How To Play Published Adventures SOLO
How To Play Published Adventures SOLO
How To Play Published Adventures SOLO
Published Adventures
Tarcísio Lucas
How to play
Published Adventures
Art: TLHP, Canva
and public domain
Tarcísio Lucas
Solo RPG has grown a lot, in number of And in conclusion, it is worth
players and number of possibilities. remembering that this material has no
There are literally hundreds of different intention of replacing your RPG group,
methods of playing solo RPG, some in the same way that the intention of
very different from each other. There solo RPG was never to replace the
are really creative ways for handling "traditional" RPG. They are different
with being both a GM and a player at modes with different proposals and
the same time. But there is still much completely different experiences.
more to be done, created, Comparing solo roleplaying with group
“discovered”. roleplaying would be like comparing
I believe that one of the biggest tabletop roleplaying with video games;
challenges in solo RPG nowadays is different proposals, different
how to approach published experiences.
The published adventures designed for
"traditional" RPG systems are
millimetrically written for a group
clearly divided into two "roles": The
GM, and the players. Throughout the
adventure there are a series of
information that is the GM's privilege.
A player in possession of such
information in advance would clearly
be at advantage, harming not only his
own fun, but also that of everyone else
The fact is: there is not an "ultimate
method” on how to approach this type
of material solo.
And above all: it is not possible to
approach premade adventures with
the SAME dynamics you play them in a
group yet. Perhaps over the years to
come this will become a possibility; we
never know what sensational ideas are
yet to come and I don't rule out the
possibility of someone coming up with
something totally new and full of
possibilities. So if you want to play “The
Rise of Tiamat” or “Ravenloft” solo BUT
in the SAME way you played in a
group, forget it. If that's your idea, it's
best to close this material and look for
something else. These are very
different dynamics, and regardless of
the method you choose, adaptations
will necessarily be made.
But YES you can play it solo.
I particularly believe that this is the fun
of it. Having OTHER possibilities. The
way you play in a group is one way; I
don't see the point of having the same
experience if we can have another
different one in a solo mode.
3 Methods
This is a series where I will present 3 INSPIRATION
different methods of playing a
published adventure in a solo mode: The first more structured method of
playing this kind of adventure I saw
Method 1 (This one) – A method that was with an article on the Lone
works by inserting new events and Crusader blog. Unfortunately the blog
possibilities but following and keeping has been deactivated and it is a little
the course of the initial adventure. The difficult to find this material nowadays.
player can decide how far or how What Lone Crusader proposed was to
close the gameplay will be to the approach the adventure in an
original text. However, if the player extremely similar way to how it is done
chooses the adventure can take quite in a group: the player must take an
different directions from the one adventure that he has NOT played and
proposed. about which he does not know
anything and read it piece by piece,
Method 2 – a method that approaches avoiding reading what comes next. As
each adventure as a game divided into valid as it is, I particularly believe that
"phases", where knowing what you're this approach, in addition to being
going to face is far less important than physically uncomfortable (it is very
overcoming what's ahead. difficult not to see what comes in the
following lines, especially for someone
Method 3 – a method that seeks to be like me who has dynamic reading or a
faithful to the original “script” of the good visual reading field) it is a little
adventure, with a minimum of changes bit frustrating. In fact, you convert the
and additions. adventure into almost a gamebook-
like adventure, but without the options
They are very different one from the you would have in this kind of books. I
other. Here we have the first one. think it's valid, but at the same time
very limited.
This method 1 - like the other 2 - was
created by Tarcisio Lucas (me) in order The Dieheart blog, where Sophia
to allow playing published adventures Brandt maintained for years the largest
solo bringing some surprises but at the collection of solo RPG in the world has
same time not losing the "plot" a page about it, and I strongly
proposed by the material. recommended you take a look at the
amazing work Sophia Brandt has done.
I also wanted to create a method
where the player didn't have to avoid
spoilers, because my intention was to
create a thing that would allow you to
play even adventures that you have
already played in a group, or that the
solo player has read in the past. It's
impossible to look at a paragraph
without having at least an idea of the
content of the following paragraphs,
and I wanted to create a method on
that It wouldn't be a problem.
In fact, here you MUST read the entire
adventure in advance. Don't worry, this
is part of the idea.
Step 1 Step 3
After creating your party or solo The third step is to read through the
character, you must choose a entire adventure.
published adventure. You can buy one That's right, you did not read it wrong.
in places like Drivethru RPG. There are Read uncompromisingly as if you were
hundreds of websites and blogs that reading a regular book. Trust me, this
offer adventures for free. And I'm not won't detract from the fun of the deal.
talking about material with copyright This method applies to any type of
but sites that provide materials adventure regardless of how it was
created to be freely shared. Lots of written or how big it is.
good stuff that you can find searching
on Google. If this is your first attempt, however, I
highly recommend taking short
if you don't know or are in doubt about what an oracle is in solo RPG, I recommend
my other material, "Old Solo Essentials". There the fundamentals of the concept are
presented in more detail. You can find it on Drivethru RPG.
The Adjustment
Now, before starting the next scene, it Let's analyze. It is a natural sequence
is necessary to make some of what was originally presented on
adjustments. This is because elements Scene 1.
that are not part of the initial But let's suppose that when playing the
adventure have been added, or that previous scene and having dropped
important elements of the adventure the result "5" on the EVENT CHART
have changed. TABLE which says that "a big fight took
This adjustment does not mean place in a nearby spot", the characters
eliminating, ignoring or excluding the got involved in the fight and kind of
new elements that happened! NEVER! accidentally killed a merchant. The city
What happened, happened! It's not guards are called in and the scene
that. ends with the characters handcuffed
Once you've previously read the entire by the guards in the public square.
adventure, you know very well how the How to solve this?
next scene begins. Yes, for the adventure to continue, it is
THE ADJUSTMENT TECHNIQUE is to necessary to justify that the next scene
create explanations that justify starts exactly as it is written. But
everything that has changed in the nothing that happened can be
previous scene so that scene 2 can discarded . If the pjs killed a merchant,
start EXACTLY as it is written (or it actually happened.
something extremely close to it). This is where the ADJUSTMENT
Let's continue with our example. TECHNIQUE comes in.
Imagine that the following Scene says Despite the pompous name, it's pretty
the following: simple.
When a scene ends, create
“The characters finally arrive at Baron JUSTIFICATIONS that lead the
Von Doom's mansion, a luxurious adventure to the beginning of the next
place. There are many guards scene. You don't need to roleplay
scattered around the gardens and these justifications, you don't need
gates. Inside the house, the characters tests. Just create coherent and
are greeted by a stunningly beautiful acceptable explanations that bridge
woman who introduces herself as Lady the gap between the end of one scene
Raven, the Baron's wife. (To GM) Make and the beginning of another.
this encounter intimidating for the PCs,
all the time describing all the opulence
and wealth of the place. Lady Raven
leads them into a large hall, where the
Baron sits in an enormous bejeweled
chair. He greets the PCs, and asks
each one to introduce themselves.
After the proper introductions, he
finally reveals why he invited the
heroes here...”
In the example above, it would be Another example.
easy. Let's suppose that in scene 1 I put as
ADJUSTMENTS: The Baron heard about one of the elements of the SCENE
the confusion, and as he himself had EVENT TABLE that Baron Von Doom
invited the adventurers, he immediately himself appears in the scene, in the
sends a messenger to demand that the middle of the fair and a character by
guards release the characters. By the accident killed the Baron.
way, the guards WORK for the baron. You know that many things in the
And what about the dead merchant? future depends on the character of
Perhaps he is a former "enemy" of the Baron Von Doom.
Baron and will not be missed. Or What to do if a character has just killed
maybe the Baron demands that part of the Baron before he really matters?
the heroes' payment at the end of the The first step is to look in the mirror
adventure go to the merchant's family, with a disapproving look.
as a form of repair. I am joking, of course. this is the kind of
And voila! All set for the scene to begin thing that brings a nice twist to the
EXACTLY as described in the original story.
adventure. And apply THE ADJUSTMENT.
There are infinite possibilities. It all In this case: Is it really true that the
depends on the tone you want to give Baron would go out on the street
the adventure. If it's a more humorous breaking up fair fights? Would a guy
and comic vibe, these Adjustments can with a jeweled chair do that? It is not
be more “forced” or even comical. If much more logical that the Baron hires
the adventure has a more serious and “doubles” who pretended to be him,
sober feeling, the Adjustments should after all, someone with his wealth must
have a more realistic and coherent have many enemies.
tone. Or you could actually keep the Baron
dead. The characters would be taken
But what if the scene REALLY went off to the Baron's mansion and there
the rails, and changed a lot of everything would happen exactly as
important things for the future of the the scene shows. The Baron is there,
scene? sitting and smiling. But you just killed
the Baron at the fair! What mystery
THE ADJUSTMENT TECHNIQUE will be would that be? Why do the
used in the same way. The only thing is townspeople seem not to care? You
that certain “narrative juggling” will can then leave the mystery in the air, or
have to be done. create some explanations. For
example, the bejeweled chair might be
a magic item, which he returns to alive
every time he dies, no matter where it
happens. Or maybe it's actually a
family of many brothers, all very similar
to each other, and when one dies
another IMMEDIATELY assumes the
position and the name.
You adjust everything that happened,
pulling anything that fell out of the
adventure plan back to where the
adventure naturally goes.
The method in this way is done to
maintain all the spirit and proposal of
the original adventure, without
however taking away the freshness and
Experience with the method
As I suggested earlier, this method
should be tested initially with short
But once you get the hang of it and
understand perfectly how the
easy to take on any kind of adventure.
I've played many adventures following
these principles. “Rise of Tiamat” for
example was over 90 pages long, and
was a lot of fun. But I particularly
prefer shorter adventures... 5, 8 pages,
as I tend to lengthen each scene A
There are a lot of really short 1 or 2
page adventures. In such cases, I
recommend that each scene you roll 2
times on the SCENE EVENT CHART.
And now?
As I've said several times throughout this text, this method
does not replace the experience of playing a published
adventure in a traditional group.
I played “Rise of Tiamat” in a group as well, and it was a
totally different experience, hard to even compare (but if I
had to compare, I liked playing it solo better!).
One of the biggest mistakes people make when
approaching the solo RPG is that they think it tries to
replace the traditional way of playing RPGs. This is a very,
very wrong view, and it should be clear here that it is not.
But even if you really prefer to play in a group, I'm sure
there are ready-made adventures that you love and at the
same time you know you'll NEVER be able to play; or
because they are not what your group likes, or because it's
something that only you enjoy, or because you work 15
hours a day, you are married and have two kids, and you
know you'll have time to play it in a group only after
Life is too short to leave this adventure sitting on the shelf
or dusting in that file folder.
On the next page, there are blank tables for you to create
your SCENE EVENTS TABLES. In addition to the template
presented in the text, there are 2 other Table templates if
you want to create even more possibilities and an EVENT
CHART TABLE with even more options.
Random Event Tables
Random Event Tables