CCS Model
CCS Model
CCS Model
Year & Sem: II /III Time : 3.00hrs
Branch: CSE Total Marks : 10
PART A [Answer All Question] (10×2=20)
1. What is brute-force attack?
2. Define Non-Repudiation
3. Define Avalanche Effect.
4. State advantages of counter mode.
5. List the schemes for the distribution of public keys.
6. How to check Euler’s theorem is true.
7. How digital Signatures differs from authentication protocols?
8. What is the purpose of X.509 standard?
9. What is SQL Injection?
10. What is network access control?
PART B [Answer All Question] (5×13=65)
11. (a) Define Substitution and Transposition techniques (13) (OR)
(b)(i) Play fair cipher encrypt “SEMESTER RESULT” Keyword
(ii) Evaluate characteristics of modern cryptography and working principle. (5)
12. (a) Explain about Block cipher design principles and block cipher modes of
operations. (13) (OR)
(b) (i) Draw the functionality diagram (functionality in one round) of DES with
number of bits in each flow of data. (10)
(ii) What are the block cipher modes of operations (3)
13. (a) (i) Demonstrate the DH key exchange methodology using following key values :
p 11 , g 2 , XA 9 , XB 4. (8)
(ii) Alice chooses 173 and 149 as two prime numbers and 3 as public key in RSA.
Check whether the chosen prime numbers are valid or not? (5)
(b) (i) Find the secret key shared between user A and user B using Diffie Hellman
algorithm for the following q=353, primitive root=3, XA=45, XB=50 (7)
(ii) Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm, for the following
p = 5; q = 11, e = 3;M = 9 (6)
14. (a) Describe digital signature algorithm and show how signing and verification is
done using DSS. (13) (OR)
(b) (i) Summarize CMAC algorithm and its usage. (8)
(ii) Describe any one method of efficient implementation of HMAC. (5)
15. (a)(i) Explain about types of cybercrime. (7)
(ii) Information Security Life Cycle Process (6) (OR)
(b) Explain in detail about Web Security.
PART C (1×15=15)
16. (A) State Chinese Remainder theorem and find the value of X for the given set of
congruent equations using Chinese Remainder theorem. (13)
X ≡ l(mod 5) X ≡ 2(mod 7) X ≡ 3(mod 9) X ≡ 4(mod 11) (OR)
(b) Encrypt the message “PAY” using hill cipher with the following key matrix and
show the decryption to get original plain text. K = 17 17 5
21 18 21
2 2 19