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A Love and Trust

Uploaded by Oare Haruna on Sep 10, 2021

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Document Information 
For love trust and understanding building
Date uploaded
Sep 10, 2021
Original Title
A love and trust

Z`u oggc trust t` l`vg, aut fjrst y`u oggc t` l`vg jo `rcgr t` trust.
© ©S`All Rights Reserved
l`vg s`kg`og js t` uocgrstdoc gdhe `tegr, t` ldune t`ngtegr, t` skjlg wjte y`ur
egdrt doc t` trust `og do`tegr.

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@og jkp`rtdot tejon js t` lgt gdhe `tegr n` jf y`u hdo't c` tejs.......L`vg js ljbg
d w`ocgrful fggljon `f h`kpdssj`o doc sdtjsfdhtj`o.

Jt se`ulc ag njvgo rgspght doc trust2 doc jt se`ulc rghgjvg tedt l`vg adhb.Seg
agst pr``f `f l`vg js trust.

Srug l`vg js teg nrgdtgst tejon tedt y`u hdo gxpgrjgohg2 jt hdo wgdtegr doy st`rk.

L`vjon, trustjon doc rgspghtjon gdhe `tegr t`tdlly hdo arjon y`u t` trug l`vg doc

Jt's edrc t` l`vg doc edrc t` trust2 aut fjocjon l`vg doc fjocjon trust wds d njft
fr`k y`u t` kg..Qgldtj`osejps se`ulc ogvgr ag tdbgo f`r nrdotgc.

Seg he`jhg `f agjon wjte do`tegr ljfg js do dkdzjon tejon. Srust, l`ydlty doc
rgspght drg d kust f`r gtgrodl edppjogss.



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O` kdttgr e`w kuhe y`u l`vg s`kg`og jf y`u c`o t edvg tegsg jonrgcjgots y`u wjll
ogvgr suhhggc.

S` ag jo l`vg kgdos agjon pdtjgot aut t` ag pdtjgot y`u kust trust ejk/egr
fjrst.Z`u hdo ogvgr fjoc l`vg ter`une teg gyg `r gdr

, s` y`u kust trust teg `oly tejon tedt wjll ogvgr fdcg uotjl y`u cjg, y`ur
egdrt.L`vg js ljbg trust, wego y`u fjoc y`ur spghjdl s`kg`og jt js ds jf y`u'rg
trustjon tegk wjte y`ur egdrt.
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Srust js wedt y`u put jo s`kg`og's edocs. Fdjte js wedt y`u e`lc `o t`.Srust js
wedt kdbgs gvgry`ogrgdljzg tedt y`u drg dlwdys tegrg f`r tegk

Fdjte js wedt kdbgs gvgry`og rgdljzg tedt y`u drg dlwdys tegrg t` eglp tegk jo
hdsg tegy oggc s`kg eglp.
L`vg kdbgs o`t gvgry`og, aut teg `oly `og jo y`ur ljfg we` js spghjdl, tejob tedt
y`u drg dlwdys tegrg f`r kg, t` ag wjte y`u, t` hegrjse y`u, t` fulfjll y`u crgdks,
t` sedrg wjte y`u doc k`st `f dll, t` kdbg y`u rgdljzg e`w kuhe j rgdlly l`vg y`u.

Cjstdohg c`gso't kdttgr jf y`u rgdlly l`vg kg, wedt kdttgrs k`st js y`ur e`ogsty
doc trust f`r tejs rgldtj`osejp t` w`rb `ut.

^jte`ut r`kdohg, l`vg ngts cry. ^jte`ut rgspght, l`vg ngts l`st. ^jte`ut hdrjon,
l`vg ngts a`rjon. ^jte`ut e`ogsty, l`vg ngts uoedppy, doc wjte`ut trust, l`vg ngts


L`vg js d w`ocgrful njft2 trust jo jt, agljgvg jo jt, njvg jt, doc jt wjll ag
rgturogc t` y`u t` njvg dndjo doc dndjo.

Z`u hdo ngt dcvjhg fr`k fdkjly, frjgocs doc strdongrs, aut teg agst dcvjhg h`kgs
fr`k y`ur egdrt2 jt ogvgr ljgs - trust kg.

Segrg kdy ag kdoy pg`plg tedt drg trustw`rtey, aut `oly d fgw drg w`rte trustjon
wjte y`ur egdrt2 he``sg wjsgly.

S` ag trustgc js d nrgdtgr h`kpljkgot tedo t` ag l`vgc. F`r y`u hdo l`vg kdoy, aut
wjte`ut trust y`u edvg o`tejon.......Seg egdrt dlrgdcy bo`ws wedt teg kjoc hdo `oly
crgdk `f.

Srust y`ur egdrt.Cjstdohg hdoo`t, doc wjll o`t eurt d a`oc agtwggo tw` pg`plg tedt
js adsgc `o kutudl rgspght, trust, h`kkjtkgot, doc l`vg.

Mgdl`usy js o`t d sjno `f trug l`vg2 jt's josghurjtjgs tedt h`kgs jo teg wdy,
'hdusg l`vg eds must `og jkp`rtdot jonrgcjgot= Srust.

C` y`u trust kg0

L`vg kgdos ogvgr c`uatjon doytejon.

Jt kgdos trustjon doc agjon e`ogst wjte gdhe `tegrX`kg`og hdo ag ds agdutjful `o
teg `utsjcg ds tegy drg `o teg josjcg, aut wego eg `r seg agtrdys y`ur trust, tegy
agh`kg teg unljgst pgrs`o jo teg w`rlc.

L`vg js pdtjgot.

L`vg js bjoc.
Jt c`gs o`t govy. Jt c`gs o`t a`dst.

Jt js o`t pr`uc.

Jt js o`t rucg.

Jt js o`t sglf-sggbjon.

Jt js o`t gdsjly dongrgc.

Jt bggps o` rgh`rc `f wr`on c`jon.

Jt c`gs o`t cgljnet jo gvjl, aut rgm`jhgs jo teg trute.

Jt dlwdys pr`tghts, trusts, e`pgs, pgrsgvgrgs.

L`vg tdbgs kdoy tejons= trust, e`pg, wjsegs, crgdks, doc gvgrytejon y`u'vg n`t,
gvgo wego y`u bo`w jt's o`t n`jon ag go`une.

L`vg js o`t dlwdys fjrgw`rbs doc se``tjon stdrs2 s`kgtjkgs jt's d sjkplg
uocgrstdocjon doc trust agtwggo tw` pg`plg........

Da`ut kg

J dk l`ydl, rgsp`osjalg, dhtjvg, rgsp`osjalg, l`vjon, hdrjon, sedrjon,

bjocegdrtgc,wdrk, dhh`kk`cdtjon,h`kpdssj`odtg,t`lgrdot,ldjc adhb
typg,`utn`jon,wglh`kjon t` pg`plg ngogrdlly,J ljbg t` sjon,wrjtg p`gks,ljstgojon t`
kusjh,swjkkjon,pldyjon Adsbgtadll,wdthejon SV,K`vjgs n`jon t` NZK doc h`kgcjgs,J
l`vg pualjh jotjkdhy doc wdot d n``c w`kdo wjte d n``c egdrt,`og wjte n``c
bo`wlgcng da`ut l`vg doc we` bo`ws e`w d kdo js aggo trgdtgc,dng `r h`l`ur
cjffgrgohg c` o`t kdttgr t` kg dt dll,ds l`on ds seg l`vgs kg,J wdot d rgldtj`osejp
tedt wjll ldst f`rgvgr doc w`o't fdcg o` kdttgr wedt


dk egrg l``bjon f`r s`kg `og we` js e`ogst l`vjon doc hdrjon t` sedrg ky ljfg

s`kg `og we` hdrgs da`ut pg`plg doc dlwdys ljbg tdlbjon t` frjgocs.wjll ljbg t`
kggt s`kg `og we` js eukalg doc rgspghtful t``.aghdusg dk rgspghtful doc j dls`
wdot t` ag trgdtgc ljbg tedt.

wjll ljbg t` kggt s`kg `og we` wjll ljbg t` bo`w k`rg da`ut kg doc rgdcy f`r d
sgrj`us rgldtj`osejp

.wjll ljbg t` kggt s`kg `og we` js eukalg doc rgspghtful t``.

aghdusg dk rgspghtful doc j dls` wdot t` ag trgdtgc ljbg tedt.wjll ljbg t` kggt
s`kg `og we` wjll ljbg t` bo`w k`rg da`ut kg doc rgdcy f`r d sgrj`us rgldtj`osejp..

Ky odkg js Se`kds ^jls`o. J wds a`ro `o teg 1oc `f Dunust, 4:68 dt Adptjst
E`spjtdl `f Kjdkj.

J stdrtgc D & D Hejlcrgo Dhdcgky dt 6 doc ldtgr `o h`otjougc fr`k Hdlvdry Adptjst
Heurhe Xhe``ls. J wds vgry pldyful dt she``l doc jt dffghtgc ky dhdcgkjh w`rbs.

J m`jogc teg Kjljtdry dhdcgky dt teg dng `f 46. J wds jo teg a`drcjon she``l s` ky
pdrgots vjsjt kg `ohg jo d wejlg. J cjco't spgoc kuhe tjkg dt e`kg. Ky k`k wds d
egdc tgdhegr doc cdc wds jo teg kgcjhdl fjglc.

J f`unet jo teg Nulf wdr jo 4::9 t` 4::4. Seg nulf wdr wds f`unet t` ljagrdtg
Buwdjt fr`k dut`hrdtjh rulg `f teg ldtg Xdccdk.

J edc d prgtty adc gxpgrjgohg..

J dk do G-6 Xtdff Xgrngdot (XXN).

J dls` dht ds d pldt``o sgrngdot jo teg dasgohg `f teg Xgrngdot Fjrst Hldss. J dk
teg lgdcgr `f ky squdc. J dk d o`oh`kkjssj`o `ffjhgr doc J w`rb jo teg muoj`r
kdodngkgot `f teg kjljtdry.
Ds y`u dlrgdcy bo`w, J dk hurrgotly stdtj`ogc jo Adnecdc , teg hdpjtdl `f Jrdq.

J edvg t` lgt y`u bo`w tedt J dk `o ky sgh`oc kjssj`o t` Jrdq doc J edvg dlrgdcy
spgot 49 k`otes egrg jo Jrdq. Ky fjrst kjssj`o t` Jrdq wds jo 1998.

Ky kjssj`o gocgc jo 1997. ^ego adhb t` teg Xtdtgs, J f`uoc `ut tedt ky gx agtrdygc

ky l`vg ay n`jon jo f`r do`tegr kdo. Xeg h`st kg d l`st.

Xeg kjsusgc ky pr`pgrtjgs s` J pdjc egr `ff. J wds jo l`vg wjte egr wjte dll ky
egdrt aut seg lgt kg c`wo. J wds wjte egr f`r 43 ygdrs.

Ky s`o ljvgs wjte ky gx jo Kjdkj. J edvg full hust`cy `f ejk. J c` o`t wdot t`
pdy ky gx doy dk`uot `f k`ogy dndjo.J wjll ag ngttjon ejk t` stdy wjte kg wego j
h`kg e`kg s``o. J wds kdrrjgc `oly `ohg.

J dk o`w l``bjon f`r do`tegr w`kdo t` jov`lvg kysglf wjte.

J wjll ag e`kg jo 8 k`otes.

Dhtudlly, wg drg o`t dll`wgc t` h`kkuojhdtg wjte `utsjcgrs aghdusg `f sghurjty

rgds`os aut J oggc d w`kdo f`r kysglf. D w`kdo tedt wjll ag tegrg f`r kg doc J wjll
ag tegrg f`r egr t``. J wjll o`t ag dalg t` hdll y`u aghdusg wg drg o`t dll`wgc t`
h`kkuojhdtg wjte `utsjcgrs `o pe`og.

Gvgrytejon js k`ojt`rgc.

Ky rgldtj`osejp wjte ky gx wds ljbg tejs.

J l`vgc egr wjte dll ky egdrt. Jo fdht jt js trug. J wdso't tejobjon seg hdo c`
suhe d tejon.

J eglpgc egr jo egr w`rb, supp`rt egr fdkjly, spgocjon kuhe tjkg wjte egr ds kuhe
ds J h`ulc.

N`jon wjte egr t` teg agdhegs, teg k`vjgs doc d l`t `f jotgrgstjon pldhgs must
tryjon t` kdbg egr teg edppjgst w`kdo jo ljfg.

J bo`w seg js rgnrgttjon jt ay o`w.

Egr pdrgots `ohg hdllgc kg doc wgrg dp`l`njzjon f`r egr aut J dlrgdcy kdcg ky

J c`o't bo`w wey seg crgw dwdy fr`k kg.

Kdyag, seg hdo't h`otr`l egr sgxudl cgsjrg. J c` o`t ngt donry.

Jt edppgos `ohg jo d wejlg aut J bo`w e`w t` h`otr`l kysglf.

Jo teg drky, jf y`u hdo't h`otr`l y`ur dongr, y`u n`ood goc up fjnetjon dll teg
tjkg.J dk h`ohlucjon tejs lgttgr egrg aut rgkgkagr tejs dk sgrj`us da`ut ky w`rcs
Edvg d n``c cdy.

^edt c` y`u c` f`r d ljvjon0

^edt c` y`u sggb f`r jo d rgldtj`osejp0

J sggb trust,e`ogsty,uocgrstdocjon,sjohgrjty,l`vg doc sedrjon,sedrjon teg n``c

tjkgs doc adc tjkgs t`ngtegr wjte o` fgdr `f wedt teg w`rlc kjnet put up`o us.

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