Two Pointers-3
Two Pointers-3
Two Pointers-3
As each pointer moves in one direction, the algorithm is efficient. What exactly we
do with the pointers depends on the exact problem.
Subarray Sum
Given an array of n integers and a target sum S, find any subarray whose sum is
S (or report that there isn’t one).
We keep moving the right pointer to the right till the sum of the subarray b/w the
two pointers is at most S.
Subarray Sum
Both the pointers point to the first element initially.
We keep moving the right pointer to the right till the sum of the subarray under
consideration is less than equal to S.
Else, we move the left pointer to the right by one step and repeat.
Subarray Sum
Subarray Sum
Time Complexity?
Why two pointers?
In many problems where two pointers is applicable, it helps us reduce the time
complexity by a factor of log(n).
In certain cases it also helps in reducing the space complexity, as we will see soon
- Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare algorithm finds cycles in functional graphs with a
space complexity of O(1) compared to the usual space complexity of O(n)!
Easy to implement, easy to estimate the time complexity (once you’ve done a few
So what is two pointers?
Sort of like a subset of greedy, similar to sliding window problems at times.
Basically a technique where we use two pointers to traverse the given data till we
reach a suitable stopping point, such as the end of data, a collision, etc.
Variations of two pointers exist, such as the fast-slow pointers used to detect
cycles in a functional graph.
What will be covered in the remaining lecture
1. A few more basic problems.
2. A few problems following a general pattern.
3. A different way to apply two pointers to find cycles in functional graphs
(Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare Algorithm).
Sum of Two Values
Sum of Two Values
Multiple methods (first obvious method is to just use a set), but we’ll do it using
two pointers.
First, we sort.
Right pointer moves to the left until the sum of the values at the two pointers is at
most x.
The code has two nested loops but the complexity is still O(N) because each
pointer moves at most N times.
Merging Two Arrays
So far the problems were on a single array, this is one where each pointer points
to elements in different arrays.
Problem: Given two arrays sorted in ascending order, merge them into a single
array also in ascending order.
Obvious solution: Extend one array with the other and sort it. But is a linear time
solution possible?
Merging Two Arrays
Merging Two Arrays
Idea using two pointers: Maintain two pointers, say X and Y for the two arrays A
and B. Both point to the first elements of their respective arrays.
Push the smaller of the two values being pointed at to the new array. If say the
value pointed to by X was smaller, we push that value and move X to the right.
Ends when both X and Y hit the ends of their respective arrays.
Merging Two Arrays
Time complexity?
Segment with Good Sum
Given an array of non-negative integers, find the length of the longest subarray
[L;R] such that its sum does not exceed S.
Segment with Good Sum
Problem: Given an array of non-negative integers, find the length of the longest
subarray [L;R] such that its sum does not exceed S.
Idea: We maintain two pointers L and R, and the sum of the segment from L to R.
We keep moving the right pointer to the right till the sum is less than equal to S.
Once the sum exceeds S, we move the left pointer to the right till the sum of the
segment again drops below S.
Can now easily maintain the length of the longest valid subarray.
Subarray with Good Sum
Time complexity?
Variation: Subarray with Good Sum
Instead of a valid subarray being one with sum less than equal to S, we want the
subarray to have a sum greater than equal to S.
Another variation would be to also count the number of these longest valid
A general pattern
This last problem (and its variations) all follow a fairly standard pattern which can
be generalised:
If a segment [L;R] does not have more than k distinct elements, then any nested
segment in [L;R] also won’t have more than k distinct elements.
Segment with a small set
What about the second condition?
Can easily be done using a map or multiset, and if the elements are small enough
we can also use an array to do it in linear time.
Segment with a small set
Say the elements are all fairly small (say <= N) so that we can use an array for
simplicity. Let’s look at the exact implementation.
If the elements are big (say <= 1e9), my preferred solution would be to just use a
Segment with a small set
Segment with a small set
Floyd’s Tortoise and Hare Algorithm
An application of two pointers which is fairly different from the examples we have
seen so far. Also called many other names such as Floyd’s Cycle Finding
It is used to find cycles in a functional graph using two pointers, one of which is
“fast” while the other being “slow” (the tortoise and the hare).
What is a functional graph?
Also called successor graph, it is basically a directed graph where every vertex
has exactly one outgoing edge.
Can also think of it like a singly linked list (which may have cycles), or like any
function which maps a finite set to itself.
What is a functional graph?
What is a functional graph?
Like a linked list.
What is a functional graph?
The target of the algorithm
1. To check whether a cycle exists.
2. If a cycle exists, to find the following:
a. The first node in the cycle.
b. The length of the cycle.
We want to calculate the above goals for a functional graph which contains only a path
which (possibly) ends in a cycle.
Isn’t this straightforward to solve?
A fairly simple solution to this problem is just to walk the graph starting from the
head while maintaining an array of which nodes have been visited. If while walking
the graph we arrive at a node which has already been visited, we know that that is
the first node in the cycle and we can also easily get the length of the cycle.
While this solution has a time complexity of O(N), it also has a space complexity of
O(N) (because of the visited array).
Using Floyd’s Algorithm we can reduce the space complexity to O(1) (disregarding
the space used to store the graph itself).
The algorithm
We maintain two pointers, a slow pointer (the tortoise) and a fast pointer (the
hare). Both the pointers start at the head.
On each step we move the slow pointer ahead by one edge and the fast pointer
ahead by two edges.
Checking if a cycle exists
If at any point both of them point to the same node (i.e they collide) a cycle exists.
We stop when the two pointers collide or when one of the pointer reaches a node
which has no outgoing edge.
Finding the starting point
We move the slow (a) and fast (b) pointers till they meet each other. We reset say
pointer “a” to the head, and move both pointers one step at a time till they meet
again. This is the starting point.
Finding the length
Fairly self-explanatory.
Why does this work?
The methods to check whether a cycle exists and finding the length if it does is
fairly intuitive.
For the former once both the nodes are in the cycle the fast pointer “catches up” to
the slow pointer. For the latter the length is just iterating over the cycle from the
starting point.
Why the method to find the starting point works has a more complicated proof
which we will omit here (is also a problem in Knuth).
Resources used:
2. USACO Guide
3. Codeforces EDU
4. CP Handbook
5. And others.