Notes Booklet P1 - 2023

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Chapter 1 Appendix: 1 Selected Verses from the Holy Qur’an

Q: (a) Briefly describe the main theme(s) in the following passages.

(b) Briefly explain the importance of these theme(s) in a Muslim’s life today.

Allah’s Relationship

Ans : Passage 1 (Ayat-ul-Kursi) 2:255

(a) Ayat-ul-Kursi, the verse of the Throne is from Surah al-Baqarah which is a Madni surah.
The theme of this long verse is Allah in Himself. It categorically explains the distinctive
attributes of Almighty Allah which make Him matchless. It starts with the core of Islam that is
the expression of Shahadah (declaration of oneness of God). Then it says that Allah is free
from all human weaknesses and does not dependent on any one for His survival. He has
perfect knowledge of all the times and His knowledge encompasses the entire universe. The
Quran says,
“It is He Who knows what you disclose and what you hide.”
The mention of His Throne extending over the Heaven and the Earth shows His authority and
rule over everything, so no one can intercede for a fellow creature without His permission. As
the Holy Quran mentions it as follows,
“To Him belongs all that is in the Heavens and on earth and He is the most High, the most
Great.” (42:4)
These attributes elevate Him to the heights we can’t imagine.
(b) This passage helps the Muslims to believe in tawheed in terms of Allah’s uniqueness
and majesty. The theme is important for Muslims as it crystallizes the belief of Tawheed and
trains them to condemn Shirk. There is repetitive mention of Allah’s authority, unlimited
(c) knowledge and powers in order to strengthen the faith of its readers. The objective is
to remind the Muslims that Allah alone is worthy to be worshipped and obeyed. Muslims
recite this verse regularly to reiterate Allah’s high position as compare to any worldly
Ayat-ul-Kursi is the greatest verse of the Quran. The Prophet (PBUH) used to recite it after
every prayer and before he went to bed. He said,
“If someone recites Ayat-ul-Kursi after every Fardh salah nothing stops him from
entering Paradise except death.”

Passage 2 (Surah Al-An’aam) 6:101-103

(a) This passage is from surah Al-An’aam which is a Makki surah. The theme of this
passage is Allah in Himself. It elaborates some of the fundamental aspects of unity of Allah. It
describes Allah as the Originator of universe and rejects any kind of misconception of God
having any family. Surah Ikhlas says,
“He begets not, nor is He begotten.”
He is All-Powerful and can do whatever He wills. He is above all His creations so He only
deserves to be worshipped. It also refers to His unbounded knowledge, infinite power and
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grasp on His created world. It stresses on the sublime nature of God and inability of human
imagination to encompass/grasp God’s person, though He Himself can see to the
unfathomable depths. The Quran says,
“Allah is He Who understands the finest mysteries.”
Allah’s attributes are limitless while human senses, reason and imagination are all limited.
(b) This passage is important for Muslims as it makes them understand clearly the
doctrine of Tawheed in terms of Allah’s nature and powers. It reminds Muslims that Allah is
too Sublime to be perceived but He is always Present and All-Powerful. As Quran assures the
Muslims the same in the following words,
“And He is with you wherever you are.”
And also,
“We are nearer to him (man) than his jugular vein.”
This passage strikes at roots of Shirk by negating the false beliefs of God having wife or
children. Muslims, in this way, develop a clearer concept of tawheed and feel themselves
bound to adore Allah only. They remember that Shirk is the only unpardonable sin in the sight
of Allah that makes them to abstain from it.

Passage 3 (Surah Fussilat) 41:37

(a) This verse is from surah Fussilat, an early Makkan surah. It describes the theme of
Allah in Himself. It mentions the cosmic sign and phenomena of nature that reflect Allah’s unity
and majesty. It refers to the cycle of day and night as evidence of Divinity. The Quran supports
it saying,
“Behold! In the creation of the Heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the
day……..there are signs for the people of understanding.”
This passage commands us to worship the Creator of the sun and the moon not the creations
themselves because the creator is always superior to the creations.
(b) The theme of this passage is important for the Muslims as it urges them to observe
various objects of nature that reflect Allah’s presence, majesty and glory. Since humans cannot
afford to see Allah physically, they will identify the real Creator through His creations. This
observation helps Muslims to develop a strong belief in Tawheed in all its aspects. The Quran
frequently reminds about the need of pondering,
“ Verily, in the alternation of the night and the day, and in all that is Allah has created in the
heavens and the earth, are the signs for those who fear Him.”
So, Muslims realize the need of expressing their gratitude to Allah for enabling them to see
and think deeply. Muslims will thus avoid Shirk and worship the One Supreme God.

Passage 4 (Surah Shura) 42:4-5

(a) These are two verses from Surah Shura. Their theme is Allah in Himself. It describes
Allah’s complete authority over entire universe. Quran says at another place,
“His are all things in the heavens and on the earth.”
The passage also refers to the countless angels who are busy in the prayers and
glorification of the Lord and also invoke/seek His mercy and pardon for humans who tend to
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disobey their Lord. The Quran declares this weakness of humans as, “It is man that wrongs
his own soul.”
Also, it says,
“But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful”.
(b) The theme of this passage is important for the Muslims as it guides them to Allah’s
powers and authority to make them His obedient servants. It guides them to two articles of
faith also: belief in Tawheed and angels. By referring to the angels seeking forgiveness, it
assures them of Allah’s mercy. Their belief that Allah loves His creations makes them to love
Him. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,
“Allah says; My Grace and Mercy outstrips My Wrath.”
This passage gives hope to the sinners by mentioning Allah’s mercy and forgiveness and
prepares them to repent over their bad deeds. Angels’ glory to Allah reminds Muslims that
they should also worship Him and become His righteous servants like angels.

Passage 5 (Surah Ikhlas) 112

(a) Surah Ikhlas is an early Makkan surah and its theme is Allah in Himself in terms of His
unique person. When the Prophet (PBUH) preached Tauheed and invited people to worship
Allah, the Quraish asked him about the attributes of Allah, His lineage, gender etc. Allah
revealed the surah to answer them. It outlines the most fundamental aspect of Tawheed and
emphatically negates the false belief of Allah having ancestors and descendents. The Holy
Quran says at another place,
“How can He have a son when He has no consort?”
It further highlights God’s unity by saying that God’s nature or person can never be compared
to anyone throughout the universe. It also mentions God’s freedom from time and space by
saying that He has always been and will always be there.
(b) The theme of this passage purifies Muslims’ belief in Tawheed and that is why this
passage is named as al-Ikhlas (the purity of faith). When Muslims learn about the uniqueness
and supremacy of Allah it assures them of their inability and limitations before their Lord. Thus,
it eliminates all forms of Shirk from their mind. Muslims recite this Surah in daily prayers in
order to reiterate rejection of Shirk. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared it equivalent to one
third of the Quran. This theme is so important that Quran repeatedly mentions this:
“And your God is one God ”
“Allah! There is no god but He”.
This strong belief in Allah’s Tawheed develops His reverence in believers’ hearts.

Allah’s Relationship with the Created World

Passage 6 (Surah Al-Fatiha) 1:1-7

(a) This passage is called surah Al-Fatihah, meaning ‘the Opener’. It is so named because it
opens the Quran. Its theme is Allah’s relation with His created world and it’s a Makki surah. It
explains that Allah alone deserves all praise because He is the Only Sustainer of all the known
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and the unknown worlds, ultimate source of mercy, justice and guidance for mankind. Only He
can guide man to the way of life acceptable to Him though He does not compel anyone to
follow that way. Instead, in the words of Quran, it is man’s duty to beg before Him for
guidance. As Quran says,
“And your Lord says, call on Me, I shall answer your supplication”. (40:60)
He also tells man the consequences of following this code of conduct or going astray.
Therefore, man needs to praise and worship Him and resort to Him alone. Many Quranic
passages refer to Allah’s relation with humans but this surah sums up this relation beautifully
in only seven verses.

(b) This passage helps us to understand suffice of the Holy Quran. The beginning of the surah
assures us of the mercy of Allah which makes us love Him and the very next verse reminds us
to be righteous and pious because He is not only Merciful but also Just. He will dispense
absolute justice on the Day of Judgement. We shall remember that we’ll surely get reward in
the Hereafter as promised in the Quran,
“….and only on the Day of Judgement you shall be paid your full recompense.”(3:185)
It encourages us to turn to the guidance sent by Him in the form of Quran and Sunnah as they
are the only means to help us to walk on the right path. By following the right path we can
earn Allah’s blessings and avoid His anger.

Passage 7 (Surah Al-Baqara) 2:21-22

(a) The theme of this passage is Allah’s relationship with His created world. These two v
erses of Surah al-Baqarah, a Madinian surah, outline Allah’s power to create and make
arrangements for the sustenance and growth of mankind through all ages. The passage
commands humans to identify their real Lord by serving and worshipping Him. It is only He
who has given them His special blessings by making the earth a living place and giving all the
necessities and luxuries of life. It means worship is owed to the One who is independent of all
and everything depends on Him. It further commands them to reject any form of associating
partners with Him as He is the only Supreme Creator, Cherisher and Caretaker of all. The Holy
Quran repeatedly announces the same,
“…. There is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me” (21:25)
And also,
“And your God is one God.” (2:163)
(b) The passage stresses on the need of inculcating piety and a sense of gratitude for the
countless bounties of Allah and then links them with adoration and worship of God and acts of
righteousness. By looking at the statement “earth your couch” we strongly feel that our
physical growth, productivity of earth and its resources are completely in Allah’s hands.
Similarly, “heavens your canopy” reminds us that our spiritual growth is also a blessing of
Allah. These two things make us realize our dependency on Him and His independency of
anything. Surah Rahman also repeatedly asks man to acknowledge the countless bounties of

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“So which of the bounties of your Lord will you (both) belie/deny?”
So, these help us to praise and worship only Him and keeps us refrained from committing any
kind of shirk. Finally we are protected to commit the only unpardonable sin and motivated to
turn to Allah only in all the needs.

Passage 8 (Surah Al-Alaq) 96:1-5

(a) This passage contains first five verses of surah Alaq, a Makki surah, which was the first
revelation to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The theme of the passage is Allah and His created
world. It mentions Allah’s power to create and ensure the survival and growth of mankind.
The similar attribute is mentioned in Surah Fatihah as,
“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and the Sustainer of the worlds.”

He created man from a low origin and then matured him physically, intellectually and
spiritually by enabling him to read and write. Human ability to acquire knowledge means to
learn both, the worldly and divine sciences to find means of physical survival as well as take
care of his intellectual and spiritual development. The passage further describes the
importance of pen, as it is the foremost important instrument of collecting treasure of
knowledge in the history. Without pen, knowledge would have been confined to few people.
Almighty Allah held ‘the pen’ in high esteem to the extent that He took an oath on it,
“Noon. By the Pen and what they write.”
It shows that knowledge is the special gift of Allah.
(b) This passage makes Muslims acknowledge Allah’s goodness and greatness as He
created them from a low origin and then enabled them to acquire knowledge.
The Holy Quran frequently mentions Allah as Creator and Sustainer of the universe, e.g. surah
1, 2:21-22, 67:1, and also describes His bounties on man, e.g. 35:3, 16:80-81. This passage,
however, highlights the faculty of reading and writing that makes man the most superior
creature of Allah. As Quran says,
“We indeed created man in the best molds.”
This theme makes us responsible to identify our link with Allah by acquiring worldly
knowledge through pen and by seeking inspiration from the divine word mentioned in the
Quran as ‘the Book and the Wisdom.’

Passage 9 (Surah Al-Zilzal) 99:1-8

(a)This passage is named as surah Zilzal which is a Makki surah. The theme of the passage is
Allah’s relation with created world. It describes His power to end the entire existing universe.
It elaborates the events and the final outcome of the Day of reckoning or end of time. The
word zilzal describes the horrors, calamities and destruction on that day. Mankind will be
shocked to see earth emitting all its hidden contents, as mentioned elsewhere in the Quran :
“And when the Earth is flattened and casts forth what is within it and becomes empty.” (84:3-

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Finally, all mankind will appear in the Divine Court of Justice for the rewards of their worldly
deeds. Man will have to be accountable for his every action no matter how small it may be.
Section 30 of Quran repetitively mentions the same theme with different expressions.

(b)The passage reminds Muslims about the Day of Judgement, Allah’s power to end time and
make all stand accountable before Him for the ultimate justice. With such a belief Muslims
will learn about worthlessness of this world and realize the value of Hereafter. Quran says,
“Nay, you prefer the life of this world. But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.”
The passage makes them fear Allah as He can do everything that seems impossible to them. It
makes them responsible for their deeds and they lead a righteous life in this world believing in
the segregation of the minutest of good and evil deeds. Finally, it makes them feel humble
and prepare for a successful end.

Passage 10 (Surah An-Naas) 114

(a)This is the last Surah of the Holy Quran, named as An-Naas, and its theme is Allah’s relation
with His created world. It describes Allah’s three-fold relation with man. It mentions Allah as
the Lord, King and God of mankind that means only He can rule them. The power and
authority of all affairs is in His hands and He is in control of everything. He alone can protect
from the evils of His creations Therefore, it asks man to seek Allah’s shelter against all the
evils injected in his heart by Satan and his host of assistants who may be humans or jinns.
Quran warns us about this saying,
“……Satan is an avowed enemy to man.” (12:5)
Man should, however, also remember the Quranic instruction:
“… and on Allah let the believers put their trust.” (9:51)
(b)This Surah together with Surah Al-Falaq guides Muslims to seek Allah’s refuge against all
evils as Satan is always there to mislead them so they should strengthen their relation with
Allah towards all evil forces. The best way to do this is to remember Allah as guided by the
“ and establish regular prayer in order to remember Me”.
Muslims are motivated to recite the Holy Quran also as it brings the reader closer to Allah.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) also used to recite these Surahs to guard against evil as he got
protection from the black magic casted over him by his enemies. The passage connects the
believers to Allah making them believe that only He has the absolute control and power over
everything and alone He deserves to be worshipped. The believers feel safe also putting their
trust in Allah’s protection.
Allah’s Messengers

Passage 11 (Surah Al-Baqara) 2:30-37

(a) This passage consists of seven verses from surah Baqarah, a Madinite surah. The theme
of the passage is Allah’s messengers. It describes the story of creation of Adam and his elevated
status granted by Allah’s decree. This superiority of Adam was duly acknowledged by all angels
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except Iblees who showed arrogance (since he was a jinn, not an angel). Adam (A.S.) and Eve
were granted Paradise but Iblees (now named Satan) tricked their exile from there, out of
jealousy and malice. On repentance on their mistake, Adam and Eve were pardoned by Allah
who awarded them a new phase of worldly living. The Holy Quran mentions this phase at
another place as,
“and We have certainly established you upon the earth and made therein for you the ways of
livelihood …...” (7:10)
The Quran usually mentions the story of creation of Adam and Eve together with the role of
Satan with the dual purpose of highlighting the dignified status of human kind as well as warning
humans of Satan’s nefarious attic. For example it says,
“But Satan whispered to him (Adam), he said, “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the tree of Eternity
and to a kingdom that never deteriorates?”
(b) This passage contains important lessons for us. We understand the reasons for making
human being superior to all other creatures. Allah appointed man by the way of Adam as His
vicegerent on earth because of knowledge and free will. This reminds us that we should be
obedient to Allah as we are made His agents and given highest status among His creation. We
have to use the power of knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong and to follow
the right path to keep us away from the path of Satan as he is our open enemy. The Holy Quran
“Indeed Satan is an avowed enemy to man”. (12:5)
The passage also guides us to repent and seek Allah’s mercy if we are trapped in Satan’s wicked
tricks and commit a mistake.
Passage 12 (Surah Al-Maidah) 5:110
(a) This passage is a verse of sura Maidah, a Madinite surah. The theme of the passage is
Allah’s messengers. It refers to the favors of Allah on Hazrat Esa (AS). Allah gave him a
miraculous birth and made him His one of the mightiest Prophets. Allah protected him from all
hardships that were to come in his way. He was blessed with a book to bring people to the right
path. Quran narrates it,
“Allah will teach him the Book and the wisdom and the law and the Gospel.”
Furthermore, Allah gave him certain Prophetic signs to make his role clear to the people to
whom he was sent such as giving life to dead, making birds out of clay and giving them life,
curing the born blind and the leper etc. This passage mentions that despite of all the miracles
Hazrat Esa (AS) was only a Prophet and Allah’s creation as he could do all these things with
Allah’s permission only. The passage also explains that all prophets are rejected on the account
of being magicians or liars.
(b) This passage helps Muslims to understand many important things like Allah addressed
Hazrat Esa (AS) as “Esa son of Mariam” which refutes the belief of those who consider Hazrat
Esa (AS) as a god. Muslims are required to believe that, like other messengers, Hzarat Esa (AS)
was also a man chosen by Allah. This passage also reminds that Allah helps His prophets by
granting miraculous powers to assist them in their mission. As Quran says at another place,
“We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear (signs) and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit.”

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So, Muslim are assured that Allah is always with His messengers in all their righteous actions
and if they will follow the messengers, can get Allah’s help.
Muslims also understand that Allah’s messengers were rejected by the people, yet they
continued their mission. So, they also have to be consistent, firm and steadfast in all difficult
times and not to give up efforts even if the things for the time being may not go in favorable

Passage 13 (Surah Al-An’aam) 6:75-79

(a) This passage has been taken from surah Al-An’aam, a Makki surah. The theme of the
passage is Allah’s messengers and it outlines the story of Prophet Ibrahim’s search of One
Supreme God. Ibrahim (A.S.) was gradually guided to identify the real creator and Lord by way
of His creations such as the sun, the moon and the stars. He eventually realized that God is
eternal and therefore, he rejected polytheism that was the hallmark of the society around him.
He finally, declared that Shahadah (proclamation of belief in one God) as a sign of acquiring
internal peace. God’s favour of Divine guidance for Prophet Ibrahim (AS) is frequently referred
to in the Quran. For example,
“And We bestowed aforetime on Ibrahim his guidance, and We were Well-Acquainted with
him.” [21:51]
Thus, Ibrahim (AS), like other messengers, was blessed with Allah’s special support and favour.
(b) This passage guides the Muslims to refute shirk and to believe in Tawhid. We are guided
that a unique and logical approach should be used to make the people understand the reality
of Allah. It assures that celestial bodies merely reflect Allah’s glory and they are His creatures,
despite their look. They should never be worshiped. Quran categorically declares’
“He has made subject to you the night and the day; the sun and the moon; and the stars are in
subjection by His commands.” [16:12]
Muslims are also assured that Allah granted prophet hood to His messengers by various modes
and that all these Messengers preached the universal message of Tawhid. So they should
equally respect all Messengers. Holy Quran says
“We do not make difference between any of His messengers.” [2:285]

Passage 14 (Surah Ad-Duha) 93

(a) This passage is named as surah Ad-Duha, a Makki surah. The theme of the passage is
Allah’s messengers. This passage was revealed after a long break that worried the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and his Makkan enemies began to mock him. Allah consoled and reassured
him that He would not abandon him. God reminded the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) some of
His past favours on him. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a born orphan but Allah made
arrangements for his growth and upbringing. Allah then granted him prophethood – His
greatest reward. Purpose of these reminders is to reassure him of similar support in future.
However, Allah instructed him to be kind to those in need as this would reflect his gratitude to
Allah. In surah 108 (al-Kauthar) Allah has conditioned His care and support to the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) with regular prayers and spirit for sacrifice as it says,

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“To you have We granted the abundance, so pray to your Lord and sacrifice”
Similarly Allah defended him in surah Al-Qalam as;
“You are not by the grace of your Lord mad or possessed. Nay, for you is a reward unfailing”.
(b) This passage helps Muslims to understand the importance of faith in Allah’s help. Holy
Prophet (PBUH) was reassured by Allah in the midst of mockery in Makkah. Muslims today
should also retain their faith in difficult times by remembering the Quranic promise.
“So verily with every difficulty there is a relief” [94:5]
Muslims also understand that their relationship with Allah can be strengthened by their
kindness to the weak and unsupported people because such an attitude is an expression of love
for Allah. The Quran says,
“And they give food to the needy, the orphan and the prisoner for love of Him”.
This passage makes Muslims realize that along with being kind to the needy, they should also
guide those who come to seek knowledge or advice as it was the mission of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and this will bring success to them.
Passage 15 (Surah Al-Kawthar) 108:1-3
(a) This passage is named as Al-Kawthar, an early Makki surah. The theme of the passage is
Allah’s messengers. It mentions Allah’s special care for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the time of
pain when he was mocked by Makkans on the death of his sons. It refers to the unlimited
blessings and favors of Allah to him in this world as well as in the Hereafter. Allah asked him to
remain patient as it is the quality of His mighty messengers. Quran says,
“Rejected were the Messengers before you; with patience and constancy they bore their
Along with patience, Allah advised Holy Prophet (PBUH) to continue with devotional activities
and eventually Allah will bless him the abundance of descendants and followers and his enemies
will be forgotten. He told the Prophet (PBUH) to remember Allah through regular prayers and
to develop the spirit of sacrifice so that he could continuously strengthen his bond with Allah
and get constant support.
(b) The passage guides Muslims to develop spirit of sacrifice and establish prayer as they
are the best means to get closer to their Lord, Allah says:
“And establish regular prayer in order to remember Me.” (20:14)
Facing mockery and receiving Allah’s reassurance were part of prophetic mission of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH).This short passage carries vast magnitude of Allah’s assurance. Word
“Kauthar” may mean abundance of spiritual strength, wisdom, and knowledge; it’s a special
river in paradise; it refers to millions of spiritual children (the Muslim community) and it may
refer to Fatima who continued Prophet’s progeny. Against this, the insulters of the Prophet
(PBUH), like Abu Jahl and others soon vanished so that nobody can take pride in being their

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General Questions from Passages
Allah in Himself
Q: From passages that you have studied from the Quran, what did you understand about
God? 10

A) We have studied five passages from the Holy Quran that talk about Allah’s attributes. These
passages deal with the Greatness and Lordship of Allah.

The first passage is a verse from surah Baqarah, named as Ayat-ul-Kursi. It elaborates the
attributes of Allah (SWT). It tells us that Allah is free from any human weaknesses, “No
slumber can seize Him nor sleep.” Furthermore, it categorically describes Allah’s Throne and
highlights His Rule and Authority over the universe. The verse says, “His Throne extends over
the heavens and the Earth…” It also throws light on the fact that everyone is His servant and
lives in His Kingdom. He is Master of all. He is Majestic and Great.

The second passage is a verse from Surah Al-Anaam. This passage declares that Allah is the
Sole Creator and Originator of the universe which also outlines His Authority and Lordship. It
also highlights the fact that Allah is All-Knowledgeable. The verse says, “He has full knowledge
of all things.” Additionally, it says, “No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all visions.”
This means that our actions, words and thoughts are not hidden from Him. Allah is well aware
of the past, present and future of each one of His creation.

The third passage under this theme is from Surah Fussilat. This Surah refers to the cosmic
signs of universe as great signs of Allah’s Lordship and Authority. It says, “Adore not the sun
and moon, but adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.” These signs
are not meant to be worshipped. Instead, by pondering over them, one can understand the
reality of Allah’s Greatness. This passage outlines Allah’s Superiority by relating to His
creations. The purpose of the given verse is to express the glory of Allah and His exclusive
worthiness for worship.

The next passage is from Surah Ash-Shura. It highlights the total Authority, Ownership,
Majesty and Mercy of Allah. It says, “To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth.”
It also highlights the existence of angels and that they also beg Allah for His Mercy again and
again for the dwellers of Earth. It describes Allah’s Mercy as, “Verily Allah is He, the Oft-
Forgiving, the Most Merciful.”

The last passage under this theme is Surah Ikhlas. It deals with absolute Unity and oneness of
Allah. It starts by saying, “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only.” The surah mentions that He is
Eternal and Absolute. It negates shirk and destroys all assumptions of family relations of Allah.
It says, “He begets not nor is He begotten.” Allah does not have any partners and no one can
be equal to Him, as the passage ends by declaring, “And there is none like Him.”
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The passages describe and elaborate the nature and attributes of Allah in a remarkable,
concise and convincing manner.

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Allah’s Relationship with His Created World

Q: a) The Quran teaches Muslims about their relationship with God. Write about this
relationship using passages you have studied.
(May/June 2018, 11) [10]

Ans: We have studied five passages under the theme Allah’s relationship with the created
The first passage under this theme is Surah Fatiha. This surah explains that all praise is due
only for Allah as He is the sole Creator, Sustainer and Guardian of the known and unknown
worlds. Allah says,
“Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.”
Muslims are reminded that Allah is the Lord of the worlds, and we must devote ourselves in
His cause. The verses also say, “You alone we worship, and Your help we seek.” So He only
can help us in all matters of life, especially He is the one who can guide us and that’s why He
advised us to seek guidance from Him as the surah says, “Show us the straight way.”
We understand from the passage that He is the only Source of true guidance.
The second passage is two verses from Surah Baqarah. This passage highlights the favors and
blessings of Allah. The creation of man, earth, heavens, the sending of rain and growth of
fruits are manifestation of Allah’s Lordship and an invitation to worship Him alone. The verse
says, “…Who has made the earth your couch and the heavens your canopy; and sent down
rain from the heavens; and by it brought forth fruits for your sustenance; then do not set up
rivals to Allah, when you know.” Acknowledging these blessings of Allah, Muslims are
reminded of the favors of Allah and are encouraged to worship Him alone to show gratitude.
So, God is the provider and we are worshipers.

The third passage about God’s relationship with His creation is from Surah Alaq. These five
verses mainly deal with the creation of man and the need to gain knowledge through the pen.
Allah says in this Surah, “Read! In the name of your Lord, Who created. Created man out of a
clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful. He who taught by the
pen. Taught man what he did not know.”

It tells man that his origin in very low, but the bountiful Allah granted him intellectual, moral
and spiritual abilities through which he increases his knowledge. Allah has taught man the
knowledge of ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ through divine revelation. Hence, in whatever manner man
receives knowledge, the source is Allah. Therefore, it is binding upon man to express his
gratitude towards Him by getting knowledge. So, God is a teacher and we are the learners.

The fourth passage is Surah Al Zilzaal. It describes some major events of resurrection. The
verse says, “When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion. And the earth throws up its
burdens.” It tells Muslims about the destruction of the earth. Muslims recollect the idea that
only Allah has the right to put His creation to an end at a time when He sees fit. That day, God
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will perform absolute justice. Therefore, men should be careful of their deeds and obey Allah
all the time. The surah also says, “On that day will men proceed in companies sorted out to be
shown their deeds.” By this, Muslims are reminded that the world will end one day and they
will return to their Lord which makes them conscious of their deeds.

The fifth and last passage under this theme is Surah Naas. It teaches man to seek refuge in
Allah from all evils. It declares Allah as the Lord, King and God of mankind. It says,

“Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind, The God of mankind.
From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws. Who whispers into the hearts of
mankind. Among jinns and mankind.” Allah, the Merciful, instructs man to seek His
protection against the sneaking evil which locates itself within their hearts. So, the
relationship is that God is our protector and we beg for His protection.

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Allah’s Messengers

Q: a) From passages that you have studied, outline the relationship between Allah and His

A) We have studied five passages that tell us about Allah’s relationship with His Messengers.

The first passage under this theme is verses from Surah Baqarah which tell us the story of
Adam AS. These verses highlight the creation of Adam (AS). Allah says,

“And He taught Adam the names of all things.” This emphasizes that Allah blessed Adam (AS)
with the gift of knowledge. So, God is Himself the teacher of Prophet Adam and he was God’s
student. The verses also say, “And behold! We said to the angels: ‘Bow down to Adam’. And
they bowed down.” This shows the superiority of Adam (AS) over angels. This superiority of
Adam was duly acknowledged by all angels except Iblees who showed arrogance (since he was
a jinn, not an angel). Adam (A.S.) and Eve were granted Paradise but Iblees (now named
Satan) tricked their exile from there, out of jealousy and malice. On repentance on their
mistake, Adam and Eve were pardoned by Allah who awarded them a new phase of worldly
living. The Holy Quran mentions this phase as; “We said: Go down, with enmity between

The next passage is verses from Surah Al-Anaam. This highlights Ibrahim (AS)’s quest for truth
and his firm faith. Hazrat Ibrahim was sent to guide down his nation as they indulged in in
shirk; they worshipped the sun, moon and stars. It outlines the thoughts of Hazrat Ibrahim as
he found God. Allah (SWT) guided Hazrat Ibrahim in his mission to find the true God. The Holy
Quran mentions this as, “O my people! I am free from your giving partners to Allah. For me I
have set my faith firmly towards Him who created the heavens and the earth and never
shall I give partners to Allah.” So, Allah gave guidance to His mighty prophet and he
recognized God using this guidance.

The third passage under this theme is a verse from Surah Maida. It gives full account of the
various aspects of grace bestowed by Allah on Prophet Isa (AS) and his mother, Maryam (AS).
Hazrat Isa was born miraculously without a father and was given many miracles. He could give
life to the dead, make birds out of clay and breathe life into them and he could cure the blind
(all with permission of Allah). But, as the verses say, his nation did not believe him and said,
“This is nothing but evident magic.”

The next passage is Surah Ad-Duha. In this surah, Allah consoled and reassured the Holy
prophet Mohammad PBUH that He would not leave him alone at any stage of his life. The
Surah says,

“Your Lord has not forsaken you nor is He displeased.”

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God reminded the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) some of His past favours on him. It highlights
that he provided Rasoolullah (SAW) with shelter when he was an orphan and guided him and
made him richer when he was in need.

The last passage under this theme is Surah Kawthar. It refers to the abundance that is
awaiting Rasoolullah (SAW) in Paradise. This Surah was revealed to console the Prophet after
the Quraish mocked him for the death of his sons. The Holy Quran says, “To you have we
granted abundance.” Word “Kauthar” may mean abundance of spiritual strength, wisdom,
and knowledge; it’s a special river in paradise; it refers to millions of spiritual children (the
Muslim community) and it may refer to Fatima who continued Prophet’s progeny. Allah asked
him to remain patient and continue with devotional activities. The surah says; “So pray to
your Lord and sacrifice”.

Chapter: 2 The History and Importance of the Holy Quran

Q. Write an account of the ways in which the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH)
between the years 610 and 632 AD.

The Holy Quran was revealed in three stages:

First Stage. The Holy Quran was preserved in ‘Loah-il-Mahfooz’ the well-guarded tablets, Only
Allah knows its reality. Allah says, “Nay this is a Glorious Quran in a Preserved Tablet.”

Second Stage. In the second stage complete Quran was descended altogether from the
preserved tablet to the lowest Heaven in Baitul-Izza on the Lailatul-Qadr. Allah says, “We have
indeed revealed this (Quran) in the night of Power”.

Third Stage. In the third stage, the Holy Quran was descended from the lowest Heavens to the
heart of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) piece by piece in successive revelation over a period
of 23 years of his Prophet Hood.

The Holy Quran started to be revealed to the Holy Prophet in 610 A D in the cave of Hira
when Jibriel came with the following first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq.
"Read with the name of your Lord Who created, created man out of the clot of congealed
blood. Read and your Lord is the most Bountiful. He Who taught by the pen. Taught man what
he knew not."
After the first revelation there was a gap of about six months or few days. The second
revelation was consisted of first five verse of Surah Al-Muddathir commanding Prophet
(PBUH) to invite Makkans to Islam. It says,
“O you wrapped in your cloak, rise and warn,……..”
Then, he would receive revelations frequently, sometimes a whole surah, at others, just a few
The mode of revelation was also different at different times. Holy Quran says,
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"It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind
a veil or by sending the messenger to reveal with Allah's command what He wills”.
Following are the ways in which Allah communicated to the Holy Prophet (PBUH);
1. He started to have true dreams. It was the beginning point of revelation.
2. Angel casted invisibly in Prophet’s heart and mind like an inspiration.
3. Mostly Jibrael visited Holy Prophet (PBUH) in a human form and talked directly.
4. The Angel only twice visited the Holy Prophet in his original form.
5. What Allah himself revealed to him in Heaven when he was ascended.
6. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) would listen like ringing of the bells.

The revelation used to come to the Prophet all at sudden without any information in advance.
Whenever the Angel visited him there started appearing different signs on his body like his
face turned red, sweat started rolling down his cheeks in the severe cold winter as narrated by
Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.) that Holy Prophet's (PBUH) beard became wet with the sweat when the
revelation came. The burden of the revelation was so heavy that once Zaid bin Thabit’s leg
was beneath the leg of the Prophet (PBUH) and when revelation came, he said Holy Prophet's
weight became so heavy that his leg will break into pieces.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to receive the revelation whenever any question was raised in
front of him. So Allah used to reveal a verse as an answer to the question. Once, Quraish
asked him a question about Allah so Surah Al-lkhlas was revealed. Similarly when Prophet’s
PBUH second son Ibrahim died, Abu Lahab started calling him ‘Abtar’ (alone or cut off) then
Allah revealed Surah Al-Kawthar.

Mainly the Surahs were revealed at two different places, Makkah and Madina. The Surahs
that were revealed at Makkah before migration are known as Makki Surahs and those Surahs
that were revealed in Madina after migration are known as Madinite Surahs. There are 86
Makkan Surahs and 28 Madani Surahs. Makkan Surahs mainly deal with beliefs like, Belief in
Oneness of Allah His attributes and rewards and punishments. Madani Surahs deal with social,
economic and political laws. Main principles of Islam were made obligatory in Madina. Surah
Nasr was the last complete Surah, which was revealed, and the last revelation came to the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the plain of Arafat, which completed the revelation as it said.
"This day I have perfected your religion for you completed my favours upon you and
have chosen Islam as your religion”.
This verse marks the end of revelation and the completion of Quran.

Q: Trace the main stages in the compilation of the Quran. (10)

Note: Please prepare other topics of the Quran including the above question from the book.

(Sources of Islamic Law)


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Q. Explain the significance of Holy Quran as the First source of Islamic law. (10)

Q. How do Muslims use Holy Quran in everyday living? (10)

The Holy Quran is the last book of Allah revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad through the
Angel Gabriel (AS) within the period of 23 years as a direct message of Allah to mankind. It is
the last Divine Book and without doubts a word of Allah. Holy Quran contains the most
comprehensive divine instructions for entire mankind which will constantly guide them till the
Day of Judgment. It is miraculous and matchless book; the like of the Quran can never be
produced. It provides the knowledge of right and wrong and teaches man his relationship with
his Lord as well as his duties and responsibilities as a ruler and as a subject. Its basic purpose is
to reform the humanity and is a medium through which we get the shariah laws. Its
commandments deal with the article of faith and pillars of Islam. It provides a complete code
of life and guides us in our social, economic, political matters and gives moral teachings.
Its commandments include the private as well as the public laws.
Such as in commercial dealings the verse says,
"Allah permits trade and forbids interest."
This verse teaches that interest based business is unlawful in Islam. The verse says,
"Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight".
It shows that cheating in business dealings is strongly prohibited.
The Holy Quran guides the Muslims in their social life as the verse says,
"Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphan eat up fire into their own bodies''
This shows that Quran protects the rights of every individual in society. In the matters of
inheritance, it gives clear rules as the verse says,
"The share of male shall be twice to that of female".
It gives clear teachings to establish family relations on strong footings and tells the rights and
duties of every family member. As about the rights of parents the verse says "Worship none
but Allah, treat with kindness your parents," This verse teaches that after the obligatory duties
lay the rights of the parents.
The Holy Quran also deals with the judicial laws and prescribes punishments for various
crimes such as it mentions the punishment of theft that the hands to be chopped off. The
verse says,
"As for the thief, whether man or woman cut off their hands".
It gives clear guidance about the relationship of the Muslim states and other states in the
times of wars, peace and the asylum seekers. The verse says "O' Prophet (PBUH) if the
enemies incline to peace you should also incline to it and put your trust in Allah". The treaties
and contracts with other states must be fulfilled in all circumstances. The verse says, "O'
believers fulfill your undertakings". This shows that Holy Quran gives sufficient guidance to
maintain relations with other states. It also enjoins to judge between people justly as says, “
Judge between people justly" From these examples we understand that Holy Quran guides us
in our every walk of life then it promises great reward for those who obey and warns the
severe punishment to those who disobey. It is the most preserved book and is in the original

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form as it was revealed to the Holy Prophet because Allah Himself has taken the responsibility
to protect it from corruption.

Q. Explain why the first community of Muslims thought it was necessary to compile the
Qur'an. (June 2010) (4)

Q. Why did these Caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of Holy Quran?
(November 2006) (4)

Q. What is the significance to Muslims today of having the Qur'an in the form of a book?
(November 2011) (4)

The Holy Quran was revealed as a guide to whole of mankind so it was necessary to preserve
its original text for the coming generations. At that time Quran was not put into one copy it
was only in the memories of the companions who were dying in the battles. If the Holy Quran
was not compiled then it would have been lost, coming generations would have been
deprived of its precious teachings and Islam would have lost its importance.

It was compiled in the early period of Islam by the companions themselves who have learnt
and memorized from Holy Prophet to save it from mistakes and if it was delayed then coming
generations would have differences and there would have been many disputes over the Holy
Quran. Hazrat Uthman standardized it during his Caliphate to avoid any mistake in its dialect.
The first Muslim community compiled Holy Quran for the future generations who would not
have learnt it by heart or who would not have the Arabic as their first language and it would
allow Muslims to have access to Quran at all times and places without any problem.

Q. Explain how Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit ensured the authenticity of the verses of Quran. [4)
During the compilation of the Holy Quran Hazrat Zaid used a very strict criterion to check the
authenticity of the verses and he described this job as harder than moving the mountain from
its place. He applied the following criteria.
The verse he received first of all he used to check with his own memory because he was a
strong Hafiz of Quran.
Then he used to check with his writing because he had the whole of the Quran written with
Then the verse was given to all the scribes who were strong Hafiz for verification.
Then it was given to the Khalifa for verification, as he was Hafiz.
Then the presenter of the verse was asked to give two witnesses, those who have seen him
writing in the presence of the Holy Prophet and checked by him.
Then lastly, he was asked to take oath that he had written in the presence of Holy Prophet
and checked by him.
Then the verse was accepted and written in a copy. This criterion was applied so that there
should not be any mistake and nothing should be added in the Holy Quran because many
hypocrites wanted their manmade verses to be included in it.

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Q. Explain why Caliph Uthman thought it was important to standardize the Holy Quran. (4)

The Muslims were reciting the Holy Quran in their regional dialects that changed the
meanings of the verses and there arose a difference in the style of recitation in every
province. If this practice continued then Muslims will have disputes over the dialect of
recitation and this might lead to the differences in the Muslim society.

The Holy Quran is the basic book of law for the Muslims and without its safety Muslims cannot
use it as a source of law. The Quran might have lost its importance if Hazrat Uthman would
have not standardize it. Therefore, the Caliph thought it was foremost important to
standardize the Quran to save the Muslims from disputes and differences and to avoid
mistakes in the recitation because it is grave sin to recite Quran in wrong dialect.

Q. To what extent is the Holy Qur'an the basis of legal thinking in Islam? (June 2013) (4)

Holy Quran is the last Divine revealed unchangeable and unchallengeable book so it is the
primary source of legal thinking in Islam. All the rulings of the Islamic law are based upon the
Holy Quran. The rulings of the other sources are also based upon its teachings. Holy Quran will
continue to guide Muslims till the Day of Judgment. The other legal sources give the detail of
Holy Quran. Therefore, it is essential for the legal scholars to have sound knowledge of the
Quranic teachings so that they can apply them in their everyday lives. Even in the modern
times the new rulings are always checked with Holy Quran to ensure that there is no conflict,
before being accepted. Holy Quran's laws, rules and regulation are meeting the need of time.
Holy Quran guides in every aspect of human life so we should develop understanding to get
guidance from it.

Q. Quran is the main source of Islamic law. Write an account of how it is used with each of
the other 3 sources.

The Quran is the last book of Allah and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) over a
period of 23 years as a direct message to mankind. The Quran is the last divine book and
contains the most divine instructions for the entire mankind which will constantly guide them
till the day of judgement. It provides a complete code of life and guides Muslims in their
social, economic and political matters as well as giving moral teachings. Allah says, “And We
have explained everything (in detail) with full explanation.” Its commandments include the
private as well as the public laws. The other 3 sources of Islamic law are Hadith (Sunnah), Ijma
and Qiyas. The Hadith are the sayings, actions and silent approvals of Hazrat Muhammad
(SAW) written down by the Sahaba and later compiled. The Quran is greatly related to the
Sunnah. In most cases the Hadith is the explanation or the extension of the Quran. For
example the Quran says, “Establish regular prayers…”, but it doesn’t give the way to perform
it. However a Hadith says, “Offer your prayers as you see me offering”. In this case the Hadith

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explains a statement of the Quran and both are important to understand it. In other places
the Hadith extends on the commands of the Quran. For example the Quran declares dead
animals Haraam but the Hadith adds on that all seafood is Halaal. Likewise, Zakat, fasting in
the month of Ramadan and monetary transactions are dealt briefly in the Quran, but the
Hadith explains and extends upon them. Ijma, the third source of Islamic law, is the agreed
upon opinion of Muslim scholars on a legal issue on which both the Quran and Hadith are
silent and the issue emerged after the demise of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). After Ijma it
becomes the bounded duty of all Muslims to follow it. The Quran also supports Ijma as it says,
“Take council with them in the conduct of the affairs.” Ijma will also be free from errors as a
Hadith says, “My community will not unanimously agree in an error.” Examples of Ijma include
election of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and the compilation of the Quran into a book form. Laws
being formed by Ijma must not be against the Quran in any way. The jurists must give proof
from the Quran or Hadith for the legislation made through Ijma. The legal status of Ijma from
Shariah is also from the Quran, “… who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.” Ijma is
in fact the further elaboration of Quranic commandments. Qiyas is the fourth source of
Islamic law. It literally means to measure one thing in comparison with another thing. In
Shariah, Qiyas is the method to apply the laws of the Quran, Hadith and Ijma to a new Islamic
issue on the basis of common sense and reason. Quran and Hadith are the primary sources of
Islamic law. Ach law told in them has a root cause. If the cause is same the law becomes
applicable. For example wine is prohibited because it intoxicates the person drinking it. Beer,
brandy and few other drinks so must also be prohibited because they to intoxicate the person
who drinks it. As Qiyas is derived on the basis of the root cause and the main theme is already
in the Quran, it is therefore an extension and application of the Quranic law itself but with a
modern perspective.

Q. Quran is the main source of Islamic law. Write an account of how it is used with each of
the other 3 sources.

Q. Quran is the main source of Islamic law. Write an account of how it is used with each of
the other 3 sources.

The Quran is the last book of Allah and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) over a
period of 23 years as a direct message to mankind. The Quran is the last divine book and
contains the most divine instructions for the entire mankind which will constantly guide them
till the day of judgement. It provides a complete code of life and guides Muslims in their
social, economic and political matters as well as giving moral teachings. Allah says, “And We
have explained everything (in detail) with full explanation.” Its commandments include the
private as well as the public laws. The other 3 sources of Islamic law are Hadith (Sunnah), Ijma
and Qiyas. The Hadith are the sayings, actions and silent approvals of Hazrat Muhammad
(SAW) written down by the Sahaba and later compiled. The Quran is greatly related to the
Sunnah. In most cases the Hadith is the explanation or the extension of the Quran. For
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example the Quran says, “Establish regular prayers…”, but it doesn’t give the way to perform
it. However a Hadith says, “Offer your prayers as you see me offering”. In this case the Hadith
explains a statement of the Quran and both are important to understand it. In other places
the Hadith extends on the commands of the Quran. For example the Quran declares dead
animals Haraam but the Hadith adds on that all seafood is Halaal. Likewise, Zakat, fasting in
the month of Ramadan and monetary transactions are dealt briefly in the Quran, but the
Hadith explains and extends upon them. Ijma, the third source of Islamic law, is the agreed
upon opinion of Muslim scholars on a legal issue on which both the Quran and Hadith are
silent and the issue emerged after the demise of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). After Ijma it
becomes the bounded duty of all Muslims to follow it. The Quran also supports Ijma as it says,
“Take council with them in the conduct of the affairs.” Ijma will also be free from errors as a
Hadith says, “My community will not unanimously agree in an error.” Examples of Ijma include
election of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and the compilation of the Quran into a book form. Laws
being formed by Ijma must not be against the Quran in any way. The jurists must give proof
from the Quran or Hadith for the legislation made through Ijma. The legal status of Ijma from
Shariah is also from the Quran, “… who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.” Ijma is
in fact the further elaboration of Quranic commandments. Qiyas is the fourth source of
Islamic law. It literally means to measure one thing in comparison with another thing. In
Shariah, Qiyas is the method to apply the laws of the Quran, Hadith and Ijma to a new Islamic
issue on the basis of common sense and reason. Quran and Hadith are the primary sources of
Islamic law. Ach law told in them has a root cause. If the cause is same the law becomes
applicable. For example wine is prohibited because it intoxicates the person drinking it. Beer,
brandy and few other drinks so must also be prohibited because they to intoxicate the person
who drinks it. As Qiyas is derived on the basis of the root cause and the main theme is already
in the Quran, it is therefore an extension and application of the Quranic law itself but with a
modern perspective.

Q. Quran is the main source of Islamic law. Write an account of how it is used with each of
the other 3 sources.

The Quran is the last book of Allah and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) over a
period of 23 years as a direct message to mankind. The Quran is the last divine book and
contains the most divine instructions for the entire mankind which will constantly guide them
till the day of judgement. It provides a complete code of life and guides Muslims in their
social, economic and political matters as well as giving moral teachings. Allah says, “And We
have explained everything (in detail) with full explanation.” Its commandments include the
private as well as the public laws. The other 3 sources of Islamic law are Hadith (Sunnah), Ijma
and Qiyas. The Hadith are the sayings, actions and silent approvals of Hazrat Muhammad
(SAW) written down by the Sahaba and later compiled. The Quran is greatly related to the
Sunnah. In most cases the Hadith is the explanation or the extension of the Quran. For
example the Quran says, “Establish regular prayers…”, but it doesn’t give the way to perform

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it. However a Hadith says, “Offer your prayers as you see me offering”. In this case the Hadith
explains a statement of the Quran and both are important to understand it. In other places
the Hadith extends on the commands of the Quran. For example the Quran declares dead
animals Haraam but the Hadith adds on that all seafood is Halaal. Likewise, Zakat, fasting in
the month of Ramadan and monetary transactions are dealt briefly in the Quran, but the
Hadith explains and extends upon them. Ijma, the third source of Islamic law, is the agreed
upon opinion of Muslim scholars on a legal issue on which both the Quran and Hadith are
silent and the issue emerged after the demise of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). After Ijma it
becomes the bounded duty of all Muslims to follow it. The Quran also supports Ijma as it says,
“Take council with them in the conduct of the affairs.” Ijma will also be free from errors as a
Hadith says, “My community will not unanimously agree in an error.” Examples of Ijma include
election of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and the compilation of the Quran into a book form. Laws
being formed by Ijma must not be against the Quran in any way. The jurists must give proof
from the Quran or Hadith for the legislation made through Ijma. The legal status of Ijma from
Shariah is also from the Quran, “… who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation.” Ijma is
in fact the further elaboration of Quranic commandments. Qiyas is the fourth source of
Islamic law. It literally means to measure one thing in comparison with another thing. In
Shariah, Qiyas is the method to apply the laws of the Quran, Hadith and Ijma to a new Islamic
issue on the basis of common sense and reason. Quran and Hadith are the primary sources of
Islamic law. Ach law told in them has a root cause. If the cause is same the law becomes
applicable. For example wine is prohibited because it intoxicates the person drinking it. Beer,
brandy and few other drinks so must also be prohibited because they to intoxicate the person
who drinks it. As Qiyas is derived on the basis of the root cause and the main theme is already
in the Quran, it is therefore an extension and application of the Quranic law itself but with a
modern perspective.

(b) Do you think that both Ijma’ and Qiyas are equally important for solving present day
issues? Give reasons for your answer.

Ijma and Qiyas are equally important in the modern age as new Islamic issues are emerging
every day and Muslim jurists have to decide issues and formulate laws for such new legal
matters. The holy Quran and Hadith might sometimes be silent about such modern issues but
to find solution to that, Qiyas and Ijma is there. Without even noticing and Islam would fall
into pieces.

The primary sources (Quran and Sunnah) contain everything that is the basis for Islamic law
but as time passes, new issues arrive such as smoking. This is where Ijma and Qiyas can be
used. Those who are learned can make new ruling, about smoking, based on Qur’an and
Sunnah, but using Ijma or Qiyas. ‘Sources say that smoking is forbidden as it is harmful to
one’s health’ (Conclusion of Ijma, Qiyas Quran and Sunnah).

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Q. Explain the significance of Hadith as the second source of Shariah. [10]

The Hadith literally means the sayings, actions and the silence approval of the Holy Prophet. It
is also the primary source of Shariah after the Holy Quran. The Hadith is also based on the
Divine revelation as the verse says,

"He (Muhammad) does not speak of his own desire but it is a revelation sent down to him".

This shows that Hadith is also based on the Divine revelation like the Holy Quran. The only
difference is that for the Hadith main theme is from Allah and the words are of the Prophet
(PBUH) and for the Quran both theme as well as the words are from Allah. The Hadith is very
important, it has been described in the Quran that to follow the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is to
follow Allah as the verse says "Those who obey the Messenger obey Allah" This shows that
obedience of Allah lies in the obedience of the Prophet. The disobedience of the Prophet
(PBUH) is indeed the disobedience of Allah.

These two verses teach that Hadith is also the fundamental source of law like the Quran.
Hadith is the explanation of the Holy Quran as it says, "We have sent down the Quran to you
(O Muhammad SAW) so that you may explain to mankind what has been revealed to them"
This shows that the main duty of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was to explain Quran. These verses
show that the Hadith must also be followed because its origin is also the Divine revelation.

The Hadith is the practical demonstration of the Quran as a companion asked Hazrat Ayesh
(RA) about the morals of the Holy prophet (PBUH) she said, "His moral was the Holy Quran".
This shows that Holy Prophet (PBUH) never did anything which was against Quranic teachings.
It is a mistaken percept that we obey Allah while remaining disobedient to the Prophet
(PBUH).There are many places where the Holy Quran is silent then Hadith give us clear
information and many things had been made lawful and unlawful by the Hadith. There are so
many commandments in the Quran that we cannot understand without the Hadith. For
example Quran commands "Establish prayer" but it does not give the method, prohibition and
obligatory acts, it is Hadith which explains everything in detail as it says "Offer your prayers as
you see me offering" This shows that Hadith explains every commandment of the Holy Quran
and forms the foundation of the shariah laws .

Q. Give four specific examples to show how the Quran and Hadith are used together in
establishing the shariah law. [10]

Q. Explain how are the Quran and Hadith used together by the legal experts to establish
Shariah law. (10)

Q. How are the Qur'an and Hadiths used together in Islamic legal thinking? (June 2009)(10)

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Q. How are the Qur'an and Hadith employed in working out Islamic law? (June 2010) (4)

Q. How have the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) been used as a source of guidance by

Q. What part do Hadiths play in Islamic legal thinking? (June 2011) (10)

Q. Explain by giving an example how a Hadith has been used together with the Qur'an in
working out an Islamic law. (November 2011) (4)

Q. Write about the way in which the two primary sources of Islamic legal thinking are used.
(November 2012) (10)

Q. Describe how the Hadiths are used in establishing law in Islam.(November 2013) (10)

The Holy Quran is the basic source of shariah law and gives guidance in our entire life. It is the
most perfect book without any fault. It forms the foundation of shariah laws. The laws of the
Quran are in brief and Hadith is referred for its explanation as the verse says,

“We have sent down the Quran to you (O Muhammad) so that you may explain to mankind
what has been revealed to them". This shows that the main purpose of Hadith is to explain
the Quranic teachings.

The Hadith literally means the sayings, actions and the silence approval of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). It is the second source of Islamic law. It gives full teachings of what the Quran states
in brief or where it is silent. Here are some examples to show that how Quran and Hadeeth
work together to establish Islamic Law.
1. Quran commands,
"Establish regular prayers…."
But it does not give the method, prohibition and obligatory acts. It is Hadith which
explains everything in detail as Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) says,
"Offer your prayers as you see me offering.''
The Prayer becomes unlawful if it is not offered with the method taught by the Holy
Prophet (PBUH).
2. The Holy Quran commands,
"Hajj is a duty men owe to Allah those who can afford the journey".
This verse makes Hajj obligatory on all Muslims who can physically and financially
afford the journey. But it does not tell the whole method, obligatory acts, times, place
and manner of Hajj. Hadeeth guides us about the most important act of Hajj in the
following way,
“Hajj is to stay at Arafah.”
It is Hadith which explains in detail about the method, places, obligatory acts and time
of Hajj.
3. The other example is that Holy Quran commands,
“ …. And pay zakat.”

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The verse contains only commandment whereas Hadith explains and tells in detail
about the articles on which Zakal is levied, its time when it is given and the fixed
amount that is given. Hadeeth guides us on one of its conditions in the following
“No zakat is payable on property until a year passes on it.”
4. At another place Holy Quran says,
"Allah permits trading and forbids interest."
It teaches that interest based transaction is unlawful while clean trade is lawful. Here
Hadith explains this verse in detail Holy Prophet says,
"Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barely for barley, hand to hand
and equal in amount, whoever demands more or receives more indulges in interest."
This Hadith explains interest in detail.
5. The Holy Quran describes that pork is unclean therefore unlawful for the Muslims. It
“Forbidden to you are carrion and blood and swine flesh……..”
The Holy Quran describes only one animal by name as unlawful but all the other
animals are declared unlawful by the Hadith as the Holy Prophet (PBUH) says,
"All the animals having attacking teeth and all the birds having attacking claws are
unlawful (Haram).”
According to this Hadith many animals are declared unlawful. This shows that there
are many things, which the Hadith has described, lawful or unlawful. Therefore,
Muslims have to follow both the Quran and Hadith equally.
Q. 'My community will never agree upon an error'. In your opinion why is this Hadith
important for the practice of consensus (ijma)? (November 2013) (4)

Ijma is one of the secondary sources of legal thinking in Islam. Ijma is approved by both Quran
and Hadith. The stated Hadith indicates the Prophet’s approval to the practice of Ijma that
unanimous agreement of Muslim Ummah will be free from errors and supports that it is also a
source of Shariah law. When a group of scholars well versed in the teachings of the Qur'an
and Hadith reach a decision in the light of the primary sources of Islamic law their chances of
reaching a wrong decision are rare.

ljma will continue to exist for all Muslim generations to keep Sharia laws in tune with the
times. Holy Quran supports ljma by saying "take council with them in matter of affairs". It
teaches that the solution of the new problems if not solved in either Holy Quran or Hadith
must be solved through ljma. Therefore a united effort is likely to enjoy the blessing and
support of Allah. Moreover, if members of a community make collective efforts for finding a
solution to any problem, they will ensure an equilibrium or balance. The Quran endorses this
by saying,
“And thus We have made you a community justly balanced.” (2:143)
The Prophet (PBUH), through this Hadith, also conveyed a subtle message of a continued unity
among Muslims so that they do not fall victim to conflicting opinions regarding new
challenges and issues.
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Q. Giving one example, explain how the Sunnah is important in a Muslim's life today.
(November 2012) (4)

Sunna literally means a pratice, a mode of life or a custom. In the technical sense, it implies
the doings and practices of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Sunnah is the basis of the Islamic teachings,
Holy Quran says,
"You stand on the exalted standard of character."
It means Sunnah has great importance in Islam.
Sunnah gives the practical mode of the Quranic teachings, so it makes the Quranic teachings
easy for the Muslims to follow in their life. Obeying Sunnah is actually obeying Allah, the verse
"He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah".
There are many examples where we find application of Sunnah for guidance. The Quran
repeatedly forbids Muslims from the practice of Riba/interest but does not define it in detail.
For example, it says,
“ O you who believe! Do not consume usury, doubled and multiplied”
Various Ahadeeth elaborate the details of this corrupt practice. The Prophet (PBUH) deeply
observed the wickedness of traders in Arabia who exchanged goods at an inflated price and
also gave inferior quality goods. Therefore, he declared:
“The bartering of gold for gold (wheat for wheat, dates for dates etc) is riba except if
it is from hand to hand and equal in amount”.
He included most of the trade commodities in this Hadith so that Muslims are warned of
various modes of usury. Now Muslim scholars have agreed on the definition of usury in the
light of such Ahadeeth. Muslims today are able to differentiate between the interest-based
banking and Islmic banking.
Q. Why do Muslims need to know about the Prophet's Hadith and what benefit do they
hope to get by following his Sunnah? (June 2013) (10)

Muslims need to know about the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) hadith because it is also based on the
Divine Revelation as the verse says "He (Muhammad) does not speak of his own desire but it
is a revelation sent down to him". This verse teaches that Holy Prophet (PBUH) neither speaks
nor does anything of his own but it is a revelation that came to him. The Hadith is as
important source of guidance for Muslims as Holy Quran, the verse itself confirms it as says
"Those who obey the Messenger has obeyed Allah" this shows that obedience of Allah lies in
the obedience of Holy Prophet (PBUH) Hadith is the explanation and the practical
demonstration of Holy Quran as the verse says "We have sent down the Quran to you (O
Muhammad) so that you may explain to mankind what has been revealed to them". These
verses teach that the hadith are second only to the Holy Quran in Importance and if Muslims
follow the Holy Prophet's practice they will be closer to attaining paradise.

Without hadith Muslims cannot understand Holy Quran because Holy Quran is the book of
commandments whereas hadith is its explanation. Holy Quran commands "establish prayer"
but it does not mention the method, prohibitions, and obligatory acts, it is hadith which
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explains everything as Holy Prophet (PBUH) said "Offer your prayers as you see me offering".
The whole method of Hajj, Zakat and Fasting has been taught by Holy Prophet (PBUH) though
Holy Quran contains only the commandments about these pillars.

Hadith is also the primary source of law after the Holy Quran, Holy Prophet laid down
principles of law in his hadith regarding all aspects of life; e.g. buying, selling, inheritance,
marriage etc. About business dealings Holy Prophet said "One who cheats is not amongst us"

The hadith has been a source of guidance for Muslims throughout the ages and are used to
this day in all spheres of a Muslim's life and especially when ljma and Qiyas are being
practiced, by following Sunnah of Holy Prophet Muslims hope to walk the path of
righteousness. Holy Prophet said " I leave with you two things, if you hold fast to them you
will never be misguided: the Book and my Sunnah."


Q. What is consensus (ijma)? How and in what circumstances is it used in Islamic legal

Q. How and in what circumstances is ljma allowed in Islamic legal thinking? (June 2001) (10)

The Arabic word ljma comes from Jamun or Jama’at which literally means collecting or
gathering. In Islam, it means the consensus / unanimous agreement of all Muslim jurists after
the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) on any legal issue which has not been discussed either
in Quran or Hadeeth.

It is the third source and can be extensively used to figure out shariah laws. It will be effective
only when Quran and Hadith are silent on any new shariah issue. After doing ljma, it becomes
bounded duty of the Muslims to follow it and disobeying is unlawful. The Holy Quran also
supports ljma as the verse says, "Take council with them in the conduct of the affairs.” This
shows that ljma forms the important source of law. Holy Prophet also appreciated the use of
ljma as he himself used to consult his companions in every issue like in the battle of Badr and
Uhad, it was to teach Muslims to do the same after his demise.
If Muslims agree on any issue it will be free from errors as the Hadith says,
"My community will not unanimously agree in an error."
This shows that unanimous agreement of the Muslims will be free from errors and is
accepted as a source of law. The other hadith says,
"Allah's hands are on the community and the one who deviates is thrown in hell".

It shows that agreement of the Muslim community will be correct.

There are two types of ljma.
First is ljma of the companions which is the most authentic, unchangeable and
unchallengeable and it is binding on all Muslims to follow it.
Second is ljma of Muslim Jurists which can be changed from time to time.
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ljma came into practice soon after the demise of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) as all the Muslims
unanimously agreed to elect Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) as a Khalifa of the Islamic state. This shows
that there were no differences in the election of Hazrat Abu Baker as a Caliph.

The compilation of Holy Quran was also done after practicing lima, as it was the unanimous
agreement of all the companions to compile Holy Quran in one book.

Hazrat Uthman with the unanimous agreement of all the Muslims introduced two Adhans for
Juma prayer. This teaches that ljma is very important in our day-to-day life.

Q. What is the importance of consensus (ljma) in Islam? (June 2011) (4)

Q. How is the use of ljma (Consensus) important to Msulims today? (November 2012) (4)

ljma provides guidance on those important issues which are not found in the primary sources
of laws. It gives guidance at a time when primary sources are silent. It is done on the
unanimous agreement of the Muslims which means it unites Muslims on their important
issues and maintains the unity of the Muslims because it is the democratic principle in Islam.
Ijma of the companions forms the basis of the Shariah laws; it means ljma makes complicated
matters easy to follow.

It is not limited to any community or time but it can be done anywhere and anytime so it will
continue to exist as the source of law till the end. After the lifetime of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) there was problem to compile Holy Quran in one book, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) also
rejected to do this job but when the unanimous agreement came then he followed it. It
means he preferred the unanimous agreement of the Muslims over his own decision.

4. Qiyas (Analogy)

Q. Explain how and in what circumstances Qiyas is used in Islamic legal thinking.

Q. What are the teachings of Islam about Qiyas? (10)

Q. In what circumstances do Sunni Muslims allow the use of Qiyas? (November 2006) (10)

Qiyas literally means to measure or to make two things equal. According to shariah, it means
applying the original law of the Quran and Sunnah to a new shariah issue on the basis of
common sense and human reasoning. To find out laws for such Shariah issues, all Muslim
Jurists exclusively agree that each shariah law has a reason or a cause for it. There is not a
single law that is without a reason. Therefore, they try to find out the reason for every law
then they apply the same law on a new shariah issue if it has the common reason.

It is the fourth source of Sharia. The Holy Quran has approved the practice of Qiyas / private
judgement, as Allah says,

"There are signs in this (Quran) for man of understanding”.

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This shows that learned people will find solution to their new problems. Therefore, this verse
tells us about the significance of Qiyas as a source of Islamic law. Hadith also appreciates the
use of Qiyas. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent Muaz bin Jabal as the governor to Yemen,
he asked him, “How will you decide when a matter comes to you for decision?” He replied, “I
shall find solution in Quran and Sunnah and if it is not present then I shall exert myself to form
my own judgement.” This reply pleased Holy Prophet (PBUH). This shows that Qiyas is very
important in establishing shariah law.


The Holy Prophet says, "Every intoxicant is Khamar, so every intoxicant is Haram." So this
Hadith clears that all types of drugs are strictly prohibited in Islam. Drugs like Opium, LSD,
Heroin etc are declared unlawful through qiyas because they have the same reason as they
are highly intoxicant

The Holy Quran has declared fortunetelling through arrows as haram. The verse says,

“O believers, wine and gambling and sacrificing to animals and foretelling through arrows are
only unclean things, a work of Satan.”

On the basis of common sense, all types of fortunetelling is declared as haram through qiyas
either it’s through any bird picking the fortune cards or through palmistry.

Another example is the prohibition of all activities after the call of Azan for Friday prayers. The
verse says "O' believers when the call is made for the Friday prayer hasten to the
remembrance of Allah and leave aside trading."

The verse prohibits all sorts of business on Friday from Azan till prayer, the reason behind is
that it hinders from offering Friday prayer, now the common sense says that this verse not
only prohibits business but all that hinders from Friday prayer like games, holding meetings or
getting married in the time of Friday prayer.

Q. Why do some legal scholars reject the use of analogy (qiyas)? (June 2009) (4)

Actually Qiyas depends on the human reasoning and human endeavor to deduct laws for the
new shariah issues, so more human thought goes into the decision making than the primary
sources. It can make mistakes and different Muslim scholars have different opinion which
goes against the use of Qiyas so different opinions will lead Muslims to conflicts and

This source of law is used when other sources are silent. The Qiyas of one period can be
different to another period. It is very difficult to apply when Muslims are differing in views and
it might divide the Muslims over the shariah issues because it is the general source of law.

Q. Why do Shi'i Muslims attach importance to the use of aql (reason) in establishing the
Islamic law? (November 2006) (4)
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Aql (reason) also forms the basis of the Shariah laws because Holy Quran itself encourages to
use mind to deduct Shariah laws as the verse says. "There are signs in it for men of
understanding". It means that men of understanding can deduct Shariah laws by using their

The Imams themselves set examples to use mind in the Shariah issues which are not clearly
described in the primary sources. So it is allowed to apply reason to the teachings of the Holy
Quran. The Aql (reason) help Muslims to apply teachings in new circumstances.

Q. What is the difference between ljma and Qiyas. (4)

ljma is the third and Qiyas is the fourth source of law. ljma means unanimous agreement of
the Muslims on any new Shariah issue and Qiyas means applying the original laws of Quran
and Hadith on new Shariah issues. In Qiyas the basic teachings of the Quran and Hadith are
applied to the new Sharlah laws but in ljma Muslims form the law on the basis of their own
unanimous agreement.

Qiyas can be done by any one person who is educated but ljma is done by the group of the
educated Muslims, it cannot be done individually. The teachings of both Qiyas and ljma are
not against the primary sources.

Q. Briefly describe the four main sources of legal thinking in Islam. (June 2008)(10)

Q. Give one example each to show how the third and fourth of these legal sources are used.
(November 2005) (June 2008) (4)
The third source is ljma which is the consensus of the Muslim scholars on any Shariah issue.
The example is that when Holy Prophet (PBUH) died all Muslims did ljma and unanimously
agreed to elect Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) as the first Khalifa of the Islamic state. All companions of
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to fight against the false Prophets and declared them as

The fourth source is Qiyas (analogy). It means to measure or to make two things equal.
According to Shariah, it means applying the original law of the Quran and Sunnah to a new
Shariah issue on the basis of common reason. The examples are, Holy Quran declares alcohol
Haram because it is intoxicant so all the drugs like Opium, LSD, Heroin etc are Haram because
they are highly intoxicant. Another example is the prohibition of business after the call of Azan
for Friday prayers. The verse says "O' believers when the call is heard for the Friday prayer
hasten earnestly unto the remembrance of Allah and leave trading." It prohibits all sorts of
business on Friday from Azan till prayer. The reason behind is that it hinders from offering
Friday prayer, now this verse not only prohibits business but all that hinders from Friday
prayer like games or getting married in the time of Friday prayer are prohibited.

Chapter: 3 The Life and Importance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Ancestral Background of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
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Ancestry of the Holy Prophet starts from Hazrat Ibrahim who is known as "Abul Anbiya" the
father of the Prophets. He had two sons Hazrat Ismail and Hazrat lshaq, both of them were
Prophets. Holy Prophet (SAW) is the direct descendent of Hazrat Ismail (AS). Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH) is the only Prophet who came from the offspring of Hazrat Ismail. From
Hazrat lshaq, there started a line of the Prophets and Bani Israel were the grand children of
Hazrat lshaq who were blessed with many Prophets.

One of the descendent of Ismail was Fihr whose title was Quraish, from him came Qilab then
Qusai who had the custody of Kaba, then Abdul Munaf then Hashim then Abdul Muttalib then
Abdullah and then Hazrat Muhammad. Hazrat Abdul Muttalib during the period of his
leadership did three very important Jobs. Namely, he restored the water of Zamzam, had
dialogue with Abraha the Christian viceroy of Yemen who came with his army to destroy Kaba
so Hazrat AbdulMuttalib tried his best to convince him not to do so, but he refused. Allah
destroyed him with his entire army. Thirdly, he brought up Holy Prophet (PBUH) with great
care and love.

Q. Explain the socio-religious, political and economic conditions of Arabia at the time of the
birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). (10)

Social Conditions:

At the time of the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the social conditions of Arabia was worst.
Drinking and gambling was liked by them more than their lives. Woman and slaves did not
enjoy any right even they were considered as cattle. Women had no right of inheritance even
she was regarded as property and treated as article of trade. A man could marry as many
women as he could afford and used to divorce them any time. Stepmothers were made legal
wives of the sons. Masters enjoyed the right of life and death over their slaves. The birth of
the daughters was considered as shame and it was the common practice of Quraish to bury
their daughters alive. Adultery, fornication and killing prevailed throughout Arabia.

Religious Conditions:

The religious condition was also worst as they were fallen in the depths of polytheism. They
were idol worshipers, there were 360 idols inside Kaba, and besides these idols they
worshiped big statues for different purposes namely al -lat, al-uzza, al-manat and al-hubal.
They had no belief in life after death, the Day of Judgment and believed in Angels as
daughters of Allah. During the time of pilgrimage people used to come to worship these idols
and give sacrifices in their names. Besides the idols, Arabs worshipped the sun, the moon,
trees, stones and other objects.

Political Conditions:

In Arabia there was no government and no law so the Arabs were scattered in tribes ruled by
the chief known as Sheikh who enjoyed the full control over the tribe and ruled according to
his own desire. Might was the right in Arabia that the powerful tribes used to override the
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poor tribes and used to plunder and make them slaves. They fought over the trivial issues and
the wars continued in generations. Looting and stealing were the common practices.

Economic Conditions:

Arab is a desert area so there was less agriculture people depended on trade for their
livelihood and did interest based business. Quraish were traders and had trade links with
other states. Madina was an agricultural town its people were farmers. Many Arab tribes
mostly looted trade caravans and made that as a source of income for themselves.

Q. (a) Write about the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) up until the first revelation.

(June 2010)

(Write each of these events very briefly in this question, the detail of these events is given
for future questions)

Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born on Moday morning, the 9th of Rabi-ul Awwal (April, 571 A D) in
the house of Hazrat Abdullah and Amina. His father passed away before his birth. Hazrat
Abdul Muttalib named him "Muhammad (which means the praised one)" so that he should be
praised in the heavens and on the earth. His mother named him “Ahmad”.

At the time of his birth, it was a custom in Arabia to give their babies in charge of the bedouin
ladies. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was given in charge of Halima Sadia who brought him up for six
years. At this stage, his chest was opened and his heart was washed with zamzam by the
Jibraeel (AS). Later on, he was returned to Hazrat Amina, his mother who took him to Yathrab
to visit the grave of her husband and meet her relatives. When she was coming back at the
place of Abwa she fell ill and died. At the age of six Holy Prophet (PBUH) lost both of his
parents. Umme Aiman, the slave girl of Hazrat Amina, took him to Hazrat Abdul Muttalib so he
adopted him and brought him up, but he also could not last long. When Holy Prophet was
eight years old, he also passed away then his uncle Hazrat Abu Talib took the responsibility to
bring him up.

When Holy Prophet grew up he started to graze cattles. Once Hazrat Abu Talib took him on
trade journey, in the way they met Christian monk Bahira, who recognized signs of
prophethood in him and advised Hazrat Abu Talib to save his nephew from Jews who might
harm him.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) from the very beginning started to show signs of an inquisitive mind and
became a different boy never indulged himself into the playful activities with other boys of his
age and loved solitude. He hated idol worship and the other evil customs of Arabs. He became
very particular in helping the poor, widows and orphan.

Between 580-590 A D a sacrilegious war broke out amongst Arabs known as Harb-ulFijar
which continued for ten years. Holy Prophet (PBUH) in this war helped his uncle. It is known as
a sacrilegious war because it was continued even in the sacred months in which war was
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prohibited. After the disastrous effects of the war, all Arab tribes conducted a meeting to
avoid such wars in the future. So a truce was signed which is known as Half-ul-Fadul, it was
decided that there will be no war in the future. Sacred months will be respected. Everyone will
be given equal rights. Trade caravans, Poor, slaves destitute and the oppressed will be fully
protected. Holy Prophet (PBUH) became an active member of this truce because he was a
peace loving man and loved that everyone should be protected.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) right from his childhood led a very virtuous life, never lied and deceived
anyone, was very honest, kindhearted and sympathetic. Because of these qualities, Arabs
loved him and started calling him as As-Sadiq and Al-Amin, which means most truthful and
most trustworthy.

In young age he started trade, during those days there was a very wealthy widow known as
Tahira, the chaste woman, in Arabia who was in search of an honest person to manage her
trade. When she came to know about the truthfulness and trustworthiness of Holy Prophet
(PBUH), she invited him to take her trade to Syria, which he did. Maisra, her slave also
accompanied in this trade and closely watched Holy Prophet's (PBUH) business dealings. He
was very much impressed and told Hazrat Khadija all that he saw. She was so much impressed
that she herself sent a proposal which was accepted and both were married at the time when
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was 25 years and Hazrat Khadija (RA) was 40 years old.

During the lifetime of the Holy Prophet there came a time to rebuild Kaba as the structure of
the building was in weak state so all the Arab chiefs took this honorable job to construct Kaba
but when the time for fixing the black stone came, all wanted this job to be done by them
personally. So they were about to fight to take the honour of fixing the black stone, but an old
wise man suggested that the first person to enter Kaba next morning will do this job. Next
morning they found Holy Prophet (PBUH) inside and they agreed to give this honour to him to
fix the black stone. Holy Prophet (PBUH) spread his mantle placed the stone on it and asked all
leaders to join him to fix the stone, so all completed this job peacefully. This shows the
wisdom of Holy Prophet (PBUH) that how wisely he did this Job. It also shows his selfless
character that instead of doing by himself he shared with others. Fight was also avoided due
to his wisdom. Arabs chiefs loved him very much.

(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Hazrat Khadija (RA) important for him?

(June 2010) (4)

This marriage freed Holy Prophet (PBUH) from his financial worries as she gave him her entire
wealth. This gave him opportunity to retire in the cave nearby for meditation. She gave him
time to meditate and worship the Lord of his ancestors and became a very devoted and loving
wife. Her support allowed him to spend time in seclusion and his seclusion prepared him for
receiving the revelation.

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At the time of the first revelation, she played a remarkable job of comforting him, when he
was trembling and scared because of a strange experience in the cave, she took him to her
cousin Waraqa bin Naufil who confirmed him that he is the messenger of Allah. She was the
first person to accept Islam without any hesitation, which helped Islam in its early years and
suffered for his cause, accompanied him in the social boycott. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) was
tortured, Quraish made fun of his religion and he lost hope so Hazrat Khadija used to console,
comfort and encourage him at all times of hardships.

She was a faithful and devoted wife of the Prophet (PBUH) who gave him moral support,
uplifted his spirit and gave him hope, which encouraged him and helped to strengthen his
resolve. She always stood by the Prophet's (PBUH) side through all the thick and thin times
which helped to strengthen his stand against opposition.

Q. Give an account of the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) first experience of receiving the revelation.
(November 2004) (10)

Mohammad (PBUH) used to retreat in seclusion to the cave of Hira in the mount of Nur,
where he passed time in meditation. He used to take some provisions with him, when these
finished, he would go back home. He contemplated over the conditions of the society. When
he reached the age of 40, one night towards the end of Ramadhan, he was as usual in the
cave, Angel Jibrael (AS) appeared there in the form of a man and asked him to read. He said
that he cannot read so the angel squeezed him tightly, left him and asked him to read. He
again said that he cannot read the angel again squeezed him and asked him to read but he
said that he cannot read: Then for the third time the angel again squeezed him to such an
extent that he was exhausted and asked him to:
"Read in the name of thy Lord. Who created, created man out of a clot of congealed blood.
Proclaim and thy Lord is most bountiful. He Who taught the use of the pen, taught man which
he knew not."
These five verses of sura Alaq were revealed, after which the angel disappeared. Prophet
(PBUH) was greatly shaken by this strange experience. So he came out of the cave. When he
was half way down the slope, he heard a voice above him saying: “O Mohammad (PBUH) you
are the Messenger of Allah and I am Jibraeel”. Holy Prophet raised his eyes and saw the angel
filling the whole horizon.” Mohammad (PBUH) rushed home greatly disturbed and asked
Hazrat Khadija to wrap him. After rest, told the whole story to her and said that he was scared
of his life. Hazrat Khadija (RA) consoled him saying: “Allah will never disgrace you as you keep
good relation with your kith and kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitude, serve
your guest generously and assist the deserving, calamity-afflicted ones.”
Then she took him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufil, a Christian scholar who heard all that
happened and told him that the same angel came to Moses. Waraqah wished he was young
and could live up to the time when Mohammad’s people would turn him out of the city.

Q. Write an account of the persecution faced by:

(i) Holy Prophet and (ii) His followers

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in the years when they lived in Makkah. (June 2003) (June 2007) (10)

Q. Describes the main difficulties encountered by Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself during his
time in Makah after his call to prophet hood. (November 2010) (10)

Q. Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makkah.(June 2011) (10)

Q. Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makka. (November 2012) (10)

Q. Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in Makka.

(June 2013)

(i) Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ (Difficulties encountered by Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself)

When Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was given the command of preaching his religion openly, he went to
Safa hill and called all Quraish to his religion. Quraish instead of listening to him made fun of
his teachings, started mentally torturing him, and said that he had gone mad.

Then when he used to recite the verses of Holy Quran, they called him that he is a poet, who
made the verses by himself and said that it was not a Divine revelation. When the verses of
Quran inclined them to listen, they called him that he is big magician who casted magic over
their souls which inclined them to listen to his verses. However, Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did not care
for these taunts and continued with his mission. Following this they started interrupting his
preaching and did not let him preach peacefully. Even then, he continued his religion with the
same zeal.

Later on, they took physical step to torture him. Thorny bushes were thrown in his way, dirt
and filth was thrown on his body. Once, while offering prayer in Kaba when he went to
prostration, Abu Jahl came with fetus of camel and placed over him. It was so heavy that he
could not withdraw from sajdah and his entire body became dirty. Once he was walking in
street, a man strangled his sheet over his neck pulled him back and he fell on his back. When
Holy Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬sons passed away, they called him abtar, which means childless and
hopeless. Chiefs tried to bribe him by making him king and giving him fairest girl to marry but
Holy Prophet said if you place the sun on my right hand and moon on my left even then I will
not renounce my mission until Allah fulfils it or destroy me in the process. Then Quraish tried
to assassinate him but Allah saved and he migrated to Madina.

(ii) His Followers

The new Muslims also could not escape the persecution and torture. Some of them were
severely persecuted like Hazrat Sumaiya (RA) who was tortured to death by her master.
Hazrat Ammar (RA) and Yasir were tied with ropes and beaten with sticks very severely.
Hazrat Bilal (RA) was tortured so much that he fainted many times but always said Ahad that
Allah is one. Once he was laid under the scorching heat of the sun and a heavy stone was
placed over his chest. The slaves and those without tribal protection were severely tortured.
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Hazrat Abu Bakr's (RA) hair were pulled out while saving the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬from
persecution. When persecution became unbearable, Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked the new converts
to migrate to Abyssinia where they will get protection, but the Quraish reached over there as
well to take them back and torture them, but the Abyssinian king refused to hand them over.

When Quraish failed to take the Muslims back, then they signed a social boycott and all
Muslims were thrown outside Makkah in Shi'b bin Abi Talib. It was a very difficult time as the
Muslims even had to eat boiled leather to survive; it was their worst time in the history. Then
the Muslims were forced to migrate to Madina. They could not even find peace in Madina
because Quraish fought series of battles against them but Allah helped and blessed them with

Q. Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬message?
(November 2011) (4)
Religious Cause:
Quraish from the very first day opposed Holy Prophet's teachings because they were idol
worshippers and he invited them to the worship of Allah. Islam was against the religion of
their ancestors.
Social Cause:
There was corruption in the society which was against Islamic teachings and Quraish did not
want to leave those unIslamic practices. Islamic teachings were based on equality, which the
Quraish could never tolerate because they never considered slaves to be equal to them.

Political Cause:
It also became difficult for them to believe in a common man as their leader and wanted any
chief to be a Prophet either the chief of Makkah or Taif. Banu Uammaya refused to accept
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as a Prophet because they did not want to lose their leadership.
Economic Cause:
Islam was a threat to the economic benefits of the Quraish. In case of accepting Islam, they
would lose the chance of getting precious gifts in the name of idols. As custodians of Kabah,
they were respected by all the tribes which resulted in the safety of their trade caravans.

Q. Trace the events that led up to the Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬migration (hijra). (Nov 2009) (10)

Q. Describe the events that immediately led up to the migration to Madina. (Nov 2005)

Q. Abu Talib died in 619 AD. Describe the events following this that led to the Prophet's
migration (hijra) to Madina. (June 2013) (10)

Q. Give an account of the events surrounding the pledges of Aqaba with main details in

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Holy Prophet and the Muslims faced persecution and torture for a long time which made their
life miserable in Makkah. They were not able to lead a peaceful life. Holy Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬life was
in serious danger as he lost protection in Makkah after the death of Hazrat Abu Talib and
Hazrat Khadija in 619 AD, those who gave him protection and encouragement in his mission.
After the death of Abu Talib Quraish became against his life and wanted to assassinate him.

During this time, Holy Prophet visited Taif to preach them about his religion but instead of
listening to him, they became worse than the people of Makkah so he was very much worried
that he is not getting any positive response.

Then Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬intended to preach the pilgrims who came to perform Hajj.

In the eleventh year of Prophethood, about six people came from the tribe of Khazraj in
Yathrab to perform Hajj. Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went to their camp and preached them about his
religion and all of them accepted Islam.

Then in the twelfth year of Prophethood, about twelve people went from Yathrib to perform
Hajj. Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬invited them to his religion all of them accepted Islam and they signed a
pledge known as the pledge of Aqaba. It was that they would leave the religion of their
forefathers and follow the Prophet's religion. This time they requested to send a teacher with
them to teach them about Islam so Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬sent Hazrat Masab Bin Umair to preach
Islam in Madina.

Next year in the thirteenth year of prophethood, about seventy-five people came with the
intention to perform Hajj and accept Islam. Holy Prophet visited their camp. He brought his
uncle, Abbas to the meeting who was not yet a Muslim but he was very sympathetic to the
cause of Islam. Yathribites accepted Islam and invited Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬to come to their town.
This time they signed a second pledge of Aqaba that they will follow only the Islamic teaching,
will sacrifice their lives for his religion and protection of the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
accepted their invitation and asked them to appoint 12 deputies to be guardians over them.
Thereafter, he allowed his companions to migrate and he himself started waiting for the
command of Allah. One night he received Divine instruction to migrate. So, he left Hazrat Ali
(RA) in his bed to return valuables entrusted to him and went to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) while
the house was fortified with enemies who wanted to assassinate him but he went unnoticed
by them.

Q. Suggest three reasons why Holy Prophet a decided to move from Makkah to Madin
(November 2005) (4)
Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬after the death of Abu Talib (RA) lost his protection in Makkah. His enemies
like Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab became against his life and wanted to assassinate him so he
migrated to Madina where he was promised protection.

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He preached at Makkah for a long time but was not successful but when he preached the
people of Madina all converted to his religion and pledged him to support his religion at all
times. So, the possibility of spreading Islam in Madinah was higher than Makkah.

At Makkah, the followers of Islam were under threat and many of them suffered a long
persecution, but in Madina, they were able to live in peace. Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬wanted to set up
an Islamic community which was possible only in Madina. The people of Madina elected him
as a leader of their town.

Q. Describe the main events of the Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬migration from Makkah to Madina.
(June 2008) (10)

Holy Prophet preached at Makkah for a long time but had no result except persecution and
torture. The people of Yathrab when they knew about Islam all converted to his religion and
invited him to their town to know more about Islam and save him from his enemies.
Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked Hazrat Ali to stay in Makkah and return the valuable items to the
people which were entrusted to him and later join them. He said,
“Lie on my bed, and cover yourself with this sheet. No harm will come to you.”
Then he went to the house of Hazrat Abu Baker who prepared two camels and the necessary
provisions for the journey fter he had received the Divine permission to migrate. Enemies
were waiting to assassinate him, surrounded his house but he was not noticed by any of them
as he recited 9th verse of surah Yaseen on handful of gravel and sprinkled it on the heads of
the enemies, which temporarily made them blind. Allah says,
"(O Prophet!) Remember when the unbelievers were plotting against you, to confine you, or
slay you or get you out of your city. They plot and plan, and Allah too plans, but the best of
planners is Allah". (8:30)

Assassins early in the morning entered his house but found Ali (RA) in his bed. When the
chiefs of Makkah heard this news, they announced the reward of one hundred camels to the
one who captures Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬dead or alive. So the riders scattered in the desert of Arabia
to search for him.
The Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) left Makkh on 27th Safar and hid themselves in
the cave of Thaur where they stayed for three days. During this time Abdullah, son of Abu
Bakr (RA), brought the news of Quraish while Asma, daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA),
reached them with food and Amir bin Fuhaira, the freed slave of Abu Bakr (RA), used to
provide them with fresh milk of goats. Hazrat Abu Bakr ‫ ﷺ‬was frightened because the
enemies reached the entrance of the cave. He said,
“O Messenger of Allah! If one of them looks down, he will certainly see us!”
But the Holy Prophet PBUH consoled him with words which Allah revealed as a verse after
"Have no fear, for Allah is with us". (9:40)
On the entrance of cave spider wove a web and pigeon made nest and laid eggs, which
showed that there was no one inside.

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In the way they met Suraqa bin Malik who was in search of them to get the reward but was
unable to assassinate Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. They reached at Quba on Monday, the 8th of Rabi ul
Awwal 23rd September 622 A.D. where they stayed for 4 days and constructed a Masjid which
was the first Masjid after Islam. On Friday, the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬led the
Friday prayers in quarter of Banu Saleem and left for Madina. Hazrat Ali (RA) also joined them.
The people in Madina were waiting anxiously to welcome him. The moment Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
reached they sang songs in his praises. All the people of Madina wanted Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬to
stay in their houses but he said that he will stay wherever his camel sits, but it sat in empty
plot which belonged to two orphans of Banu Najjar. Hazrat Abu Bakr paid the price and Masjid
un Nabawi was constructed. During the construction of the Masjid Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬stayed in
the house of Hazrat Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA) for seven months. After migration, Yathrib was
named as ‘Madina-tun-Nabi’ , the City of the Prophet (PBUH).


Q. Describe the main events that immediately followed migration mentioning especially the
Emigrants (Muhajreen) and helpers (Ansars). (November 2002) (10)

Q. What problems Holy Prophet (PBUH)faced after his migration to Madina and explain
how he tried to overcome them. (10)

Q. Write about the events of the first year following the Prophet (PBUH)'s (PBUH) arrival in
Madina. (June 2013) [10)

After Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s (PBUH) arrival from Quba, he was greeted joyfully by the people of
Yathrib, with children singing as he arrived. As Holy Prophet (PBUH) passed through the city
many people requested that he should stay with them, but he told them that his she camel
would make the decision, the camel stopped on an empty plot of two orphan boys which was
purchased by Hazrat Abu Bakr where the Masjid and Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s house were to be
built. During the time of construction, he stayed with Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Holy Prophet (PBUH)
himself took part in the construction of the mosque like an ordinary labourer.

The Masjid was very simple as it was constructed of unbaked bricks, the roof was made of mud,
date palm leaves and the pillars were the trunks of the date trees. Beside the Masjid the first
Islamic school was also constructed which was called Suffa. Holy Prophet (PBUH) became very
happy at the construction of Masjid. Yathrib was re-named as Madina-tun- Nabi (The city of
Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Then he consulted his companions about how to call the Muslims for their congregational
prayers. Many suggestions were presented but Prophet (PBUH) did not like them as they
resembled to the ways of disbelievers. It is narrated that Hazrat Abdullah bin Zaid Hazrat Umar
dreamt the same wordings which was narrated to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He was pleased
and and ordered them to teach these words to Hazrat Bilal who became the Moazzin of the
Prophet (PBUH).
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Soon after the migration Holy Prophet (PBUH) established brotherhood between Muhajreen
and Ansars as the Muhajreen were shelter less and penniless because everything was snatched
by Quraish so he requested Ansar to help their Muhajir brothers. Ansar were so cooperative
that they shared half of their everything with the Muhajreen but they avoided such help and
preferred to work and earn for themselves. He also established brotherhood between Aus and
Khazraj as they were each other's enemies.

At Madina, there were three tribes of the Jews living who refused to accept Islam so Holy
Prophet (PBUH) signed a peace treaty with them, which gave equal rights, honour and religious
freedom. Both were to support each other against the enemies. The Jews physically signed the
treaty but intentionally became the enemies of the Prophet (PBUH) and wanted to destroy

Q. What can Muslims today learn from the settlement of the Muhajreen at Madina? (4)

Q. Explain the significance of this event as an example for Muslims today. (Nov 2002) (4)

Q. What lessons can Muslims learn from the brotherhood that was created in Madina?

The brotherhood established by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah carries immense
importance for Muslims in the whole world.

The most important lesson to be learnt is that Muslims are brothers so, they must co-operate
with each other in the times of difficulties and problems, especially in the times of the natural
disasters like floods, earthquakes etc. They must financially help the poor Muslims who are
affected by these natural disasters and who have non-else to support them. During these
incidents, the students mostly start campaigns in their schools to help the affected people and
collect foodstuff, blankets etc, which they then transport to the affected areas.

Ansar’s obedience to prophet’s (PBUH) decision and their sacrifice to share everything with
muhajreen teaches us to be selfless and ever ready when it comes to obey the Sunnah and
share our fortune with the fellow Muslims.

We also learn that we shouldn’t expect any rewards from others when we help them, as some
of the Muhajreen wanted to pay back to Ansar but they refused to take anything from them.
We should expect rewards from Allah only.

We learn to keep our self-esteem as Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Auf refused to accept the help
from Hazrat Sa’ad and said, “Kindly direct me to the market so that I can make my fortune with
my own hands.”
It teaches that if we can manage our affairs by our own, we shouldn’t burden other.

Q. From the treaty with the Jews explains how Muslims can maintain their relations with the
non-Muslims today.

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Q. What can Muslims learn from Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s interaction with non-Muslims in
Madina? (June 2013)(4)
Q. How is this brotherhood a good example for Muslim communities now? (November 2013)

We learn from the treaty with the Jews that all the non-Muslims must be given equal rights and
equal religious freedom without any discrimination. In the matter of rights, Muslims and the
non-Muslims should be absolutely equal as the Prophet (PBUH) said in the treaty with the Jews.

Now a day all the Muslim states are following the same policies laid by the Prophet (PBUH) - As
Pakistan is a Muslim State; its constitution says that all the Muslims and non- Muslims will be
given equal rights and religious freedom. There are so many churches and temples that are fully
protected by the government. Quaid-e-Azam at the time of the creation of Pakistan said that I
am the protector general of the religious minorities. This shows that he fully protected the
rights of the non-Muslims.

Q. Write about the brotherhood that developed between the new communities of Muslims
in Madina. (November 2013) (10)

The brotherhood that was developed at Madina was between Muhajreen (emigrants) and
Ansars (helpers), Muhajreen were those Muslims who migrated from Makkah to Madina
because of a long torture they faced at the hands of Quraish. These Muslims were penniless
and shelter less because their everything was snatched by Quraish and they were refugees in
Madina. The Ansars were the people of Madina, from Aus and Khizraj tribes, who accepted
Islam at the first and the second pledge of Aqaba. They invited Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the
Muslims to Madina, pledged Holy Prophet (PBUH) to sacrifice their lives for his protection, they
were very happy to welcome the migrating Muslims.

To unite these two groups of the Muslims, Holy Prophet (PBUH) made them brothers, pairing
each of the Ansar with Muhajr in such as Hazrat Abdul Reman bin Awf was made the brother
of Hazrat Sa'ad ibne Rabi and Holy Prophet (PBUH) took Hazrat Ali as his brother, requested
Ansars to help their Muhajir brothers. The Ansars were so cooperative that they shared half of
their everything with them and they gave spiritual support to their Muhajir brothers by virtue
of the fact that they spent time with Holy Prophet (PBUH) .

Muhajreen showed the nobility of their character and did not want to be a burden on their
hosts as they were used to being traders and so wanted to carry on their work in Madina, Hazrat
Abu Bakr and Hazrat Utham started their own business and became very rich within a short
time. Ansars and Muhajrin loved each other even more than their own brothers. Their unity
and cooperation made them a strong nation who within a short time became the strongest
community of Arabia.


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Q. Describe the Prophet (PBUH)'s conduct as leader in two of the battles he fought in.
(November 2011)

Holy Prophet (PBUH) was very kind and very merciful to his enemies even during the battles.
Whenever enemies attacked, he always turned to Allah for His help. His role in the battles was
purely advisory, instructing his companions. Before the battles he always talked about the rules
of fighting that do not kill children, old men and woman, do not cut trees and destroy enemies
property, do not kill the enemies who accept peace or the captives. In the Battle of Badr seventy
prisoners of war were captured by the Muslims. Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked his companions to
treat the prisoners very kindly, feed them and cloth them properly. No one was hurt by the
Muslims but were released without any punishment.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) always wanted to avoid battles and maintain peace with his enemies. Holy
Quran says,
"O Prophet (PBUH); if enemies inclined to peace you should also inclined to it and put your
trust in Allah".
In the battle of Uhad when enemies approached Holy Prophet (PBUH) and wounded him
seriously, he prayed for them instead of cursing them. He said "O Allah; they have not
recognized me; guide them to the right path". This shows his remarkable character. He
participated in about 25 battles but never raised his sword on anybody and never killed anyone.
He never fought for his personal revenge but only waged war in the way of Allah protecting
himself and his religion. He always forgave his enemies even Hind and Wahshi; those who killed
his uncle.
Q. What can Muslim leaders today learn from the Prophet (PBUH)'s conduct in their relations
with other states? (November 2011) (4)

The leaders today can follow Holy Prophet (PBUH)'s teachings in their relations with the other
states by maintaining their cordial relations with them. All the international disputes should be
sorted out peacefully. The wars are not the solutions for the problems. Muslim leaders today in
Afghanistan must try to find out peaceful settlement of their problems. Leaders of the world
community should bring Afghan warriors and the Americans on one table to settle their
disputes peacefully. If the war continues there will be more casualties instead of any solution
to the problem. Holy Prophet (PBUH) never wanted to fight but instead wanted to maintain
peace with other communities.

Kashmir issue can only be solved through political dialogue not in wars because the two
countries fought a long war over Kashmir but it is still not resolved. Muslim leaders must keep
their treaties in every circumstance because Holy Quran commands to maintain treaties at all
times as the verse says "If enemies incline to peace you should also incline to it and put your
trust in Allah". All Muslim communities should follow UN resolutions at all times and must try
to find out solutions of their disputes by the International Court of Justice and abide by its
orders. Organizations of the Islamic Countries must work effectively in bringing about peaceful
solutions to the international problems facing the Muslim world today.
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Q. Describe the events of two of the battles fought by the Prophet (PBUH) while he was leader
of the community at Madina. (June 2009) [10]
Q. Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhad. (Nov 2003) [10]
Q. Write an account of the battle of Badr. (November 2013) [10]
Battle of Badr
Quraish did not tolerate the successful migration and peaceful settlement of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and Muslims in Madina. They wrote letters to the people of Madinah and the Jews to
hand over Muhammad (PBUH) or they will be destroyed but failed. Then Quraish destroyed the
houses and belongings of the Muslims in Makkah and started to disturb them in Madina as they
became jealous of the growing power of the Muslims there. Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent some of
his companions to Makkah who came across the members of Quraish and fight took place in
which Amr bin Hadrami from Quraish was killed which increased the level of hostility. Because
of the disturbance of Quraish, Holy Prophet (PBUH) blocked their trade link to Syria.

Abu Sufyan's caravan was coming which knew about the Muslims attack on him so he sent a
man to Quraish to send an army to escort his caravan to Makkah. However, he himself changed
the route. One thousand people from Quraish set out to protect the caravan reached nearby
Madina and got the news that the caravan was safe but they decided to fight Muslims as they
were close to Madina.

When Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know, he prepared an army of 313 warriors with very less
weapons; only two horses and few camels, encamped at Badr. Quraish were one thousand
strong warriors and all were well equipped with weapons. Holy Prophet (PBUH) looking at the
situation prayed to Allah that
"O Allah! If this small band of army perishes today then there will be no one to
remember You on the face of the earth."
So Allah promised him Divine help. The next day, 17th of Ramadan 2 AH/624 AD, battle started
and Muslims got help of Allah in the form of the angels who came to help them.
In the beginning of the battle, three of the Quraish’s important chiefs Utbah, Shaiba and Waleed
were killed which caused their disorder and they started to flee from the battlefield but Muslims
fought gallantly killed about seventy of the Quraish warriors and seventy were captured. About
fourteen Muslims were martyred. Muslims also got the booty of war, which was distributed
amongst the warriors. The prisoners were asked to pay ransom or teach ten Muslim children
for a fixed time after which they would be freed. This battle is also known as the Battle of Al-
Furqan in Holy Quran.

(Note: You must include one other battle in this Q in the same pattern)

8 Can the Prophet’s (PBUH) conduct during this battle contain lessons for military leaders
today? Give reasons for your answer. (November 2013) (4)

There are definitely lessons for the military leaders today that they should personally
participate in the battles and give advice to the soldiers as Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to

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participate himself in the battles and used to instruct his companions. The presence of the
leaders in the wars gives an encouragement to soldiers to fight bravely.

Military leaders today should be careful to instruct the soldiers not to harm those who are not
a part of war such as ladies and children. Holy Prophet (PBUH) always taught the rules of war
before fighting. The captives should be humanly treated as Holy Prophet (PBUH) treated the
prisoners at Badr and not mutilate the dead bodies of enemies. Holy Prophet (PBUH) always
defeated the enemies but never destroyed them teaches leaders today that they should also
not cause loss of human lives in vain.

Q. How does his conduct in one of these battles provide a model for Muslims today when
they face difficulties? (June 2009) [4]

Holy Prophet (PBUH) set an un-parallel example of forgiveness in the battles. He never practiced
the barbaric system of war prevalent in the history. When Muslims captured the 70 prisoners
of war at Badr, Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered to untie the ropes and said "Treat the prisoners
of war as you treat yourselves, feed them as you feed yourselves and cloth them as you cloth
yourselves". It teaches the noble character of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Muslims today can
follow his teachings by treating the other people kindly; they should not be cruel to other

They should adopt the quality of forgiveness, patience and tolerance. Holy Prophet (PBUH)
never fought Quraish for his personal revenge so it teaches Muslims today to avoid fighting with
others over trivial issues. We should not treat other people or enemies cruelly but learn to
forgive other's mistakes. We should not destroy or misuse other's property, treat the elders and
ladies with respect and children kindly as Holy Prophet (PBUH) said during the wars,

"Do not cut trees, do not kill children, old men and ladies and do not destroy their

Q. Explain the significance of the battle of Badr. [4]

It was the first victory of the Muslims despite of their less number. In this battle, the most
powerful tribe of Arabia was defeated so the Muslims recognized themselves as a power
community in the whole of Arabia. Many of the Arab tribes were very much impressed that they
accepted Islam. It strengthened the belief of the Muslims in Allah that He is always there to help
the believers in their difficult times and encouraged them to strive for the cause of Islam.

This battle is also known as the battle of Al-Furqan that means to make difference between
right and wrong. Muslim children learnt reading and writing from the prisoners, which raised
the literacy rate. Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked Muslims to treat the prisoners nicely as he said
treat them as you treat yourselves, cloth them as you cloth yourselves and feed them as you
feed yourselves. This shows that he was a very merciful man. This treatment impressed Quraish
very much.

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Q. Give brief description of the main events of the battle of Uhad. [10]

The Battle of Uhad

The main cause of the battle of Uhad was the crushing defeat of Quraish at Badr. They wanted
at any cost to take revenge of Badr and regain their lost reputation. There were flames of
revenge for the loss of influential warriors. Quraish never wanted Islam to succeed and wanted
to open their trade link to Syria which was blocked by the Muslims.

They prepared the whole year, an army of three thousand well equipped warriors under the
leadership of Abu Sufyan. Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know a few days before their march so
called the council and decided to face them at Uhad. Muslims prepared an army of one
thousand warriors and marched to the battlefield on 3 AH / 625 AD. In the way, Abdullah bin
Ubey deserted the Muslim's army by separating his three hundred friends, saying that the
Prophet (PBUH) never listens to his suggestions.

Muslims were left with only seven hundred warriors who marched to Uhad. Fifty archers were
placed on the mount Uhad to protect the rear and were asked not to leave their posts in any
case. The remaining Muslims faced the enemies and the war started in which Muslims fought
very bravely defeating the enemies who ran away so the archers on the top left their posts to
collect the booty thinking that they have won.

Khalid bin Walid RA saw the rear unprotected so attacked from the backside. Quraish returned
and attacked Muslims from two sides, the victory of Muslims turned into their defeat. Wahshi
the slave of Hind managed to kill Hazrat Hamza, the uncle of Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was
commanding the army, Hind chewed his liver in revenge. Meanwhile the rumor spread that
Holy Prophet (PBUH) has passed away, the Muslims lost hope and were killed in large number.
When they knew that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is alive, became very happy and again attacked so
severely that the enemies ran from the battlefield. In this battle seventy Muslims were
martyred Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also seriously injured.

Q. Explain why the people of Makkah fought against the Muslims of Madina. (June 2006) [4]

The people of Makkah fought against the Muslims of Madina because they did not want Islam
to grow there and the number of Muslims to increase. They foresaw Islam as threat to their
religion, culture and custom. The main trade link to Syria was blocked and there was a chance
of attack on their caravans so they wanted to open their trade link to Syria.

They did not want Islam to grow because it would lose their importance in Arabia. Islam was a
threat to their prestige, honor, respect and leadership in Arabia so they wanted to demolish it
from Arabia. They did not want other tribes to convert to Islam because it will underestimate
their own religion.

Q. In the battle of Uhad Muslims learnt some hard lessons. Explain what these lessons were.
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Q. Explain the importance of the battle of Uhad. [4]

Muslims learnt in the battle that they should always be obedient to the Prophet (PBUH) and
always prefer his decisions, his words and orders must never be ignored. The main cause of the
loss of war was that those fifty archers ignored the command of the Prophet (PBUH) and left
their posts to collect the booty of war, this teaches that Muslims should not run after wealth.
Greed would put us in trouble.

Also, they should always be obedient to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) whatever difficult situation
they might face. Allah’s help only will come when we’ll follow His messenger.

They should not lose hope as they lost hope when they heard rumour of the Holy Prophet’s
(PBUH) martyrdom. This battle also teaches that Muslims should never trust the hypocrites,
should never rely on their support and they should not believe in rumours.


Q. Give brief description of the main events of the battle of Trench. (10)

Q. Give an account of the battles of Khandaq (Trench) and Khyber. (June 2012)

Battle of Trench

The main cause of the battle of trench is the exile of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir who went
to all Arab tribes and united them against Muslims. Ten strong tribes of Arabia united under the
command of the Quraish leader Abu Sufyan. They prepared the army of ten thousand well
equipped warriors and started their march with the intention to destroy the whole town of

When Muslims came to know about this movement they were scared, Holy Prophet (PBUH)
immediately called a council to decide where to meet this challenge. Many people gave
different suggestions but Hazrat Salman Farsi from Persia suggested a Persian strategy of war
to dig trench around the city. Holy Prophet (PBUH) liked the idea of trench, as the Arabs were
unfamiliar with this strategy.

Fifteen hundred Muslims started the work for digging trench, Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself
worked like an ordinary labourer. It was dug within 21 days and was five yards deep and five
yards broad. Then three thousand Muslims made the well-guarded posts to protect the trench
from the enemies.

When Abu Sufyan reached with his army, he was amazed to see the trench without any
entrance. The Arabs were brave but conservative people in military matters. They proclaimed
it to be a coward act. For a few days the two armies remained astride the trench watching each
other. Some of the Makkans tried to cross the trench but the Muslims fought bravely and killed
or chased away those who attemted to cross it. Whenever the enemy came near the trench the
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Muslims hurled stones and arrows at them. The Muslims had to remain vigilant all the time and
could not assemble for prayers.

Meanwhile, Banu Quraiza the Jewish tribe which was still in Madinah broke the treaty with the
Muslims. They conspired with Quraish and planned to attack the Muslims from the rear. When
the Prophet (PBUH) came to know about this he sent Nuaim bin Masood from Ghatfan tribe
who enjoyed good relationship with both, the Quraish and the Jews, to sow the seeds of distrust
among the two allies. He was successful and as a result, a split was developed between the
allies that broke their unity. In this way Muslims remained safe from the attack.

The Arabs, especially the Bedouins, were not accustomed to fight such long drawn wars. They
were irritated at their inability to draw the Muslims into a general fight. Their supplies started
to run out. Meanwhile heavenly assistance came in the form of a strong icy wind which blew
the enemies tents and they were exposed to heavy rain which made the enemies situation even
worst as the large number of camels and horses died. Therefore, in utter confusion all enemies
started running away from the battlefield. Allah says,

"O believers! Remember Allah's blessings on you when enemies came against you. Then
We sent on them a strong wind and an army which you did not see. Allah sees what you
do". (33:9)

Muslims won the battle with loss of six Muslims whereas Quraish lost their ten men. The Jewish
tribe of Banu Quraiza who broke the treaty was punished after the battle. This battle took place
in 5 AH/627 AD.

Q. Explain the importance of the battle of Trench. (4)

All the Arabs tribes faced a humiliated defeat and the power of the Muslims was recognized
throughout Arabia. Many of the Arab tribes were very much impressed that they accepted Islam
and many maintained the friendly relations with them. Quraish lost hope forever that they can
never defeat the Muslims.

Muslims learnt new strategy of wars. The victory of the Muslims in this battle strengthened
their faith in Allah that He is always there to help the believers. The neighboring states felt the
growing power of the Muslims. Banu Quraiza broke the treaty with the Muslims, who were
punished according to their own law that their lands and property was taken as spoil of war
that increased the wealth of the Muslims.

Q. What lessons can Muslims learn from either of these battles? (Khandaq and Khybar)?
(June 2012)

Muslims learn from these battles that they should keep hope in Allah in times of difficulty like
in the battle of Trench Muslims had strong faith that Allah will help them in their difficult time.
It taught Muslims patience and tolerance as the believers were very hungry and weak but bore

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the problems with patience, allowance was made to eat non-halal food, when life is in danger
because of starvation if there was no other option. Muslims should remain strong and work
hard for their victory; despite victory Muslims remained fair and trustworthy, kept their promise
to the Jews and allowed them to remain in Khyber.

It teaches Muslims today that they should not break their pledges with non-Muslims, give them
religious freedom and be kind to the enemies. They should have faith in God at all times. It is
important to be open to suggestions on important issues as Holy Prophet (PBUH) accepted the
advice of Hazrat Salman Farsi in the battle of Khandaq.


Q. Give brief description of the main events of the Treaty of Hudaibiya. (10)

Q.Write about the events surrounding the Treaty of Hudaybiyya and the main terms in it.

Treaty of Hudaibiya

In the sixth year of Hijra Holy Prophet (PBUH) saw a dream that he was visiting the Kaba. The
next day he suggested all of his companions to get ready for Umrah. The Muslims about 1400
prepared to accompany the Prophet (PBUH) and left Madina in the month of Dhul-Qadah 6 AH
in the year 628 AD.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the way came to know that Quraish have decided to stop Muslims
so they stayed at Hudaibiya, three miles away from Makkah. The Makkan sent their two
ambassadors to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and finally ‘Urwah bin Masood’ was sent to convince
the Holy Prophet PBUH to return back to Madinah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied to him,

“We did not come to fight, we came to visit the Sacred House but if they refuse and wish
to fight, I will fight them until I die or Allah decides.”
Urwah went back highly impressed with the faithful Muslims and he said to Quraish,
“I think it will be good for us to let him perform Umrah.”
Despite Urwah’s views about the Muslims’ intention, the Quraish refused the entry of Muslims
in Makkah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent a messenger to Makkah who was ill-treated by the
Quraish. Then he sent Hazrat Uthman to reaffirm to the Quraish that Muslims came as pilgrims
only, not to fight. He was detained also by the Quraish and the rumour spread that Quraish
have killed Hazrat Uthman (RA) and when Holy Prophet (PBUH) heard he was very much
disappointed to listen that Quraish has broken the international law by murdering the

He called all of his companions in the oasis of Rizwan under a tree where he took a pledge
known as the "Bait-e-Rizwan" from the believers that they will fight Quraish to avenge the blood
of Hazrat Uthman. All the Muslims got ready to fight them though they were without weapons.
When Quraish came to know about this pledge, they released Uthman (RA) and sent their
leader Amr bin Suhail to sign a peace treaty with Holy Prophet (PBUH) .

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The terms of the treaty were:

1. The Muslims will return to Madina this year without performing Umra.
2. Next year they will come but will not stay for more than three days and will come
without weapons.
3. There will be no fighting for ten years.
4. If anyone from Madina joins Quraish, will not be returned but if anyone from Makkah
joins Muslims, will be returned.
5. All the Arab tribes will be free to enter into alliance with whichever party they like and
both will protect the allies of each other.
Many Muslims hesitated to accept the terms of the treaty but it was important, as it was very
beneficial for the Muslims because their relations were improving. On the way back to Madina
Holy Prophet (PBUH) received a verse which said that,

"Verily We have granted you a clear victory"

Q. Explain the importance of the pledge of Rizwan. (4)

The pledge of Rizwan was an important event in the history of Islam as it showed the Muslims
love for their religion. They were always ready to sacrifice everything for the cause of Islam and
will never turn down the commands of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in any circumstance. At
Hudaibiya, though they were without weapons but even then pledged to fight for the cause of

It shows their strong determination and their devotion to their religion. This pledge is described
in the Holy Quran that Allah judged the hearts of the believers that they were intentionally
ready not only exposing themselves . Allah showered His special blessings on them. This pledge
scared Quraish that they released Hazrat Uthman and signed a peace treaty.

Q. Explain how was the treaty of Hudaibiya a manifest victory for the Muslims? (4)

Q. Explain the importance of the treaty of Hudaibiya. (4)

The treaty of Hudaibiya was a significant movement in the Islamic history as it is described in
the Holy Quran that "Verily We have granted the a manifest victory". It was a manifest victory
because it ended up an atmosphere of constant hostility of Quraish. Holy Prophet (PBUH) got a
chance to preach his religion to the rest of the world as he wrote letters to different Kings and
Emperors to join the fold of Islam so many of them accepted, because of this significant
movement Islam reached outside Arabia.

Makkans came to Madina to visit their relatives and closely studied the remarkable life of
Muslims, their honesty, sympathy and love for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) greatly impressed them
that they started to accept Islam. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed who conquered Persia and Rome,
and Amr bin Aas the conqueror of Egypt were among the great warriors who accepted Islam.
Later on one term of the treaty was cancelled that new converts were allowed to stay in Madina
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because they posed danger to the Quraish caravans to Syria. This treaty allowed the Muslims
to perform Umra and Hajj without any hindrance and it led to the conquest of Makkah in 8th


Khyber Expedition

Jews had been conspiring against the Muslims for a long time and posed a constant threat to
Madina. They considered the treaty of Hudaibiya as a weakness and defeat of Muslims so
started the secret preparations to attack Madina.

When Muslims came to know that Jews have considered treaty of Hudaibiya as Muslim's
weakness and prepared to attack, they quickly prepared an army of sixteen hundred warriors
to attack Khyber to show their strength. When the Jew's 20000 army saw the Muslims, shut
themselves in their strong well-guarded fortresses, Muslims laid siege to their forts. Within
twenty days all, the forts fell to the Muslims one after the other. Hazrat Ali killed Marhab the
famous warrior of the Jews and conquered the fort of Qamos the strongest of all. Holy Prophet
(PBUH) gave Hazrat Ali (RA) the title "AsadUllah" which means the Lion of Allah.

Then the Jews seeing the situation of the battle surrendered to Holy Prophet (PBUH) who
granted them peace and protection, returned their lands and allowed them to stay at Khyber
under the protection of the Muslims and give half of the produce of their lands to the Muslims
as a security tax. This battle took place in 629 AD.

Q. Explain the importance of the Khyber Expedition (4)

Muslims secured a large amount of the booty of war, which was distributed amongst the
warriors. Jews came under the protection of the Muslims by paying half of the produce of their
cultivated lands, it increased Muslim's income. Hazrat Rehana binte Shamoon was the war
prisoner whom Holy Prophet (PBUH) released and married.

Jews learnt a lesson that they should never underestimate the Muslims. In this Expedition
Hazrat Ali got the title AsadUllah the lion of Allah. After the Khyber Expedition Jews lived in
peace with Muslims. The most famous warrior of Jews Marhab was killed by Hazrat Ali (RA).


Q. Write an acccunt of the main events of the battle of Mu’tah. [10]

Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent Hazrat Harith (RA) with a letter to the King of Basra who was killed at
Mu’tah by the governor of Rome, Shurehbil. He was very much grieved to hear the news of the
murder of Hazrat Harith (RA), so decided to avenge his blood, prepared an army of 3000
warriors unnder the command of Zaid bin Harith and asked to appoint Hazrat Jafer bin Abi Talib
if Zaid is martyred and then Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA) as the commander. If these three
are martyred then the army can chose their own commander.
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The army marched to Mauttah in 8AH/630AD Shurehbil prepared an army of one hundred
thousand warriors and wrote the emperor to assist him with more troops. When Muslims heard
about the Roman army lost hope but Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawahah (RA) gave a historical speech
with encouraged the Muslims to fight.

Both the armies met at Mauttah where Hazrat Abdullah shouted to the Roman army that we
Muslims love to die, as you love to live. The fierce battle started in which all the three
commanders of the Muslims were martyred one after the other then the Muslims unanimously
appointed Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) as their commander who was a very brave warrior
who reorganized the Muslim army and attacked the enemies. In only one evening, Hazrat Khalid
bin Waleed (RA) broke his nine swords in killing the enemies. Lastly Romans lost hope, realized
that they cannot defeat the Muslims so stopped the war.

The next day Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) with his army waited for the Romans to come and
fight but no one came so left the battlefield with the remaining army and returned to Madina.
When Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know about Hazrat Khalid (RA) breaking his nine swords,
gave him the title "Saif Ullah" which means the sword of Allah.

Q. Explain the importance of the Battle of Mauttah. [4]

It was the first battle fought against the Romans in which they were defeated and many of their
warriors were killed. It increased the influence of the Muslims outside Arabia. It shows the
strong determination of the Muslims that they are ready to give their lives for the cause of

Romans realized the power of the Muslims that they can never be easily defeated. Arab tribes
were very much impressed that Muslims can even face the challenge of the Romans, which is
the most powerful empire in the world. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) got the title Saif Ullah;
the sword of Allah.

Q. Write an account of the main events of the conquest of Makkah. (June 2005) (10)

Q. Describe the events of the Conquest of Makka. (June 2013) (10)

In the treaty of Hudaibiya, it was signed that all Arab tribes will be free to enter into agreement
with whichever party they liked and both parties will not attack the allies of each other. After
the treaty Banu Bakr tribe entered into alliance with Quraish, Banu Khuza allied with the
Muslims, both of these tribes were each other's enemies.

Two years after the treaty Quraish instigated Banu Bakr to attack the Banu Khuza the allies of
the Muslims and assured them their help in this attack, so both tribes joined and attacked Banu
Khuza at night, killed many of their people. Banu Khuza rushed to Kaba for protection but were
killed in large number even inside Kaba.

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After the attack, some people from Banu Khuza went to the Prophet (PBUH) for help, as they
were his allies. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was shocked to hear this news because Quraish have
broken the treaty of Hudaibiya so he sent his messenger to Quraish with three alternatives.

1. To pay the blood money to the families of the murdered tribe.

2. To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr.
3. To dissolve the treaty of Hudaibiya.
Quraish accepted the third alternative but soon realized that they have mistaken. When Holy
Prophet (PBUH) heard that they have broken the treaty so he thought it was important to take
action against them. He ordered for the preparation for Jihad and to maintain complete secrecy
to prevent Quraish to defend. Muslims prepared an army of ten thousand warriors, marched to
Makkah on 10th of Ramadan 8th AH/ 630 AD and camped outside Makkah where Holy Prophet
(PBUH) asked his army to spread in whole desert of Arabia, and lit fire at night everywhere to
show their strength. Abu Sufyan surveyed the situation of the Muslim army and was scared to
see such a large army of Muslims.

The next morning Holy Prophet (PBUH) divided the army into four columns, asked them to enter
Kaba from four sides, and strictly forbade them to attack any Quraish but if they are attacked
then they can fight back. The Muslims entered Kaba while announcing general pardon for all
those who laid down their weapons, enter in Kaba or in the house of Abu Sufyan were safe.
Quraish attacked the column under Khalid bin Waleed (RA) with the help of Banu Bakr tribe.
Therefore, Muslims had no choice but to fight in which 12 people of Quraish were killed.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) entered inside Kaba destroyed all the idols while reciting a verse,
"Truth has come falsehood has been perished. For the falsehood by its nature bound to
Then he came out of Kaba announced general forgiveness for all except for four people he said,
"There shall be no reproach against you, go you are free".
Quraish could not believe in this forgiveness but when they were assured. All came to the
Prophet (PBUH) and accepted Islam in crowds. Holy Prophet (PBUH) stayed for 19 days in
Makkah, during this period he preached his religion to the new coverts from Quraish.
Q. Why are the actions of the Prophet (PBUH) after the conquest of Makkah important for
Muslims to learn from?
(June2013)[4] Holy Kaba was purified from the idol worship as 360 idols were
destroyed. It was the most significant movement in the Islamic history because Kaba was
rendered to the worship of Allah. After this great incident no one worshiped idols and all the
rites and rituals of the Jahiliya period were banned in Kaba.

After the conquest Holy Prophet (PBUH) set a remarkable example of forgiveness as he forgave
his bitterest enemies especially the Wahshi and Hind, it teaches Muslims today that they should
develop the habit of forgiving others even the enemies just as Holy Prophet (PBUH) forgave his
enemies. It is better to forgive than to hold animosity in heart and not take revenge.

Q. Explain the importance of the conquest of Makkah. [4]

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The conquest of Makkah turned the entire Quraish tribe to Islam, which opened a gateway for
the general spread of Islam throughout Arabia as many tribes were waiting for the Quraish to
lead them to new religion. All the Arab tribes believed that if Hazrat Muhammad is a true
Prophet (PBUH) he will be able to conquer Makkah and Quraish will turn to his religion, this
exactly happened in the 8th year of Hijra.

Holy Kaba was purified from the idol worship, the evil customs of Arabs and it was rendered to
the worship of Allah. The possession of Kaba enhanced the spiritual position of the Prophet
(PBUH) and it increased his political power. Kaba was made accessible to the Muslims for Hajj
and Umra. The conquest of Makkah strengthened the political influence of Islam. The peaceful
conquest of Makkah and general forgiveness impressed the whole of Arabia that Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is very kindhearted man.

Q. Give brief description of the main events of the Battle of Hunain. [10]

The conquest Makkah provoked the tribes of Taif Hawazin and Thaqeef to attack Muslims. They
considered the conquest of Makkah as a challenge for them and prepared an army of 20000
warriors. They brought everything they had, in the battlefield to keep the spirit of war.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to know at Makkah and prepared the army of 12000 warriors, 2000
were the newly converts to Islam. The army started their march to Hunain in Shawwal 8
AH/630AD. Muslims in the way became proud of their large number which Allah disliked. When
they passed through a narrow entrance of a valley, there was a heavy surprise attack that the
Muslims could not stand and started retreating. Hazrat Abbas reminded the retreating Muslims
the pledge of Rizwan, they returned and very furious battle took place in which the enemies
ran to the fort Autas where again the fight started then enemies ran to their Town Taif and shut
themselves in the fort. Muslims laid siege to it that lasted for 20 days, they had to lift the siege
because of the shortage of food supplies.
When Muslims returned to the battlefield, where they had a huge amount of the booty of war,
it included 6000 prisoners of war, 6000 silver coins, 24000 camels and 40000 goats. This was so
huge amount of booty that Muslims ever got in any battle. Holy Prophet (PBUH) shared a large
proportion of this booty with the new converts to Islam from Quraish.
Later on, the chiefs of Taif came to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and requested him only to release the
prisoners of war, so he requested his followers to release the prisoners, which they did. The
people of Taif were so much impressed by his kind treatment that the entire tribe accepted
Q. Explain the importance of the Battle of Hunain (4)

In this battle, Muslims got a huge amount of the booty of war, which increased their wealth.
Muslims also learnt a lesson that they should never be proud of their number but always rely
on the support of Allah. They should always believe that victory comes to them because of
Allah's help, not because of their large number or strength. The kind treatment of the Muslims
to the prisoners of war impressed Hawazin and Thaqeef so much that they accepted Islam. After

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this battle, Muslims never faced any challenge within Arabia and Islam became the dominant
force in the whole of Arabia.

Tenth Year of Hijrah

Q. (a) The Prophet (PBUH) died in 632 A.D. Write about the events of the final year of his life.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born in 570 A.D and passed away in 632 A.D. His last year of his
life was from between 10 A.H and 11. A.H. The 10 A.H was known as the Year of Deputation,
this is due to the fact that it was in which a great number of tribes entered the fold of Islam.
This sudden event was due to the conquest of Makkah. Many tribes were waiting on what
Makkah would do in regards to the rise of Islam, since Makkah was the greatest and most
well-respected city in Arabia. After the conquest, many tribes accepted Islam seeing as how
regardless of the obstacle, the true religion could not be stopped. Madinah became the
capital of Islam, and many deputations from all over Arabia moved to Madinah, where they
mostly stayed in the Prophet’s Masjid and learnt about the pious teachings of Islam through
the Holy Prophet and his companions. Some of the important deputations were; the
deputation of Thaqeef, the deputation of Banu Tamim, and the deputation of Banu Amir. The
Farewell Pilgrimage had also occurred that year, where the Holy Prophet performed his one
and only performance of Hajj, and was accompanied by almost every believer, with the
number exceeding over 100,000 muslims. The Holy Prophet was also accompanied by some of
his wives, such as Hazrat Sauda RA and Hazrat Ayesha RA. The Holy Prophet left Madinah on
26th of Zul-Qa’dah with his companions. After going six miles, he put on Ihram at Dul-
Hulaifah; all of his companions followed this. On the 5th of Zul-Hijjah, the Holy Prophet
reached Makkah. The Holy Prophet stayed in Makkah until 8th Dhil-Hajj. On the 8th of Zul-
Hijjah, the Holy Prophet left for Mina and spent the night there. From Mina, he left for Arafat
on the morning of 9th Dhil-Hajj. At the plains of Arafat, in the afternoon of 9th Dhil-Hajj the
Holy Prophet rode the she-camel, Qaswa, and gave his historical address in a gathering of
more than 100,00 people. This is known as the Sermon of the Farewell Pilgrimage, and is the
first universal charter of human rights. The sermon was addressed, and talks addresses
subjects like worship of God alone, respect of life and honour of people, universal Muslim
brotherhood, dignity of women, equal and respectful treatment of slaves, obligation of five
pillars of Islam, declaration of Quran and Sunnah as sources of divine guidance, completion
and perfection of Islam, condemnation of usury (interest), and prohibition of bloodshed. After
giving he sermon, the Holy Prophet directed his eyes to the heavens and said, “O Lord! Be my
witness that I have conveyed your message to your people.”. Then the following verse was
revealed, “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed my favour upon
you and have chosen Islam as your religion.” (5:3).

In 11 A.H, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) fell sick and passed away. Two months after performing
the Farewell Pilgrimage, the Holy Prophet fell sick but carried on with his usual duties
regardless. He continued offering prayers in congregation until he became so sick that he
could not move. Then her ordered Hazrat Abu Bakr RA to lead the congregation, who did so

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for several days, and lead a total of 17 prayers in the Prophet’s presence. The Holy Prophet
stayed in Hazrat Ayesha’s apartment during the time of his sickness. The Holy Prophet, when
he woke up, the first thing he asked was if the muslims had prayed yet, to which Hazrat
Ayesha said no, and that they were waiting for him. The Prophet then took a bath, but then
again fell sick. This happened thrice, but he eventually managed to get better, and came out
to the Masjid, and saw his ummah in prayer. Unfortunately, the illness took a serious turn and
on 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, the Holy Prophet, the Holy Prophet took his final breath.

Q. (b) The farewell sermon given by the Prophet (PBUH) contains teachings for muslims of all times.
Explain how two of these teaching can be applied today.

The sermon of the Farewell Pilgrimage contains a great number of valuable teachings to
Muslims of all times. One of these important teachings is the dignity of women. Women are
deserving of the utmost dignity and respect, and women have rights over men, and men have
rights over women. Dignity of women is especially important in today’s time, as western
ideals and views are causing confusion and discord among today’s Muslims, and leading them
to incorrect ideals on a variety of topics such as the dignity of women and their rights. This is
why it is now more important than ever to stick to the Islamic ideals and not stray to the
wrongful path, as Allah has assigned men and women with different tasks, but both are
deserving of equal respect. Another valuable lesson is the prohibition of bloodshed. Through
globalisation and advancements in technology, the world is now more connected than ever,
but wars and conflicts among different people are rising, and it is now more important than
ever to establish peace and prohibit bloodshed and conflict, and always remain peaceful and
non violent wherever possible, as Islam is a religion of peace an unity.

Q. Write about the pledges of Aqabah . (10)

(A) The pledge of Aqabah a pivotal event that Occured during the was a Last year of the
Makkan period of the Holy Prophet (SAW); life. It marked a crucial moment in the history of
Aslam, setting the stage for the Migration (Hijrah) to Madinah and the Establisment of an
"Organized Muslim Community. During the Persication of the Muslims. the prophet (SAW)
was in serious danger As he last protection in Makkah after the death of Hazrat, Talib and
Hazrat Khadija in 619 AD, those who gave him protection and Encouragement in bis
missionThe Early Muslim Community in Makkah faced Intense persecution and hostility from
Quraish bribe, the dominat power in the region ・The Muslims Sougth a Safe haven where
they Could practice their faith without fear and recieve support from a Welcoming
Community. During this time the Prophet (SAW) wanted To spread Islam so he traveled to taif,
where Instead of listening to him, they became worse than the people of Makkah and Injured
him badly, kids threw stones at him which Iniyyed the prophet. But the prophet was-in
showed meray as Jabril (As) (ame to the prophet and told him that he could make the
mountains around taif Collicle So the taif tribe is Crushed but the prophet (SAW) forgave
them. The Holy prophet (SAW) I was Worried that he is not getting a positive response, So the
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Holy Prophet (SAW) intended to preach the pilgrims who Came to perform Hajj. On the 11th
year of the prophet hood there Came a group of 6 people came from the bribe of Khazraj in
Yathrab to perform Hajj. Holy Prophet (SAW) went to their Camp and preached to them about
Islam and all of them Accepted 1slam. The Following Year 12th year of the prophethood, on
the Occasion of the Pilgramage, there came a group of f £2 home disciples ready to
acknowledge Muhhamad as their Prophet. The group of men Comprasieled five or Siz men
who had met the Prophet (SAW) the year before, the Sixth who stayed away was Jabir bin
Abdullah bin Rebay, the other seven were.

1- May Adh bin Al- Harith, 1bn Arfa, from Khazraj.

2. Dhakwan bin Abd Al-Qais from khazraj

3. Ubadah bin As-Samit, from Khazraj

4. Yazeed bin Tha'labah, from khazraj

5.Al-Abas bin Ubadah bin Nadalah, from khazraj.

6.Abul Haitham bin At-Taiban, from Aws.

7. Uwaim bin Sa'idah, from Aws.

They owed their faith in Muhamad (SAW) I as a prophet and swore: "We Will not Worship any
one but Allah, we will not steal, neither will we Commit Adultery, r nor Kill our Children; we
will not utter slander, Intentionally forging falsehood and We will not dis Obey you in any
Matter." When they had taken the pledge, Muhham ad (SAW) said: "He Who Carries it out,
Allah Will reward him; and who neglects anything andis afficted in this World, it may prove
redemption for him in the hereafter, and if Sins remains hidden from the Eyes of the man and
no greif Come to him, then his affair is With Allah. He may forgive him or He may not." After
the pledge the Prophet (SAW) sent to Yathrib Musób bin Umair Al Abdari (RA) the first Muslim
"Ambassador" to preach 1slam to the people of Yathrib. The Next year, thirteenth of
prophethood, June 622 A:D, during the pilgramage season, Over About Seventy people from
Madinah Come in trail of their polytheist people to perform. the rituals of Pilgromage in
Makkah. Shortly of ter arriving, they Conducted clandestine Contacts with the Prophet (SAW)
and agreed, to meet him Secretly at night at nigth in Mid Tashreeg, Days ( 11m, 12th, 13th
days of Dhul Hajj) in a hillock at Al-Agybab. One of the leaders of the Ansar, Ka'b bin Malik, Al
Ansari (BA) gave an account of the historic meeting. He said, "That on the third nigth, they

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reached the hillock Al Ag/bah, and they were 73 men. and 2 women, Nausaibah bint Ka'ab
from Nejos and Asma bint Amr from Bani Solamah. They Waited for the messenger of Allah

• Who Came with the Company of his Uncle All-Abbas bin Abu Mutlib who adjured us them
not to draw his nephew away from the protection of his own kind red unless we were fully
prepared To defend him even at the risk of our lives." The messenger of Allah then preached
faith, and the pledge was taken.

The Ansar asked the Prophet (SAW) about the principle of the pledge. The prophet Answered
:• 1) To listen and obey in all sets of Circumstances. 2) To spent iplenty as well as scarcity. 3)
To Enjoy good and forbad Evil. 4) An Allah 3 Jervice you Allah gave will fear the Censure of
none.. After the second pledge none. the Command to Migrate as the life in Makah was
unbearable for the muslims. The prophet (SAW) Migrated with" Abo Balor (RA) when all the
people had migrated.

Q. How are these Pledges important for future community of Muslims? (4)

(B) Muslims are encouraged to provide safe haven for others based, a on the teachings of
Islam, as Islam Emphasizes Compassion and mercy towards all living things. Providing Safe
Haven for others aligns with the nature of the (slam •

Islam Encourage, the Concept of Brother hood among believers. Muslims are Considered as
One United Ummah, and they should Support and protect each other and Offering Safe Haven
for others. reflects the Solidarity and brother hood.

Islam place, an Obligation on the Community to Collectively full fill Certain duties Including
protecting the Vulnerable and Supporting those in need · Providing a Safe Haven Ensures the
fulfillment of this Comment and Communal Obligation and Upholds the principle of Social
responsibility The Prophet Muhhamad and his Companions provided refuge and Safe Havens
to those Seeking Protection, including non-Muslim The Constitution of Madinah, Established
by the prophet Guaranteed the Safety and Rights of all residents, regardless of their faith.
Muslims are Encouraged to follow this example and Provide Sanctuary to those in need·

Chapter 4: The First Islamic Community


Q. Give brief biographical details about the Mothers of the faithful. (Nov 1996) (10)

Q. Write short accounts of the life of Hazrat Khadija (RA). (June 2004) (June 2014) [10) [4]

Q. Explain the importance in Islam of;

(I) Khadija during the life time of the Prophet (PBUH)

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(II) A'isha in the years following the Prophet's (PBUH) death. (May 2007) (10)

Q. Write about the lives of any Two of the following wives of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Sawda bint Zama'a, Aisha bint Abu bakr, Hafsa bint Umar and Umm Salama.(Nov. 2012) (10)

Hazrat Khadija (RA)

Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the daughter of Khawalid bin Asad, who was one of the wealthiest
men in Arabia. He was killed in the battle of Fijar leaving behind great wealth for her. She was
twice married before the marriage with Holy Prophet (PBUH) first with Abu Hala from whom
she had two children Hala and Hind and the second marriage was with Ateeq bin Aidh
Makhzomi, from whom she gave birth to a daughter Hindah. She was known as Tahira the
most pious lady.
After the death of her second husband, she was in search of an honest man to manage her
trade, so she heard about Hazrat Muhammad as Saadiq and Ameen, and requested him to
take her merchandise to Syria accompanied by her slave Maisra. When Holy Prophet returned
with a double profit, Maisra told all that he observed in Muhammad. She was so much
impressed that she herself sent a proposal, which was accepted, and both were married at the
time when she was 40 years old and Holy Prophet was 25 years. She was 15 years senior to
Holy Prophet but the couple led a very happy and successful life.

She gave birth to six children two sons and four daughters. This marriage freed Holy Prophet
from his financial worries as she gave him her entire wealth. This gave him opportunity to
retire in the cave nearby for meditation. She gave him time to meditate and worship the Lord
of his ancestors and she became a very devoted and loving wife.

At the time of the first revelation, she played a remarkable job of comforting him, when he
was trembling and scared because of a strange experience in the cave, she took him to her
cousin Waraqa bin Naufil who confirmed that he is the messenger of Allah. She was the first
person to accept Islam without any hesitation, which helped Islam in its early years and also
suffered for his cause, accompanied him in the social boycott. When Holy Prophet was
tortured, Quraish made fun of his religion, and he lost hope so Hazrat Khadija (RA) used to
console, comfort and encourage him at all times of hardships.

She was a faithful and devoted wife of the Prophet (PBUH) who gave him moral support,
uplifted his spirit and gave him hope, which encouraged him and helped to strengthen his
resolve. She always stood by the Prophet's a side through all the thick and thin times, which
helped to strengthen his stand against opposition.

Her death was great loss to Holy Prophet as the year in which she passed away that year is
known as the year of grief for him. Her wealth became immense support for his prophetic
mission. Holy Prophet Ms said about her, "She hailed my mission at a time when everyone
was against it and supported me when there was hardly a believer". And said "The noblest

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women of the world are Hazrat Maryam and Hazrat Khadija. ". This shows her significance
in Islam.

Q. Write about the life of Ayesha during the Prophet's (PBUH) lifetime. (Nov 2011) (10)

Hazrat Ayesha Bint e Abu Bakr

Hazrat Ayesha was the first person to be born in Muslim house. Holy Prophet married her at a
young age, which was solemnized at Madina in the second year of Hijrah. She was the
daughter of the closest companion Hazrat Abu Bakr who taught her and she became a well-
educated lady from an early age. Hazrat Ayesha was the only virgin wife of Holy Prophet
(PBUH). She was also known by the titles of Humaira and Umm-e-Abdullah.

At the time of the Holy Prophet's demise she was only 18 years old and spent rest of her 48
years as a widow preaching and propagating the teachings of Islam. She led an extremely
simple life, used to distribute amongst the poor all that she received in the forms of gifts, bore
hardships and hunger along with Holy Prophet and was his most beloved wife.

Hazrat Ayesha was a very chaste wife of the Holy Prophet that her chastity has been described
in the Holy Quran. She also caused easiness in Islam as the verse of earth purification
(Tayammum) was revealed at an incident related to her. This shows her significance in Islam.

During the last sickness, Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to remain in the apartment of Hazrat
Ayesha so she had the honour to nurse him and comfort him in his last moment. Holy Prophet
(PBUH) breathed his last in her apartment and there he was buried. This shows her position in
the eyes of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). She lived rest of her life in the same apartment where
Holy prophet (PBUH) was buried; this shows her love for him.

Hazrat Ayesha was a very learned lady, who composed most of the private life of the Holy
Prophet and narrated about 2210 traditions. She had an excellent memory that she became
the source of knowledge for the companions; even the senior companions used to consult her
for important issues.
Hazrat Abu Musa said,
"We never faced any difficulty on which when we enquired from Hazrat Ayesha and we did
not get information relating to it".
Imam Zuhri said that her knowledge exceeded all the companions and the wives of the
Prophet (PBUH). This shows her sound and deep understanding of religion. She enjoyed a
distinctive position as an interpreter of religious issues and a jurist of Sunnah and Shariah.
Many Islamic laws have been derived on her authority. She passed away at the age of sixty
seventy years on 17th Ramadhan 58 A H.
(ii) Hazrat Ayesha's importance in the years following Holy Prophet's (PBUH) death.
(November 2002) (May 2007) [4)

(ii) (No marks for comments about 'Hazrat Ayesha during the Prophet's (PBUH) lifetime in
this question)
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Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was a very learned lady, who composed most of the private life of the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) and narrated about 2210 traditions. This treasure became a source of
guidance to whole Muslim community. She was recognized as an important source of teaching
from Holy Prophet. The companions used to consult her for important issues. Hazrat Abu
Mosa said, "We never faced any difficulty on which when we enquired from Hazrat Ayesha we
did not get information relating to it". Imam Zuhri said that her knowledge exceeded all the
companions and the wives of the Prophet (PBUH). This shows her sound and deep
understanding of religion.

Hazrat Ayesha played a significant part in important decisions, made in the early years after
Holy Prophet's (PBUH) death. She was influential in debates about the government of the
community. She enjoyed a distinctive position as an interpreter of religious issues and a jurist
of Sunnah and Shariah. Many Islamic laws have been derived from her authority. She served
and nursed in Holy Prophet's sickness. His burial in her apartment increased the respect in
which she was held. Her disagreement with Hazrat Ali over the punishment of Hazrat
Uthman's assassins led to the battle of camel.

Q. How can she be seen as a role model for Muslims now? (November 2011) (4)

Hazrat Aisha (RA), as an exemplary wife, set the living examples for Muslim wives for all the
ages. She was the most learned and intelligent wife of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Her knowledge
exceeded all wives and companions which gives an inspiration and guidance to the whole
Muslim community to follow Islamic teachings. Her deep knowledge of Hadith continued to
play a vital role in teaching Islamic principles and researching Islamic thoughts. She is a role
model for Muslim women as she was more learned than many of the men of her time. She
narrated about 2210 Ahaadeeth from Holy Prophet (PBUH); this treasure became a source of
guidance to whole Muslim community today. She enjoyed a distinctive position as an
interpreter of religious issues and a jurist of Sunnah and Shariah. Many Islamic laws have been
derived from her authority which made Islamic teachings easy for Muslims today to follow.

She was patient in times of difficulty and generous with wealth when she had it. She
remained chaste throughout her life though she was just eighteen when Holy Prophet (PBUH)
died. So, Muslim women should also be modest and pure in order to strengthen the bond of
mutual love as is declared in the Holy Quran:
“They (wives) are your garments and you are their garments.” (2:187)
Like Aisha, Muslim wives today should be caring towards their husbands and be ready to
support them in their all religious and pious activities. In testing times, they should retain their
faith in Allah’s help just as Aisha has done when she got implicated in a scandal.
Hazrat Hafsa Bint e Hazrat Umer

Hazrat Hafsa was the daughter of Hazrat Umer (RA), the second caliph. First, she was married
to Khunais bin Huzaifa. Both were the earliest converts to Islam who faced persecution and
torture so they first migrated to Abyssinia and then to Madina. Her husband was seriously
wounded in the battle of Badr and died leaving her widow. After the period of lddat, Holy
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Prophet (PBUH) expressed his own desire to marry her in order to strengthen his ties with the
family of Hazrat Umer (RA). The marriage took place in 3 A H/625 A D.

She was very enthusiastic to learn about the religion so Holy Prophet groomed her in religious
matters. She narrated about sixty traditions and her thirst for knowledge was second to
Hazrat Ayesha (RA). She spent much of her time in reading and writing, became a teacher, a
guide and an authority on complicated matters.

The first copy of the Quran, which was prepared in the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr lastly,
was kept with her for safe custody after the martyrdom of her father. That copy became
famous with her name and known as Mushaf-e-Hafsa. This shows her important position in
the eyes of the companions. Later on, Holy Quran was standardized from the copy of Hazrat
Hafsa. She took a great care to preserve Quran and save it from corruption. This shows her
significant role in the standardization of the Quran.

She died in 45 AH at the age of 63 and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi, at the time of her death
she asked her brother Abdullah to distribute all her wealth to the poor and needy.

Hazrat Sawdah Bint e Zam'ah (RA)

She was first married to Sakran bin Amr; both were the early converts to Islam and migrated
to Abyssinia. Sakran bin Amr passed away in Makkah leaving her as a widow. At that time
Hazrat Khadija also passed away leaving Holy Prophet (PBUH) gloomy and in grief. Therefore,
the companions suggested him to marry her, which he accepted in order to give motherly
devotion to his children and do the household chores.

She was extremely devoted to the Holy Prophet and led a very simple and pious life, migrated
to Madina with Holy Prophet (PBUH) and her dwelling was constructed by the side of Masjid
un Nabawi. She was a very kind hearted lady Holy Prophet (PBUH) referred to her as the most
charitable and generous of his wives. She gave up her turn in the favour of Hazrat Aisha. She
never left her house after the death of Mhammad (PBUH) even for Hajj and Umrah as he had
asked his wives to spend a retired life after his death. Hazrat Sawdah narrated about five
traditions. She passed away in 22 AH at the age of 80 years and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Zainab Bint e Khuzaima

She was first married to Abdullah bin Jahsh who was martyred in the battle of Uhad. Holy
Prophet considering the services of her late husband proposed her which she accepted and
they were married in 4 A H. Her companionship with the Prophet (PBUH), was very short as
she died three months after her marriage and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi. Holy Prophet
(PBUH) himself led her funeral prayer.

She was so pious and generous lady that Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave her the title "Umm-ul-
Masakeen" that means the mother of the poor and needy. It is said that no poor person ever
returned with empty hands from her house.

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Hazrat Umm-e- Salamah Bint e Ali Bin Mughaira

Her real name was Hind and was from the house of Makhzoom. She was first married to her
cousin Abdullah bin Abdul Asad. Both were the earliest converts to Islam who migrated to
Abyssinia and later on to Madina. She migrated to Madina alone as her parents did not allow
her at first.
Her husband participated in the battle of Uhad in which he was seriously wounded and he
died. After the period of lddat she accepted the offer of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and was married
to him in Shawwal 4 A H. Her father was a very rich man who brought her up in great comfort
and luxury but afterwards she suffered a lot only for the cause of Islam.
She was also very learned lady, was very keen to learn traditions and narrated about 378
traditions. The historian says, "The wives of the Prophet (PBUH) were treasuries of knowledge
but Hazrat Ayesha and Umm-e-Salamah had no equal". Her style of recitation of Holy Quran
was like Holy Prophet (PBUH). She died in 63 A H at the age of eighty-four and was buried in

Hazrat Zainab Bint e Jahsh

She was the daughter of Umaima bint e Abdul Muttalib and was the first cousin of Holy
Prophet (PBUH). Her original name was Barra, which Holy Prophet changed after she accepted
Islam. She was also early converts to Islam.

Hazrat Zainab was first married to Zaid bin Harith, the freed slave of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and
his adopted son. This marriage took place because of the consent of the Prophet (PBUH),
which she first refused but then accepted. This marriage was not successful. So, after one year
Hazrat Zaid divorced her with the permission of Holy Prophet (PBUH). After the period of
lddat Holy Prophet (PBUH) himself proposed her in accordance with Quranic commandment
that the verse says,

"Then when Zaid had dissolved his marriage with her We rejoined her in marriage to you".

Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave his own cousin in marriage to a slave, this was to demolish
differences in society and establish equality. This also showed that Hazrat Zaid is not the real
son of holy Prophet (PBUH). Hazrat Zainab was very generous and charitable lady, she used to
earn for herself and spent her wealth on poor and needy. Holy Prophet called her a lady
having long hands means benevolent. The Prophet (PBUH) had foretold that among his wives
the one with long hands would join him first in Paradise. She died at the age of 52 in 20 A H.
At the time of death her entire wealth was distributed amongst the poor and needy.

Hazrat Jawairiyah Bint e Harith

Her real name was Barra and was the daughter of the chief of Banu Mustaliq a Jewish tribe.
She was first married to Musafe bin Safwan who was killed in the battle against the Muslims.

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After the battle she became the prisoner of war along with other members of her family. Holy
Prophet distributed the prisoners she came in the lot of Sabit bin Qais. She approached Holy
Prophet to pay the ransom on her behalf and marry; so he paid the ransom and married her
when she accepted Islam.
When the companions came to know that Holy Prophet (PBUH) has married her, they
released all six hundred prisoners of war because Holy Prophet married in their family. She
brought blessings to her people that she got them free.
Hazrat Jawairiyah led an honourable life, was a pious and devoted Muslim. Hazrat Ayesha
taught her the recitation of the Holy Quran. She died at the age of 65 in 50 A H and was buried
in Jannat-ul-Baq.
Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah Bint e Abu Sufyan
Her real name was Ramla. She was first married to Ubaidullah bin Jahsh. Both were the
earliest converts to Islam and migrated to Abyssinia to avoid persecution. In Abyssinia, her
husband converted to Christianity so she being a staunch believer separated herself from him
and started living alone in a foreign land.
Many companions requested Holy Prophet (PBUH) to marry her in order to resettle and save
her from her father. When he sent the proposal to her, she gladly accepted and both were
married in the 7th year of Hijrah. She was very kind and considerate lady who always helped
the poor and needy, was a very pious lady and a number of traditions are narrated by her.

However, she was the daughter of the chief of Quraish, the leading tribe of Arabia but
suffered a lot for the cause of her religion especially at the time when her husband deserted
her in a foreign land. This shows her love for her religion. She died at the age of 73 in 44 A H
and was buried in Jannatul-Baqi.

Hazrat Safiyah Bint e Huyay Bin Akhtab

Her real name was Zainab, she was the daughter of the chief of Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir,
was first married to Salam bin Mishkam who divorced her then was married to Kinana bin
Haqeeq. Muslims attacked Khyber in the 7th year of Hijrah in which her husband was killed
and she became a captive.

Companions suggested Holy Prophet to marry her, he accepted and she was renamed as
Safiyah, which means chosen one as companions chose her for Holy Prophet (PBUH). She was
a true companion of the Prophet at the time of his sickness she cried that "O Allah give all
pains to me and relieve him". This shows her love for Holy Prophet (PBUH) and she was very
intelligent wife as it is said that she was full of wisdom and learning who narrated a number of
traditions. She was pious and generous lady, brought food and water for Hazrat Uthman when
he was besieged in his house by the rebels.

She died at the age of sixty in Ramadhan, 50 A H and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Maimuna Binte Harith

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Her original name was Barah and belonged to Quraish. She was sister in law of Hazrat Abbas
bin Abdul Muttalib ,was first married to Masud bin Amr who divorced her then Holy Prophet
(PBUH) proposed her which she accepted and were married in 7th year of Hijrah. She was
named Maimuna, which means the blessed one because at that time Muslims were blessed
with Umra. She was very pious and generous wife who was fond of freeing slaves, because of
her piety Holy Prophet called her a 'Symbol of goodness'. She narrated about 76 traditions,
died in 51A H and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Rehana Bint e Sham’oon

She belonged to the well known Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza. When they were punished,
Hazrat Rehana came as a slave. Holy Prophet (PBUH) freed and proposed her; she accepted
and was married to him. She died ten years after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Hazrat Maria Qibtia

She was presented as a slave to Holy Prophet (PBUH) by the king of Egypt. Holy Prophet
(PBUH) set her free and married her after she embraced Islam. She gave birth to Hazrat
Ibrahim, the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) last son who also died in infancy.

She was very pious and a religious minded lady and was the second wife after Hazrat Khadija
who had the honour to become the mother of Holy Prophet's (PBUH) son. She died five years
after Holy Prophet (PBUH) and was buried in Jannat-ul- Baqi.

Q. What can the life of any one of these wives teach Muslims about marriage? (Nov 2012)(4)

The life of these wives of Holy Prophet (PBUH) teach Muslims about marriage, that piety is
more important factor than age factor or whether someone has been married before. Holy
Prophet married widows to abolish the custom of not marrying with widows. Woman can play
a vital role in the society because she is the queen of her house and the first school of her
children so should not be deprived of education. An educated woman can better bring up her
children than the uneducated woman. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to acquire knowledge is the
duty of both Muslim man and woman, so woman should be given the opportunities for higher

A Muslim should treat his wife with kindness. Holy Prophet (PBUH) treated his wives very
kindly and said that husband and wife enjoy equal rights over each other. It teaches that
compassion and fairness should be practiced. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had helped his wives with
house work so Muslims today should not overburden their wives.


Q. Write briefly about the conversion to Islam of Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman and 'Ali.
(Nov 2009) (10)

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Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique was the friend of Holy Prophet (PBUH) right from childhood. He
had very close relations with Holy Prophet (PBUH). Even before Prophet Hood. When Holy
Prophet proclaimed his Prophet Hood he was the first free adult male to accept Islam without
hesitation and query. He had a very strong belief in Holy Prophet's truthfulness and
trustworthiness even before Prophet hood. He was one of the richest amongst the Makkans
but spent his entire wealth for the sake of Islam and bought many slaves to set them free.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was the first person to preach Islam openly and was persecuted very
severely. On his invitation many people accepted Islam among them were Hazrat Uthman,
Hazrat Talha, Zubair, Abul Rehman bin Auf and Abdullah bin Rawahah.

Hazrat Umar initially was against Islam. One day he decided to kill Holy Prophet (PBUH) to
demolish Islam. He set out of his house with an unsheathed sword, on his way he was told
that his own sister and brother in law have already converted so he went to their house and
persecuted them very severely but when some verses of Surah Taha were recited, he became
totally changed now proceeded to Holy Prophet to accept Islam, after accepting Islam, he
went to Kaba and openly disclosed his religion there. He had a reputation of being the fiercest
man in Makkah. So his conversion provided Muslims some protection. His conversion made it
possible for Muslims to pray openly in Kaba and Holy Prophet (PBUH) could preach openly in
Makkah. Holy Prophet gave Hazrat Umar title Farooq which means one who differentiates
between right and wrong.

Hazrat Uthman converted at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr - He was the third male convert to
Islam and the first Umayyad; his family deserted him after his conversion and was severely
beaten and persecuted by his uncle but did not leave his religion. He was the most influential
companion; his financial support is great for the cause of Islam. He married two daughters of
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) one after other and migrated to Abyssinia with his first wife. He was
called "Zun-Nurain" the possessor of two lights.

Hazrat Ali was the cousin of Holy Prophet (PBUH) who had been taken into the Holy Prophet's
(PBUH) household to lessen the financial burden on his family. He accepted Islam when he
was only ten years old. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited his relatives to Islam, only Hazrat
Ali stepped forward to help him. He said, "O Muhammad (PBUH) though I am a small boy but I
testify you as a Prophet and support you with my full strength.” Quraish laughed at him for
being the supporter of Holy Prophet. He stood firm by his side during the time of persecution.

Q. In what ways did the conversion of 'Umar help the young Muslim community?(Nov 2009)

Q. Why was 'Umar's conversion important for the early Muslims? (June 2013) [4]

The conversion to Islam of Hazrat Umar (RA) boosted the Muslims morale as they got his great
support, the most influential person among Quraish accepted Islam which gave the new faith
strength. His conversion to Islam was a great achievement of the Muslims which allowed
them to openly pray in Kaba and preach without any fear. Hazrat Umar dedicated his physical
and social strength to the growth of Islam first in Makkah and later in Madinah.
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He helped the Muslims gain confidence in practicing Islam openly, no one dared to interfere
with him at any time. He was well known for his temper and physical strength. He gave
protection to the vulnerable Muslims. This is supplemented by the fact that the Prophet
(PBUH) had prayed to Allah for the conversion of either Umar bin Khattab or Amr bin Hisham
(Abu Jahl). Therefore, he expressed satisfaction over the conversion of Umar. In recognition of
Umar’s conversion, Prophet (PBUH) gave him the title of al-Farooq (the one who can
differentiate between the truth and the falsehood).

Q. (a) Identify the Ten Blessed Companions (Ashara Mubashara). [4]

(b) Explain why they were known by this name. [4]

(c) Write brief notes about the lives of any three of these companions who did not
become caliphs. (November 2005) (10)
The Ten Blessed Companions were known by this name because they got the good news of
heaven in their lifetime. Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave them good news that they will go to
heaven. They were the closest companions who supported Holy Prophet physically and
financially for his mission throughout his life.

Holy Prophet always consulted upon taking any important decision and he became successful
in his mission only because of the support of these companions. They were the earliest
converts to Islam and faced the opposition of Quraish. Holy Quran praise their services and

"Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Allah".

Q. Write an account of the following figures during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH):

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA). (June 2011) [10]

Q. Explain the significance of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). (May 2004)(10)

Q. Write an account of the major contribution made to Islam by Hazrat Abu Bakr during
Holy Prophet's lifetime. (June 2005) [10]

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique

Hazrat Abu Bakr's real name was Abdullah was born in 573 A D in the Banu Tamim branch of
Quraish. His father's name was Uthman and his mother's name was Salma. He was named as
Abu Bakr because he was an expert in treating the camels. He led a very pious life even before
Islam and remained the friend of the Holy Prophet a right from his childhood. In young age, he
adopted the profession of a cloth merchant and became one of the richest men of Makkah.
He is the first person to accept the mission of the Holy Prophet without any hesitation and
query. After becoming Muslim, he invited all of his friends toward Islam, many of them
accepted. They were Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf ,Uthman, Saad bin Abi Waqas ' Abu
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Ubaidah bin Jarrah ,Talha and Zubair . He became a great support to Holy Prophet. When he
accepted Islam he had about 40'000 dirhams which he spent to the cause of Islam, bought
many slaves including Hazrat Bilal and set them free he always helped poor and needy. He
contributed very generously and faced persecution only for the sake of Islam, once he was
persecuted to the extent that no one could recognize his face and his hears were pulled so
much that he fainted.

He accompanied Holy Prophet in the social boycott where he suffered a lot for the cause of
Islam. At the time of ascension (Miraj) he was the first person to testify this event; Holy
Prophet gave him the title "Siddique" the testifier of truth. During the time of migration, he
bought two camels one for himself and other for Holy Prophet. He risked his own life during
the time of migration and served Holy Prophet especially in the cave of Thaur. He got the title
"second of the two" in Holy Quran and protected Holy Prophet at many places.

At Madina, he bought plot for Masjid Al Nabawi and participated in all battles including treaty
of Hudaibiya in which he supported the Holy Prophet's fl, opinion and participated in conquest
of Makkah, during the Tabuk expedition he donated all that he had for the war. He wedded
his daughter Hazrat Ayesha to Holy Prophet and was one of the scribes as well. Because of his
remarkable services, Holy Prophet gave him the good news of heaven in his lifetime. In 9 th AH
Holy Prophet appointed him as Ameer- e-Hajj to lead Muslims in hajj. In the last sermon Holy
Prophet said that I have repaid the favours of all of you except Hazrat Abu Bakr that I pray to
Allah to repay him on the Day of Judgment. Holy Prophet appointed him to lead Muslims in
prayers during his sickness. When Holy Prophet announced his departure from this world
tears rolled down in Hazrat Abu Bakr's eyes. At the time of the demise of the Holy Prophet, he
consoled the Muslims when they were in grief.

Q. Explain the significance of Hazrat Umar during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet. [10]

Q. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Umar during the lifetime of Holy
Prophet. (November 2006) [10]

Q. Write about the lives of 'Umar and 'Uthman during the lifetime of the Prophet.

(2) Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab

Hazrat Umar belonged to Banu Adi tribe, a branch of Quraish. He was born in 583 AD. During
the early stage of Islam Hazrat Umar was the bitterest enemy of Islam. One day he decided to
kill Holy Prophet but his fate changed so he converted to Islam. He was the first companion
who announced his religion openly inside Makka, due to his conversion, the plans of Quraish
against Islam were ruined, Muslims were able to offer their prayers openly inside Kaba and
the Holy Prophet started his preaching openly.

Hazrat Umar was a great supporter of the Holy Prophet, because of his bravery; he gave him
the title "Farooq" the one who makes distinction between right and wrong. He being the true

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follower of Islam accompanied Holy Prophet in the social boycott where he suffered a lot for
the sack of Islam.

At the time of migration, he was the only person who migrated openly this shows his bravery.
At Madina, he participated in all the battles Badr, Uhad, Trench, treaty of Hudaibiya and
conquest of Makka, he was a brave warrior who guarded Holy Prophet, at Uhad and was with
him in the battle of Hunain when everyone left. He introduced the method of calling Azan.

At Tabuk expedition he donated half of his everything for the war fare. He was one of the
scribes of the Divine revelation because of his services Holy Prophet gave him good news of
heaven. He loved Holy Prophet so much that he could not believe in his demise, but when it
was confirmed by Hazrat Abu Bakr he fell unconscious. This shows his extreme love for him.
Holy Prophet said about him,"The sun has not risen on a better man than Hazrat Umar "

Q. Explain the significance of Hazrat Uthman during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet.(2004)

Q. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Uthman during the life time of Holy
Prophet. (June 2006) [10]

(3) Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan

Hazrat Uthman born in 573 .A. D and belonged to Banu Ummayad clan of Quraish. He was one
of the earliest converts to Islam. He faced persecution, torture and was the first Banu
Ummayad to accept Islam when he became Muslim his uncle tied him with ropes and asked
him to renounce his religion but he remained steadfast. After becoming Muslim he led a very
chaste and pious life, always supported Holy Prophet physically and financially. He migrated
twice for the cause of his religion. After migration to Madina he bought a well Bir'e Roma for
about 20000 dirhams and donated it for the Muslims. Holy Prophet gave him the title Ghani
the most generous. He participated in all the battles except the battle of Badr in which his
wife was sick.

When Masjid Nabawi became short for the growing Muslims, he .bought plots surrounding
the Masjid and spent about 200000 dirhams for this project. At the time of the treaty of
Hudaibiya, he was sent as a messenger to Quraish to convey the message of the Holy Prophet,
it also shows Holy Prophet's ‫ ﷺ‬confidence and trust in him. When rumours spread that
Quraish have killed him at the time of treaty of Hudaibiya, Holy Prophet pledged to sacrifice
his life to fight Quraish and ·avenge his blood. This shows his importance in the eyes of Holy
Prophet. In the Tabuk expedition, he donated one thousand camels, fifty horses and one
thousand Dinars. This shows that he loved his religion more than his wealth.

Holy Prophet said "O Allah I am well pleased with Uthman, and I beseech Thee to be well
pleased with him". He also used to free the slave every weak and always helped the poor and
needy. He was one of the scribes, who were given the good news of heaven in his lifetime. He

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married two daughters of the Holy Prophet one after the other and was called ZunNurain the
possessor of two lights.

Q. Write an account of the life of Hazrat Ali ibne Abi Talib, paying particular attention
toward the companionship of the Holy Prophet. (November 2005) (10)

Q. Describe the main activities of Hazrat Ali during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet
(November 2008) (10)

(4) Hazrat Ali lbn Abi Talib

Hazrat Ali was born thirty years after the birth of the Holy Prophet and was his first cousin.
Holy Prophet took charge to bring him up and to give relief to his uncle. Therefore, Hazrat Ali
was very close to him. He was the first child who accepted Islam and always supported the
mission of the Prophet, went through persecution and torture, accompanied him in the social
boycott. At the time of migration to Madina, Hazrat Ali risked his life and laid in the bed of the
Holy Prophet to return the valuables entrusted to the Prophet then he migrated and joined
Holy Prophet at Quba where he helped in the construction of the Masjid.

At the time of brotherhood in Madina Holy Prophet chose Hazrat Ali as his brother and
wedded his youngest daughter Hazrat Fatima to him. He was very brave who participated in
almost all the battles. In the Khyber expedition he led Muslims in conquest of Khyber, which
was very difficult for the Muslims, the Prophet (PBUH) gave him the title "Asadullah" lion of
Hazrat Ali protected Holy Prophet in the battle of Uhad and Hunain. He killed an important
enemy of Islam in the battle of trench. He was one of the scribes of the Divine revelation and
was asked to write the treaty of Hudaibiya, was given charge of Madina when Holy Prophet $
left for Tabuk expedition. He was the most learned man amongst the companions. As Holy
Prophet said, "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate" and once said "Ali is to me as
Haroon was to Mosa except that there will be no Prophet after me" this shows his closeness
with Holy Prophet. Hazrat Ali was made the Qadi of Yemen in 10 A H, had been with the Holy
Prophet during the time of sickness and after the demise of the Prophet he gave bath to his
body and lowered it into the grave. The progeny of Holy Prophet astarted from him.

(5) Hazrat Talha

He was the nephew of Hazrat Abu Bakr, accepted Islam at his invitation and became the
earliest converts to Islam, he also could not escape from the persecution of Quraish. Hazrat
Talha was a brave soldier, participated in all the battles and shielded Holy Prophet with his
own body when enemies approached to kill him at Uhad and said, “O Allah's Messenger! Let
my chest and neck be wounded instead of yours.” He received 70 wounds and lost two of his
fingers. Holy Prophet gave him the title “Living martyr" and said "whosoever is pleased to see
a living martyr on the face of earth, let him look at Talha". This shows his devotion to Islam.
He was a strong and a very experienced archer.

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Hazrat Talha also supported Holy Prophet financially and gained the title of “Fayyaz" the
generous. The Prophet called him “Talha the Good Talha the generous”. He supported the
Muslims generously during Tabuk Expedition, was the member of Islamic Council during the
Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar. Hazrat Umar included his name in the penal of
six persons suitable for caliphate.

Holy Prophet said about him that "Taiha and Zubair are my neighbours in heaven". This shows
the importance and his rank in lslamic history. He led a very simple life though was very
wealthy and spent his wealth in the way of Allah by helping poor needy, widows and those
who were in debt. .Hazrat Talha was martyred in the caliphate of Hazrat Ali by the rebels. He
disagreed with Hazrat Ali over the punishment of Hazrat Uthman's assassins.

(6) Hazrat Zubair lbn Awwam

He was the cousin of the Holy Prophet and the nephew of Hazrat Khadija and was 15 years
when he accepted Islam and was the earliest converts who faced persecution and torture at
the hands of Quraish when his uncle tortured him he preferred to die then to leave his religion.
He first migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madina where he participated in all the battles and
was so brave soldier that he had three scars on his body caused by the swords. Once a rumour
spread in Makkah that Quraish had captured Holy Prophet. He at once unsheathed his sword
and rushed to save him from the enemies.

Hazrat Zubair was very rich and generous. Holy Prophet gave him the title "Disciple of the
messenger of Allah" and said, "There was a helper for every Prophet and my helper is Zubair".
At Madina, he spied for the Muslims and brought the news of Banu Quraiza to Holy Prophet.
Holy Prophet said about Zubair "Talha and Zubair are my neighbours in heaven" This shows
his significance in Islam.

Hazrat Umar in his caliphate called him 'One of the pillars of Islam' and included his name in
the list of six persons suitable for caliphate. He was known for his faith, courage, bravery and
generosity. He supported all the four caliphs and prepared with Hazrat Ayesha to punish the
assassins of Hazrat Uthman. He was martyred by the mischief-makers.

(7) Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah

He accepted Islam one day after the Hazrat Abu Bakr on his invitation. He was the most
distinguished companion of the Holy Prophet who had to face many hardships at the hands of
Quraish and had the honour to migrate twice for the cause of Islam first to Abyssinia later to

At Madina he participated in all the battles. He was a brave soldier and military commander.
At Badr, he came face to face with his father, tried to avoid but lastly had to kill him for the
sake of his faith. He was very upset over this incident but Allah revealed a verse to console
him in these words that there are people who love their religion more than their fathers, sons,
brothers and more than themselves. At Uhad, he encircled Holy Prophet to protect him from
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the enemies when the hooks of the helmet got into the cheeks of Holy prophet he pulled
them with his own teeth that his own teeth were broken. This shows that he could not see the
Holy Prophet in pain.

He was very honest and trustworthy; the people of Najran came to the Prophet, requested
him to send an honest person to settle a dispute, Holy Prophet sent Hazrat Abu Ubaidah, and
said, "For every people there is a man of trust and the man of trust for our people is Abu
Ubaidah". He was given the command of the Muslim army to keep a watch on the caravan of
Quraish. Holy Prophet gave him the title "Ameen-ul- Ummat" the honest of the nation. He
was one the witness of the treaty of Hudaibiya. After the demise of the Holy Prophet, his
name was chosen as one of the most suitable person for Caliphate but he refused and voted
in favour of Hazrat Abu Bakr.

He was a very successful commander a·nd led the Muslims to Syria and Iran. During the
caliphate of Hazrat Umar, he conquered Damascus and there he is buried. Hazrat Umar's
choice was to elect him as the next Khalifa but he died in his lifetime.

(8) Hazrat Saad Bin AbiWaqas (R.A)

He was the maternal uncle of the Holy Prophet who accepted Islam at the invitation of Hazrat
Abu Bakr Siddique at the age of seventeen. When he accepted Islam, his mother said that she
will starve to death if he does not come back to his old religion but he refused. This shows
that he preferred his religion over his parents. One day some of the Quraish interrupted the
Muslims in prayers so he struck one of them and wounded him. This was the first bloodshed
in Islam. Hazrat Saad is also the first companion to have shot an arrow in defense of Islam.

He participated in all the battles and was known as the best archer. At Uhad Holy Prophet
himself gave an arrow to shoot and prayed for him that "O' Lord! Direct his shooting and
respond to his prayers". This shows his bravery for Islam. He showered about 1000 arrows
upon the enemies and always guarded Holy Prophet. Hazrat Saad was a very rich man and
spent most of his wealth in the way of Allah. Once he became sick and wanted to spend two
third of his wealth in charity but Holy Prophet stopped and asked him to spend one third in
charity and don't leave his family dependent on others. He was present at the treaty of
Hudaibiya and took part in the conquest of Makkah.

He was appointed the commander in chief of the Muslim army in the caliphate of Hazrat
Umar to fight Persians at Qadisia, he was sick but even then he commanded the Muslim army
on his sick bed. Hazrat Umar inciuded his name in the panel of the six persons suitable for
Caliphate after him, and was appointed the governor of Kufa during the caliphate of Hazrat
Uthman. He died at the age of eighty and at the time of his death, he asked his body to be
wrapped in the same cloth in which he fought Battle of Badr.

(9) Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf (R.A)

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He was the eighth person to accept Islam at the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr. His name
before Islam was Abu Amr that Holy Prophet changed to Abdur Rehman. He was also
persecuted and tortured by the Quraish so he migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madina. In
Madina he refused the help of Ansars and started his own business that within short time he
became so wealthy that he started sending his own caravans.

He was a very generous that once he spent forty thousand dirhams in charity. He
participated in all the battles. At Uhad he fought very bravely and was so much wounded
that he remained lame for rest of his life. Hazrat Abdur Rehman commanded the
Muslim army that attacked Dumat-al-Janda. He consoled Holy Prophet at the death of his
son Ibrahim. During the Tabuk Expedition Holy Prophet offered his prayer behind him. This
shows his importance in the eyes of the Holy Prophet. Once he gifted a garden to the family of
the Holy Prophet which was sold of 40000 dirhams. This shows his love for Holy Prophet's
family. Holy prophet told him "One who treats you generously after I am gone is the kind and
sincere man." This shows that Holy Prophet loved him a lot.

During the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr he was appointed to lead the Muslims in Hajj. Hazrat
Umar included his name in the list of six companions as the suitable person for caliphate. He
refused to accept this post so he was given the choice to elect new Khalifa because of his
seniority, after long negotiation he elected Hazrat Uthman for this post. He died in 33 A H
during the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman.

(10) Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid (R.A)

Hazrat Saeed was one of the earliest converts to Islam; his family was monotheist who
followed the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). He was Hazrat Umar's cousin and was married to
his sister Fatima. Hazrat Umar accepted Islam when he heard them reciting Surah Taha.

He participated in all the major battles except for Badr and proved to be a great warrior, was a
very pious in nature even before Islam and was very enthusiastic to learn and recite Holy
Quran. When Hazrat Umar persecuted him to leave Islam, he said, "Should we not follow the
truth if it is found somewhere else". This shows that he was a staunch believer.

He played a major role in the Islamic community even after the demise of the Holy Prophet.
Hazrat Abu Bakr always consulted him over the important issues, which shows his significance
in Islamic affairs. He was given the command of the Muslim army during the Caliphate of
Hazrat Umar to fight against Romans. He conquered Damascus and was appointed the
governor but he refused because of his love for Jihad. He died in 51 A H and was buried in

Q. Explain why one of these figures was important in the development of the Islamic
community. Hazrat Hamza, Abu Bakr and Ali. (June 2011) (4)

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Hazrat Abu Bakr was the most influential person of Makkah. His conversion to Islam was great
support to Holy Prophet. His invitation led many people to accept Islam which further
strengthened Islamic community. He freed slaves which gave Holy Prophet more support.

His conversion to Islam gave Holy Prophet (PBUH) encouragement. At Makkah he always
protected Holy Prophet from the persecution of Quraish. His company with Holy Prophet led
to the successful migration. He bought plot for Masjid-e-Nabawi, it became the first platform
for Muslims to practice and learn their religion.


Q. Explain the importance of the following during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet.

(a) Hazrat Bilal

(b) Hazrat Abu Sufyan

(c) Hazrat Abu Talib (November 2008)

(a) Hazrat Bilal ibn Rabah (R.A)

Hazrat Bilal was a slave from Abyssinia who was the seventh converts to Islam. His master
Umayyah bin Khalf was an enemy, who tortured him very severely. He would make him lay on
the burning sand in the desert and would place a heavy stone over his chest that he fainted.
Many times his master warned him to leave his religion or he will be killed but Hazrat Bilal
always said Ahad that Allah is One. This shows that he was very loyal and sincere Muslim.

Once Hazrat Abu Bakr saw him being severely persecuted so, he bought him and set him free.
Hazrat Umar always used to say, "Abu Bakr is that man who set our leader free and he always
called Bilal as my master even during the time of his caliphate. This shows the significance of
Hazrat Bilal amongst the companions.

Hazrat Bilal was one of Ashab-e-Sufah (the people of the platform), as he had great love to
acquire the knowledge of Islam. At Madina he was appointed to call Azan thus became the
Muazzin of the Holy Prophet. Holy Prophet always used to say to him "Get up Bilal, and give us
comfort by the prayer". He became such a great warrior that he killed his own master in the
battle of Badr. The Holy Prophet used to love him so much that at the time of his ascension he
said I heard the sound of Hazrat Bilal's slippers in heaven. He could not call Azan after the
demise of Holy Prophet and he requested Hazrat Abu Bakr to relieve him of this duty because
he could not bear the absence of the Prophet and would burst in tears. This shows his love for
the Holy Prophet.

After the conquest of Makkah Holy Prophet asked Bilal to ascend on the roof of Kaba and call
Azan, this shows a tremendous example of equality. Holy Prophet entrusted him public

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treasury because of his honesty and integrity. After the demise of the Holy Prophet, he went
to Syria and 20 A H he passed away and was buried in Damascus.

(b) Hazrat Abu Sufyan Bin Harb (R.A)

Abu Sufyan was the chief of Quraish and was rich and reputed merchant of Arabia. In the
beginning of Islam, he became the bitterest enemy of the Holy Prophet. He adopted a very
hostile attitude toward the new Muslims and became one of the persecutors. His daughter
Umm-e-Habiba was one of the earliest converts to Isla m who married Holy Prophet after
the death of her first husband.

In 624 A D, he was returning with a trade caravan and asked Quraish to escort him to Makkah
because he feared the attack of the Muslims. His call of Quraish led to battle of Badr. Abu
Sufyan led Quraish in the battle of Uhad and Trench. When Holy Prophet sent a letter to the
Emperor of Persia at that time Abu Sufyan was doing business there.

Emperor Heraclius called him, he spoke very high of the Prophet, which deeply impressed the
Emperor. This shows his truthfulness that though he was the enemy but spoke truth about
him in the court.

He privately accepted Islam before the conquest of Makkah, Holy Prophet made his house a
place of security for Quraish. After becoming Muslim, he fought on the side of the Muslims
and lost one of his eyes in the siege of Taif. During the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr he was
made the governor of Najran and Hijaz. He also participated in the battle of Yarmuk and died
at the age of 90 in 650 AD.

(c) Hazrat Abu Talib

Hazrat Abu Talib was the uncle of the Prophet and the father of the Hazrat Ali. When Holy
Prophet was eight years old, he was entrusted to the care of Abu Talib, who treated him like
his own son and brought him up with love and affection. He was a lifelong protector and
helper of the Prophet. When Holy Prophet grew up he taught him business and fair dealings.
He was very conscious when he heard from Bahira to protect him from the Jews. He gave Holy
Prophet clan protection and it was withdrawn after he died.

Hazrat Abu Talib accepted the proposal of Hazrat Khadija to wed Holy Prophet to her and he
himself gave the Nikah sermon. He was a poor man so Holy Prophet took the responsibility to
bring up Hazrat Ali to ease the burden of his uncle. When Holy Prophet started preaching his
religion, Quraish asked Abu Talib to withdraw his protection from him but he refused, he
always protected him from his enemies. Hazrat

Abu Talib was greatly moved when Holy Prophet said that "If Quraish place the sun on my
right hand and the moon on my left hand even then I will not renounce my mission until Allah
fulfils it for me or destroys me in the process".

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He also accompanied Holy Prophet in the social boycott where he suffered a lot in the narrow
gorge but never left his protection from his nephew. The year in which Abu Talib died that
year is called the year of grief in the life of the Holy Prophet because he lost his protection.
Therefore, Holy Prophet had to leave Makkah so he migrated to Madina.

Q. Write an account of Hamza during the lifetime of the Prophet. (June 2011) [4]

Hazrat Hamza was the Uncle, also the son of his maternal aunt and his foster brother. He was
fond of wrestling and hunting. Once he heard from someone that Abu Jahl has abused his
nephew, so he rushed to the Kaba where Abu Jahl was sitting and struck him with his bow on
the head and said I believe in his religion whom you oppose, so he accepted Islam.

After he accepted Islam devoted his entire life to the service of Islam. He migrated to Madina
where Holy Prophet sent a group of soldiers under his command to check the Quraish
caravans. During the Battle of Badr he killed many great warriors of Quraish. He was martyred
in the battle of Uhad by Wahshi and who mutilated his body, Hinda chewed his liver in
revenge. Holy Prophet gave him the title "The Chief of Martyrs".

Q. Write short accounts of the life of Hazrat Fatima Bint-e-Muhammad. (June 2004) [4]

Hazrat Fatima was the youngest and the most beloved daughter of Holy Prophet from Hazrat
Khadija. She was born five years before prophet hood and was named as Fatima Al Zehrah
"the shining one". She saw the persecution and suffering of her father. She was with him in
the times of difficulties. Once Abu Jahl placed a heavy fetus of camel over Holy Prophet, when
he was in Sajdah in Kaba, he was not able to stand so Hazrat Fatima came, removed that, and
cleaned his body. She washed Holy Prophet's wounds in the battle of Uhad. In the battle of
ditch, she along with other prepared food in the long siege.

She was married to Hazrat Ali, the cousin of Holy Prophet, and gave birth to three sons; two of
them were Hazrat Imam Hassan and Husain. They were the only surviving descendants of Holy
Prophet. Holy Prophet said, "Hassan and Husain are my flowers in this world". He loved them
very much. He called Fatima as the peace of his heart and said, "One who pleases Fatima
pleases me and the one who annoys Fatima annoys me". This shows that Holy Prophet had
immense love for her.

Whenever he went on a journey, the last house he used to visit was of Fatima and when he
returned, he first used to visit her. She accompanied Holy Prophet for Umra in the 5th A H.
When Hazrat Fatima visited Holy Prophet he used to make her sit by his side. She was an ideal
Muslim, daughter, wife and a mother.

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She died six months after the death of Holy Prophet. He once said that Fatima is the leader of
the ladies in heaven. This shows her remarkable position in Islam.

Q. Write an account of the lives of Holy Prophet's two grandson's Al Hassan and Al Hussain.

Q. Outline the main events in the lives of the Prophet's grandsons, al-Hasan and al-Husain.
(June 2012) (10)

(i) Hazrat Hassan bin Ali

Hazrat Imam Hassan was born on 15th of Ramadan in 3 A H. Holy Prophet himself named him
Hassan and performed the rituals of Aqiqa on the 7th day. He slaughtered two rams and
donated sliver equal to the weight of his hair. He was brought up under an ideal atmosphere
of Holy Prophet and his parents.

When he was eight Holy Prophet passed away and after six months his mother also passed
away. The remaining years of his childhood were spent under the guidance of his father. Holy
Prophet used to make him sit by his side and used to teach him Holy Quran, which he
memorized. Holy Prophet loved him very much. Once he said "O Allah I love him so I beseech
You to love him". This shows the importance of Hazrat Hassan in the eyes of Holy Prophet.

When Hazrat Uthman was besieged in his house and the supply of food and water was
stopped, Hazrat Imam Hassan risked his own life and used to bring food and water for him. In
his attempt to save him, he sustained several injuries.

During the caliphate of his father, he stood by his side in the battles of Camel and Siffin. After
the death of Hazrat Ali, he saved the Muslims from another civil war by handing over the
caliphate to Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah . He signed the peace treaties with Ameer Muawiyah to
save the Muslims from fighting each other. This shows that he gave more importance to save
the Muslims from civil wars then to fight for his seat of caliphate. He was poisoned by one of
his wives and died in the year 670 AD and was buried in Madina.

(ii) Hazrat Husain bin Ali

Hazrat Imam Husain was the second son of Hazrat Ali who was born on 3rd Shaban 4 A H. his
physical features resembled Holy Prophet. He was source of great joy for Holy Prophet as he
"Hussain belongs to me and I to him. May Allah love him who loves Husain".
This shows that he was very beloved to Holy Prophet. He was upright, honest, sincere and
very brave.
In 60 A H after the death of Ameer Muawiyah, his son Yazid succeeded him as the next ruler;
Hazrat Imam Husain refused to take the oath of allegiance to him, as he was not a suitable
person for this seat because he was a corrupt man. Yazid wanted him to take allegiance but he
refused and left Madina for Makkah as he did not want bloodshed. The people of Kufa asked
him to come there where they will take oath of allegiance to him and make him Khalifa. He
sent his cousin Hazrat Muslim to assess the situation, who was received with warm welcome
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by the people of Kufa, and they assured him their support. He told Hazrat Imam Husain about
their good treatment. Therefore, he left along with his family to Kufa but the situation became
worse as his cousin was assassinated.
People deserted Hazrat Imam Husain that he was left with his family and only 72 of his
supporters against 4000 strong army. Yazid's forces intercepted and forced him to stay at
Karbala, besieged them and cut off the water supply. The fierce battle took place in which the
followers of Hazrat Husain were martyred. On 10th of Muharram 61 A H /680 A D Hazrat
Imam Husain sacrificed his life in the way of truth and made the religion of his grandfather
alive forever with his blood.

Q. Explain why they each died in the way they did. (June 2009) (4)

Death of both the grandsons of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is considered a great tragedy by all
Muslims. Hazrat Imam Hassan and Hazrat Imam Hussain belonged to Banu Hashim tribe. Banu
Ummayah and Banu Hashim had the old hostility even before the lifetime of the Holy Prophet
and that hostility again rose its head during the caliphate of Hazrat Ali. Both started to
fight for power as it was before. Hazrat Imam Hassan was killed because of the constant
threat from Banu Ummayah to secure power. They considered Hazrat Imam Hassan as the
main obstacle in their way so he was poisoned to death by one of his wives.

Hazrat Imam Hussain was martyred because he refused to accept Yazid as a ruler as he was
corrupt and unlslamic so Hazrat Imam Hussian refused to accept Yazid as Khalifa. He never
gave up on his principles even for his own safety. He sacrificed his life in the most famous
event of Karbala only for the sake of his religion. He was seen as an upholder of right against

Q. Explain how Al-Hussain's death remains important to Muslims today. (June 2012) [4]

Hazrat Imam Hussain was a strong defender of Justice and Truth against falsehood as he
preferred to die than to follow the corrupt ruler. It teaches Muslims today that they should
support justice even at the cost of their lives. Holy Prophet said "truth is to be supported even
if it is from the enemies side and falsehood is to be rejected even it is from our own side".

Imam Hussain’s death encourages Muslims to speak out against injustice and be upholder of
truth in whatever the circumstances. Muslims especially Shia's all over the world
commemorate the events of Karbala and pay tribute to Imam Hussain's sacrifice.

Q. Give an account of the lives of the Prophet's four daughters. (November 2013) (10)

Hazrat Zainab was the eldest daughter of Holy Prophet (PBUH). She was born in 5th year of
marriage when he was 30. She was married to Abu al-Aas bin Rabi, had two children, Ali and
Umaymah; she became Muslim but her husband did not initially. She stayed behind with him
when the other Muslims migrated to Madina. Her husband fought in battle of Badr against the
Muslims and was captured, Zainab sent her mothers’s necklace for his ransom, she returned
to her father in Madina while her husband was freed and returned to Makka, upon returning
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money to the people of Makka he became Muslim after the treaty of Hudaybia and asked
Holy Prophet (PBUH) to allow him to go back to Zainab; she died a year later in 8 th year of

Hazrat Ruqayya was three years younger than Zainab, married Utbah, Abu Lahab's son; wasn't
yet living with him when surah Lahab was revealed, Utba was asked by Abu Lahab to divorce
her. She then was married to Hazrat Uthman, both migrated to Abyssinia and then to Madina
before the Prophet. She had a son who died at the age of 6 after her own death. She was ill at
the battle of Badr and Hazrat Uthman was told to stay with her. She died of smallpox in 2 AH
and was 21 years old.

Hazrat Umm Kulthum was the third daughter of Holy Prophet and was married to Utaibah,
Abu Lahab's son, like Hazrat Ruqayya, she was divorced by her husband before she went to
live with him. Then she was married to Hazrar Uthman after Ruqayya's death. She suffered
the boycott to Shib-i-Abi Talib, she stayed behind in Makkah when her father migrated, and
she died in 9th AH without any offspring.

Hazrat Fatima was the youngest daughter and born a few years before prophet hood. She was
the only daughter to outlive the Prophet. She was upset over the treatment he faced by the
Quraysh in Makkah, Holy Prophet showed his affection for her and would visit her before he
left on a journey and upon returning, when the Prophet was ill, she was upset that he was
dying but happy when he told her she would be joining him soon. She was married to Hazrat
Ali and had two sons Imam Hassan and Imam Husain, and two daughters. Holy Prophet said
about her "Fatima is a piece of my heart he who annoys her annoys me."

Q. Can Muslims learn from the Prophet's bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your answer.
(November 2013) [4]

Holy Prophet always loved and respected Hazrat Fatima by standing when she entered a
room, so Muslims learn today that they should not disrespect their daughters but rather
honour them, love them and should never prefer their sons over their daughters. Holy
Prophet never mourned that he had daughters and no sons, so Muslims should not think that
sons are better than daughters and should be happy at the birth of daughters the way they
are happy at the birth of sons. Holy Prophet shared a special bond with Fatima teaches
Muslims that daughters may have the special status in society. Hazrat Fatima was happy to
have tidings that she would be the first to follow Holy Prophet after his death teaches
Muslims about her love with her father.

Q. Briefly explain the importance of the Scribes of the Prophet. (Nov 2003) (May 2006) (4)

Scribes are those companions of the Holy Prophet who gave their immense services to write
down the Holy Quran and were the Holy Prophet's closest companions who first kept the
whole of the Quran in their memory then preserved it in writing. They had always been with
the Holy Prophet to preserve the new revelations that came to him and preserved the Quran

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in the original form with its arrangement of verse and the Surahs as it was revealed to the
Prophet. The verse itself appreciates their services as it calls them honorable, pious and just.

Holy Prophet deeply appreciated their services and handed over Quran to them for safe
custody. There were about forty scribes; the most prominent among them are Hazrat Abu
Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abdullah bin Masood and Zaid bin Thabit. Zaid bin Thabit was the
principal scribe who took responsibility to write the Quran in one copy in the caliphate of
Hazrat Abu Bakr and standardized it in the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman.

Q. Outline the work they carried out in writing down the revelations. (May 2006) (4)

Q. Describe the work carried out by the scribes of the Holy Prophet in writing down the
revelations. (May 2007) (4)

Holy Prophet used to dictate them the verses of the Quran soon after these were revealed to
him and told them the proper place of the verse. They assisted Holy Prophet throughout his
life in this important job. First, they memorized Quran then they used to write it on the tablets
of stones, leaves of trees, bones of camel and leather. It was in different shapes and was not
written in one copy during Holy Prophet's lifetime. They not only preserved the Quran but
also arranged as it was instructed by the Prophet.

After the lifetime of the Holy Prophet, they took the responsibility to write the Quran in one
copy during Hazrat Abu Bakr caliphate and then they standardized it during the caliphate of
Hazrat Uthman. All of them took a great care to ensure the authenticity of Quran.

Q. Describe the part played by Zaid Bin Thabit in preserving the revelations after the
Prophet's death. (November 2003) (May 2006) [10]

Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit was the principal scribe of the Divine revelation. He played a major role
in writing down the Quran in the lifetime of the Prophet and after his demise. First, he
preserved the whole of the Quran in his memory.

During the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, most of the Huffaz of the Quran were
martyred in the battle of Yamama and there was a need to preserve the Quran in one book so
Hazrat Abu Bakr gave him the responsibility to write it in one book. It was so honourable,
important and responsible job that he said, "By God if the Caliph had asked me to move the
mountain from its place, it would have been far easier for me then to compile the Quran".
This shows that he took great care to preserve the Quran in its original form as it was
revealed. He was assisted by other scribes to perform this job and used a very strict criterion
to check the authenticity of the Quran as he used his own memory, matched with his own
writing, asked for the two witnesses from the one who presented the vers, gave to all the
scribes for verification and then he used to write in book.

During the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman when there arose a problem over the dialect of the
Quran, he gave this responsibility to Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit to standardize the Quran. Hazrat

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Zaid bin Thabit took the help of Mushaf-e-Hafsa and prepared many copies from that original
copy which was entrusted to Hazrat Hafsa. All of these copies were dispatched to all the
Muslim governors and the entire Muslim nation was asked to recite the Quran in the dialect
of Banu Hashim because Holy Prophet belonged to this tribe.

Q. Why was the task they performed significant? (May 2006) (4)

The task they performed was very important as they ensured that there was a written record
of the Holy Quran. They took this important job to write Holy Quran in the life time of the
Holy Prophet and memorized whole of the Quran which assisted them at the time of its

If they had not written the Quran it would have been lost after Holy Prophet's lifetime. Their
written passages formed the basis of the standard collection of the Holy Quran in the
Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Uthman. They took great care to compile Holy Quran
after the lifetime of the Holy Prophet.

Q. Explain the significance of Abdullah bin Masood.

He was the earliest converts to Islam who bore persecution and torture. After accepting Islam,
he left his job of tending flocks and started serving Holy Prophet. He remained closely
attached to Holy Prophet throughout his life. He gained the knowledge of Sharaih and learnt
the Quran with great fondness and attention. He was the first person to recite Quran openly
in Makkah.

He migrated twice first to Abyssinia then to Madina. Holy Prophet asked his companions to
learn Quran from him because of his great knowledge of Quran. After the demise of the Holy
Prophet, he was regarded as an expert on interpretation of the Quran. Hazrat Umar deeply
appreciated him for his knowledge of the Quran.

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