Key Concept 10 - The Nuclear Atom-QP
Key Concept 10 - The Nuclear Atom-QP
Key Concept 10 - The Nuclear Atom-QP
1 Nuclear Model
1. In the atomic model, an atom consists of a 4. When Rutherford bombarded thin gold foil
central mass, orbited by much smaller particles. with α-particles, he found that some α-particles
were deflected through large angles. Which
statement explains this deflection?
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7. The diagram represents a neutral atom. 10. Which row gives the relative charge of an
electron, a neutron and a proton?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 14
D. 20
9. What is the nucleon number of a nuclide? 12. Which statement about the nuclei of all
atoms is correct?
A. the number of neutrons in the nucleus
A. They all contain electrons
B. the number of protons in the nucleus
B. They are all always stable
the number of protons minus the
C. C. They all contain protons and electrons
number of neutrons in the nucleus
the number of protons plus the D. They all have a positive charge
number of neutrons in the nucleus
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13. Which diagram shows a possible structure of 15. The diagram represents the nucleus of an
a neutral atom? atom. The charged particles are shown.
A. P
B. Q
C. P+Q
14. The diagrams show the simple atomic D. P-Q
structure for two neutral atoms X and Y of
different elements. 17. A particular nuclide of chlorine can be
represented by the symbol shown.
How many electrons are there in a neutral atom
of this nuclide?
A. 17
Which row is correct?
B. 20
Atom with a more C. 37
Atom with
more electrons D. 54
charged nucleus
A. X X
B. X Y
C. Y X
D. Y Y
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18. A nuclide has the symbol 22. An element has two isotopes. Which row
6 compares the numbers of particles in the nuclei
How many protons are there in one nucleus of of the atoms of these isotopes?
this nuclide?
neutrons protons nucleons
A. 6 A Different The same Different
B. 8 B Different The same The same
C. 14 C The same Different Different
D. 20 D The same Different The same
19. A nucleus X has 17 protons and 18 neutrons. 23. The table shows the composition of three
Which notation is correct for this nucleus? different nuclei.
20. 146𝐶 is a nuclide of carbon. What is the Which nuclei are isotopes of the same element?
composition of one nucleus of this nuclide?
A. X, Y and Z
neutrons protons
B. X and Y only
A. 6 8
C. X and Z only
B. 6 14
D. Y and Z only
C. 8 6
D. 14 6 24. What occurs during nuclear fusion?
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25. A type of nuclear reaction takes place in 27. Uranium-235 can undergo nuclear fission in
stars. Which row describes this type of reaction? many ways. Which equation correctly shows a
possible fission reaction for uranium-235?
Nuclear Nuclei Energy
reaction formed transfer
A fission Larger than Released A.
nuclei B.
B fission Smaller Absorbed
C fusion Larger than Released D.
D fusion Smaller Absorbed 28. Four students are asked to comment on the
than processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
original Their comments are recorded in the table.
nuclei Which row is correct?
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Free Response.
1. Fig. 12.1 represents a neutral lithium atom. All the particles in the atom are shown on the diagram.
a. Use Fig. 12.1 to help you answer the following questions.
b. Write the appropriate numbers in the boxes below, to represent this atom of Lithium in nuclide
a. Complete the table below.
In the centre column, state whether the particle is inside or outside the nucleus.
In the right-hand column, state whether the particle has a positive charge or a negative charge or
no charge.
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a. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons and electrons.
ii. Which two of these types of particle are found in the nucleus?
i. What does the number 17 tell us about the nuclei of chlorine atoms?
1. 35𝐶𝑙
17 ____________
2. 37𝐶𝑙
17 ____________
i. an electron, ...................................
ii. a proton, ........................................
iii. a neutron? .....................................
c. All three atoms may be represented by the chemical symbol H. Hydrogen can be represented in
nuclide notation as 11𝐻. Write down the nuclide notation for
i. deuterium, ................................................
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5. This question is about the structure of an atom.
a. An atom contains three types of particle. Complete the table with the name of each type of particle
Particle Charge
6. The figure below represents the particles in an atom of the element lithium.
d. Tick one box in the figure below that correctly represents an isotope of lithium.
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7. The nuclide notation 𝐴𝑍𝑋 describes the nucleus of one type of atom. Figure shows the nuclide notation
for three isotopes of an element.
a. Describe how the nuclide notation shows that each isotope is of the same element.
b. Describe how the nuclide notation shows the differences between the isotopes.
8. There are three naturally occurring isotopes of hydrogen: hydrogen-1, hydrogen-2 and hydrogen-3.
The nuclide notation for hydrogen-1 is 11𝐻
hydrogen-3. ..................................
ii. The fusion reaction produces a free neutron and one other particle. Write down, using
nuclide notation, the equation that represents this reaction.
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