BGV Form
BGV Form
BGV Form
Maiden Name / Other Name Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Sex Civil Status
Email Address
From To
From To
From To
Name of Institution
Educational Attainment (Post-Graduate / College / Diploma / Vocational / Senior HS / High School): if college undergrad, please put high
school graduate:
From To
Date of Examination /
Civil Service / R.A. 1080 Place of Examination / Date of Validity
Conferment License Number
(Board / Bar) Conferment (MM/DD/YYYY)
List information according to your most recent employer for the last 5 years
Name of Company Contact No. / Email ID: Alternative Contact No. / Email ID: Employee ID No.
If employed through an agency, kindly indicate the name and contact information of the agency:
Status of Employment
Can we contact your current employer? (Kindly indicate N/A if not applicable)
Reason for Leaving: Salary / Financial Probity (if applicable to verify the credit check)
Job Responsibilities:
Name of Company Contact No. Alternative Contact No. / Email Employee ID No.
If employed through an agency, kindly indicate the name and contact information of the agency:
Status of Employment
From To
Can we contact your current employer? (Kindly indicate N/A if not applicable)
Reason for Leaving: Salary / Financial Probity (if applicable to verify the credit check)
Job Responsibilities:
Name of Company Contact No. Alternative Contact No. / Email ID: Employee ID No.
If employed through an agency, kindly indicate the name and contact information of the agency:
Status of Employment
From To
Can we contact your current employer? (Kindly indicate N/A if not applicable)
Reason for Leaving: Salary / Financial Probity (if applicable to verify the credit check)
Job Responsibilities:
I declare that the information I have provided in the Job Application Form, and in any submitted and/or attached documents, is
true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I have answered the questions fully and accurately.
I understand that my pre-employment background screening will include any or all of the following checks:
I authorize Vanguard Screening Solutions Inc., as the data processor, an independent agent acting on behalf of my prospective
employer, as the data controller, to verify information presented in my Job Application Form, in any submitted and/or attached
documents, which may include personal and sensitive information for the purposes of compliance with the Philippine Data
Protection Act of 2012 (DPA) and/or the data protection legislation relevant to another country, as applicable. I understand and
agree that, where my personal history required background verifications to be carried out in countries where I have worked
and/or resided, in respect of my employment or education or residence, my data may be sent and processed in those relevant
countries and be governed by applicable data protection legislation which is relevant to the country specified.
I also authorize Vanguard Screening Solutions Inc. to (a) verify my academic/professional qualifications (and for educational
establishments to release information) as well as my employment, including my current employer; (b) contact the appropriate
in-country government departments or agencies to confirm periods of unemployment, if applicable, and to access my personal
online SSS account to check my records upon instruction of my employer; (c) contact the Identity and Passport Service, if
required; (d) perform an international criminal records check (as appropriate); and (e) receive and copy the results of the
checks at their office addresses and communicate the results to my prospective employer. I understand that the results of my
screening will be communicated by Vanguard Screening Solutions Inc. to my prospective employer who in turn may keep a
copy on my personnel file. I understand and accept that Vanguard Screening Solutions Inc. may contact me and my referees
by telephone, email or mail for the purposes set out above. I confirm that my consent is explicit, fully informed and freely given
for the purposes of the background verifications stated above.
Signature :
Full Name :
Date :
Have you ever applied in HCL before? Y | N Have you ever applied to any HCL affiliates before? Y | N
Event Name
[] Job Fair/ Events
Vendor Name
[] Vendor/ Headhunter
[] Walk in (Word of Mouth/ Ad)
[] others:
[]Y [ ] N []Y [ ] N
Night Shift Can Start Immediately
[]Y [ ] N []Y [ ] N
Weekends/ Rotating Shift Needs 15 Days Notice
[]Y [ ] N []Y [ ] N
Overtime Needs 30 Days Notice
1. Have you ever been arrested or convicted of any criminal offense? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please provide details
2. Have you ever been declared bankrupt or had a petition of bankruptcy? ☐ Yes ☐ No
3. Have you ever been involved in any civil judgments, as a Plaintiff or Defendant? ☐Yes ☐ No
If yes, please provide details
7. Are you currently engaged in any other business either as a proprietor, partner, director, trustee, and employee or
otherwise? ☐ Yes ☐ No
I recognize that in connection with my job application, I may be subjected to a background check and hereby authorize
the same.
Letter of Authorization
I hereby authorize HCL Technologies Philippines, Inc., and its background screening partner/vendor and its associates
to verify information provided in my form for background screening purposes. I authorize all persons who may have
information relevant to this enquiry to disclose it to background screening partner and its associates, and release all
persons concerned from liability on account of such disclosure. I hereby voluntarily affix my signature and represent this
document to be an original.
I further authorize the procurement of a consumer credit report or other like documents and understand the report may
contain information on my background, mode of living, character, and personal reputation. I further consent to the review
and release of any information from my military records deemed necessary.
I further acknowledge, consent and agree that photocopies of this Letter of Authorization may bemade and used as if they
were original copies.
Signature :
Full Name :
Date of Birth : (MM/DD/YYYY)
Identification No. : (Government issued ID)
Date :