RPSB Info Kit

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PNP MC 2024-006 “Revitalized- Pulis sa Barangay (R-PSB) dated January

25, 2006.
This MC is conceptualized to revitalize the active support of the
Philippine National Police (PNP) to the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) in Internal Security Operations (ISO) for the suppression of insurgency
and other serious threats to national security. It is also to prepare the PNP
for the turnover of ISO from the AFP through the implementation of the
program Revitalized-Pulis sa Barangay (R-PSB) with the mission to
sustain the gains of the Community Support Program of the AFP and
the Retooled Community Support Program of the LGUs; prevent the
resurgence of insurgency; insulate unaffected communities from the
recovery efforts of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG); and
strengthen the anti-criminality campaign across the country.

Also, set forth the operational guidelines and procedures to be

followed by all PNP offices/units for the effective implementation of the R-
PSB, anchored on EO Nos. 70 and 37, creating the NTF-ELCAC and
adopting the National Security Policy 2023-2028 respectively, as well as
incorporating the anti-criminality program of the PNP.
General Guidelines:
1) The implementation of the R-PSB shall be aligned with the Whole-of-
Nation Approach, National Plan-ELCAC Strategic Framework (Annex A)
and the PLEDS Cluster’s lines of efforts (LoEs);

2) The R-PSB shall be intended primarily to end the local armed conflict
posed by the CTG in its rural operational areas and/or GIDAs only.
However, it may also be operationalized secondarily in depressed
barangays with high level of affectation on drugs and criminality,
following the anti-illegal drugs strategy and PNP Operational Strategy
on Enhanced Managing Police Operations (EMPO), respectively;

3) The Quad concept approach shall be employed throughout the

implementation of the R-PSB in order to consolidate the core
competencies of the PNP consisting of Operations, Intelligence,
Investigation, and Community Affairs and Development;

4) The R-PSB operations shall be spearheaded and implemented by

territorial PNP Mobile Forces as well as the Special Action Force
deployed in CTG cleared areas.

5) The R-PSB Teams shall observe existing investigative procedures on

arrested CTG personalities to prevent dismissal of cases in court due to

6) A separate policy shall be formulated for Counter Urban Operations on

CTG urban operational areas and for Preventing and Countering Violent
Extremism (PCVE);

7) The provisions of JLD No. 3. s.2020 and its future revisions shall be used
as the basis in evaluating the effectiveness of the R-PSB, specifically
against the CTG;

8) All R-PSB operations shall be in adherence to the PNP Operational

Procedures, observance of cultural and gender sensitivity, and respect
for human rights and rule-of-law at all times; and

9) The personal security of all deployed PNP personnel shall be prioritized

and given utmost importance through all phases of the R-SPB
Specific Guidelines:
It is important to note that the primary role of the R-PSB is to support
objectives of the NTF-ELCAC.

1) The R-PSB Team shall be composed of at least ten personnel, led by

a community service-oriented officer with the following specific

a) Team Leader is the overall supervisor in charge of providing

guidance and instruction on the implementation of the R-PSB as
stipulated in this MC.

b) Assistant Team Leader assists the team leader in the

implementation of the R-PSB as stipulated in this MC.

c) Admin/Documenter/NAS Gatherer is in charge of the conduct of

NAS to the deployed area and the consolidation of NAS results to
support the strategic planning and resource allocation of each

d) Quick Impact Project Coordinator is responsible for the initiation,

coordination, and preparation of identified quick impact projects,
activities, and similar interventions as result of the NAS.

e) Basic Services Coordinator is in charge of the facilitation,

preparation, and implementation of the programs and activities in
collaboration with agencies concerned.

f) Community Affairs and People’s Organizations (PO) Organizer is

in charge of the orientation, organization and mobilization of
sectoral groups such as women, youth, farmer, transportation,
fisherfolks, peasants and other vulnerable sectors to form pro-
government organizations. Likewise, he/she will be in charge of the
registration and capacity development of the newly-formed POs to
help them reach their potential capacity as development partners
of the government.

g) Educator/Modular Hub Instructor is in charge of providing

assistance to teachers/educators working in the R-PSB areas and
initiating activities relative to the promotion and protection of the
citizens' rights to quality and accessible education.

h) BPKI Trainor is the primary facilitator and organizer of activities

relative to the training and capacity development of members of the
Barangay Peacekeeping Institutions in the area of deployment.

2) The size of the R-PSB Team composition shall be based on the level
of threat of the target area. There shall be no piecemeal deployment of
forces to ensure operational sufficiency and readiness against possible

3) The Team Leaders shall be community service-oriented officers from

the Line Service Units holding the rank of Police Captain (PCPT) and
shall be assisted by a Police Lieutenant (PLT) as Assistant Team
Leader and by Senior PNCOs preferably with the rank of PCMC or
PEMS as Action PNCOs;

4) Deployed R-PSB personnel shall be assigned to the Mobile Forces as

their mother unit. Upon completion of the R-PSB tour of duty (TOD),
they shall return to their former unit. Moreover, the Police Directors, City
Directors, and Force Companies of Police Mobile Forces shall have the
authority to reassign/transfer subject PNP personnel within their areas
of jurisdiction with due consideration of the preference of the R-PSB

5) The R-PSB Team and its operations shall be supervised by the Deputy
Regional Director for Operations (DRDO) and Deputy Provincial
Director for Operations (DPDO), while the Regional Community Affairs
and Development Division (RCADD) and Provincial Community Affairs
Development Unit (PCADU) shall serve as the focal office and
secretariat to consolidate reports and accomplishments of the R-PSB;

6) In conformity with the PNP training policies and guidelines, PNP

personnel assigned in the Line Service Units who have just completed
their mandatory schooling such as Public Safety Officers Basic Course
and Public Safety Junior Leadership Course, as well as those who
completed Basic Internal Security Operations Course (BISOC) shall be
required to undergo R-PSB training to become pool of officers to fill in
the needed Senior PNCOs as Action PNCOs and Junior PNCOs as R-
PSB members;
7) Personnel assigned at police stations shall not be utilized for R-PSB
deployment. The police stations shall primarily function to enforce the
law and maintain peace and order;

8) For rural areas, the R-PSB shall be deployed only in CTG-cleared

barangays in coordination with the Joint Peace and Security
Coordinating Center (JPSCC), LGU, and Peace and Order Council;

9) For urban areas, the crime statistics gathered through EMPO shall
serve as the basis in identifying target depressed barangays with high
incidence of drug affectation and criminality;

10) There shall be a Strategic Communication (STRATCOM) team created

at the regional level under the RCADD, composed of the RPIO and
RPCADU to regularly provide updates to the public on the progress of
the R-PSB in close coordination with the RTF-ELCAC STRATCOM.

11) Upon entry and throughout the immersion in the target area, the R-PSB
Team shall be supported by a security team assigned to provide tactical
support to the R-PSB personnel;

12) All R-PSB operations shall be guided by an Immersion Plan formulated

prior to deployment in coordination with the AFP counterparts;

13) The RCADDs shall maintain an action plan or Gantt chart on the
deployment timeline of the R-PSB to monitor and prepare the next R-
PSB cadres for training and as replacement for those who will end their
TOD after six months of deployment;

14) R-PSB cadres who have completed deployment and requested for
extension or as requested by the community shall be considered after
validation of their pending programs or projects in their deployment

15) Patrolman/woman who have been deployed as R-PSB personnel right

after their BISOC shall be assigned to City/Provincial Mobile Force
Company (C/PMFC) immediately after their TOD;

16) Personnel may be redeployed as R-PSB personnel after their

mandatory schooling, provided, that they shall be considered for
redeployment only if there will be no more personnel available for
deployment and/or replacement for those who will end their TOD. A
linear list for redeployment shall be determined and prepared by

17) Upon completion of the 6-month deployment, the DRDOs/DPDOs may

study the extension of the R-PSB Team and the expansion of their AOR
by clustering and annexing barangays. This shall be based on the
result of summing ups, assessments and field visitations that the
deployed barangay is now under control and influence of the R-PSB
team deployed in the area;

18) The DPCR shall create a validation team composed of the Quad Staff
and APCs to conduct periodic evaluations and assessments of the R-
PSB implementation. At the lower level, there shall likewise be a
summing-up to be conducted monthly by the DRDO/DPDO, with the
RCADD as focal office/secretariat; and

19) The National Internal Security Operational (ISO) Validation Committee

Secretariat shall be furnished with the R-PSB Accomplishments.

R-PSB Operational Cycle:

The Operational Cycle starts with the PLANNING and
PREPARATION PHASE, which involves the identification of cleared
and priority barangays with Barangay Development Program (BDP)
funding’s to be deployed with R-PSB cadres in collaboration with the
JPSCC and the Peace and Order Council (POC). Likewise, barangays
without BDP may also be deployed with R-PSB in agreement and/or in
conformity with the JPSCC and POC with the support of the AFP.

Second Operational Cycle is the TRAINING PHASE. The training

aims to transform the R-PSB personnel into skilled cadres to win the
hearts and minds of the community and counter the propaganda of the

The Program of Instructions (POI) has ten modules that can be

completed in 15 days. These modules include Course Overview and
General Subject, Introduction to Police Intelligence, Knowing the
Enemy, Community Organization and Mobilization, Orientation from
NTF-ELCAC Cluster Agencies, Lessons Learned and Best Practices
of R-PSB, Information Operations, Community Engagement and
Empowerment, Basic Life Support Training, and Results-Based

Module 5 of the training is the most important phase as LGUs and

different National Government Agencies such as from the Department
of Labor and Employment, Department of Agriculture, Department of
Agrarian Reform, Department of Social Welfare and Development,
Department of Education, Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority, Land Transportation Office, Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation, Philippine Statistics Authority, National
Commission on Indigenous Peoples, Department of Justice, Office of
the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process and others are invited
to give lectures relative to the services of their respective agencies.

Third Operational Cycle is the HOLDING OPERATIONS. R-PSB

Teams are deployed in the CTG-cleared areas in collaboration with the
JPSCC and POC as declared by the Joint AFP-PNP Intelligence
Committee and Area Clearing Validation Board. In this cycle, the
Operational Methodology will be applied throughout the holding
The fourth Operational Cycle is the MONITORING AND
EVALUATION. This involves monitoring of the progress of the R-PSB
by weekly and/or monthly summing-up activities to evaluate the
performance of the R-PSB teams. The Team Leaders shall conduct
report on the status of their programs as well as the issues of their
respective barangays where they are immersed.

R-PSB Holding Operations Methodology:

Phase I – Shape
This phase aims to inform and educate the general public regarding
the insidious nature of the CTG, its impact on the Filipino nation in the
last five decades, and what it intends to accomplish. This phase is also
designed to influence the key leadership of the different government
agencies and civil society organizations to take an active part in the
fight against the CTG.

Phase II – Clear
In this phase, the R-PSB Team ensures the decisive defeat of the
insurgent armed groups and the neutralization of the insurgents’
politico-military infrastructures in the CTG rural operational areas.
The R-PSB effort for this phase involves law enforcement operations.
Phase III – Transform
This phase aims to preserve the gains of the clearing phase through
the establishment and strengthening of the local defense system to
secure cleared areas from the re-entry or incursions of armed groups;
and collaborative participation of the military, the police, the civilian,
government agencies and instrumentalities, and the people
themselves to strengthen and consolidate government control and
authority in cleared areas.

Phase IV – Sustain
This phase calls for the implementation of the government’s socio-
economic, psychological, and political reforms which include the
sustained delivery of basic human development services for the people
to address the root causes of insurgency and the development of
strong institutions.

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