Future Tenses of The English Verb
Future Tenses of The English Verb
Future Tenses of The English Verb
I will not drink milk.
-I will not drink milk, will I?
- No, you wont - Yes, you will.
1. We won't play chess in the evening. 2. The sun won't appear from behind the
clouds soon. 3. Your brother's health won't improve so quickly. 4. Henry won't
wear glasses at his first date. 5. Bob will not listen to music on his personal
stereo. 6. I won't give anything to my brother for his birthday. 7. They won't
publish this book in July. 8. He will never drive dangerously on this road.
9. This man won't recognize me as he's seen me only once. 10. 1 will have
no time to go the picture gallery.
His family will leave Washington in summer.
-Who will leave Washington in summer?
- Whose family will leave Washington in summer?
see their friends in the evening. 14. Very few students will keep to a diet
next week. 15. The second boy-friend will call on Sally in Manchester.
Exercise 9. Ask special questions to the other members of each sentence
I will enjoy my favorite film tonight.
What will you do tonight?
-Whose favorite film will you enjoy tonight?
- What film will you enjoy tonight?
-What will you enjoy tonight?
- When will you enjoy your favorite film?
1. Rick will visit his relatives and friends in Spain this summer. 2. She will try
to lose 20 pounds next month because she is overweight. 3. My little brother
will play the piano for his grandparents tonight if they come to our place.
4. Helen's grandmother will bring her the pie which she has just baked.
5. Tom's friend will tell his girl-friend about it at the farewell party.
6. Henry will go to the forest to look at Australian pine-trees. 7. My friend
will help me to draw the portrait of my family. 8. This morning Kate and her
sisters will sweep and wash the floor in the house because it's general cleaning
today. 9. After lunch she will take the dirty plates from the table to put them
into the sink. 10. Susan will buy a new evening dress for her mother's birthday
party. 11. I will buy some milk for milk shakes at the local supermarket. 12. He
won't have any trouble with the old brakes anymore. 13. They will give you a
pay rise for your difficult work next month. 14. Sophie will knit a warm
blue sweater for her youngest granddaughter. 15. These rural people will
plant other vegetables in their fields next spring.
Чим ти тепер почистиш цей дорогий килим? - Я куплю новий
пральний порошок (detergent). 13. Наш багаж не оглядатимуть
митники (customs officers), так? - Ні, будуть. 14. Хто з вас
добереться до табору першим? 15. Чому ти не позичиш мені свою
машину на вихідні? - Тому що вона буде потрібна мені самому. 16.
Куди ви полетите в четвер уранці? 17. Ви покажете нам свої
фотографії завтра, так? - Ні, не покажу, вони ще не готові. 18. Коли
прибудуть перші гості? 19. Ви проведете презентацію на завтрашній
зустрічі, чи не так? - Так, проведемо. 20. У якому готелі ми
зупинимося Римі цього разу? - Ми зупинимося в готелі "Хілтон". 21.
Яку вправу ви зробите ввечері? - Номер п'ять. 22. Навіщо ви
встанете завтра так рано? 23. Скільки студентів вони виберуть для
концерту самодіяльності? 24. У якому випадку батьки заборонять
вам займатися боксом? 25. Чиї сусіди по кімнаті (roommates)
скажуть викладачам неправду про нашу поведінку в гуртожитку?
Exercise 11. A) Comment on the use of the Future Indefinite and the
Present Indefinite
B) See The Answers on page 50
Exercise 16. Make the sentence passive and ask general questions
She will not allow her little brother to touch anything on her dressing
- Her little brother will not be allowed to touch anything on her
dressing table.
- Will her little brother be allowed to touch anything on her
dressing table?
1. We will not return him all the money. 2. The librarian will recommend me
several interesting articles on this problem. 3. At the laboratory the lecturer
will show the students different methods of electricity production. 4. We will
explain to a passer-by the way to Trafalgar Square. 5. People won't laugh at
you if you speak like this. 6. Nobody will seek this little boy if he gets lost.
7. Captain Morris will lose sight of this boat in the fog. 8. They will not
refer to this incident in the further discussion. 9. People will always use
water for cooking food. 10. In the following sentences we will form the
Passive Voice with the help of the auxiliary verb "to be". 11. Before going
to bed the butler will lock the front door of the house. 12. The parents will
not punish the boy for being disobedient at his friend's birthday party . 13. I
won't inform him of the news before they announce it. 14. Next year they
will construct a new metro line. 15. They will not broadcast the interview
with President Cashton in the evening.
Exercise 17. Make the sentences passive and ask all possible alternative
The branches of the tree will hide her face from the sun.
- Her face will be hidden from the sun by the branches of the tree.
- Will her or his face be hidden from the 'sun by the branches of the
-Will her face or shoulders be hidden from the sun by the branches
of the tree?
-Will her face be hidden or protected from the sun by the
branches of the tree? - Will her face be hidden from the sun or
the moon by the branches of the tree? - Will her face be
hidden from the sun by the branches or leaves of the tree? -
Will her face be hidden from the sun by the branches of the
tree or the bushes?
1. Your presents will please them immensely. 2. They will inform me of
their coming to Oxford by phone. 3. He will waste your time with foolish
questions from time to time. 4. Trade unions will hold some kind of public
demonstration at the central square tonight. 5. The airport services will not
announce the flight for another half-hour. 6. When Tanya finishes dictating
the message, the girl clerk will type it. 7. He will listen intently to
everything that she will say tomorrow. 8. The relatives of her late husband
will divide this old house into flats in order to sell it. 9. Three girls will
share each apartment on the fifth floor of this magnificent building. 10. Miss
Denson will occupy a chair in the room's center. 11. They will not shut the
doors of Flight Two as a few remaining passengers will still check in. 12.
Some servants will hold lanterns to show you the way to the front door. 13.
The company manager will enlist him for the afternoon flight as they don't
have enough stewards. 14. The police will send the photos of these
suspected people to all newspapers expecting eyewitnesses to call
them. 15. The committee will award the Nobel Prize for literature to
this Ruritanian novelist in December.
Exercise 18. Translate these sentences into English
1. Хворого оперуватимуть тільки за його згодою (by one's consent)
чи за згодою його родичів? 2. Вам ставитимуть додаткові запитання
на іспиті? 3. Дівчинку покарають чи похвалять за те, що вона
зробила? 4. Дитину розбудять, коли їй потрібно буде вставати, щоб
іти на заняття? 5. Цей будинок знесуть, щоб побудувати нову
дорогу або щоб розширити центральний міський парк? 6. Чи буде
йому надано можливість користуватися лабораторією? 7. У
дитячому садку за дітьми доглядатимуть по п'ять чи шість годин
щодня? 8. На сторінках цього журналу обговорюватимуть політичні
питання? 9. Газети чи журнали будуть доставлені в офіс кур'єром
(messenger)? 10. Іспит з історії Англії проводитимуть завтра чи
післязавтра? 11. Катю вмовлять (talk into) провести нас до готелю?
12. Рано вранці долина (valley) буде вкрита густим туманом (thick
fog)? 13. Завтра нам покажуть церкви чи театри цього міста? 14.
Твій день народження святкуватиметься вдома чи в ресторані? 15.
Чи будуть розвішені картини для презентації? 16. Концерт буде
скасовано (cancel), тому що артисти не приїдуть чи тому що не
продадуть половину квитків? 17. цю стару шафу коли-небудь
викинуть? 18. цього талановитого актора знову зустрічатимуть
бурею оплесків (storm of applause)? 19. Цього року в нашому місті
проводитимуться змагання з фігурного катання чи хокею? 20. У
такому одязі його прийматимуть (take for) за німця чи француза?
Exercise 20. Make the sentences passive and ask special questions to
all the members of each sentence
The present owner will sell this expensive painting next month.
—This expensive painting will be sold by the present
owner next month. — Which expensive painting will be
sold by the present owner next month?
—What painting will be sold by the present owner next month?
— What will be sold by the present owner next month?
— What will be done with this expensive painting by the present owner
next month?
—By what owner will this expensive painting be sold next month?
— By whom will this expensive painting be sold next month?
— When will this expensive painting be sold by the present owner?
1. Some teachers will never treat him fairly at school. 2. Tomorrow
the authorities will pay the workers of the company for the last two
months. 3. One of the chiefs will receive me to discuss the plan I've
offered. 4. In the evening the maid will take me down to my bed for the
night. 5. They will offer her the scholarship for the excellent results at the
exams. 6. When you come to the airport, they will tell you to pass
through the Customs. 7. The dockers will unload the cargo-ships, when
they arrive. 8. They will give a number of parties after their engagement.
9. Some time later, you will recollect these days with a smile. 10. The
secretary will send the same message to all the subsidiary companies to
inform them of the changes. 11. On Wednesday they will sentence Baxter
to five years in New Daliconia for armed robbery. 12. We will make a
charming room out of this shabby old place in a fortnight. 13. The
bodyguards will tell him about the numerous dangers of speaking to
yellow-press reporters. 14. Journalists will never discover any reliable
information about these children's parents. 15. The firefighters will
bring the flames under control in half an hour to keep the fire from
spreading to the neighboring buildings.
залишимо її повною сміття. 18. Який сюрприз буде приготовлено до
балу? 19. Ви впевнені, що доберетеся до цього озера всього за 30
хвилин? - Б'юся об заклад (I bet), це станеться швидше. 20. О шостій
годині магазини ще не будуть зачинені, так? - Ні, будуть.
B) 1. Нашими спортсменами буде виграно багато змагань на цій
Олімпіаді. 2. Якщо ти її будеш дражнити (tease), вона почне ридати,
і ніхто її потім не заспокоїть. 3. Дружба наших компаній
процвітатиме (flourish), і ми співпрацюватимемо довгі роки. 4. Вона
не порве всі його листи і фотографії, якщо він її кине. 5. На весіллі
вони присягнуться (swear) один одному у вічному (eternal) коханні.
6. У понеділок робітники цього заводу страйкуватимуть (strike) на
головній площі міста, чи не так? - Ні, страйк відбуватиметься у
вівторок. 7. Голови Партії Зелених будуть запрошені на мітинг? 8.
Вся їхня літня відпустка буде проведена на узбережжі Середземного
моря, так? - Ні, цього разу свою відпустку вони проведуть на
Тихоокеанському узбережжі. 9. Дерева будуть посаджені восени, а
навесні чекатимуть появи на них перших зелених листків. 10. у
якому випадку потоне корабель? - Він потоне, якщо його
перефузять (overload). 1 і. Що буде заборонено дітям, коли батьки
підуть у театр? 12. До якої філії (branch) її фірми буде надіслано
листа? - Я думаю, їй просто зателефонують. 13. До якого рішення ви
прийдете, якщо не вмієте обговорювати такі прості питання? 14. що
продаватимуть на аукціоні (auction) у неділю? - Про це повідомлять
пізніше. 15. Чиї квіти триматимуть на вітрині (shop window)? - Буде
проведено змагання, і квіти переможців виставлять (display) на
вітрину. 16. Ви зателефонуєте господарям булочної чи аптеки? -
Пожежникам. Вогонь скоро підніметься до третього поверху і
пошириться на сусідні будинки. 17. Вона буде підмітати в кухні чи
їдальні? - Однаково. Сподіваюся, вона не перестарається (overdo) і
нічого не розіб'є. 18. Ви спалите всі його листи? - І зіпсую всі його
фотографії. Присягаюся, мені більше не будуть брехати! 19. Це моє
ліжко. У ньому спати не будуть, поки мене немає. Я забороняю. 20.
І де носитимуть такі футболки? Можливо, у Руританії?
1. They will be making that awful noise the whole night again. 2. John
will be visiting Ukraine next month. 3. Tomorrow we will be spending all
the money we have won in expensive luxurious shops. 4. They have just
announced on the radio that it will be raining all day long. 5. My mother
will be waiting for me at the metro station at a quarter past four. 6. On
Monday morning you will be complaining again that you have much
work to do. 7. At this time tomorrow a friend of mine will be buying a
new car. 8. We will be taking off from the airport in Cairo at 4 o'clock.
9. They will be landing at the airport at Cannes at 9 o'clock. 10. Next week
I'll be taking a trip to Morocco. 11. At the presentation the managing
director will be showing the diagrams of the company's growth. In the
evening the children will be asking their father about his trip abroad.
13. In two minutes we will be flying low over the hills of France. 14. The
plane will be taking off in twenty seconds. 15. I shall be closing the shop
at 8 o'clock.
погрожувати (threaten) йому? 6. Увесь вечір він буде згадувати про
свою нову чи колишню дружину? - Ні, цього вечора він шукатиме
собі нову подругу. 7. Після цього випадку всі гості дзвонитимуть і
відмовлятимуться прийняти запрошення на вечерю? 8. Він гулятиме
в саду один чи зі своєю сестрою? - Він буде один. 9. На своєму
шляху Джонсони проходитимуть повз кінотеатр? 10. Вона
намагатиметься отримати в них секретну інформацію? - Так, а потім
вони звільнять (fire) її. 11. Він буде розмірковувати про свою
помилку весь день завтра? 12. Вона знову обіцятиме мені, що нічого
нікому не розповість, цілу годину чи менше? - Вона тобі буде це
доводити довго. 13. Ми будемо йти лісом чи полем? 14. Ми будемо
йти лісом дві години чи годину? - Не знаю. 15. Емілія сидітиме за
столом і обідатиме, коли Джек увійде до кімнати? - Так, вона
зустріне його в їдальні та запропонує сісти за стіл. 16. Листя
падатиме на дах усю ніч через сильний вітер чи дощ? 17. вона
вимагатиме (demand), щоб він узяв її з собою? 18. Її чоловік чи брат
мовчки сидітиме в кріслі, поки вона читатиме довгий лист від своєї
тітки? - Чоловік лежатиме на дивані й дивитиметься телевізор. 19.
червона чи чорна машина проїжджатиме повз офіс в обідню
перерву? 20. Г'ю ховатиметься від своєї мами чи старшої сестри у
вітальні, коли приїдуть перші гості?
I. Angela won't be lying in the water in her bathroom for a long time. 2. As
the telephone is switched off, it won't be ringing all the morning. 3.
not be telling Sabina about my wedding tonight. 4. You won't be working
at hospital tomorrow evening. 5. She won't be sitting next to me and
talking about her happy life. 6. All this won't be happening tonight. 7.
In the morning Mrs. Sunbury won't be arranging tea. 8. She won't be
pouring out coffee for her father. 9. We will not be cutting the cake as
it's already been cut. 10. She won't be raising her eyebrows while you're
telling the horror story as such things are usual for her.
Exercise 8. Ask special questions to the subject and its attributes
His mother will be thinking of him at night.
— Who will be thinking of him at night?
— Whose mother will be thinking of him at night?
1. Her son will be running to her joyfully and smiling at her. 2. The two
men will be walking in silence towards Mr. Rogers' house. 3. All the relatives
will be wasting their time looking for him there at such an hour. 4. At night the
younger boys will be lying on the grass and watching the stars. 5. The
ferocious dog will be standing in front of the house and allowing nobody to
pass. 6. The polite manservant will be leading Sylvia around her future
house. 7. The happy lady will be looking at such beauty and exclaiming in
delight. 8. My father will be playing the piano graciously. 9. When he
comes home, his wife will be turning on the light everywhere checking if
everything is fine. 10. The private detectives will be sitting on a couch and
discussing their plans. 11. Poor Susan will be smiling innocently and
nodding unable to say a word. 12. After lunch their grandfather will be
resting in his bedroom. 13. After the argument the retired general will be
standing there, looking at his naive wife. 14. Soon after his arrival dozens
of cars will be bringing new guests. 15. After the concert multicolored
balloons will be rising above the city.
Exercise 9. Ask special questions to the ether members of each sentence
She will be smiling at me from her place all the evening.
-What will she be doing all the evening?
- Who will she be smiling at from her place all the
- From whose place will she be smiling at me all
the evening?
- From where will she be smiling at me all the
-When will she be smiling at me from her place?
1. I'll be sitting alone in the back row and watching you. 2. She will be
changing her mind the whole evening because of her strange mood. 3. It
will be raining hard on the day when I come to St Petersburg. 4. Chris and his
friends will be playing checkers in the yard after lunch. 5. be reading for
my history examination tonight. 6. They will be rehearsing the second
act on the stage tomorrow. 7. We will be finishing dinner when you call.
8. She will be cooking breakfast for her children while they are sleeping. 9.
She will be hurrying to the cinema when you meet her. It is always like this.
10. be watching a new film on TV at 5 o'clock. 11. Simon will be working
hard for his exams next week so as not to fail. 12. They will be trying to
solve this problem together if Judy manages to come round. 13. In a couple
of minutes my friend will be drinking tea with honey as he's got a sore
throat. 14. In the morning the sun will be shining brightly unless heavy
clouds cover the sky. 15. We will be cleaning our flat on Saturday because
my mother-in-law is supposed to arrive.
1.It will start raining soon and people will be hurrying along the
2.She will be shopping in the morning.
3.Here is our plane. They will be announcing our flight soon.
4.Will you be skating on Sunday? If not, I'd like to use your skates.
5.We will be traveling around Europe next month.
6.Will you be taking our photographs one of these days? I want to show
them to my colleagues.
7.He has practiced a lot, he will be taking his driving test soon.
8.Will you be using your pencils?
9. Talk to your sister when she is not working.
10.Tomorrow my mother will be making a dress for my graduation
11.Will you be reading these newspapers?
12.The teacher will be examining the students at 2 o'clock.
13.John won't come to our place at 12 to have a game of chess in case you
are repairing the car.
14.My sister is a fifth-year student, she will be graduating from the
15.Will you be staying in the country all the summer?
16.I will be seeing Mary today, I'll tell her everything.
17.He will be translating the whole text tonight.
1. We will have got the money by Saturday. 2. He will have left the army by
the time the war breaks out. 3. He will have shot a lot of enemies by the time
the fighting is over. 4. He will have learned the words by the beginning of
the lesson. 5. The performance will have begun before all the spectators
arrive. 6.1 will have had coffee with a friend of mine by noon. 7. They will
have broadcast this news several times by twelve o'clock. 8. Mr. Porrester
will have heard you by the time you go out. 9. The boy will have drunk all
the milk by the time his granny brings him a cake. 10. Maggie will have
seen her friends by next week. 11. He will have shaved by the time the
breakfast is ready. 12. His father will have overcome the crisis by the time
we offer him help. 13. The dentist will have filled three teeth by the time 1
must leave. 14. The woman will have had much fun by the time her husband
returns. 15. She will have understood his real intentions before he tells her about
time the police come to his house. 9. Jack will have left the place of the
meeting by half past seven if she doesn't come. 10. He will have
written a farewell note before he goes to the railway station.
Jack will not have telephoned me by six,
—Jack will not have telephoned me by
six, will he? — No, he won't.— Yes, he
1. He will not have caught the animal by the time it gets dark. 2. Mary will
not have left for the country by 9 am on Sunday. 3. The typist will not
have typed the papers by Monday morning. 4. I will not have switched off the
TV set by 12 o'clock tonight. 5. They will not have moved to a new flat by
May. 6. The children will not have swept the floor by the time the parents come
home. 7. The students will not have passed the exams by the summer. 8. The
old woman will not have found her glasses by the time her favorite soap
opera begins. 9. Bob will not have broken his bicycle by the time his brother
takes it away from him. 10. Martha will not have finished her report by
tomorrow morning.
1. She will have sewn a new dress by the party. 2. The sun will have
already risen by the time you wake up. 3. The morning train will have
left the dirty railway station when you come to see them off. 4. They
will have upset his naive plan once and for ever by the time he realizes
their true intentions. 5. He won't have given the final answer to his
creditors by tomorrow. 6. New difficulties will have arisen in your
career by the time you overcome these ones. 7. The writer will have
changed the ending of his detective novel several times by the
beginning of the next year. 8. The newly weds will have cut the huge
cake into small pieces by the time you leave the party. 9. Davidson will
have earned 350 dollars for his rent by the end of the month. 10. The
media will have hit hard at governmental corruption by the next
elections. 11. The doctor will have given me a couple of painful
injections before you come to see me. 12. The guide will have led the
group of foreigners to the ruins of the castle by three o'clock. 13. The
police will have completed the investigation of the burglary in Chicago by
the twenty-second of this month. 14. I will have rung my wife up many
times by the time we come to the city. 15. We will have packed our things
into the suitcases before we order a taxi.
Exercise 10. Translate these sentences into English
1. Студенти закінчать практику в школі до кінця семестру, чи не
так? - Ні, вони закінчать її до початку семестру. 2. Хто розбудить
дитину до того часу, як їй потрібно буде йти до школи? 3. Усі учні
здадуть свої твори до кінця уроку, так? - Так. 4. Де вона буде на той
час, як ми повернемося з дачі? - Вона вже буде вдома о третій
годині. 5. Обід ще не буде готовий до другої години, так? - Ні, буде,
я встигну його приготувати. 6. За який злочин президент компанії
постане перед судом (appear in court) до кінця тижня? 7. Ви
повернетеся з відрядження до початку місяця, чи не так? - Ні, я
повернуся до середини місяця. 8. Він схопить (catch hold оО мене за
руку до того, як я впаду, так? - Ні, він не встигне. 9. Студенти якого
курсу здадуть курсові роботи до кінця травня? 10. Вони сильно
перебільшать чутки (exaggerate rumors) до того часу, як з'ясується
правда, чи не так? - Так, так завжди відбувається. 11. Хто виконає
це завдання до того, як почнуться іспити? - Ніхто не встигне це
зробити. 12. Він прибіжить додому до початку його улюбленого
мультфільму (animated cartoon), правда? - Так, він швидко бігає. 13.
Скільки років вона вже пропрацює в університеті до першого
вересня? 14. Він не зробить яєчню до того, як прокинеться дружина,
чи не так? - Ні. 15. До початку презентації вона не обговорить усі
деталі зі своїм шефом, так? - Так, не обговорить. 16. Хто скопає
землю в саду на той час, як потрібно буде висаджувати квіти? 17. О
котрій годині ти зробиш переклад цього тексту? - Я зроблю його до
завтрашнього ранку. 18. Якщо він не почне приймати таблетки, до
ранку йому стане боляче (painful) дихати, так? - Ні, все не так
серйозно, як здається. 19. З якими ще боксерами битиметься Тайсон
перед тим, як завершить спортивну кар'єру? 20. Вони не обшукають
усі зарості (search bush wood) до вечора, так? - Ні, обшукають. 21.
Кого вони оберуть президентом клубу до кінця зборів? 22. Скільки
ще мишей зловить ваша кішка, перш ніж ви купите мишоловку
(mousetrap)? 23. Хто з боксерів завдасть більше ударів до кінця
раунду? - Очевидно, той, чий ніс зараз болить більше. 24. Що
зробить місяць до 20 серпня? - Стане повним. 25. Ваш син - хуліган
(hooligan) і брехунець. Кого ще зі своїх однолітків він поб'є до кінця
навчального року?
Exercise 11. A) Comment on the use of the Future Perfect and the Present
Perfect B) See The Answers on page 51
1.Will you praise her in case she has cooked dinner (by your return)?
2.He will have bent her to submission by the time she realizes and
3.By what time will you have repaired the sewing machine?
4.Will he have done the translation before his friend invites him to
5.She will stay in bed until she has completely recovered.
6.They will write to you when they have arrived in New York.
7.Jane will buy a new dress as soon as she has received her salary.
8.They will have set the monarch on the throne by the end of the week.
9.The child will draw a picture after the mother has bought him pencils.
10.You will have known Pete for ages when you decide to break up with
11. She will lay the table before you have got hungry.
12.The boy will go to the circus tonight if he has done his homework by
13.I will have written the letter to Mike by the evening.
14. They will have lived in New York for five years before you introduce
15. He will have been in your service 15 years next July.
1. They will have stuck all the envelopes by twelve. 2. He will have
represented his project by Tuesday. 3. The specialists will not have
forecast the consequences of the earthquake by tomorrow. 4. We will have
chosen the books for home reading by four. 5. They will have struck him a
decisive blow by the time his mates arrive. 6. The professor will have
finished the exam by eleven thirty. 7. Farmers will have grown rice harvest
by autumn. 8. Mother will not have put her children to bed by ten pm yet. 9.
By midday, the terrorists will have killed a lot of people. 10. By the time you
come to my place, I will not have baked a delicious cake. 11. By twelve
o'clock the children will have opened all the presents. 12. By the end of July
he will have received his diploma. 13. By afternoon she will have thrown a
baseball a hundred times. 14. The maid will not have polished the floor by
the time. the guests arrive. 15. The committee will have thought the matter
over by the end of the meeting. 16. She will have combed her pretty hair
ten times by the end of the party. 17. The soldier will have thrust a dagger
into his enemy's heart before the latter strikes him. 18. He will not have told
you all his jokes by the time you reach the village. 19. Jake will have cut
fresh flowers for his wife by the time she wakes up. 20. His strange behavior
will have awoken her fear by the time he sees her home.
Exercise 16. Make the sentences passive and ask general questions
The farmer will have led the pigs by three pm.
— The pigs will have been fed (by the farmer) by three pm.
--- Will the pigs have been fed (by the farmer) by the three pm?
1. We will have dealt with many customers by the end of the year. 2. The
guests will have eaten everything by the end of the party. 3. The lawyer will
have dug up important facts by the time the trial begins. 4. They will have
bought the tickets by the beginning of the film. 5. Jenny will have done her
homework by the time a friend of hers invites her for a walk. 6. By the arrival
of the guests the chef will have cooked dishes — with onion and without it.
7. The farmers will have bought coal for their cottages by the end of
August. 8. They will have served coffee by two pm. 9. The boy will have
made up an excuse by the end of the lesson. 10. Granny will have told the
children two fairy-tales by the time they go to bed. H. He will have drunk
several cups of tea by the time he starts his journey. 12. These two armies
will have started their last battle by six in the morning. 13. The herdsmen will
have driven the farmers' cattle home by sunset. 14. We will have built the
bridge by the time the prime minister visits the city in June. 15. They will
have dwelt on this question by the end of the discussion.
Exercise 17. Make the sentences passive and ask all possible alternative
He will have beaten his sister at tennis by 3 pm.
— His sister will have been beaten at tennis by 3 pm.
— Will his or her sister have been beaten at tennis by 3 pm?
— Will his sister or his wife have been beaten at tennis by 3 pm?
— Will his sister have been beaten at tennis or taken to the zoo by 3 pm?
— Will his sister have been beaten at tennis or at chess by 3 pm?
— Will his sister have been beaten at tennis by 3 or 4 pm?
1. The boxers will have fought at least six rounds by 8 o'clock. 2. Father
will have punished his children for disobedience by the time Mother
comes home from work. 3. This ambitious youngster will have forgotten
his school friends by the end of the year. 4. We will have washed the
windows in the apartment by spring. 5. She will have forgiven him his
silly jokes even before he apologizes. 6. The master will have made the
battle sword for your client by the time you come to Glasgow. 7. The
local authorities will have frozen the wages of civil servants before the
company pays off the credit. 8. The guide will have shown the tourists
all the ancient buildings by the end of the excursion. 9. My husband's
parents will have given me a new car by my birthday. 10. The students will
have read another chapter by the next lesson. 11. The forester 1 know will
have grown for us dozens of oaks in our yard by the end of this decade. 12.
Bessie wilt have shown us the whole gallery by the time the guide
recovers. 13. His maid will have hung wet clothes outside by noon. 14.
The father will have given his son a bicycle as a birthday present by the
end of the term. 15. The judge will have heard all the witnesses on the
first day by 5 o'clock.
Exercise 19. A) Make the sentences passive and ask disjunctive questions
B) Agree or disagree with the questions
The guests will have drunk all the wine by the end of the party.
All the wine will have been drunk by the guests by the end of the party.
— All the wine will have been drunk by the guests by the end of the
party, won't it? — Yes, it will. — No, it won't.
1. Peter will have rung me up by evening. 2. 1 will have ironed my dress by
the time I go out. 3. He will have said all the necessary words by the time
we leave the cottage. 4. Children will have bought all the ice-cream in this shop
by twelve o'clock. 5. By the end of the day we will have done the famous
sights of this city. 6. The surgeon will have operated on my sister by 3 pm.
7. She will have sought consolation in her solitude by evening. 8. You will
have asked my uncle a number of questions before he finishes his lunch. 9.
The judges will have sent the criminal to prison by the end of the week. 10.
The doctor will have examined the girl when her mother comes to the
They will not have set all the chairs for the audience by the beginning of the
— All the chairs will not have been set for the audience by the beginning of
the play.
— All the chairs will not have been set for the audience by the
beginning of the play, will they?
— No, they won't. Yes, they will.
1. They will not have rewarded him by Independence Day. 2. 1 won't
have shown you all the jewels by tomorrow. 3. They won't have begun
this construction by the time they get permission for this. 4. The butler won't
have shut the doors of the hotel tilt midnight. 5. This woman will not have
bought this company by the next elections. 6. We won't have hung all the
portraits on the walls by the beginning of the ceremony. 7. You won't have
analyzed the results by the time all the information is available. 8. We won't
have spent a minute on this task till you join us. 9. This shop will not have
sold all the furniture by the time it is closed. 10. We won't have spread this
news by the time we are sure it is true.
Exercise 20. Make the sentences passive and ask special questions to all
the members of each sentence
The teacher will have answered your questions by the end of the lesson.
— Your questions will have been answered by the teacher by the end of
the lesson.
— Whose questions will have been answered by the teacher by the end of
the lesson?
— What will have been answered by the teacher by the end of the
— What will have been done by the teacher by the end of the lesson?
— By whom will alt your questions have been answered by the end
of the lesson?
— By what time will all your questions have been answered by the
— By the end of what will all your questions have been answered by
the teacher?
1. He will have stuck his word by the time you do it. 2. They will have
thrown all empty bottles by the time they start to clean their house. 3. The
enemy soldier will have struck a gun from his hand before he has come to
his senses. 4. She will have sewn a new collar to her dress by the party. 5.
I will have swept the crumbs from the table before laying the table. 6. He
will have mended her warm shoes by winter. 7. The New York police will
have taken him into custody by the time he decides to disappear. 8. The
director wilt have made his introductory speech by the time you come. 9.
Here they will have taught me many interesting and useful things by the
time I leave school. 10. The experienced investigator will have
interrogated the criminal before he puts him into prison. 11. He will have
torn his skin in bushes before he reaches the hut. 12. The waiter will have
brought more wine before we finish our drinks. 13. This young man will
have thrust his way to the chairperson by the time all his opponents do it.
14. They will have built a new theater in this city by the end of the year.
15. We will not have understood your behavior until you explain it to us.
1. The plane will have been losing its altitude for five minutes by the time the
pilot gets it under control. 2. Theodore will have been smoking a cigarette by
the time his dinner is ready. 3. She will have been making both ends meet for
ten years before she marries a rich man. 4. The porter will have been carrying
her bags for five minutes before he falls down. 5. She will have been
overcoming different obstacles for many years by the time she reaches her
aim. 6, The farmers will have been working in the field for ten hours by
the time the working day finishes. 7. His shares will have been paying him 2
percent for five years before the enterprise goes bankrupt. 8. It will have been
raining for several days before, the weather changes. 9. He will have been
putting his mind to the problem for two hours before he finds a decision. 10. The
general will have been waiting for several minutes when I arrive. 11. The
children's laughter will have been ringing in my ears until I fall asleep. 12. Jane
will have been having a bath for twenty minutes when the sirens start. 13.
When he meets his brother he will have been running for fifteen minutes. 14.
They will have been looking at me for ten seconds before they understand
what I mean. 15. I will have been entertaining my friends for three hours by
the time my sister rings me up.
1. She will have been thinking about this singer for half an hour when her
friends call her. 2. The little girl will have been walking along a sandy path
leading to the vegetable garden for several minutes when she sees someone
there. 3. William will have been thrusting his way toward the exit for five
minutes by the time the bomb explodes. 4. The red-haired man will have been
calling her for several minutes before she hears him. 5. The police officer
will have been wearing his badge proudly for twenty-five years by the time
he retires. 6. Poor Ron will have been telling his sweetheart about his
feelings on the phone for ten minutes by the time his wife enters the room. 7.
The servants will have been serving drinks to the guests for twenty minutes by
the time the dinner is announced. 8. He will have been showing her the city for
several hours by the time she gets hungry. 9. The tired nurse will have been
binding up the soldier's wounds for several minutes when another one is
brought. 10. We will have been having a family dinner party for an hour
when the eldest brother comes. 11. Mary's sister will have been eating this an
apple for 15 minutes by three pm. 12. My neighbors will have been dwelling
in their apartment for ten years by 2008. 13. Donald will have been mistaking
this road for years before he finally remembers the way to our country house.
14. This smart lady will have been making good money for at least another two
years till the very end of her contract. 15. These ladies will have been swearing
for decades until one of them kicks the bucket.
Exercise 6. Translate these sentences into English
1. Музика в залі лунатиме вже кілька годин на той час, як, нарешті,
почнуться танці? 2. Батько Павла буде прочищати труби (sweep
chimneys) уже дві чи три години на той час, як він втомиться? 3. Наш
колега вже виступатиме з доповіддю півгодини на той час, як усі
перестануть його слухати? 4. Хлопець буде вже десять хвилин
розводити багаття або ставити намет (put up а tent) до того часу, як
його батько прийде йому на допомогу? 5. На той час як цю служницю
звільнять (sack а maid), вона працюватиме в цьому будинку близько
тридцяти років? 6. Будинки чи гаражі горітимуть кілька хвилин до
того, як приїдуть пожежники (fire brigade)? 7. Вона вже буде годину
їхати до Лондона на той час, як потяг раптово зупиниться? 8. Рибалки
закидатимуть сітки (cast а net) увесь ранок до того, як упіймають хоч
одну рибку? 9. Вони вже півгодини снідатимуть або обідатимуть до
того часу, як їм повідомлять цю жахливу новину? 10. Вони будуть
півмісяця ловити злодія до того моменту, як його, нарешті,
спіймають? 11. Дівчина буде вже три роки жити в Римі або в Мадриді
до того часу, як вирішить змінити місце проживання? 12. Вони
будуть два роки обирати будинок, перш ніж знайдуть підходящий
(suitable)? 13. Твій чи її син буде чотири години грати в теніс, коли до
нього приїдуть його друзі? 14. Вони вже півдня будуть займатися
справами в офісі, коли прийде цей факс? 15. Вона їстиме торт або
бутерброд уже пару/хвилин, перш ніж зрозуміє, що він зіпсувався (go
bad)? 16. твій/ двоюрідний брат отримуватиме дивіденди (dividends)
п'ять років до того, як банк розориться (smash up)? 17. вона вже
кілька хвилин розмовлятиме зі своєю свекрухою чи зі своєю
шкільною подругою, коли діти прийдуть зі школи? 18. Старий
кошмар (nightmare) снитиметься йому вже півночі, коли його
розбудить несподіваний стукіт у двері? 19. На той час як ухвалять
остаточне рішення, комітет обговорюватиме це питання три чи
чотири тижні? 20. Коли його дружина прийде до бару, він уже годину
питиме джин з тоніком чи без?
1. She won't have been staying here by the end of the winter of 2008.2. The
city will not have been growing for many years by the time it is called a
megalopolis. 3. People will not have been inquiring about you for a long
time when everything becomes clear. 4. This picture will not have been
hanging in their house for a long time when they sell it. 5. They will not
have been driving for half an hour by the time Blair speaks. 6. A pile of
sandbags will not have been holding the bridge for several years by the time it
falls down. 7. The rain will not have been threatening us all day long before it
begins to fall gently. 8. They will not have been keeping a garden for many
years before they give it up. 9. The children will not have been running in
the yard for several hours when she returns from a shop. 10. He will not have
been leading his horse by the bridle for several hours before he rides it.
end of the week. 12. The old sailor will have been swimming in the sea
for half an hour by the time he feels cold. 13. The new bodyguard will
have been having a troubled sleep for several hours by the time he gets
up. 14. The famous novelist will have been writing his book all day long
before he remembers he hasn't eaten anything yet. 15. My best friend
will have been spending her summer holidays in London by September.
Exercise 11. A) Comment on the use of the Future Perfect Continuous and he
Present Perfect Continuous B) See The Answers on page 51
1.Richard will have been standing and listening to their conversation for
ten minutes by the time they notice him.
2.We'll sign this contract in December if the cost of meat has been falling by
3.Mary won't have been sitting at the table for half an hour when Kate
and John enter the room.
4.The rumors will have been feeding suspicions for many days by the time
he tells us everything.
5.The girl will have been shivering from head to foot for some time before
her Dad calms her down.
6.They will turn up when I have been sweeping the floor for ten
7.Henry will not have been drinking his coffee for several minutes in
the sitting-room when the telephone rings.
8.The plane will have been flying nonstop for three hours by five pm.
9.He will reach the bank of the river after he has been running quite fast for
an hour.
10.The guests won't have been giving her compliments for several hours
by the end of the party.
Exercise 11 on page 22
The Future Continuous serves:
1)to express an action in progress at a certain future moment or period of time;
2)to express an action which the speaker expects to take place in the
future in the natural course of events;
3)to express a polite question about someone's plans for the near future
(usually what we want to know is if our wishes fit in with their
1) — 5, 10, 12, 17
2)2,— 3, 7,14, 1
3) — 6, 8,11, 1
4, 5
The Present Continuous substitutes the Future Continuous in subordinate
clauses of time and condition.
a) — 9, 13
Exercise 11 on page 31
The Future Perfect is used
1) to express an action completed before a definite moment or
another action in the future;
2) to express an action that begins before a certain moment or
another action in the future and goes up to it or into it.
1) — 2, 3, 4, 8, 13
2)10, 14, 15
a) 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
Exercise 11 on page 47
The Future Perfect Continuous denotes an action which will begin before
a definite moment (another action) in the future and will continue either up
to it or into it.
1)— 1, 3, 4, 5, 7,8, 10
The Future Perfect Continuous is used negative sentences if the
negation refers to some detail:
e.g. "I will not have been waiting long before the news is broadcast."
means "I will have been waiting but a short while ... ."
2) — 3, 7, 10
In case the negation refers to the action itself, the Future Perfect is used:
e.g. "I will not have waited before the news is broadcast."