Module-04 Maxwell - S Equations & EM Waves BPHYE102
Module-04 Maxwell - S Equations & EM Waves BPHYE102
Module-04 Maxwell - S Equations & EM Waves BPHYE102
08 Hours
between them.
That is A • B = A B cos then A B = a x bx + a y b y + a z bz
aˆ x aˆ y aˆ z
A B = C = Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz
Physical significance: The cross product is processed through mathematics and could be applied in
physics under suitable circumstances.
For example: For a rotator body the moment of linear momentum is the
angular momentum. The angular momentum acts in a direction perpendicular
to momentum and the radius vector. Therefore angular momentum L is
given by the cross product of radius vector (r ) and linear momentum ( p )
and hence L = r p .
surrounding the charge could be represented by vectors and hence is a vector field.
Describe the vector operator and explain the concept and curl with physical
significance? 8M (Jan /Feb 2021)
In mathematics vectors operator is denoted as del () operator. If the system is in Cartesian
coordinate, the operator is represent as per the equation = (aˆ x ) + aˆ y + (aˆ z )( )
x y z
Where â x , â y and â z are base vectors.
There are three ways in which operator can act, such as Gradient, Divergence and Curl.
1. Gradient: Consider a scalar function V. The operator acting on the scalar function V is given
by V = (aˆ x ) + V aˆ y + V (aˆ z )
( )
x y z
The gradient V points along the maximum variation of the function V and the magnitude of
V gives the rate of change in the maximal direction.
Physical significance:
Let us consider a positive point charge in space. Let the potential set up by the charge in the
surrounding be V and is a scalar quantity. The potential decreases as the distance from the charge
increases. Thus the gradient of potential results in the electric field strength which is a vector
quantity. It can be written as
E=− aˆ r the negative sign indicates the decreasing potential.
In terms of three dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate the above equation can be written as
(aˆ x ) + V (aˆ y ) + V (aˆ z ) = − (aˆ x ) + (aˆ y ) + (aˆ z ) V
E = −
x y z x y z
E = −V
Thus the electric field strength is defined as negative of gradient of potential also known a grad V.
2. Divergence:
The divergence of vector field is a scalar quantity. The divergence of a vector field is
mathematically written as • E . The vector field E is represented E = E x aˆ x + E y aˆ y + E y aˆ z . Also
from the definition of , the divergence can be written as
• E = (aˆ x ) + (aˆ y ) + (aˆ z ) (E x aˆ x + E y aˆ y + E y aˆ z )
x y z
E y
(aˆ y ) + E y (aˆ z )
• E = x (aˆ x ) +
x y z
Physical significance: The divergence of a vector function is it measures how much the vector E
spreads out (diverges) from a point of consideration.
For example: If we consider a positive charge in space the field lines diverge and hence it is
positive divergence. For a negative charge the field lines converge and hence it is negative
divergence. If the field lines or parallel then it is zero divergence.
Describe the vector operator and explain the concept and curl with physical
significance? 8M (Jan /Feb 2021)
3. The Curl: The curl of a vector function is measure how much field curls around the point
of consideration
For example: Consider a wire carrying electric current. This produces a magnetic field surrounding
the wire. Consider a point on the wire. The magnetic field lines curl around the point. Higher the
value of H around the point stronger will be the curl. If the field lines purely parallel then it
represents zero curl around the point.
That is line integral of the path PQ = A • dl
If the path of integration is a closed curve of length L, then
Line integral = A • dl
symbol for closed contour integral
b) Surface integral:
Consider a surface of area S in a vector field A . The surface area consists of infinitesimal
elementary surfaces having area ds. Let â n a unit vector normal to
ds at point M. in vector field, the elementary surface ds acts as a
vector ds which can be written as ds = ds • aˆ n . Then if flux
through the elementary surface is written as A • ds
If the surface is closed one, the flux of the field A throughout the
surface S can be written as = A • ds . In this case the unit
c) Volume integral:
Consider a volume charge distribution in which charges are
continuously distributed. Let V be the volume through which
the charges are distributed. Consider an elementary volume dv
at point M. let the charge density at M is v and it is scalar
V can be written as v dv .
Explain the terms gradient of a scalar, divergence and curl of a vector. Derive Gauss
divergence theorem. 7M (MQP-1 2018-19)
Explain divergence and curl. Derive Gauss divergence theorem.8M or 9M (MQP-2 2018-19
(July 2019, Jan 2019, Jan 2020, Sep 2020)
The Gauss divergence theorem states that “the integral of the
normal component of the flux density over a closed surface of any
shape in an electric field is equal to the volume integral of the
divergence of the flux throughout the space enclosed by the
Gaussian surface”.
D • d s = •
D ( )
dv − − − −(2)
Proof: consider a volume V enclosed by as a Gaussian surface S. Let a charge dQ be enclosed by a
small volume dv inside the Gaussian surface. If is the density of charges and may vary inside the
volume V, then the charge density associated with volume dv is
v = dQ = v dv
Thus the total charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is
Q = dQ = v dv
( )
Substituting for v from Maxwell’s first equation v = • D
We get Q = • D dv
According to Gauss law of electrostatics i.e., = D • ds where is total flux
Q = D • ds
Thus from these two equation for Q we get
( )
D • d s = • D dv
Hence Gauss divergence theorem proves.
The Gauss divergence theorem relates the surface integral and volume integral.
Stokes’ theorem:
Further, Stokes, theorem relates surface integral with line integral. (That is circulation of a vector
field around a closed path).
Statement: The surface integral of curl of F throughout a chosen
surface is equal to the circulation of the vector F around the boundary
of the chosen surface.
( F ) ds = F dl
That is mathematically
Amperes law:
Statement: The circulation of magnetic field strength H along a closed path is equal to the net
current enclosed (Ienc) by the loop.
Mathematically dl = I enc
By applying Stokes theorem
( )ds = I
H enc − − − −(1)
I enc = J ds − − − −(2)
From above equation
( H )ds = J ds
H = J
This is Amperes circuital law and also a one of the Maxwell’s equation.
Biot-Savart law:
Consider a portion of a conductor carrying current I. let dl be
infinesimally small elemental length of the conductor at M.
Consider a point P near the conductor. Let MP be the vector
joining the element with the point and of length r with r̂ being the
unit vector. is the angle made by MP with the element.
Biot Savart law states the magnitude and direction of the small magnetic field at P due to the
elemental length dl of the current carrying conductor is the magnitude of the magnetic field dH is
1. Proportional to the length of the element dl
2. Proportional to the current through the element J
3. Proportional to the sine of the angle , (sin )
4. Inversely proportional to the square of the distance r .
Idl sin
Mathematically, dH
Idl sin 1
dH = here is the proportionality constant.
4r 2
Idl rˆ
The above equation could be expressed in the vector form as dH = . This is Biot- Savart
4r 2
circuit is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through it and its direction opposes the
flux change”.
Mathematically the induced emf is written as
e=− where is flux linked with the circuit for a single turn coil.
If the coil having N number of turn then emf induced across the coil is e = − N .
In case of AC circuit containing capacitors the equation • J = 0 fails as follows. During the
positive half cycle, say the capacitor charges. If we imagine a closed surface enclosing the
capacitor plate and the attached conductor there will be inward flow to the closed surface but not
outward flow. Thus in order to rescue the equation of continuity Maxwell introduced the concept of
displacement current density.
Maxwell-Ampere’s law:
Introducing the concept of displacement current for time varying circuit Maxwell suggested
correction to the Amperes law.
That is According to Gauss law • D = v
What is displacement current? Obtain the expression for displacement current. 6M (MQP-1
2018-19,MQP-2 2018-19)
Displacement current:
Displacement current density is a correction factor introduced by Maxwell in order to explain the
continuity of electric current in time-varying circuits. It has the same unit as electric current
density. Displacement current is associated with magnetic current but it does not describe the flow
of charge.
Department of Physics, SVIT, Rajankunte, Bengaluru 11
2022 scheme-Applied Physics for EEE Stream Module-04 Maxwell’s Equations & EM waves BPHYE102/202
Obtain the expression for displacement current. Mention four Maxwell’s equations in
differential form for time varying fields. 8M (Jan 2020)
By considering equation (3) and (4), the equation (2) can be written as
D= VS e jt − − − −(5)
Substitute equation (5) in equation (1)
I D = VS e jt • A
t d
After executing differentiation the displacement current is written as
ID = VS e jt − − − −(6)
Maxwell’s equations:
Using the laws and theorems discussed in this chapter, four Maxwell’s equation for time varying
fields could be written as:
1. Gauss law of electrostatics • D = v
( )
2. Faraday’s law E = −
3. Gauss law of magnetic fields • B = 0
4. Maxwell-Ampere law H = J +
Similarly fpur Maxwell equation static field could be written as
1. • D = v
( E ) = 0
3. • B = 0
4. H = J
These equation are used to study electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves
The existence of electromagnetic waves was predicted by Maxwell theoretically using the point
form of Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction. As per Faraday’s law a time varying magnetic
field induces electric field which varies with respect to space and time. The reverse is also evident
from the equations. Thus electromagnetic wave is the propagation of energy in terms of varying
electric and magnetic field which are mutually perpendicular direction and perpendicular to the
direction of propagation.
State and Explain Maxwell’s equation. Derive wave equation in terms of electric field using
Maxwell’s equations for free space. 8M (July 2019, Jan 2019)
Give the four Maxwell’s equations in differential form in vacuum and hence derive the EM
wave equation in terms of electric field using Maxwell’s equations. 8M or 10M (MQP-1 2018-
19, Sep 2020)
Wave equation for electromagnetic waves in vacuum in terms of electric field using
Maxwell’s equation:
Consider a two curl Maxwell equations
( )
E = − − − − −(1)
H = J + − − − −(2)
Substitute D = E and B = H in above equation, where is absolute permeability and is
absolute permittivity.
( )
E = − − − − −(3)
H = J + − − − −(4)
To derive wave equation in terms of electric field, the term H has to be eliminated.
Therefore, apply curl on both sides for equation
E = −
H )
− − − −(5)
According to vector analysis
A (B C ) = B( A C ) − C( A B)
( )
Thus E = E − E − − − −(6 )
According to Maxwell equation we know D = v ,
Since D = E , the above relation can be written as E = v
Substitute E in R H S of equation (6)
E = v − 2 E − − − −(7 )
Substitute equation (7) in equation (5)
( )
v H
− E = −
− − − −(8)
Now substitute equation (4) in equation (8)
v − 2 E = − J +
t t
2E J
The above equation can be re written as E − 2 =
+ v − − − −(9)
t t
In the above equation the LHS represents a propagation wave. The RHS represents the source of
origin of the wave. Here and are absolute permeability and absolute permittivity of isotropic
homogeneous medium.
For the case of propagation of electromagnetic wave in space (that is J = 0, v = 0 ) the equation
The above equation represents the electromagnetic wave equation in free space.
represented as E y . Let A be its amplitude and there will be a magnetic field associated with the
wave and is oriented parallel to z-direction can be represented as B z . Then E y and B z at any time
That is C = where E y = E y and B z = B z
If we express C in terms of 0 and 0 then compare propagation of electromagnetic wave equation
with classical wave equation for an oscillating physical quantity F
That is electromagnetic wave equation E − 2 = 0
1 F 2
And classical wave equation F − 2 = 0 whare v is velocity of wave
v t 2
1 1
Then 2 = v=
As we consider for vacuum = 0 and = 0 and velocity as C
Then C = 3 108 m s
0 0
Mention the conditions for three types of polarization of electric vector. 3M (MQP-1 2018-19)
resolved in to two components E x and E y along x and y axis respectively. Based on the magnitude
of the components and the phase difference between the components there are three kind of
polarization of electromagnetic waves. They are 1) Linearly polarized electromagnetic waves 2)
Circularly polarized electromagnetic waves and 3) Elliptically polarized electromagnetic waves.
Condition: If E1 and E2 be amplitude of E x and E y . The is the phase difference between the two
For linear polarized wave = 0 E y = 2 E x
Since E1 and E2 remains constant the ratio will also be constant can be replaced by m.
E y = mE x this is straight line equation form.
Now at point A magnitude of E y is maximum, but the magnitude of E x is zero. Hence the resultant
field E is vertically upward. At point B, it is vice versa and E becomes horizontal. For an observer
along z-direction, the continuous rotation of the vector E without change in its magnitude from
vertical to horizontal position and it look like circle. Thus we say that the wave is circularly
Hence it is defined as: in circular polarization the amplitude of E x and E y are equal in magnitude
and the phase difference is 90 . Thus the projection of the resultant traces a circle on the plane
perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
Condition for circular polarization is E x + E y = E1
2 2 2