DNL Backgrounder
DNL Backgrounder
DNL Backgrounder
The first and the flagship manufacturing facility of Deepak Nitrite Limited, Nandesari
facility is located near Vadodara, the chemical hub of India. The facility has dedicated
Fully integrated streams for manufacturing of bulk & commodities and fine & specialty chemicals. It
infrastructure equipped offers the advantage of proximity to the feed stocks and critical raw materials.
to manage a product Located in Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) - the chemical
right from design to
complex of Nandesari, the facility is equipped with best-in-class utilities like Effluent
dispatch lends DNL a
strong competitive Treatment Plants (ETPs). All of its operations are controlled by DCS and it was
advantage. Its state-of- conferred with the Sir P.C. Ray award for 'Best Chemical Industry Unit' developed
the-art , environment with indigenous endeavor.
compliant facilities
located at Dahej, Roha
Nandesari, Roha, Taloja, The facility produces a range of intermediates for its agrochemical portfolio. New
Hyderabad and Dahej streams have been added for manufacturing of related products for dyes and
enjoy clear logistical
specialty chemicals. It is located at the western coast and is strategically connected to
advantages and are
equipped to handle even Nhava Sheva port. It was conferred Greentech Award – Gold, for excellence in safety
the bulk hazardous raw standards for the year 2013.
materials like Benzene,
Toluene, Xylene, Taloja
Ammonia, concentrated Taloja manufacturing facility used for the Synthetic Organic chemicals exists since last
Nitric Acid, 20 years. The unit is certified for ISO9001-2008, ISO 14001-2004(on environment
concentrated Sulphuric
aspects), ISO 18001-2007 (Occupational health and safety) and Accredited with
Acid, Chlorine and
Sulphur Trioxide. Responsible Care Certification towards global environment, safety and health
management. Taloja plant does not use any ACIDS (Nitric, Sulphuric and
Cutting edge monitoring
Hydrochloric) and largely responsible for Hydrogenation Process.
IoT systems have been
deployed in-house to Hyderabad
study man and material
movement and increase Hyderabad Specialty Division manufactures DASDA that is used in the manufacture of
efficiency and Optical Brightening Agents (OBA). The global quality standards and competitive
productivity. Phenol manufacturing capabilities of the plant have helped us achieve almost 20% of world's
state-of-the-art plant market share of DASDA business.
powered by KBR,
Honeywell and Thyssen Dahej
krupp is second to none
in India having lowest The Optical Brightening Agents plant is set up with integrated infrastructure to
thermal footprint. produce in fully automatic batch processes with a central well-equipped control room
for attending emergencies in case they arise. With the ability to manufacture up to
200 million lb, it serves all three segments namely paper, detergent and textile.
Located at Dahej, Gujarat’s new island of excellence, the facility prides on being the
largest in the industry.
Corporate Office: Aditya-I, NH 8, Chhani Road, Vadodara-390 024, Gujarat, India, Tel: +91 265 276 5200, Fax: +91 265 234 0506
customers@deepaknitrite.com / Hr@deepaknitrite.com / investors@deepaknitrite.com
Company Background
Financial Summary
(Rs. Cr) FY18 FY17 Y-o-Y
Sales 1,467 1,242 18%
EBITDA 214 152 41%
PBT 122 74 65%
PAT 83 52 60%
EPS (Rs. Per Share) 6.32 4.43 43%
Corporate Office: Aditya-I, NH 8, Chhani Road, Vadodara-390 024, Gujarat, India, Tel: +91 265 276 5200, Fax: +91 265 234 0506
customers@deepaknitrite.com / Hr@deepaknitrite.com / investors@deepaknitrite.com
Company Background
Board of Directors
People -
Deepak Nitrite is led by a competent and experienced management team with robust domain knowledge and a keen
understanding of the trends and shifts in the industry landscape. Apart from possessing a proven track record in the chemical
intermediates industry, Team Deepak Nitrite has been instrumental in framing strategies to accelerate growth and improve
market position. The Company has inculcated best of talent from leading technical and management institutes as well as lateral
hires from the best global and domestic firms in the industry. The senior management team has contributed to DNL’s success,
which has enabled the Company to be recognised for the quality of its products, while adhering to the Code of Responsible Care
and to ethical values while also enhancing stakeholder value. Deepak Nitrite continues to train employees across several
functions connected to technical, behavioural and health, safety and general environment and ISO certification standards
among others. All these efforts are concentrated on attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry as people are at the
center of DNL’s growth.
Awards & Tata - Most collaborative partner 2017 FGI - Woman and Child Care 2018 ICC- Social responsibility 2017
Recognition ET NOW CSR Award 2018 Gujarat Best Employer 2017 Millennium Alliance Recognition 2017
Deepak Foundation Improving last mile reach of Govt. programmes through supportive supervision of
Deepak Foundation has been serving
the country for more than 40 years, Improving availability & accessibility of quality occupational health services in GIDC
with special focus on maternal and Delivering quality care in tribal areas
neonatal care and livelihood projects Providing quality woman and neonatal healthcare through doorstep delivery of services
designed to uplift underprivileged
Saving lives by facilitating access to timely medical intervention & services
communities. More than 2 million
people are regularly affected by Combating tobacco & alcohol dependency through de-addiction & counselling services
activities conducted by the Demonstration of water harvesting structures in three villages of Roha block of Raigad
Foundation. district
Promoting learning through mobile library services
Corporate Office: Aditya-I, NH 8, Chhani Road, Vadodara-390 024, Gujarat, India, Tel: +91 265 276 5200, Fax: +91 265 234 0506
customers@deepaknitrite.com / Hr@deepaknitrite.com / investors@deepaknitrite.com
Company Background
Responsible Chemistry
Deepak Nitrite adheres to Responsible Chemistry and is signatory to ‘Responsible Care’. The Company follows the highest standards
of effluent treatment system and ensures ZERO discharge. Responsible Care Guiding Principles are at the heart of the Responsible
Care commitment — through these principles, members and partners pledge to improve environmental, health, safety and security
(EHS&S) performance for facilities, processes and products throughout the entire operating system. Deepak Nitrite is amongst the top
18 Companies to be RC compliant in India. Globally, there are 150 such companies.
Way Forward
Deepak Nitrite is positively placed to capture the growth opportunities arising in the end-user industries. All the Strategic Business
Units (SBUs), i.e. Basic Chemicals, Fine & Speciality Chemicals, and Performance Products are expected to deliver accelerated growth
in the forthcoming year owing to continued transformation in the product portfolio and steady recovery in demand.
The Company was awaiting regulatory consent for its backward integration facility at Roha which has now been received and the
current financial year expects to see full capacity utilisation in the FSC segment and this is expected to further improve the margins.
The profitability margin is expected to further improve in FY19 as the Company has planned brownfield expansion projects across all
business segments entailing capital expenditure of Rs. 60 crore to take advantage of the extant situation in the Chinese Chemical
Industry. In addition to the above, normal, debottlenecking and cost leadership programmes are also regularly undertaken by the
In view of the above, the Company expects to see an even better performance in FY19.
Deepak Nitrite is well poised to pursue growth across multiple segments and product lines
led by sizeable investments towards integration of existing products. This will be further
supported by commissioning of its Phenol & Acetone project - opening up new frontiers of
Corporate Office: Aditya-I, NH 8, Chhani Road, Vadodara-390 024, Gujarat, India, Tel: +91 265 276 5200, Fax: +91 265 234 0506
customers@deepaknitrite.com / Hr@deepaknitrite.com / investors@deepaknitrite.com