete button,
user could delete the scheme.
d) Scheme modification
To modify an existing protection scheme by adding or removing protection units, the user selects a
scheme in the left list. Using Choose button for protected elements, user could add protected boards.
By selecting a protected board and using the Delete Protected button, user could remove protected ele-
ments from scheme. When the right part of window is correctly filled, the OK button close the dialog box
and modify the scheme.
The Cancel push button cancels the creation and closes the dialog box.
Figure 110. EPS functional state from protected active board view
Figure 111. EPS functional state from protecting active board view
This functionality configure Revertive and Wait Time to Restore in a protection scheme.
When the configuration of the equipment protection scheme is completed confirm closing the dialog box
by clicking on the OK push button. The Cancel push button cancels the configuration and closes the dia-
log box.
This functionality enables to force a protecting board to work even if there is not failure.
The forced switch will fail if the other board is already forced switched or if the protecting board has a failure
This dialogue box displays in its left part the EPS of the selected board.
From this dialogue box the operator can configure, in the current release, only the Lockout options, by
clicking on the relevant radio button.
The Manual to command perform the “manual" switch, active only if the other board is not alarmed.
Clicking on the OK push button will initiate the switch and close the dialogue box. The Cancel push button
cancels the operation and closes the dialogue box.
Selecting the EPS Overview option from the Configuration pull down menu Figure 114. opens
To Search the EPS groups two different ways of filtering are supported; a filtering for all protection units
located on a dedicated Board Type as well as a filtering for protection units carrying a specific Status.
The search criteria can be chosen with the help of a combo box:
– Board Type: allows to filter for the EPS protected boards (example Ignore, SYNTH1N, MATRIXN,
P3E3/T3, etc. )
– Status: allows to filter for all possible EPS protection states;the following filters values should be
offered (examples):
• Ignore
• Normal
• Auto-Fail
• Auto-WTR
• Manual
• Force
• Lockout
After the filter selection click on Search button to start; the field below the Search button will be updated
(see Figure 115.)
– Board Role:
• Ped (Protected)
• Ping (Protecting)
• A (Active)
• S (StandBy)
• F (Faulty)
• Normal
• DNR (Do Not Revert)
• Auto-Fail (Autoswitch Equipment Fail)
• Auto-WTR (Autoswitch Wait Time to Restore)
• Manual (Manual switch)
• Force (Force switch)
• Lockout
The colors used for each row have the following meaning:
– Red (Critical): for protected protection units in fail condition, protection unit in lockout or active on
autoswitch or commands
– Orange (Major):for protected units in standby after a command and protecting protection unit in
standby for autoswitch or commands
– Cyan (Indicative):for protecting protection unit active and no fail condition present in the schema
(Do Not Revert State)
At the bottom of the EPS Overview windows are available five button that allows to navigate through the
EPS management views and subrack view, board view.
In this way the operator has a quick link towards the views showing the correlation between the alarms
and the protection states.
– Open Subrack View:opens the Subrack view showing the protection states with icons on the
boards (see example of Figure 116.)
The possible protection states and the relevant symbols are explained in
the following:
No Request
Do not Revert
– Open Commands:opens the EPS Switch dialog box. See 2.11.4 on page 183 and the relevant
– EPS Management:opens the EPS Management dialog box. See Figure 107. on page 173 and
the relevant description.
– EPS Parameters:opens the EPS Configuration dialog box. See 2.11.3 on page 181 and the rele-
vant description.
Figure 116. Subrack view after “Open Subrack View" command (example)
Figure 117. Board view after “Open Board View" command (example)
The Multiplex Section Protection (MSP, formerly called APS: Automatic Switching Protection) is the con-
nection between two NEs protected by a cable and port duplication. At the source the signal is duplicated
and sent to the sink via two independent cables. When occurs a multiplex section failure, the system
switches to the other cable and port.
The MS Linear Trail Protection can be applied to any NE where it is possible to configure a linear APS
(single ended/dual ended) line protection. For this NE is applicable the APS 1+1 Proprietary, the APS
1+1 Standard and the APS 1 :1 Standard dual ended.
The APS 1 +1 (not revertive) feature permits a 1+1 protection in a linear link, where a path signal is pro-
tected by another dedicated path carrying the same signal. The protection can be set both in single (uni-
directional) and in dual (bidirectional) ended mode.
In single ended mode (unidirectional) the protection is accomplished by switching only the signal
affected by the failure.
In dual ended mode (bidirectional) the protection is accomplished by switching both the affected and the
unaffected signals .
Dual ended mode" (bidirectIonal) protection is not supported by 1650SMC
Architecture 1+1 or N+1 Standard (the last is only available for 1660SM)
Described in ITU-T Rec. G783/G841. The refence switching criteria are SF and SD. It provides a
k1/k2 communication protocol thus this protection can be single or dual ended.
Signal Degrade (SD) software setting enables the MSP protection mechanisms when a SD is recognized
on the working port. The SD threshold reference value depend on the NE selected threshold on the MS
termination point. This threshold value is configured as explained in the para.2.13.7 on page 227.
All the MSP options are available starting from the Port View following the step explained below:
– Double click on the SDH optical board to configure to open the port icon
– Select the MSP block in the port view and then choose the MSP options by clicking on Port -> MSP
menu; the possible choice are:
MSP Create, MSP Management, MSP Commands and MSP Delete can also be accessed from the
Transmission -> MSP menu.
Select the Port -> MSP-> MSP Create menu to open the MSP Schema Creation (see Figure 118. on
page 190).
– choose Port
– select a Port Role (protected or protecting)
– define Channel Id (mandatory for MSP N:1)
– define SDH Priority (type of traffic, High or Low)
Select the Choose Port button to define the “Protected Port" and “Protecting Port" units.
Figure 120. on page 191 is opened.
On this right side select the OpS TP of the chosen board and then click on the OK button. It is possible
to select the board through the “Board History" button selecting the board list menu.
The “Filter Section" is divided into different fields. It permits to visualize a reduced TP Class. If used, OpS
class must be selected. The complete TP research description is reported in the “Transmission View"
chapter on page 216.
Click on the OK button and repeat the operation for both “Protected Port" and “Protecting Port". If it has
been selected a Protected/Protecting port configured in a previously MSP schema protection an error
message of access denied will be appear on the screen.
In the dialogue of Figure 118.on page 190 also configure the MSP protection schema with the chosen Pro-
tection Schema and enter the related Schema Parameters according the following rules:
At the end click on the OK button to confirm the MSP protection schema configuration. An error message
will be appear if the selected schema is not supported by the NE.
Select the Port -> MSP->MSP Management menu to open the MSP Schema Configuration (see Figure
123. on page 194).
The MSP Schema Configuration dialog shows the current state of the MSP schema, settings and state
(protected or protecting) of the current SDH–n port.
This dialog allows to set the configuration parameters for the designated multiplex section:
– Schema Parameters:
Configure the MSP protection Schema with the chosen protection schema and enter the related schema
parameters. At the end click on the OK button to configure the MSP protection schema. An error message
will be appear if the selected schema is not supported by the NE.
The same MSP Management option can be used to modify the schema parameters of an active MSP con-
Before changing a single ended (unidirectional) schema into a dual ended (bidirectional), all active
switches must be cleared (manual switch, lockout,... ). If the operator wants to change the protection
schema architecture or the ports involved in the MSP schema, the current schema must be removed and
Select the Port -> MSP->MSP Delete menu to open the “MSP Schema Deletion" (see Figure 124. on
page 195).
The MSP protection state of a port is displayed at the bottom of the Port view. Some examples are
reported in Figure 125.
Port Status - Active (red color) or Standby (orange color). The active protection status is referred
to a protected/protecting port ( where the traffic is transported): when a failure is detected, the pro-
tecting port is ready to save the traffic (and becomes active). The standby protection status is referred
to a protecting/protected port that is ready to save the traffic.
MSP Protection Role - Protected (green color) or Protecting (ochre color). The protection role
depends on the selected port type (Protected / Protecting).
MSP Group Status, MSP Own Unit and MSP Related Unit - (green color) Displayed if an automatic
switch is requested. “Own Unit" stands for the currently displayed unit in the port view, “Related Unit"
stands for the related unit of the same protection group . The status indications are:
NR: (abbreviation of No Request); normal, idle condition, the traffic is on the main port
DNR:(abbreviation of Do Not Revert); the SF or SD have been recovered but the traffic is
switched on the spare port
PF: a protection failure has been detected on the port
RF: a release command has been failed
FOP: a failure of protocol has been detected
complete: = the bridge/switch actions are completed
pending: = the bridge/switch actions are pending
MSP Request Source - (green color) indicates where the operator commands (force/manual/lockout)
have been performed. Only present when a command is operative.
– Local: switch due to near end SD/SF or local user switch command
– Remote: switch due to received K1/K2 bytes.
A remote switch cannot be released locally, but can be overwritten by a switch with higher priority.
Figure 125. represents a MSP configuration with a normal condition, with an automatic protection switch-
ing and with a forced command. In any situation are represented the statuses displayed on both protected/
protecting Port views. The Active status indication, with a forced command on the protecting group,
shows where the forced command is applied.
Select the Port -> MSP->MSP Commands menu to open the “MSP Commands window" (see Figure
126. on page 199).
Protecting Port : the location of the board hosting the protecting port is displayed.
Protected Port : the location of the board hosting the protected port is displayed.
The Lockout of protection command denies working channel access to the protection section by issuing
a “Lockout" of protection request (on the “Protection Status" of MSP Management).
It is possible to “Lockout the Protecting Port" or “Lockout the Protected Port"; to remove the lockout com-
mands select Release Ping (for the protecting) and Release Ped (for the protected).
The Force to command switches the working channel (Protected port) to the protection section (Pro-
tecting port), unless an equal or higher priority switch command is in effect or SF condition exits on the
protection section, by issuing a “Forced" switch request for that port (on the “Protection Status" of MSP
Management). It is also possible to switch back to the working channel using again the “Force to" Pro-
tected port command.
For 1+1 non-revertive system, forced switch no working channel transfers the working channel back from
protection to working section, unless an equal or higher priority request is in effect. Since forced switch
has higher priority than SF or SD on working section, this command will be carried out regardless of the
working section condition.
The Manual to command switches the working channel (Protected port) to the protection section (Pro-
tecting port), unless a failure condition exits on the protection section or an equal or higher priority switch
command is in effect, by issuing a “Manual" switch request for that port (on the “Protection Status" of
MSP Management). It is also possible to switch back to the working channel using again the “Manual to"
Protected port command.
For 1+1 non-revertive system, manual switch no working channel transfers the working channel back from
protection to working section, unless an equal or higher priority request is in effect. Since manual switch
has lower priority than SF or SD on working section, this command will be carried out only if the working
section is not in SF or SD condition
The Clear WTR command cancel the delay time for switching protection and protecting port after recov-
ery from failure/defect.
The Exercise command issues an exercise request for protection channel and checks responses on MSP
bytes, unless the protection channel is in use. This check controls the k1/k2 communication protocol func-
tionality to be sure that the protocol is right also on the protection section.
Not Operative in current release.
The priority levels for the MSP commands are (from the higher to the lower one): Lockout, Force to, Auto-
switch (SF&SD), Manual to.
Table 8. on page 199 gives the priority rules when are occurred two different commands. The first column
on the left and the first row at the top report the switch protection and the external MSP commands. The
row/column crossing gives the command or protection result (i.e.: if an “Auto-switch" and a “Manual to"
command are present, “Auto-switch" is operative.
Selecting the MSP Overview option from the Configuration pull down menu Figure 127. opens
To Search the MSP groups two different ways of filtering are supported; a filtering for all protection units
located on a dedicated Board Type as well as a filtering for protection units carrying a specific Status.
The search criteria can be chosen with the help of a combo box:
– Board Type: allows to filter for the MSP protected boards (example P4ES1N, P4E4N, L-41N,
Ignore, etc.)
• Ignore
• NR (Normal)
• Auto-SF
• Auto-SD
• Auto-WTR
• Manual
• Force
• Lockout
• APS Invalid (Fail)
• Bad channel (Fail)
After the filter selection click on Search button to start; the field below the Search button will be updated
(see Figure 115.)
– Role:
• Ped Protected
• Ping Protecting
• A (Active)
• S (StandBy)
• F (Faulty)
• ET Extra Traffic (Not operative)
– Protection Status: defines the current state of the protection unit as follow
• NR (Normal)
• DNR (Do Not Revert)
• Auto-SF (AutoSwitch Signal Fail)
• Auto-SD (AutoSwitch Signal Degrade)
• Auto-WTR (AutoSwitch Wait Time To Restore)
• Manual (Manual Switch)
• Force
• Lockout
• APS Invalid (Protection fail condition APS invalid)
• Bad channel (Protection fail condition Channel Mismatch)
The colors used for each row have the following meaning:
– Red (Critical): for protected protection units in fail condition, protection unit in lockout or active on
autoswitch or commands
– Orange (Major):for protected units in standby after a command and protecting protection unit in
standby for autoswitch or commands
– Cyan (Indicative:for protecting protection unit active and no fail condition present in the schema
(Do Not Revert State)
At the bottom of the MSP Overview windows are available five button that allows to navigate through the
MSP management views and to open the Port View.
By clicking on Open Port View the operator has a quick link towards the view showing the correlation
between the alarms and the protection states.
– Open Port view:opens the port view showing the correlation between the alarm and the MSP
protection states. See Figure 129. on page 203.
– MSP Create:opens the MSP Create dialog box. See Figure 118. on page 190 and the relevant
– MSP Delete:opens the MSP Delete dialog box. See Figure 124. on page 195 and the relevant
– MSP Management:opens the MSP Management dialog box. See Figure 123. on page 194 and
the relevant description.
– MSP Commands:opens the MSP Commands dialog box. See Figure 126. on page 199 and the
relevant description.
Figure 129. Port view after “Open Port View" command (example)
2.13.1 Overview
This section describes the operations necessary for the consultation, modification and configuration of
TPs, providing a representation of the entire signal flow.
The generic Transmission View, described in this chapter, offers the possibility of displaying a single TP
or a set of all kinds of TPs (or collected functionality which is represented by one/several TPs).
To display the termination points in the Transmission View, either select specific TPs from a TP search
dialog or access the view directly from another view, e.g. by navigating from the Port View.
• An overview concerning all TPs belonging to a port can be called in by activating the function
to expand the selected TP. TP names are listed in an additional information area if the mouse
pointer is positioned over it. The following states are indicated (see Figure 130. on page 205):
• An overview concerning signal flow can be requested by a user action. The user can select
a TP and apply the action Transmission -> Show Cross–connected TPs. The result is that
the objects related to the TP are displayed and lines indicate the connections. Expanding and
hiding TPs that are related to the currently selected TP (e.g. show all TPs that are above the
TU–12 CTP) enables all related TPs to be added to the view, thus providing a representation
of the entire signal flow.
• Search for and select a termination point in a TP search dialog and display it in the Transmission
• Pop–up the Transmission View from the board view. All TPs/compound TPs associated with
the physical port are displayed (i.e. TPs down to AU–4).
– Provide the possibility of configuring a selected TP. This functionality is accessed by calling the con-
figuration dialogs of the common Transmission/Port Views category.
– Provide the possibility of showing a detailed view of a TP with alarms, navigating to the Port view.
– Provide the possibility of showing and setting Performance Monitoring parameters and data.
Adaption function
Termination function
Structurable point
The Transmission View is a main view. It provides views of specific areas, which display the transmission
resources, and the specific Transmission View pulldown menu which provides the Transmission View
Figure 131. illustrates the Transmission View area. TPs that are received from the network element are
displayed in the Transmission View with the respective TP and connection symbols described in Figure
130. The number of TPs presented initially depends on whether the Transmission View is popped up from
a board view, whether a TP has been selected in another view or whether it is called without a selected TP.
When the “Transmission view" is reached selecting the Transmission option in the View pull down menu
in its initial state contains no objects.
It is possible both to expand a VC–4, thus displaying all underlying TPs, and to hide TPs which are of
no interest. The objects initially displayed depend on the situation/definition.
The following rules are applied in order to identify the TPs displayed:
– all child nodes contain a short label indicating the position inside the tree.
The following section describes the view states and provides a short description of events that affect the
In its initial state, the Transmission View contains no objects when it is reached selecting the Transmis-
sion option in the View pull down). Objects can be searched for and displayed using the Add TP dialog.
In its working state, the Transmission View already contains objects. If the operator searches for and dis-
plays a TP using the TP Search dialog, the view is first initialized again and then the TP is displayed. The
same applies in the case of navigation from another view to the Transmission View - the Transmission
View is always initialized and the corresponding objects are then displayed in it.
If the Transmission View is popped up from the Port View, only the selected TP is displayed.
Alarms concerning the TPs displayed are indicated graphically by the alarm synthesis icons of the TP
objects. The TP objects are updated accordingly.
All kinds of object deletion events related to TPs displayed are indicated by the TP objects. The graphical
objects are removed accordingly from the Transmission View. Example: modification of the payload struc-
ture from 63 TU–12 to 3 TU–3.
The “Transmission view" can be reached selecting the Transmission option in the View pull down menu.
In this case, in its initial state, the Transmission View contains no objects.
In the case of navigation from another view (example the “Port view") to the Transmission View, the Trans-
mission View is always initialized and the corresponding objects are then displayed in it (see for example
Figure 131. on page 206.)
Selecting the “Transmission" option in the menu bar of Figure 131. on page 206. the complete pull down
Transmission menu is presented
– Hide Hide TPs that are related to the selected TP or the selected TP.
It is described in this chapter, see para on page 242
– Port Mode Configuration:This functionality allows to manage the alarms behaviour on LOS
according to the setup done at port level.
Refer to paragraph 2.10.4 on page 140.
– Cross–Connection Manage the connection of the paths. See para. 2.14 on page 245
– Physical MediaManage the physical TP setting. See para 2.13.12 on page 240.
These options are described in next paragraphs except the previously referenced. TP Search
In this mode, the dialog displays the structure of the equipment tree. After double–clicking, e.g. on a port,
the contents of the port appear on the right–hand side of the dialog (TP list). To keep the number of items
displayed small, they are displayed in a hierarchical order. Double–click again to recall the next level (see
Figure 134.).
It is possible to select several individual TPs from the TP list by clicking on them while holding down the
Ctrl key on the keyboard. To select a block of TPs, click on the first TP and then click on the last TP in
the block while holding down the Shift key on the keyboard. But only the first TP selected in the list will
be shown in the Transmission View.
Not connected
Bidirectional connected
Not allowed
After clicking on Show PM, a more detailed TP list is displayed (see Figure 138.) containing the TPs under
Perfomance monitoring with relevant performance type information ( example near end 15 min, Far-end
15 min., 1 day Near-end etc.)
An easy way to recall to previously displayed boards is to use Board History ( refer to Figure 139.on page
214 ).
Filter criteria for ASAP feature, allow to search objects that has a specified ASAP value (example Figure
140.). The object classes we are interested in are the ones choosed by the "Class" option menu and Mon-
itoring objects, PM objects and Equipment if the check boxes in the "ASAP search" frame are checked.
– (No Alarms)
– Primary Alarms)
– All Alarms)
When a selection different by "Ignore" is done, all criteria, except "Class" option menu and the check boxes
related to Equipment/PM/Monitoring objects, are grayed.
Use Search Mode together with the filtering options provided below the TP list (see Figure 141.). The fol-
lowing options are available:
– Class:
Ignore, E1S, OpS, PPI, AU–4, VC–4, AU–4+VC–4, TU–3, VC3, AU3 & TU3 & VC3, TU–3+VC–3,
TU2, TU–12, VC–12, TU–12+VC12, AUX, MS, RS, OGPI, GMAU.
– Assign State:
– Monitoring Object:
– Location:
Permits to insert the location of the TP in the following format:
N.B. When searching for PM–enabled TPs on NE, Rack or Subrack, the time for the request can be
very high. It is recommended to search for PM–enabled TPs at the board level (a board is
selected for the search).
Closes the dialog and opens the Transmission View containing the selected TP, as for the example of Fig-
ure 131. on page 206. Close Print
This command is used to generate and print a list of TPs according to the current filter selection (refer to
Figure 145. for an example of a printout).
Select the desired printer from the list box and click on Ok to start the print job or abort with Cancel.
Enter the name of the output file in the input field or select a file name from the File Select dialog by clicking
on Select file. Select if the output format should be Postscript or ASCII.
The output file is generated after clicking on Ok. Use Cancel to stop the process. Help
This command opens the online help for the TP–Search dialog.
Select the desired TP and then the Transmission -> TP Configuration option.
Depending on the TP selected, a dialog appears for the configuration of the main parameters of the fol-
lowing objects:
– J1 Path Trace.
If the Path Trace is 16 bytes long, the first byte is a CRC7 checksum calculated by NE.
If the Path Trace is shorter than 16 bytes, it is filled with zero bytes ("0" hexadecimal).
With the relevant button the operator can set the Expected field as:
– TTI Enable
– TTI Disable
– TTI Repeated
The Transmitted field can be set with TTI Enable or TTI Repeated byte
To replace modified with the default, enter the default manually according to the following table.
Significant Byte C2 C2 C2 V5
Default value 2 18 4 2
Click on Hex button Figure 147. will be opened displaying in hexadecimal code the same value repored
in Trasmitted and Received field.
Click on Hex button Figure 149. will be opened displaying in hexadecimal code the same value repored
in Trasmitted and Received field.
Depending on the TP selected, a dialog to configure the main parameters of the following objects:
– VC–12 TTP.
Select the desired VC12 and then the Transmission -> TP Configuration option.
Click on Hex button Figure 151. will be opened displaying in hexadecimal code the same value repored
in Trasmitted and Received field.
If the Path Trace is 16 bytes long, the first byte is a CRC7 checksum calculated by the NE.
If the Path Trace is shorter than 16 bytes, it is filled with zero bytes (“0" hexadecimal).
They can display the following number, according the G.707 recommendations for the V5 Signal Label:
– 0: Unequipped
– 1: Equipped non–specific
– 2: Asynchronous
– 3: Bit Synchronous
– 4: Byte Synchronous
• Automatic: the C2 Signal Label value is automatically selected by the NE according the VC
• Equipped not specific (it corresponds to number 1)
To replace modified with the default, enter the default manually according to the value reported in Table
9.on page 221.
This menu allows the operator to set the alarm thresholds for MST and VCi layer.
The user can select one of the two different Defect distribution:
– Poisson distribution enable configuration of the Excessive Bit Error Ratio (ExBER on MST, VCi)
threshold and Signal Degrade (SD on MST, VCi) threshold of the TP's related counted primitives.
– Bursty distribution enable configuration of the maximum number of errored frames and the total
amount of bad block per frame.
Note (*): the ExBER and Signal Degrade may be: “B2" for MST, “B3" for VC4 and VC3, “BIP12" for VC12. Terminate TP Disterminate TP
Use this action to disterminate a path. It can be performed on a AU–4 CTP. The related cross–connection
is deleted.
NOTE: the “Disterminate" action is not possible in the case that is still existing any
operation/connection/termination on the underlying signals, such as:
• Performance Monitoring on lower or higher TPs
• POM / HPOM operations
• Lower order Connections
• Higher order Connections
• Lower/Higher order Path Terminations
• Loop-backs on lower TPs
Thus the deletion of every operation/connection/termination is necessary, in the same order as above
listed, before disterminating a TP.
Creation/Deletion and Configuration options are available selecting the Transmission -> Monitoring
Operations pull down meu.
Monitoring Operations can also be accessed from the “Port" view menu.
The commands of this menu item are for the management of the POM, SUT, TCT, TCM functions (Path
Overhead Monitoring, Supervised Unequipped Termination, Tandem Connection Termination/Monitoring;
SUT function is not operative).
– AU4 CTP (High order POM before and after matrix; TCM before and after matrix)
– AU4-4c CTP (High order POM before and after matrix; TCM before and after matrix)
– AU4-16c CTP (High order POM before and after matrix; TCM before and after matrix) only for
– TU–3 CTP (Low order POM before and after matrix;TCM before and after matrix)
– TU–12 CTP (Low order POM before and after matrix; TCM before and after matrix)
– Before Matrix
– After Matrix
The Supervisory Unequipped Termination, not operative in current release, has the following parameters:
Press Ok to apply the parameters or Close to close the dialog and discard the not with Ok applied
When select and apply the Path Overhead Monitoring, the changes will be displayed in the Port View in
the following manner:
When select and apply the Tandem Connection Monitoring / Tandem Connection Termination, the
changes will be displayed in the Port View in the following manner:
Also refer to para. 2.10.11 on page 170, about navigation to Monitoring View.
Depending on the parameters selected in the Monitoring Operations Creation/Deletion dialog, not all
sections of the dialog are available.
NOTE: It is possible to open the POM and TCT/TCM Configuration dialog for a CTP even if neither
PathOverheadMonitor nor Tandem Connection was created before (SUT isn't available in this
release). No changes can be made in this case and the values displayed can be ignored.
• TTI Expected
• TTI Received without the display
• TTI Sent
• TTI Enabled
• TTI Disabled
• TTI Repeated Byte
– Error Distribution
– TCM/TCT ConsActions
It is needed to support explicit consequent action activation (AIS insertion) for TCT sink and bidi-
– Thresholds
• Signal Degrade
Poisson mode only: from 10-5 to 10-9.
• Excessive Error
Poisson mode only: from 10-3 also if presented a selection from 10-3 to 10-5
• Bursty Degrade
Select a value between 1 and 1000 errors/sec for the Bursty Degrade threshold.
• Bursty Consecutive
Select a value between 2 and 10 sec for the Bursty Degrade Consecutive.
– Alarm Timing
– Unequipped Trail
Not available.
Transmission -> Structure TPs pull down menu provides the possibility of structuring and destructuring
a selected TP.
The level that is selected defines how the signal is to be structured, e.g. if a VC–4 TTP is selected and
the menu item TU–12 is chosen, the signal is structured down to 63 TU–12 CTPs.
– TU–2.
– TU–3.
– TU–12.
– AU3. Not supported.
– AU4. Not supported.
– VC–3/VC–4. Not supported.
– VC–12. Not supported.
The commands of this menu item are for the management of the loopback commands, for commissioning
or maintenance purposes.
The loopbacks can be applied at line (external to equipment) level or at internal equipment level. The
loopback commands are used to separate the communication network into independent part checking the
line/equipment functionality during the network installation or maintenance operation.
Initial Destination
Initial Destination
Port type Line Loop & Internal Loop & Internal Loop &
Line Loop & AIS Continue AIS
• SDH board:
The loopback configuration can be done only on SDH ports with the acronym ending
with a “ N" letter (i.e. P4S1N, S-4.1N, L-4.1N, L-4.2N, etc.)
Selecting the Transmission -> Loopback -> Port Loopback Configuration option, Figure 158.opens.
- Note: Port Loopback Configuration can also be accessed from the “Port" view menu.
Choose the TP clicking on the “Choose TP" button (the second “Choose TP" button is not available).
Select the TP where to apply the loopback command. For the TP selection procedure, follow the TP
research description reported in para. on page 210. For this NE the “Timed Loopbacks" field is
not managed and thus Start/Stop loopbacks time is not editable.
To manage the loopback configuration select the Transmission -> Loopback -> Loopback Manage-
ment option.
Loopback Management can also be accessed from the “Port" view menu and from the “Configuration"
Figure 159.opens.
The configured loopback are listed into the current loopbacks table. This table can be managed by the
“Search" criteria, “Delete" and “Create" commands.
– Search Criteria (not operative): to configure the filter select the “Loop and Continue" type (Yes= Loop
And Continue, No= Loop And AIS) then select the “Directionality" Internal or Line and edit the Initial
TP Id (write: rack, subrack, board, port# and the TP type: EIS (SPI/PPI Electrical), OpS (SPI/PPI
Optical), MST and so on. For “Initial TP" has to be intended the outgoing signal while for “Des-
tination TP" the incoming signal. Enable the filter through the “Toggle Filter" Enable/Disable button.
Click on the “Search" button to start the configured loopback research into the current loopback
– The “Delete" command permits to delete a loopback listed in the Current loopbacks Table: select a
loopback in the list and click on the “Delete" button.
– The “Create" command permits to create a new loopback configuration: clicking on “Create" the pre-
vious figure ( Figure 158.) opens. Follow the previously paragraph indications to create a new loop-
back configuration.
The activated loopbacks are signalled in the Port view and in the Transmission view as for the following
Active Loopback
Active Loopback
The Transmission -> Physical Media options permit to set physical configuration of each TP.
It opens a menu in which the various options will be available according the TP's type (for the option com-
mon with the “Port view" reference is made to the relevant paragraph):
This option is referred to the SECurity management and allows the user to set the Manager list and the
Access Control Domain of the selected TP.
Select the block: EIS for Electrical SDH port, OpS for Optical SDH port, P (PPI) for PDH port.
Select the Set Domain option from the Physical Media cascade menu to present the following view:
– NML Assignment: each connected manager to the TP is highlighted in the list. The user can set
a manager clicking on the denomination.
Several manager can be enabled contemporaneously, having in charge the TP.
The Manager List contains the list of managers ( i.e. RM, SY, NPOS , EML) that work on the NE. The
EML-USM administrator (SH or Craft Terminal) should set the Manager List only to remove a man-
ager in case of emergency (i.e. the Manager misses the NE connection).
– Resource domain field allow to select the domain among that displayed in the list, assigning it to
the TP.
The different domains could be assigned to different operators. Expand
The Transmission -> Expand option menu provides the possibility of displaying TPs that are related to
the selected TP. These may be TPs that are contained by the TP or TPs which belong to the physical port
that is actually connected to the TP. Hide
The Transmission -> Hide option menu provides the possibility of hiding all upper/lower TPs of a selected
TP and the deletion of a selected TP.
– Lower TPs,
– Upper TPs,
– Selected TPs.
This menu provides the possibility of navigating to the corresponding Port View related to the selected
TP in order to access a detailed overview of alarms quickly.
2.14.1 Introduction Overview
The purpose of this domain is to manage the connection of the high and low level path.
The following chapters provide the user with information concerning operations on cross–connections:
By introducing the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), a standardized transmission has been created,
matching the European with the American standard. The SDH signal structure contains an extended over-
head as well as a fixed pointer controlled assignment of the user signal elements, thus improving the pos-
sibilities of the network management.
Signals of the Synchronous and Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) are packed by synchronous mul-
tiplexers into Virtual Containers (VC). The STM–1 signal structure is achieved by using the multiplex struc-
ture complying with ITU–T and ETSI, (see Figure 165.). Each of the user channels (2 Mbit/s, 34 Mbit/s,
45 Mbit/s and 140 Mbit/s) is packed into a container synchronous to the STM–1 frame according to a pre-
defined structure.
To adjust the plesiochronous signals to the synchronous network clock, certain filling algorithms are avail-
able. Fix fill bits are inserted into synchronous signals. A byte column (9 Byte) as Path Overhead (POH)
is added to the Container (C) generated. Path Overhead and Container together form the Virtual Container
(VC). With the pointer pointing to the start of the VC, in respect of the STM–1 frame, an Administrative
Unit (AU) or - if several Containers of a group are to be combined - a Tributary Unit (TU) is generated.
Several TUs form a Tributary Unit Group (TUG) and TUGs again can be combined into a VC. The AU of
the signal, together with the Section Overhead (SOH), finally make up the STM–1 frame.
x1 x3
VC-3 TU-3 TUG-3 x3
(45 Mbit/s)
34 Mbit/s C-3 VC-3 AU-3
x1 x7
6 Mbit/s C-2 VC-2 TU-2 TUG-2
C : Container
2 Mbit/s C-12 VC-12 TU-12
x4 VC : Virtual Container
TU : Tributary Unit
(1,5 Mbit/s) C-11 VC-11 TU-11 TUG : Tributary Unit Group
AU : Administrative Unit
Pointer X0106Processing
not implemented
1 9 270
Section Overhead
4 AU - Pointer
9 rows 5 Payload
Section Overhead
Figure 166. Frame Construction within the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
The STM–1 frame has a basic bit rate of 155.520 Mbit/s. A single user channel is packed into a Virtual
Container. These Virtual Containers are of different size and may be nested or packed differently.
Virtual Containers for the European bit rates:
– either 1 x VC–4
– or 3 x VC–3
– or 2 x VC–3 + 7 x VC–2
– or 2 x VC–3 + 21 x VC–12
– or 1 x VC–3 + 14 x VC–2
– or 1 x VC–3 + 7 x VC–2 + 21 x VC–12
– or 21 x VC–2
– or 14 x VC–2 + 21 x VC–12
– or 7 x VC–2 + 42 x VC–12
– or 63 x VC–12.
STM–N signals are constructed by integer multiples of the basic signal STM–1 of 155.520 Mbit/s. For
example an STM–16 signal of 2.488.320 Mbit/s is generated by combining sixteen STM–1 signals byte
When ports are depicted on the user interface, the following abbreviations are used.
This section concerns the multiplex structure (see Figure 165.) as well as on the information model of
object–oriented programming which was used when forming the user interface. As a rule, a Termination
Point (TP) is the starting and terminating point of a transmission segment. A distinction is made between
the following types of TPs:
Both TP types exist on the SDH level and the PDH level.
• TU–x (Connection Termination Point), i.e. TU–12 CTP, TU–2 CTP, TU–3 CTP.
The TU–x CTP represents both the creation and termination of a VC–x connection. The Low–
order Connection Supervision (LCS) function is included.
On SDH level (see Figure 167.) a distinction is made between the following TTPs:
– MSP definition
Transmit side, the MSNP (AU4-CTP) input enters two different MSNP/MSN (unProtected CTP)
sources and then the MSN-TTP working and protection sources (to insert the K1-K2 bytes) are sent
to the own SPI interfaces. Receive side, the working and protection MSN/MSNP outputs (AU4-CTP)
enter in the switching selector. The MSNP-TTP terminates the selected signal and checks the SSF
and the MSP protocol failure.
The TP names on the 1660SM reflect the software model the user interface is based on. Therefore they
differ from the TP names given in the ITU–T recommendations. The following tables list the TP names
mapping conventions in the “Transmission" View.
A cross–connection represents the logical connection between the input and output of the matrix, called
the matrix port.
The matrix only receives and transmits signals in GTI format. The Generic Transport Interface GTI, Alca-
tel's standardized signal format for internal interfaces, is similar to the STM–1 format. The incoming sig-
nals are mapped or converted to GTI format on the plesiochronous and synchronous I/O boards. This
frame is based on the STM–1 frame specified by ITU–T Recommendation G.707. It enables the transport
of all signals in the US hierarchy and ETSI hierarchy levels 1 to 4 (1.5 Mbit/s to 140 Mbit/s) mapped to Vir-
tual Containers (VCs) (see Figure 165.).
The VCs are sent from the I/O boards to both copies of the Matrix (A and B) via the GTI. The matrix per-
forms the cross–connection on the VC–4, VC–3, VC–2 or VC–12 level and transfers the VCs to the rel-
evant I/O boards via GTI. The configuration of both matrix copies is always identical. On the I/O boards,
one GTI signal is selected from Copy A or Copy B, based on quality.
The NE supports unidirectional, bidirectional and broadcast connections unprotected as well as pro-
Information is transmitted exclusively from the input port to the output port (point–to–point); there is no
routing in reverse direction.
input TP output TP
Information is transmitted between input port and output port in both directions (point–to–point).
input TP output TP
In contrast to a cross–connection between just two points (point–to–point), one source and one sink, a
broadcast connection consist of one source and several sinks, different `legs' that share the same source
In the example below, information is broadcast from one input to outputs A, B and C on three legs.
output A
leg 1
leg 3
output C
A warning box indicates when the resources available for broadcast connections are exhausted.
A unidirectional connection is routed from Input A to the Output (primary route). In the case of a failure,
the system automatically switches to the protection path from protection Input B to the Output. This second
connection is permanently kept in hot standby operation (see Figure 172.).
input A
output TP
prot. in case of
input B failure
A bidirectional connection is routed from Input A to the Output C (primary route). Input A (input protected
- see Figure 173.) can be protected:
B in case of
N.B. By means of this connection are created links with SNCP protection.
The protected broadcast is realized as a set of independent, protected, unidirectional connections using
the same pair of input termination points, as illustrated in Figure 174.Each protection can be forced, locked
out or switched independently. Therefore, if a failure occurs at a certain input, it is possible that only some
of the protections of the protected broadcast actually switch to the protection input.
leg 1
output A
input A
leg 2
output B
input B leg 3
in case of output C
Figure 174.shows a broadcast connection from input A to outputs A, B and C. Leg 2 and 3 are protected
via input B, whereas leg 1 is not protected.
• a unidirectional connection routed from Input A to the Output C and also to Input protecting B.
Output C is protected; when receive from Input main the connection is defined normal, when receive
from Input Protecting main the connection is defined inverse.
This paragraphs list the complete procedure to realize some examples of cross–connection moving
among the various menus.
[1] High order signal cross connection (AU4s between SDH ports);
[2] High order concatenated signal cross connection (AU4-xc between SDH ports)
[3] Low order signal cross connection (TU12 cross connected with VC-12; ports involved: SDH and
PDH). The same sequence it is also used for ISA-BCEE1; in this case only eight TU12 are available.
[4] 4XANY TPs cross connection (ports involved: 4XANY and SDH)
[5] ISA board TPs cross connection (ports involved:ISA, SDH or PDH)
[6] DVB-ASI TPs cross connection (TU12 unidirectionally cross connected with VC-12XV; ports
involved DVB-ASI and SDH)
In the following example an AU4 will be cross connected with another AU4; the P4S1N board has been
taken like reference board.
– In the subrack view click twice on the SDH port; the" board view" will be opened
– Click twice on the daughter board icon; the daughter view will be opened.
– Click twice on the SDH port icon present in the daughter view. the port view will be opened with all
the relevant TPs (SPI, RST, MST, MSP and AU4).
– Select the AU4 TP and then choose the Port ->Cross Connection -> Create Cross Connection option
of the menu bar; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Output" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the Board (in our example is P4S1N), in the "Termination
Points" field select the AU4
– Click on "OK"; the "Search for Cross Connection Output" window is closed.
– Repeat the same procedure as obove described for the "Prot. Input" field for protected connections
– Click on "OK" in the "Main Cross Connection" window to terminate the creation.
– To check the presence of the new cross- connection select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Cross
Connection Management option of the menu bar; a new window called "Coss connection Manage-
ment" will be opened
• Click on the “Search" button; all the cross connected Tp's will be displayed in the “Cros Con-
nection in list" field.
N.B. Before to create an AU4 concatenated cross-connection is necessary to define that the AU4s
on a STM-4 or STM-16 (the last only for 1660SM) board are concatenated as explained in para
2.10.6 on page 144.
– In the subrack view click twice on the STM_N SDH port; the" board view" will be opened
– Click twice on the SDH port icon present in the board view. the port view will be opened with all the
relevant TPs (SPI, RST, MST, MSP and AU4-xC).
– Select the AU4-xC (with 4≤ X ≤16) TP and then choose the Port ->Cross Connection -> Create Cross
Connection option of the menu bar; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Output" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the STM-N Board , in the "Termination Points" field select the
AU4-xC (with with 4≤ X ≤16) (syntax example: r01sr1sl24/port#01-#01AU4P-4c ).
– Click on "OK"; the "Search for Cross Connection Output" window is closed.
– Repeat the same procedure as obove described for the "Prot. Input" field for protected connections
– Click on "OK" in the "Main Cross Connection" window to terminate the creation.
– To check the presence of the new cross- connection select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Cross
Connection Management option of the menu bar; a new window called "Coss connection Manage-
ment" will be opened
– Click on the “Search" button; all the cross connected Tp will be displayed in the “Cros Connection
in list" field.
In the following example a VC-12 will be cross connected with a TU-12; the boards P4S1N and A21E1
has been taken like reference board for this example. The same is applied connecting P4S1N to ISA-
BCEE1 boards.
– In the subrack view select Configuration -> Cross Connection Management the" Cross Connection
Management" window will be opened.
– Click on the Create button; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Input" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Input" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the Equipment Subrack (SR60M for 1660SM), in the “TP Seach
Criteria" field select the TU12&VC12, then click on search.
• In the Termination Point Field select the TU12 to be connected and subsequently click on OK
button; the "Search for Cross Connection Input" window will be closed.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field and repeat the same sequence as above
described for the input point but instead of TU12 select now the VC12 to be connected in the
Termination Point Field; click on OK button AND the "Search for Cross Connection Output" win-
dow will be closed.
The same cross-connection can be created, as an alternative, with the following procedure:
– Select the VC-12 TP and then select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Create Cross Connection
option of the menu bar; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Output" is opened. Repeat the same sequence before described for “Output”.
– Repeat the same on the "Prot. Input" field for protected connections by selecting the TU12 involved
in the protection.
– Click on "OK" in the "Main Cross Connection" window to terminate the creation.
– To check the presence of the new cross- connection select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Cross
Connection Management option of the menu bar; a new window called "Coss connection Manage-
ment" will be opened
• Click on the “Search" button; all the cross connected Tp will be displayed in the “Cros Con-
nection in list" field.
Note: before to create a cross connection the following step must be executed:
• configure the 4xANY board with the Equipment -> Set menu
• configure the 4xANY MODULES with the Equipment -> Set menu and choose the traffic type
that must be supported by the module (e.g. FICON, FDDI etc.); after having selected the traffic
type, automatically a number of TPs (VC-4) are generated for this port and can be viewed in
the port view. All the TPs must be used when the cross- connection will be created.
For details on 4xANY board refer to the Technical Handbook.
– In the subrack view click twice on the 4xANY board; the" board view" will be opened .
– Click twice on the module to be used; the daughter view will be opened
– Click twice on the daughter board icon; the port view will be opened with all the relevant TPs.
In the following will be explained how to connect one TpP of the 4XANY; repeat the same sequence for
all the TPs that has been generated when the traffic type has been defined.
– Select the VC-4 TP and then choose the Port ->Cross Connection -> Create Cross Connection
option of the menu bar; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Output" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the Board to be used for the connection with the 4XANY board
(for example S4.1N), in the "Termination Points" field select the AU4
– Click on "OK"; the "Search for Cross Connection Output" window is closed.
– Click on "OK" in the "Main Cross Connection" window to terminate the creation.
– repeat the same procedure for all the VC-4 generated for the specific traffic type associated to the
4xANY module.
– To check the presence of the new cross-connection select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Cross
Connection Management option of the menu bar; a new window called "Coss connection Manage-
ment" will be opened
• Click on the “Search" button; all the cross connected Tp will be displayed in the “Cros Con-
nection in list" field.
Note: before to create a cross connection the following step must be executed:
• configure the ISA board with the Equipment -> Set menu
• define the TP that must be created on the ISA board by selecting the Configuration -> ISA Port
Configuration menu (refer to Chapter 2.19 for details)
– The ISA board TP cross- connection is similar to that described for the 4xANY board so refer to
point [4] .
In the following example a VC-12XV will be uniderectionally cross connected with a TU-12; the boards
P4S1N and DVB-MB has been taken like reference board for this example.
Note 1: before to create a cross connection the following step must be executed:
• configure the ISA board with the Equipment -> Set menu
• define the TP that must be created on the DVB-ASI board by selecting the Configuration ->
ISA Port Configuration menu (refer to Chapter 2.19 for details)
– In the subrack view select Configuration -> Cross Connection Management the" Cross Connection
Management" window will be opened.
– Click on the Create button; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Select the correct value in the fields "Type" (only UNIDEDIRECTIONAL) and "Protection"
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Input" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Input" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the Equipment Subrack (example: SR60M), in the “TP Seach
Criteria" field select the VC12XV, then click on search.
• In the Termination Point Field select the VC12XV to be connected and subsequently click on
OK button; the "Search for Cross Connection Input" window will be closed.
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Output" field and repeat the same sequence as above
described for the input point but instead of VC12XV select now the TU12 to be connected in
the Termination Point Field; click on OK button AND the "Search for Cross Connection Output"
window will be closed.
– In the subrack view select Configuration -> Cross Connection Management the" Cross Connection
Management" window will be opened.
– Click on the Create button; a new window called "Main Cross Connection" is opened.
• Select the correct value in the fields "Type" (only UNIDEDIRECTIONAL) and "Protection"
• Click on "Choose" relevant to the "Input" field; a new window called "Search for Cross Con-
nection Input" is opened.
• On the "Equipment" field select the Equipment Subrack (example: SR60M), in the “TP Seach
Criteria" field select the TU12 then click on search.
• In the Termination Point Field select the TU12 to be connected and subsequently click on OK
button; the "Search for Cross Connection Input" window will be closed.
– Click on "OK" in the "Main Cross Connection" window to terminate the creation.
– To check the presence of the new cross- connection select the Port ->Cross Connection -> Cross
Connection Management option of the menu bar; a new window called "Coss connection Manage-
ment" will be opened
• Click on the “Search" button; all the cross connected Tp will be displayed in the “Cross Con-
nection in list" field.
A list of cross–connections can be displayed in the Cross–Connection Management dialog (see Figure
178. on page 268). The dialog can be accessed via the Transmission or Port view or via Configuration
menu as indicated in Figure 176.
Transmission view is presented with the View → Transmission pull down menu.
Port view is presented with the View → Equipment pull down menu, then clicking on the presented
objects with the sequence board>port.
The Cross–Connection Management dialog is initially empty (see Figure 177. on page 266).
– do not enter any search criteria and press the Search button to display a list of all existing cross–
– enter Search Criteria (one or more) and then press the Search button to display a selection of
cross–connections. Set Ignore for attributes not to be used as filtering criteria.
Use button Cancel Search to cancel an active search request or close the dialog.
Enter the Access Control Domain of the relevant cross–connections: E= connection made with
1353SH, M= connection made with 1354RM, empty= connection made with CT.
This filter option can only be used, if at least one ACD is defined on the NE and one or more cross–
connections are assigned to this ACD(s).
– Type
Select the connection type:
• Unidirectional
• Bidirectional
• Multipoint
• Drop&Continue
– Protection
Select protection functionality:
• Protected
• Not protected
– TP Class
Select one of the TP types involved in the requested cross–connection.
– State
Select the connection state:
• Activated
• Deactivated (not operative in current release, the connection state is always Activated)
– TP ID Prefix
Enter the TP type and physical location of the port, or only the physical location at least down to board
level, according to the following format:
r<rack#>sr<subr.#sl<slot#>/port#<port#>–TP (see Figure 178. on page 268)
The # within brackets identifies a number.
After a successful search, a read only list of cross–connections matching the search criteria appears
(see Figure 178.). The number of matching cross–connections is displayed in the upper left corner of the
list. The list contains information concerning the following parameters for each cross–connection:
– Prot. State
detailed switching information in the format:
<protection state> <traffic ind> (<location>:<signal state>-<switch status>,
[<location>:<signal state>-<switch status>])
• <protection state>
Normal, Auto, Lockout, Forced or Manual.
• <traffic ind>
indicates the location of current traffic:
P (Protecting input) or I (Input).
• <location>
indicates the location of the errored signal:
P (Protecting input) or I (Input)
• <signal state>
indicates the signal state: SD (Signal Degrade) or SF (Signal Failure)
• <switch status>
status of the switch:
c (completed) or p (pending)
Auto I (P:SD–c)
There has been an Automatic switch from the protecting input to the Input where the traffic is cur-
rently located. The reason for the automatic switch was Signal Degrade in the Protecting input. The
switch was completed.
– State
connection state indicating whether cross–connection is A(ctivated) or D(eactivated)
– Dir.
Direction–related connection type:
uni(directional), bi(directional), mp (multipoint), DC_N (Drop & Continue Normal) or DC_I (Drop &
Continue Inverse)
– Input
signal source; contains the TP type and physical location of the port according to the format
r<rack#>sr<subr.#sl<slot#>/port#<port#>–TP (see Figure 178. on page 268)
The # within brackets identifies a number.
– Output
signal destination
for point–to–point cross–connections, the TP ID of the destination is specified according to the for-
r<rack#>sr<subr.#sl<slot#>/port#<port#>–TP; for multi–leg cross–connections, the string
“multiple Legs" appears instead.
At the bottom of the dialog is a range of buttons to start actions on the listed cross–connections. Before
starting any action apart from creation or printing, mark at least one cross–connection.
To mark several cross–connections (multi–select) that are listed in succession, select the first cross–con-
nection of a block with a mouse click and the last one with a mouse click while pressing the <Shift> key.
Or, mark a number of individual cross–connections by clicking the mouse button while pressing the <Con-
trol> key.
Deselect cross–connections by clicking on the respective row while simultaneously pressing the <Con-
trol> key. To deselect a number of cross–connections at a time, press the <Shift> key and hold it down
while moving the mouse pointer to the last entry.
All actions that may affect traffic must be confirmed. A confirmation dialog pops up in this case and the
user has to confirm the requested action.
The Main Cross–Connection dialog (see Figure 182.on page 276) is opened.
Creation and modification of cross–connections are performed in the Main Cross–Connection dialog.
The dialog can be accessed via the Transmission or Port view as for the Figure 176. examples or by
using the Create or Modify buttons (chapter on page 269) in the Cross–Connection Manage-
ment dialog (see Figure 177.on page 266).
The dialog box of Figure 182. on page 276 is presented ( “Main Cross Connection" view).
To prevent operation faults, the system is designed according to the following guidelines:
– All operations that may affect traffic must be confirmed. The subsystem provides a confirmation dia-
log box before the operation can be executed.
– If the window displays an existing cross–connection, the OK button is insensitive when this cross–
connection is assigned to NML or it is not assigned to the user profile.
– If the window is used to create a new cross–connection, the system verifies that the relevant TPs
can be used (not assigned to NML and assigned to the user profile) after the OK button is pressed.
If a specified TP is not permitted, the corresponding message box appears.
The “Main Cross Connection" view of Figure 182.on page 276 permits to create the cross connections.
A cross–connection is defined through a set of parameters which depend on the connection and protec-
tion type. Only those parameters which are permitted within the current context can be accessed. All oth-
ers are disabled (faded gray).
To create a cross–connection, one or more of those parameters must be defined according to the cross–
connection type. Table an overview about the optional and mandatory input parameters for the
various cross–connection types. Activate the relevant entry boxes first of all by clicking on them with the
Configurable Parameters
– Type
Select the connection type:
• Unidirectional
• Bidirectional
• Drop&Continue
– D&C Topology
Select the direction for Drop&Continue:
• Normal
• Inverse
– Protection
Define protection state:
• Protected
• Not Protected
Clicking on the Prot. Criteria button, Figure 179. for the Protection Criteria dialog is opened, where
the user can display and configure the SNCP Type Protection. No protection criteria for automatic
protection switching can be configured.
– Input
To enter the input TP, click the relevant Choose button and select the TP in the TP Search dialog
(see Figure 134.on page 211). Otherwise, select the input field and enter the name of the TP directly.
– Prot. Input
To enter the protecting TP, click the relevant Choose button and select the TP in the TP Search dia-
log. Otherwise, select the input field and enter the name of the TP directly.
Table 13. Optional and Mandatory Configurable Parameters for Cross–Connection Creation
HOT - x - x
Protected - - - -
Revertive - x - -
- not available
x configuration optional
– CC Topology
The topology of the cross–connection is indicated via two icons. The left–hand icon displays the cur-
rent topology and the right one displays a view of the topology following confirmation of the current
In addition, the color of an icon indicates the connection state of the cross–connection:
The icon is set according to the entries made in Type and Protection:
Unidirectional, protected
Bidirectional, protected
Loopback connection:
This chapter lists the steps the user has to take to create a cross–connection using The “Main Cross Con-
nection" view of Figure 182.on page 276.
For a detailed description of the single parameters, refer to the previous para. on page 270.
N.B. After creation of a cross–connection, the cross–connection list in the Cross Connection Man-
agement dialog is not automatically updated. Use button Search in this dialog to update the list.
To enter the TP, click the Choose button and select the TP in the Search for Cross Connection
Input dialog (see Figure 183.), or select the input field and enter the name of the TP directly.
The Search for Cross Connection Input dialog offers the possibility to list TPs according to
different filter criteria. E.g. to obtain a list of all not connected AU–4 TPs of a rack, first select
the rack in the left list box, then select the filter criteria ConnectionState “not connected" and
Class “AU–4" and click on button Search. The matching TPs are listed in the right listbox.
Select the input TPs in the list and confirm with Ok.
For a more detailed description on the Search for Cross Connection dialog see para.
on page 210.
5) Select or type in the Protecting Input (Prot. Input) TP as described in Step 3).
To enter the TP, click the Choose button and select the TP in the Search for Cross Connec-
tion Input dialog (see Figure 183.) or select the input field and enter the name of the TP directly.
This dialog offers the possibility to list TPs according to different filter criteria. E.g. to obtain a
list of all TU12 TPs of a board, first select the board in the left list box, then select the filter criteria
Connection State “Ignore" and Class “TU12" and click on button Search TPs. The matching
TPs are listed in the right listbox (see Figure 183.). Select the input TPs in the list and confirm
with Ok.
For a more detailed description on the Search for Cross Connection dialog see para.
on page 210.
Press the button Add Leg in the Main Cross Connection dialog and all output TPs are displayed
in the list box under the Output field (Figure 184. on page 279).
To delete a leg from the list, select the TP in the list box and click on the Delete Leg button.
5) Select or type in the Protecting input TP. Note that each single protected leg of the broadcast
has to be assigned to the same protecting input.
Proceed as described in Step 3). Afterwards, select the protected output TP in the output list box and
click button Protect Leg. The leg is then marked as “protected" in the list box. Repeat this procedure
for each protected output TP (only one protected leg is supported in current release).
To unprotect a leg from the list, select the protected TP in the list box and click on the Unprotect Leg
When modifying a cross–connection, note that some of the transformations involved may affect traffic
(because the system may have to destroy and re–create the cross–connection to perform the necessary
transformation). As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the user is required to confirm operations
affecting traffic, i.e. a confirmation window warns the user.
Within the Main Cross Connection dialog, modification of a cross–connection is restricted to the pro-
tection state and the parameters required by the protection. Refer to Table 14.for an overview of the acces-
sible parameter when the protection state has been changed from “not protected" to “protected" and vice
versa. For a description of the parameters, please refer to the previous para. on page 270.
To modify a cross connection select one from the connection list of Figure 178.on page 268. and then click
on the Modify button.
N.B. After modification of a cross–connection, the cross–connection list in the Cross Connection
Management dialog is not automatically updated. Use button Search in this dialog to update
the list.
Type - -
Protection Criteria x -
Unprotected - x
Protected x -
HOT x -
Revertive x -
Input x x
Protecting Input x -
Output x x
- not accessible
x accessible
It offers the choice of whether to keep the protected input TP (Input) or the protecting input TP (Prot.
Input) as the only signal source of the new unprotected cross–connection. Ensure that the active
TP is selected (i.e. check the protection state in the Cross–Connection Management dialog).
In addition, a question box appears, asking the user to confirm the unprotect action.
When an unprotected cross–connection is being protected, the Prot. Input button is available to
select the protection input connection to insert.
The Cross Connection Management dialog provides the possibility of displaying a selection of existing
cross–connections (see Chapter 2.14.3 on page 264). The connection state (Act = A or D) is indicated
in this connection list.
To activate a cross–connection, select one from the connection list (see Figure 178.) and then click on
the Activate button to initiate the process. A confirmation box appears in which to confirm the state
change request. The connection in the list is automatically updated to indicate the new connection state
(Act = A).
If the set of cross–connections selected from the list includes both activated and deactivated cross–con-
nections, clicking the Activate button only initiates actions on the deactivated cross–connections which
were selected.
If the set of cross–connections selected from the list includes both activated and deactivated cross–con-
nections, clicking the Deactivate button only initiates actions on the activated cross–connections which
were selected.
NOTE: the “Delete cross-connection" action is not possible in the case that is still
existing any operation/connection/termination on the underlying supported signals, such as:
• Performance Monitoring on lower or higher TPs
• POM / HPOM operations
• Lower order Connections
• Higher order Connections
• Lower/Higher order Path Terminations
• Loop-backs
• LAN/LAPD (and any comm/routing channel)
• Auxiliary channels
Thus the deletion of every active operation/connection/termination is necessary, in the same order as
above listed, before the deletion of a cross-connection.
To delete a cross–connection, select the corresponding connection from the list and click on the Delete
button. To prevent operation errors, the user must confirm the deletion request.
The deleted cross–connection automatically disappears from the connection list when the operation is
Select one or more bidirectional cross connections from the list in the Cross Connection Management
dialog and press Split. The cross–connections are split without further confirmation from the user.
The original cross connection(s) disappear from the list in the Cross Connection Management dialog
after a successful action. The user has to press Search to see the new cross connections.
Depending on the protection state of the original cross–connection, the split action has the following effect:
a) Unprotected Cross–Connection
The new cross connection has the same name and activation status as the old bidirectional one.
Join (case 1)
Splitting a protected connection results in one protected unidirectional cross–connection and one
broadcast with two legs. The input of the original cross–connection is one of the legs in the broadcast.
The other leg in the broadcast is the protecting input. The input of the broadcast is the output of the
original protected cross–connection.
1) both unprotected, unidirectional and the input is the output of the other one, or
2) one of them is protected and unidirectional, and the other one a broadcast with two legs.
Restriction: the input of the broadcast connection has to be the output of the protected con-
nection and the legs of the broadcast match the input and the protection input of the unidirec-
tional connection, also refer to Chapter Split a Cross–Connection, effect b).
– Both cross–connections have the operational state “enabled", i.e. they are listed in black color in
the Cross Connection Management dialog.
Select exactly two cross connections in the Cross Connection Management dialog and press the Join
button. The cross–connections are joined without further confirmation from the user.
The original cross connection(s) disappear from the list in the Cross Connection Management dialog
after a successful action. Press Search to see the new cross–connections in the list.
The result is either a bidirectional (case 1, see Figure 188.) or a protected bidirectional (case 2, see Figure
189.) cross–connection.
If the original cross–connections have different names, the new name is a concatenation of the names
of both of them.
The Protection Actions dialog is displayed after clicking on the Protection button in the Cross Con-
nection Management dialog (see Figure 178.).
Users can only switch protection on cross–connections belonging to them and not assigned to the NML.
A second condition is that protection is enabled for the cross–connection concerned (protection param-
eter is set to “protected").
The three protection actions Force, Lock Out and Manual Switch belong to different levels, whereby
Lock has the highest priority and Manual Switch the lowest.
Note that a protection state can only be changed within the same or from a higher priority level, e.g. Force
To Protecting can be reverted with Release but not with Manual Switch To Input.
The dialog window enables the user to perform protection– related operations on protected cross–con-
nections. These are:
– Force to Input
The cross–connection is switched to the protected input regardless of signal quality. Automatic pro-
tection is disabled.
The cross–connection is switched to the protecting input regardless of signal quality. Automatic pro-
tection is disabled.
– Release Force
The user can switch over to the protected input manually. Switching over is not executed if the signal
quality on the protected path is worse than on the protecting path.
The user can switch over to the protecting input manually. Switching over is not executed if the signal
quality on the protecting path is worse than on the protected path.
The connection path is locked for protection switching, i.e. neither forced nor manual switching can
be performed.
– Release Lock
N.B. All the operations listed are context–dependent and are enabled or disabled (“grayed") accord-
After completion of protection switching, the list entry in the Cross Connection Management dialog is
updated automatically.
After clicking on an action button and completing the action initiated, the dialog disappears automatically.
This option is used to print the currently filtered cross–connection list and the related filter settings on the
default printer or to a file in postscript or ASCII format (see Figure 191. and Figure 192. )
The user can select a TP and initiate the action Transmission-> Cross Connection->Show Cross Con-
nected TPs.
The result is that all other TPs connected to the currently selected TP are displayed (see the example of
Figure 193.on page 291). A line indicates the connection .
This functionality should only be applied selectively (either for a single TP or selected group of TPs).
Expanding and hiding TPs that are associated with the currently selected TP (e.g. show all TPs that are
above the TU12CTP) enables all the related TPs to be added to the view so that the complete signal flow
can be illustrated.
2.15.1 Introduction
The purpose of this set of dialogs is to handle the operations on the Overhead (OH) bytes of the NE.
• Overhead cross-connection
There is a TP associated to every OH byte and to every auxiliary port, so TP could be used instead of
OH bytes or auxiliary port, depending on the context.
For OH Phone Parameters directly refer to the para 2.15.7 on page 302.
– OH Cross-connection
The steps an operator has to do in order to perform the cross-connection are the following:
– OH Termination
The operator has to be able to terminate one OH byte onto an auxiliary port or vocal channel.
The steps an operator has to do in order to perform the OH bytes termination are the following:
• create the OH TP involved in the operation
• create the OH byte termination:
– select the created OH TP
– select the auxiliary port/vocal channel TP involved in the operation
For STM ports it make sense to allow the operator to perform a total pass-through of the MSOH bytes.
A total msoh pass-through connection (connection between msPassThroughCTP points) is set-up only
if no single msoh pass-through connection are set and if no single msoh cross-connection are set. If a
total msoh pass-through connection is set, a single msoh pass-through connection or a single msoh cross-
connection cannot be set.
The steps an operator has to do in order to perform the total MSOH pass-through are the following:
• create the msPassThroughCTP points involved in the operation
• create the total MSOH pass-through:
– select the input msPassThroughCTP point involved in the operation
– select the output msPassThroughCTP point involved in the operation
After having deleted a total MSOH pass-through, the involved msPassThroughCTP points have to be
By selecting the Configuration-> OverHead pull down menu the following options are presented:
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Overhead option and then from the cascading
menu the OH Cross Connection option.
The Cross–Connection Management for OverHead dialog opens (see Figure 194.on page 294 ) and
allows to start the configuration.
It is similar to the dialog used for the cross-connection of the TP for paths, then the same description
and functions are valid.
Next configuration steps use the Main Cross–Connection for OverHead (see Figure 195.on page 295)
dialog and the TP Search dialog (see Figure 134.on page 211), also in this case already described for
path management.
For all details, navigation and sequences on these views refer to chapter 2.14 on page 245.
There is one big difference between the OH TPs and the other kinds of TPs: the OH TPs have to be:
• created ONLY BEFORE a cross-connection/termination operation involving them has been
• deleted AFTER a cross-connection/termination deleting involving them has been confirmed.
The current implementation of the TP Search Dialog (TPSD) works only with created TPs.
In the following a description of the main functions and commands is given, also to list the Supported and
Not Supported operation.
– Supported operations
After choosing one or more cross connections/terminations, this dialog allows to:
Note: this dialog disappears only when the user explicitly clicks on the close button.
Delete operations can be performed on several cross connections/termination at the same time.
Modify operations can be performed only on single cross connections/terminations.
The OH xconnections are automatically active at the moment of their creation.
• The Delete and Print buttons are enabled only if at least one item is selected from the list.
A special dialog will ask the user for a confirmation.
• the create button is always enabled. It brings up the Main crossconnection Dialog.
When some operation may affect the existing traffic, the operator is warned about that, and a confirma-
tion dialog must be answered to carry on/cancel the operation. The choices for this dialog are: yes/no
for single items, yes to all/cancel for multiple items
When used for OH purposes, the Cross–Connection Management dialog doesn't support the following
According to the philosophy of offering only meaningful operations to the user, and being the OH cross-
connection operations a subset of those applying to the general cross connections (e.g:protections are
not allowed), some fields of this dialog are disabled.
By clicking on the proper portions of the dialog and on the proper buttons, the operator can perform the
operations hereafter listed:
In order to do that the operator can either type in the involved TPs ID or use the TP Search dialog.
– Supported operations
• When creating a new cross connection, some or all of the following operations are available,
depending on the NE type characteristics:
It is possible to directly type in the TP name or to click on the Choose button to select a
TP from the TP Search dialog box
The TP Search dialog (see Figure 134.on page 211) currently offers:
• navigation rack/subrack/board/port
When used in the OH domain, this dialog is a subcase of the most generic TP Search.
• all the possible OH TPs belonging to a specified class: no board selected and MS, RS or VC
class selected
• all the possible OH TPs belonging to a specified board/port: board/port selected and no TP
class selected
• all the possible OH TPs belonging to a specified board/port and class: board/port selected and
MS, RS or VC class selected
• all the OH TPs already connected (also accordingly to the connection type)
In 1660SM and 1650SMC to connect the auxiliary / vocal channels and the Overhead bytes the following
operative indication must be observed:
– the auxiliary and vocal channels TPs are in the SERVICE board of slot 11
– r01sr1sl11/port#05-P
Expanding this TP, 31 referred TPs are presented
– r01sr1sl11/port#06-P
Expanding this TP, 31 referred TPs are presented
– r01sr1sl11/port#07-P
– r01sr1sl11/port#08-P
– r01sr1sl11/port#09-P
– r01sr1sl11/port#10-P
– r01sr1sl11/port#01-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#02-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#03-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#04-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#01-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#02-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#03-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#04-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl11/port#01-#01-q23TTP
Expanding this TP, four referred TPs are presented:
• r01sr1sl11/port#01-#001-q23TTP
• r01sr1sl11/port#01-#002-q23TTP
• r01sr1sl11/port#01-#003-q23TTP
• r01sr1sl11/port#01-#004-q23TTP
These TPs permit to connect the voice channel toward four directions.
– the auxiliary and vocal channels TPs are in the SERGI board of slot 05
• 1 x G.703 2 Mbit/s (not operative in current release); in the screen is indicated as:
– r01sr1sl05/port#03-P
Expanding this TP, 31 referred TP are presented from
– r01sr1sl05/port#04-P
– r01sr1sl05/port#05-P
– r01sr1sl05/port#01-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl05/port#02-#01-v11TTP
– r01sr1sl05/port#01-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl05/port#02-#01-v24TTP
– r01sr1sl05/port#01-#01-q23TTP
Expanding this TP two referred TP are presented:
• r01sr1sl05/port#01-#001-q23TTP
• r01sr1sl05/port#01-#002-q23TTP
These TPs permit to connect the voice channel toward two directions.
The examples of the figure in this OH connection chapter can be helpful to the operator.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Overhead option and then from the cascading
menu the OH TP creation option.
The OH TP creation dialog opens (see Figure 196.) and allows to create the OH TP to cross connect.
– a Choose button is used to display a list of OH Tps to be created. The Choose button
starts the TP Search (see Figure 197.) with predefined filtering; the TP Search dialog allows
the operator to visualize only not created OH Tps.
To visualize the OH TP in the TP Search view double click on the MS, RS or VC4 Tp.
Apply button is used to perform a create request of the tp displayed in the OH Tp field. After having per-
formed the create request, the OH Tp field is set to empty.
Close button close the dialog without changes of the data.
Help button provides some useful information about the dialog.
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Overhead option and then from the cascading
menu the OH TP deleting option.
The OH TP deleting dialog opens (see Figure 198.) and allows to delete the OH TP no more involved
in an OH cross-connection.
– a Choose button is used to display a list of OH Tps to be deleted. The Choose button
starts the TP Search with predefined filtering; the TP Search dialog allows the operator to visu-
alize only created and not cross-connected OH Tps.
Apply button is used to perform a delete request of the tp displayed in the OH Tp field. After having per-
formed the delete request, the OH Tp field is set to empty.
The OH phone parameters option permits to configure the telephone number and to manage the param-
eter “phonic extension".
Select the Configuration pull down menu. Select the Overhead option and then from the cascading
menu the OH Phone Parameters option. Figure 199.opens.
– the interface field (at the top) where can be selected the phonic interfaces to be configured.
It identifies a TP indicated as “q23TTP", referred to the physical voice connection on the SERVICE
unit in slot11.
– the phone number field, to set the telephone number for operator call on the phonic interface.
– The phonic extension field, where enable or disable the extension of the selected phonic interface.
If enabled the phonic signal is extended towards the external on the access panel of the NE.
Apply button performs the configuration change of the modified phone parameters of the selected phonic
interface without close the dialog
2.16.1 Introduction
The Performance Monitoring domain on the NE covers the monitoring of counter values for trail termi-
nation points and connection termination points.
Examples of these counters on the SDH PORT are Errored Seconds (ES) and Severely Errored Seconds
The Performance Monitoring domain counts these errors during specified granularity periods (15 min,
24h) and stores the values in history data logs.
For the purpose of quality supervision, the values of the error counters can be compared to user–defined
threshold levels. If a counter value has crossed a threshold level, a notification (threshold crossing alarm)
is issued.
– Configuration of the quality thresholds that generate alarms and log records when predefined values
are exceeded.
On the ETHERNET PORT a set of performance counters are foreseen, for QoS and maintenance pur-
pose. By selecting the GMAU TP and subsequently the Transmission->Performance menu, the following
options are available: Overview
Performance Monitoring functionalities, are described in the following paragraph in addition to general
information concerning performance monitoring on the NE.
– Paragraph 2.16.4 on page 315 Configuration ( SDH port) deals with the configuration of perfor-
mance monitoring
– Paragraph 2.16.5 on page 319 Display Current Data ( SDH port) deals with displaying current per-
formance data
– Paragraph 2.16.6 on page 321 Display History Data ( SDH port) deals with displaying history per-
formance data
– Paragraph 2.16.7 on page 323 PM Threshold Table Selection ( SDH port) deals with the selection
of threshold tables
– Paragraph 2.16.8 on page 327 PM Threshold Table Modification/Display ( SDH port) deals with
the modification of threshold tables and permits to display the same
A set of performance counters is provided according to the Termination Point (TP), where performance
measurement occurs.
The user can start performance monitoring on one or more subsets of counters for each TP; it is not pos-
sible to start individual performance counters.
– Background Block Error (BBE): A BBE counter measures the number of errored blocks which do
not occur as part of an SES.
– Errored Second (ES): A one second period with one or more errored blocks or with a defect.
– Severely Errored Second (SES): A one second period which contains > 30% of errored blocks,
or at least one Severely Disturbed Period (SDP). An SES is also counted as an ES.
– Near End Unavailable Second (NEUAS): An Unavailable Second is a second which is part of the
Unavailable Time.
– Far End Background Block Error (FEBBE): A far end errored block which does not occur as part
of an FESES.
– Far End Errored Second (FEES): Identifies, at a terminal, a one second period with one or more
errored blocks or with a defect which were received by the Far End Terminal.
– Far End Severely Errored Second (FESES): Identifies, at a terminal, a one second period which
contains > 30% of errored blocks, or at least one Severely Disturbed Period (SDP) which was
received/detected by the Far End Terminal. An FESES is counted as an FEES.
– Far End Unavailable Second (FEUAS): An Unavailable Second is a second which is part of the
Unavailable Time at the far end.
Both near end and far end counters are supported in receive direction of the signal for all SDH path
layers and for the multiplex section layer. For the regenerator section, no far end information is trans-
mitted and, therefore, only near end counting is supported.
Only near end counters are supported in receive direction for all PDH path layers.
Further definitions:
– Errored Block (EB): A block in which one or more bits associated with the block are erroneous.
– Remote Error Indicator (REI) [formerly Far End Block Error (FEBE)] : Identifies, at a terminal,
the count of errored blocks that were received by the far end terminal.
– Remote Defect Indicator (RDI) [formerly Far End Receive Failure (FERF)]: indicates to a termi-
nal that the far end terminal has detected an incoming failure.
– Unavailable Time (UAT): A period of unavailable time begins at the onset of 10 consecutive SES
events. These 10 seconds are considered to be part of unavailable time. A new period of available
time begins at the onset of 10 consecutive non–SES events.
– Pointer Justification Event (PJE): A PJE is an inversion of I- or D- bits of the pointer , together with
an increment or decrement of the pointer value to signify a frequency justification.
– Out of Frame Second (OFS) ): An OFS is defined as a second in which one or more out of frame
events have occurred. This event is identified by the A1/A2 byte of the SDH Frame.
The counting of OFS is only supported for the regenerator section termination. Please note that this
counter is deprecated by ETSI and will be removed from international standards.
Far end performance monitoring parameters are derived from Remote Defect Indicators (RDI) and
Remote Error Indicators (REI) (refer to Figure 200.).
Node A Node B
Source Sink
transmis- significant significant
sion bits bits
far end
far end defect RDI insertion
counter Source
significant significant
bits bits
– At Node A, the near end information represents the performance of the unidirectional section/path
from B to A, while the far end information represents the performance of the unidirectional section/
path from A to B.
– At Node B, the near end information represents the performance of the unidirectional section/path
from A to B, while the far end information represents the performance of the unidirectional section/
path from B to A.
Near end performance data at Node A and far end performance data at Node B correspond as long as
neither direction is disturbed, and vice versa.
In compliance with ETSI and ITU–T standards, far end errors cannot be counted in the case of near end
As specified in G.826, G.784 and ETSI 300417, the bidirectional PM collection for Quality of Service has
been supported by combining the information on each direction of transport to assess a single unavail-
ability state: the bidirectional path is in the unavailable state if either one or both directions are in the
unavailable state.
PM data are collected by a single UAS plus two sets of three event counters (BBE,ES,SES) for NE-PM
and FE-PM respectively. When the path transports unidirectional payload just the four counters for the NE-
PM are activated (BBE, ES, SES and UAS).
Data collection is performed only on 24 hours registers and the NE maintains a buffer of two registers:
the 24hours current registers and the historical one.
VCn trails can be monitored in intermediate node through the activation of performance monitoring pro-
cess on Monitoring function.
As the trails are often responsible of the end-to-end customer service, the end to-end monitoring can be
requested to provide monitoring for Quality of Service purposes and , in addition, for network Maintenance
If SNCP is configured the Quality of Service collection have to be enable in the monitoring functions after
the matrix .
End to end monitoring is achieved by activation of Performance monitoring on the two direction of path
and using far-end primitives. This process can be unidirectional (for Monitoring) or bidirectional process
(for QoS).
In case of unidirectional process one direction can be monitored end to end and both 15minute and 24
h collection can be activated 15min./ 24H FE_BBE, FE-ES, FE-SES, FE-UAS on incoming or egress sig-
nal depending of the POM is enable. The TCA are also evaluated in both 15 minute and 24 H counters.
The bidirectional process needs the presence on the two Monitoring functions in the two directions in one
NE and among the two monitoring function a 24 hour collection can be activated with the collection of
incFE_BBE, incFE-ES, IncFE-SES, UAS, eFE-BBE, eFE-es, eFE-SES.
AU PJE (Administrative unit point justification event) is an optional parameters request in G.784.
For AU PJE counters , the positive and negative PJE shall be counted separately on one selectable AU
within an STM-N signal, after the AU has been resynchronized to the local clock. Refer to G.783.
The number of positive and negative outgoing PJE per second are collected in 15 minutes and 24 H
counters. A history of 16 x 15minutes counters and 2x 24H are stored in the NE for each AU selected.
TCM allows monitoring within the operator domain. The quality within the operator's own domain can be
proven regardless of the received quality of the signal at the entry point of the network. At the input point
the reference value is set to zero by using the TCM feature.
Tandem Connection Monitoring is applicable to VC-4-nc (n=1, 4, 16, ...), VC-4, VC-3 and VC-12 layers.
TCM provides:
Near end and far end performance monitoring events are counted over fixed monitoring periods of 15 min-
utes and 24 hours.
The 24–hour monitoring periods start at 00 : 00 (UTC) and the 15–minute monitoring periods start at
xx : 00, xx : 15, xx : 30 and xx : 45.
Performance monitoring can be enabled and disabled at any time during a monitoring period. An entity
of all near end or far end performance monitoring events is always counted, it is not possible to start indi-
vidual performance counters (e.g. SES only). BBE, ES and SES counting is stopped during Unavailable
Event Counting
The performance events (e.g. SES) are counted in a counter per event. These counters are called the
current registers. At the end of the monitoring period, the contents of the current registers are transferred
to the first of the recent registers, together with a time stamp to identify the period (including the day). Time
stamping is performed using UTC (as for all alarms). After that, the current register is reset. It is also pos-
sible to reset an individual current register manually.
Suspect Flag
A suspect interval flag is set as an indication that the data of the corresponding register may be either
incomplete or invalid.
Zero suppression is a basic mechanism to remove irrelevant PM information and to reduce the amount
of PM reports in the system. A PM report is suppressed and hence no history record is created by the entity
which is responsible for PM reporting when all of the following conditions are true for the monitoring
By default, zero suppression is active for all PM enabled TPs. The number of suppressed intervals is indi-
N.B. PM data is not counted on boards that were plugged out at the moment of enabling data col-
lection (see PM Configuration dialog). Nevertheless, PM data is counted on boards that were
plugged in at the moment of enabling data collection, but were plugged out and back in some
time during data collection.
As soon as Performance Monitoring is started on the Craft Terminal, current PM data is collected on the
I/O boards, incrementing the performance counters each time an error is detected.
The performance data counted is evaluated every quarter of an hour or every 24 hours and stored there
in a history record.
When the user disables the monitoring of a TP within the first 10 minutes of a 15–minute period, it is pos-
sible that have still not been received the PM data of the previous monitoring interval.
Since PM data is not stored after monitoring is disabled, the PM data of the previous interval is lost in this
If equipment or line protection switching occurs during a counting interval, the NE does not provide com-
plete performance measurement for the protected TPs.
Only the period between the last switch and the end of the counting window is counted.
The interval is marked for suspect data and the elapsed time indicates the length of the measured period.
Performance Monitoring history data is necessary to assess the recent performance of transmission sys-
tems. Such information can be used to sectionalize faults and to locate the source of intermittent errors.
History data, in the form of performance monitoring event counts, is stored in registers in the NE. All the
history registers are time stamped.
In compliance with ETSI and ITU–T standards, the history registers operate as follows:
The history data is contained in a stack of registers. There are sixteen 15–minute period registers and one
24–hour period registers per monitored event. These registers are called the recent registers. At the end
of each monitoring period, the contents of the current registers are moved to the first of the recent reg-
isters. When all recent registers are full, the oldest information is discarded.
For quality supervision purposes, the recorded errors through the performance counters can be compared
to threshold levels. If a counter value has crossed a threshold level, a Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA)
is transmitted to the alarm manager.
The threshold values are defined in threshold tables together with a severity and a flag indicating whether
crossing this value should be notified by an alarm and logged or only stored in the current problem list.
The user can modify and delete such tables.
Different thresholds can be assigned for near end and far end and for granularity of 15 minutes and 24
The TCA only reports the value of the counter which has crossed the threshold, it does not provide a com-
plete set of all counters. Therefore, the user has to explicitly retrieve all current performance data after
receiving the alarm. The user can retrieve this information from the Current Performance Management
Data Dialog.
– For 24-hour (implicit clearance) monitoring periods, one threshold value is defined: if the event count
reaches or exceeds the threshold value during the monitoring period, a TCA is generated. To clear
a TCA, the alarm must be manually acknowledged by the user.
– For 15-minute (explicit clearance) monitoring periods, two threshold values (set, reset) are defined:
a TCA is generated during the monitoring period when the event count reaches or exceeds the set
threshold value the first time. This TCA is automatically cleared by the system at the end of the fol-
lowing monitoring period in which the event count is less than or equal to the reset threshold value
and there was neither an unavailable nor a suspect period during this monitoring period
– The value of the low threshold is fixed to “0" (only a single threshold is provided by a threshold table).
– An SES threshold crossing is cleared at the end of the interval if no unavailability was detected and
SES had not reached the low threshold (low threshold equal to 0).
– Even in case of a suspect interval the TCA is cleared if no unavailability was detected and the low
threshold had not been reached.
Additionally an explicit clearance of TCAs for all granularity periods is executed if one of the following
events occurs during the current interval:
– increased thresholds (higher than current value of counters) (only for 24 h).
Performance Monitoring on Ethernet port, can be applied to ETH-ATX, GETH-AG, ETH-MB, GETH-MB
cads and are described in the following paragraphs:
– Paragraph 2.16.9 on page 331 Configuration (Ethernet port) deals with the configuration of per-
formance monitoring
– Paragraph 2.16.10 on page 332 Display Current Data (Ethernet port) deals with displaying current
performance data
– Paragraph 2.16.11 on page 335 Display History Data (Ethernet port) deals with displaying history
performance data
An Ethernet link can be defined between two 10/100 Ethernet interfaces, or between two Gb Ethernet
interfaces, or also between a Fast Ethernet and a Gb Ethernet interface.
At the terminations of Ethernet link, it s possible to monitor the Ethernet frames and to collect information
about the Ethernet traffic by means of some counters.
[1] Incoming (network centric view): it refers to the direction starting from Ethernet domain toward SDH
domain (see Figure 201.). The traffic arrives to the board from an Ethernet link and goes out from
an SDH link.
[2] Outgoing (network centric view): it refers to the direction starting from SDH domain toward Ethernet
domain (see Figure 201.). The traffic arrives to the board from an SDH link and goes out from an
Ethernet link.
Ethernet counters can be distinguished from different points of view as depicted in Figure 202.
They are:
– Aggregate counters
– Flow counters
Besides this classification, some counters can be of Quality of Service, others only of maintenance.
Port interface#1
False Carrier
TTOout TRCFout
TRSEFout TTFout TDFout
Ethernet physical interface counters are used to test Ethernet interface working state.
They are:
– Symbol Error : for an interface operating at 100Mb/s, the number of times there was as invalid data
symbol when a valid carrier was present. For an interface operating in full-duplex mode at 1000 Mb/
s, the number of times the receiving media is non-idle carrier event for a period of time equal or
greater than minFrameSize, and during which there was at least one occurrence of an event that
causes the PHY to indicate Data reception error on the GMII. The count represented by an instance
of this object is incremented at most once per carrier event, even if multiple symbol errors occur dur-
ing the carrier event. This count does not increment if a collision is present.
– Media Available Exits : number of times that ifMauMediaAvailable for this MAU instance leaves
the state available. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the man-
agement system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime
– False Carrier: number of false carrier events during IDLE in 100BASE-X and 1000BASE-X links.
For all other MAU types, this counter will always indicate zero. This counter does not increment at
the symbol rate. It can increment after a valid carrier completion at a maximum rate of once per 100
ms for 100BASE-X and once per 10μs for 1000BASE-X until the next CarrierEvent. Discontinuities
in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
Aggregate counters count frames that pass through the same port.
– TRSEF (Total Received Service Errored frames): it is the sum of three contributions.
• Alignment Errors:
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are not an integral number of octets
in length and do not pass the FCS check.
The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the alignment Error
status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user).
Received frames for which multiple error conditions obtain are, according to the conventions
of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented
to the LLC.
• FCSErrors :
A count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in
length but do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames received with frame-
too-long or frame-too-short error.
The count represented by an instance of this object is incremented when the frameCheckError
status is returned by the MAC service to the LLC (or other MAC user).
Received frames for which multiple error conditions obtain are, according to the conventions
of IEEE 802.3 Layer Management, counted exclusively according to the error status presented
to the LLC.
Note: Coding errors detected by the physical layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
frame to fail the FCS check.
Transmitted Received
frames frames
ISA Eth/GbE port ISA Eth/GbE port
– TRCO (Total Received Correct Octets): total number of octets of Ethernet frames received correctly,
including Ethernet header characters.
– TRCF (Total Received Correct Frames): total number of Ethernet frames received correctly
– TDF (Total Discarded Frames): total number of Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded
due to buffer congestion.
– TTO (Total Transmitted Octets): total number of octets of Ethernet frames transmitted out, including
Ethernet header characters.
– TTF (Total Transmitted Frames): total number of Ethernet frames transmitted out.
Node A Node B
Transmitted Received
frames frames
ISA Eth/GbE port ISA Eth/GbE port
TDF incoming TDF outgoing
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission menu (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP and open the PM Configuration dialog by clicking on the menu item Transmission ->Per-
formance ->Configure Performance Monitoring.
This “PM Configuration" dialog serves as the main interface to all PM services. Every configura-
tion of all monitoring intervals is defined using this dialog.
It is possible to access the same “PM Configuration" dialog selecting a TP in the “Port view" and opening
the same Performance > Configure Performance Monitoring option in the Port pull down menu (see
para.2.10 on page 135).
N.B. To configure PM for au4CTPs and tuxCTPs, Path Overhead Monitoring (POM) ,Supervised
Unequipped Termination (SUT, not supported) or Tandem Connection (TCT, TCM) must be cre-
ated first (see description in para. 2.13.9 on page 229 ).
The PM Configuration dialog is designed as a notebook consisting of a text field, to identify the selected
TP, and page labels.
The selected TP is indicated in the first box at the top of the screen: TP Identifier.
In case of au4CTP tuxCTPs and VcxCTP, the PM Configuration dialog also contains a cascading menu
that allows to configured the POM/SUT/TC options as follow:
When more than one of the above options is chosen, a Question dialog box is displayed (see Figure 206.);
click on Cancel to continue or OK to interrupt any action.
N.B. As long as the PM Configuration dialog is open, a modified POM/SUT/TC configuration is not
automatically recognized and displayed. This may lead to rejections or confirmations of for-
bidden PM configuration. Therefore make sure to reopen the PM Configuration dialog each
time the POM/SUT/TC configuration is changed.
Each page label presents a range of parameters for one near end or far end granularity period (15 min.
or 24 h) which together form a dataset. To select a special page label, click on the top part of the label:
Each dataset has to be configured independently. For AU-4 CTP and TU-x CTP the highest criteria is POM
and SUT. I.e. select the POM or SUT option first and then configure the different associated datasets. Con-
firm the configuration with Apply before you continue with a different POM or SUT option.
Activate any item within the page label by selecting the respective radio button.
– Mode
• Data Collection
Select this button to activate performance monitoring. Disabling Data Collection leads to clear-
ance of the current and all history data of this entity.
If this item is selected, history data collection is performed in the selected entity for the corre-
sponding TP.
Note that on disabling this mode item, no history data is available. Nevertheless, datasets col-
lected prior to deactivation are not cleared and are displayed after re–enabling the item, as long
as the number of displayed datasets does not exceed 16 for 15 min. granularity and one for 24
hours granularity.
If Lock is selected, PM remains enabled but data collection is stopped. All history performance
data remain available. All current values are set to zero.
– Notifications
For 24 h granularity, UAT (UnAvailable Time) notifications are created if enabled. This notifi-
cation results in an UAT alarm in the Alarm Surveillance.
N.B. This parameter can only be selected during creation and cannot be subsequently mod-
Disabled: the alarm is generated every time the value exceed the upper threshold (value up).
Enabled: after a first alarm generation, the alarm is generated again when the value exceed the
upper threshold (value up) after the lower threshold (value down) has been exceeded.
– Threshold Table
Attach a threshold table to the selected TP. Only assign threshold tables that match the granularity
period of the datasets (i.e. a 15 min. threshold table must not be assigned to a 24 h dataset). Oth-
erwise the Transmission view is blocked and only released by closing and reopening the PM Con-
figuration window and the Transmission view.
Click on button Attach... to open the PM Threshold Table Select dialog (see Figure 209.) and con-
figure the threshold table (see Chapter 2.16.7 on page 323).
Select button Remove to disassociate the threshold table from the entity.
This field shows the label of the ASAP pointer assigned to the UAT alarm
• Set ASAP
Allows to set a new ASAP pointer for the UAT alarm. The Set ASAP button opens the window
displayed in Figure 15. on page 66.
The Tp List... button opens the Clipboard windows; for details refer to paragraph on page 68.
Confirm the configuration with the button Apply before closing the dialog. Otherwise the configuration is
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission view (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP and open the Current PM Data dialog (see Figure 207.) by clicking the menu Transmis-
sion->Performance-> Display Current Data.
This “Current PM Data" dialog serves to show the results and status of the Performance Moni-
toring counters.
It is possible to access the same “Current PM Data" dialog selecting a TP in the “Port view" and opening
the same Performance > Display Current Data option in the Port pull down menu (see para.2.10 on
page 135).
The Current PM Data dialog is designed as a notebook consisting of a text field, to identify the selected
TP, and page labels.
The selected TP is indicated in the first box at the top of the screen: TP Identifier.
In case of au4CTP tuxCTPs, VCxCTP the Current PM Data dialog also contains a cascading menu that
allows to choose the POM/SUT/TC options to display as follow:
Each page label presents a range of parameters for one “near end and far end" granularity period (15min.
or 24h) which together form a dataset. To select a special page label, click on the top part of the label:
All datasets available which are related to the selected TP and recorded in the current monitoring interval
are displayed in this dialog.
– Elapsed Time
Indicates the time which has elapsed since the monitoring interval was started. This information tells
the user whether the data collection covers the whole period.
Reset button is used to restart the counting period. Two buttons are present for near-end and far-end peri-
Press the Refresh button to update the window contents and display the latest data.
Using the Print button, PM data can be saved to a file or printed on paper.
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission view (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP and open the PM History Data dialog (see Figure 208.) by selecting Transmission->Per-
formance-> Display History Data menu.
This “PM History Data" dialog serves to show stored Performance Monitoring counting.
It is possible to access the same “PM History Data" dialog selecting a TP in the “Port view" and opening
the same Performance > Display History Data option in the Port pull down menu (see para.2.10 on page
The PM History Data dialog is designed as a notebook consisting of a text field, to identify the selected
TP, and page labels.
The selected TP is indicated in the first box at the top of the screen: TP Identifier.
In case of au4CTP , tuxCTPs VCxCTPs, the PM History Data dialog also contains a cascading menu that
allows to choose the POM/SUT/TC options to display as follow:
Each page label presents a range of parameters for one “near end and far end" granularity period. To
select a special page label, click on the top part of the label.
All available datasets (entities), which are related to the selected TP, are displayed in the table:
– The number of recorded events concerning an entity is divided into near end and far end data
– Elapsed Time
indicating whether the data collection was complete (see para. on page 309)
– susp
indicating suspect data where collection errors occurred during the collection period.
In case of 15 min. entities, a maximum of 16 datasets can be displayed simultaneously for each counter,
the 24h entities display a maximum of one dataset. These figures cannot be changed by the user.
Using the Print button, PM data can be saved to a file or printed on paper.
The PM Threshold Table Select dialog (see Figure 209.) pops up if the Attach button is clicked in the
PM Configuration dialog (see Figure 205.).
In addition, this dialog can be accessed using the Configuration->Performance-> Threshold Table
N.B. Do not open several dialogs at the same time using both possibilities. Since those dialogs are
not synchronized, they could display different contents.
Each table is dedicated to a specific entities, as reported in Table 15.Each table can be modified according
the operator selections.
Mark the table in the list and click on the Delete button.
Note that a threshold table cannot be deleted if it is attached to a PM entity. An error message informs
the user of this situation.
– Attach the selected threshold table to a TP entity. It is only available entering from the PM Con-
figuration dialog (see Figure 205.)
The user has to close the dialog explicitly by clicking on the button Close.
Active PM
Active PM Creation
The PM Threshold Table Create dialog (see Figure 210. on page 328) pops up when the Create button
is clicked in the PM Threshold Table Selection dialog (see Figure 209. on page 324).
3) Enter the set (Value Up) and the reset (Value Down) threshold values. Note that the reset
value if supported, will be available with 15 min. monitoring periods.
Table 17.on page 329 shows the maximum performance monitoring event values.
The respective value is automatically reset to the maximum if a larger figure is entered.
4) Select the alarm Severity for each PM attribute in case a threshold is crossed.
5) Disable Send notification if no notification message should be sent in the case of a crossed
6) Confirm the entries with Apply to create the threshold table. A number of threshold tables can
be created from the same window.
The PM Threshold Table Modify dialog (see Figure 211.) pops up if a threshold table is selected in the
PM Threshold Table Selection dialog (see Figure 209.) and the Modify button is clicked.
1) Modify the upper threshold value (Value Up) and the lower value (Value down)
2) Modify the alarm Severity for each PM attribute in case a threshold is crossed.
3) Disable Send notification if no notification message should be sent in the case of a crossed
5) To modify more than one threshold table, do not close the dialog, but select the next threshold
table in the PM Threshold Table Selection dialog and press the Modify button (see Figure
209.). Display
The PM Threshold Table Display dialog (similar to Figure 211.) pops up if a threshold table is selected
in the PM Threshold Table Selection dialog (see Figure 209.) and the Display button is clicked.
Refer to the previous chapter for a description of the attribute values and types.
Performance Parameter Max. Value for 15–min. period Max. Value for 24–h period
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission menu (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP (Gmau) and open the PM Configuration dialog (see Figure 205.) by clicking on the menu
item Transmission ->Performance ->Configure Performance Monitoring.
The Create Ethernet Counter window is opened (refer to Figure 212. on page 331)
In that dialog the operator will be allowed to create/delete the currentData by checking/un-checking the
corresponding checkbox for the incoming and outgoing direction.
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission view (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP and open the Current PM Data dialog (see from Figure 214. to Figure 215.) by clicking
Transmission->Performance->Display Current Data pull down menu.
Figure 213. ta
This “Current PM Data" allows the operator to send a request in order to retrieve the maintenance
At startup the dialog displays an empty table; the dialog allows to choose the polling time and how many
times the action will be done; the default values for those entries are 0 for polling time and 1 for number
of retries, with that default configuration if the the "Start polling" button allows to perform the configured
If the number of retries is bigger than 1, several actions are performed on the NE.
During the polling interval the label of the button "Start polling" will be changed to "Stop polling", and for
every response arrived a row is added to the table.
Every time the operator push the "Start polling" button new lines will be added to the lines already present
in the table.
The button "Display Graph." allow to visualize the counter values in a graphical view but is not operative
in current release.
Use menu item Add TP to display a special TP in the Transmission view (see para.2.13.5 on page 210).
Select the TP (Gmau) and open the PM History Data dialog (see Figure 208.) by clicking on the menu
item Transmission-> Performance->Display History Data.
The menu item "Display History Data" will be opened (refer to Figure 217.):
– In case of one hour history data, the showed values are the hourly historic data collected by NE.
If the NE has collected only one history data, the dialog shows directly counter values.
If the NE has collected more than one history data, the displayed counter values are calculated as
a difference from the older available history data value.
The older one will be added in the first line with the label "- -" and for each cell a tooltip will show the
history value received.
In the bottom of the dialog, the description of the showed counters value is dispalyed.
The layout of the dialog "Display History Data" is depicted in Figure 217.; this dialog shows the numeric
value for each counter calculated as described before.
The button "Display Graph." allow to visualize the counter values in a graphical view but is not operative
in current release.
This menu provide a NE global view for PM and Monitoring operations helps the operator to list these
Select the Configuration->PM overview menu; the PM Overview dialog will be opened (refer to Figure
PM/Monitoring Overview (PMO) dialog is able to show both PM and Monitoring objects.
Search operation are allowed for PM objects, monitoring object or both. Search operations are divided
in two phases:
[1] the operator chooses a list of interesting TP using TP search; at the end fo this search operation then
operator moves such a list of TPs into PMO dialog.These TPs define a list of search roots for Mon-
itoring and PM.
[2] the operator configure the filtering criteria in PMO and starts PM/Monitoring search oeprations using
the Show button in PMO.
[1] ADD TP: it starts the search operations using the TP Search dialog. Only TP references are moved
by TP search into PMO dialog. This is a precondition to start PM/Monitoring search operations, using
TP selected by TP search as search roots.
[2] Show: it starts the search for PM/Monitoring objects in the MIB. according to the filtering criteria.
[4] Preferences : it start the user preferences dialog. It is greyed out in USM not supporting this feature.
[6] Config Mon : it starts the dialog for monitoring object create/delete.
[10] Delete: it starts a request to remove the selected objects (monitoring and/or).
[11] Delete All: it destroys the TP list and make empty the TreeGadget
[12] Port View: it starts the Port View . PMO dialog is not closed after Port View or Port details dialog
2.17.1 Introduction
All SDH NEs require timing in order to generate the necessary synchronization and frame phase reference
information. The timing can be provided by a source external to the NE or an internal timing generator.
The derived timing shall be used for all signals and interfaces in the NE that are related to the SDH frame
Follows a brief description of the heart of the NE clock known as the Synchronization Equipment Timing
Source (SETS).
The SETG is responsible for the generation of the external timing source for the Frame structure and the
clock, whilst the internal oscillator (OSC) is useful only in the abnormal functioning "Free-running" mode
that will be explained later.
The simplified figure that follows represents the internal organization of the SETS.
Squelch Selector
Selector A T4/T5
T2 Selector
T3/T6 B
S15 Y
The number of timing reference inputs depends on the configuration of the NE.
– T0: is the reference output signal for the clock and signal frames,
– T4: is the 2 MHz reference output for the external equipment synchronization.
– T5: is the 2 Mbit/s reference output for the external equipment synchronization.
– Y: is used for communication of Synchronization Status Message (SSM) between SETS and MST
functional blocks.
– S15: is used to provide notifications and loss of incoming timing reference reporting to the Synchro-
nous Equipment Management Function (SEMF).
Selector A provides the capability to select timing reference from available T1 inputs, either automatically
based on the priority and quality level of the candidate sources (SSM algorithm), or manual as a result
of commands issued from the managing system.
Selector B is capable of selecting timing reference from T1, T2, or T3/T6 inputs, according to the SSM
algorithm. The capability for manual selection of the timing source is also provided.
Selector C is only operated in manual mode, to switch between SETG output signal (T0) and a T1 timing
The squelch functions A and B mute the relevant timing references in the presence of failure condition,
or SSM threshold violation.
N.B. The priority level is determined by the Operator for each candidate timing source. It is static
information. On the other hand, the quality of the source is dynamic information, dependant
of the quality of the reference clock generating the timing.
In an SDH signal frame, the quality of the timing source is located in the Section Overhead.
The operations that can be done on the synchronization sources are the following:
The synchronization view can be normally opened using the menu Views options.
Selecting this menu option the synchronization representation will be displayed directly into the current
window instead of the current view. All the operations that can be done on the synchronization sources
are performed from this synchronization view.
The Synchronization view shows the external timing reference sources and the T0, T4 or T5, generation.
The selection is based on the SSM algorithm or on the priority of the incoming timing sources. Activating
the SSM algorithm implies that the selection of the source is before done on the quality criteria and then
on the priority criteria for sources at the same quality level.
After selecting the Synchronization option from the Views menu the Synchronization View is visualized
in Figure 221.
T0 list contains :
– a timing reference associated to the Internal Oscillator timing source; it is always present
and it cannot be removed or redefined.
– 6 max timing reference for candidate inputs belonging to the allowable timing reference
T1, T2 or T3/T6 configurable by the operator.
T4 list contains :
– 6 timing reference for candidate inputs belonging to the allowable timing reference T1 con-
figurable by the operator.
The T0 and T4/T5 lists are used for the management of reference timing source protection; a 1:n pro-
tection like mechanism is used for the selection of the timing source from T0 (T4/T5) list of the allowable
timing references, . The protection system chooses the timing reference to generate the output T0 (T4/
T5) either automatically, basing on the priority and quality level of the candidate sources according a
selection algorithm or manually under control of the managing system.
Here after, the basic component contained in the synchronization view are described:
• Timing reference
Each allowable timing reference, , is represented by the graphical object displayed in the view;
the timing reference graphical object displays (with the exception of Internal Oscillator timing
reference) the following information (if the timing source has been declared by the user):
• Selectors
small ellipse are used to represent respectively:
– the selector A;
– the selector B;
– the selector C;
• Squelch Status
boxes contained a label field are used to represent the squelch statuses T0/T4 and T4. The box
dis plays the configured quality level threshold and it is lighted up when the output timing signal
is inhibited.
• Output Signal
an arrow and a label field are used to represent respectively:
– the output signal T0;
– the output signal T4/T5;
• line Type
the following different line type are used to link the output signals and the respective allowable
timing reference:
– A solid line between an output signal and an allowable timing reference means that timing
reference is currently used to generate that signal;
– A dashed line between an output signal and an allowable timing reference means that tim-
ing reference is not currently in use as timing source but will act in the protecting role.
In the same way, a solid line between T0 signal and T4/T5 signal (or T0_Test signal) box is
drawn when T0 signal is used to generate T4/T5.
box indicating a possible external SSU (Synchronization Source Unit).
• Timing Generator
box indicating the status of the timing generator .
This functionality allows to configure the input synchronization sources and configure or modify the timing
source priority and quality.
The menu options are greyed according to the current state of the dialogue box that the user can open.
Firstly select an empty synchronization source reference and after the Synchronization->Timing Source
Configuration menu to open the Synchronization Option List.
The Timing source configuration dialogue box displays the extracted quality of the selected timing source.
It permits to configure the following timing source information:
– Input source
– Quality level
– Priority level
Click on the Input Source Choice field and then on its related button “Choose“; Figure 223.shows the
opened window, to search a TP as a source.
Following the TP Search procedure described in para. on page 210 ( rack, subrack, board, port
) enter the termination point (TP) value.
The valid TPs for timing reference are : EIS for electrical SDH ports, OpS for optical SDH ports, PPI for
2Mb/s ports.
This operation can be repeated for all the available empty synch. sources both for T0 clock and for T4
Click on the Input Quality Configuration: the option button opens the option menu to select the desired
quality level.
“Input Quality Configuration" can be fixed by the user, in increasing order, with five quality levels: G.811,
G.812T, G.812L, G.813, Q. Don't use (where the highest quality level is G.811 ); or it can be taken as the
actual Rx quality, retrieved from the signal received from the line ("Extracted" option).
If Input Quality Configuration is set to a value other than "Extracted", Rx quality is forced to this value.
Click on the Priority: the option button opens the option menu to select the desired priority level.
The internal oscillator timing source will have the lowest priority (priority=0) and its priority can not be
changed. The other timing sources will have a priority of 1 to n.
Priority of 1 is the highest priority. Levels 6,...2 are intermediate levels between level 0 and 1, in increasing
order of priority (i.e. 0 6 5 4 3 2 1).
When the configuration of the timing source is completed, click on the OK push button to validate the
choice and close the dialogue box. The Cancel push button cancels the configuration and closes the dia-
logue box.
Positioning the mouse on the synch. source box “Port#" test, the corresponding physical interface denom-
ination (rack-subrack-board-port) is written on the window bottom left.
Select the Synchronization pull down menu and than the Protection Commands option to open the Figure
224. Menu options are greyed according to the current state of the selected timing source.
a) Invoke/Release Lockout: Locking or unlocking a timing source enables or disables the timing
source from being considered as a possible timing source for T0 or T4/T5.
General selection
A timing source can be selected manually or automatically. Furthermore, the selection of a particular
incoming timing source (except the internal oscillator) may be forced.
This selection is independent of the priority or quality of the timing source. If the timing source is lockout
or unavailable, this operation is impossible. A timing source is considered to be available if it is not lockout
and has not a failure condition or Priority level of 0.
The forced switch mode is terminated by releasing or inhibiting the force selected timing source.
The manual selection option is only possible if the quality and priority of the selected timing source are
sufficient. Otherwise the automatic selection algorithm overrules the manual selection.
If the previously manual selected timing source becomes unavailable the automatic selection is activated.
The “Status" indication describes the current synch. status (No Request, Automatic Switch, Failure, ...)
To perform or release a T0 or T4/T5 lockout, forced or manual selection, the following operations have
to be done:
– Select the T0 or T4/T5 source.
– Click on the Synchronization menu.
– Select the Protection Commands option then invoke/Release the Lockout, Forced or manual
Selection option.
– Click on Apply in the displayed confirmation box.
Select the available T0 or T4 synchronization sources and then the T0 or T4 Configuration... command.
This command permits to select/deselect the SSM algorithm, to set the wait time to restore and to enable
the revertive procedure if all these features are available.
In Revertive mode the internal selector A/B (Figure 220.) changes every time to the best reference clock
with the highest quality; on the same quality level basis the reference clock Source with the best priority
will be selected. The changing mechanism of the reference inputs is controlled by the wait time to restore:
this time sets a delay before to change the input source.
Selecting the T0 or T4 Configuration set the SSM algorithm and the Wait To Restore Time in the dialog
box upper part of Figure 225.
Wait To Restore Time button and Revertive option button are disabled
Selecting Synchronization -> T4 Configuration it is possible to set the T4 “squelch criteria" in the bottom
dialog box of Figure 225.
This functionality allows to configure the external timing reference (T4) squelch criteria. The squelch func-
tion mutes the relevant timing references in the presence of a failure condition.
Squelch may be forced by the Operator or according to squelch criteria which consists in a choice of qual-
ity level.
Different squelch criteria may be applied:
• when T0 is selected to generate T4 (squelch B Figure 220.): T0 may be squelched if all the
allowable timing references of Selector B have Quality Level lower than the programmable
• when T1 is selected to generate T4 (squelch A Figure 220.) :T1 may be squelched if T1 Quality
Level is lower than the programmable threshold or if it becomes unavailable.
The T0/T4 and T1/T4 squelch fields enables the operator to configure the quality level of the T0 or T4
timing source, opening the relevant option menu.
When the configuration of T0/T4 Configuration is completed, click on the OK button to validate the choice
and close the dialogue box.
The T5 output field allows to select the bit used (from #4 to #8) for SSM (refer to Figure 226.)
The Cancel button cancels the configuration and closes the dialogue box.
Click on the T0: option button to open the option menu and select the desired quality level.
Click on the T4: option button to open the option menu and select the desired quality level.
When the configuration of T0/T4 Configuration is completed, click on the OK push button to validate the
choice and close the dialogue box.
The Cancel push button cancels the configuration and closes the dialogue box.
The SSU configuration command allows either to configure the single NE or the NE with SSU. In the last
case the SSU quality has to be defined.
SSU: Synchronization Source Unit, it is an external equipment that serves the NE for timing reference.
Selecting SSU Configuration from the Synchronization menu is Figure 227. is presented
Select the synch. source to remove and click on the Synchronization -> Remove Timing Reference
option (Figure 228.). To remove the selected source click on “OK" button of the confirmation message
(Figure 229.).
To remove the selected source click on “OK" button of the confirmation message (Figure 229.).
This menu allows the change of the synchronization physical interface from 2Mhz (T4 ) to 2 Mbit/s (T5)
and viceversa.
NOTE: this menu is enable only if the SERGI board ( on 1650SMC) or SERVICE board (on 1660SM) is
present in the subrack.
Select Change T4 <-> T5 from the Synchronization menu as shown in Figure 227.
Click on ok to confirm; the new window display T5 instead of T4 (see Figure 232. on page 355)
This menu is enabled only if the operator selects a protection unit which have as source a 2 MHz (T3)
or a 2 Mbit/s (T6) without traffic.
Select Change 2MHz ->2Mbit from the Synchronization menu as shown in Figure 233.
Click on ok to confirm;
• If the selected protection unit is a 2 MHz, then the label will be changed into 2Mbit/s (2 Mbps
T6#A in the example of Figure 235.)
• If the selected protection unit is a 2 Mbit/s, then the label will be changed into 2MHz (2MHz T3#A
for example)
To connect T0 internal synch. select a synch. source and click on Synchronization -> Set T0 Equal
T4 menu option. The connection between T0/T4 will pass from a shaped to a continue line as in the exam-
ple of Figure 236.
To separate T4 from T0 click on the “Synchronization -> Remove T0 Equal T4" menu option. The T0/
T4 connection will become shaped while the connection between T1/T4 will pass from a shaped to a
continue line.
Select the T1 SDH Reference Source in the Synchronization View (Figure 221.) hence the Transmission
SSM Quality Configuration is enabled. This selection allows, with the Inserted option, to transmit the sys-
tem internal T0 clock quality towards the external SDH interface. It is also possible to transmit different
quality level selecting a different value.
Click on Transmitted SSM Quality Configuration of the Synchronization menu option. Figure
This Transmission SSM Quality window can be also opened from any SDH boards. Select the Equipment
option of the View menu, then access the Board view> Port view> Physical Media> SDH Tx Quality
Configuration; it is also possible to open the window selecting the Transmission option of the View
menu, then access the Physical Media> SDH Tx Quality Configuration option.
Selecting any T1 or T2 Reference Source in the Synchronization View (Figure 221.) hence the Show
Timing Source is enabled. This selection allows to analyze the input source considering its payload struc-
ture and the related alarms (Port view is presented) .
Click on Show Timing Source of the Synchronization menu option. Figure 238.opens.
Different MS-SPRING protections architectures are provide: 2-Fiber (Terrestrial), and 4-Fiber NPE (Tran-
soceanic). See ITU-T Rec. G.841.
Note for 1660SM Rel. 5.x only: in the following paragraphs the 2F MS SPRING at STM 16 will be
explained; the same description can be apllied to 2F MS SPRING at STM 64 taking into account that 64
AU 4 are available and that the bandwidth is divided into two halves of equal capacity called respectively
working (AU4# 1 to AU4# 32) and protection capacity (AU4#33 to AU4# 64).
In the following paragraphs 2-Fiber advices are reported, to follow before to implement the MS-SPRing
protection: there are some limitations concerning the aggregate types or the AU4s cross-connections to
be considered.
• SNCP, 4 Fiber MS SPRING and MSP protection connections cannot be installed in a 2 Fiber
MS-SPRING network. This leads to an unprotected connections installation.
• AU4s from #9 to #16 don't have to be used for connections nor considered in any parameter
of "Squelching table" provisioning. Only AU4s from #1 to #8 must be used and configured for
path installation.
• AU4 permutation (change of AU4 allocation) is not allowed. The AU4 allocated to pass-through
in HVC connections must be the same through the node.
• AU4 cross-connection line side, i.e. paths received from the line and looped-back to the same
line are not allowed.
• Follow the “Squelching Table Configuration" in order to define the "Squelching Table HO" for
East and for West Side describing, for each connection installed, as Source Node, the Node
Identifier of the node generating the considered AU4 and as Destination Node, the Node
Identifier of the node terminating the AU4.
Next paragraphs list the operative sequence according the type of procedure to obtain.
– Activation procedure
a) Create an MS-SPRING schema with WTR, Node Identifier, Ring map and the related Squelching
Table for each node of the ring, in the desired order. WTR Ring must be the same in all the nodes.
b) In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select “ACTIVATE" in each node of the ring, in the
desired order.
Consider that, in this step, “Default K byte West or East" detection by View Protection Status Param-
eter (under MS-SPRing label -> “Protocol exception"), will occur on those Ports connected to the
nodes not provisioned yet with the MS-SPRing protection “created" (active).
c) Verify in the View Protection Status Parameter screen, at the end of the provisioning update, that all
the nodes of the ring are in “MS-SPRing active" and “No request" state.
– Deactivation procedure
a) In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select “DEACTIVATE" in each node of the ring.
Consider that, in this step, “Default K byte West or East" detection by View Protection Status Param-
eter (under MS-SPRing label -> “Protocol exception"), will occur on those Ports of the activated
nodes connected to the nodes just deactivated.
b) In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select “DELETE" in each node of the ring.
– Removing a node
a) In the Manage ring Map view select the node and click on the"Remove Node" button.
b) Modify the table in the Configure Squelch Table view according the new Ring Map.
c) Opening the View Protection Status Parameter screen, send “Force Ring" command to both NE's
adjacent to the node to be removed.
e) Connect the fibers and send the “Release" command of the relevant “Force Ring" to both NE's adja-
cent to the removed node.
– Adding a node
a) In the Manage ring Map view insert the node in the selected position. Next nodes are automatically
b) Modify the table in the Configure Squelch Table view according the new Ring Map.
c) Opening the View Protection Status Parameter screen, send “Force Ring" command to both NE's
adjacent to the node to be added.
d) Physically add the node and configure with 2-Fiber MS-SPRING activated with the right configura-
tion (Ring Map, Squelching table, WTR, Node Identifier).
e) Connect the fibers and send the “Release" command of the relevant “Force Ring"to both NE's adja-
cent to the added node.
In the current release the NE supports the MS-SPRING protection as “Terrestrial architecture“.
The Transoceanic application with 4-Fiber is not supported in current release.
The available tables permit to visualize for the same NE the architecture 2 x 2-Fiber.
The first Main Dialog for MS-SPRing management option contains all the commands to configure and
manage the MS-SPRing.
In any dialog box is present the Cancel or Close buttons. When the user clicks on these buttons the dialog
box will close without starting any operation.
Select the MS-SPRing pull down menu. Then select the Main Dialog for MS-SPRing management
option from the pull down menu.
The following dialogue box is displayed (Figure 240.) when no protection have been previously config-
The only command available is Create. The name of Schema Selection is not editable but is fixed to “No
The user can select the “MS-SPRing Application" and the “Architecture types" supported by the Network
The “Port Selection" depends on the Architecture type: if the architecture is a 2F MS-SPRing, the working
and protection port on each side is the same and the “Protecting West and East" fields are disabled
If the architecture is a 4F MS-SPRing, the working and protection ports on each side are different.
The label r(xx)sr(y)sl(zz)port#(hh) where r=rack, sr=subrack, sl=slot give the position of the physical port.
In the same board it is generally possible to have different port numbers.
The OK button will start the selected operation. The cursor is displayed busy up to receiving a reply. Then
the dialog window will be closed. Figure 242.opens and all commands are now available.
It is possible to give an identification name to the schema by means of the Set Name command (refer to
Figure 243. on page 367).
Click on Ring Map to configure the network node connection. Figure 244. opens.
The Ring Map sets the connection sequence of the nodes within the ring. The matrix represents up to 64
nodes for transoceanic application and up to 16 nodes for terrestrial application.
Select Current NodeId (it means the NE where the operator is acting) in the box and enable ( n ) Change
NodeId button (Id means Node Identifier).
Select Available NodeId in the pull down list (0 to 63 for transoceanic application, 0 to 15 for terrestrial
application) releasing the left mouse button or pushing the stepper arrows and enter keys to select the
NodeId value.
This will be displayed in the Available NodeId box then click on Add Node button.
Clicking on the Add Node button the selected “Ring position" will shift one step on the right starting from
“1" position and in the “NodeId" field the Available NodeId value is inserted. In the same time the Available
NodeId will be updated to a new value.
The default association for a four node ring related to the fourth node (NodeId=3; Ring Position=4) is
depicted in Figure 245.
Repeat the procedure for all nodes of the ring selecting the different NEs and edit the different Current
NodeId value.
To remove a node, select the node and click on Remove Node button. The following Ring Position of
the nodes on the right decreases by one and the erased NodeId is inserted into Available NodeId , so
it can be assigned to other nodes.
The OK button will start the selected operation, displaying the busy cursor up to receiving the reply to the
actions. Then the dialog window will be closed.
Click on the push mouse button on the up/down Seconds arrows to select the required delay for the rel-
evant WTR. The step value is 60 sec.
The range value accepted is from 60 sec. to 900 sec. (in current release is fixed to 300 sec.)
The same WTR Time Ring must be set on each Node of the ring.
With a 2 fiber Terrestrial application can be selected the Squelching Table while with a 4 fiber Tran-
soceanic application (not supported in current release) can be selected the Ring Traffic (see Figure
242. on page 367).
If the operator tries to select a different table a error message is visualized. Figure 247. shows the error
message visualized when is selected the Ring Traffic with a Terrestrial application.
Click on Squelching Table of see Figure 242. on page 367 to configure the AU4 (AU4#1 to AU4#8 for
2F Architecture,) connection between the different nodes. Figure 248. opens. The same opens clicking
on Configure Squelch Table of the MS-SPRing pull down menu of Figure 239. on page 364.
When the window is opened for the first time the squelching table is N/A ( not available ) because the NE
has never been configured. Point the mouse on the matrix position and click on the right mouse button
to open the node list menu. Select the node identification number (0 to 15) from the available list using
the slider or the stepper arrows on the right scroll region.
Figure Figure how to configure the relative squelching table.
AU4#3 AU4#1
West East West East
AU4#3 AU4#2 AU4#3 AU4#3
1 VC
2 VC
3 VC
The Main Activities commands ( Figure 242. on page 367) manage the MS-SPRing configuration. The
MS-SPRing status can be Enable, Active, Disable and Inactive.
After having configured the protection schema by means of the Create button, the status becomes
Enable .
The Activate button selection enables the MS-SPRing protection mechanism on the selected schema
To change from Active to Enable click on the Deactivate button. This command starts the request to
deactivate the MS-SPRing protection mechanism.
When the selected protection schema is Enable the Delete button starts the request to remove it. The
delete action is started after confirming the window message Figure 259. .
During the activation procedure on different ADMs some of these can be in Active status , others in Inactive
status. The statuses, the protocol request and the protocol protection errors are described in the chapters
describing the“MS-SPRing Protection Status and Commands" .
Clicking on the Prot. Commands button in the MS-SPRing ->Main Dialog for MS-SPRing management
( see Figure 242.on page 367), Figure opened.
The working/protection span state boxes are not available (greyed) for the 2Fiber MS-SPRing architec-
w/p W E W E
Ring Protection:
the working channels (AU4 1 to 8) are substituted
by the ring protection channels "p" (AU4 9 to 16)
( B on East side )
( A on West side )
The external protection commands are : Lockout, Force, Exercise (not operative in current release),Man-
ual, WTR.
The lockout section presents six lockout commands, four operative ( Figure 262.). Each lockout command
is applicable on different points where the lockout actions has to be performed ( Figure 263.) and any
“Lockout" command is associated to a “Release “ command to come back to the previous status.
Term “Span" identifies the section interested by the command, it doesn't assume the Span meaning of the
four fiber protection.
West East
w w
p p
p p
w w
w= working (AU4 1 to 8)
p=protection (AU4 9 to 16)
Figure 263. Protection and working channels where the lockout command can be activated (2F)
The “Events" will be served if some actions (B/S=bridges and switches) are executed and the network
has been updated.
The “Events" will be signalled if the K1/K2 protocol communicates to the network nodes what has hap-
pened, without execute actions.
A single ring failure is completely restored but not two ring failures. When are present multiple ring failures
the automatic B/S protection will try to maintain on all the possible connections.
The K1/K2 communication protocol MS-SPRing is generated from the two nodes adjacent to “Event" via
the protection communication channels. A node is defined tail -end when it firstly receives the “Event",
the second node is defined head-end when it receives back the protocol answer. Figure 264.shows the
association of tail-end / tail-end or head-end / tail-end.
Some network protection mechanisms are accepted or rejected depending on the end type (tail/head)
(lockout command,...)
w/p w/p
If the node is tail-end, the lockout working ring command disable the protection MS-SPRing mechanisms,
while if the node is head-end, it serves the request node protection (protection not disable). See Figure
265.on page 382.
With the lockout protecting span command and a ring failure, the ring protection is served if this ring failure
occurred along the same section; the ring protection is disabled if the ring failure has occurred in
another ring section.
On the contrary, with the lockout working ring command failure and a ring failure along a different section,
the ring protection is served ((protection not disable). See Figure 266.
ring protection
no ring protection
Figure 265. Tail-end/head-end protection with lockout working and a one direction ring failure (2F)
w/p failure w/p
A w/p w/p A
Lockout working
w/p A
ring protection
Figure 266. Ring protection with a lockout and a ring failure (2F)
of non-served "1" "2"
ring protection on ring protection on
failures and the opposite side the opposite side
w/p 1 w/p 4
Operator’s Handbook
The Force command ( Figure 268.) executes a forced protection. The Force Ring command substitutes
the working channels (AU4 1 to 8) with the opposite direction protection channels (AU4 9 to 16) between
two adjacent nodes (Figure 269.).
The Force Span command is not operative in 2 fiber MS-SPring.
A A1 B1 B
w1-8 W/P w1-8 w1-8 w1-8
p9-16 p9-16 p9-16 p9-16
The Manual command is similar to Force command but it is at a lower priority level with respect to auto-
matic MS-SPRing. The general priority scale that can be applied to solve antithetical situations starting
from the lowest priority level is: manual ring - automatic working ring - force ring - lockout Working Ring
- lockout Protecting Span.
When a force ring command is applied a next working failure is not able to modify the forced configuration
applied. That is because force ring command has a higher priority respect to the “Automatic" working pro-
tection. In this condition the ring can be split according the location of command and event. Vice versa
the “Manual" protection is exceeded by the “Automatic" protection. Figure 270.visualizes the ring protec-
tion with a Force/Manual command and a signal failure. FS-R is for “Force Switching Request", SF-R is
for “Signal Failure Request".
w/p A
Manual Ring East
ring protection for SF-R and FS-R
A w/p
w/p A
Figure 270. Ring Protection with Force and Manual commands (2F)
w/p w/p
1 4
w/p w/p
2 3
From each command exists its own Release button to cancel the previously selected command and come
back to normal MS-SPRing protection.
Dual “Events" can appear on the same side W/W (West/West) or E/E (East/East) (SS= same side) or on
the opposite side W/E or E/W (OS= opposite site) of the ring network. In the SS or OS the “Events" can
appear on the same node (SN) or on the different nodes (DN), the different node can be an adjacent node
(AN) or a remote node (RN). Figure 274. depicts a clockwise ring network . The network propagation
K1-K2 protocol signals are according to the following legend :
when a command (Manual switch, Force switch) is neither served nor signalled, it is erased
( it is not pending at the node)
4 2
OS RN w/p w/p SS AN
w/p w/p
Figure 274. visualizes the ring reference scheme: the adjacent node (AN) is the node connected to the
reference point.
The automatic protection for dual ring failures is represented in Figure 276. Consider the network refer-
ence scheme of Figure 275.with a tail-end / head-end alarm propagation. In this figure are depicted the
node switches for any reported double events.
4 2 SS-AN
3 failure
1 w/p
4 2 SS-RN
1 w/p
failure W E
4 2 OS-SN
1 w/p
W E failure
4 2 OS-AN
1 w/p
4 2 OS-RN
Node 2 : isolated = Bs
SS AN Node 1-3 in switching for SF alarm =B
Automatic Protection Ring
Node 4=intermediate
RN Nodes 1,2,3,4 in switching for SF alarm =B
Node 1: isolated=Bs
SN Nodes 2,4 in switching for SF alarm=B
Node 3= intermediate
OS Node 1,2 in switching for alarm=B
Nodes 3,4 = intermediate
Node 2: isolated=Bs
RN Node 1,3 in switching for SF alarm=B
Node 4 = intermediate
Figure 276. 2F Automatic protection (tail/head) for double ring failure visualization
The same reference Figure 274.and Figure 275.schemas are applied to describe dual generic “Events"
where both ring failures and external commands are considered.
The first row at the top of the protection table (Figure 277.) shows the “Events" at the reference point. For
each of them the associated “Event" is listed on the first column at the left of the table.
Two manual ring commands can be only signalled: Bs (Manual SS-SN and OS-AN commands give the
same ring protection switching and then both can be served).
Force Ring and Automatic Protection (or two Force ring commands) are always served if they are not
applied on the SS-SN. In this last case has to be considered the priority level. The behavior is that seen
for two automatic protection switching ( Figure 275.)
Lockout working SS-SN has priority with respect to Manual, Automatic protection and Force commands.
In the other cases, both commands are served (B).
Lockout protection SS-SN / OS-AN and Manual or Automatic or Force command are both served because
the switching SS-SN / OS-AN channels are not managed by the lockout protection: B.
Lockout protection SS-AN / OS-SN overrides the Manual or Automatic or Force command because the
lockout protection controls the switching channels of the same Node.
Lockout protection SS-RN / OS-RN and manual or automatic or force command: the lockout protection
prevents the working 1-8 channels from being inserted into the protecting 9-16 ones. The lockout pro-
tection is served, because it has a higher priority, the ring protection will be only signalled (pending).
Lockout Working
Lockout Protecting
– 1 - Lockout Switching
– 2 - Forced Switching
– 4 - Manual Switching
These protection states are represented with the following color state boxes:
– Red: Inactive State and any external or protection executed command ( that has been served ).
– Yellow: ordered but not executed command ( that has only been signalled= pending status ).
Automatic switching and external commands are revertive: then when the “Events" have been cleared,
the MS-SPRing configuration comes back to its idle status.
The state boxes visualize the “Node Condition Request" as a consequence of the equipment/signal failure
or the external commands detected on the corresponding side ("Event"). The state boxes don't describe
the protection actions provided on the NEs.
The served “Events" ( B/S=bridges and switches are executed and the network has been updated ) are
completed B/S actions visualized as red box indications
The signalled “Events" ( the K1/K2 protocol communicates to the network nodes what has happened )
are pending B/S visualized as yellow box indications.
Figure 278.shows the protection status with a served East manual ring command. Any protection status
window is divided in different status fields: Schema description and status, Local Conditions, Node Con-
ditions and Protocol Exceptions. The first one describes the network configuration and application type
and its status, the second gives the local external commands indications, the third the “Events" results
on the nodes and the fourth one checks the k1/k2 ring protocol. The window is divided into three parts:
West, Middle and East. On the West there are all the box indications corresponding to the West protec-
tions and commands. In the middle “WTR-Ring" refers to West and East sides, “No Request" corre-
sponding to “Idle Status", and “Intermediate Node" denotes that the protections and commands don't
concern the node involved. The Manual Ring command visualizes “Manual Ring" on the local node and
“Request Node Ring" in the both “Local Conditions adjacent East ADM1-West ADM2 nodes, while the
3 and 4 nodes are “Intermediate Node". The red color means that the command has been served. A reg-
ular protocol “Exceptions" is represented with white boxes, a protocol alarm is signalled with red boxes.
The “Prot. Unavailable" indications are activated when a lockout protection command is applied in a net-
work node.
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 278. Manual command applied at the “Reference Point" ring network Figure 275.
Figure 279. reports the “Protection Status" for external “Force and “Manual" commands in a 3 -node ring
(A, B, C). Figure 280.shows the lockout statuses and Figure 281.the automatic protection statuses.
Request Request Request Request
Node Node Node Node
Node Conditions Ring Ring Ring Ring
w/p w/p
w/p w/p
Prot. Unavailable
Prot. Unavailable
Prot. Unavailable
Prot. Unavailable
w/p w/p
w/p w/p
Ring Ring Ring Ring
w/p w/p
w/p w/p
The WTR status is visualized on the side where the link has been repaired. The considered network fail-
ures are related to a tail-end/head-end node connection. The “WTR Clear" command can be executed
by the user without waiting the WTR setting time.
ADM4: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM1: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 282. Protection status with double ring failure (reference point--SS-AN)
Figure 282.reports the protection status with double ring failure (reference point--SS-AN. The node 2 iso-
lated, the nodes 2-3 in switching and the node 4 Intermediate. The box color is white unless otherwise
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" West ADM3-East ADM1: red (served)
“Request Node Ring" West ADM2-East ADM2: yellow (pending)
“Intermediate Node" ADM4: red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 283. Protection status with double ring failure (reference point--SS-RN)
Figure 283. reports the protection status with double ring failure (reference point--SS-RN). The nodes
1,2,3,4 are being switched for signal failure alarm and both the two signal failures are served. The box
color is white unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" East ADM3-East ADM1: red (switching for SF)
“Request Node Ring" East ADM4-East ADM2: red (switching of the opposite nodes)
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 284. Protection status with double ring failure (reference point--OS-AN)
Figure 284.reports the protection status with double ring failure (reference point--OS-AN). The nodes 1,2
are being switched for signal failure alarm and both signal failures are served: B. The box color is white
unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" West ADM2-East ADM1: red (switching for SF)
“Intermediate Node " ADM3-ADM4: red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 285. Protection status with double ring failure (reference point--OS-AN) recovering to “idle"
Figure 285.reports the previous protection status with double ring failure (reference point--OS-AN) while
the ring protection comes back to its “idle" status. The “WTR (Wait To Restore) Ring" on ADM1 node
becomes red to signal that the SF disappears at the “reference point" . The box color is white unless oth-
erwise specified:
“Active": green
“WTR Ring" : red (to signal the SF recovering)
“Request Node Ring" West ADM2-East ADM1: red
“Intermediate Node " ADM3-ADM4: red
ADM4: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM1: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 287.reports the protection status with double manual command (reference point--OS-AN). Both
the commands can be served. The “Request Manual ring" to ADM1 (East) and to ADM2 opposite side
(West) collapses in the same manual command. Both the manual commands are served. The box color
is white unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1- West ADM2: red ( served )
“Intermediate Node " ADM3, ADM4: red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 289.reports the protection status with a manual command and a lockout protection (reference
point--SS-RN). The manual command is pending while the lockout command is served. The box color is
white unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Manual Ring" command East ADM1: yellow
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1 - West ADM2 : yellow ( pending )
“Request Node Ring" West ADM1 - East ADM2 : yellow ( pending ) for switching of the opposite nodes
“Lockout Prot." command: East ADM3 : red
“Prot. Unavailable" East ADM3 and West ADM4: red (served)
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 290. Automatic working ring and Manual Ring (reference point--OS-AN)
Figure 290.reports the protection status with a ring failure and a manual ring command (reference point-
-OS-AN). The automatic protection has a higher priority with respect to the manual command and then
it has been served. The box color is white unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1 - West ADM2 : red (served)
“Intermediate Node" ADM3 - ADM4 : red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 291. Automatic working ring and Force Ring (reference point--SS-AN)
Figure 291.reports the protection status with a ring failure and a force ring command (reference point--
SS-AN). The ADM2 is isolated and the force command is pending. The box color is white unless otherwise
“Active": green
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1: red (served) the West ADM1 switching is applied for SF
“Request Node Ring" West ADM3: red (served) the East ADM3 switching is applied for the force com-
“Request Node Ring" West ADM2, East ADM2: yellow (pending) the ADM2 is isolated
“Intermediate Node" ADM4 : red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 292. Automatic working ring and Lockout working Ring (reference point--SS-SN)
Figure 292.reports the protection status with a ring failure and a lockout working command (reference
point--SS-SN). The Lockout command has a higher priority with respect to the automatic protection
switching and then only the lockout command has been served. The box color is white unless otherwise
“Active": green
“Lockout Ring" command East ADM1: red
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1 - West ADM2 : red (served)
“Intermediate Node" ADM3 - ADM4 : red
ADM3: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands ADM2: 1660SM -- MS-SPRING-Protection States and Commands
Figure 293. Automatic working ring and Lockout Protection (reference point--OS-RN)
The lockout protection has a higher priority with respect to the automatic ring protection. The box color
is white unless otherwise specified:
“Active": green
“Lockout Prot." command West ADM3: red
“Prot. Unavailable" West ADM3 - East ADM2 : red (lockout protection is served)
“Request Node Ring" East ADM1 - West ADM2 : yellow (automatic protection is pending)
“Intermediate Node" ADM4 : red
2.19.1 Introduction
This Chapter describes the operations necessary for the ISA boards (ATM, PR_EA, PR, ETHERNET, ES,
ISA-BCE) and DVB-ASI creation in the Equipment view and the ISA TTPs creation; as a matter of fact
ISA boards does not crate TTPs when they are configurated.
The ISA board creation is performed (following the same rules of all the other SDH/PDH ports as
explained in paragraph 2.8.2 on page 119) when a CT user sets an ISA board and then configure the
IP Address (as described in paragraph 2.7.14 on page 111). Not for DVB-ASI board.
For the TTPs creation refer to paragraph 2.19.2 where all the operation are explained.
For the ISA traffic configuration (for example creation of Hard/Soft cross connection, PNNI configuration
etc.) refer to the relevant OPERATOR'S HANDBOOK (ATM, PR, PR_EA, ES, or BCE) where “Specific
Terminal" application is explained in details. Not for DVB-ASI board.
b) ISA IP Address Configuration (called ISA board IP Address) (not needed for ISA-PR, ETHERNET
and DVB-ASI boards)
c) ISA board TTPs creation (VC4XV , VC12XV, VC3XV, VC4-4c TTP, VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP,
s31 TTP, E1 TTP) (not needed for ISA-PR board and ISA-BCEE1)
d) TTPs cross-connection ( refer to paragraph 2.14.3 on page 264) (not for ISA-PR and ISA-BCEE1
e) ISA traffic configuration with “Specific Terminal" application. Not for DVB-ASI board.
In the following paragraphs will be explained how to create, delete and modify ISA board TTPs.
On the ATM 4X4 board can be configurated up to 16 TPs (VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, s31 TTP, E1
TTP) with a maximum throughput of 622 Mbit/s.
On the ATM 4X4 V2 board can be configurated up to 252 TPs (E1 TTP, E3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC3 TTP,
VC4 TTP, T3 TTP) with a maximum throughput of 622 Mbit/s.
On the ATM 8X8 board (present only on 1660SM) can be configurated up to 32 TPs (VC4-4c TTP, VC4
TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, s31 TTP, E1 TTP) with a maximum throughput of 1.2 Gbit/s.
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 294. on page 411).
ATM 4X4 MATRIX (initial empty fields) ATM 4X4 MATRIX (with defined TPs)
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is an ATM,
Ethernet or PR_EA board with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the three buttons con-
tained in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new ATM port he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item"
sections , he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options and push the"Create" button.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
If the user want to change the port attribute association he can select a filled row, then in the “Selected
Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time Slot" and than push the "Time
Slot Sw." button.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
To close the dialog box click on the “Close" push button.
– PREA4ETH: up to 59 TPs (SDH VC4, SDH VC3, SDH VC12 ) with a maximum throughput of 622
– PREA1GBE: up to 62 TPs (SDH VC4, SDH VC3, SDH VC12 ) with a maximum throughput of 622
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 296. on page 413).
PR_EA MATRIX (initial empty fields) PR_EA MATRIX (with defined TPs)
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is an ATM,
Ethernet or PR_EA board with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the three buttons con-
tained in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new PR_EA port he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item"
sections , he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options and push the"Create" button.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
If the user want to change the port attribute association he can select a filled row, then in the “Selected
Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time Slot" and than push the "Time
Slot Sw." button.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
On the FAST ETHERNET boards can be configurated up to 11 TPs (VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP,
VC12XV and VC3XV) on the port card (ETH-MB) and up 14 TPs (VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV
and VC3XV) on the relevant access card (ETH-ATX).
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 298. on page 415).
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is an ATM,
Ethernet or PR_EA board with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the three buttons con-
tained in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new TPs he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item" sections,
he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options and push the"Create" button.
Note: in case of concatenated VC TP creation (example VC12XV or VC3XV), before to push on "Create"
button it is also necessary to choose the Concatenation Level value; after creation command new fields
and a new button appear.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
If the user want to change the port attribute association he can select a filled row, then in the “Selected
Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time Slot" and than push the "Time
Slot Sw." button.
The Ctrl Path Act. button allows to change the state of the concatenated virtual VCs (example VC12XV
or VC3XV) that could be “Idle" or “active".;
Click on Ctrl Path Act. button a new window will be opened (Figure 299.); for details about the mening
of the field refer to paragraph on page 160.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
It is possible to see the VCs created on the ETHERNET board as above explained by selecting the rel-
evant row in the ISA configuration window and then click on the “Navigate" button; Figure 300. on page
416 shows an example.
With this architecture can be configurated up to 2 TPs (VC4XV TTP Type concatenation level=1) on
the GETH-AG access card and up to 11 TPs (VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, s31 TTP, E1 TTP Type)
on the ETH-MB main board taking into account that the maximum throughput must not exceed 622
With this architecture can be configurated up to 4 TPs (VC4XV Type) on each board taking into
account that the maximum throughput must not exceed 622 Mbit/s in 1650SMC (for example it is
possible to configure 1 port VC4XV with a max. concatenation level equal to 4 or as alternative 4
ports VC4XV with concatenation level equal to 1).
The same rule above described are applicable to 1660SM when the GIGABIT board (GETHMB)
is equipped in normal slot (i.e. slot with a throughput of 622 Mbit/s).
In 1660SM are also available slot called “enhanced" (25, 26,28,29,34,35,37,38) where the through-
put per board is 1.2 Gbit/s.
If the GIGABIT board (GETHMB) is equipped in one of these slot it is possible to reach a max. con-
catenation level equal to 7 per port ; of course this means that there is only one VC4XV with con-
catenation level =1 available for another port and no resources for the last two ports present on the
For more details read the Gigabit Ethernet description reported in the Technical Handbook.
The Gigabit Ethernet TPs creation follows the same rules described for the 10/100Mbit/s Ethernet Board;
refer to paragraph
– On the ISA ES1-8FE up to 8 among VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV (XMAX= 21), VC3XV
(XMAX= 2)
– On the ISA ES1-8FX up to 8 among VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV (XMAX= 21), VC3XV
(XMAX= 2)
– According to the settings made in the Equipment Set procedure (SMII or GMII), the board ISA ES4-
8FE can be configured with the following TPs:
• ISA ES4-8FE SMII mode: up to 16 TPs among VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV
(XMAX= 50), VC3XV (XMAX= 2), VC4XV (Xmax=1).
• SA ES4-8FE GMII mode: up to 2 TPs among VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV (XMAX=
63), VC3XV (XMAX= 12), VC4XV (Xmax=4).
– On the ISA ES16 up to 16 among VC4 TTP, VC3 TTP, VC12 TTP, VC12XV (XMAX= 63), VC3XV
(XMAX= 12) , VC4XV (XMAX= 8)
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 301.and Figure 302.)
Figure 301. Example of Ethernet Switch (ES1-8FE) TPs creation (EMPTY FIELDS)
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is an ES, ATM
or PR_EA board with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the buttons contained
in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new TPs he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item" sections,
he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options and push the"Create" button.
Note: in case of concatenated VC TP creation (example VC12XV or VC3XV), before to push on "Create"
button it is also necessary to choose the Concatenation Level value; after creation command new fields
and a new button appear.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
If the user want to change the port attribute association he can select a filled row, then in the “Selected
Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time Slot" and than push the "Time
Slot Sw." button.
The Ctrl Path Act. button allows to change the state of the concatenated virtual VCs (example VC12XV
or VC3XV) that could be “Idle" or “active".;
Click on Ctrl Path Act. button a new window will be opened (Figure 303.); for details about the mening
of the field refer to paragraph on page 160.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
It is possible to see the VCs created on the ETHERNET SWITCH board as above explained by selecting
the relevant row in the ISA configuration window and then click on the “Navigate" button; Figure 304.
shows an example.
On the AS-ABNC access card can be configurated up to 8 TPs (VC12XV and VC3XV).
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 305.).
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is an ASI-
ABNC access card with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the three buttons con-
tained in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new TPs he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item" sections,
he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options.
Then it is also necessary to choose the Concatenation Level value (63 max VC12XV and 3 max VC3XV)
and push the"Create/Change" button; after creation command new fields and a new button appear.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
If the user want to change the port attribute association he can select a filled row, then in the “Selected
Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time Slot" and than push the "Time
Slot Sw." button.
The Ctrl Path Act. button allows to change the state of the concatenated virtual VCs (example VC12XV
or VC3XV) that could be “Idle" or “active".;
Click on Ctrl Path Act. button a new window will be opened (Figure 306.); for details about the mening
of the field refer to paragraph on page 160.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
It is possible to see the VCs created on the board as above explained by selecting the relevant row in
the ISA configuration window and then click on the “Navigate" button; Figure 307. shows an example.
Select ISA Port Configuration option from the Configuration menu to open the ISA ports Configuration
(see Figure 308.).
The ISA ports Configuration window is filled with notebook pages (initially blank), each page is a BCE-
ETH card with relevant ports;
The user can “create" a new port, “delete" an existing one and “change" port associations (that means
modify the STM1 number and STM-1 Time Slot on ISA ports already created) via the three buttons con-
tained in the notebook page.
When the user want to create a new TPs he can select an empty row, then in the “Selected Item" sections,
he can fill the field "Signal" choosing among the available options.
Then it is also necessary to choose the Concatenation Level value (4 max VC12XV) and push the"Create/
Change" button; after creation command new fields and a new button appear.
The STM1 Number and the STM1 Time Slot are automatically assigned.
In the ISA BCE Eth the Time Solt is in relation one to one with the board physical port (1 to 8).If the user
want to change the port attribute association he has to follow the following procedure:
• By the Ctrl Path Act. button that allows to change the state of the concatenated virtual VCs
(example VC12XV) that could be “Idle" or “active", set in "Idle" the VCs.
• Then in the “Selected Item" section he can change the fields "STM1 number" and "STM1 Time
Slot" and than push the "Time Slot Sw." button.
• Move the board physical link in the new configuration.
• By the Ctrl Path Act. button set in “active" the VCs.
The Ctrl Path Act. button allows to change the state of the concatenated virtual VCs (example VC12XV)
that could be “Idle" or “active".;
Click on Ctrl Path Act. button a new window will be opened (Figure 309.); for details about the mening
of the field refer to paragraph on page 160.
To delete a port the user can select a row and push "Delete" button.
It is possible to see the VCs created on the board as above explained by selecting the relevant row in
the ISA configuration window and then click on the “Navigate" button; Figure 310. shows an example.
The Craft Terminal provides a set of functions which allow software packages manipulation within NEs.
The downloading operation consists in the establishment of session between the NE and a software
server for the purpose of file transfer.
Actions can then be performed on the NE software version as update and activation operation, or roll back
to the previous software version operation. In this way the NE can follow the product evolution with “in
service" equipment.
The same function is used during maintenance phase, to update spare boards for substitution after trou-
A backup/restore can be also done on the MIB of the NE. Indeed the MIB can be saved to or restored
from the mass storage of the Craft Terminal.
Software Management
Report AGENT
Software Downloading
The naming conventions used for Download Management are the following:
– Software Package: Software Package stands for a piece of software which can be executed by an
NE of a particular type. It consists in one or more Software Units and a Descriptor File. A software
package is identified by its name, release, version and edition.
On the NE (i.e. once downloaded) a software package can be:
– the active version: the software package currently running on the NE
– a standby version: a software package which is neither the active version nor the boot ver-
– Software Unit: A Software Unit is a part of a software package which can be either executable code
or a data segment of a particular board within an NE. A software unit is also identified by its name,
release, version and edition.
– Descriptor File: A Descriptor File contains information about the software package it belongs to and
lists the composing software units. Each software package must have a descriptor file otherwise it
would not be possible to interpret the content of the package.
– Software Management Function: The Software management function offers information about all
current software packages present in an NE. Indicators enable software management (running pack-
age, activated package, etc...).
The Software Download Manager function takes the downloading and management requests of the oper-
ator and sends them to the NE. Thus, this function enables a download process to be initiated and mon-
itored by the operator. It manages the NE software releases and initiates software download operations.
The Software Download Server is only responsible for fulfilling the requests received from NEs and per-
forming software package file transfer operations to the NE.
Two main different operative condition are defined for this Equipment:
N.B. The download procedure must be done twice the first time that the NE migrate from Release
4.5 to a Higher Release 4.6.
The first download will transfer the SC and EC software to the NE controller unit (EQUICO, or
The second will create directory on the NE controller unit flash card containing FPGA software.
This procedure is explained in the following from point “a” to point “i”.
Subsequently download upgrade needs ony one procedure (from point “a” to “g”).
Release 5.x upgrade require only one step from point “a” to “g”
In order to update the following procedure is to be done as explained in the next steps:
a) Install on the PC the NE Software Package present in the CD-ROM (refer to 1320CT Basic Oper-
ator's Handbook for details).
b) open a session on Craft Terminal application (start-up of the application, start supervision and NE
e) Select the new software package in the server and triggers the download process, as presented at
para.2.20.4 on page 430.
A message will indicate the completed download.
h) If problems are found with the new activated package, activate the previous software package
(revert-back operation) to come back to the previous condition and then try to repeat the procedure.
i) Repeat again the download procedure from point “d” to point “g” if this is the first upgrade from pre-
viuosly release (example from 4.5 to 4.6).
All the software download operations are carried out from the software download manager.
To display the software download manager menu from the main view, select the NE on which you want to
perform download operations, then select the Download pull down menu. The following menu is displayed:
You can request the NE to start / abort a software download operation. After selecting the desired NE you
must choose an available software package and then start the download process. All these operations
can be performed from the SW downloading dialogue box.
Select the Init download option from the Download cascading menu.
To use the filter and display the selection, push on Apply filter(s) button. The SW packages existing on
the Craft Terminal are displayed.
Click on Forced push button to set the forced download attribute: then all software units of the Descriptor
file have to be downloaded. Otherwise only the units with different software version will be loaded.
If you want stop the download, click on the Cancel push button of the Software download initiate dialogue
box to close it.
The Software download in Progress dialogue box displays the name and type of the NE and the SW pack-
age name, the total of bytes, the current percentage and the current file which is being downloaded.
Click on the Abort push button to abort the complete download transaction. From the confirmation dia-
logue box that opens you can confirm or cancel the abort.
Click on the Close push button to close the SWDL Work in Progress dialogue box at the end of the soft-
ware download.
This item permits to activate the downloaded software package and to get information about the soft-
ware of the various units of the equipment.
The operator is able to get information about the software package of the NE at any moment, even if no
download operations have been performed previously.
For this, select the Units info option from the Download pull down menu.
The SW Information dialogue box displays the name and type of the NE, and the respective package
name and status of the committed and (if existing) the uncommitted software.
Select the Activate option of the “CurrentState\Action" field, to activate the Software package
Clicking on [-] symbol behind each software package all details disappear.
When you click on Close the previous view is displayed (Figure 316.).
This function allows to make a backup and/or a restore of the Mib.. (MIB is a data base pertaining the con-
figuration of the equipment).
Select the Mib management option from the Download pull down menu. The following window is displayed:
– Available backups on local server: gives the list of the backups available on the Craft Terminal,
– Backup name: to enter the new backup name.
Three push buttons allow to choose the action with click on:
– Backup: performs the backup on the CT of the Mib present on the NE,
– Restore: this function allows the managing system to restore the NE configuration database of the
managed system. Only one restore operation can be performed at the same time on a given NE.
– Delete: this action allows to delete a backup of the NE database. The NE is not involved in this
action. The only effect is to delete the selected backup version stored in a specific directory of the
FT server.
To activate an already restored MIB you click on Activate push button. Only at this point it becomes oper-
ative on the NE.
To exit of the NE MIB management window, you click on Close push button.
To save or load the Mib to/from an external disk follow the indication of the “Basic 1320CT Operator's
Handbook" using the menu options of the Network Element Synthesis.
This procedure describes the Shut-down and restart the PC should the Craft Terminal SoftWare Product
not be working properly or not responding to the operator's commands.
3.3.2 Procedure
A window (Windows NT Security user dialog) is displayed. It permits to shut down the computer or restart
The same window is displayed pressing he keys <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del> simultaneously.
Troubleshooting involves the detection, location and correction of failures in the equipment and the
replacement of the defective parts.
The troubleshooting procedure is carried out with the help of some flow-charts and tables, reported here-
inafter. Anyway this method does not deal with the following aspects (which are to be deduced in other
• Q-ECC interface for Telecommunication Management Network (via DCC channels, linked to
the relevant OS)
Usually maintenance is firstly done via software (TMN or Remote Craft Terminal) to locate the faulty equip-
ment and the faulty unit or the faulty path and then on site to physically solve the trouble.
[4] on site
[1] TMN network management center: by means of the TMN the maintenance technician can see the
alarms sent by each equipment of the managed network (see the relevant TMN handbooks).
[2] Remote craft terminal: the operator, connected to a local NE , can remotely manage and trouble-
shooting a network composed of max 32 NEs included itself. This handbook is used.
– T URGENT (MAJOR and CRITICAL), T NOT URGENT (MINOR): remote alarms pertaining to the
urgent, not urgent alarm type.
– TOR, TAND: remote alarms respectively due to the decrease or loss of one or both station power
supply DC voltages.
– INT: Remote alarm pertaining to the local (internal) alarm type
When a second CONGI unit is used the following remote alarms are added:
– TORC, TANC: remote alarms respectively due to the loss of +3,3V generated by the on board con-
verter in of one or both the CONGI units.
– IND: Indeterminate alarm synthesis. Indicates synthesis of alarms not associated to others severi-
ties. Not operative.
– TUP: remote alarm due to microprocessor fault in the EQUICO unit (for 1660SM Rel. 4.x), PQ2/EQC
unit (for 1660SM Rel. 5.x) or SYNTH1N/SYNTH4 unit (for 1650SMC)
– LOSQ2: remote alarm due to loss of communication with Mediation Device. Not operative.
Depending on the supervisory center organization, it is possible to locate the equipment in troubles and
to detect the failure type and source.
2) the equipment is not reachable by the remote manager (TMN or RCT) and is therefore isolated
In case 1) , 2), 3), the alarmed equipment is checked by means of the local Craft Terminal and of rack LED
indications and station buzzers.
Each port card or access card of the equipment is provided with a bicolor LED (green/red) or multicolor
LED (green/red/yellow) at the bottom of the front coverplate.
All the alarm detected on the unit are related to the ATM traffic management; on the front coverplate are
present optical indication (LEDs) with the following meaning (from the top to the bottom):
All the alarms detected on the units are collected by the “Controller" unit (called EQUICO in 1660SM,
SYNHT1N or SYNTH4 in 1650SMC) unit which will deliver centralized optical indications (by means of
LEDs on its front coverplate). Specifically, from the top to the bottom :
• Yellow LED: detection of an ABNORMAL operative condition. Type: active loopbacks, forcing
the unit into service, laser forced ON or OFF, try to restore after ALS
The analysis of these LEDs permits to detect the alarm type (Urgent - Not Urgent - Indication) and rel-
evant condition (Abnormal condition, Attended).
In case of URGENT or NOT URGENT alarm, after having located the alarmed equipment, the alarm con-
dition can be "attended" by pressing the relevant alarm storing push button on the EQUICO, PQ2/EQC,
– On the rack
The trouble-shooting operation proceeds according to the information indicated in the flow-charts:
As indicated in the flow-charts the troubleshooting operation is done by means of the Craft Terminal, and
of the optical indicators (LEDs) present on the NE.
The Craft Terminal is cord-connected to the relative connector on the “Controller" unit (EQUICO,PQ2/
EQC,SYNTH1N,SYNTH4) front coverplate (F interface).
The Craft Terminal applications provide detailed information on the alarm state thus facilitating fault loca-
tion and subsequent removal as indicated in para. 3.4.4 on page 444.
To correctly execute the troubleshooting operations the technician must know the exact
equipment configuration (see Equipment Configuration applications on the Craft Terminal).
The aim of the flow-charts which follow and of the maintenance tables is to locate the faulty unit and to
replace it with a spare as well as to locate a failure along the link.
The flow-charts/tables should be also consulted when the unit LEDs flash, because the flashing condition
might be due to external alarm causes usually related to line problems.
ON ?
(see chapter 3.5 on page 472) THE TYPE OF DETECTED ALARM,
3.4.4 ON PA GE 444
PARA 3.4.4 ON PAGE 444 END
- SYNTH1N or SYNTH4 for 1650SMC
The troubleshoot proceeds checking the detailed information on the NE alarm by means of the craft ter-
The information on the NE alarm will be mainly obtained by means of the craft terminal through the Alarm
Surveillance data and the alarms/status indications presented in the various views, depending on the
level of the structure under observation.
Navigation across the various level views is done from higher to lower levels, by double clicking on the
objects (see instructions on “NE management" section).
The NE hierarchy is organized in the following order: NE > rack > subrack > board > port > TP.
The troubleshoot procedure with the the Craft Terminal consists of the following steps:
a) An example of alarms/status view organization is shown in Figure 446. Observe the active
alarms on the Severity Alarm Synthesis, Domain Alarm Synthesis and Management States
Control Panel always present on the window (it resumes all the NE alarms).
Table 19.on page 448 describes the meaning of these alarms/statuses and the relevant maintenance
b) in case of alarm presence, access the Alarm Surveillance to troubleshoot. This application gives
the details of the detected alarms and helps for their localization.
Para on page 450 describes this view.
c) It is possible to analyze the detailed alarm presence on the TPs of each ports of the NE, following
the indication of para on page 457.
d) It is also possible to check alarm and status at Board view, Subrack view and Equipment view
are also supplied following the indication of para on page 463 and para on page 469.
e) Eventual housekeeping alarms can be localized following the indications given in para. on
page 471.
f) These above said paragraphs describe general aspect of alarms meaning and relevant maintenance
actions that can be done with the information given in the applications.
g) The history of past events can be obtained by means of the Event log option of the Diagnosis pull
down menu (see “NE management" section).
In case of unit replacement, follow the indications reported in Chapter. 3.5 on page 472.
The Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) is used to protect the operator who is working with the optical fiber.
When the ALS is active, it may be difficult to detect the link failed.
To locate it, it is necessary to "force on" the ALS, thus enabling the optical power transmission on the oppo-
site direction of the failed link.
WARNING: During this phase the operator has to pay attention when working with fibers and connectors.
The ABNORMAL indication inform the operator of the ALS forced condition.
After having completed the maintenance, enable the ALS.
The ALS states are indicated in the port view, as described in para. on pg. 457.
The following concepts and definitions are considered useful to facilitate maintenance operations with the
aid of the previously indicated tables.
The various units specified in the synchronous multiplexing hierarchy imply structuring the Transmission
network into three levels (sublevels of the physical OSI level):
– Transmission bearer level. It is the support for the path level and can be further split into physical
level (Transmission media) and Transmission section level. The sections can be either regenerator
or multiplexer and utilized for specific functions associated to the EOW channels of the SDH frame.
The interface alarms (or section alarms, indicated in the tables) belong to this level (example: Line
LOS, LOS, B2etc.).
– Path level It concerns the data transfer between the access points and the path. It does not depend
on the service nor on the type of Transmission media. It constitutes the circuit level support. The path
can be either lower order (LO) or higher order (HO) depending on the capacity of data transferring.
Like the regenerator and multiplexer sections, the paths too have specific functions associated to
the EOW channels of the SDH frame. The alarms listed in the cited tables, where path level trou-
bleshooting is required, belong to this level (example:TUAIS, TU LOP).
– Circuit level. This level concerns the transfer of information between the access points and the cir-
cuit proper. It is a direct support for the telecommunication services. It superimposes the SDH func-
tion and is considered as the transport agent hence no SDH order-wire channel associated
functions are required. An example of this level alarm is Tributary LOS.
The above level structuring in the Transmission network is depicted in Figure 321.
Severity alarms
Domain alarms synthesis
Menu bar
View title
View area
Message/status area state indications
status control panel
The critical (CRI) or major (MAJ) alarms indicate severe alarms that could have impact on the
current traffic (interruption or degrade). Thus requiring a rapid intervention to restore the reg-
ular working condition of the equipment.
A message under the mouse facility provides the alarm or status complete denomination. A message
appears in the message area in the bottom left corner of the view.
The alarms CRI, MAJ, MIN, WNG, IND are part of the Severity Alarms Synthesis area, presented
in Table 19.on page 448.
The alarms EXTP, EQP, TRNS are part of the Domain Alarms Synthesis area, presented inTable 20.
on page 448.
The alarms SUP, ALI, LAC, COM, OS, MGR, NTP and AC are part of the Management States Control
Panel, presented in Table 21. on page 449.
All these indications (except for SUP, ALI, LAC, COM, OS, MGR and NTP) are the summaries of par-
ticular types of alarms detected by the equipment, hence the specific cause of alarm is to be found as indi-
cated in the following paragraphs:,,,,
Table 18.reports the association between the colors of the Alarms and their Severity.
For the Domain Alarms Synthesis the color corresponds to the highest severity among the set of the
active alarms for the relevant domain, according to the same rules of previous Table 18.
– In case of alarm presence, access the Alarm Surveillance (AS) to troubleshoot. For this purpose
select the Diagnosis pull down menu. With the Alarm pull down menu (see Figure 323.). It is possible
to show all the NE Alarms or filter the alarms report, for example displaying only the alarms of a spe-
cific domain (i.e. only alarms of the Equipment domain).
In the following are shortly described the main information obtained in the AS view, starting from the left
The severity assigned to the alarm is indicated, with the relevant color,
- Perceived Severity
- Event date and time Indicates year, month, day and hour of the alarm.
Identify the rack, subrack, board, port, and TP in which the alarm is detected,
- Friendly Name
i.e.: / r01sr1sl09/#port01-E1S
Indicates the family type of the alarm as subdivided in the ASAP list, i.e.:
- Event Type
The fault/problem is indicated, i.e.: loss of signal, transmitter degraded,
- Probable Cause
replaceable unit missing,resource isolation, ...
Indicates if the alarm is reserved (RSV) or not (NRSV) according security
- Reservation Status
Indicates if the alarm condition is terminated (CLR) or is still active (NCLR).
- Clearing status
If cleared it has a green background,
Indicates if the alarm has been acknowledge (ACK) with the button on the
- Acknowledge status
Controller unit ( EQUICO/ PQ2/EQC / SYNTH1N / SYNTH4) or not ( NACK).
- Correlated notifica-
Not used
tion flag
- Repetition counter Not used
The information supplied help the operator during the troubleshooting operation.
Table 23.on page 452 supply general indications of alarms meaning and relevant maintenance actions
that can be done with the information given in the applications.
The maintenance action must take into account the board where the alarm is detected.
External Points alarms are referred to the input external point relevant to the Housekeeping signals. They
are available for the customer by connecting them to a dedicated subrack connector.
Loss of signal (LOS) Check line
Transmitter Signal (TF) Replace unit
Transmitter degraded (TD) Replace unit when possible (laser degrade)
Loss of frame (LOF) Check line (alignment problems due to line error)
AIS Check connected equipment
Excessive BER (EBER) Check line (excessive line BER)
Degraded Signal (DS) Check line (line signal degrade)
Loss of Pointer (LOP) Check line
Payload Mismatch (PLM) Configuration error
Payload TypeMismatch(PLTM) Configuration error
Remote Defect Indication (RDI) Check far-end equipment
Check all the TU path. Alarm indicates AIS signal received on the
Server Signal Failure (SSF)
Frequency offset (DRIFT) Check reference and connection between it and the equipment
Loss of timing source (LOSS) Check reference and connection between it and the equipment
Resource Isolation Check connection between NE and Craft Terminal
Communication Subsystem
Check Communication configuration (LAPD)
Isolation (CSF)
Unequipped (U)
Configuration error
Referred to Signal Label
Unconfigured Equipment
Unit inserted but not declared
Present (UEP)
Internal Communication Prob- Reset NE. If persists substitute EQUICO / PQ2/EQC SYNTH1N /
lem SYNTH4 unit according to the NE type.
URU - Underlying Resource Insert the board.
Unavailable For ISA -BCE E1 check connection between modem and board.
PM_AS- Performance
Check path / line section interested to the indication.
Monitoring Alarm Synthesis
CPE-Communication protocol Check MSP protocol (architecture type, switch fail)
LOMF - Loss Of MultiFrame Check payload structure
AUXP Check far-end equipment
Remote Node Transmission
Check far-end equipment
error (RNTE)
Check source. Video Stream higher than available transmission
QSE - Queue Size Exceeded
Sequence Mismatch on LO Vir-
Connection or configuration error
tual Connection (Ssequ)
Trail Identification Mismatch
Connection or configuration error
Unit missing A2S1; A21E1
Insert missing unit
(RUM) A3E3; A3T3
Unit Problem
ETH-ATX; ETH-MB Replace unit
L-41; L-41N
L-42; L-42N
M4E1; M1E3; M1T3
P3E3/T3; P4ES1N
P4S1; P4S1N
P21E1; P21E1N
Unit type mismatch P63E1; P63E1N Insert right unit (unit inserted into a slot set with
(RUTM) P63E1N-M4 another type of unit)
S-41; S-41N
ES1-8FE; ES4-8FE
Unit Problem EQUICO
Replace unit
Unit missing
(RUM) Insert missing unit
Unit Problem
Replace unit
Unit type mismatch Insert right unit (unit inserted into a slot set with
(RUTM) PR16 another type of unit)
Power Problem
Replace unit
Pump failure
Replace unit
Enclosure Door Open Check that the protection cover in front of the unit
(EDO) has been correctly placed.
Unit Problem
Replace unit
Unit type mismatch BST15 Insert right unit (unit inserted into a slot set with
(RUTM) BST17 another type of unit)
Pump failure
Replace unit
Enclosure Door Open Check that the protection cover in front of the unit
(EDO) has been correctly placed.
Unit missing
(RUM) Insert missing unit
Unconfigured 100B
Unit inserted but not configured; Configure the
Equipment Present OH-I
It is also possible to analyze the detailed alarm presence on the TPs of each ports of the NE, following
the indication of the Port View chapter on the previous Section of this Handbook.
On the port view the messages displayed at the bottom provide information about:
– State of the connection for Ethernet port (available only if an ethernet port has been selected); refer
to Figure 328. and Figure 329.
A message under the mouse indicator provides the name of the alarm or object on which it is located, in
this way facilitating the identification of the alarm or status or object.
The non-alarmed condition of an alarm icon is represented by a green color and a “-" sign in the box.
The alarmed condition is represented by the color of its severity (as assigned by the ASAP) and an “X"
sign in the box.
The alarms which can be found in the Port view are listed in Table 24. on page 453, where the relevant
maintenance actions are reported too.
The information regarding ALS states and Laser state useful for operators safety purpose are
reported in the following:
ALS states:
Inactive = No ALS has been activated (Off) or the laser has been Forced ON/OFF.
Laser state:
Mouse message
Protection message
Figure 325. Example of SDH Port View alarms (without MSP schema)
Figure 326. Example of SDH Port View alarms (with MSP schema)
Mouse message
Mouse message
Mouse message
The alarm and status indications at Board level can be obtained, following the indication of the Board View
chapter on the previous Section of this Handbook.
The alarm and status indications depend on the unit type; for example SDH units is organized on two lev-
els of presentation (in the first is selected one of the available ports) and each view contains dedicated
An alarm box is displayed on each port, to indicate whether the port is alarmed.
An indication in the "message/status area" provides information about the board Administrative State: “in-
service" or “out-of-service".
The alarms of the board are reported at the bottom of the "message/status area", by means of various
boxes containing relevant acronyms.
The non-alarmed condition of an alarm icon is represented by a green color.
The alarmed condition is represented by the color of its severity (as assigned by the ASAP).
A message under the mouse indicator provides the name of the alarm or object on which it is located, in
this way facilitating the identification of the alarm or status or object.
In the view is present the Administrative State information: “in service" or “out of service".
The alarms which can be found in the Board view are listed in Table 453, where the relevant main-
tenance actions are reported too.
In the view can also be present EPS indications (if supported by the equipment)
Sub-board alarms
In case of board with multi access points (i.e. containing “sub-boards") another view permits to select the
contained port, named “daughter" or “sub-board" (see example of Figure 464).
An example of “daughter" (sub-board) view with the presented ports is in Figure 330. on page 464. It is
displayed after clicking on it.
The alarms which can be found in the sub-board view are listed in Table 453, where the relevant
maintenance actions are reported too.
Administrative State
Board alarms
Administrative State
Board alarms
Board alarms
The alarms and status indications at subrack and rack level can be obtained, following the indications
given on the previous Section of this Handbook ("NE management").
Figure 333. and Figure 334. are examples of Subrack and Rack view.
An alarm box is displayed on each board, to indicate whether the board is alarmed. This board alarm sum-
marization is activated when one of the board alarms (those reported at the bottom of the Board view)
is active.
A “lock" symbol on a board indicates that it is “in-service". Else, the lack of this symbol indicates its “out-
of-service" state . (Administrative State information).
A message under the mouse indicator provides the name of the alarm or object on which it is located, in
this way facilitating the identification of the alarm or status or object.
Severity alarms
Domain alarms synthesis
Menu bar
View title
Menu bar
View title
status control panel
state indications
Message/status area
To obtain Fan Subrack alarms indications click twice with the mouse on the relevant subrack drawing
in the rack level view.
– Battery Failure (BF): check that the station battery cables are right connected
– Cabling Problem (CAP):check that the alarms cable between the Fans Subrack and the CONGI
unit is right connected; check also the configuration in the Equipment
menu (Connected FAN to CONGI#10 for 1660SM or Connected FAN to
CONGI#5 for 1650SMC)
Fans subrack can only be connected to CONGI#10 in 1660SM and CONGI#5 in 1650SMC.
– Temperature Out of Range (TOOR): verify the Fan unit alarm and in presence of faulty substitute the
relevant unit; clean also the Dust filter if necessary.
The alarm indications at Equipment level can be obtained, following the indication of the Equipment
View chapter on the previous Section of this Handbook.
Figure 336.shows the Equipment view, with the alarm indications presented:
– Fuse Failure (FF):Substitute the fuse in the CONGI unit and search for a cause.
– AND Battery Failure (ABF): Failure of the Service Power Supply connected to the CONGI Rack
– Specific Hardware Diagnostic (SHD): Indicate the presence of link failure between the MATRIX
one of the units; for details choose the Internal Link Monitor option of
the Diagnosis menu.
Equipment alarms
The alarm indications at Equipment level can be obtained, following the indication of the Equipment View
chapter on the previous Section of this Handbook.
Figure 336.shows the Equipment view, with the alarm indications presented:
– Fuse FailureSubstitute the fuse in the CONGI or SERGI unit and search for a cause.
– AND Battery Failure Failure of the Service Power Supply connected to the CONGI Rack connec-
– Specific Hardware Diagnostic (SHD): Indicate the presence of link failure between the SYNTH1N /
ADM and one of the units; for details choose the Internal Link Monitor
option of the Diagnosis menu.
Equipment alarms
The alarms and status indications relevant to External Points (housekeepings) can be obtained, following
the indication of the External Points chapter on the previous Section of this Handbook.
The external state represents the alarm state. "On" when the alarm is raised, else "Off".
If the external point is active (On), a red flag is represented near the state of the concerned point.
In case of input point the alarm state is reported also in the user label column, by the box near its name:
green color and sign “-" ---> means non-alarmed condition.
the change of color, as assigned by the severity (ASAP) ---> means alarmed condition.
– Hardware set the spare unit exactly as the unit to replace. Settings are specified in the MS docu-
ments. Here a layout figure indicates the exact location of all the setting arrangements and a table
relate the operations to achieve with the settings.
The cited documents are enclosed in the Technical Handbook.
– Simply replace those units not provided with any software settings
– With regard to the EQUICO / PQ2/EQC unit refer to paragraph 3.5.1 on page 473.(Only for 1660SM)
– With regard to the COMPACT ADM (also called SYNTH1, SYNTH1N, SYNTH4) unit refer to para-
graph 3.5.2 on page 475.(Only for 1650SMC)
– With regard to the ATM MATRIX 4X4 V2 and 4x4 D3 units refer to paragraph 3.5.3 on page 479.
– With regard to the ATM MATRIX 8X8 unit refer to paragraph 3.5.4 on page 481.(Only for 1660SM)
– With regard to the ISA-PR MATRIX and ISA-PR_EA MATRIX unit refer to the specific Operator's
– With regard to the ISA-ES unit refer to the specific Operator's Handbook.
– When upgrading an equipment with “New Hardware" (for example MATRIXN unit) that substitute
the old units (for example MATRIX unit), follow the indication given in paragraph 3.6 on page 482.
– With regard to the CONGI unit refer to paragraph 3.5.5 on page 481.
When substituting the CONGI unit strictly observe the following procedure:
• In order to avoid short-circuit, before substituting the CONGI unit, switch-off the rel-
evant Station battery fuse breaker . Subsequently remove the Station Battery cable
and extract the CONGI unit.
• Before inserting the new spare unit carefully check the settings and the integrity of
the relative connectors.
Don't insert the units that have been damaged during the transport/storing or in a
phase before their replacing.
• Insert the new CONGI unit in the subrack without the Station Battery cable conneted
to it.
• Connect the Station Battery cable to the power connector present in front of the
CONGI board.
Various procedures are utilized to replace a EQUICO or PQ2/EQC faulty unit. They depend on the
type of spares available:
• Spares with installed software, belonging to the same type of equipment and with SW release
identical to the unit to replace
• Spares with installed software, belonging to the same type of equipment but with SW
release differing from the one of the unit to replace, or belonging to other types of equipment
or unknown.
• Spares with installed software, belonging to the another type of equipment (example
1670SM) or unknown SW.
The flow-chart of Figure 339.on page 474 illustrates the procedures to follow for the EQUICO or PQ2/EQC
The procedure aim is to replace the faulty unit without causing configuration changes and/or
unwanted faults; when not possible this is indicated in the flow chart.
Download the NE relevant software release Download the NE relevant software release
with normal dowload procedure. with SIBDL procedure
(see NE management section) (see SIBDL section)
NB2: The "Comm/Routing" tables are automatically retrieved
only with CONGI starting from version 3AL 78830AAAC
Otherwise the "Comm/Routing" tables must be
configurated manually using the Craft Terminal
N.B. In this paragraph for COMPACT ADM is generically intended one of the following unit:
Various procedures are utilized to replace a COMPACT ADM faulty unit. They depend on the following
maintenance conditions:
– CONGI unit version (read NOTES in Figure 341.on page 477 and Figure 342. on page 478)
The flow-charts of Figure 340. on page 476, Figure 341. on page 477, Figure 342. on page 478 illustrates
the procedures to follow for the COMPACT ADM substitution.
The procedure aim is to replace the faulty unit without causing configuration changes and/or
unwanted faults; when not possible this is indicated in the flow chart.
Replacement problems:
When replacing the COMPACT ADM unit the traffic of the two SDH ports is lost when not
SNCP protected.
Substitute NO YES
Craft Terminal
COMPACT ADM manages the NE?
Force EPS on spare
Substitute main
Download the NE relevant software release Download the NE relevant software release
with normal dowload procedure. with SIBDL procedure
(see NE management section) (see SIBDL section)
Figure 341. on page 477
Figure 340. COMPACT ADM unit replacement (EPS protected) part “A"
From O.S. "Activate" the sent MIB From C.T. "Activate" the sent MIB
Figure 341. COMPACT ADM unit replacement (EPS protected) part “B"
Substitute main
I1-1 OFF I1-2 ON (Reset Data Base)
Download the NE relevant software release Download the NE relevant software release
with normal dowload procedure. with SIBDL procedure
(see NE management section) (see SIBDL section)
From O.S. send the saved From C.T. "Activate" the sent MIB
MIB containing the correct
configuration (NB2)
Two different procedure are available for ATM MATRIX 4X4 substitution according to the EPS schema.
The flow-charts of Figure 343. on page 479 illustrates the procedures to follow for the ATM MATRIX 4X4
when it is not EPS protected.
The flow-charts of Figure 344. on page 480 illustrates the procedures to follow for the ATM MATRIX 4X4
when it is EPS protected.
The procedures aim is to replace the faulty unit without causing configuration changes and/or unwanted
Figure 343. ATM MATRIX 4X4 V2 and 4x4 D3 units replacement without EPS protection
Figure 344. ATM MATRIX 4X4 V2 and 4X4 D3 unit replacement with EPS protection
Two different procedure are available for ATM MATRIX 8X8 substitution according to the EPS schema.
For ATM MATRIX 8X8 substitution can be applied the same rules used for ATM MATRIX 4X4 , so refer
to flow chart of Figure 343. on page 479 and Figure 344. on page 480.
When substituting an “old" CONGI unit (from code 3AL 78830 AAAA to code 3AL 78830 AAAE) with a
“new" CONGI unit (starting from code 3AL 78830 AAAF) must be taken into account the rules reported
in the following; this is necessary for the right management of the “Fuse Broken" alarm on the CONGI
(1650SMC and 1660SM) and SERGI (1650SMC) units.
[1] The alarm “Fuse Broken" is meaningful (hence it is active) only if two batteries connections (this
means that two CONGI in1660SM or one CONGI and one SERGI in 1650SMC has been equipped)
are present.
[2] If “old" CONGI units are present in main slot (slot 10 for 1660SM and slot 4 for 1650SMC) it is man-
datory to connect the service battery to the front connector (refer to Installation Handbook for details)
to correctly activate the alarms.
[3] In presence of configurations having 2 CONGI units composed of an “old" and “new" type it is man-
datory to open TC5 setting (refer to Technical Handbook for details on Hardware settings) on the
soldering side of the “old" type CONGI if the latter is placed in the spare position (slot 12 in 1660SM
and slot 5 in 1650SMC).
[4] If the “old" CONGI is maintained in a main slot (slot 10 in 1660SM and slot 4 in 1650SMC), TC5 can
be nevertheless closed or open.
The new Hardware is identify by the “N" letter at the end of the acronym unit (for example MATRIXN
is the new version, MATRIX without “N" is the old version).
This procedure permits, if the equipment is EPS protected and inserted in a protected network (linear
or ring protection), to maintain the system “in service"
According to the MATRIX EPS protection scheme different procedure are available:
• Insert the new MATRIX into the subrack slot 23; on Craft Terminal a RUTM (unit type mis-
match) alarm will be present.
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the slot where the new unit has been
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the acronym of the new
unit ( MATRIXN) from the list, then click on ok.
• Insert the new MATRIXN into the subrack slot previously occupied by the old MATRIX; a
RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be present.
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the slot where the new unit has been
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the MATRIXN acronym
from the list then click on ok.
• Force the EPS Switching to the Stand-by MATRIXN by selecting the Switch option from
the EPS menu. For details see the paragraph “Switching EPS" in the “NE MANAGEMENT"
section of this Handbook.
• After having verify that the MATRIXN (previously in Stand-by) is now working, remove the
MATRIX unit (previously working) from the subrack.
• Insert the new MATRIXN into the subrack slot previously occupied by the old MATRIX; a
RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be present.
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the slot where the new unit has been
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the MATRIXN acronym
from the list then click on ok.
• The decision to force again the EPS MATRIXN switching to restore the original working con-
dition is left to the operator.
According to the EPS and SNCP SYNTH1 protection scheme different procedure are available:
• Before inserting the new SYNTH1N in subrack slot 9, follow the instruction described in Figure
345. on page 485. At the end of the procedure a RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the SYNTHN unit in slot 9
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the SYNTH1N acronym from
the list then click on ok.
Download the NE relevant software release Download the NE relevant software release
with normal dowload procedure. with SIBDL procedure
(see NE management section) (see SIBDL section)
From O.S. send the saved From C.T. "Activate" the sent MIB
MIB containing the correct
configuration (NB1)
NB1: The "Comm/Routing" tables are automatically retrieved COMPACT ADM
only with CONGI starting from version 3AL 78830AAAC
Otherwise the "Comm/Routing" tables must be
configurated manually using the Craft Terminal END
Figure 345. 1650SMC: Upgrading with a new SYNTH1N EPS not protected
Supposing that the two STM-1 ports are not network protected, their traffic will be lost dur-
ing the substitution; the traffic of all the other board will not be lost.
• Insert the new SYNTH1N into the subrack slot 10; a RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the SYNTH1N unit in slot 10
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the SYNTH acronym from the
list then click on ok.
• Force the EPS Switching on SYNTH1N in slot 10 by selecting the Switch option from the EPS
menu. For details see the paragraph “Switching EPS" in the “NE MANAGEMENT" section of
this Handbook.
• Before inserting the new SYNTH1N in subrack slot 9, follow the instruction described in Figure
346. on page 487. At the end of the procedure a RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the SYNTH1N unit in slot 9
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the SYNTH1N acronym from
the list then click on ok.
Download the NE relevant software release Download the NE relevant software release
with normal dowload procedure. with SIBDL procedure
(see NE management section) (see SIBDL section)
From O.S. "Activate" the sent MIB From C.T. "Activate" the sent MIB
During the substitution the traffic carried by the units will be lost if not SNCP or MSP pro-
In the following an example will be given substituting a P4S1 with a P4S1N; the same procedure
can be applied to substitute the S-41, L-41, L-42, S-161, L-161, L-162 units respectively with
S-41N, L-41N, L-42N , S-161N, L-161N, L-162N units; the same procedure can be applied to
substitute a generic “xyz" unit with its upgraded “xyzN" version.
• Insert the new unit (example P4S1N) into the subrack slot previously occupied by the old
unit; on Craft Terminal a RUTM (unit type mismatch) alarm will be present.
• On Craft Terminal in the Subrack level view select the slot where the new unit has been
• Select the Modify option from the Equipment menu and select the acronym of the new
unit ( in our example P4S1N) from the list, then click on ok.
The FLASH card used up to rel. 2.0A (80 Mbytes) requires to be replaced with one having a higher
size (256 Mbyte) in order to manage the new SDH+ISA (Integrated Service Adapter) services.
N.B. Before to start with the FLASH card substitution ( flow-chart of Figure 347.on page 490) execute
the following instruction:
a) Save the MIB as explained in Section 3 (NE MANAGEMENT), Paragraph “Mib man-
agement" of this Manual.
b) Create and install the enhanced software package (SDH+ISA) as explained in “1320
CT Basic Operator's Handbook".
The flow-chart of Figure 347.on page 490 illustrates the procedures to follow for the FLASH card substi-
tution without causing loss of traffic.
NB2: The "Comm/Routing" tables are automatically retrieved
only with CONGI starting from version 3AL 78830AAAC
Otherwise the "Comm/Routing" tables must be
configurated manually using the Craft Terminal
N.B. In this paragraph for COMPACT ADM is generically intended one of the following unit:
The 80 Mbytes FLASH card (housed on COMPACT ADM unit in slot 9) used up to rel. 2.0A requires to
be replaced with one having a higher size (256 Mbyte) in order to manage the new SDH+ATM/IP services.
N.B. Before to start with the FLASH card substitution ( flow-chart of Figure 348. on page 492 or flow-
chart of Figure 349. on page 493 ) execute the following instruction:
a) Save the MIB as explained in Section 3 (NE MANAGEMENT), Paragraph “Mib manage-
ment" of this Manual.
b) Create and install the enhanced software package (SDH+ATM/IP) as explained in “1320
CT Basic Operator's Handbook".
The flow-charts of Figure 348. on page 492 illustrate the procedures to follow for the FLASH card sub-
stitution with COMPACT ADM board EPS protected.
Warning: Substituting the FLASH CARD on COMPACT ADM unit (placed in slot 9) the traffic
of the two SDH ports will be lost if not SNCP protected.
Then it is suggested to replace in low traffic condition.
The flow-charts of Figure 349. on page 493 illustrate the procedures to follow for the FLASH card sub-
stitution with COMPACT ADM board not EPS protected.
Warning: Substituting the FLASH CARD on COMPACT ADM (placed in slot 9) unit not EPS
protected will cause traffic loss!
Then it is suggested to replace in low traffic condition.
From O.S. send the saved From C.T. send the saved
MIB containing the correct MIB containing the correct
configuration (NB1) configuration (NB1)
(see NE management section)
From O.S."Activate" the sent MIB From C.T. "Activate"the sent MIB
From O.S. send the saved From C.T. send the saved
MIB containing the correct MIB containing the correct
configuration (NB1) configuration (NB1)
(see NE management section)
From O.S."Activate" the sent MIB From C.T."Activate" the sent MIB
NB2: The "Comm/Routing" tables are automatically retrieved
only with CONGI starting from version 3AL 78830AAAC
Otherwise the "Comm/Routing" tables must be
configurated manually using the Craft Terminal
Figure 349. FLASH CARD substitution (COMPACT ADM EPS not protected)
The SIBDL (Standard Image Binary DownLoad) procedure contains the following operative descriptions:
– Download with SIBDL. The complete procedure is indicated. See Chapter 4.1 on page 496
– Configuration for SIBDL. Configurations to be performed for SIBDL operation are described. See
Chapter 4.2 on page 502.
• Maintenance phase, when substituting the EQUICO (1660SM rel. 4.x), PQ2EQC (1660SM
Rel.5.x) or SYNTH1N/SYNTH4 (1650SMC) unit with a spare, and the spare one doesn't contain
Download with SIBDL program put the EQUICO, PQ2EQC or SYNTH1N/SYNTH4 unit out of
service regarding to the supervision and control function, while the traffic is not lost.
It must not be executed to download a spare unit that contains software; in this case use the
Download option of the EML-USM, presented in the previous section.
SIBDL tool permits to download the software towards the NE using the Q interface (Ethernet connection)
or the F interface RS232 (serial line) of the NE .
When using the Q interface the time necessary to the operation is reduced to some minute.
• TCP/IP protocol, Protocol Service, TEL NET Accessory, defined by the NT Admin-
• RAS (Remote Access Service) and Serial Cable Modem presented at chapter 4.2
on page 502.
• TCP/IP protocol, Protocol Service, TEL NET Accessory, defined by the Administra-
N.B. RAS (Remote Access Service) is not necessary in Windows 2000 environment
Note: the example in the following is referred to a 1660SM; the same rules can be applied to
• when download by means of Q interface, always connect both the F and Q interface.
3) In the screen which appears (see Figure 350.) with the command menu, select “automatic
mode" command typing 8 and then ENTER.
5) Press ENTER
6) This step (see Figure 352.) ask for the “IP Address" insertion.
In next step which appears write the IP Address of the Craft Terminal
Type “y" to format the flash card; as result of this action the program ask for a confirmation
(see Figure 354.)
8) Type “y" . The screen shows the automatic download evolution with a final message indicating
the completed download (see Figure 355.).
On the contrary repeat the procedure
9) Press ENTER.
10) In the presented screen type 4 (see Figure 356.) and ENTER.
11) Extract and re-insert the EQUICO (for 1660SM Rel. 4.x), PQ2EQC (fro 1660SM Rel. 5.x) or
SYNTH1N/SYNTH4 (1650SMC) unit to complete the operation.
12) Extract and re-insert again the EQUICO (for 1660SM Rel. 4.x), PQ2EQC (fro 1660SM Rel. 5.x)
or SYNTH1N/SYNTH4 (1650SMC) unit to complete the operation.
13) Run the 1320CT application, execute Start supervision and NE login
N.B. Check that no RUTM alarm is present in the slot reserved to the main MATRIXN for
1660SM Rel. 4.3 or SYNTH1N for 1650SMC.
If RUTM alarm is present means that the board type inserted in the subrack (typically
MATRIXN or SYNTH1N in this release) and the board type software configurated
(typically MATRIX or SYNTH1) is not the same; under this condition the user must
change the board type with the Equipment->Set menu. Remote Access Service configuration (only needed for Windows NT environment)
To install a new modem, the user should have administrator privileges and need the installation CD-ROM
of Windows NT, then execute:
– Double click on "My computer" icon on the PC desktop and double click on "Control panel" icon;
– double click on "Network" icon;
– select the folder "Services" in the "Network" window and push the button "Add": start the "Select Net-
work Service" window;
– select Remote Access Service (RAS) in the dialog box;
– follow the instructions.
To install a new modem, the user should have administrator privileges, then execute:
– Double click on "My computer" icon on the PC desktop and double click on "Control panel" icon;
– push the button "Install Modem" in "Add RAS Device" window: start the "Install New Modem" window;
– put a tick against "Don't detect my modem; I will select him from a list" and push the "Next > " button;
– push the button "Have disk...": start the window Install from disk;
– Double click on "My computer" icon on your PC desktop and double click on "Control panel" icon;
– Double click on "Phone and Modem Options" icon and select the "Modems" folder;
– Push the button "Add": "Add/Remove Hardware Wizard: Install New Modem" window will appear;
– Put a tick against "Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list" and push the button "Next > ";
– Push the button "Have disk...": the window "Install from disk" will appear;
– Search the folder where SIBDL is installed and select the file "mdmalca.inf", after push the button
– Select the modem named "Serial cable" into dialog box from "Install New Modem" window and push
the button "Next >";
ISA: Integrated Service Adapter (ISA board are the following unit: ATM, PR_EA, PR and ETHER-
XC: Cross-Connection
A user who has access rights to all the Management Domains of the Craft Terminal product. He has access
to the whole network and to all the management functionalities.
An alerting indication to a condition that may have an immediate or potentially negative impact on the state
of an equipment or the CT. An alarm is characterized by an alarm begin and an alarm end.
Alarm Status:
Identifies the type and severity of an occurring alarm.
A board is part of an NE. They are electronic cards that fit into slots in the NE.
The action of transmitting identical traffic on both the working and protection trails.
Bridge Request:
A message sent from a tail-end node to the head-end node requesting that the head-end perform a bridge
of the working channels onto the protection channels.
Bridge&switch node:
The node that performs the bridge and switch function for a protection event. Where the bridge and switch
is performed on a per AU-4 basis, the node executing a bridge and switch of at least one AU-4 is referred
to as a bridge and switch node. Note that with a Transoceanic application, a node in the switching status
may not be a bridge&switch node, whereas a node in the pass-through state may be a bridge&switch
node. With the Classic application, only a request node (see below) may be a bridge&switch node.
Cross-Connections provide the network with the Routing Capabilities, this is the possibility of routing one
signal to a particular destination.
Extra traffic:
Traffic that is carried over the protection trail when it is not used for the protection of working traffic. Extra
traffic is not protected and is preempted when the protection trail is required to protect the working traffic.
They are related to the alarms or events generated on an NE or internally within the OS itself. They can
be configured by an operator to reject specified types of notifications and limit the processing that is
applied to them.
This deals with logs. When a log is flushed, all its records are deleted.
Head End:
Node executing the bridge (adjacent along the direction where a failure is present)
History Report:
This function enables operators to get information concerning performances, security or alarms on entities
composing the network, or on the network itself. The operator specifies the time period for which he
requires the report.
A node that is not generating, detecting or passing-through bridge requests or bridge request status infor-
Isolated Node:
A single node that is isolated from a traffic perspective by ring switches on each of its two spans by its
adjacent nodes.
Line Terminal:
A line terminal is the end point of a communication link. it is used to transmit or receive signals. They can
undertake signal conversion functions (adapting a signal to two different transmission media) or multi-
plexing/demultiplexing functions.
Logs are files used to store history data concerning the incoming notifications, operator commands and
system alarms. The size of the log can be configured.
Management Domain:
The Craft Terminal product is partitioned into management domains for functional proposes. Each man-
agement domain is associated with functionalities that enable the operators to manage the NEs.
A condition in which traffic destined for a given node is incorrectly routed to another node and no corrective
action has been taken.
MSSPRing channels:
The range of channels that are part of the MSSPRing operation (i.e. the whole of the working and pro-
tection channels).
Equipment used to combine several signals to produce a single signal at a higher transmission rate and
to decompose it back to the smaller rate signals.
Multiplex Section:
In general, represents the section containing the multiplexed signals.
Network Element:
Either a telecommunication equipment or groups parts of a Telecommunication Network. Have charac-
teristics compliant with CCITT recommendations.
Spontaneous data received by the system concerning an NE.
Operation System:
A system dedicated to the supervision of NEs in a standard way, using protocols and interfaces. it offers to
the operator a set of functions necessary to supervise the NEs. The 1353SH is an Operation System.
The end-user of the Craft Terminal. He supervises a part of the network that is dependant on his user profile.
According to ITU-T Recommendation G.803, a path is a transport entity (i.e., architectural component)
used to transfer information. Nevertheless, this name will be used throughout this document to indicate
the information carried either unidirectionally or bidirectionally between two access points of a ring on
either a path link connection (if the two points are both PDH) or trail segment.
Physical Interface:
Electrical or Electrical/Optical transformers that decouples the line signals and adapt the form of signal
for further transmission. This functional block also manages clock extraction, signal loss monitoring and
loopback functions.
A physical point at which the Network Element can be attached to a transmission medium. A port is either
a termination point or an origination point.
Protocol request:
A message sent by a node to another node via K1/K2 bytes with the purpose of settling a certain behavior.
All the K1 request codes represent protocol requests, but not all of them are bridge requests. For example,
a SF-R is a bridge request (see ITU-T G841), but LP-S is not: both of them are protocol requests. Even
NR is a protocol request.
Protocol reply:
A message sent by a node to another node via K1/K2 bytes with the purpose of acknowledging a received
protocol request.
Protection trail:
The trail allocated to transport the working traffic during a switch event. When there is a switch event, traffic
on the affected working trail is bridged onto the protection trail.
Protection section:
The full set of both protection and (lower) unprotected channels in a multiplex section.
Protection semi-section:
The part of multiplex section (i.e. the N/2+1..N channels in a 2-fiber STM-N NE) consisting of protection
Equipment used to regenerate a signal when it has travelled a long distance.
Request node:
A node that generates either a protocol request or protocol reply (other than NR!). The pair of nodes send-
ing each other protocol request/reply are peer request nodes.
Shared protection:
A protection architecture using m protection entities shared among n working entities (m:n). The protec-
tion entities may also be used to carry extra traffic when not used for protection.
The set of multiplex sections between two adjacent nodes on a ring.
Span Switching:
Protection mechanism similar to the MSP that applies only to four-fibre rings where working and protection
channels are contained in separate fibres and the failure only affects the working channels. During a span
switch, the working traffic is carried over the protection channel on the same span as failure.
Squelched traffic:
An all “1"s signal resulting from the squelching process (insertion of AU-AIS in order to guarantee the con-
The action of selecting traffic from the protection trail rather than the working trail.
Switching Node:
The node that performs the bridge or switch function for a protection event. In the case of a multiplex sec-
tion switched ring network architecture, this node also performs any necessary squelching of miscon-
nected traffic.
Tail End:
Node which detects the failure.
Telecommunication Network:
Describes the network to be managed. Provides the transmission, the transport and the switching sup-
ports to the interconnected Network Elements.
Terminal Point:
Describes either the origin or the termination of a signal in an equipment. Is related to a port.
This is the assignment of a specified value to monitored parameters ( for example BIt Error Rates) that,
when exceeded, generate trouble indications.
Unprotected channels:
See unprotected channel in ITU-T G841. Each pair of unprotected channels is made up on one in the
working (semi)section plus one in the protection (semi)section.
Unprotected traffic:
See unprotected traffic in ITU-T G841.
Working channels:
The channels over which working traffic is transported when there are no switch events. An APS system
performs restoration for the working channels only.
Working traffic:
Traffic that is normally carried in a working trail, except in the event of a protection switch.
Working trail:
The trail over which working traffic is transported when there is no switch events.
Working section:
The full set of both working and (upper) unprotected channels in a multiplex section.
Working semi-section:
The part of multiplex section (i.e. the 1..N/2 channels in a 2-fiber STM-N NE) consisting of working chan-
Wrapping is the technique that enables the most recent entries in a file to replace the oldest when a file
is full.
Numerics kkkkkk, 21
1320CT Basic Operator's Handbook, 428
A MAJOR, 440
MINOR, 440
not urgent, 440
Basic Craft Terminal, 21, 30
PQ2/EQC, 440
Craft Terminal, 21
E SYNTH1N, 440
SYNTH4, 440
I urgent, 440
indication, 440
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Total Pages: 518 + 6
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(according to Alcatel Italy binder format)
Operator’s Handbook