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GE Power: Field Performance Test Report

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GE Power



East Delta Electricity Production Company ( EDEPC) Hurghada Power Plant Operating on
Gas Fuel

CMS: 998909
MFG: 7253297
ESN: 192-508
Hurghada Power Plant Unit 1

LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25 Gas Fuel

Test Date: 8/9/2017

Perparer Reviewer Revision Date

Islam Ramadan Constantin Dinu
0 September 18, 2017
Performance Engineer Consulting Engineer
GE Power

Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Performance Test Report
1. Introduction and Scope of Work
2. Plant Description
3. Test Measurements and Execution
4. Calculations and Results
III. APPENDIX 1: Performance Guarantee
IV. APPENDIX 2: Baseload Performance Calculations
A. Correction Calculations
B. Degradation
C. Post Test Uncertainty Calculations
V. APPENDIX 3: Fuel Analyses
VI. APPENDIX 4: Baseload Performance Test Raw Data
VII. APPENDIX 5: Calibration Certificates

Hurghada Performance Test Report LM6000 PF-SPRINT Gas Fuel Page 2 of 5

GE Power


The following tables summarize the results from the performance tests executed on Unit 1 at Hurghada Power Plant for
the East Delta Electricity Production Company (herein referred to as the Purchaser). The project consists of six (6) LM6000
PF SPRINT units operating on Gas Fuel. The tests were executed by GE Power or its designee (herin referred to as the
Contractor) per Contract.The unit passed the performance acceptance test for power output and heat rate, remained
emissions in compliance with the guaranteed NOx & CO values. The emissions test consisted of three (3) twenty (20)
minute durations at 100%, 75% and 50% load. The following table summarizes the emissions paramters.

Table 1. Summary of Emissions Test Results

100% Load Operation 75% Load Operation 50% Load Operation

NOx Guarantee ppmvd @
NOx Measured, ppmvd @ NOx Measured, NOx Measured, ppmvd
15% O2
15% O2 ppmvd @ 15% O2 @ 15% O2

146 ppmvd @ 15% O2 13.4 11.3 17.4

100% Load Operation CO 75% Load Operation 50% Load Operation

CO Guarantee ppmvd @
Measured, ppmvd @ 15% CO Measured, ppmvd CO Measured, ppmvd
15% O2
O2 @ 15% O2 @ 15% O2

150 ppmvd @ 15% O2 49.1 92.1 18.9

The baseload performance test occurred on 8/9/2017. The unit was tested for two (2) thirty (30) minute periods. Each
period was corrected and the corrected results of each period were arithmatically averaged to provide the final results
used for verification of guarantees. This data is shown in Table 2. In Table 3, the results are compared against the post-
test measurment uncertainty. The unit passed guaranteed gross power output and guaranteed gross heat rate.

Table 2. Performance results and Comparison (No Uncertainty Applied)

Guaranteed Unit Gross Measured Unit Gross Corrected Unit Gross Unit Gross power
Power Output, kW Power Output, kW Power Output, kW Output Margin, %

TP1 47,323 40,031 49,575 4.76%

TP2 47,323 39,786 49,221 4.01%
Average 47,323 39,908 49,398 4.39%
Corrected Unit Gross
Guaranteed Unit Gross Heat Measured Unit Gross Heat
Heat Rate, BTU/kWh, Unit Gross Heat Rate
Point Rate, BTU/kWh, (kJ/kWh) Rate, BTU/kWh, (kJ/kWh)
(kJ/kWh) Margin, %
TP1 8374 (8835) 8103 (8549) 7737 (8163) 7.61%
TP2 8374 (8835) 8161 (8610) 7796 (8225) 6.90%
Average 8374 (8835) 8132 (8579) 7766 (8194) 7.26%

Table 3. Performance Results and Uncertainty

Guaranteed Gross Power Average Gross Power Gross Power
Power Output Pass/Fail
Output, kW Output Margin, % Uncertainty, %
47,323 4.39% ± 0.54% Pass
Guaranteed Gross Heat
Average Gross Heat Rate Gross Heat Rate
Rate, BTU/kWh Heat Rate Pass/Fail
Margin, % Uncertainty, %
8374 (8835) 7.26% ± 0.53% Pass

Hurghada Performance Test Report LM6000 PF-SPRINT Gas Fuel Page 3 of 5

GE Power

The table below summarizes the stability parameters for the performance test. The permissible variation was
established in the test specification and in accordance with ASME PTC 22. For the performance test, the variations were
within the permissible limits. Therefore, the performance test data is deemed to be obtained during a stable period of

Table 4. Stability Criteria

Parameter Allowable Deviation Test Point 1 Test Point 2
Air Inlet Temperature ± 0.72 °C (1.3 °F) ± 0.26 F (0.15 C) ± 0.65 F (0.36 C)
Barometric Pressure ± 0.33 % ± 0.003 % ± 0.007 %
Power Output ± 1.3 % ± 0.29 % ± 0.62 %
Grid Frequency ± 0.65 % ±0% ±0%
Fuel Flow ± 1.3 % ± 0.31 % ± 0.57 %

Hurghada Performance Test Report LM6000 PF-SPRINT Gas Fuel Page 4 of 5

GE Power

II. Performance Test Report

1. Introduction and Scope of Work

This report is the final performance test report for the listed unit. The performance tests were
executed to verify the contractual guarantee of unit gross power output, unit gross heat rate and
NOX & CO emissions. This report contains information specifically for these performance tests and
does not cover other contractual items.

2. Plant Description

The LM6000 unit operates in simple cycle mode. The units are operating on gas fuel with DLE NOX
Control. The main purpose of the power plant is to provide electrical power to the grid.

3. Test Measurments and Execution

The testing was conducted in general accordance with the Specification for Gas Turbine Generator
Performance Test Measurement (SGTGPTM) with no exceptions or deviations

4. Calculations and Results

The correction calculations are executed using a model-based correction approach as

recommended by ASME PTC 22 and calculations are shown in Appendix 2. The summary of results
is provided in executive summary.

Hurghada Performance Test Report LM6000 PF-SPRINT Gas Fuel Page 5 of 5

III. APPENDIX 1: Performance Guarantee
IV. APPENDIX 2: Baseload Performance Calculations
A. Correction Calculations
g Performance Test Summary for EDEPC Hurghada Power plant
GE Power

LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25 Gas Fuel , EDEPC - Hurghada Power Plant - Unit 1

TP1 Corrected Output Corrected Heat Rate
Performance Guarantee Parameters Gross Power Margin Gross Heat Rate Margin
Gross Output 47323 kW kW % Btu/kW-hr (LHV) %
Gross Heat Rate 8374 Btu/kW-hr (LHV) 48,464 2.41% 7,857 6.18%
w/Degradation 49,575 4.76% 7,737 7.61%
Test Uncertainty - +/- 0.48% - +/- 0.53%

TP2 Corrected Output Corrected Heat Rate

Performance Guarantee Parameters Gross Power Margin Gross Heat Rate Margin
Gross Output 47323 kW kW % Btu/kW-hr (LHV) %
Gross Heat Rate 8374 Btu/kW-hr (LHV) 48,117 1.68% 7,917 5.46%
w/Degradation 49,221 4.01% 7,796 6.90%
Test Uncertainty - +/- 0.60% - +/- 0.53%

Test Points Average Corrected Output Corrected Heat Rate

Performance Guarantee Parameters Gross Power Margin Gross Heat Rate Margin
Gross Output 47323 kW kW % Btu/kW-hr (LHV) %
Gross Heat Rate 8374 Btu/kW-hr (LHV) 48,290 2.04% 7,887 5.82%
w/Degradation 49,398 4.39% 7,766 7.26%
Test Uncertainty - ± 0.54% - ± 0.53%
g GE Power
Performance Test Summary for EDEPC Hurghada Power plant TP1
LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25 Gas Fuel, Hurghada Power plant
Corrected Output Corrected Heat Rate
Performance Guarantee Parameters Gross Power Margin Gross Heat Rate Margin
Gross Output 47323 kW kW % Btu/kW-hr (LHV) %
Gross Heat Rate 8374 Btu/kW-hr (LHV) 48,464 2.41% 7,857 6.18%
w/Degradation 49,575 4.76% 7,737 7.61%
Test Uncertainty - +/- 0.48% - +/- 0.53%

PAMB Barometric Pressure, psia 14.534

TDB Ambient Dry Bulb, °F 94.0
TWB Ambient Wet Bulb, °F 71.0
RH Ambient Relative Humidity, % 32.3
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature, °F 94.0
INLOSS Inlet Loss, inH2O 4.90
EXHLOSS Exhaust Loss, inH2O 2.7
FF Fuel Flow, pph 15351
FLHV Fuel Lower Heating Value, Btu/lb 21130
FH Total Fired Hours 6428
Measured Gross Power and Calculated Heat Rate
MGPOW Measured Gross Power, kW @ Generator Terminals 40,031
PwrFac Power Factor 0.9879
Cal_GHR Calculated Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr = FF * FLHV / MGPOW 8,103
Deck Transfer Correction Methodology
A Modeled Power Output, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 100) @ Guarantee Basis Conditions, kW 47,323
B Modeled Power Output, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 103) @ Test Day Conditions, kW 39,088
C Modeled Heat Rate, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case100) @ Guarantee Basis Conditions, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,290
D Modeled Heat Rate, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 103) @ Test Day Conditions, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,550
Correction Factors
CF_GP Deck Transfer Correction Factor for Gross Power = B / A 0.8260
CF_GP_DEGR Correction Factor for Gross Power Degradation 0.9776
CF_GHR Deck Transfer Correction Factor for Gross Heat Rate = D / C 1.0313
CF_GHR_DEGR Correction Factor for Gross Heat Rate Degradation 1.0155
Power and Heat Rate Correction Calculations
GUARPOW Guaranteed Gross Power, kW @ Generator Terminals 47,323
CGO Corrected Gross Output, kW = MGPOW / CF_GP 48,464
CGO_DEGR Corrected Gross Output, w/Degradation, kW = CGO/ CF_GP_DEGR 49,575
OM Output Margin, % = (CGO/GUARPOW-1) 2.41%
OM_DEGR Output Margin, w/Degradation % = (CGO_DEGR/GUARPOW-1) 4.76%
GuarGHR Guaranteed Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,374.0
CorrGHR Corrected Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr (LHV) = Cal_GHR / CF_GHR 7,856.8
CorrGHR_DEGR Corrected Gross Heat Rate, w/Degradation Btu/kW-hr (LHV) = CorrGHR /CF_GHR_DEGR 7,736.7
HRM Heat Rate Margin, % = (1-CorrGHR/GuarGHR) 6.18%
HRM_DEGR Heat Rate Margin, w/Degradation % = (1-CorrGHR_DEGR/GuarGHR) 7.61%

GE Representative:
Customer Representative:
Date of Test:
Time of Test:
Engine Serial Number:
Engine Fired Hours:
Engine Fired Starts:
GE Power

Test Point 1

Engine: LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25

Deck Info: G0125P_V2 - 8i6.scp
Generator: BDAX 7-290ERJT 50Hz, 11.5kV, 0.85PF (EffCurve#: 32385; CapCurve#: 32383)
Fuel: Site Gas Fuel#900-4367, 21234 Btu/lb,LHV

Test Test Measured
GUAR 0.95 PF 1.0 PF PF
Case # 100 101 102 103
Ambient Conditions
Dry Bulb, °F 59.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 Case 100: Gross Performance @ Guar Conditions
Wet Bulb, °F 51.5 71.0 71.0 71.0 Case 101: Performance with PF 0.95 @ Test Day Conditions
RH, % 60.0 32.3 32.3 32.3 Case 102: Performance with PF 1.0 @ Test Day Conditions
Altitude, ft 0.0 306.6 306.6 306.6 Case 103: Performance with Measured PF @ Test Day Conditions
Ambient Pressure, psia 14.696 14.534 14.534 14.534 Measured PF 0.9879

Engine Inlet
Comp Inlet Temp, °F 59.0 94.0 94.0 94.0
RH, % 60.0 32.3 32.3 32.3
Tons(Chilling) or kBtu/hr(Heating) 0 0 0 0
P85 P85 P85 P85
Pressure Losses
Inlet Loss, inH2O 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.90
Volute Loss, inH2O 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Exhaust Loss, inH2O 6.00 2.70 2.70 2.70
Partload % 100 100 100
kW, Gen Terms 47323 39052 39100 39088
Est. Btu/kW-hr, LHV 8290 8558 8547 8550
Guar. Btu/kW-hr, LHV 8374 8644 8633 8636
XNENG *2.1 Eng Avg *2.1 Eng Avg *2.1 Eng Avg

Fuel Flow
MMBtu/hr, LHV 392.3 334.2 334.2
lb/hr 18476 15816 15816



lb/hr 9304 8160 8160

Control Parameters
HP Speed, RPM 10400 10463 10463
LP Speed, RPM 3627 3642 3642
PS3 - CDP, psia 456 400 400
P3, psia 460 403 403
T3CRF - CDT, °F 966 989 989
T48IN, °R 2047 2038 2038
T48IN, °F 1588.0 1578.0 1578.0

Exhaust Parameters
Temperature, °F 854 877 877
lb/sec 290 255 255
lb/hr 1044342 916755 916755
Energy, Btu/s- Ref 0 °R 97249 87211 87211
Energy, Btu/s- Ref T2 °F 59914.0 52122.0 52122.0
Cp, Btu/lb-R 0.3 0.3 0.3


NOx ppmvd Ref 15% O2 25 25 25
NOx as NO2, lb/hr 39.3600 33.5100 33.5100
CO ppmvd Ref 15% O2 25 25 25
CO, lb/hr 24 20 20
CO2, lb/hr 51048 44037 44037
HC ppmvd Ref 15% O2 15 15 15
HC, lb/hr 8 7 7
SOX as SO2, lb/hr 0.00 0.00 0.00


AR 1.25 1.24 1.24
N2 73.02 72.71 72.71
O2 15 16 16
CO2 5 5 5
H20 5.4105 5.6878 5.6878
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
HC 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008
NOX 0.0026 0.0025 0.0025


AR 0.9648 0.9634 0.9634
N2 80.6687 80.5573 80.5573
O2 15 15 15
CO2 3 3 3
H20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025
HC 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NOX 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025


AR 0.8827 0.8774 0.8774
N2 73.8085 73.3679 73.3679
O2 14 14 14
CO2 3 3 3
H20 8.5042 8.9246 8.9246
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
HC 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014
NOX 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
GE Power

Test Point 1

Engine: LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25

Deck Info: G0125P_V2 - 8i6.scp
Generator: BDAX 7-290ERJT 50Hz, 11.5kV, 0.85PF (EffCurve#: 32385; CapCurve#: 32383)
Fuel: Site Gas Fuel#900-4367, 21234 Btu/lb,LHV

Test Test Measured
GUAR 0.95 PF 1.0 PF PF
Case # 100 101 102 103

Aero Energy Fuel Number 900-4367 (Fuel1@77F) 800-57 (Unit #800-57

1 TP1)(Unit # 1 TP1)
Volume % Volume % Volume %
Hydrogen 0.000 0.000 0.000
Methane 96.526 87.879 87.879
Ethane 2.161 11.677 11.677
Ethylene 0.000 0.000 0.000
Propane 0.468 0.036 0.036
Propylene 0.000 0.000 0.000
Butane 0.293 0.000 0.000
Butylene 0.000 0.000 0.000
Butadiene 0.000 0.000 0.000
Pentane 0.117 0.000 0.000
Cyclopentane 0.000 0.000 0.000
Hexane 0.056 0.000 0.000
Heptane 0.000 0.000 0.000
Carbon Monoxide 0.000 0.000 0.000
Carbon Dioxide 0.308 0.233 0.233
Nitrogen 0.072 0.174 0.174
Water Vapor 0.000 0.000 0.000
Oxygen 0.000 0.000 0.000
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ammonia 0.000 0.000 0.000

Btu/lb, LHV 21234 21130 21130

Btu/scf, LHV 942 992 992
Btu/scf, HHV 1044 1098 1098
Btu/lb, HHV 23532 23376 23376
Fuel Temp, °F 77 108 108
NOx Scalar 1.022 1.087 1.087
Specific Gravity 1 1 1
Wobbe 53 53 53

Engine Exhaust
Exhaust Avg. Mol. Wt., Wet Basis 28.300 28.300 28.300
Exhaust Flow, ACFM 580578 529697 529697
Exhaust Flow, SCFM 233113 204987 204987
Exhaust Flow, Btu/lb 335 342 342
Exhaust Flow, Calories/s 24506837.0 21977172.0 21977172.0

Inlet Flow Wet, pps 286 251 251

Inlet Flow Dry, pps 284.2000 248.4000 248.4000

Shaft HP 65006.00 53622.00 53622.00

Generator Information
Capacity kW 56009.0 59401.0 62527.0
Efficiency 1.0 1.0 1.0
Inlet Temp, °F 59.0000 94.0000 94.0000
Gear Box Loss, HP 460 460 460

Burner Mode ABC ABC ABC

TRQ48, Torque Limit Cold End 117678 98437 98437

Correct Control Parameters

PS3JQA, psia 461 405.135 405.135
XN25R3, rpm

8th Stage Bleed

Flow, pps 0 0.00 0.00
Pressure, psia 0 0.000 0.000
Temperature, °R 0.0 0 0

CDP Bleed
Flow, pps 0 0.0 0.0
Pressure, psia 0 0.000 0.000

Est. Gas Pressure at Baseplate, psig 608.200 527.6 527.6

WAR36 - Combustor Water to Air Ratio 0.0 0.0208 0.0208

WA36 - Combustor Air Flow 202 176.08 176.08
WF36 - Combustor Fuel Flow 18475.5100 15815.97 15815.97
WFA - Fuel Flow, A Ring 7576.74 6608.70 6608.70
WFB - Fuel Flow, B Ring 7384.83 6049.53 6049.53
WFC - Fuel Flow, C Ring 3513.94 3157.7 3157.7
WB24 - LP Comp bleed door flow rate 0.0 0.0 0.0
P25 - HP compressor inlet pressure, psia 34.1 32.7900 32.7900
T25INF - HPC Inlet Temp(Control Value), °F 213.1000 250.2000 250.2000
T25 - HPC Actual Inlet Temp, °F 213 250 250
WAR3 0 0 0

CardPack 8i6 8i6 8i6

Exhaust CardPack 7f5 7f5 7f5

NSI 315 304 304

NSI 0 0 0
NSI 0 0 0
g GE Power
Performance Test Summary for EDEPC Hurghada Power plant TP2
LM6000 PF-SPRINT-25, Hurghada Power plant
Corrected Output Corrected Heat Rate
Performance Guarantee Parameters Gross Power Margin Gross Heat Rate Margin
Gross Output 47323 kW kW % Btu/kW-hr (LHV) %
Gross Heat Rate 8374 Btu/kW-hr (LHV) 48,117 1.68% 7,917 5.46%
w/Degradation 49,221 4.01% 7,796 6.90%
Test Uncertainty - +/- 0.60% - +/- 0.53%

PAMB Barometric Pressure, psia 14.533

TDB Ambient Dry Bulb, °F 93.9
TWB Ambient Wet Bulb, °F 69.8
RH Ambient Relative Humidity, % 29.9
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature, °F 93.9
INLOSS Inlet Loss, inH2O 4.90
EXHLOSS Exhaust Loss, inH2O 2.7
FF Fuel Flow, pph 15542
FLHV Fuel Lower Heating Value, Btu/lb 20890
FH Total Fired Hours 6429
Measured Gross Power and Calculated Heat Rate
MGPOW Measured Gross Power, kW @ Generator Terminals 39,786
PwrFac Power Factor 0.9870
Cal_GHR Calculated Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr = FF * FLHV / MGPOW 8,161
Deck Transfer Correction Methodology
A Modeled Power Output, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 100) @ Guarantee Basis Conditions, kW 47,323
B Modeled Power Output, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 103) @ Test Day Conditions, kW 39,130
C Modeled Heat Rate, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case100) @ Guarantee Basis Conditions, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,290
D Modeled Heat Rate, APPS Deck Transfer Run (Case 103) @ Test Day Conditions, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,545
Correction Factors
CF_GP Deck Transfer Correction Factor for Gross Power = B / A 0.8269
CF_GP_DEGR Correction Factor for Gross Power Degradation 0.9776
CF_GHR Deck Transfer Correction Factor for Gross Heat Rate = D / C 1.0307
CF_GHR_DEGR Correction Factor for Gross Heat Rate Degradation 1.0155
Power and Heat Rate Correction Calculations
GUARPOW Guaranteed Gross Power, kW @ Generator Terminals 47,323
CGO Corrected Gross Output, kW = MGPOW / CF_GP 48,117
CGO_DEGR Corrected Gross Output, w/Degradation, kW = CGO/ CF_GP_DEGR 49,221
OM Output Margin, % = (CGO/GUARPOW-1) 1.68%
OM_DEGR Output Margin, w/Degradation % = (CGO_DEGR/GUARPOW-1) 4.01%
GuarGHR Guaranteed Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr LHV 8,374.0
CorrGHR Corrected Gross Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr (LHV) = Cal_GHR / CF_GHR 7,917.1
CorrGHR_DEGR Corrected Gross Heat Rate, w/Degradation Btu/kW-hr (LHV) = CorrGHR /CF_GHR_DEGR 7,796.1
HRM Heat Rate Margin, % = (1-CorrGHR/GuarGHR) 5.46%
HRM_DEGR Heat Rate Margin, w/Degradation % = (1-CorrGHR_DEGR/GuarGHR) 6.90%

GE Representative:
Customer Representative:
Date of Test:
Time of Test:
Engine Serial Number:
Engine Fired Hours:
Engine Fired Starts:
GE Power

g Engine:
Deck Info:
G0125P_V2 - 8i6.scp
Test Point 2

Generator: BDAX 7-290ERJT 50Hz, 11.5kV, 0.85PF (EffCurve#: 32385; CapCurve#: 32383)
Fuel: Site Gas Fuel#900-4367, 21234 Btu/lb,LHV

Test Test Measured
GUAR 0.95 PF 1.0 PF PF
Case # 100 101 102 103
Ambient Conditions
Dry Bulb, °F 59.0 93.9 93.9 93.9 Case 100: Gross Performance @ Guar Conditions
Wet Bulb, °F 51.5 69.8 69.8 69.8 Case 101: Performance with PF 0.95 @ Test Day Conditions
RH, % 60.0 29.9 29.9 29.9 Case 102: Performance with PF 1.0 @ Test Day Conditions
Altitude, ft 0.0 308.5 308.5 308.5 Case 103: Performance with Measured PF @ Test Day Conditions
Ambient Pressure, psia 14.696 14.533 14.533 14.533 Measured PF 0.9870

Engine Inlet
Comp Inlet Temp, °F 59.0 93.9 93.9 93.9
RH, % 60.0 29.9 29.9 29.9
Tons(Chilling) or kBtu/hr(Heating) 0 0 0 0
P85 P85 P85 P85
Pressure Losses
Inlet Loss, inH2O 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.90
Volute Loss, inH2O 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Exhaust Loss, inH2O 6.00 2.70 2.70 2.70
Partload % 100 100 100
kW, Gen Terms 47323 39095 39142 39130
Est. Btu/kW-hr, LHV 8290 8553 8542 8545
Guar. Btu/kW-hr, LHV 8374 8639 8629 8631.6
XNENG *2.1 Eng Avg *2.1 Eng Avg *2.1 Eng Avg

Fuel Flow
MMBtu/hr, LHV 392.3 334.4 334.4
lb/hr 18476 16006 16006



lb/hr 9304 8173 8173

Control Parameters
HP Speed, RPM 10400 10460 10460
LP Speed, RPM 3627 3641 3641
PS3 - CDP, psia 456 401 401
P3, psia 460 404 404
T3CRF - CDT, °F 966 989 989
T48IN, °R 2047 2038 2038
T48IN, °F 1588.0 1578.0 1578.0

Exhaust Parameters
Temperature, °F 854 877 877
lb/sec 290 255 255
lb/hr 1044342 918023 918023
Energy, Btu/s- Ref 0 °R 97249 87230 87230
Energy, Btu/s- Ref T2 °F 59914.0 52126.0 52126.0
Cp, Btu/lb-R 0.3 0.3 0.3


NOx ppmvd Ref 15% O2 25 25 25
NOx as NO2, lb/hr 39.3600 33.5500 33.5500
CO ppmvd Ref 15% O2 25 25 25
CO, lb/hr 24 20 20
CO2, lb/hr 51048 44185 44185
HC ppmvd Ref 15% O2 15 15 15
HC, lb/hr 8 7 7
SOX as SO2, lb/hr 0.00 0.00 0.00


AR 1.25 1.24 1.24
N2 73.02 72.77 72.77
O2 15 16 16
CO2 5 5 5
H20 5.4105 5.5985 5.5985
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
HC 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008
NOX 0.0026 0.0025 0.0025


AR 0.9648 0.9632 0.9632
N2 80.6687 80.5469 80.5469
O2 15 15 15
CO2 3 3 3
H20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025
HC 0.0015 0.0015 0.0015
NOX 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025


AR 0.8827 0.8785 0.8785
N2 73.8085 73.4673 73.4673
O2 14 14 14
CO2 3 3 3
H20 8.5042 8.7894 8.7894
SO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
CO 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
HC 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014
NOX 0.0023 0.0022 0.0022
GE Power

g Engine:
Deck Info:
G0125P_V2 - 8i6.scp
Test Point 2

Generator: BDAX 7-290ERJT 50Hz, 11.5kV, 0.85PF (EffCurve#: 32385; CapCurve#: 32383)
Fuel: Site Gas Fuel#900-4367, 21234 Btu/lb,LHV

Test Test Measured
GUAR 0.95 PF 1.0 PF PF
Case # 100 101 102 103

Aero Energy Fuel Number 900-4367 (Fuel1@77F) 800-58 (Unit #800-58

1 TP2)(Unit # 1 TP2)
Volume % Volume % Volume %
Hydrogen 0.00 0.00 0.00
Methane 96.53 87.46 87.46
Ethane 2.16 11.56 11.56
Ethylene 0.00 0.00 0.00
Propane 0.47 0.04 0.04
Propylene 0.00 0.00 0.00
Butane 0.29 0.00 0.00
Butylene 0.00 0.00 0.00
Butadiene 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pentane 0.12 0.00 0.00
Cyclopentane 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hexane 0.06 0.00 0.00
Heptane 0.00 0.00 0.00
Carbon Monoxide 0.00 0.00 0.00
Carbon Dioxide 0.31 0.56 0.56
Nitrogen 0.07 0.39 0.39
Water Vapor 0.00 0.00 0.00
Oxygen 0.00 0.00 0.00
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ammonia 0.00 0.00 0.00

Btu/lb, LHV 21234 20890 20890

Btu/scf, LHV 942 987 987
Btu/scf, HHV 1044 1092 1092
Btu/lb, HHV 23532 23111 23111
Fuel Temp, °F 77 108 108
NOx Scalar 1.022 1.076 1.076
Specific Gravity 1 1 1
Wobbe 53 53 53

Engine Exhaust
Exhaust Avg. Mol. Wt., Wet Basis 28.300 28.300 28.300
Exhaust Flow, ACFM 580578 529965 529965
Exhaust Flow, SCFM 233113 205155 205155
Exhaust Flow, Btu/lb 335 342 342
Exhaust Flow, Calories/s 24506837.0 21981858.0 21981858.0

Inlet Flow Wet, pps 286 252 252

Inlet Flow Dry, pps 284.2000 248.9000 248.9000

Shaft HP 65006.00 53680.00 53680.00

Generator Information
Capacity kW 56009.0 59429.0 62557.0
Efficiency 1.0 1.0 1.0
Inlet Temp, °F 59.0000 93.9000 93.9000
Gear Box Loss, HP 460 460 460

Burner Mode ABC ABC ABC

TRQ48, Torque Limit Cold End 117678 98573 98573

Correct Control Parameters

PS3JQA, psia 461 405.540 405.540
XN25R3, rpm

8th Stage Bleed

Flow, pps 0 0.00 0.00
Pressure, psia 0 0.000 0.000
Temperature, °R 0.0 0 0

CDP Bleed
Flow, pps 0 0.0 0.0
Pressure, psia 0 0.000 0.000

Est. Gas Pressure at Baseplate, psig 608.200 529.6 529.6

WAR36 - Combustor Water to Air Ratio 0.0 0.0199 0.0199

WA36 - Combustor Air Flow 202 176.45 176.45
WF36 - Combustor Fuel Flow 18475.5100 16005.99 16005.99
WFA - Fuel Flow, A Ring 7576.74 6687.54 6687.54
WFB - Fuel Flow, B Ring 7384.83 6121.63 6121.63
WFC - Fuel Flow, C Ring 3513.94 3196.8 3196.8
WB24 - LP Comp bleed door flow rate 0.0 0.0 0.0
P25 - HP compressor inlet pressure, psia 34.1 32.8300 32.8300
T25INF - HPC Inlet Temp(Control Value), °F 213.1000 250.3000 250.3000
T25 - HPC Actual Inlet Temp, °F 213 250 250
WAR3 0 0 0

CardPack 8i6 8i6 8i6

Exhaust CardPack 7f5 7f5 7f5

NSI 315 304 304

NSI 0 0 0
NSI 0 0 0
GE Power

Guar Gross Power KW = 47,323 kW Tested kW = 40,031 kW

Guar Gross Heat Rate = 8,374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV Measured Fuel Flow = 15351.1 pph
Fuel Sample LHV = 21129.7 Btu/lb

15351 pph x 21130 Btu/lb

Calculated HR = --------------------------------------------------------- = 8103 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
40031 kW

Output Heat Rate

kW Btu/kW-hr, LHV
Case 100: Cycle Deck Gross Perf @ Guar Conditions 47,323 8,290
Case 103: Cycle Deck Perf @ Test Day Conditions 39,088 8,550

Deck Transfer Correction for Power Output, kW

(Cycle Deck kW @ TEST COND. TEST FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power = ----------------------------------------------
(Cycle Deck kW @ GUAR COND. GUAR FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power = ------------------- = 0.8260

Tested (Measured) kW
Corrected Gross Power (GCP)kW = ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power

GCP, kW = ------------------------------ = 48464 kW

Power Margin

(Adjusted kW for Test) - (kW @ GUAR COND.)

Power Margin % = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

48464kW - 47323kW
Power Margin % = ----------------------------------------- = 2.41%
GE Power

Guar Gross Power KW = 47,323 kW Tested kW = 40,031 kW

Guar Gross Heat Rate = 8,374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV Measured Fuel Flow = 15351.1 pph
Fuel Sample LHV = 21129.7 Btu/lb

15351 pph x 21130 Btu/lb

Calculated HR = --------------------------------------------------------- = 8103 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
40031 kW

Output Heat Rate

kW Btu/kW-hr, LHV
Case 100: Cycle Deck Gross Perf @ Guar Conditions 47,323 8,290

Deck Transfer Correction for Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV

(Cycle Deck Btu/kW-hr, LHV @ TEST COND. TEST FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat
Rate =
(Cycle Deck Btu/kW-hr, LHV @ GUAR COND. GUAR FUEL)

8550 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat Rate = ------------------------------ = 1.0313
8290 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Tested (Calculated) Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Corrected Gross Heat Rate (CGHR) Btu/kW-hr = ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat Rate

8103 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

CGHR Btu/kW-hr, LHV = --------------------------------------- = 7857 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Heat Rate Margin

(Guar HR Btu/kW-hr, LHV) - (CGHR Btu/kW-hr, LHV)

Heat Rate Margin
(Guaranteed Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV)

8374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV - 7857 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Heat Rate Margin % = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 6.18%
8374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
GE Power

Guar Gross Power KW = 47,323 kW Tested kW = 39,786 kW

Guar Gross Heat Rate = 8,374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV Measured Fuel Flow = 15542.2 pph
Fuel Sample LHV = 20890.1 Btu/lb

15542 pph x 20890 Btu/lb

Calculated HR = --------------------------------------------------------- = 8161 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
39786 kW

Output Heat Rate

kW Btu/kW-hr, LHV
Case 100: Cycle Deck Gross Perf @ Guar Conditions 47,323 8,290
Case 103: Cycle Deck Perf @ Test Day Conditions 39,130 8,545

Deck Transfer Correction for Power Output, kW

(Cycle Deck kW @ TEST COND. TEST FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power = ----------------------------------------------
(Cycle Deck kW @ GUAR COND. GUAR FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power = ------------------- = 0.8269

Tested (Measured) kW
Corrected Gross Power (GCP)kW = ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Power

GCP, kW = ------------------------------ = 48117 kW

Power Margin

(Adjusted kW for Test) - (kW @ GUAR COND.)

Power Margin % = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

48117kW - 47323kW
Power Margin % = ----------------------------------------- = 1.68%
GE Power

Guar Gross Power KW = 47,323 kW Tested kW = 39,786 kW

Guar Gross Heat Rate = 8,374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV Measured Fuel Flow = 15542.2 pph
Fuel Sample LHV = 20890.1 Btu/lb

15542 pph x 20890 Btu/lb

Calculated HR = --------------------------------------------------------- = 8161 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
39786 kW

Output Heat Rate

kW Btu/kW-hr, LHV
Case 100: Cycle Deck Gross Perf @ Guar Conditions 47,323 8,290

Deck Transfer Correction for Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV

(Cycle Deck Btu/kW-hr, LHV @ TEST COND. TEST FUEL)

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat
Rate =
(Cycle Deck Btu/kW-hr, LHV @ GUAR COND. GUAR FUEL)

8545 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat Rate = ------------------------------ = 1.0307
8290 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Tested (Calculated) Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Corrected Gross Heat Rate (CGHR) Btu/kW-hr = ----------------------------------------------------------------
Deck Transfer Corr Factor for Gross Heat Rate

8161 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

CGHR Btu/kW-hr, LHV = --------------------------------------- = 7917 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Heat Rate Margin

(Guar HR Btu/kW-hr, LHV) - (CGHR Btu/kW-hr, LHV)

Heat Rate Margin
(Guaranteed Heat Rate, Btu/kW-hr, LHV)

8374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV - 7917 Btu/kW-hr, LHV

Heat Rate Margin % = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 5.46%
8374 Btu/kW-hr, LHV
g GE Power



Barometric Press: 14.534 psia

Fuel Temp: 108.16 °F
Fuel Press: 630.67 psig 645.21 psia
Actual Fuel Flow: 125.37 acfm

Using AGA8 to Determine Compressibilities Factors, Zs and Zo, and Density of the Fuel Gas, ρs

Zs = 0.997499 ρs = 0.046963 lb/ft3

Zo = 0.922301 ρο = 2.040832 lb/ft3

Compensating ACFM to SCFM

645.21 psia 519.67°R

SCFM = ACFM X ---------------------------------- X ----------------------------- X (Zs / Zo) = 5,447.94 SCFM
14.696 psia 108.16 + 459.67

Mass Flow Rate

lb/hr = SCFM * 60 * ps = 15,351.10 lb/hr

g GE Power



Barometric Press: 14.533 psia

Fuel Temp: 108.30 °F
Fuel Press: 631.20 psig 645.74 psia
Actual Fuel Flow: 126.16 acfm

Using AGA8 to Determine Compressibilities Factors, Zs and Zo, and Density of the Fuel Gas, ρs

Zs = 0.997503 ρs = 0.047228 lb/ft3

Zo = 0.922458 ρο = 2.053182 lb/ft3

Compensating ACFM to SCFM

645.74 psia 519.67°R

SCFM = ACFM X ---------------------------------- X ----------------------------- X (Zs / Zo) = 5,484.80 SCFM
14.696 psia 108.30 + 459.67

Mass Flow Rate

lb/hr = SCFM * 60 * ps = 15,542.17 lb/hr

C. Post Test Uncertainty Calculations
g Post Test Uncertainty of Corrected Gross Power - EDEPC Unit 1 Turbine Acceptance Test --> TP1
GE Power

Instrument Spatial Systematic Random Individual
Uncertainty of Sensitivity
Measured Parameter Units Average Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty of
Measured θi (∆R/∆P)
BI Bs BC Sx Result (θi * U95i)
Parameter U95i
Gross Power kW 40031 0.21% 0.0 0.00 0.00% 0.002 1.000 0.00
Power Factor - 0.9879 0.21% 0.0 0.002 0.03% 0.002 960 2.04
Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature °F 94.0 0.24 0.43 0.49 0.043 0.500 350.5 175.3
Ambient Relative Humidity %RH 32.3 1.80% 0.50 0.50 0.17% 0.500 5.56 2.78
Ambient Pressure psia 14.534 0.04% 0.001 0.001 0.00% 0.001 2800 3.02
Fuel Temperature °F 108.2 0.19 0.0 0.2 0.010 0.194 0.1 0.02
Fuel Heating Value (LHV) btu/lbm 21130 69.73 0.0 69.7 6.00% 69.7 0.827 57.66
Inlet DP "H20 4.89 1.51% 0.25 0.25 0.39% 0.25 138.18 34.63
Exhaust DP "H20 2.72 1.60% 0.90 0.90 2.43% 0.90 53.94 48.62
LP Turbine Speed RPM 3641.9 0.08% 0.0 0.00 0.01% 0.00 18.0 0.02

Uncertainty (kW) 194.02

Uncertainty (%) 0.48%

Post Test Uncertainty of Corrected Gross Heat Rate - EDEPC Unit 1 Turbine Acceptance Test -->TP1
Instrument Spatial Systematic Random Individual
Uncertainty of Sensitivity
Measured Parameter Units Average Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty of
Measured θi (∆R/∆P)
BI Bs BC Sx Result (θi * U95i)
Parameter U95i
Gross Power kW 40031 0.21% 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.220 0.00
Power Factor - 0.9879 0.21% 0.0 0.002 0.000 0.002 212.4 0.451
Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature °F 94.0 0.24 0.43 0.49 0.043 0.500 19.74 9.88
Ambient Relative Humidity %RH 32.3 1.80% 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.500 0.628 0.314
Ambient Pressure psia 14.534 0.04% 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 23.25 0.025
Fuel Temperature °F 108.2 0.19 0.0 0.2 0.010 0.194 0.000 0.000
Fuel Heating Value (LHV) btu/lbm 21,130 69.73 0.0 69.7 0.1 69.7 0.0466 3.25
Inlet DP "H20 4.89 1.51% 0.25 0.25 0.004 0.25 11.191 2.80
Exhaust DP "H20 2.72 1.60% 0.90 0.90 0.024 0.90 11.385 10.26
LP Turbine Speed RPM 3,642 0.08% 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.00
Fuel Flow Rate lb/hr 15,351 0.75% 0.0 0.01 39.1 78.28 0.541 42.33

Uncertainty HR (Btu/kWh) 44.87

Uncertainty HR (%) 0.53%
g Post Test Uncertainty of Corrected Gross Power - EDEPC Unit 1 Turbine Acceptance Test --> TP2
GE Power

Instrument Spatial Systematic Random Total Uncertainty Individual

Measured Parameter Units Average Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty of Measured Uncertainty of
θi (∆R/∆P)
BI Bs BC Sx Parameter U95i Result (θi * U95i)

Gross Power kW 39786 0.21% 0.0 0.002 0.00% 0.002 1.00 0.0
Power Factor - 0.9870 0.21% 0.0 0.002 0.03% 0.002 940 2.04
Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature °F 93.9 0.24 0.58 0.62 0.087 0.647 356.2 230.4
Ambient Relative Humidity %RH 29.9 1.80% 0.50 0.50 1.00% 0.501 3.64 1.82
Ambient Pressure psia 14.533 0.04% 0.00 0.000 0.00% 0.000 3100 1.36
Fuel Temperature °F 108.3 0.19 0.0 0.2 0.008 0.194 6.6 1.28
Fuel Heating Value (LHV) btu/lbm 20890 68.94 0.0 68.9 6.00% 68.9 0.163 11.22
Inlet DP "H20 4.87 1.51% 0.25 0.25 0.48% 0.25 145.45 36.46
Exhaust DP "H20 2.74 1.60% 0.90 0.90 2.96% 0.90 55.45 50.02
LP Turbine Speed RPM 3641.2 0.08% 0.0 0.00 0.01% 0.00 51.5 0.04

Uncertainty (kW) 238.87

Uncertainty (%) 0.60%

Post Test Uncertainty of Corrected Gross Heat Rate - EDEPC Unit 1 Turbine Acceptance Test -->TP2

Instrument Spatial Systematic Random Total Uncertainty Individual

Measured Parameter Units Average Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty of Measured Uncertainty of
θi (∆R/∆P)
BI Bs BC Sx Parameter U95i Result (θi * U95i)

Gross Power kW 39786 0.21% 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.002 0.222 0.00
Power Factor - 0.9870 0.21% 0.0 0.002 0.000 0.002 212.7 0.462
Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature °F 93.9 0.24 0.58 0.62 0.087 0.647 19.57 12.66
Ambient Relative Humidity %RH 29.9 1.80% 0.50 0.50 0.010 0.501 0.996 0.499
Ambient Pressure psia 14.533 0.04% 0.000179809 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.07 0.000
Fuel Temperature °F 108.3 0.19 0.0 0.2 0.008 0.194 0.000 0.000
Fuel Heating Value (LHV) btu/lbm 20,890 68.94 0.0 68.9 0.1 68.9 0.0103 0.71
Inlet DP "H20 4.87 1.51% 0.25 0.25 0.005 0.25 11.260 2.82
Exhaust DP "H20 2.74 1.60% 0.90 0.90 0.030 0.90 10.971 9.90
LP Turbine Speed RPM 3,641 0.08% 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.55 0.00
Fuel Flow Rate lb/hr 15,542 0.75% 0.0 0.01 39.6 79.26 0.528 41.88

Uncertainty HR (Btu/kWh) 44.95

Uncertainty HR (%) 0.53%
V. APPENDIX 3: Fuel Analyses
VI. APPENDIX 4: Baseload Performance Test Raw Data

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