B 40 Note Present A Zion Een
B 40 Note Present A Zion Een
B 40 Note Present A Zion Een
• If you access the application submission procedure with your university credentials you
will not need to enter your personal and enrolment details as these will be taken from
the data already held by our university. WARNING: The only e-mail address that our
offices will use for all correspondence regarding your application is the university
address: @studio.unibo.it. Remember to check it periodically.
• In case of simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes at UNIBO, you will have
to opt for one out of the two degree programmes. Thus, you will have the
possibility to apply for exchange/s foreseen for the selected career only. During
the application procedure, you will be asked to select one of your two student’s careers.
Then, you will be displayed the possible vacancies for the student’s career you chose,
which will be the one linked to the application and the evaluation. The eventual mobility
and credits recognition will be connected to that career, too. Thus, you will not be
allowed to apply for a vacancy opting for the first career and, simultaneously,
for another vacancy opting for the second career.
Warning: You will be able to modify your choice related to the student’s
career you opt for (at the beginning of the application procedure) if you did
not save any application, both provisionally and definitively, only. In case you
definitively saved at least one application, you will not be able to change the
choice related to your student’s career. In case you provisionally saved one or
more applications, you must cancel all of them to be able to change your
choice and opt for a different student’s career.
• If you are enrolled in your 3rd year of an undergraduate degree programme, you may
apply only if in the academic year 2024/2025 you will be enrolled as “fuori corso” (past
the envisaged completion time for the degree course), or if you expect to graduate during
the 2023/2024 academic year and depart during the first year of your graduate degree
programme (second cycle). In this second case you will be applying with reserve and
will have to submit a future career application, bearing in mind that you must be
enrolled for a graduate degree programme in the 2024/2025 academic year. If you apply
as future career, you will have to choose the Degree Programme that you will be
enrolled at in 2024/2025 and this choice is binding. Therefore, in 2024/2025, you cannot
enrol at a Degree Programme not included in the exchange you are applying for. Mobility
for studies is only allowed during the second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year;
under no circumstances can students shift their departure to the first semester, even if
permission has been granted by the host university. If students apply for exchanges
longer than six months, the Erasmus office will automatically shorten their mobility to
six months and the actual duration will be calculated with reference to the dates stated
on the attendance certificate issued at the end of the study period spent abroad.
The number of applications registered in the last call is available in the exchange vacancy
general description. Take advantage of this information to better orientate your
application choices and enhance your chances of getting an exchange place! Remember
that it is possible to apply for THREE different exchange vacancies, use them all to join
the Erasmus Generation!
• You can save your application provisionally: this will allow you to make changes or
cancel it right up to the deadline date. You must however save the final version by 8
February 2024 at 1 pm, otherwise it will not be accepted. Warning: we suggest you
to save the application well in advance before the deadline. Technical problems related
to data traffic overload may occur, making it difficult to save the application
successfully on time within the deadline.
• When you save the final version of your application an application summary will be
displayed; it will also contain an ID number that you can use in any future
correspondence with our office.