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*21121/A101* (1) 35323/C230

Reg. No.

III Semester B.SC. 3 Degree Examination, Nov./Dec. - 2019

BOTANY (Optional)
Paper: Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Paleobotany,
Virus, Bacteria and Plant Pathology
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Instructions to Candidates:
1. Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

I. Answer any TEN of the following. (10×2=20)

1) R.H Whittakar
2) Gonidium
3) Conidium
4) Mycorhiza
5) Elaters
6) Protostele
7) Transfusion tissue
8) Microsporophyll
9) Coenozoic
10) Lygenopteris
11) Homosporous
12) Bacillus

II. Answer any SIX of the following. (6×5=30)

13) Briefly explain sexual reproduction in Algae.
14) Give an account of economic importance of Fungi.
15) Explain classification by Fritsch in Algae.
16) Explain heterospory and seed habit in Pteridophytes.
17) Explain classification of Virues.
35323/C230 (2) *21121/A101*

18) Explain Ultra structure of Bacterial Cell.

19) Explain the symptoms & control measures of rust disease.
20) Explain symptoms and control measures of Tobacco mosaic disease.

III. Answer the following questions:

21) a) Explain economic importance of Algae. (1×10=10)
b) Explain Vegetative & Asexual reproduction in Fungi.
22) a) Describe the Stelar evolution in Pteridophytes. (1×10=10)
b) Give the classification of Bryophytes.
23) a) Explain the general characters of Gymnosperms. (1×10=10)
b) Describe the process of Fossilization.



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