Evs Notes
Evs Notes
Evs Notes
NAME: __________________________________
ROLL NUMBER:_________________
Cultural preference
One school of scholars suggested that female foeticide can be
seen through history and cultural background. Generally, male
babies were preferred because they provided manual labor and
success the family lineage. The selective abortion of female
fetuses is most common in areas where cultural norms value
male children over female children for a variety of social and
economic reasons.
Disparate gendered access to resource
Some of the variation in birth sex ratios and implied female
foeticide may be due to disparate access to resources. As
MacPherson (2007) notes, there can be significant differences in
gender violence and access to food, healthcare, immunizations
between male and female children. This leads to high infant and
childhood mortality among girls, which causes changes in sex
supporting and fighting for rights and justice (for example, Rice
Bucket Challenge, 2014; Sexual Harassment in the Indigo Flight,
2015; etc.).
This portrayal and labelling of women in mass media has led the
National Commission for Women (NCW) to recommend
amendment in the Indecent Representation of Women
(Prohibition Act), 1986. The NCW includes new technologies
like SMS, MMS, electronic media, social media, posters, TV
serials, advertisements, films, audio-video records, etc., in order
to stop perpetuating stereotypes of women in public space.
According to NCW, “women are either being portrayed
as Sita (Goddess in Ramayana) or as Kaikayee (Villain in
Ramayana) and there seems to be nothing in between the two
extreme characters being shown in mass media. Divorces,
adultery are highlighted frequently, where characters break the
law without repercussion.” NCW stresses that the negative
images or just portraying reality is not enough; infact, it can
often be harmfulapathy and passivity to society, women and
children. This should be avoided and replaced by depicting the
positive images or success stories of women in all walks of life
and public and private spheres. It is more purposeful and
essential to publish and produce programmes that talk about
income generating schemes for women, other than widely
propagated typical ventures of “womanly jobs” -papad-making,
sewing, embroidery, pickles making, etc. Non-traditional and
innovative skills should be stressed in the mass
media transmission and telecast to break the social myth that
women are suited to certain kinds of jobs or gender-specific
roles and division of labour only.
Divide and rule: The British colonial policy of divide and rule
was a significant factor in the origin and evolution of
communalism in India. The British created divisions between
communities by playing them against each other, leading to
communal tensions and conflicts.
Fundamental Rights
Right to Equality
Right to freedom
Right to Equality
Right to freedom
Article 32: According to this article, the Courts can grant 5 types
of writs namely, Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Quo Warranto,
Prohibition and Certiorari. Each of this writ is explained below:
Fundamental Duties
(f) to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;
Importance of tolerance:
Seeds of Intolerance
Moral Virtue
People are naturally diverse; only tolerance can ensure the
survival of mixed communities in every region of the globe. The
appreciation of diversity, the ability to live and let others live, the
ability to adhere to one’s convictions while accepting that others
adhere to their’s, the ability to enjoy one’s rights and freedoms
without infringing on those of others’, tolerance has always been
considered a moral virtue. People must commit themselves to
promoting tolerance and non-violence through programmes and
institutions in the fields of education, science, culture and
communication along with outright injustice and violence,
discrimination and marginalisation.
Religious Tolerance
It encourages innovation