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Section A

1. Identify the challenges faced in the implementation of CPA

 It led to uncontrolled inter – tribal wars that tore South Sudan apart.
 It opened door for mismanagement and corruption in South Sudan.
 CPA created ways for more rebels groups in South Sudan.
2. Mention the positive aspect of the 1983 – 2005 armed struggle on South Sudan
 Give birth to Independence of South Sudan
 Development of infrastructures such as road, education and Health
3. State the reasons responsible for the collapse of early Chinese civilization
 Population decrease in the empires: made the dynasties weak. They could not
raise the revenues to sustain themselves.
 A weakened central government: made it easy for the Hun invasion. After the
invasion, the Chinese civilisations were too weak to carry on.
 Overtaxing peasants: caused social strife. This therefore made it easy for the
people of China to be subjugated.
4. The Nicolas II of Russia regarded the Ottoman Empire as the sick man of Europe
 Build up armament and never serves global peace.
 Ideal towards which the endeovour of government should be directed
5. State the characteristics of Safavid Empire?
 Shia Islam was the religion of the empire. After Ismail came into power, he made Shia
the religion of the state. People in the Empire were forced to become Shia Muslims.
 Shah Ismail employed Persians in his administration. Their main duty was the collection
of taxes.
 They had a strong centralised government.
6. Outline two factors that led to the independence movements in Latin America
1. It led to the independence of many countries that were colonised by the Portuguese,
Spaniards and French. It was greatly influenced by the American and French
2. In Spanish America, the Peninsular War which led to French occupation of Spain made
the Americans not sure on whom to pay allegiance to. They took advantage of this weak
point in Spain and started demanding for their independence.
3. In French colonies, the desire for independence was shown in various ways like the slave
revolts in plantations in the North of South America and the Caribbean.
7. What were the reasons for the decline of Ghana Empire
i) Drought
ii) War
8. Identify any two political organisations of Azande kingdom
i) Had no chiefs or kings before, but one clan was stronger than the others known as
Avungara clan.
ii) Kingship then started with Gbudwe son of Bazingbi who had his court at
iii) Had an army of men between the ages of 20 – 35 years.

9. Give two features of the United Nation organisation

i) Maintain international peace and security
ii) Protect human rights
10. Mention any two problems that delayed the completion of the suez canal
I. American and British not financing Suez Canal
II. Transit monitoring

11. A)Describe the course of the 1881 – 1889 Mahdist revolution in the sudan (10mks)
 The first group comprised Ansar or helpers genuinely pious men who were his disciples
in the religious sense.
 The second group comprised people who had been economically threatened by the Turko
– Egyptian attempt to abolish slave trade in the Sudan.
 The third group was the Baggara who were also known as the cattle keepers of the south
Kordofan and Darfur.
 Between 1881 and 1882, the Turko – Egyptian government sent soldiers to
kordofan to defeat Mohammed Ahmed, but they were defeated by the Mahdist
 In January 1883, the provincial capital of Kordofan, Al – Obeid was captured by
the Mahdist forces.
 In October 1883, a force of 8000 soldiers was sent from Egypt under a British
officer General Hicks Pasha to crush the Mahdi. This force was defeated by the
Mahdists at the battle of Sheykan on 5th, December 1883. General Hicks was also
killed where about 250 of his armies survived.
 In December 1883, the Mahdist took control of provinces of Darfur and Bhar al
Ghazal. The Beja under Mahdi’s disciples, Uthman Digna control the Red sea
region and the surrounding areas.
 Towards the end of 1884, the Cairo government sent General Charles Gordon to
evacuate the remaining Turko – Egyptian troops and officials from Sudan.
Gordon did not carry out the orders, but instead decided to fight the Mahdist.
 On January 26th, 1885, Khartoum was captured by the Mahdists forces and
Gordon was killed in the first fighting.
 Mohammed Ahmed then established a state in Sudan known as the Mahdist state
with its headquarters at Omdurman. It lasted for thirteen (13) years (1885 – 1898).
 In June 1885, Mohammed Ahmed died of typhoid and did not live to see the fruits
of his sweat (conquest).
b) Explain the factors that led to the success of Mahdist revolution (10mks)
1. Able leadership:- Mohammed Ahmed was a good preacher, he used his qualities to
mobilize almost all Sudanese major tribes to support him against the Turko – Egyptian
2. The administrative machinery was extremely weak:- it changed often from one
government to another and the short period spent by the governors in Sudan.
3. The weakness of the army:- Mahdi was able to crush the weak and untrained soldiers in
Sudan coupled with inefficient number of troops and arms.
4. Egyptian reinforcements were also affected by distance:- the Mahdi threatening
propaganda that used to demoralize the Egyptian forces. Mahdi warned “ it is hopeless to
fight against the soldiers of God”.
5. The abdication of Khedive Ismail:- and succeeded by his son Tawif who was such a
puppet leader, the situation worsen when Gordon resigned, making Mahdi to succeed
6. The war strategy adopted by Abdullahi, the military commander:- he constantly
drew the Egyptian forces deep into the waterless scrubland where the Ansar posed
potential danger.
7. The Urabi revolt in Egypt:- the Mahdist revolution coincided with the Urabi revolt and
Mahdi revolution spread outright at the time when Egyptian concentrated on solving
Urabi crisis at home.
8. The financial bankruptcy in Egypt:- Egypt was bankrupt at the time of the Mahdist
revolt and it lacked the necessary funds to contain and suppress a prolonged revolt, the
Mahdi mounted or organized.
9. Lack of foreign assistance:- the British Government was reluctant to support the
Egyptian since they had interest in Sudan.
10. The role of Islam as a unifying factor:- the Sudanese people used Islam as a tool to
resistance. It was Islam which gave the people strength, morale, courage, determination
and a sense of unity.
11. Indirect support of the British:- the British indirectly support the Sudanese struggle for
self-determination. For instance it is said that the British Prime Minister Gladstone
supported Sudanese struggle to put an end to the brutal rule of the Turko - Egyptian.
12. The geographical extent of the revolt:- the revolt was wide spread, the grievance for
the revolt could be found in almost all parts of Sudan.

12. A) Examine the achievements of Menelik II of Ethiopia (10mks)

1. He is credited as the founder of modern Ethiopia.
2. He expanded the Ethiopian Kingdom through conquests.
3. He defeated the Italians in the Battle of Adowa.
4. He established a permanent capital-Addis Ababa.
5. He made peace with Eritrea after the Treaty of Wuchale had given her away. They signed
a new treaty.
6. He consolidated the Empire by including people of all tribes in his government.
7. He sent Ethiopians abroad to study in foreign universities to acquire technology.
8. He played a great role in ending slave trade. He destroyed slave markets and amputated
hands of slave traders.
9. He participated in demarcating borders of modern Ethiopia by 1904 through signing of
10. He allowed Europeans from Western Europe into Ethiopia to trade and farm. The
Europeans brought modernization.
11. Under his rule the first modern bank in Ethiopia was established-the Bank of Abyssinia, a
modern postal system, a modern railway (Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway), electricity,
motor cars were introduced in Ethiopia. The Russians provided health care in his
b) Why was Ethiopia not colonized by the European (10mks)
a) The locals were very united and were willing to fight any European invasion. They did so
when Italians invaded them.
b) Emperor Menelik II had acquired modern fire arms which were a match to the
c) She got military support from European countries like Britain.

15 A) Discuss the organs for the league of Nations

1. General Assembly; The General Assembly is made up of representatives of all member
states. It convenes annually in September in New York, special sessions can also be held
in case of an emergency with the recommendations of the Security Council.
 The General Assembly is like a parliament where pressing world issues are discussed and
every member state is entitled to one vote.
2. Security Council; The Security Council is made up of fifteen members, five of whom
are permanent members namely Britain, Russia, France, USA and China while the ten
nonpermanent members are elected by the General Assembly for a two year contract.
3. Secretariat; The Secretariat is the main administrative organ of the United Nations
Organisation. It deals with the day-to-day running of the Organisation. It is headed by the
Secretary General who is the Chief Administration Officer.
4. International Court of Justice; this is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations
Organisation and is based in The Hague, Netherlands.
 It is composed of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council who
serve for a term of nine years.
5. Economic and Social Council; The council is made up of 54 members who are elected
by the General Assembly for a term of three years. They meet twice a year in New York
and Geneva. The main duty is to coordinate the economic and social activities of the
United Nations,
6. Trusteeship Council; The Council was set up to supervise former colonial territories in
Asia and Africa.These territories were placed under the Council by the powers taken
from those who were defeated by the allied forces. These territories were placed under
the League of Nations. The council is made up of the five permanent members of the
Security Council.
b) What were the achievements for the League of Nations between 1919 – 1939
1. International Law; The United Nations Organisation has been able to develop laws
governing international laws. It states how nations should relate at the diplomatic level
such as control over sea waters or air-space of a country.
 Any nation found guilty of violating these laws face dire consequences. This has
helped to reduce disputes among nations.
2. Peaceful transitions of governments; The United Nations Organisation have helped
member nations to have peaceful transitions from one government to another. It has been
sending monitoring groups to monitor the election process in member states.
3. Promotion of Human Rights; The United Nations Organisation has achieved a lot in the
promotion of Human Rights which are enshrined in the United Nations Organisation
Declaration of Human Rights.
4. Control over global drug menace; The United Nations Organisation has helped fight
global drug trade including its manufacture, trafficking and laundering of profits.
5. Decolonisation; United Nations Organisation has contributed to the achievement of
independence for many African and Asian states. Most of these states were under
colonial rule during the formation. These nations are currently members of the
6. Peace keeping operations; The United Nations Organisation has deployed peace
keeping forces to conflict zones all over the world. This has helped to restore calm among
warring nations and communities by allowing those in conflict a chance for negotiations,
7. Refugee problem; The United Nations Organisation has been able to provide assistance
to million refugees fleeing from war, famine and persecution. Since 1951, the United
Nations Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) have been providing aid to refugees in form
of food, shelter, clothing, health care and education to millions of refugees and casualties
of war in the world.
8. United Nations Organisation agencies; Agencies such as World Food Program
(WHO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have been helping civilians to have
access to better living conditions.
9. Environmental programmes; Through the United Nations Environmental Programme
(UNEP), major efforts have been undertaken in solving environmental problems such as
climate change and global warming.
10. Global population problems The United Nations Organisation population fund has been
supporting family planning programmes. This has enabled people to make informed
choices. For example, women have greater control over their lives because of family
11. Forum for discussion; The United Nations Organisation serves as a forum for discussing
issues of international importance. The world has faced the problem of HIV and AIDS
scourge which was brought to the attention of the world through United Nations

Section C
15 A) Examine the political and economic roles of Japan towards the development of
Africa (10mks)
1. In Africa, Japan is involved in peace keeping. In 2016, it had deployed more than 400
self- defense forces to South Sudan.
2. It also participated in fighting piracy in Indian Ocean when it dispatched its ships, new in
the area, it set up an anti-piracy base in Djibouti. In 2016, Japan hosted the former
president of Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe. In the meeting, Japan was to invest in
Zimbabwe, this included a new 5 million dollar infrastructure project and a 15 million
continuing dollar irrigation enhancement project.
3. Japan’s oil, gas and metals national cooperation was also to invest in Harare’s mining
4. In international bodies, Japan pushed for changes in the structure of the United Nations.
She has always wanted the inclusion of more permanent members in the United Nations
Security Council.
5. Japan says this retention of only 5 permanent members does not fully represent other
sections of the world. This lobbying has made her reach out to African nations to keep
her put pressure on the United Nations.
6. Japan is also seeking to counter the strong Chinese influence in Africa by weakening its
monopoly. It held its sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development on
African soil in Nairobi. In other times, this conference was held outside Africa.
7. In its diplomatic Blue book, written in 2012,it says that it is important for Japan to
strengthen its economic relationship with Africa, which is a promising market with high
growth rates. Japan started embassies with the new nation South Sudan in 2012 and with
8. The technical wizardry, that is its ability to produce many adverse technical products, has
made Japan one of the leading producers and suppliers of electric gadgets and motorcars,
famous brand names like Sony, Mitsubishi and Toyota are found in all parts of the world.
9. Japan is a great financial and technical donor of the world. It gives out loans to the
African and Asian countries. It has an agency known as Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA), which gives technical cooperation to countries in form of loans and
grants. It is the government official development assistance organisation.
b) Identify the impact of Japanese invasion of China in the World War II (10mks)
1. It led to death of so many civilians and military men in China.
2. The Japanese were defeated.
3. It created a lot of animosity between the Chinese and the Japanese that continue even to
this day.
4. The Chinese were forced to move their capital from Beijing to Chongqing. The
nationalist government was forced to move inland.
5. Chinese were turned into nationalists first. Family came second and the ideological
differences third. A man known as Deng Yu died defending Beijing left this message for
the mother “I Cannot fulfill filial and loyalty in the country at the same time, please
pardon me if death befalls me.”
6. Homes were abandoned as people ran away from war. The bombing made many people
to run to neighbouring areas and safer regions within China. Many left their homes of
comfort and high status. One family described how they had to share crowded safer
homes with smelly strangers.
7. The Japanese occupied many Chinese cities like Suzhou and Shanghai.
8. The Japanese took away many Chinese women and used them as sex slaves.
9. Agriculture was greatly affected since the Japanese used the scorched earth policy. Farms
were left barren and people were too afraid to venture out the farms.
10. The Chinese society was divided as the Japanese used some Chinese to spy on others.
This created a lot of mistrust.
The Japanese enslaved some Chinese who worked on their farms and homes
16 A) Discuss the factors responsible for industrialization of Europe between 1760 –
1840 AD
1. Britain had accumulated a lot of wealth from her trade with other countries and her
colonies in America and in Africa. Capital from this sector was invested in industry.
2. She enjoyed a period of political unity, peace and stability that favoured industrial
3. Britain was militarily stronger, especially her navy, and was therefore able to protect
her merchants from foreign competition by using her navy to guard her trade routes.
4. Having gone through the Agrarian Revolution, Britain was lucky to have raw
materials. Furthermore, being a leading trading nation, she acquired other raw
materials, for example; cotton, cocoa, sugar, copra and palm oil from her colonies in
America, India and Africa.
5. The existence of mineral resources such as coal and iron was an important factor.
Coal provided the energy required while iron was used in the manufacturing of
machinery. Steam power was an important source of energy.
6. The good banking and insurance system boosted industrial growth in Britain. Banks
such as the Bank of England were already giving credit. Insurance firms offered
security against losses or accidents in industry.
7. With Agrarian Revolution, population in Britain increased tremendously. In addition,
the enclosure system made many landless people to move to towns to seek jobs in
industries. This enabled Britain to have much skilled human labour as time went by.
8. The country’s large population provided a domestic market for the manufactured
goods. She also exported her goods to other European countries and her colonies in
America, India and Africa.
9. Britain’s policy of free trade promoted industrialisation. She had no internal custom
barriers which would have negatively affected the process of industrial growth.
10. The existence of good road and railway transport encouraged industrialisation by
improving transportation of raw materials to factories and manufactured goods to the
11. The existence of cottage industries also facilitated industrial take- off in Britain.
Goods were first produced in small quantities by the cottage industries but later
produced great quantities by larger industries.

b) What were the effects of the industrial revolution on Europe and entire world?
1. Development of machinery. Machines replaced human labour, hence production in
agriculture increased.
2. Large scale production of a wide range of goods. New methods of farming, such as the
use of fertilizers and new crop breeds were developed.
3. Local and international trade developed during the Industrial Revolution. Manufactured
goods were sold locally while others were exported to America. Asia and Africa served
as sources of raw materials.
4. The Industrial Revolution boosted the transport and communication systems. These
included roads, railway networks and canals that linked different markets. They
facilitated movement of labour, raw materials and manufactured goods to their
5. Urbanisation in Europe as a result of industrialisation. As most people migrated from
the rural areas to seek jobs in factories, the areas where they settled developed into
6. The Industrial Revolution enabled European nations to amass a lot of wealth. British
national income trebled between 1700 and 1815.
7. With Industrial Revolution, job opportunities were created. People migrated to towns to
seek jobs in the factories. However, as labour became mechanised, unemployment
became a serious problem.
8. Exploitation of natural resources increased in Europe during the Industrial Revolution.
Iron, coal and steel production increased. The development of new sources of energy
such as electricity and solar energy was also as a result of the Revolution.
9. A demand for agricultural raw materials increased, machines and modern methods of
farming were used to boost production of farm products.
10. The Industrial Revolution led to rural-urban migration. This in turn led to overcrowding
in towns which increased the growth of slums as there was a huge housing problem.
11. The Industrial Revolution gave rise to Marxism. Karl Marx (1818-1863) condemned
capitalism because of its exploitative effects. He advocated for communal ownership of
property through socialism.

17 A) Compare and contrast USA and Russia as super powers (10mks)

1. Both were influential in the world affairs after World War 2. They convinced several
countries to take their side in their economic ideologies.
2. Both had great military strength and influence. USA helped in the formation of Northern
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) for countries in Western Europe, while Russia had
the Warsaw Pact whose membership were predominantly countries in Eastern Europe.
3. Both Countries also had strong economic foundation that made them control the
economic affairs of the world. This is actually seen in their endeavor to offer grants and
loans to their allies.
The differences
1. The Americans had a larger army compared to that of Russia. The active military
personnel of USA are about 1.5 million while that of Russia is about 800,000.
2. The USA believed in a free market economy where the factors of production are
individually owned. This is the understanding behind Capitalism. Capitalism was plainly
economic liberalism. Russia on the other hand believed in Communism whereby the
factors of production are owned by the state. No individual ownership of property.
3. USA formed an economic recovery programme known as the Marshall Plan. This was to
help European countries that were economically devastated by the World War 2. Russia
on the other hand formed the Communist Information Bureau (COMINFORM) and the
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECOM) to counter the Marshall Plan.

b) Explain why USA became economically strong up to date

1. The climate of USA is very conducive for farming. She has subtropical climate, rain
forest and mountains that are supportive to farming activities.
2. USA is politically stable. This provides an enabling investment environment to both
locals and foreigners.
3. There have been a number of innovations that have been patented in USA. These
innovations such as telegraph by Samuel Morse, computers among others have brought
good income to the country.
4. The government is in full support of business activities and influences them considerably.
5. There are numerous sources of energy that are used to run machines in the industries.
They include; electricity, petroleum and nuclear energy.
6. There is a deep pocket of raw materials necessary for manufacturing.
7. USA has a large population that offers both skills and unskilled labour service to the
8. The large population also offers market for the finished products. USA enjoys
international market share. Some of the products of USA like electronics and cars are
popular with foreign markets.
9. The policy of free enterprise in USA has encouraged many investors.
10. The transport and communication networks are in good condition. USA boosts of good
rail, road, water and air transport which aids in transportation of raw materials to the
industries, finished products from industries as well as workers to the industries.
11. Capital is also available for those who need credit facilities to invest. The Federal
Reserve System regulates bank credit and influences money supply in the USA.

18 A) Explain How Latin America was colonized by Spain and Portugal

I. In the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, the earth outside Europe was divided into two by the
Spanish and Portuguese (Castilian and Portuguese areas) just for conquest and
II. The Spanish were the first Europeans to set foot in Central and South America.
Christopher Columbus was a sailor in Genoa. When he landed in Bahamas, he claimed
the land of Spain.
III. Later, Hernan Cortes from Spain also came to Mexico and conquered the Aztecs in
1521. The Aztecs lived in Mexico where they had an empire.
IV. Later, Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca. The Inca had a vast empire covering what is
present day Peru and parts of Chile.
V. Large parts of Latin America had precious metals like gold and silver, which attracted the
Europeans. There were vast lands suitable for agriculture.
VI. The Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered Brazil around 1500. The
Portuguese then followed and settled in the area. They were very interested in a tree that
produced red dye. Their government encouraged migration of Portuguese into Brazil.
They promised the migrants large pieces of land and free labour from the Natives. The
Portuguese introduced forced labour and slavery to ensure enough labour supply just like
the Spaniards did.
VII. The Portuguese and Spaniards exported raw materials from their farms and mines to
Europe, making their countries of origin grow rich. Native religion and culture was
suppressed in the whole of Latin America. Western priests who thought they were
devilish burned whole libraries of Native Codices.
VIII. In Spanish colonies, government officials were given lands with everyone who lived on
them. The officials were to protect these people but they enslaved them instead.
b) What were the results for the colonization of Latin America on Europe (10mks)

4. This movement started in the late 18th Century to early 19th Century. It led to the
independence of many countries that were colonised by the Portuguese, Spaniards and
French. It was greatly influenced by the American and French Revolutions.
5. In Spanish America, the Peninsular War which led to French occupation of Spain made
the Americans not sure on whom to pay allegiance to. They took advantage of this weak
point in Spain and started demanding for their independence.
6. In French colonies, the desire for independence was shown in various ways like the slave
revolts in plantations in the North of South America and the Caribbean.
7. In 1791, Haiti underwent huge slave revolts where slaves killed their masters. They
revolted against the whole plantation system where they were overworked, whipped and
tortured. The slaves declared their independence in 1804.
8. In Brazil, the Portuguese did not have it easy either. The Brazilians staged a war against
the Portuguese from 1822 to 1823 when the last Portuguese soldier surrendered.
9. These resistance movements were also sparked off by other factors in the whole of Latin
America. These included heavy taxation, not being allowed to vote and other social
10. People of mixed races like the Creoles, Mulattoes and Mestizos were tired of being
treated as second-class citizens by those of pure European blood who felt that they were
11. In Mexico, a catholic priest known as Miguel Hidalgo led the rebellion against Spain but
was not very successful. He was captured and executed but other rebels continued the
fight and finally defeated the Spaniards.
12. In Central and South America, the local leaders rebelled against Spain and formed what
they called the United Provinces of Central America. They created ‘free areas’ which led
to the birth of Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador.
13. The most famous of the independence movements in Latin America was that led by
Simon Bolivar popularly known as ‘the Liberator’.

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