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HISTORY QUESTIONS Batch 12th written by: M.

Wajeeh Shaikh

1. Site  CHEST PAIN 1. Onset
2. Duration 1. Onset 2. Duration
3. Change in size 2. Site 3. Episodes
4. Pain 3. Intensity 4. Frequency
5. Fever 4. Duration 5. Severity
6. Weight loss 5. Referred/Radiations 6. Special time of occurring
7. Fatigue 6. Nature of pain 7. Productive/non productive
8. Pressure symptoms 7. Periodicity 8. Relieving factors
 ABDOMINAL PAIN 8. Aggrevating factors 9. Aggrevating factors
1. Site 9. Relieving factors 10. Associated symptoms
2. Severity 10. Associating factors 11. Character of cough
3. Radiations
 If Cough Is Productive
4. Shift of pain  CONSTIPATION
Then Ask About:
5. Referred pain 1. Has constipation been life
6. Duration long or it is of recent onset?
1. Volume
7. Character and constancy 2. How often do the bowels
2. Colour
8. Mode of onset empty per week?
3. Viscosity
9. Special time of occurance 3. Duration
4. Blood containing or not.
10. Aggrevating factor 4. Blood in feces
5. Smell of sputum
11. Relieving factor 5. History of alternating
6. Blood mixed with sputum
 ABDOMINAL diarrhea
or not
DISTENSION 6. Drug history
1. Onset 7. Has the shape of stool
2. Duration changed?
1. Site
3. Pain at the site of duration 8. Change in eating habbits
2. Onset
4. Pain radiating to other 9. Other symptoms
3. Severity
4. Character
5. Tenderness
5. Radiation
6. Constipation  BREATHLESSNESS
6. Pattern
7. Vomiting 1. Onset
 If Episodic: then ask
8. Urination 2. Duration
9. Site 3. Severity
duration+frequency of
10. Size & shape 4. Pattern
11. Consistency (cystic, soft, 5. Particular time of attack
 If continuous then ask
firm or hard) 6. Episodes
about changes in severity
 DIARRHEA 7. Position of patient
a) Special occurance
1. Duration 8. Aggrevating factors
2. Frequency of stools 9. Relieving factors
b) Relieving/exacerbati
3. Quantity of stools 10. Addiction history
ng factors
4. Consistency 11. Sound during breath
c) Associated
5. Blood or mucous in stool 12. Allergic to something
6. Tenesmus 13. Trauma/ ingestion of
d) Insomia
7. Nocturnal diarrhea foreign body
e) Anxiety/depression
8. Other symptoms i.e( fever, 14. Associated symptoms
f) Effect of analgesics
abdominal pain etc) (cough, sputum,chest pain)
HISTORY QUESTIONS Batch 12th written by: M. Wajeeh Shaikh

3. Cyanosis
1. Site(which joint) 5. After symptoms: headache,  First of all ask if there
2. Onset and Age of onset. confusion, amnesia, flaccidity was any witness at the
(For how long it remained). 6. Frequency (interval b/w time of unconsciousness?
3. Which Joint involved first. attacks) Try to get answers from
4. Sequence of involvement 7. Symmetrical body the witness.
of other joint., If any. movements? 1. When did it happened?
5. After involvement of other 8. Deviation of eye 2. What happened before the
joint, what is the condition of 9. Ability to speak? indecent?
first joint. (is there yet any 10. Dream-like states 3. Did you know you were
pain). 11. Hallucinations of smell or going to lose consciousness?
6. Swellings of joints are taste or auditory 4. How long you were
checked. hallucinations unconscious for?
7. Pain relations to 12. Disturbances of memory 5. Did you hurt yourself or did
movements 13. Emotional disturbance you hit your head?
8. Is it sever in 14. Abnormal behaviour 6. What were you doing at
anytime(morning stiffness). 15. History of that time?
9. Any previous history of headache ,vomiting, fever, 7. Were you watching T.V or
trauma. sensory or motor symptoms? fleshing lights ? (epileptic fit)
16. Past History of EAR 8. Were you coughing ?
 VOMITING discharge, head injury ,birth (cough syncope)
1. Duration trauma, alcohol 9. Were you Passing Urine?
2. Consistency withdrawal ,diabetes (Micturation syncope)
3. Contents 10. Were you turning your
4. Relation with food intake  FITS head ? (carotid
5. Any special timing 1. What was the age at the hypersensitivity)
6. Quantity time of first attack? 11. Were you standing up?
7. Color 2. What time of day it was? (postural hypotention)
8. Smell 3. Any special feeling prior to 12. Were you exerting
9. Any loss of weight fit or any other yourself? i.e climbing
10. Periodicity symptoms(AURA) e.g: mood stairs?(cardiac valve
11. Aggravating factors change, any stress ,twitching abnormality)
12. Hematemesis? If yes, etc 13. Did you have warning ?
Color, quantity, frequency, 4. What was patient doing any palpitation? (arrhythmia)
and associated melena. just before the fits? 14. Were there any visual or
13. Associated symptoms like 5. Onset: (sudden with severe sensory changes? (epileptic
abdominal pain, constipation, headache or progressive) fits)
distention of abdomen, 6. with more prolonged 15. Did you wet yourself? Did
anorexia, oligouria, headache. headache? u bite your tongue?
7. Duration 16. How did u feel afterwards?
 RIGIDITY 8. Special time of occurance confused for a while (epileptic)
1. Tonic - clonic contractions 9. Loss of consciousness? 17. Did you feel fine
2. Evidence of Tongue biting, 10. Are fits generalized or afterwards? (non-fits)
bowel or bladder localized?
incontinence or self injury?

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