Conestoga Programs2021 22
Conestoga Programs2021 22
Conestoga Programs2021 22
Your Future
Starts Here
Conestoga is a leader in polytechnic education, committed to hands-
on, career-focused learning that will prepare you for success in
your chosen field, whether in business, hospitality, skilled trades,
engineering, information technology, health and life sciences,
community services or creative industries.
Our college serves more than 23,000 full-time students partners will help you hone your problem-solving skills
from across the community and around the world through as you prepare to launch your successful career. Co-op
a network of campuses and training centres in Kitchener, opportunities are available in many of our programs.
Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Ingersoll, Brantford and
Stratford. Our career-focused education programs reflect I encourage you to visit the Conestoga website, explore our
Ontario’s changing job market and are designed to help you campuses through a virtual or in-person tour, and meet our
build the skills and knowledge that today’s employers are students and faculty to gain a better understanding of how a
seeking. Conestoga education can help you achieve your goals.
We are dedicated to excellence in the design and delivery Education is an investment in your future. Make that
of our programs, and provide a full range of academic and investment count by choosing Conestoga, and start on the
support services to meet the needs of our diverse student path to a successful career.
John Tibbits, President
Labs featuring the latest technologies, world-class simulation Conestoga College Institute of Technology and
centres and real-world field placements will help build your Advanced Learning
skills as you apply your classroom learning. Applied research
and course-based projects with industry and community
Guelph Waterloo
460 Speedvale Avenue West 108 University Avenue East
Guelph, Ontario N1H 0A8 Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2W2
Watch for many new
65 online programs in
programs and hundreds of
courses available online.
86% 94%
Applied Computer Science &
Information Technology......................................... 10
Business................................................................ 22
Community Services............................................. 42
Creative Industries................................................. 52
Engineering & Technology..................................... 61
Health & Life Sciences.......................................... 89
Hospitality & Culinary Arts................................... 101
Interdisciplinary Studies...................................... 108
Trades & Apprenticeship..................................... 113
Applied Network Infrastructure and System Business Administration - Accounting...................... 29 Energy Systems Engineering Technology -
Administration ........................................................... 16 Electrical.................................................................... 72
Business Administration - Accounting Accelerated .29
Architecture - Construction Engineering Enterprise Content Management.............................. 18
Business Administration - Financial Planning........... 30
Technology................................................................ 68 Environmental - Civil Engineering Technology.......... 73
Business Administration - Management.................... 30
Autism and Behavioural Science............................ 100 Environmental Building Sciences.............................. 84
Business Administration - Marketing......................... 31
Automotive Service Technician ............................. 129 Environmental Engineering Applications.................. 84
Business Administration - Supply Chain and
Aviation - General Arts and Science......................... 68 Operations Management........................................... 31 Event Management................................................. 107
Aviation - General Arts and Science Fast Track....... 69 C F
B Cabinetmaker ........................................................ 129
Financial Planning Services...................................... 38
Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science Career Development Professional............................. 37
(Honours) (Co-op)..................................................... 90 Fitness and Health Promotion................................... 95
Carpentry and Renovation Technician.................... 114
Bachelor of Applied Technology (Honours) - Food Processing Technician..................................... 73
Architecture - Project and Facility Civil Engineering Technology.................................... 69
Food Safety and Quality Assurance -
Management (Co-op) ............................................... 62 Community Integration Through Co-operative Food Processing....................................................... 85
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Education ................................................................. 48
Food Service Worker............................................... 105
Accounting, Audit and Information Technology Community and Social Service Management........... 50
Food and Beverage Management - Hotel and
(Co-op) ..................................................................... 23
Computer Application Security................................. 17 Restaurant Operations............................................ 103
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) -
International Business Management (Co-op)............ 24
Computer Applications Development....................... 18 G
Computer Engineering Technology.......................... 70 Game - Design.......................................................... 56
Bachelor of Community and Criminal Justice
(Honours) (Co-op) .................................................... 43 Computer Programming............................................ 12 General Arts and Science - Diploma Option........... 109
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) (Co-op) .. 11 Computer Programming and Analysis...................... 12 General Arts and Science - One Year..................... 109
Bachelor of Design (Honours) (Co-op) .................... 53 Computer Systems Technician - Information General Arts and Science: English
Technology Infrastructure and Services................... 13 Language Studies................................................... 110
Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development
(Honours) (Co-op)..................................................... 44 Construction Project Management............................ 83 General Carpenter ................................................ 129
Bachelor of Engineering – Building Systems Construction Techniques (Carpentry) .................... 120 General Machinist ................................................. 129
Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 63 Construction Techniques (Carpentry, Masonry, Global Business Management.................................. 38
Bachelor of Engineering - Electronic Systems HVAC and Welding) ............................................... 120
Graphic Design......................................................... 56
Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 64 Construction Techniques (HVAC, Welding,
Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Systems Plumbing, and Electrical) ....................................... 121
Health Care Administration and Service
Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 65 Construction Techniques (Plumbing, Electrical, Management........................................................... 100
Bachelor of Engineering - Power Systems Carpentry and Masonry) ........................................ 121
Health Office Administration...................................... 32
Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 66 Construction Techniques - Brick and Stone............ 122
Hearing Instrument Specialist................................... 95
Bachelor of Environmental Public Health Cook I .................................................................... 129
(Honours) (Co-op) .................................................... 91 Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Cook II ................................................................... 129 Technician............................................................... 115
Bachelor of Interior Design ....................................... 67
Culinary Management (Co-op)................................ 102 Heavy Construction Equipment Operation.............. 123
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours) (Co-op) ...... 25
Culinary Skills (Co-op) ............................................ 105 Heavy Equipment Techniques .............................. 129
Baking and Pastry Arts............................................ 104
D Hospitality Operations - Food and Beverage.......... 106
Baking and Pastry Arts Management...................... 102
Data Processing and Reporting................................ 35 Human Resources Management............................... 39
Bartending............................................................... 104
Design Foundations.................................................. 58 Human Services Foundation..................................... 49
Big Data Solution Architecture.................................. 17
Diploma Registered Practical Nurse to B.Sc.N. I
Biotechnology Technician......................................... 94 (McMaster) ............................................................... 92 IT Innovation and Design.......................................... 13
Biotechnology Technician Fast Track....................... 94 E Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) ............................ 129
Bookkeeping............................................................. 34 Early Childhood Education........................................ 45 Information Technology Business Analysis -
Brick and Stone Mason........................................... 129 Operations................................................................. 19
Early Childhood Education Fast Track...................... 45
Broadcast - Radio..................................................... 55 Information Technology Infrastructure...................... 19
Early Childhood Education Resource Consultant..... 51
Information Technology Network Security................. 20 Office Administration - General................................. 36 Truck and Coach Technician ................................ 129
Instrumentation and Control Technician ................ 129 Office Administration - Legal..................................... 33 V
Visual Merchandising Arts......................................... 58
Intensive English Language for Academic Studies.110 Operations Leadership in Food Manufacturing........ 85
Interactive Media Management - P W
Web Design and Development................................. 21
Interaction Design..................................................... 60 Packaging Engineering Technician.......................... 76
Welder ................................................................... 129
Interior Decorating..................................................... 57 Paramedic................................................................. 97
Welding Engineering Technician - Robotics............. 77
Internet Applications and Web Development Personal Support Worker.......................................... 98
Fundamentals ........................................................... 15 Welding Engineering Technology - Inspection......... 78
Plumber ................................................................. 129
J Police Foundations.................................................... 46
Welding Techniques.................................................. 81
Journalism ................................................................ 57 Welding and Fabrication Technician......................... 77
Power Engineering Techniques - 4th Class.............. 79
M Powerline Technician.............................................. 119
Welding and Robotics............................................... 74
Machine Tool Builder and Integrator ...................... 129
Wireless Network Infrastructure................................ 88
Practical Nursing....................................................... 97
Manufacturing Engineering Technology -
Women in Skilled Trades (WIST) General
Welding and Robotics............................................... 74 Pre-Apprenticeship Welder..................................... 127
Carpenter Pre-Apprenticeship................................ 128
Mechanical Engineering Technician - Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced
Woodworking Technician.......................................... 78
Automated Manufacturing......................................... 74 Diplomas and Degrees ........................................... 99
Woodworking Techniques - CNC.............................. 81
Mechanical Engineering Technology - Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates
Automated Manufacturing......................................... 75 and Diplomas ........................................................... 99 Woodworking Technology......................................... 79
Software Engineering Technology............................ 14 Business Development and Sales............................. 37 ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY
Career Development Professional............................. 37 DEGREE
Financial Planning Services...................................... 38 Bachelor of Applied Technology (Honours) -
Internet Applications and Web Development
Architecture - Project and Facility Management
Fundamentals ........................................................... 15 Global Business Management.................................. 38
(Co-op) ..................................................................... 62
Network Technical Support....................................... 15 Human Resources Management............................... 39
Bachelor of Engineering – Building Systems
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Occupational Health, Safety and Wellness............... 39 Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 63
Applied Manufacturing Management - Project Management................................................. 40 Bachelor of Engineering - Electronic Systems
Design Integration..................................................... 16 Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 64
Public Relations - Integrated Communications ........ 40
Applied Network Infrastructure and System Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Systems
Supply Chain Management - Global......................... 41
Administration ........................................................... 16 Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 65
Sustainable Business Management ......................... 41
Big Data Solution Architecture.................................. 17 Bachelor of Engineering - Power Systems
Computer Application Security................................. 17 COMMUNITY SERVICES Engineering (Co-op) ................................................. 66
CERTIFICATE HOSPITALITY & CULINARY ARTS Heavy Construction Equipment Operation.............. 123
Power Engineering Techniques - 4th Class.............. 79
DIPLOMA Mechanical Techniques - Industrial Millwright........ 123
Renewable Energy Techniques................................ 80 Baking and Pastry Arts Management...................... 102 Mechanical Techniques - Plumbing........................ 124
Technology Foundations........................................... 80 Culinary Management (Co-op)................................ 102 Mechanical Techniques - Precision Machining
Welding Techniques.................................................. 81 Food and Beverage Management - Hotel and and Tooling.............................................................. 124
Restaurant Operations............................................ 103 Motive Power Fundamentals -
Woodworking Techniques - CNC.............................. 81
Tourism - Destinations and Travel Management..... 103 Automotive Repair................................................... 125
Motive Power Techniques - Heavy Duty
Applied Manufacturing Management - CERTIFICATE
Equipment Repair.................................................... 125
Machining Option ..................................................... 82 Baking and Pastry Arts............................................ 104
Motive Power Techniques - Motorcycle and
Applied Manufacturing.............................................. 82 Bartending............................................................... 104
Power Sport Vehicles Repair................................... 126
Management – Welding Option................................. 82 Culinary Skills (Co-op) ............................................ 105
Motive Power Techniques - Truck and Coach
Construction Project Management............................ 83 Food Service Worker............................................... 105 Repair...................................................................... 126
Embedded Systems Development............................ 83 Hospitality Operations - Food and Beverage.......... 106 Pre-Apprenticeship Welder..................................... 127
Environmental Building Sciences.............................. 84 Professional Cheese Making................................... 106 Production GMAW Welder...................................... 127
Environmental Engineering Applications.................. 84 GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Women in Skilled Trades (WIST) General Carpenter
Food Safety and Quality Assurance - Event Management................................................. 107 Pre-Apprenticeship................................................. 128
Food Processing....................................................... 85
Operations Leadership in Food Manufacturing........ 85 Automotive Service Technician ............................. 129
Process Quality Engineering..................................... 86 General Arts and Science - Diploma Option........... 109 Brick and Stone Mason ......................................... 129
Quality Assurance - Manufacturing and Cabinetmaker.......................................................... 129
Management............................................................. 86
General Arts and Science - One Year..................... 109 Cook I .................................................................... 129
Robotics and Industrial Automation.......................... 87
General Arts and Science: English Language Cook II ................................................................... 129
Structural Packaging Design and Management....... 87 Studies..................................................................... 110
Electrician - Construction and Maintenance ......... 129
Structural Steel Management and Detailing.............. 88 Intensive English Language for Academic
Electrician - Industrial ............................................ 129
Wireless Network Infrastructure................................ 88 Studies..................................................................... 110
General Carpenter ................................................ 129
General Machinist ................................................. 129
Public Service.......................................................... 111
DEGREE Heavy Equipment Techniques .............................. 129
Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science Teaching English as a Second Language.............. 111
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) ............................ 129
(Honours) (Co-op)..................................................... 90 Technical Communication....................................... 112
Instrumentation and Control Technician ................ 129
Bachelor of Environmental Public Health
(Honours) (Co-op) .................................................... 91 Machine Tool Builder and Integrator ...................... 129
Diploma Registered Practical Nurse to B.Sc.N. Metal Fabricator .................................................... 129
Carpentry and Renovation Technician.................... 114
(McMaster) ............................................................... 92
Motorcycle Technician .......................................... 129
Electrical Technician - Industrial............................. 114
Nursing BScN (Collaborative with
Plumber ................................................................. 129
McMaster University) ............................................... 93 Electro Mechanical and Automation
Maintenance............................................................ 115 Process Operator - Food Manufacturing .............. 129
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Biotechnology Technician......................................... 94
Technician............................................................... 115 Systems Mechanic ................................................ 129
Biotechnology Technician Fast Track....................... 94
Mechanical Technician - CNC................................ 116 Residential (Low Rise) Sheet Metal Installer ......... 129
Fitness and Health Promotion................................... 95
Mechanical Technician - General Machinist........... 116 Roofer .................................................................... 129
Hearing Instrument Specialist................................... 95
Mechanical Technician - Tool And Die Maker ............................................... 129
Nutrition and Food Service Management.................. 96 Tool and Die/Tool Maker......................................... 117
Truck and Coach Technician ................................ 129
Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Motive Power Technician - Automotive Service...... 117
Welder ................................................................... 129
Assistant.................................................................... 96
Motive Power Technician - Heavy Duty
Paramedic................................................................. 97 Equipment............................................................... 118
Practical Nursing....................................................... 97 Motive Power Technician - Truck and Coach......... 118
Respiratory Therapy.................................................. 98 Powerline Technician.............................................. 119
Personal Support Worker.......................................... 98 Building Superintendence and Repair ................... 119
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Construction Techniques (Carpentry) .................... 120
Diplomas and Degrees ........................................... 99
Construction Techniques (Carpentry, Masonry, HVAC
Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and and Welding) .......................................................... 120
Diplomas .................................................................. 99
Construction Techniques (HVAC, Welding,
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Plumbing, and Electrical) ....................................... 121
Autism and Behavioural Science............................ 100 Construction Techniques (Plumbing, Electrical,
Health Care Administration and Service Carpentry and Masonry) ........................................ 121
Management........................................................... 100 Construction Techniques - Brick and Stone............ 122
Electrical Techniques.............................................. 122
• 10
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
Software Engineering Technician is a two-year program Do you have a passion for programming? Do you want
that teaches the skills required to write computer to work with cutting edge technologies? Would you like
software while developing problem-solving skills a career in Mobile Applications? Embedded Systems?
using a variety of computer languages in a technical Game Development? Big Data? If so, Software Engineering
Technology at Conestoga is the ideal program for you.
programming environment.
Software Engineering Technology program highlights:
Software Engineering Technician program highlights:
- Optional sixteen-month co-op (apply after Year 1)
- Broad base of languages and technologies, including
- Broad base of languages and technologies, including web
web development, databases, and cyber security development, databases, and cyber security
- Focused, hands-on approach - Optional game development stream
- One of the strongest programs of its type in Ontario - Flexible third year to enhance your skills
The Software Engineering Technician program at - Focused, hands-on approach
Conestoga is most suitable for students who have - One of the strongest programs of its type in Ontario
significant exposure to the software industry but do not Software Engineering Technology at Conestoga extends
have the relevant academic credentials. This program is beyond programming to prepare you for a successful career.
also suitable for students who are time limited to two- Course areas include software quality, project management,
year diplomas. All other students interested in careers in computer security and business intelligence. The optional
co-op stream includes four consecutive four-month co-op
software should instead consider the three-year Software
work terms.
Engineering Technology program.
Co-op option available after admission.
Graduate Opportunities
Graduate Opportunities
nn The graduate will have acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
nn This program provides the knowledge and skills to function proficiently
function effectively as a software engineering technician.
as a software developer. Graduates will have acquired the ability
nn On average, 80% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
and flexibility to join a large variety of software, technical, or system
found employment within six months of graduation.
development teams at an intermediate level position.
Admission Requirements nn On average, 80% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student Admission Requirements
definition for details.)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U
nn Minimum grade required for:
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory
- MCT4C 60%
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
- MHF4U, MCV4U 50%
nn Minimum grade required for:
- MDM4U 70%
- MCT4C 60%
- MATH1385 60%
- MHF4U, MCV4U 50%
Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to this
- MDM4U 70%
program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga College
- MATH1385 60%
Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply.
Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to this
program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga College
PW Pathway Opportunities Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply.
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
To effectively contribute in today’s manufacturing IT infrastructure, including both services and end user
sector it is important for you to have an understanding computing, continues to move to the data centre.
of project direction, manufacturing design software, Whether a company is providing that infrastructure for
communications, human resources and safety practices. internal use, or to external customers as a service, the
If you are a graduate of an engineering or engineering analysis, design, implementation and support of that
technology program and want to expand your knowledge, environment is key. This four-semester accelerated
the Applied Manufacturing Management - Design program enables students to gain the knowledge
Integration program will be of interest to you. and skills required to thrive in this highly dynamic
This Ontario College Graduate Certificate will help you environment. Skills will be developed in the critical
prepare to make an effective start in supervisory or IT areas of infrastructure planning, deployment and
managerial teams within a manufacturing environment. In management. Students will apply new skills and
this program you will apply project lifecycle techniques, knowledge in operating systems, networks and
the ability to utilize and integrate complex manufacturing virtualization to standard industrial use cases and
design software, and team management skills that collaborative projects. To facilitate optimal learning and
will aid in meeting industry goals. Through theoretical knowledge transfer for the workplace, all practical work is
and practical courses you will be exposed to real life completed in learning labs that meet industry virtual and
situations that arise in the workplace. You will work network environment standards. This program is suitable
individually and in groups using current software to for individuals looking to add practical experience to their
simulate the management of manufacturing initiatives current education, or further develop and enhance their IT
while incorporating quality assurance, process and skills for advancement in their field.
project management techniques. You will focus on
Graduate Opportunities
meeting challenges in a production environment from
both operational and strategic perspectives in this nn Graduates will find advanced-level employment opportunities in an
information technology role. Employment opportunities might include
management-tailored program.
IT support technician, network administration, system administration,
Graduate Opportunities technical support analyst or IT business solutions.
Companies that embrace modern information technology Due to the increasing complexity of computer
must deal with very large amounts of data. This “Big transactions and society’s increasing dependence on
Data” often shows patterns and trends on which to make eCommerce, as well as the proliferation of computing
good business decisions. To support Business Analysts, devices, the computer security field has become a high
students in this program focus on the collection, profile and rapidly growing, industry. Work in this field
processing and presentation of these large data sets. is constantly evolving and leads to a range of career
Developing skills in solution development, database options, from positions that require a high level of
design (both SQL and NoSQL), data processing, data technological sophistication to higher-level management
warehousing and data visualization help build a solid positions. This program will be attractive to graduates
foundation in this important support role. Through applied of software development programs, who will then learn
learning techniques such as problem-based learning, the application security and networking skills needed to
students will be able to apply their learning to real world access entry level positions offered by a wide range of
problems. The optional co-op stream includes one co-op software development companies. Students will learn
work term. to secure software applications, including networked,
Co-op option available after admission. web and mobile applications, against threats by malware
and hackers. These skills will be augmented with
Graduate Opportunities
management skills so that graduates will also be able
nn The business intelligence profession is growing and the demand is to access careers as corporate security analysts and
increasing for the information technology professionals supporting
managers. Students benefit from specialized courses
it. This program prepares students to build and support the systems
capturing, storing and visualizing the vast amounts of data available taught by highly qualified industry experts and as a
today. Graduates will have the knowledge and skills required for result, should expect to have classes scheduled up
career growth in such positions as business intelligence analyst, until 8:00 p.m.
data architect, business intelligence solution specialist, business The optional co-op stream includes one co-op work term.
intelligence developer and data scientist in large manufacturing
Co-op option available after admission.
companies, financial institutions, the public service sector, and any
organization with an active web presence. Graduate Opportunities
Admission Requirements nn Graduates may find career opportunities in the following areas:
security administrator/analyst; software security designer/developer;
nn An Ontario College diploma, advanced diploma, degree or equivalent
security auditor; security architect; security manager; software security;
with an overall average grade of B or above (as assessed, by country, to
quality assurance specialist; and ethical hacker.
Ontario standards) in any of these areas:
- computer science Admission Requirements
- software engineering
nn An Ontario College diploma, advanced diploma, degree or equivalent
- software engineering technology
with an overall average grade of B or above (as assessed, by country, to
- computer engineering
Ontario standards) in any of these areas:
- computer application
- computer science
- computer programmer/analyst
- software engineering
- IT innovation and design
- software engineering technology
- computer or mobile applications development
- computer programmer/analyst
- IT innovation and design
nn A graduate certificate in computer applications development or
- computer or mobile applications development
mobile solutions development with an overall average grade of B or
above (as assessed, by country, to Ontario standards). Other relevant
nn A graduate certificate in computer applications development or
disciplines that offer a significant degree of software development in
mobile solutions development with an overall average grade of B or
their curriculum (such as health informatics) may also be considered.
above (as assessed, by country, to Ontario standards). Other relevant
disciplines that offer a significant degree of software development in
their curriculum (such as health informatics) may also be considered.
More and more companies are challenged with how to Information technology workers need a broad range
make sense of vast amounts of data in order to improve of practical skills to enhance concepts and principles
their competitive position and growth. This has generated that are often the focus of post-secondary study. This
requirements for professionals with both a business and two-semester Ontario College Graduate Certificate
technology side who understand how to turn insight program concentrates on hands-on application of
into action. A critical role in the facilitation of software/ network and systems administration practices and
system development growth is played by the Information techniques commonly employed in modern IT enterprise
Technology Business Analyst by the gathering of infrastructure management. Students will gain valuable
business requirements from several organizational areas skills and knowledge in the deployment and configuration
and interpreting them so that they can be defined as of network operating systems (desktop and server),
functional systems design specifications that can be infrastructure services and network technologies.
successfully implemented by IT teams. Critical skills will Students will also acquire foundational knowledge to
be developed in the following information technology work towards challenging professional certification exams
areas: application software, business data analysis from various organizations. Graduates of this program
and modeling, customer engagement management, will have the skills required to move into IT administration
business processes, enterprise resource planning, and positions or transition into more advanced graduate
communications. A key part of this graduate program is studies in areas such as security, networking and
the applied aspects of the curriculum. Students will have operations.
the opportunity to engage in the process of business
Graduate Opportunities
analysis for information technology (IT) through case
studies and industry-related projects. nn Graduates are prepared to move into the workforce in a variety of
IT-related technical settings. Employment opportunities may include
Graduate Opportunities systems administration, service desk analyst, computer hardware
technician, network operations centre support analyst, IT support
nn The business analysis profession is growing and individuals with this
technician, IT specialist, system technician and other similar roles.
acumen are in demand. This program prepares students for business
There is an opportunity for graduates to transition into more advanced
analysis-related positions, providing career path opportunities across
graduate studies including IT network security, IT management, and
many industry sectors in today’s economy. Graduates will have the
information security.
knowledge and skills required for career growth in such positions as
business analyst, business systems analyst, computer systems analyst, Admission Requirements
informatics consultant, and information systems business analyst in
large manufacturing companies, insurance companies, banks, or the nn An Ontario College diploma, advanced diploma, degree or equivalent
public service sector. in a technology-based field such as Computing, Engineering, IT or
Applications Development, with an overall average grade of B or above
Admission Requirements (as assessed, by country, to Ontario standards). or
nn an Ontario College diploma, advanced diploma, degree or equivalent
nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree in computer science,
in another field, with a minimum of 5 (five) years of full-time work
information technology, computer information systems, or computer
experience as an IT system or network administrator or in a similar
programming OR a minimum of 3 years of related industry/
position, with an overall average grade of B or above (as assessed, by
professional experience
country, to Ontario standards).
• 22
Bachelor of Public
Relations (Honours) (Co-op) #1278C
If you want to help people when they need it the most, Business - Marketing is a two-year diploma program
you will find a rewarding career in the insurance industry. designed for people seeking a high-level overview of
The need for insurance is universal resulting in an the marketing industry. The program focuses on the
industry that is characterized by growth, global reach fundamental principles of marketing and gives graduates
and presence in almost every community. Approximately hands-on skills to gain employment in the marketing
$30 billion is paid each year to Canadians for medical industry. The program offers courses in advertising,
treatment, loss of wages, repairs to damaged property graphic design, internet, research, sales, events and retail
or for the replacement of goods and services. Careers in while developing teamwork, communication and general
insurance offer stability and significant opportunities for business skills. In addition, students participate in the
advancement. Conestoga’s two-year diploma program design and presentation of marketing, advertising and
will provide you with broad exposure to business event plans. Conestoga College is an Accredited Partner
practices within the insurance industry. Areas of study of the Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA).
within property and casualty coverage include agency This program is accredited by the CPSA Institute as
claims and investigation, underwriting, marketing and providing all 35 hours of pre-requisite education toward
management. An optional co-op work-term provides you the Certified Sales Associate designation, the first level
an authentic, professionally-relevant work experience. of the Graduated Certification Framework. Students
The opportunity to connect theory with practice will successfully completing this program will earn their Sales
allow you to develop a broad base of occupational skills, Certificate from the CPSA Institute.
embrace key concepts and terminology within the field
Graduate Opportunities
and expose you to networking opportunities. In addition,
you will have the opportunity to gain nine of the ten nn This two-year program prepares graduates for an entry-level marketing
position in a wide range of employment settings including retailers,
credits required for the Chartered Insurance Professional
advertising agencies, product or service industries, non-profit
(CIP) designation from the Insurance Institute of Canada organizations, small businesses, and self-employment. Graduates may
and you may choose to register for the CIP national choose to pursue further educational qualifications by completing
exams at an additional cost in order to receive credentials an additional year of study to achieve the Ontario College Advanced
awarded by the Institute. Diploma in Business Administration - Marketing.
nn On average, 91% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
The optional co-op stream includes one co-op work term.
found employment within six months of graduation.
Co-op option available after admission.
Admission Requirements
Graduate Opportunities
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn A wide variety of employment opportunities are available in insurance
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
companies, independent adjusting firms, insurance brokers and
definition for details.)
agencies, and other business organizations.
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%), or
nn On average, 94% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
found employment within six months of graduation.
(COMM1270) min 60%
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C (min 65%), M (U/C) (min 55%), or U (min
Admission Requirements
55%), or equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years (MATH1375) min 60%
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.) Pathway Opportunities
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%), or
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
PW Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) -
International Business Management
(COMM1270) min 60% Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C (min 65%), M (U/C) (min 55%), or U (min
55%), or equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics
(MATH1375) min 60%
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - International
Business Management
The program provides the knowledge and skills The program provides the knowledge and skills
necessary for a career in an intermediate-level accounting necessary for a career in an intermediate-level accounting
position, along with the fundamentals necessary for position, along with the fundamentals necessary for
advancement to managerial positions. Graduates are able advancement to managerial positions. Graduates are able
to apply computer, communication, and mathematical to apply computer, communication, and mathematical
skills and employ management accounting techniques to skills and employ management accounting techniques to
support accounting activities, including the maintenance support accounting activities, including the maintenance
of accounting records and the preparation of financial of accounting records and the preparation of financial
statements and individual and corporate tax returns. statements and individual and corporate tax returns.
Graduates are also able to perform a variety of more Graduates are also able to perform a variety of more
complex functions, including applying principles of complex functions, including applying principles of
financial analysis and planning and control; using financial analysis and planning and control; using
analytical and evaluation skills to support a variety of analytical and evaluation skills to support a variety of
management functions; and collaborating in the design of management functions; and collaborating in the design
an organization’s system of internal control. of an organization’s system of internal control. This
accelerated program is ideal for those who are interested
Graduate Opportunities
in bridging into the Accounting, Audit and Information
nn Graduates may find work in a broad range of employment settings Technology (AAIT) degree program.
in all sectors of business and industry including banks and other
financial institutions, government offices, public accounting firms, Graduate Opportunities
small business, self-employment, tax preparation firms, and financial
nn Graduates may find work in a broad range of employment settings
planning firms.
in all sectors of business and industry including banks and other
nn On average, 84% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
financial institutions, government offices, public accounting firms,
found employment within six months of graduation..
small business, self-employment, tax preparation firms, and financial
Admission Requirements planning firms.
nn On average, 94% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years found employment within six months of graduation.
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.) Admission Requirements
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%), or
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%) or equivalent, OR
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%), or
Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1375) min 60%
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
(COMM1270) min 60%
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Accounting,
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C (min 60%) or U (min 60%) or equivalent, OR
Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1375) min 60%
Audit and Information Technology
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - Accounting,
Audit and Information Technology
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) - International
Business Management
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 65%) or U (min 55%) or
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
(COMM1270) min 65%
PW Pathway Opportunities
Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science (Honours)
The two-year Office Administration - Legal program Public relations is the management function of building
provides students with a specialization in legal mutually beneficial relationships between organizations
administrative procedures and processes to meet the and the public. In this highly interactive program,
needs of an increasingly global and technologically students will learn strategic and creative communication
advancing legal industry. strategies to solve organizational problems or make
In the first year, students build strong technological, the most of business opportunities with key publics.
administrative, and communication skills, and are Students will apply creative writing and tactical execution
introduced to office procedures specific to the legal developed with a foundation of business knowledge.
environment. Students begin their legal studies with an A field placement opportunity is provided in the last
introduction to civil litigation and legal accounting. semester to gain career experience before graduating.
In the second year, students continue to apply
Graduate Opportunities
substantive and procedural law to the production of legal
documentation in the areas of family law, litigation, real nn Graduates help organizations maintain a positive image and good
working relationship with other organizations and the general public.
estate, wills and estates, and corporate law. Students
They prepare communications strategies for the media, internal and
receive extensive administrative training, with an external stakeholders and promote their organization’s products,
emphasis on problem-solving skills, by completing client services and reputation.
files and accounting procedures, integrating a variety nn On average, 97% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
of current computer programs and specialized legal found employment within six months of graduation.
software. Throughout the program, students are exposed Admission Requirements
to a wide variety of hands-on practical applications with
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
an emphasis on organizational, critical thinking and
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
problem-solving skills. As a capstone to the program, definition for details.)
students showcase their skills by completing a 90-hour nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
work placement. College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) (70%)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C (min 60%) or U (min 50%), or
equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications
(COMM1270) min 60%
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
In just 30 weeks, graduates of the Data Processing and In just eight months, graduates of the Medical Office
Reporting program are prepared to assume roles entering Practices certificate are prepared to confidently assume
and organizing data in an office role. You will develop the front-line roles within the growing community-based
skills and strategies required to interact with customers health services field. This unique program provides
in a professional and appropriate manner in a diverse coursework in health care terminology, medical, dental
business environment. This Ontario College Certificate and alternative office management, medical billing,
program prepares you to use various electronic data insurance and bookkeeping procedures, and introductory
applications, while gaining hands-on experience to medical transcription. This strong foundation of medical
organize data, visually present data, develop basic data office procedures, coupled with courses in effective
reports, validate accuracy of data and support digital communication strategies and the latest computer
marketing platforms. Through a variety of projects, case applications ensures that graduates are in-demand in a
studies and interactive learning opportunities, you will wide variety of health care settings.
develop the workplace interpersonal skills needed to Students who successfully complete this certificate
support all phases of your career. A field placement is may apply to the second year of the Health Office
included; allowing you to translate theoretical knowledge Administration diploma with advanced standing.
from the classroom into applied practice in a workplace
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates who wish to further their education in an administrative
Graduate Opportunities capacity will be well-suited to apply to the Health Office Administration
program at Conestoga with advanced standing.
nn Graduates may find employment as data entry clerks, data assistants,
nn On average, 65% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
administrative assistants, marketing data assistants, order entry clerks,
found employment within six months of graduation.
stores clerks, dispatch assistants and order entry clerks.
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates are prepared for entry-level to mid-management positions
in occupational health, safety, wellness, and health promotion in
community organizations, private practices, learning institutions,
government departments, and consulting firms. Career opportunities
may include program specialist, wellness coordinator, health and safety
coordinator, health promotion consultant and roles involving wellness
program management.
Admission Requirements
nn A two - or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college
or university.
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates can expect to find employment in a variety of industries
in areas such as public relations, communications, social media,
brand management, event planning, corporate communications and
Admission Requirements
nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college or
university in a related field
nn Preference may be given to applicants with degrees in
communications, English, political science, journalism, public relations,
and general arts and science programs where course work included
marketing and communications.
nn Preference may be given to applicants with diplomas in marketing,
advertising, public relations, event management, and journalism.
nn Applicants with 5+ years of experience in the marketing
communications field with no post-secondary credential will be
• 42
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development (Honours)
The Educational Support program will prepare Conestoga’s Police Foundations (PF) program offers
graduates to work effectively with learners of all ages a two-year integrated learning experience to help you
with exceptionalities. Through this program, students develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of a
will develop a variety of educational interventions and preferred candidate in public sector law enforcement.
techniques that will allow them to become contributing This program focuses on understanding justice though
members of an educational team working with learners a lens of social equity and modern policing and has
with exceptionalities. They will experience real-life been designed to provide an overall base for a variety
opportunities that connect theory and practice through of careers in criminal justice and public safety. In this
in-class projects and engaging and meaningful work- program, you will be exposed to the many complexities
integrated learning (WIL) experiences. that are facing modern day policing. Through a
combination of theory and simulation-based experiences,
Graduate Opportunities
you will experience a person-centered approach to
nn Graduates find employment in the elementary, secondary, community policing. This program will prepare you for the
and, sometimes, the post-secondary education systems. Career
acquisition of knowledge and skills relevant to entry-level
opportunities are also available in educational programs run by
government-approved facilities for care, treatment, custodial or positions in public sector law enforcement.
correctional purposes, or in programs providing respite care and
services for families of children and youth with special needs, Starting with the Fall 2021 intake, applicants who wish to
home school support, English/French as a second language skills enter Police Foundations must apply directly to level 1 of
development, or life skills training.
the 0973 Police Foundations program.
nn On average, 92% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation. Graduate Opportunities
Admission Requirements nn Graduates find employment in the following areas: public and private
policing; industrial and retail security; Canadian Border Services;
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
corrections; private and insurance investigations; and process serving.
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
nn On average, 98% of co-op and 77% of non co-op graduates from the
definition for details.)
last three years (2017 to 2019) found employment within six months of
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Early Learning Program Development (Honours) nn Successful completion of year one of the Protection, Security, and
Investigation program, or its equivalent
nn Please note: Where the number of applications to Police Foundations
exceeds available space, students may be admitted based on overall
academic performance.
PW Pathway Opportunities
Bachelor of Community and Criminal Justice (Honours)
• 52
Bachelor of Design
(Honours) (Co-op) #1336C
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn All applicants, who meet the academic strength requirements (70%),
must attend a program information session and personal interview
with program faculty.
This program has a supplemental admission
requirement. Please check the website for additional
Want to turn your passion for games into a fulfilling The Graphic Design advanced diploma program has an
career? Start with Conestoga’s program in Game - exceptional reputation for graduating talented designers
Design. You will learn how to create assets for games, and is recognized as one of the top design programs
apps, simulations, or applications from entertainment in the province. Many students win regional, national,
to education to industry and beyond. Located in the and international awards for their design work including
technology hub of the country, Game - Design at RGD (Association of Registered Graphic Designers),
Conestoga can help place you in the middle of the action. ADCC (Advertising and Design Club of Canada), Applied
This credential is designed to provide students with a Arts, Print, HOW, and many others. In this program you
strong set of skills and knowledge, to either enter a career will have access to up-to-date technologies, including
in game design or as a level designer, environmental software, hardware, photography studio, and printing
artist, character developer, or to pursue further facilities. The program has limited enrolment and small
credentials associated with game art or development. class sizes to ensure students’ access to award-winning
faculty with professional experience in the field of graphic
Graduate Opportunities
design, packaging, photography and illustration. You
nn This credential is designed to provide students with a strong set of will engage in a collaborative environment with dynamic
skills and knowledge, to either enter a career in game design or as a
studio projects for both in-class and live clients. The
level designer, environmental artist, character developer, or to pursue
further credentials associated with game art or development. program supports student membership in the Association
of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD) and provides
Admission Requirements access to the Design Thinkers Conference.
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student Graduate Opportunities
definition for details.) nn Conestoga’s graphic design graduates are prepared to assume junior-
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga level design positions and related responsibilities in graphic design
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) studios, advertising agencies, in-house communication departments,
nn All applicants who meet the academic strength requirements (65%) and technology-based companies.
must attend a program information session and present a portfolio of nn Graduates have advanced standing opportunities toward degree
their creative work. completion in Conestoga’s Bachelor of Design (Honours).
This program has a supplemental admission nn On average, 78% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
requirement. Please check the website for additional
information. Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn All applicants who meet the academic strength requirements (70%)
must attend a program information session and present a portfolio of
their creative work.
This program has a supplemental admission
requirement. Please check the website for additional
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Conestoga’s Interior Decorating program offers you a The Journalism program allows students to develop
dynamic environment to build the creative and technical multimedia skills that are used in digital news reporting
skills needed to excel in the diverse field of Interior and storytelling across all media platforms. The first year
Decorating. of the program emphasizes the fundamentals of news
writing, research, interviewing, legal and ethical standards,
Learning from industry experts, you’ll develop essential
digital news design and the journalistic use of social media.
and practical skills through studio, lab and lecture
Students take courses in photojournalism, as well as audio
experiences, in addition to field trips and guest speakers.
and video technologies that are vital to telling stories in
You’ll take courses on colour, textiles, finishes and an online news environment. In second year, the program
fixtures which are enhanced with access to our large transitions from theory and practice assignments to real-time
sample library. With the benefit of current, industry- news coverage and digital storytelling. Students produce
standard software, you’ll focus on space planning, multimedia reports for a live news website, smartphone
drafting and visual 2D and 3D presentations that bring apps and the campus radio station (CJIQ-FM), as well as
your design concepts to life. Multiple courses on creating long-form stories using a variety of digital media.
business practices and entrepreneurship will further In addition to first-hand experience with the challenges and
prepare you for success in the industry. deadlines of real-world production cycles, students receive
A field placement opportunity in your last semester will in-depth training in story development, live reporting, feature
reporting, expression of personal opinions, entrepreneurship
allow you to gain hands-on career experience before
(including freelancing) and long-form reporting approaches,
graduating. Many students have secured full-time
such as documentary production and magazine writing. A
employment as a result of their placement with employers
field placement also provides the opportunity for practical
such as decorating/design firms, product showrooms,
application of learned skills.
design magazines and home staging companies.
Not only is our two-year diploma program recognized Graduate Opportunities
by the Decorators and Designers Association of Canada nn Graduates possess the multimedia reporting and editing skills needed
(DDA), Conestoga is the only college offering Interior for work at digital news portals, magazines, specialized websites,
Decorating graduates the opportunity to earn a second nonprofit organizations, online journals, newspapers, radio and TV
newsrooms, publishing houses, and the many exciting careers being
2-year diploma in Visual Merchandising Arts with the
created by emerging digital storytelling technologies.
completion of one additional year. nn Graduates have advanced standing opportunity towards degree
completion in Conestoga’s Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours).
Graduate Opportunities
nn An articulation agreement with Wilfrid Laurier University’s Honours
nn An Interior Decorating diploma opens the door to careers such as: Bachelor of Arts, Digital Media & Journalism provides advanced
decorator/entrepreneur, home builder consultant, model home standing into year three of their four year degree program, offering
merchandiser, kitchen and bath designer, industry representatives, Conestoga’s Journalism graduates the opportunity to complete a
home staging, fabric and textile specialist, space planning, theatre and diploma and a degree in four years.
magazine design/staging, decorating blogger, furniture and art sales nn On average, 73% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
and so much more. found employment within six months of graduation
nn On average, 83% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation. Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
Admission Requirements
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years definition for details.)
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
definition for details.) College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) (70%)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) (65%) Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Imagine pursuing your passion in the highly creative Design Foundations is an intensive one-year certificate
industry of visual merchandising, the art and science program that is intended for students who are
behind retail design and development. You will combine interested in exploring a career in applied design and
the art of window displays, prop making, graphic design, communications. This foundation year provides an
event planning and photo styling with the science of floor opportunity to create a competitive and individual design
planning, planogramming, branding and marketing, and portfolio, demonstrating skills in 2D and 3D design,
entrepreneurship. It is the process of creating an inviting drawing, life drawing, colour theory, idea development,
and interactive environment for the consumer utilizing presentation skills, portfolio development, digital
a variety of on-trend mediums, materials, software and production, design history, and written communication.
technology. Students experience a year of goal-setting, guidance,
This two-year diploma program focuses on project- skill development and refinement through a variety
based, hands-on learning for the creative problem solver! of hands-on projects. Students will plan, implement,
A field placement opportunity is provided in the second and present visual communications in a wide range
year of the program to gain industry experience in the of media. Completion of this studio-based program
field of visual display and merchandising as well as make will effectively prepare students for acceptance into a
some new partnerships with industry members. variety of programs leading to careers in the design and
Conestoga is the only college offering Visual communication fields.
Merchandising Arts graduates the opportunity to earn
Graduate Opportunities
a second two-year diploma in Interior Decorating in
just one year! Successful students become even more nn This program is designed to assist graduates in further academic
pursuits by providing an opportunity for students to hone their skills in
marketable, capable of designing for both commercial
visual and verbal communications. A key component of this program
interiors and home interiors! is the production of a student portfolio of work that demonstrates a
student’s skills and knowledge levels and which is required during the
Graduate Opportunities admission process of certain programs within the School of Creative
nn A Visual Merchandising Arts diploma will open doors to many career Industries. Graduates may pursue admission to Conestoga’s Bachelor
options including: photo-stylist, retail visual merchandiser, set or prop of Design (Honours) and Bachelor of Interior Design programs plus
designer, special events coordinator, professional organizer, wedding Conestoga’s Advertising and Marketing Communications, Animation,
decorator, home stager, window display artist, trade-show booth Game - Design, Graphic Design, Interior Decorating, and Visual
designer. Merchandising Arts diploma programs.
nn On average, 73%% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to
2019) found employment within six months of graduation. Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
Admission Requirements of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years definition for details.)
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U (60%), or equivalent, OR
definition for details.) Conestoga College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) (65%) Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Design (Honours)
Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)
This one-year program provides you with an opportunity Computer animation has evolved to become a major
to acquire a solid grounding in creativity, technology component in the field of animation production and
skills, media-related processes and professionalism. contributes towards shaping content for film, television,
Through project work and a strong focus on media games and online applications. As such, students must
concepts, you will be able to enhance your portfolio be actively engaged in all aspects of the production
and be a competitive applicant for other programs with process and understand the requirements associated
a similar focus, particularly Broadcast Radio (interview with the production pipeline. Traditional design,
required) and/or Television and Independent Production, drawing and storytelling skills are enhanced via the
Graphic Design (portfolio required), Advertising and latest computer (software/hardware), combined with
Marketing Communications (portfolio required), Visual 3D animation skills and the creation of characters and
Merchandising Arts, Public Relations and Journalism. The customized environments contribute towards the creation
Bachelor of Design (interview/portfolio required) program of unique content that graduates will utilize in their
is also a viable pathway upon successful completion of e-portfolio of project work.
Media Foundations.
Graduate Opportunities
Graduate Opportunities nn Graduates may find employment in a variety of animation-related
nn This program is designed to assist graduates in further academic industries ranging from designers or animators, to project managers
pursuits by providing an opportunity for students to hone their skills in for studios or production companies, regionally, nationally or
visual and verbal communications. A key component of this program internationally.
is digital content generation and the production of a student portfolio
of work that demonstrates a student’s skills and knowledge levels. Admission Requirements
Graduates have gone on to Conestoga’s Broadcast Radio, Broadcasting nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college or
Television and Independent Production, Journalism, and Public university in a related field OR a minimum of three to five (3 to 5) years
Relations diploma programs. With a portfolio, graduates may apply to of related full-time formal work experience
Conestoga’s Animation or Game - Design diploma programs. nn Preference may be given to applicants from traditional design/
illustration programs as well as programs within the fields of media
Admission Requirements and design such as graphic design, web design, interactive design,
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years broadcast media/technologies, or where course work included the
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student equivalent.
definition for details.) nn Related full-time formal experience may include positions as
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga illustrators, artists, graphic designers, web designers, interactive
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) (60%) designers, or in the field of broadcast media/technologies or
equivalent. Such applicants must provide a resume and work-related
Pathway Opportunities references
PW Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
In today’s media intensive world, the demand for people The quality of user experience design has emerged as
who can create content in an interesting, entertaining, a critical factor in the success or failure of products
and relatable fashion continues to grow. Whether you destined to interact with people, whether they are
want to be an on-camera news anchor, host, podcaster, digital or otherwise. Designers must consider not just
blogger, vlogger, social media channel host, or a functionality, but also how people respond to, and
spokesperson in the fields of marketing, advertising or feel about, the products that they use. This credential
public relations, performance skills are at the top of the provides you with the opportunity to build a personal
list of qualifications needed to succeed. toolkit of practical skills and knowledge associated
This one-year graduate certificate program is geared with user experience design. Working in project-based
to open up opportunities for storytellers and content experiential learning environments, you will follow
creators of all types and interests. You will develop creative briefs, both individually and in teams, to design
presentation and interviewing skills across a wide variety products that answer consumer and industry needs.
of media in a hands-on environment. You will learn to use While demonstrating your ability to integrate design,
equipment ranging from cellphones to laptops or tablet- business and IT elements into products that focus on the
based home studio setups, to state-of-the-art radio and human aspect rather than the technologies being utilized,
television studios equipped with teleprompters and green you will also be contributing to your personal e-portfolio.
screens. You will also learn how to post your content to a A field placement opportunity will help students gain
variety of sites. In addition, entrepreneurial development industry experience.
will be an integral part of the program so that graduates
Graduate Opportunities
will understand the process and importance of personal
brand development. nn Graduates may find employment in various corporations such as
web solution firms, software companies, start-ups, venture studios,
Graduate Opportunities e-commerce, media design companies, banks, insurance, or advertising
companies, in positions such as interaction designer, UX/UI designer,
nn Graduates of this program may find employment as journalists, on-
frontend developer, digital experience designer, product designer,
camera presenters, weather reporters, podcasters, webcasters, public
specialist or web marketing consultant.
relations specialists, marketing specialists, public communicators,
announcers and broadcasters in traditional industries and new media Admission Requirements
nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college or
Admission Requirements university in a related field OR a minimum of 5 years of related full-time
formal work experience.
nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college or
nn Preference may be given to applicants from traditional design/
university OR a minimum of five years of related full-time formal work
illustration programs as well as programs within the fields of media
and design, such as graphic design, web design, interactive design,
nn Preference will be given to applicants with degrees in communications,
broadcast media/technologies, or where course work included the
English, political science, journalism, public relations, and general arts
equivalent. Interested applicants from computer programming,
and science programs where course work included marketing and
computer science or engineering programs are also encouraged to
nn Preference will be given to applicants with diplomas in marketing,
nn Related full-time formal experience may include positions as
advertising, public relations, event management, and journalism.
illustrators, artists, graphic designers, web designers, packaging or
industrial designers, programmers, design engineers, communication
professionals, or from the fields of human resource management,
training, education or equivalent. Such applicants must provide a
resume and work-related references.
61 •
This program focuses on sustainable design and This pilot training program is the only collaborative
construction practices providing training in diploma program that offers students a choice between
all phases of the building industry. You will work on flying airplanes at Waterloo Wellington Flight Centre or
projects encompassing building design and performance,
flying helicopters at Great Lakes Helicopter. Through
working drawings, building systems, estimating, building
pilot training at one of the flight centres and classes at
code analysis, specifications, and building information
Conestoga College, students can complete the Aviation
modelling (BIM). The program covers structure,
building envelope, whole building and universal design, - General Arts and Science diploma in only two years as
building science, indoor environment systems, building well as the pilot training to allow them to undertake the
economics, sustainability, renewable energy and Transport Canada Commercial Pilot License testing.
energy efficiency. The Ontario Association of Certified
Graduate Opportunities
Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT)
conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all the nn Employers in aviation are increasingly seeking pilots with post-
academic requirements for certification in the Certified secondary education, as well as the required licenses.
nn Graduates from the helicopter option will find initial employment in
Engineering Technologist (CET) category. The optional
ground operations, teaching ground school, and dispatch positions
co-op stream includes two co-op work terms.
to gain detailed knowledge of their company’s operations. Once they
Co-op option available after admission. have moved into more permanent flight positions, pilot graduates
often begin flying in charter work, crop spraying, and ride operations.
Graduate Opportunities Pilots who acquire more hours may move on to a variety of different
nn Graduates have a wide choice of career opportunities with sectors such as lidar survey work, flight instruction, aerial firefighting,
engineering, architectural, building envelope and LEED/energy heli-logging, resource exploration and support, aeromedical,
efficiency consulting offices, as well as with general and sub- photography and film, heli-skiing, corporate transport and off shore oil
contractors, estimators and building departments. support.
nn On average, 96% of co-op and 91% of non co-op graduates from the nn Graduates from the airplane option can find initial employment with
last three years (2017 to 2019) found employment within six months of a variety of air operators, typically flying small single and multi-
graduation. engine aircraft or working on ground crew (some graduates choose
to pursue a flight instructor rating or a float plane rating to increase
Admission Requirements their opportunities). Building flight hours will allow graduate pilots to
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years eventually fly larger, more complex aircrafts.
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student nn On average, 93% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
definition for details.) found employment within six months of graduation.
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) Admission Requirements
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385) definition for details.)
nn Minimum grade required for: MCT4C 65%; MHF4U, MCV4U 55%; nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
MDM4U 70%; MATH1385 65% College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (75% in MCT4C or 65% in MHF4U or
this program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga MCV4U), or equivalent, or 75% in Conestoga College Preparatory
College Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply. Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
Applicants with MAP4C may be given an alternate offer to the one- nn Grade 11 or 12 Physics, C or U, or equivalent, OR ACE Physics
year Technology Foundations program which serves as a preparatory (OLRN1590)
pathway into this program. This program has a supplemental admission
requirement. Please check the website for additional
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Applied Technology (Honours) -
Architecture - Project and Facility Management
Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)
This program focuses on electronic, computer and In this program, you will learn a full range of electrical
communications equipment and systems. You will learn how skills enabling you to work in a wide variety of electrical
to design, build, test and repair a computer-based system engineering areas including power systems and
or any part of one. Because of the power of embedded automation control systems. You will be trained with
processor chips, they are used to simplify (and make less
electric motors, generators, controls, PLCs, transformers
expensive) most non-trivial equipment and systems. You
and their industrial applications. Knowledge of electrical
will acquire a strong mathematical background and develop
theory is supplemented by practical applications in power
interpersonal skills equipping you to work as part of an
engineering team. Strong hands-on skills, backed up by systems, industrial solid state controls, instrumentation,
solid electronics knowledge, enable graduates to take many programmable logic controllers and motor control
roles in the industry. The Ontario Association of Certified systems. Graduates perform technological functions in
Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) various aspects of the energy field, primarily in support
recognizes this program as meeting all the academic of research, development and design at a recognized
requirements for certification in the Certified Engineering technologist level. The Ontario Association of Certified
Technologist (CET) category. The optional co-op stream Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT)
includes four consecutive four-month work terms. conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all the
Co-op option available after admission. academic requirements for certification in the Certified
Graduate Opportunities Technician (C.Tech.) category.
nn Computer engineering technologists are in high demand and that Graduate Opportunities
demand will increase in the future as technological advances spread to
nn Graduates find employment utilizing testing and troubleshooting
more industries. Our graduates are responsible for design, construction
skills in areas such as motor winding and repair, quality control, and as
and troubleshooting of complex digital equipment and systems.
electrical construction/maintenance apprentices. As well, opportunities
Companies who hire our graduates produce business, automation and
are available as utility power station technicians or service technicians
scientific equipment.
troubleshooting electrical systems and performing engineering tests
nn On average, 100% of co-op and 77% of non co-op graduates from the
on heavy electrical equipment and controls.
last three years (2017 to 2019) found employment within six months of
nn On average, 83% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
Admission Requirements Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
nn The minimum acceptable grade for MDM4U is 70%.
nn Minimum grade required for:
nn Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to
- MCT4C 60%
this program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga
- MHF4U, MCV4U 55%
College Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply.
- MDM4U 70%
Applicants with MAP4C may be given an alternate offer to the one-
- MATH1385 60%
year Technology Foundations program which serves as a preparatory
Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to this
pathway into this program.
program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga College
Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply. Applicants
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Engineering - Electronic Systems Engineering
with MAP4C may be given an alternate offer to the one-year Technology
Foundations program which serves as a preparatory pathway into this
This program has been designed to provide you with This program focuses on electronic, computer and
both theoretical and practical experience, enabling you communications equipment and systems. You will learn
to work in a wide variety of electrical engineering areas how to assemble, install, maintain, test, troubleshoot and
including power systems and process control. You will gain calibrate electronic circuits and systems. Strong hands-
experience with electric motors, controls, PLCs, generators,
on skills, backed up by solid electronics knowledge,
transformers and their industrial applications. The program
enable graduates to take on many roles in the industry.
prepares you to work with power generation, automation
The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering
systems, instrumentation and various other control systems.
Graduates perform technological functions in various Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) recognizes this
aspects of the energy field, primarily in support of research, program as meeting all the academic requirements for
development and design at a recognized technologist level. certification in the Certified Technician (C.Tech.) category.
The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians
Graduate Opportunities
and Technologists (OACETT) conditionally recognizes
this program as meeting all the academic requirements nn Graduates enter a broad range of electronics industries in electronic
for certification in the Certified Engineering Technologist communications, computers, manufacturing and home entertainment.
Technicians are typically responsible for troubleshooting, repair and
(CET) category. The optional co-op stream includes four
maintenance. Some examples of positions are test and calibration
consecutive four-month work terms.
technician, field service technician, production line technician, and
Co-op option available after admission. shop technician. Graduates have particular strength in troubleshooting
and calibration of electronic circuits and systems.
Graduate Opportunities nn On average, 93% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
nn Graduates are prepared for employment in the electrical industry as found employment within six months of graduation.
electrical technologists designing electric machines, troubleshooting
electrical systems, performing engineering tests on controls and heavy Admission Requirements
electrical equipment and in quality assurance. nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn On average, 100% of co-op and 73% of non co-op graduates from the of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
last three years (2017 to 2019) found employment within six months of definition for details.)
graduation. nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385)
definition for details.) Minimum grade required for:
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga - MCT4C 55%
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) - MHF4U, MCV4U 55%
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U (MCT4C or MHF4U or MCV4U - MDM4U 70%
or MDM4U), or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory - MATH1385 55%
Mathematics for Technology & Apprenticeship (MATH1385) nn Applicants with MAP4C will only be considered after writing the
nn Minimum grade required for: College Math Admissions test. Minimum grade cutoffs apply.
- MCT4C 60% Applicants with MAP4C may be given an alternate offer to the one-
- MHF4U, MCV4U 55% year Technology Foundations program which serves as a preparatory
- MDM4U 70% pathway into this program.
- MATH1385 60%
Applicants with MAP4C will not be considered for admission to this
program. They may be considered after writing the Conestoga College
Math Pre-Admissions test. Minimum grade cut-offs apply. Applicants
with MAP4C may be given an alternate offer to the one-year Technology
Foundations program which serves as a preparatory pathway into this
PW Pathway Opportunities
Bachelor of Engineering - Power Systems Engineering
This unique program provides extensive hands-on work In this program, you will gain skills for a career in today’s
with welding automation and robotics systems including: automated manufacturing setting. You will develop a
GMAW (MIG) and spot-welding applications, CAD/ thorough knowledge of numerically controlled manufacturing
CAM applications with CNC thermal cutting, and off- systems and a comprehensive background in general
manufacturing and design fundamentals. The broad-based
line robotic simulation programming applications. The
curriculum includes numerical control (NC) programming
curriculum builds on welding technology background
concepts, CAD/CAM techniques to integrate design and
with broader knowledge in manufacturing methods and
manufacturing, an introduction to the world of robotics,
industrial automation. This program has a common first to designing power-transmitting devices, and developing
two years with the Welding Engineering Technology - and applying quality assurance, process planning, and
Inspection program. The Ontario Association of Certified production control techniques to the solution of practical
Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) manufacturing problems. You will learn to communicate
conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all the technical information at all levels through the use of
academic requirements for certification in the Certified linguistic, graphic and computerized methods. The Ontario
Engineering Technologist (CET) category. The optional Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and
co-op stream includes four consecutive four-month work Technologists (OACETT) conditionally recognizes this
terms. program as meeting all the academic requirements for
certification in the Certified Technician (C.Tech.) category.
Co-op option available after admission.
The optional co-op stream includes two co-op work terms.
Graduate Opportunities
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates are prepared for employment in custom, batch and high-
volume manufacturing in the metal fabrication and welding industrial nn Graduates are prepared to assume the responsibilities of a design
sector in capacities of quality assurance, production planning, robotic draftsperson or CAD system operator, jig and fixture designer, quality
programming, automation systems integration, technical sales, control applications technician, and programmer of robotic and
manufacturing management and industrial engineering. numerical controlled machines.
nn On average, 85% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) nn On average, 87% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation. found employment within six months of graduation.
This program provides you with broad exposure to the In this program, you will gain broad-based mechanical
mechanical engineering technology field. Emphasis is on engineering technology skills to prepare you for career
the modern industrial production environment which calls opportunities in today’s increasingly complex and
for knowledge of standard manufacturing procedures, sophisticated industry. Studies emphasize mechanical
computer-aided manufacturing, and industrial robotics. You
design using standard procedures, computer graphics
will learn how to combine standard manufacturing processes
and computer-based analysis. You will also study
with computer-aided manufacturing, the utilization of
manufacturing processes and materials to understand the
industrial automation equipment in production environments,
and the role of computer integration in linking manufacturing integration between design and manufacturing. Effective
and design functions. The Ontario Association of Certified technical communications through verbal, written,
Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) graphic and computer skills are also stressed. The
conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians
academic requirements for certification in the Certified and Technologists (OACETT) conditionally recognizes
Engineering Technologist (CET) category. The optional co-op this program as meeting all the academic requirements
stream includes three co-op work terms. for certification in the Certified Engineering Technologist
Co-op option available after admission. (CET) category. The optional co-op stream includes three
co-op work terms.
Graduate Opportunities
Co-op option available after admission.
nn Graduates are prepared for employment in production and
manufacturing, NC manufacturing systems, quality control, production Graduate Opportunities
planning and control, tool design, plant layout, materials handling,
nn Graduates are prepared for employment in mechanical design,
industrial engineering, and manufacturing integration.
research and development, CAD operations, equipment installation
nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
and testing, technical sales and production-related areas.
found employment within six months of graduation.
nn On average, 89% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
Admission Requirements found employment within six months of graduation.
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Systems Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering - Building Systems Engineering
This program is designed to give students the skills This program provides a pathway to popular School
and knowledge needed to effectively create, install and of Engineering technology programs and has been
maintain functional renewable energy systems. Students designed with student success in mind. With attention
are introduced to the different sectors of the renewable to fundamental academic skills, students develop
energy field. Both theoretical and practical applications in academic readiness and are provided with opportunities
solar power, wind, solar thermal technologies and other for guaranteed admission to a range of engineering
forms of alternative energies will be explored. technology (diploma) programs.
A variety of technology disciplines are incorporated,
Graduate Opportunities
enabling students to make informed choices about
nn Graduates of this program will find employment in a number of career paths in technology. The curriculum is designed
areas related to renewable energy. Sample jobs would include: solar
to provide a balanced education in applied mathematics,
photovoltaic designer and installer, solar thermal designer and
installer, sustainable living/green building consultant, sales and/or physics, introduction to technology, communication,
marketing of renewable energy equipment and products, wind and computer applications, career development, and general
solar farm installation, maintenance, and repair. education. Students will have an opportunity to acquire
nn On average, 88% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them for
found employment within six months of graduation.
the challenges of higher education in the technology field.
Admission Requirements One course in each semester is dedicated to introducing
students to a wide variety of engineering technology
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student disciplines through hands-on activities and speakers from
definition for details.) these fields.
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) Graduate Opportunities
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga nn Graduates meeting the academic requirements can proceed into
College Preparatory Mathematics for Trades (MATH1420) the first year of a specified engineering technology program and will
receive credit for any applicable courses.
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 11 or 12 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR
Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420, MATH1375,
nn Minimum grade required for:
- MCR3U, MCF3M 60%
- MBF3C 80%
- MAP4C 60%
- MCT4C 53%
- MHF4U, MCV4U & MDM4U 50%
In this program, you will receive a hands-on and Today’s secondary wood manufacturing sector strongly
theoretical education in the welding field, preparing you benefits from the use of computerized numerical control
for a successful career in the industry. This program (CNC) equipment in areas such as architectural millwork,
follows the curriculum of the provincial trades Welder kitchen cabinets, and furniture components. If you have
(456A) and Metal Fabricator - Fitter (437A) providing the an interest in the woodworking industry and a desire to
opportunity to challenge provincial exemption exams program and set-up CNC machines, this program is well-
for Level 1 of the in-school training and a head start suited for you.
into an apprenticeship. You will learn skills in computer This one-year Ontario College Certificate will provide
applications, computer-aided design (CAD), and technical you with the skills to apply CNC techniques to develop
communications. At the state-of-the-art Cambridge programs for various CNC equipment such as beam
campus, you will have the opportunity to develop welding saws, nesting routers, point-to-point machining centers,
skills using modern equipment with the common arc drills and dovetail machines. Through active, hands-
welding processes. on learning you will gain practical knowledge of the
equipment, as well as best practices used in CNC
Graduate Opportunities
programming within a variety of industrial settings.
nn Graduates of this program will be well-suited to enter the welding Program work is completed in a 50,000 square foot state-
and fabrication industry as qualified welders and may also seek
of-the art facility using modern equipment.
opportunities to become an apprentice in several related ‘Red-
Seal’ trades such as Welder (456A), Metal Fabricator - Fitter (437A), Graduate Opportunities
Construction Boilermaker (428A), or Ironworker (420A). Graduates
will also be eligible to resume their studies with advanced standing nn Graduates are well-prepared to enter the secondary wood
by directly entering Year 2 of a welding diploma program including manufacturing industry as machine operators and woodworking CNC
Welding & Fabrication Technician, Manufacturing Engineering programmers.
Technology - Welding & Robotics* or Welding Engineering Technology
Inspection*. * A minimum grade of 70% in MATH1455 and MATH1485
Admission Requirements
is required for advanced standing in these engineering technology nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
programs. of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
nn On average, 86% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) definition for details.)
found employment within six months of graduation. nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years Preparatory Mathematics for Trades (MATH1420)
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, or Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1280)
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Mathematics for Trades (MATH1420)
This program will be of interest to graduates of This program will be of interest to graduates of engineering
engineering and engineering technology programs and engineering technology programs wanting to expand
wanting to expand their theoretical knowledge by their theoretical knowledge by providing opportunities
providing opportunities for complementary practical for complementary practical training and experience in a
training and experience in a manufacturing shop learning manufacturing shop learning environment. Through practical
courses the student will be exposed to situations that arise
environment. Students will benefit from this program’s
in the workplace. Domestic and foreign trained individuals
solid modeling, machining, and Computer Numerical
will benefit from this program’s solid modeling, machining,
Control (CNC) programming courses (machining option)
and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programming
or blue print reading and welding symbols courses courses (machining option) or blue print reading and
(welding option). Applied learning opportunities include welding symbols courses (welding option). In addition,
manufacturing shop projects and a capstone project applied learning opportunities include manufacturing shop
which consolidates the theoretical and practical content. projects and a capstone project which consolidates the
Graduates will be prepared to make an effective start theoretical and practical content. Upon completion, students
in supervisory or managerial roles in a manufacturing will be prepared to make an effective start in supervisory
environment. The program helps develop leadership or managerial roles in a manufacturing environment. The
skills, and the ability to manage complex manufacturing program helps to develop leadership skills, and the ability
processes and teams effectively to meet business to manage complex manufacturing processes and teams
effectively to meet business goals. It includes quality
goals. It includes quality assurance, process and project
assurance, process and project management with a focus
management with a focus on meeting challenges in a
on meeting challenges in a production environment from
production environment from operational and strategic
operational and strategic perspectives. Graduates will
perspectives. have an understanding of advancements in manufacturing
Graduate Opportunities processes, communications, human resources and safety
practices to be able to effectively contribute in today’s
nn Graduates will be able to look for employment in small to large
manufacturing sector.
manufacturing and support industries including automation,
automotive manufacturing suppliers, food and beverage processing Graduate Opportunities
and packaging, pharmaceutical, textiles and more as managers,
supervisors or team leads with an enhanced applied perspective. nn Graduates will be able to look for employment in small to large
manufacturing and support industries including automation, metal
Admission Requirements machining, welding, automotive manufacturing suppliers, food and
beverage processing and packaging, pharmaceutical, textiles, or
nn A three-year advanced diploma or a degree from an accredited
general manufacturing as managers, supervisors or team leads with an
college or university in mechanical engineering or a related field
enhanced applied perspective.
(e.g. mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, manufacturing
engineering) Admission Requirements
nn A three-year advanced diploma or a degree in another discipline with nn A three-year advanced diploma or a degree from an accredited
a minimum of two (2) years of experience in mechanical engineering- college or university in mechanical engineering or a related field
related work. (e.g. mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, manufacturing
nn A three-year advanced diploma or a degree in another discipline with
a minimum of two (2) years of experience in mechanical engineering-
related work.
This program is designed for students having a This one-year full-time program is designed for students
previous degree or advanced diploma in science, food who have completed a degree or diploma in science
or engineering, and who want to be prepared for a or engineering, and who want to be prepared for a
career in the food processing industry. The program supervisory career in the food manufacturing industry.
offers a suite of courses designed to enhance skills The program offers a suite of courses designed to
and knowledge gained in previous education stages for develop skills and knowledge with direct applicability
direct applicability in the food processing environment in the food manufacturing environment. Learners will
with respect to food safety and quality assurance. The integrate concepts in quality assurance, food safety,
program is unique in Ontario because students apply equipment maintenance and continuous improvement
their learning in Conestoga’s pilot plant facility, enabling including lean six sigma to design systems that lead to
learners to incorporate theoretical knowledge in quality excellence in manufacturing and business processes.
assurance and food safety to the practical environment Upon completion, graduates will also have practical
of food manufacturing. Graduates will have practical experience in project management and leadership.
experience in food safety applications in the industrial Course materials will be applied in a food manufacturing
processing environment, a strong understanding of pilot plant environment and students will be exposed to
Canadian and international food safety regulations, operations in local industries.
HACCP principles, and knowledge of the inter-
Graduate Opportunities
dependence between cleaning and sanitation principles,
food safety concepts and quality assurance and quality nn Graduates of this program will be prepared for employment at
the middle management level (e.g. Operations Supervisor, Quality
control elements typical of the food processing sector.
Supervisor, Continuous Improvement Leader, Logistics Coordinator)
Graduate Opportunities in small-, medium- or large-sized food manufacturing and logistics
nn Graduates may find employment as food safety supervisors, HACCP
coordinators, and quality assurance and control technicians. In Admission Requirements
addition, career path opportunities include food safety manager,
nn An Ontario College Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Degree or equivalent
quality assurance manager and industry consultant.
in a related field (e.g., food science, food engineering, food technology,
nn On average, 91% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
biotechnology, general science, environmental science, earth sciences,
found employment within six months of graduation.
chemistry, microbiology, biology, mechanical/electrical/industrial/
Admission Requirements agricultural engineering)
nn Please note that a 2-year diploma credential obtained outside of
nn An Ontario College Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Degree or equivalent Ontario currently does not meet the minimum ranking requirement for
in a related field in food technology, engineering or a science-related entrance into this program.
field. nn Applicants will be ranked based on an assessment of their academic
nn Please note that a 2-year diploma credential obtained outside of background, including:
Ontario currently does not meet the minimum ranking requirement for - length of program and type of credential;
entrance into this program. - a rea of study and its affinity with the Operations Leadership in Food
- Applicants with documents (transcripts) from an educational institution Manufacturing program;
from a country other than Canada must have their documents evaluat- - overall academic performance.
ed for equivalency at an approved provider of credential evaluation ser-
vices. Applicants to this program require a Comprehensive or Course-
by-Course Report. Please see How to Apply for more information.
89 •
Do you want a great job when you graduate? Our graduates Graduate Opportunities
help fill a skill shortage and are in demand for jobs as data nn Our graduates have careers as data analysts, clinical analysts, project
analysts, business intelligence specialists, privacy professionals, managers, software developers, privacy officers, implementation
and clinical informatics specialists. coordinators, data scientists, business intelligence consultants, decision
support specialists, and consultants.
The Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science (Honours) nn On average, 82% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
degree is an innovative four-year paid co-op program that found employment within six months of graduation.
will prepare you for a number of in-demand careers in the
Admission Requirements
health-care industry. You will enable the health-care system
to achieve its goals of person-centred, safe, high quality and nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years
sustainable health care through data-informed problem solving. of age or older
nn A minimum of six (6) Grade 12 courses with a minimum cumulative
You will use applied and integrated knowledge and skills from
average of 65%, including three (3) required U level courses and three
health information science, biomedical and health sciences,
(3) additional U or M level courses (Higher averages are often required
information technology and management sciences to positively
for admission due to competition for available spaces in the program.)
impact the health-care system. nn The following Grade 12 U courses are required:
- English (ENG4U)
Focusing on health informatics and health information - One (1) Grade 12 Mathematics course with a minimum average of
management, you will experience a variety of real-life learning 65% from the following: Advanced Functions (MHF4U) OR Calculus
opportunities that will enrich the learning experience. You will and Vectors (MCV4U) OR Mathematics of Data Management
be challenged to use creativity and problem-solving skills to (MDM4U)
design, implement and evaluate a broad range of projects with - Grade 12 Biology with a minimum average of 70% (SBI4U)
community partners. You will design health informatics and - Three (3) other Grade 12 U or M courses
information management solutions while learning to maintain
security, privacy and confidentiality.
Bachelor of Environmental
Public Health (Honours) (Co-op) #1386C
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Environmental Public Health (Honours)
This program is designed to train and prepare individuals This two-year diploma program is designed to prepare
as qualified fitness and health promotion practitioners students with the knowledge and skills to practice
working within the fitness, health promotion and lifestyle evidence-informed hearing healthcare and to function as
industry. Graduates are equipped with the skills to an integral member of the interprofessional health-care
accurately assess and monitor health and fitness levels team. Graduates of the program will have demonstrated
to prepare safe and effective programs that meet clients’ the necessary patient-focused skills to manage the
goals. Graduates will provide services and programs to a needs of the hard of hearing. The program provides
variety of diverse populations such as healthy individuals, a rich learning environment that utilizes classroom
youth, seniors and those medically compromised. The education, laboratory simulation, various interprofessional
program offers instruction in the areas of anatomy and exercises, and clinical exposure to hone competency.
physiology, fitness assessment and exercise prescription, The course work is designed to ensure the student is
health promotion, lifestyle coaching and behaviour capable to assess hearing and provide hearing patients
modification, nutrition, therapeutic exercise, program with appropriate rehabilitation options - in particular, the
planning, marketing, leadership and entrepreneurship, selection and fitting of today’s technologically-advanced
motivation and interpersonal skills. Students will have hearing aids. Additionally, the course work will prepare
the opportunity to obtain internationally recognized the student to manage minor hearing aid and earmold
fitness certifications such as Group Fitness Instructor and repairs and modifications. It will prepare students with the
Personal Trainer. knowledge, skills, attitudes and critical thinking ability for
proficiency within a hearing healthcare environment. After
Graduate Opportunities
successful completion of the program, graduates are
nn Graduates find employment in such areas as commercial fitness and eligible to write national/provincial examinations and to
health facilities, municipal recreation departments, private agencies
complete 1000 hours of supervised internship through the
(for example health consulting firms), senior citizens’ centres, and
rehabilitation centres or self-employment through personal small Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners (AHIP).
business entrepreneurship.
Graduate Opportunities
nn On average, 90% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation. nn The scope of practice for the Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS) is
confined to the adult population, whose members present with no
Admission Requirements medical reason to contra-indicate the use of hearing aids. The HIS
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years typically finds employment in private practice or in the hearing-aid
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student manufacturing sector.
definition for details.) nn On average, 96% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga found employment within six months of graduation.
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements
nn Grade 11 or 12 Biology, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
Preparatory Biology (SCIE1010) nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn PLUS one of the following: of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
- Grade 11 or 12 Physics, C or U, or equivalent definition for details.)
- Grade 11 or 12 Chemistry, C or U, or equivalent OR Conestoga College nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
Preparatory Chemistry (SCIE1030) College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
- Grade 12 Health and Physical Education (PLF4C) OR Grade 12 Recreation nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
and Healthy Active Living Leadership (PLF4M) OR Grade 12 Exercise College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1395)
Science (PSE4U) OR Grade 12 Kinesiology (PSK4U) nn Grade 11 or 12 Biology, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
- Grade 11 or 12 Science, SNC3M or SNC4M Preparatory Biology (SCIE1010)
An exciting career in the nutrition and food industry starts This program is designed to prepare students with the
here. This program is designed to equip students with a knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform
strong management aptitude and the expertise needed their role as occupational therapist assistants and
to work in a variety of careers in the nutrition and food physiotherapist assistants (OTAs and PTAs). OTAs and
industries. This innovative program emphasizes the PTAs are primarily responsible for implementation of
evidenced-based nutritional care of people from all ages treatment plans to promote physical functioning or
and stages of life, providing instruction in community to enhance participation in activities of daily living for
and clinical nutrition management, as well as in the individuals with a wide range of health conditions. The
marketing and promotion of nutritious living. Students program integrates classroom theory with hands-on
will receive instruction in food service and human practical skills learning in living lab settings. To enhance
resource management, highlighting innovation in menu critical thinking, decision making and leadership skills,
development, customer service and product selection. the program makes use of diverse learning opportunities
Financial management of food services, food safety, food such as small group case-based learning, simulation
sciences, professional practice and quality management exercises, applied learning projects and e-learning.
will be integrated throughout the program. Instruction Exposure to clinical experiences across a variety of
will include integrated online, classroom, and simulation clinical settings is integrated into the curriculum to
opportunities, to provide students with the opportunity ensure students have an opportunity to apply skills in a
to practice their practical skills prior to entering into the supervised setting.
workforce. Students will participate in a hybrid work-
Graduate Opportunities
integrated learning experience in food and nutrition
management in the final semester of the program to nn Graduates are prepared to enter the health-care industry working
in various health-care settings (e.g., hospitals, retirement homes
consolidate their learning.
or long-term care facilities, private rehabilitation clinics and other
Graduate Opportunities health-related community agencies) as an occupational therapist
and physiotherapist assistant under the supervision of a licensed
nn Graduates will be well trained to manage food services and the physiotherapist or occupational therapist. This two-year diploma
nutritional needs of individuals and groups in clinical and community program is not a direct route to becoming a registered OT or PT.
settings in collaboration with registered dietitians and other health Applicants are advised to seek career counselling support to determine
care professionals. Career opportunities exist in managing food and appropriate pathways for entry into the master’s degree program to
nutrition departments in hospitals, long term care homes, retirement become a registered OT and/or PT if this is a route they wish to take.
homes, correctional facilities, educational institutions, community food nn On average, 98% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
service providers, restaurants, food production companies, and other found employment within six months of graduation.
hospitality locations.
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
years of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student definition for details.)
definition for details.) nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1395)
College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1395) nn Grade 11 or 12 Biology, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
nn Grade 11 or 12 Biology, C or U, or equivalent, or Conestoga College Preparatory Biology (SCIE1010)
Preparatory Biology (SCIE1010) nn Grade 11 or 12 Physics or Chemistry, C or U, or equivalent; OR Grade
12 Exercise Science (PSE4U); OR Grade 12 Kinesiology (PSK4U); OR
Grade 11 or 12 Science (SNC3M or SNC4M); OR Conestoga College
Preparatory Chemistry (SCIE1030)
The program curriculum is designed for students who The Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and
wish to concentrate on the health sciences field and Diplomas program offers two semesters of full-time
prepares students for application to Conestoga’s study. It is designed for students who wish to concentrate
advanced diploma or degree health programs on the health sciences field and prepares students for
(Respiratory Therapy, Paramedic, McMaster University application to Conestoga College’s School of Health
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Applied & Life Sciences certificate and diploma programs
Health Information Science, Bachelor of Environmental (Biotechnology Technician, Fitness and Health Promotion,
Public Health, etc.). Students wishing to apply to Hearing Instrument Specialist, Practical Nursing, Nutrition
Biotechnology Technician, Fitness and Health Promotion, and Food Service Management and Occupational
Hearing Instrument Specialist, Practical Nursing, Nutrition Therapist Assistant/Physiotherapist Assistant, etc.)
and Food Service Management and Occupational Students will be introduced to the health sciences field,
Therapist Assistant/Physiotherapist Assistant programs college life and workload, and will be able to increase
are still able to do so by taking either the one-year Pre- their competitiveness to support their application to
Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas health sciences programs.
or upon completion of this one-year Pre-Health Sciences
Graduate Opportunities
Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees.
nn A five-mark (5) bonus will be granted to any applicant who has
This is a highly competitive program. Apply by
successfully completed Conestoga’s Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to
February 1 (for September). Certificates and Diplomas program and who is applying to any of the
following Conestoga programs: Biotechnology Technician, Fitness and
Graduate Opportunities
Health Promotion, Nutrition and Food Service Management, Hearing
nn A five-mark (5) bonus will be granted to any applicant who has Instrument Specialist, Practical Nursing, Personal Support Worker, and
successfully completed Conestoga’s Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Occupational Therapist Assistant/Physiotherapist Assistant.
Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program and who is applying to nn Students wishing to apply for advanced diploma (Respiratory
any of the following Conestoga diploma programs: Biotechnology Therapy or Paramedic) or degree programs (Bachelor of Science in
Technician, Fitness and Health Promotion, Hearing Instrument Nursing, Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science, Bachelor of
Specialist, Practical Nursing, Nutrition and Food Service Management, Environmental Public Health etc.) must take the Pre-Health Sciences
Paramedic, Personal Support Worker, Occupational Therapist Assistant/ Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees program.
Physiotherapist Assistant, and Respiratory Therapy.
nn On average, 88% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) Admission Requirements
found employment within six months of graduation.
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
Admission Requirements
definition for details.)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 11 or 12 Mathematics, C, U or M, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Mathematics for Health Sciences (MATH1395
Pathway Opportunities
PW Bachelor of Applied Health Information Science (Honours)
Nursing - BScN (McMaster)
Bachelor of Environmental Public Health (Honours)
Admission Requirements
nn Two- or three-year diploma or degree in Education, Child Studies,
Psychology, Early Childhood Education, Social Services or
Rehabilitation, Educational Assistant, Child Youth Worker or equivalent.
101 •
Developed in collaboration with industry leaders, this This two-year diploma offers a unique opportunity for
two-year program focuses on advanced pastry and students to apply skills learned in labs and classes on a
baking training, as well as the management skills required paid four-month co-op term. Through demonstrations,
to work successfully in this fast-growing industry. This lectures and hands-on practice, students are provided
program is designed to help students start a career knowledge and techniques of quality food preparation
as a baker or pastry chef. It will include practical, and presentation. They gain an understanding of the
theoretical and hands-on training in areas of baking, complexity of kitchen management and experience
cake decorating, sanitation and safety, and pastry shop real-life production. Co-op education work terms in the
management, as well as advanced techniques practiced program enable the student to develop the skills and
in this ever-evolving industry. Students will spend enhance his/her knowledge learned in the college setting.
extensive time in the College’s state-of-the art labs and This program offers co-op work-term opportunities at
teaching facilities developing and expanding on the the Institut Paul Bocuse, the leading global educator
core skills of the industry. These include: artisan breads of excellence for culinary arts and the hospitality trade
and breakfast pastries; wedding cakes; chocolates (additional cost applies). In addition, courses such as
and confections; plated desserts; classic and modern communication, computer skills, marketing, small-
tarts, entremets and petits fours; laminated dough and business management and nutrition ensure graduates are
viennoiseries; ice cream and sorbets; artisan sugar well rounded to meet the demands of industry.
confections. In the classroom, students will acquire
Graduate Opportunities
the technical knowledge of ingredient function, formula
balance, and modern technology as it relates to this nn After completion of the co-op industry training and experience,
graduates have the option to continue their apprenticeship in industry.
field. On the business side, students will learn the key
There are also many options for students to continue in culinary arts
skills that are necessary to run a successful operation graduate certificate programs in Canada and internationally.
including: cost control and forecasting; labour relations nn On average, 92% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
and leadership; sales and marketing and small business found employment within six months of graduation.
development. The optional co-op stream includes one
Admission Requirements
co-op work term.
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
Co-op option available after admission.
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
Graduate Opportunities definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
nn Graduates are prepared for a career in various areas of the baking and
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
pastry realm, including commercial bakeries, pastry shops, chocolate
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
shops, as well as large production facilities.
College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
This two-year program focuses on the restaurant and This program provides students with an overview of the
hotel sectors and is designed to provide students hospitality and tourism industry along with entry-level
with balanced training that combines theory and management skills for this very diverse and integrated
practical experience in the specific skills involved in industry. Students will receive a broad base of business
people management, hands-on preparation, customer and entrepreneur skills ensuring a strong understanding
service, and financial controls needed in the hospitality of financial, customer service, marketing, and the human
industry. Optional co-op terms can be completed in a resources aspects of the industry. The optional co-op
restaurant, hotel, catering or other approved food and stream includes one co-op work term.
beverage facility either locally or across Canada. In Co-op option available after admission.
addition, courses such as communication, computer
Graduate Opportunities
skills, marketing, and nutrition ensure graduates are well
rounded to meet the demands of industry. The optional nn Graduates of this multi-discipline program will have broad career
opportunities across all sectors and will be prepared to begin their
co-op stream includes one co-op work term.
career in conference operations, sales and marketing, destination sales
Co-op option available after admission. and marketing, attraction management, restaurant management and
festival operations.
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates find employment in various hotel and food and beverage Admission Requirements
settings - restaurants, catering companies, franchises, hotels, resorts, nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years
clubs or private establishments - as service or kitchen supervisors, of age or older.
general staff supervisors or manager trainees. With experience, self- nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
employment becomes an option. College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270).
nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2015 to 2017) nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M(U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
found employment within six months of graduation. College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
This program is designed to help students start This intensive 14-week program provides the knowledge
a career as a baker or pastry chef. It will include and skills required for employment in the hospitality
practical, theoretical and hands-on training in areas of industry as a bartender. Mixology, wine, beer and
baking, baking equipment usage, baking and pastry beverage application will be taught through theory and
fundamentals, food costing, cake decorating, sanitation lab practice. Bar management concepts are addressed in
and safety and pastry management. Under faculty the second half of the semester.
guidance, working individually and as part of a team,
Graduate Opportunities
students will develop core skills in specialized areas,
including: chocolate and confections, wedding and nn Graduates will find employment in the hospitality industry as a
specialty cakes, tarts and pastries, plated desserts,
nn On average, 89% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
artisan breads and breakfast pastries, petits fours, found employment within six months of graduation.
laminated dough and viennoiseries, ice cream and
sorbets. Admission Requirements
nn 19 years of age or older
Graduate Opportunities nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or mature
nn Graduates can begin rewarding careers in commercial bakeries, hotels, student status (See Mature Student definition for details.)
catering companies, grocery stores with in-store bakeries, or small
bakeries and pastry shops.
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Event Management
One-year Ontario College Graduate Certificate program
Location: Waterloo
Start: September
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates will be able to effectively plan and execute events
including financial budgets, site and facility operations, sponsorship
management and stakeholder relations. They will be well equipped
to design an integrated marketing and promotional plan, effectively
manage human resources and operate in a professional and ethical
manner within the event industry.
nn On average, 88% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
Admission Requirements
nn A two- or three-year diploma or a degree from an accredited college or
• 108
General Arts and Science - Diploma General Arts and Science - One Year
Option #0791
#0090 One-year Ontario College Certificate program
Two-year Ontario College Diploma program Location: Kitchener - Doon and Brantford
Location: Kitchener - Doon Start: September (Kitchener - Doon and Brantford) and
Start: September and January January (Kitchener - Doon)
This two-year diploma program is designed for students This one-year certificate program is designed for
who wish to acquire a general education in the arts and students who wish to acquire a general education in
sciences while having the flexibility to explore further the arts and sciences while having the flexibility to
educational options within the college or to pursue a explore further educational options within the college
degree at a local university. Students will acquire skills or pursuing a degree at a local university. Students will
in communication, critical thinking and research, while acquire knowledge and skills in communication, critical
exploring contemporary issues in today’s global society. thinking and research, while exploring contemporary
Students will explore a topic of interest through the issues in today’s global society. Students will select and
construction of a research project, paper, and portfolio explore a topic of interest through the construction of
that culminates in a presentation to an expert audience. a research project, paper, and portfolio that culminates
During this program, students will participate in a course in a presentation to an audience. During this program,
that will enable them to discover career opportunities. students will participate in a course that will enable them
In the second semester, students will consult with their to discover career opportunities. In the second semester,
program coordinator to select from a variety of post- students will consult with their program coordinator
secondary courses in disciplines of their choice. The to select from a variety of post-secondary courses in
program is designed to allow students to explore options disciplines of their choice. The program is designed
that meet future academic goals either through selecting to allow students to explore options that meet future
courses in a major discipline or courses eligible for credit academic goals either through selecting courses in a
transfer at the University of Waterloo (courses are subject major discipline or courses eligible for credit transfer
to availability). to local university partners (courses are subject to
availability). After successful completion of this program,
Graduate Opportunities students may wish to transfer to the Two-year General
nn Students graduating after the fourth semester often seek admission Arts and Science Diploma program, apply to programs
to specific vocational programs of their choosing at Conestoga or within Conestoga College, or pursue further education at
elsewhere. Graduates may choose to continue their education by other institutions.
pursuing degree programs at Conestoga or at University of Waterloo,
Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Guelph. Graduate Opportunities
Admission Requirements nn Graduates may choose to seek admission to more specific vocational/
educational programs at Conestoga College or elsewhere following
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years completion of one year. Others choose to continue in and complete
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student the Two-year General Arts and Science Diploma program. After
definition for details.) completing the diploma, graduates can transfer to University of
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Guelph.
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270
This four-level English Language Studies program This intensive eight-week program is designed for
focuses on the listening, speaking, reading, and writing students whose second language is English and who
skills required for college/university studies. Students wish to acquire the academic English language skills
start at a level determined by scores on an in-house required for college entry.
placement test or an internationally-recognized English
Graduate Opportunities
language test such as TOEFL or IELTS. In levels 2 and
3, students reinforce English skills through Canadian nn Students who have successfully completed this program will have met
the English language requirement for most post-secondary diploma
Perspectives courses, as well as through core English
programs at Conestoga.
skills courses. Concurrent with English studies in Level 4,
students take post-secondary credit courses. Admission Requirements
This program is designed for domestic students whose nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years
first language is not English. Students on an international of age or older
study permit should enrol in English for Academic
Graduate Opportunities
nn Students who have successfully completed level 4 of this program will
have met the English language requirement for most post-secondary
diploma programs at Conestoga.
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, OR 19 years
of age or older
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates will be prepared to teach English effectively in a wide variety
of settings both in Canada and abroad, including language programs
for newcomers to Canada, colleges, private language schools, business
English programs and workplace settings.
nn On average, 92% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
Admission Requirements
nn An undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university
This program has a supplemental admission
requirement. Please check the website for additional
Technical Communication
#1495, (Optional Co-op)
One-year Ontario College Graduate Certificate program
Location: Waterloo
Start: September
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates will be well-prepared for careers as technical writers, content
marketing writers, editorial and proposal document officers, and
facilitators/trainers in a variety of sectors including government, health,
manufacturing, information technology, engineering, and finance. Job
opportunities are available in professional, scientific, and technical
services; computer and electronic manufacturing; educational services;
government and public administration; administrative and support
services; and publishing industries.
Admission Requirements
nn An Ontario College diploma, advanced diploma or degree or
113 •
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
This program focuses on the field of Mechatronics from This program provides extensive theory and hands-on
an industrial maintenance perspective. We will provide training pertaining to the heating, refrigeration, and air
you with a combination of training in both electrical conditioning fields. This growing trade area changes
and mechanical maintenance including applications in rapidly and this program incorporates studies dealing
automated manufacturing systems, industrial robotics, with current HVAC topics including green technologies.
and system integration. The focus on creating highly It also provides foundational skills in general sheet metal,
technical mechatronics maintenance team members from gas, and electrical. The practical courses taking place
this program, will allow you to integrate into a variety of in the HVAC Centre are designed to train you to enter
industries with knowledge in Industry 4.0/IIOT, mobile the field with all the skills necessary for employment.
robotics, and big data. This program covers all the You may have the opportunity to write the Technical
learning outcomes for Levels 1 and 2 of the Electrician Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) G3 and G2 Gas
and Millwright apprenticeship programs in Ontario. Technician exams.
Students who pursue an apprenticeship in either trade
Graduate Opportunities
may be exempt from these levels of in-school training.
The optional co-op stream includes one paid co-op work nn Graduates are well prepared to enter into an apprenticeship in a
related trade, entry-level work in the gas technician field, or mechanical
systems sales and service.
Co-op option available after admission. nn On average, 83% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
Graduate Opportunities
nn Graduates of this program may hold positions such as industrial Admission Requirements
mechanic millwright or industrial electrician apprentices in a variety nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of industries including oil and gas, mining, automation and robotics, of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
hospitals, food industries and manufacturing. definition for details.
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
Admission Requirements College Preparatory Communications for Trades (COMM1280)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student Preparatory Mathematics for Trades and Apprenticeship (MATH1420)
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C (60%) or U (50%), or equivalent, OR
Conestoga College Preparatory Mathematics for Trades (MATH1420)
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420)
If you are attracted to modern manufacturing With today’s technological advancements, Automotive
technologies and enjoy working with machines, this Service Technicians need to possess skills in overall
skills-based program will appeal to you. It prepares you repair and maintenance, in addition to advanced
for entry into the tool and die/tool maker skilled trade technology. Conestoga’s Motive Power Technician -
or related career in the manufacturing sector, including Automotive Service diploma program will provide you
apprenticeship. You will learn the high-precision hand with the opportunity to develop skills in all of these areas.
fitting, positioning, aligning and assembly techniques With a focus on hands-on training to complement the in-
involved in the production of stamping dies. Also, the class theory, you will be well-positioned to enter this high
program incorporates a number of months of paid co-op demand trade area. In addition to the core trade-related
education work, and covers all the learning outcomes for skills, this program also prepares you to take on related
Level 1 and Level 2 of the related apprenticeship program roles within the automotive industry including business
in Ontario. As a graduate of this program, you may not be development, shop and parts management; and a variety
required to complete the in-school apprenticeship training of other alternative options to a traditional technician
or take an exemption exam for Levels 1 and 2 should you career. For those interested in developing their technical
choose to pursue a tool and die maker apprenticeship. skills, the second year of the program will enable you to
The optional co-op stream includes two back-to-back delve deeper into related topics such as electric hybrids,
co-op work terms. engine failure analysis and electrical diagnostics and
Co-op option available after admission. repair. As a graduate of the diploma program, you will
have an opportunity to receive automatic exemption from
Graduate Opportunities
Levels 1 and 2 of the Automotive Service Technician
nn A tool and die maker is a skilled craftsperson who produces, repairs, apprenticeship in-school training should you choose to
and modifies custom-made prototype or special tools, dies, jigs,
pursue that career pathway.
fixtures and gauges to very specific dimensions. Graduates may
hold positions such as an apprenticeship in tool and die making, Graduate Opportunities
related precision machining trade or other employment within the
manufacturing sector. nn Graduates may hold positions such as automotive service technician
apprentice, service writer, shop manager, and business owner, and
Admission Requirements work in settings that include manufacturing, service and sales.
nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
found employment within six months of graduation.
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.) Admission Requirements
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270) nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
Preparatory Mathematics (MATH1420) definition for details.)
nn Grade 12 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
College Preparatory Communications (COMM1270)
nn Grade 12 Mathematics, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga College
Preparatory Mathematics for Trades and Apprenticeship (MATH1420)
Individuals who possess mechanical aptitude, problem- If you enjoy the challenge of solving complex problems
solving abilities, can work individually and as a team in a fast-paced environment and you possess strong
member are well-suited to enter this lucrative trade area. mechanical abilities, this program is a good fit for you.
Conestoga’s Motive Power Technician - Heavy Duty Conestoga’s Motive Power Technician - Truck and Coach
Equipment diploma program will provide you with the diploma program will provide you with the opportunity
opportunity to develop skills in all of these areas. With a to develop skills in overall repair and maintenance and
focus on hands-on training to complement the in-class advanced technology. With a focus on hands-on training
theory, you will be well-positioned to enter this high in our state-of-the-art shops to complement the in-class
demand trade area. theory, you will be well-positioned to enter this high
In addition to the core trade-related skills, this program demand trade area.
also prepares you to take on related roles in the heavy In addition to the core trade-related skills including
duty equipment industry including business development, the repair of engines, transmissions, drive trains and
shop and parts management, and a variety of other electrical/electronic components, this program also
alternative options to a traditional technician career. The prepares you to take on related roles in the truck and
second year of the program will enable you to delve coach industry including business development, shop
deeper into related topics such as engine failure analysis and parts management; and a variety of other alternative
and electrical diagnostics and repair. Qualifying students options to a traditional technician career. For those
have the opportunity to engage in a paid co-operative interested in developing their technical skills, the second
education work term during the summer between Years year of the program will enable you to delve deeper into
1 and 2 of the program, enabling you to apply your related topics such as electric hybrids, engine failure
knowledge in a practical environment. Graduates will analysis and electrical diagnostics and repair.
have an opportunity to receive automatic exemption from As a graduate of the diploma program, you will have an
Levels 1 and 2 of the Heavy Duty Equipment Technician opportunity to receive automatic exemption from Levels 1
apprenticeship in-school training should you choose to and 2 of the Truck and Coach Technician apprenticeship
pursue that career pathway. in-school training should you choose to pursue that
Co-op option available after admission. career pathway.
This unique program introduces you to a variety of This unique program introduces you to a variety of
skills in the construction field with each trade-specific skills in the construction field with each trade-specific
component running seven weeks in duration. You study component running seven weeks in duration. You study
and practice in plumbing, welding, HVAC and electrical and practice in carpentry, masonry, plumbing, and
trades. You receive safety training (general and specific) electrical trades. You receive safety training (general
and skills development in a number of construction areas. and specific) and skills development in a number of
There is an opportunity via this program to strengthen construction areas. Students have an opportunity via this
math and communication skills to be considered for entry program to strengthen math and communication skills to
into other post-secondary, trade-related programs. be considered for entry into other post-secondary, trade-
related programs.
Graduate Opportunities
nn Opportunities can be found in the residential and ICI (industrial, Graduate Opportunities
commercial, and institutional) sectors, into entry-level positions nn Opportunities can be found in the residential and ICI (industrial,
in the disciplines of study. Entry-level positions often lead to an commercial, and institutional) sectors, into entry-level positions
apprenticeship. in the disciplines of study. Entry-level positions often lead to an
nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) apprenticeship.
found employment within six months of graduation. nn On average, 88% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation.
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years Admission Requirements
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
definition for details.) of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
This unique program provides in-depth theory and Now is the time to consider a career in the electrical
hands-on training for the brick and stone masonry trades with contractors and industry looking for people
trade. Located at the Waterloo campus, Conestoga’s with solid foundational skills. Prepare for a career with
Masonry Centre provides the ideal setting to learn to a construction team or within a manufacturing facility.
work with brick, stone, and a variety of other masonry The Electrical Techniques program will teach you how
materials. You will be given many opportunities to design electricity works, how to interpret code rules, read
and construct masonry walls and features in a safe and blueprints, and how electronics are used in today’s high
efficient manner; and will also learn to safely and properly tech world. You will learn from licensed electricians and
operate hand and power tools, as well as equipment spend significant time with tools in your hands learning
used by masons on a construction site. Additionally, you the skills that will make the difference in your career. The
will also gain valuable knowledge about vital aspects of Electrical Techniques program is a great choice if you
the brick and stone trade in Canada, including heritage want to explore the exciting career opportunities that the
masonry and refractory masonry, as well as commercial skilled trades have to offer, and get job ready skills.
and residential applications. A graduate of this program Graduate Opportunities
may be exempt from the Level 1 in-school apprenticeship
nn Graduates of this program are well prepared to enter directly into
training should they choose to pursue a Brick and Stone an apprenticeship, or other employment in the electrical field, or to
apprenticeship. continue on into related diploma programs.
nn On average, 94% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
Graduate Opportunities found employment within six months of graduation.
nn Graduates may find employment in brick and stone, heritage
restoration, refractory work, hardscape construction and general Admission Requirements
construction. nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
Admission Requirements definition for details.)
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 nn Grade 11 compulsory English, C or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
years of age or older with mature student status (see Mature Student Preparatory Communications for Trades (COMM1280)
definition for details.) nn Grade 11 Mathematics, C, M (U/C), or U, or equivalent, OR Conestoga
nn Diploma and Certificate Programs Standard Language Requirements College Preparatory Mathematics for Trades (MATH1420)
would be used should a student apply with the need to complete one
of these additional requirements.
- IELTS overall band of 6 with no band less than 5.5
- TOEFL iBT 80
- CAEL 70 with minimum 60 writing, no sub-test band score less than 30
- PTE Academic 51
- Conestoga English Language Test (CELT) Band 5
With the current pace of construction in Ontario, there is This program prepares graduates for rewarding careers
a high demand for skilled equipment operators to support in the manufacturing industry in the area of mechanical
this industry. Completion of the Heavy Construction repairs and maintenance. It creates exciting hands-
Equipment Operation program will position you for on and theoretical learning for the students to acquire
success to enter the construction industry. This program technical skills, knowledge and attitudes fundamental to
includes a significant amount of hands-on experience, successful employment in the manufacturing industry.
safely performing basic maintenance and operating The program supports the acquisition of strong trade-
various pieces of large equipment at our training sites related skills including technical documentation and
(South Guelph or Brantford Airport depending on AutoCAD, advanced health and safety, as well as the
program location). You will also be exposed to compact foundational technical skills needed for maintenance
equipment and paving operations. This practical operations. This program covers all the learning
experience is complemented with the related theory outcomes for Levels 1 and 2 of the related apprenticeship
including environmental practices, soils, concrete and program in Ontario. A graduate of this program may not
asphalt, surveying and site plans. be required to complete the in-school apprenticeship
By the end of the program, you will be well-prepared training or take an exemption exam for Levels 1 and 2
for success as you enter employment in the heavy should they choose to pursue an industrial mechanic
construction and paving industries as an equipment millwright apprenticeship.
operator. As a graduate of this program, you will have the
Graduate Opportunities
opportunity to receive automatic exemption from all of
the apprenticeship in-school training for the three Heavy nn Graduates of this program may hold positions such as industrial
millwright apprentices and work in industrial or construction-related
Equipment Operator trades (Tractor-Loader-Backhoe,
Excavator, Dozer) should you choose to pursue that nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
career pathway. found employment within six months of graduation.
If you enjoy troubleshooting complex problems, If you are a logical thinker with mechanical abilities
utilizing some of the latest technology and working and want to study an area that leads to a challenging
with your hands, consider taking a program leading in-demand career, this program is a good fit for you.
to a career as an automotive service technician. Through a combination of hands-on activities and
Through a combination of hands-on activities and theory-based classes, graduates from the Motive Power
theory-based classes, graduates from the Motive Techniques - Heavy Duty Equipment Repair certificate
Power Fundamentals - Automotive Repair certificate program are well-positioned to enter and be successful
program are well-positioned to enter and be successful working in this trade area. Throughout the duration of
working in this trade area. Throughout the duration of your program, you will develop a strong foundation of
your program, you will develop a strong foundation of technical skills needed for the heavy duty equipment
technical skills needed for the automotive field. You trade. You will develop safe working practices in the use
will develop safe working practices in the use of tools, of tools, machinery, and equipment and will apply basic
machinery, and equipment and will apply fundamental communication, documentation, information technology,
communication, documentation, information technology, and computer skills to support a motive power related
and computer skills to support a motive power-related work environment. To round out your training, you will
work environment. To round out your training, you will be introduced to the basics of running a motive power
be introduced to the basics of running a motive power business and relevant legal issues. As a graduate of
business and relevant legal issues. As a graduate of the certificate program, you will have an opportunity
the certificate program, you will have an opportunity to receive automatic exemption from Level 1 of the
to receive automatic exemption from Level 1 of the Heavy Duty Equipment Technician apprenticeship in-
Automotive Service Technician apprenticeship in- school training should you choose to pursue that career
school training should you choose to pursue that career pathway.
Graduate Opportunities
Graduate Opportunities nn Graduates may seek employment as heavy duty equipment,
nn Graduates may seek employment in automotive sales, service writing, agricultural equipment, powered lift truck and truck and coach
and parts/counter positions or a related apprenticeship. Alternatively, technician apprentice, in heavy equipment sales, service writing, or
graduates may also resume their studies in a Motive Power Technician parts positions. Alternatively, graduates may resume their studies in a
college diploma program with advanced standing. Motive Power Technician college program with advanced standing.
nn On average, 79% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019) nn On average, 100% of graduates from the last three years (2017 to 2019)
found employment within six months of graduation. found employment within six months of graduation.
The Pre-Apprenticeship Welder program consists of 25 The objective of the Production Gas Metal Arc Welding
weeks in-school and 8 weeks on-the-job training to equip (GMAW) program is to provide the student with a
students with the basic skills required to secure a position combination of theory and hands-on training sufficient
as an apprentice. The curriculum provides the student to prepare them to obtain employment and succeed as
with common core Level 1 apprenticeship training, a production welder in a manufacturing environment.
to increase the student’s general level of knowledge The program will be comprised of four courses totalling
about the Welding and Metal Fabricating industries. 195 hours of classroom and practical instruction. The
Academic upgrading and employment strategies are focus of this vocational program will be welding skills
also included in the program curriculum. Graduates may development using the GMAW-SC and GMAW-SP
choose to pursue an apprenticeship in the Welder or processes on different thicknesses of carbon steel in a
Metal Fabricator trades. See Apprenticeship - General variety of positions. In addition to GMAW weld practical
Information. skills students will learn engineered drawings (including
weld symbols), and GMAW weld theory. They will also
Graduate Opportunities
complete a Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) weld skills
nn Graduates may choose to pursue an apprenticeship in the welding or test in the flat position and, if successful, may earn a
metal fabricating industries.
CWB credential.
Admission Requirements Graduate Opportunities
nn Grade 12 or equivalent preferred, exceptions will be reviewed on an
nn Graduates may choose to pursue a position as a production welder
individual basis
or consider an apprenticeship in the welding or metal fabricating
nn 16 years of age or over
nn A resident of, and able to work in, Ontario
Admission Requirements
nn Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years
of age or older with mature student status (See Mature Student
definition for details.)
Cook II #1246
• The Conference Board of Canada has estimated
that Ontario will face a shortage of 190,000 skilled Electrician - Construction and Maintenance
workers, projected to rise to 560,000 by 2030.
• O
ntario is losing out on as much as $24.3 billion
Electrician - Industrial #1051
in economic activity annually because employers
cannot find people with the skills they need to General Carpenter #0700
innovate and grow in today’s economy, according to
the Conference Board of Canada. General Machinist #0703
For an individual pursuing a career in trades, Heavy Equipment Techniques #0462
employment prospects are bright.
Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) #0704
Conestoga College Instrumentation and Control Technician #0735
Roofer #0728
Welder #1163
Finding an Employer
An individual interested in becoming an apprentice can The hands-on skills development and experience
usually apply directly to an employer, union or local gained through Conestoga’s programs are well-
apprenticeship committees. Apprenticeship programs recognized by employers and prepare individuals
can range from two to five years in length and during to become a more valuable candidate for potential
that time the apprentice receives wages based on apprenticeship.
his/her skills. Finding an employer can sometimes
To learn more about pathways to apprenticeship, visit:
prove difficult — especially if lacking experience in the
trade of interest. Conestoga can help by providing
pathways to apprenticeship.
Need help?
Student Financial Services provides financial support, information, advice and services to help
students achieve their post-secondary goals. Find out more online at
financial-services, in person at the Welcome Centre, Doon (Kitchener) campus or by email at or
Benefits of Co-op
• Reinforce classroom learning with real-world • Build a network with potential future employers
• Give yourself an edge – gain relevant work
• Earn while you learn experience
• Achieve success with the support of a • Start your career at a higher salary (on average)
dedicated team of professionals
Work-Integrated Learning
Work-Integrated Learning also known as WIL allows you to get hands-on experience and apply your
classroom learning in a real-life, workplace setting. Co-op is a type of WIL. Many programs offer field
placements and other opportunities to interact with employers and partners in the community.
Recreation Programming
Explore Conestoga’s 80,000 sq. ft. Student Recreation Centre, where you can:
• Work out in a 14,000 sq. ft. Fitness Centre • Access a variety of services in the
CSI Wellness Office
• P
articipate in fitness classes and wellness
workshops in one of three multi-purpose rooms • Cool down and connect with friends in welcoming
social space
• Play intramurals in a double or triple gymnasium
• Participate in scheduled and drop-in Fitness Centre
• Go for a run on the 185-metre running track
orientations and exercise workshops
After-hours Support
Good2Talk Post-secondary Emergency Services
Student Helpline On campus, Security Services:
1-866-925-5454 519-749-4300
Here 24/7 Crisis Services Off campus, Call 911
1-844-437-3247 (1-844-HERE247)
Be career ready.
Be career ready.
Are you unclear about your career options?
Are you unclear about your career options? Not sure if your program is right for you?
program is right for you?
myCareer Services helps students: Our advisors can help you with: Student Experie
• Consider program fit and changes to • Student
Program changes Experiential Your Student Ex
• CareerRecord
exploration and planning documents the k
programs or courses • Resume development experiences you
• Explore career pathways Your Student Experiential
• Employment preparation Record curricular and co
• Craft professional resumes and cover letters • Job search
documents the knowledge, skills andadvisor can assi
opportunities to e
• Polish networking and interview skills experiences you have acquired through
identifying opportunities to enhance
myCareer Services hosts events throughout
your Student Experiential Record and
Go to to:
• Book an appointment with an advisor
• Search job postings for both campus Work Study positions and off campus employment
• Access helpful career and job search resources
• Find out about employer events and job/career fairs
Designated common spaces include a games room, movie lounge, fitness room, laundry facilities
and individual and group study areas. With Wi-Fi access, bi-weekly light housekeeping, residence
life programs, security access and 24-7 front desk service, residence provides the comforts of
home while allowing you to create your own world.
Log on to access more than 400 opportunities each year
Coordinated by Student Engagement, the Co-Curricular including volunteer positions, workshops and training,
conferences, committees and more.
Record (CCR) is an official document which recognizes
and records learning that you have achieved through
approved co-curricular experiences at Conestoga College.
See what life is like at Conestoga
thinkconestoga Follow
@thinkconestoga #thinkconestoga
At Conestoga, you can build on your previous learning experiences, and go as far
as your dreams, your talent and your determination will take you.
Conestoga College offers many programs that can lead to rewarding careers.
College certificate and bridging programs may also offer credit or entry into
our diploma programs. Let us help you define a career path and improve your
academic and employability skills.
Conestoga College extends a warm welcome to students from around
the world. Every year, students choose Conestoga because of our
reputation for educational excellence and our commitment to helping
students reach their personal and academic goals. Conestoga is
well-recognized for quality programs and exceptional services for
international students.
*Estimates only.
Fees quoted are tuition only and do not include college ancillary fees and mandatory health insurance.
Some co-op and specialty program tuition fees may be slightly higher.
Admission Working in Canada
The processing of your application will begin as soon as your For detailed information on working in Canada, contact the
online application form, application fee and supporting documents nearest Canadian embassy or visit the Immigration, Refugees and
are received. Generally, admission to most Conestoga programs Citizenship Canada website at
nn An Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent (usually Please note: Eligible students will need to seek and secure
graduation from secondary school in most countries) employment themselves. Jobs are not guaranteed.
For degree and graduate certificate programs, (including Practical Join us on Social Media:
Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Public Relations, Food Processing
Technician, and Journalism diplomas) : IELTS overall band of 6.5
with no band less than 6.0; TOEFL iBT 88. (Please note: For the
Hearing Instrument Specialist program, applicants must have an
overall band of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 except the speaking
band which must be 8.0.)
Please see our website for other acceptable English language Instagram:
proficiency test scores -
The Conestoga Language Institute offers a four-semester English for
Academic Studies (EAS) program designed to provide the listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills necessary for post-secondary
studies is required.
How to Apply – Full-time Programs students are required to conduct an independent job search in
Domestic Applicants addition to the supports and services provided by the Co-op
1. Choose your full-time program. Department.
2. Submit your application through • Students are responsible for their own transportation and
• Visit and complete the online application or call associated costs in order to complete work term requirements.
1.888.892.2228. Work locations may not always be readily accessible by public
• A $95 fee must be paid at the time of application. transportation.
• You can apply for a total of five full-time programs, but no more
than three full-time programs at any one college. Academic Upgrading
• Remember your application number — you will The School of Workforce Development provides academic
need this later. upgrading opportunities for individuals who may not have all of
3. T
ranscripts - forward all documents to Please the academic requirements to enter the program of their choice or
note: Some exceptions apply. Please see the “Apply Now” who may want to improve their academic skills in communications,
information on individual program web pages. math or the sciences to increase their chances of success before
beginning post-secondary studies or starting an apprenticeship
International Applicants program. Secondary school equivalency programs are also
International visa students must provide the following documents for available for individuals interested in either GED test preparation
admission to Conestoga College: or the Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) certificate. For more
1. International online application form submission. Complete the information, contact 519.748.5220 ext. 3681 or email upgrading@
online international application form available through the Ontario
Colleges International Application Portal: https://international. Applying as a Mature Student
2. A $100 application fee must be paid at the time of application A mature student is a student who does not hold an Ontario
3. Uploaded copies of all secondary and post-secondary transcripts Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) (or equivalent), and who is at
and certificates (in your own language, as well as English or least 19 years of age as of the first day of classes. An applicant who
translated into English). For a complete list of required supporting possesses an OSSD, regardless of age or number of years out of
documents (transcripts) by country, visit high school, will be considered on the basis of the OSSD: mature student status does not apply. If specific subject requirements are
4. An uploaded copy of TOEFL, IELTS or PTE examination results indicated, all applicants must possess those subject requirements
or another recognized international test of English meeting the regardless of whether they are applying as mature students;
requirements for the program to which you apply.* however college, university and upgrading equivalencies may
*Note: If you are applying to Conestoga’s EAS/English for Academic be used if applicants do not possess the appropriate subject
Studies program, you do not require proof of English proficiency. requirements. Mature students applying to certificates, diplomas,
and advanced diplomas must demonstrate their potential to work at
the post-secondary level in one of two ways:
Important Application Dates for Fall • by successfully completing equivalency testing in English and/or
(September) programs - Domestic Applicants mathematics; or
Some exceptions apply. See individual program web pages. • by completing a program of academic upgrading at a level
appropriate to the program of choice.
October – online application is available through
February 1 – all applications for fall programs received by on or before this date will be given equal Pre-Admission and Mature Student
consideration by the colleges. After this date, Conestoga will not Assessments
process applications to oversubscribed programs. Applications If you do not have the mathematics, English, chemistry or biology
received after February 1 for all other programs will be considered credit required for admission to the certificate, diploma, or advanced
on a first-come, first-served basis. diploma of your choice, you can write a college pre-admission or
May 1 – deadline for confirming offers received before April. Note: mature student assessment. For the most current information on
Offers will continue to be made after May 1 for programs with how to sign up for a test and for test information, please visit our
available space. Please check your offer of acceptance letter for website at
applicable deadline dates.
howtoapply.jsp *Note: Pre-admission testing is not available for degree programs.
goals. Conestoga is well-recognized for its quality programs and • PTE Academic 58
exceptional services for international students. We offer many • Conestoga English Language Test (CELT) Band 6
programs that provide career-focused education through theoretical
* See TESL program information for language proficiency scores on
and hands-on training. For information on our full-time programs,
individual program pages.
contact: International Education – Admissions Conestoga College
299 Doon Valley Drive Kitchener, ON, Canada N2G 4M4 Telephone: For all other diploma and certificate programs, applicants with
519.748.5220 Fax: 519.748.5926 Email: internationaladmissions@ transcripts from institutions where the language of instruction is not English must demonstrate English language proficiency with a
minimum test score on one of the following language proficiency
International English Language Testing tests or equivalent scores from another internationally recognized
System (IELTS) English language test:
• IELTS overall band of 6 with no band less than 5.5 (Please note:
IELTS is the International English Language Testing System,
Applicants to the Journalism program must have IELTS overall
the world’s proven English language test. Conestoga College
band of 6.0 with no band less than 5.5 except the writing which
is Canada’s first and largest test centre with test venues from
must be 6.0)
Quebec to British Columbia. IELTS was one of the pioneers of
• TOEFL iBT 80
four-skills English language testing over 21 years ago and continues
• CAEL 70 with minimum 60 writing, no sub-test band score
to set the standard for English language testing today. IELTS is
less than 30
accepted as evidence of English language proficiency by over
• PTE Academic 51
9,000 organizations worldwide. Last year, more than 2.7 million
• Conestoga English Language Test (CELT) Band 5
tests were taken globally. IELTS is recognized as a secure, valid
and reliable indicator of true-to-life ability to communicate in
English for education, immigration and professional accreditation. Collection of Student-level
IELTS is jointly owned by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Enrolment Data
Cambridge English Language Assessment and offers testing through
more than 900 test centres and locations in over 130 countries. Conestoga is required to report student-level enrolment-related
For further information, visit, email help@ data to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities under the or call 519.748.3516. authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
Act, 2002. The Ministry collects this data, which includes limited
personal information such as Ontario Education Numbers, student
English Language Requirements characteristics and educational outcomes, in order to administer
Applicants must be able to receive instruction and respond in government post-secondary funding, policies and programs,
English (except for English Language Studies applicants). Applicants including planning, evaluation and monitoring activities. Further
with transcripts from institutions where the language of instruction is information on the collection and use of student-level enrolment-
not English who are applying to: related data can be obtained from the Government of Ontario or
Ministry of Colleges and Universities websites or by writing to the
• all graduate certificate programs (except TESL*) Director, Postsecondary Finance Branch, Postsecondary Education
• degree programs division, 7th floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M7A
• Practical Nursing diploma program
• Hearing Instrument Specialist diploma program
• Public Relations diploma program
• Respiratory Therapy advanced diploma program
The Conestoga website is our official publication. Visit www.
• Food Processing Technician (Optional Co-op) diploma program for the most current information. The College
• Journalism diploma program
reserves the right to alter information including requirements and
Must demonstrate English language proficiency with a minimum fees and to cancel at any time a program, course, or program major
test score on one of the following language proficiency tests or or option; to change the location and/or term in which a program or
equivalent scores from another internationally recognized English course is offered; to change the program curriculum as necessary
language test: to meet current competencies in the job market or for budgetary
• IELTS overall band of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 (Please reasons; or to withdraw an offer of admission both prior to and after
note: for the Hearing Instrument Specialist program applicants its acceptance by an applicant or student because of insufficient
must have an overall band of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 applications or registrations, overacceptance of offers of admission,
except the speaking band which must be 8.0. For the Technical budgetary constraints, or for other such reasons. In the event the
Communication program, applicants must have an overall band of College exercises such a right, the College’s sole liability will be the
7.0 with no band less than 6.0.). return of monies paid by the applicant or student to the College.
• TOEFL iBT 88
• CAEL 70, no sub-test band score less than 60
If you would like guidance or additional information about our programs and
services, email one of our Program and Career Advisors at careercentre@ or contact one of our Conestoga Career Centres.
Staff is available to assist you with:
• career and academic advising
• labour market information
• program information and registration
• career advising for internationally trained individuals
• job search assistance.
Explore Career
Possibilities Online
Career Coach is designed to provide you with the most current
local data on wages, employment, job postings and associated
education and training.
• careers • local and provincial
• labour market and salary job opportunities
information • educational programs
Earn a Degree and a Graduate
Certificate in only Four Years
Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced
Learning deliver innovative linked programs at Laurier’s Brantford campus providing students
with a combination of theoretical knowledge and the applied skills required to succeed in
today’s workforce.
You can earn both a Bachelor’s degree from Laurier, as well as a graduate certificate from
Conestoga, in only four years – the same amount of time it normally takes to complete a
Bachelor’s degree.
A pathway also exists from Conestoga’s Aviation - General Arts & Science diploma program to
Laurier’s Honours BA, Humanities with Leadership Foundations program.
Welcome future students. We can’t wait to help you learn more about Conestoga
College. There are several ways to experience what campus life is like – join us for
an online-guided campus tour, take part in one of our live online events, or check
out our virtual tour and on-demand program information.
Live Online Events Learn about the best programs, faculty and facilities,
and On-demand without leaving home. Attend a virtual live Q&A session to
have your important questions answered and connect with
Program Information
a student recruiter.
Virtual Tour As your schedule permits, learn more about our campuses,
program information, and campus life through our award
winning virtual tour.
In accordance with public health guidelines, on-campus tours may be permitted in the future.
Please continue to monitor our website or contact for details.
Liaison Officers:
A proud member of