X - Chap-1 Development
X - Chap-1 Development
X - Chap-1 Development
Introduction- DEVELOPMENT
What is Development?
(i) Development is a comprehensive term which include increase in real
per capita income, improvement in living standard of people, reduction in
poverty, illiteracy, crime rate, etc.
(a) Different persons have different developmental goals.
(b) Income is a major component of development.
Income and Other Goals
The development Goals of the people are not only based on better income but they always
looks at a mix goals of development along with income they are-
1. People desire regular work, better wages and decent price for their crops or other
2. Also seek equal treatment, freedom, security, respect of others and resent discrimination.
3. Quality of our life also depends on non material things.
4. Before accepting a job, one looks at facilities for his family, working atmosphere or
opportunity to learn
Average income
When the total income of the country is divided by its population, we can get the Average income and it also called Per
Capita income.
Countries with per capita income of US$ 12736 per annum and above in 2013 are called rich countries. And those with per capita income
of US$ 1045 or less are called low income countries.
India comes under low- income countries because it's per capita income in 2013 was just US$ 1570 per annum.
Income and other Criterion
As people not only think of better income rather they seek for a mixed goals of development. The other criterion are also
important and they are:-
Infant Mortality rate is the number of deaths under one year of age occurring among the live births in given geographical
area during a given year.
Literacy Rate
Literacy rate is the total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above who can
read and write with understanding.
Net Attendance ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of people in the official Age-group attending any educational
institution in a particular class group to the total number of people in the age - group.
Public facilities
Public facilities are those which are provided by the government to satisfy the collective needs of the
Ex- hospital, schools, community halls etc.
Public facilities give importance on other things rather than income, it believes that Money cannot buy
a pollution free environment or ensure that you get adequate provision of basic health and educational
Sustainability of Development
Sustainability of development says that, Development should take place but without harming environment.
Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national and state boundaries. Our future
is linked together.
Human development index is defined as a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators,
which are used to rank countries in four tiers of human development.
It has three indicators:-
Life expectancy - Defines as the Average number of years that a new-born could expect to live if he or she were to pass
through life, subject to the age- specific mortality rates of a given period.
Gross Enrollment Ratio - Is determined by the number of students enrolled in school at different grade levels.
Per capita Income - It is the per head income of the people of a country. Calculated by total income divided by total
Adding these three indicators and dividing it by 3 , gives you the human development index.
HDI = life exp. Index + gross enrollment ratio + per capita income index ÷ 3.